Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Publication of any and all trademarks contained herein are not authorized by, associated with, nor sponsored by the trademark owners. ~~~ Pledges by Stephanie Rose (The hottest black sorority recruits new members.) ~~~ Chapter 4 - Membership Meeting: Evaluating the Potential Members ~~~ Soft rays of sunlight streamed through Sierra's bedroom window and gently shined on her reclining frame. Lying in bed, a light comforter covered her nude body as she opened her eyes, yawned and stretched. Saturday morning was Sierra's favorite time of the week. Not having to rush off to work or to class allowed her the luxury of lying in bed for a few extra minutes. Though she often used that time to read, listen to music or to just daydream, today was different. Today, the images of nearly thirty women, all beautiful, intelligent, sexy and savvy, danced across her mind. Sierra lounged in bed, still a bit tired from the night before when the Sorority held its annual Interest Tea. Some of the hottest women on campus attended, all brown and beautiful, from the richest, deepest ebony to the softest, lightest buttermilk. She tossed the comforter aside and looked at her nude body. She admired her chocolate brown skin and the smooth triangle between her legs. She gently trailed her fingertips over her dark, hardening nipples, her temperature rising as she thought about all of the beautiful girls she'd just spent her evening with. The purpose of the Interest Tea was to meet the new girls interested in joining Rho Sigma Tau Sorority. However, only a handful of spots were available. The Sorority now had to hold its annual Membership Meeting in order to discuss which ladies should move on to the next round of interviews. As such, Sierra wanted to pick the perfect girls. She had to select prospects that would ultimately be an asset to her beloved organization. Because she wanted to make the right decisions, last night after the Tea, she spent a late night on her computer, creating a master pledge file containing all the info for the girls that attended. She'd taken meticulous notes during the event so that she'd have as much information about each girl as possible. Before she went to bed, she first created a master list of all the girls that attended and listed them in a particular order, according to her notes. She then carefully typed up each girl's profile, as well as her personal notes. Then she printed out two copies of everything and placed each set in one of two pink manila folders now sitting on her desk. Once she was done, she pulled out the USB drive from her computer and set it on top. Finally, she went to bed, exhausted. Sierra now relaxed in bed, grinning at the thought of all the lovely women that were in the room. Between the smart, sexy potential pledges and the savvy, seductive members, Sierra felt like a kid in a candy store. Plus, once the Sisters met the potentials, everyone received each other warmly and the event proved to be an overwhelming success. However, Sierra's stomach tightened at the thought of eliminating so many of the prospects. As a member, her only responsibility was to sit in on the meetings and simply cast her votes for the girls she liked. Now, as Sorority President, she not only had to prepare profiles of all the girls and lead the discussions, she had the final vote as to who was in and who was out. After lying in bed for a few more minutes, her temples began to throb at the awesome responsibility. Suddenly, she remembered the one thing that could calm her nerves. Jumping out of bed, she went over to her desk. Her sorority manuals sat neatly on top of the immaculate desk. Her sorority and academic files were painstakingly labeled and alphabetically arranged in her desktop file folders. All of her textbooks were organized in order of her class schedule and sat in the bookcase to the left of the desk. Even her matching desk accessories, right down to the stapler and the pen & pencil holder, were carefully lined up. Sierra picked up her address book, which lay neatly at the corner of her desk. As she flipped through the pages, she glanced at the obscenely neat desk. "I'm such a nerd," she chuckled. Checking a number, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed quickly. A cheery voice answered. "Hello, this is Jana." "Hi Jana. This is Sierra." "Hey Sierra! How are you this morning?" Jana's enthusiasm always made Sierra smile. Jana Wright, President of Rho Sigma Tau's local Alumni Chapter, could always be counted on to lend a helping hand and a compassionate ear. Besides, Sierra thought, when it came to selecting prospective members, who better to talk to than the Alumni Chapter President? "I'm good, Jana. Real good. You know we had our Interest Tea last night." "So I heard," Jana said. "How did it go?" "That's why I'm calling. I need to talk to you about it. I've got to chair our Membership Meeting tonight and I'm kinda nervous about which girls we should accept." Jana thought for a moment. "Well, how `bout this: I don't have to go to the studio until later. We don't start taping until 3pm, so I'm free `til then. Why don't we go out for breakfast and we can talk then?" Breakfast with Jana? Always. "Sure," Sierra said. "Thanks." "Great! I'll pick you up shortly. See you then." Sierra hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterward, she oiled her soft brown skin with a fragrant almond body oil until her entire body gleamed. Then she started on her hair. She quickly straightened her thick, black tresses with a flat-iron, then used a curling iron to add a few soft, full curls. She ran her fingers through the curls, then shook out her hair and watched it cascade down around her shoulders. Then Sierra walked out of the bathroom nude and stood at her spacious walk-in closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Knowing Jana pretty well, Sierra decided to show some leg. She settled on a tiny, white pleated tennis skirt coupled with a tight, pink sorority tank top. Without a bra, her thick nipples poked through the thin fabric. She added a few pieces of gold jewelry and gold, four-inch strappy sandals as a finishing touch. Almost finished, Sierra quickly applied her makeup. She used lush bronze and gold tones to accent her eyes and a rich, berry lipstick on her full, luscious lips. Sierra admired herself in her full-length mirror and winked saucily. Looking good, honeybunch, she thought. Grabbing the two pink folders and the USB drive from her desk and slipping them into her large shoulder bag, she left her suite. Taking the elevator downstairs, she stopped on the fourth floor and headed for Candace's room. As Secretary, Candace Peterson handled all of the administrative duties for Sierra and the rest of the Chapter. Sierra knocked on Candace's door. No answer. Sierra knocked again. Maybe she's not there, Sierra thought. As she turned to leave, the door cracked open. Candace peeked through and yawned. "Hey Sierra." "Hey girl. Sorry it's so early. Can I come in?" Candace looked back over her shoulder. "Ummm...well..." Sierra took a closer look at Candace. Her long, chestnut brown hair was disheveled and she clutched her robe tightly shut. "Candace, were you busy?" "Ummm...yeah." Sierra cracked a sly grin. "How is it?" "Tasty," Candace smiled. "Well, slurp it for me," Sierra said. "Ewww!" Candace laughed as the two girls dissolved into giggles. Before Sierra turned to leave, she told the hazel-eyed beauty to schedule the Membership Meeting for 8pm that night and to let all of the Sisters know. "Oh and here," Sierra said as she reached into her bag and handed Candace one of the manila folders along with the tiny USB drive. "All of the info for tonight's meeting is on this drive. First, I need you to check the master list I made of all the potential pledges we met last night and make sure everyone's name is spelled correctly. And please keep the girls in the order I have them listed on the sheet. Then I need you to take a look at each profile I made for them. Please go through each one, check my typing, make sure everything looks nice, and then go ahead and print a master copy of each one for my review. And use the Sorority letterhead." Candace yawned and nodded. "Now, I'm about to meet with Jana about the potentials. When I get back, I'll probably have some more changes, so I'll definitely meet with you later. Then we can finalize everything and you can print enough copies for everyone here. And make sure you have enough of our Sorority pledge folders for everyone. The pretty soft-pink ones. Got it?" "Got it, Sierra." "Great. Thanks, hon! Now I'll leave you be," Sierra said as she headed down the hall. "Oh yeah, don't forget," Sierra tossed over her shoulder, "get some for me!" Candace grinned as she waved a sleepy goodbye to Sierra; then she turned and closed the door. When Sierra reached the first floor and walked into the living room, she greeted the fifteen or so scantily clad girls who were gathered around the TV. Early morning Pilates, by way of a set of workout DVDs, was a popular event at the House. Sierra, loving the outdoors, however, preferred her morning workout with the gym equipment on the rooftop terrace. Nevertheless, at least two mornings each week, she joined the girls downstairs for a spirited workout session. Sierra stood in the doorway, eyeing all of the lovely ladies. Watching the lithe and toned bodies sent a delicious tingle deep between her legs. "Hey Sierra!" Monica called out from the front row. Keisha, standing right next to Monica, gave Sierra a small wave. Sierra smiled back. She was especially taken with both Monica Knight and Keisha Lewis. Monica and Keisha, both juniors, were easily Sierra's picks to be next year's Sorority President and Vice President, respectively. Both ladies were intelligent, beautiful and quite accomplished. Monica Knight was a chemistry major. Her silky, pecan-brown skin was simply gorgeous and perfectly matched her shoulder-length dark brown hair, which she'd gathered into a low ponytail. Monica wore a tiny, dark blue half-shirt and tight black biker shorts. Sierra watched Monica's round, plump ass jiggle with her smooth exercise movements. Keisha Lewis was enrolled in the veterinary science program. Her sweet, caring nature and deep love for animals always made Sierra smile. Keisha's toffee-colored skin glistened with sweat as she stretched her slender body. She wore a thin, gold tank top, her thick nipples poking through, with a pair of white boyshorts. Keisha's lengthy black hair was pulled into two cute pigtails that bounced with her every movement. Sierra's mouth watered at the seductive and exotic beauties. I could use some time alone with each of these beautiful girls, Sierra thought as the sweet spot between her legs began to throb. Just then, the doorbell rang. Sierra reluctantly pulled herself away from the heavenly sight and went to answer it. She smiled brightly as she welcomed her friend and mentor. "Hey Jana!" "Hey Sierra!" Jana beamed. She stepped in and gave Sierra a warm embrace. Jana was stylishly dressed for Virginia's mild September weather in a thin, light blue blouse with tight denim shorts. Jana's reddish-brown hair, complete with her signature copper highlights, lay in thick, full waves down past her shoulders. Light makeup in warm, brown tones that complemented Jana's light brown skin, coupled with her tasteful silver jewelry, made Jana sparkle. As Sierra took a long look at Jana's toned legs, it wasn't lost on her that Jana kept her figure picture-perfect. As an entertainment reporter for WABJ-TV, Jana took great care in her personal appearance. Luckily, she considered having a generous heart just as important as having a beautiful face and a trim figure. "Come on in." Sierra led Jana into the living room. "Hey ladies! Guess who's here?" Sierra announced. Jana warmly greeted all of the girls and chatted with them for a few minutes. After only a short time, the discussion became so spirited with sorority pride that they all began to sing the Sorority Hymn. As the girls upstairs heard the singing, more and more of them came down to join the group. Even Miss Mona, who was in the kitchen preparing the Saturday breakfast, joined the celebration. Soon, the entire House was on fire with Rho Sigma Tau pride. Jana loved it so much that she decided to hold an impromptu meeting with the entire House. She discussed the Alumni Chapter's plans for the year and a number of projects that they were working on. Jana also addressed some of the questions, comments and concerns of the undergrads. She ended the quick meeting by announcing a series of follow-up meetings to be held right there in the House, where more of the Alumni members could come and interact with the undergrads. Hugging the girls goodbye, Jana closed the meeting and she and Sierra left the House. Once they were nestled comfortably in Jana's new hybrid SUV, she took Sierra on a short drive to a popular African-American bed & breakfast to enjoy a hearty meal. The Broadmoor Inn was a quaint B & B that was located within a stone's throw of Virginia Beach. Famous for its upscale, luxurious atmosphere, the Broadmoor Inn also featured a wonderful restaurant on its first floor, Kelley's. Kelley's was known for employing the most talented African-American chefs in the country and was famous for its flavorful, yet healthy Southern favorites. Once inside, as Jana spoke with the maitre d', Sierra looked around the spacious eatery. Dark, subdued colors decorated the main dining area, along with low, seductive lighting. Swank, plush booths circled the room, while rows of tables draped with crisp, white tablecloths sat in the center. Once seated at their table in a small private dining room, Sierra found that she was excited to be in the presence of the beautiful and stylish Jana Wright. As Sierra looked at the stunning woman in front of her, their last romp together flashed through her mind and made her blush. Jana and Grace Hollis, the Alumni Chapter Treasurer, were fabulous lovers and Sierra enjoyed their time together immensely. However, today was for business, so Sierra tried her best to keep focused. After a delicious meal of whole grain waffles, fresh fruit and pomegranate mimosas, Sierra wanted to get down to business. "Thanks again for talking with the girls," Sierra said. "It's not that we need direction-" she paused, "but we need direction." "I know," Jana laughed. "I understand. I was an undergrad too, Sierra. And not that long ago." Sierra sighed. "I mean, I'm just nervous about picking new girls. How do I pick the right ones?" "Sierra, we all trust your judgment. We know what you're made of." Jana leaned in close. "Just look for girls like yourself. Smart. Compassionate. Accomplished. And most of all, they have to have heart. And, definitely, an attitude of tolerance." "Tolerance," Sierra echoed. "Right." "And sexy, if at all possible," Jana winked. "And a little cunning. Like yourself." Sierra smiled wryly as she shook her head. "Cunning? Like myself? Whatever do you mean?" she joked as reached for her glass and sipped the cool liquor. "I mean," Jana said, "the ideal candidate should be savvy enough to get a free upgrade to her President's Suite by seducing certain key members of the Alumni Chapter." Sierra choked on her drink. Coughing, she reached for her napkin as Jana chuckled. "Sweetheart, you think you're the only one with skills?" Jana leaned in close, resting her elbows on the table, and spoke softly. "Tell me...just how do you think the undergrads got the new house in the first place?" Sierra's eyes widened as Jana sat back in her chair and folded her arms. Suddenly they laughed and Sierra gave her a high-five. "Ok. Now I'm looking for a couple of cute sneaks," Sierra laughed. "But for real? I don't know what you did, but thank you for the House. It's sharp as hell!" Jana smiled as she motioned for the waiter. "Two more mimosas, please." He nodded and went to bring the next round of drinks. She turned back to Sierra. "Speaking of cute sneaks, which young ladies have you singled out for President and Vice President for next year?" "Damn," Sierra said, feigning indignation. "She's trying to get rid of me already! I'm so hurt!" Jana held up her hands and laughed. "No, no, no. It's just that if you have some girls in mind, you need to start training them for leadership because the year's gonna fly by. Before you know it, it'll be time for you to graduate. Single out a few girls but don't let them know your intentions just yet. Just test them to see what they're made of. Just keep your eye on a few girls." Jana then gave Sierra a wicked smile. "Just like I kept my eye on you," Jana winked. Sierra smiled. "Good. I like that idea," she said as she took another sip of her drink. "Ok. Now about this year's pledge schedule and last night's Tea. I have some real questions and concerns..." The two women spent the next twenty minutes discussing the upcoming pledge schedule, ultimately making several adjustments to the pledge calendar. Then Sierra pulled out the pink folder from her bag and she and Jana discussed each of the potential pledges. Jana weighed in with her input and also gave Sierra a few more tips and suggestions on selecting the best pledges. Once they were finished, over an hour later, Jana leaned back in her chair, satisfied with both the meal and the company. Looking at Sierra's thick nipples protruding through her thin tank top, Jana openly and lustfully eyed Sierra up and down. "So," Jana said, tracing the rim of her champagne glass with a perfectly manicured fingernail. "Now that we're done with business, would you like to have a drink in private? I reserved a room just in case..." Sierra laughed. As always, Jana thought of everything. ~~~ "Here we go," Jana said as she opened the door to their room. Sierra walked into the large suite with Jana close behind. The spacious set of rooms had been decorated with a slightly modern spin on a traditional rustic theme that matched the lush Virginia landscape. The warmth of the rooms spoke to Sierra and put her at ease. Before Sierra could turn around, Jana eased behind her, slipped her hands around Sierra's waist and drew her in close. She kissed the back of Sierra's neck and licked at the soft skin. "Ohhh," Sierra moaned. She shivered with delight and Jana wrapped her arms tighter. "I've missed you," Jana whispered. "You're so good to me." "No, you're good to me," Sierra said. "I love how you..." "How I what?" Jana asked. "You know..." A scarlet blush rose up in Sierra's cheeks. "No. Tell me." "I can't..." "Say it," Jana ordered as she slid her hands underneath Sierra's tank top and cupped Sierra's firm breasts. Jana fondled the girl's stiff nipples, loving the feel of Sierra's taut skin. "Say it!" "Oooh," Sierra moaned as heated waves of passion began to rush over her. " me, please!" Jana grabbed the bottom of Sierra's tank top and lifted it up. Sierra's soft brown skin beckoned to her and Jana became aroused beyond belief. Still standing behind Sierra, Jana leaned in again and pressed her hot lips back against Sierra's neck. With Sierra's moans urging her on, Jana trailed hot, sizzling kisses all the way down Sierra's back. Then Jana slipped her hands around and grasped Sierra's breasts again. As she took Sierra's stiff nipples in her fingers and caressed them softly, Jana continued kissing the back of Sierra's neck. Sierra threw her head back. "Ohhhh," she moaned. "Oh Jana..." Sierra's entire body tingled as Jana's lips teased her soft skin. "That feels so good, Jana." "I want to try something new," Jana whispered from behind her. "Close your eyes." Sierra obeyed. Then she tensed as she felt something soft and silky cover her eyes. Trying to open them, but not being able to see anything, Sierra panicked. "Jana!" Sierra cried out. "Shhhh. It's ok. I won't hurt you," Jana said. "It's just a blindfold. A silk one at that," she chuckled. Sierra then felt Jana pull her hands behind her back. Sierra felt a soft, tickling sensation on her wrists. Then Sierra heard a loud click. Then another. Sierra tried to move her hands and wrists but they were now securely bound behind her back. "They're called handcuffs, Sierra. So you don't try and change your mind," Jana chuckled. Sierra just stood there in shock with her head down, wondering what in the hell was coming next. "Now Sierra," Jana began. "I mean, Pledge Morgan. Assume the position!" Sierra's body responded before her brain did. Immediately flashing back to her pledge days, Sierra held her head up, stood steely straight and widened her stance. "Yes, Dean Triple X." Jana chuckled. "You remembered. Very good, pledge." Sierra's heart raced as she realized that she was now totally powerless. But, being the Chapter President, she was strangely relieved at relinquishing her power. All of a sudden, Sierra felt a soft, delicious tickling at her breast. The tickling continued until Sierra squirmed in delight. An insistent throbbing began in Sierra's pussy, making the girl begin to lose her sense of reality. "Can you guess what that is, pledge?" "It's a feather?" Sierra whispered. "Correct, pledge," Jana said. She continued the light tickling until Sierra cried out. "Hush, pledge. And stand still," Jana ordered. "Now spread your legs wider, pledge." Sierra obeyed. Her mind went into overdrive as she felt Jana unhooking, then tugging down her skirt. Sierra felt the cool air on her naked ass and her soft, honeyed mound. "No panties, pledge? Naughty, naughty." Then Sierra felt the tickling again, this time all over her bottom half, and she groaned loudly. "Ohhhh!" "Shhhh!" Jana said, never letting up on her tickling and teasing. Sierra grit her teeth and tried to withstand the intense pleasure coursing through her. Sierra's entire body was pulsing and pounding in time with her excited clit. Suddenly, all was quiet and still for a few long moments. Then, without warning, Sierra felt a firm, wet pressure directly on her pussy. "Fuck!" Sierra screamed as she realized Jana was on her knees in front of her, tonguing her throbbing wetness. "Oh yes!" Sierra's passion was interrupted as she felt a stinging slap to her bare ass. "Ouch!" Sierra cried out. "Hush, pledge!" Jana commanded. "Keep quiet, or I'll stop!" Once Sierra quieted down, Jana went back to deliciously licking Sierra's sweet, wet pussy. Sierra surrendered to the delicious feelings sweeping through her. She bit her lip, trying desperately to keep quiet. Jana licked and sucked Sierra's pussy lips ravenously, devouring every drop of Sierra's sweet cream. Jana's rhythmic tongue strokes increased in pace until she was laving Sierra's clit and pussy like a ravishing wild animal. Sierra's blood began to boil as her climax built up inside of her. Her body tensed, heightened by the fact that she couldn't see anything and her hands were restricted. She couldn't do anything but stand there and endure Jana's delicious torment. "You taste so good, pledge," Jana moaned into Sierra's pussy. "So damn good!" Jana ran her hands all over Sierra's ass and legs, teasing the girl into sheer ecstasy. Again she moaned into Sierra's pussy as she tasted drop after sugary drop. When Jana centered her tongue strokes onto Sierra's sensitive clit, she felt the girl try to jump but Sierra could only struggle against the handcuffs. Jana lapped up Sierra's honeyed nectar until she felt Sierra tremble and shake with her impending climax. Jana continued to work her lips and tongue tirelessly, taking Sierra on a wild, passionate ride. She looked up to see Sierra clenching her jaw, trying to still follow Jana's orders to not make a sound. Finally, Jana slid three fingers into Sierra's essence, sending the poor girl over the edge. "Give it to me, pledge! Now! Give it to me!" "Yesssss!" Sierra screamed as the violent orgasm racked her body. "Jana, yessss!" In the back of her mind, Sierra knew she shouldn't be speaking but her entire body betrayed her. All she could do was surrender to the incredible feelings she was now experiencing. Forgiving Sierra's insolence, Jana slurped up every drop of Sierra's liquid sugar. Endless moments passed, as Jana continued to kiss and lick Sierra's drenched pussy. Finally, once they were both were sated, Jana rubbed and stroked Sierra's ass and thighs. Sierra's heart pounded as her chin dropped to her chest. She hung her head and panted, tears slipping out of the corners of her eyes. She couldn't stop shaking at the powerful orgasm Jana had so lovingly given her. Jana stood, unlocked the furry handcuffs and gently caressed Sierra's sore wrists. "You ok, sweetheart?" Sierra nodded, still shaking uncontrollably. "Good. Let me take your blindfold off, honey." Jana slipped the silky material off Sierra's head. Then Jana held out her arms. "Come here, sweetheart." Sierra fell into Jana's embrace. Jana tenderly comforted the trembling girl. "It's ok, Sierra. Everything's fine." Jana led Sierra over to the bed and placed her underneath the sheets. Jana climbed in and Sierra rested her head on Jana's shoulder. Jana tenderly stroked Sierra's hair as they drifted off to sleep. ~~~ Thirty minutes later, Jana nudged Sierra awake. "Wake up, sweetie." Sierra slowly opened her eyes. She yawned and stretched. It took her a moment to realize where she was. "How are you feeling?" Jana asked. "You sure you're ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine," Sierra said as she yawned again. "I was just surprised, that's all." "You were supposed to be surprised," Jana said as she hugged Sierra tight. The two women spent several long moments quietly embracing each other. Casually glancing at the clock on the nightstand, Jana suddenly sat up. "Oh man, I have some errands to run before getting to the studio. I'm sorry we can't spend more time together. But it was a pleasure, sweetheart, as always," Jana said as she kissed Sierra gently on the lips. "Thanks for everything, Jana," Sierra smiled as she got out of bed and reached for her clothes. Once they were both dressed, they went back downstairs. Sierra waited patiently while Jana settled the hotel bill. Then the two ladies walked out, arm-in-arm, into the warm sunlight. As they walked, Sierra gently rubbed her wrists. "But for real, Jana. You're a freak, you know that?" Jana laughed. "Yes, but there's a story behind what just happened." Sierra looked at her questioningly. "It was your initiation. Every newly-elected Chapter President gets initiated by the current Alumni Chapter President." Jana smiled. "It happened to me. And I was thrilled to make it happen for you." Sierra shook her head. "I thought I knew all the tricks," she laughed. Then she glanced at Jana. "So what else do I need to need to know about this sorority?" "Oh, we're just getting started," Jana winked as she unlocked her car. She opened Sierra's door with a grand gesture. "Just wait `til your graduation this coming spring. The Alumni Chapter always throws a hell of a party for all the graduating seniors. You lucky ladies have no idea what's in store for you!" All Sierra could do was grin. ~~~ When Jana pulled up to the House, Sierra unbuckled her seatbelt, reached over and gave Jana a soft kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, Jana. For everything." "You're quite welcome, Sierra. Have a good meeting tonight." Before she got out of the car, Sierra couldn't resist asking one more question. "By the way, in the hell did you get the alumni to pay for that House? That's a multi-million dollar pad! What in the hell did you do?" Jana just smiled. "In due time, sweetheart. In due time." ~~~ That evening, at eight o'clock sharp, Sierra stood at the podium that had been set up in the House's living room. "Tonight's meeting of Rho Sigma Tau Sorority, Incorporated will now come to order. Candace, will you call the roll and then give us the minutes from our last meeting?" Candace stood, nervously tucked her long, chestnut-colored hair behind her ears and quickly began to take the attendance. Still shy about speaking in public, she stuttered her way through it, her light brown cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Once all twenty-two members were present and accounted for, she began her secretary's report. After stumbling through the minutes of their last meeting, she gratefully took her seat. I need to get her confidence up, Sierra thought. She's such a sweet girl. Sierra again took the floor. "Ok ladies. Tonight is our annual Membership Meeting. We have some decisions to make about the twenty-eight ladies we met last night." She asked Candace to pass out the stack of folders they'd made earlier. "In your hands, you have a packet with the names and profiles of all twenty-eight girls who attended last night's Tea. First, please take out the master list with all of the names and we'll go through that now. On that list, I've listed the girls in a particular order because I have some initial cuts I'd like to make." Sierra took a minute to collect her thoughts. "Ok. Let's get started. I did some research several days ago when Lina first gave me the names of the girls who'd signed up for the Tea. On the master list, the first five names are of girls who tried to pledge other sororities and didn't get in." "So we weren't their first or their second choice?" Miko Lee, the Chapter Parliamentarian, asked. The six-foot tall international business major rarely minced words. Sierra shook her head. "Nope." "Then scratch them off," Miko laughed. Then the statuesque, honey-brown African-American and Asian beauty pinched the thigh of Brandi Stewart, the café au lait-colored Chapter Treasurer, who was sitting right next to her. "Ain't that right, honey?" Miko joked. The two girls laughed as everyone else joined in. "Ok," Sierra said once the girls quieted down. "On to the next round of cuts. The next three names on the list are of girls" "Who don't go to class," Tamryn DuMouchelle interjected. "If they don't care about getting an education, then we don't care about them. Next!" Tamryn smoothed back her jet-black, waist-length hair and grimaced. "Exactly," Sierra said. Damn. I can't believe I just agreed with her, Sierra thought. "Anyway," Sierra continued, "here's an interesting situation. The next four names I'd like to cut are of girls who are graduating seniors." After looking around at all the girls nodding in agreement, Raelynn Donaldson timidly raised her hand in the back. "I know I'm still a newbie, Sierra, but what's wrong with accepting graduating seniors?" Raelynn was a sophomore computer science major with a sexy, long and lean body. Her golden brown skin balanced out her dark brown hair, complete with golden blonde streaks, which was cut into a cute, short, pixie hairstyle. "It's ok, Raelynn," Sierra said. "Feel free to ask any questions at any time. Now let me explain my position. First, these girls had three years to pledge, or at least show some interest, and they didn't. Therefore, I'm not comfortable with letting them in now. Second, a lot of seniors just want a resume-filler before graduation and I won't let them pull that here. Finally, sometimes girls wait years to pledge on purpose just so they can join as seniors and not have to do any real work for the Chapter. It's like they just want to jump straight from pledging to graduation and enjoy the benefits of being a lifetime member without putting in the work." "Well, a couple of the girls seemed nice," said Amari Moore, a cute, light brown sophomore math major. "Can't we give them a chance?" "No!" Tamryn exclaimed. "I hate to say this but I agree with Sierra." Sierra cut her eyes at Tamryn. "It's unacceptable and we just won't do it!" Tamryn barked, ignoring Sierra's stern look. "Can't there be a compromise?" Amari asked, visibly ticked off at Tamryn's outburst. Her curly braids, medium brown with copper highlights, shook as her honey-kissed brown face flushed scarlet with anger. "How `bout this?" Lina Jones asked. As Dean of Pledges, Lina tried to be the voice of reason. "I like a couple of the girls too but I agree with Sierra. Therefore, why don't we just tell them that it's too late to join as an undergrad but that we'll forward their names to Jana Wright? As the Alumni President, Jana and the other alumni members are better equipped for this type of thing. They'll make sure those girls are dedicated before they'll be invited to join the Alumni Chapter." "Good idea, Lina," Sierra said as everyone else agreed. "Thanks!" She gave Lina her best smile. Lina looked away, not saying anything. She just nodded her head. Sierra frowned at Lina's nonchalant attitude but she quickly recovered. "Ok," Sierra sighed, "let's take a vote. All in favor of cutting the twelve names we've just discussed?" All of the girls raised their hands. "Ok. That takes us from twenty-eight names down to sixteen, which is a more manageable number. Now for the next step. I'm trying to get a sense of everyone's top five, so I want each of you to take about fifteen minutes and go ahead and rank all the remaining names in order from your favorite to your least favorite. Then Candace will tally the votes and we'll come back and discuss. Any questions?" She looked around the room and everyone nodded their assent. "Ok. Let's get to it." As the girls deliberated, Sierra went into the kitchen for something to drink. As she pulled a glass from the cabinet, she reflected on her recent tension with Lina. I have to talk to her, Sierra thought. I'm sure she's pissed that we haven't spent much time together lately. She took a pitcher of apple juice out of the refrigerator and poured a glass. Placing the pitcher back in the refrigerator, she then she took a seat at the marble-topped island in the center of the kitchen. As she sipped quietly, she thought more about Lina. The two of them pledged together as freshmen. Now both seniors, they grew to become the best of friends. Sierra smiled as she thought of her favorite girl. Lina was beautiful, intelligent and an extremely talented dancer. "She'd actually be a perfect girlfriend for me," Sierra said aloud as she took another sip. "I hate that I didn't realize that before, but I definitely know that now." Then Sierra frowned. "But she's going to New York after graduation," Sierra muttered. "To join that ballet troupe. And I'm staying here in Virginia for law school. What kind of relationship would that be?" Sierra took the last swig of juice and set the glass on the marble countertop. "Besides, I'm not really `relationship material,'" she grumbled. "And how could I be, in this environment? All these pretty girls running around here? We all have sex at the drop of a hat in this House. How faithful could I really be to her?" Sierra rose to wash her glass and place it back in the cabinet. "There's no way I'd ever hurt her, so maybe I should just leave her alone?" She sighed as she sat back down at the island. "I'll talk to her and smooth things over so she'll stop being mad at me but I won't tell her that I'm feeling her. I'll just keep it light and friendly, like we used to be. I'll just try-" Just then Candace walked in. "Sierra? I've tallied the votes. Here are the top seven." "Seven?" "Yes. There was a three-way tie for fifth place." Sierra studied the list. "Hmmm. Just as I thought. Ok. Let's go back." Sierra called the meeting back to order. "Ok, ladies. Just so you know, almost everyone picked the same names. I'm glad that we're seeing the same things in the same girls. Incidentally, three of the girls received the same number of votes, so we actually have a top seven." She referred to her list. "The top seven names are: Nadia Coleman, Roxanne Baker, Michelle Erwin, Kara Scott, Luci Tennyson, Gwen Adams and Jalissa Townsend." She placed the list on the podium. "Ok. Any discussion about these names?" "I pretty much like them all. I don't mind letting them pre-apply," Angela said. "I agree," Lina said. "All of them were pretty upbeat and positive." "And cute!" Miko added. The girls all laughed. "Well, as far as I'm concerned, Kara Scott's ok. She's in," Tamryn said. "I think she'd be a great addition." Sierra raised an eyebrow. Young love? Sierra shook her head. Fuck it, she mused as she decided to just let it pass. "Okay. Anyone else wanna comment?" Brandi raised her hand. "I do have one concern. It's about," she looked down at her list, "Luci Tennyson. I'm not too familiar with her. What's her story?" "She was the one with the dark brown hair cut into a cute flip but it was kinda messy. Luci was in my Black Studies class last year," Candace said. "She's super-smart. On a full scholarship and everything. And cute. But she's pretty quiet. Even more quiet than me, if you can believe that." Monica Knight piped up. "I know her too. She's a chemistry major just like me. Actually, she's in my Organic Chemistry class now. And like Candace said, Luci's really smart. But I think she's easily manipulated. I'm not sure she'd be a strong pledge." "And she's not too polished," Ebony Ngena said. "I know that's not a nice thing to say, but it's true. But she does have a big heart. I've seen her do a lot of volunteer work on campus." Ebony was a regal African goddess, with rich expresso skin and tight, curly black hair. She was a psychology major with a heart of gold who looked for the best in everyone. "Maybe we can work with her?" "Hell no! This ain't Extreme Makeover," Tamryn snapped. "We need these girls to be ready-to-go. Who's got time to coach them into being fly? I sure don't," she sniffed. "Now Luci's kinda cute, cute enough to sleep with, but I say she's out." "I know you aren't talking about being `fly,'" Miko called out. "I remember freshman year, just three years ago, a certain pledge wearing crimps in her hair like they were going out of style! I Love The 80's, anyone?" she laughed. Tamryn's eyes blazed. She shook out her long tresses as the room burst into laughter. "You can go on with that shit, Miko" Tamryn said. "Now, now," Sierra said, trying not to giggle. "Let's keep it civil." She referred back to her notes. "I like Luci too, so I don't mind letting her pre-apply. What about the other girls?" Corinne Archer, a senior, raised an artfully manicured hand. Corrine was a finance major and very analytical and precise. "Sierra, I like Nadia, Roxie, Mickie and Kara. Now I don't mind letting all seven girls pre-apply but I really like those first four girls," Corinne said as she ran her hand through her long, blonde microbraids. As she did so, her dangling chandelier earrings clinked together as her light brown eyes and creamy light brown skin sparkled. Most of the other girls nodded. Sierra continued. "Ok. Let's take a vote. All in favor of allowing the top seven girls to take part in the pre-pledge process, raise your hand." Every hand went up except Tamryn's. Sierra smiled. "Great. Now that we have our pre-pledge list, take a look at the last page of your packets. On it, you'll find the schedule for the next set of steps. Now, Jana and I made some slight revisions to the original schedule, so take notes if you need to, ok?" Sierra waited to let the girls get their pens and paper ready. "Ok. I'll inform the seven girls this week that they made it through the first round of cuts. Then they'll have two weeks to give me their pre-application package: the preliminary application, their essay on why they want to pledge, their resume, an unofficial college transcript and a list of three references." Sierra paused for a moment. "Oh, and for the freshmen? Jana told me that we can use their high school transcripts, but that at least two of their three references must be from their current college professors. Now once we get all of their documents back, we'll take a couple of weeks to review them. Now during that time, if and when you see the girls on campus, please feel free to chat with them. Just don't grill them too hard and please don't give them too much hope that they'll be accepted, understand?" Then she looked at Tamryn. "And be nice to them, please?" Tamryn snorted. "Whatever." Sierra continued. "Those that make the cut will be invited to our Private Tea where they'll be interviewed by our Executive Board and then the rest of the members. Those that make the final cut will then be required to complete the full, official application, provide an official transcript and give us a check for the intake fees. If everything checks out, Lina and I will submit their paperwork to our National office for processing. And that should take, at the very least, three or four weeks. Once Nationals checks everything and gives us the ok, then they'll be invited to pledge." Sierra took a quick look at the calendar hanging on the back wall. "It's September now. Based on that timeline, we should have a line in place around Thanksgiving." She looked at Lina. "Lina, you're the Dean of Pledges. Is that ok with you?" Lina just nodded, not once making eye contact with Sierra. Sierra sighed. "Ok. Is everyone clear?" All the girls agreed. "Ok. Is there anymore business?" Angela Patton raised her hand. "Sierra? I need a few bucks from petty cash. I'm starting the interviews for our sorority documentary and I need to buy some memory cards for my videocamera." Angela was a film major and she loved the idea of recording the sorority's history for all the sorors to see and enjoy. "Oh yeah. How's that coming along?" Sierra asked. "Great. I have interviews lined up with most of the alumni members. I just need to make sure I have enough disk space to record all of the interviews." "Done," Sierra said. "Just see Brandi, ok? And make sure you give her the receipts." Angela nodded, her dark, curly ringlets bouncing. Sierra looked around the room. "Anything else, ladies?" No one spoke. "Fine. This meeting is adjourned." Sierra grabbed her notes and gathered up the courage to go talk to Lina. However, when Sierra looked up, all she saw was Lina's back as the petite cinnamon-colored girl was already walking out of the room. ~~~ A few days later, a stunningly picturesque Virginia sunset could be seen throughout the campus. Golden tones peeked through the hazy blue sky as the warm sun began to set. However, Kara Scott ignored the beautiful view as she looked straight ahead and took step after rhythmic step on the large silver treadmill. Beads of sweat dripped off her face and neck as she worked diligently to reach the three-mile mark. Located in the Dorothy I. Newsome Athletic Building, the campus exercise room was a huge facility on the first floor near the rear of the three-story building. About twenty treadmills sat around the perimeter of the room. In the center, was a collection of the most state-of-the-art exercise equipment, in all types and styles. A long, rectangular window near the room's ceiling gave the students a glimpse of the outside, but Kara was too involved in her workout to notice. She wore a loose, light blue half-shirt with a pair of tiny light blue shorts. Her curly, black ringlets were pulled off her face with a matching headband. Her rich caramel skin gleamed with sweat as she kept up her rapid pace. Her earpieces were in and her iPod was blaring her favorite Beyonce songs. She was so into her workout that she never noticed the gorgeous view outside nor the young woman walking toward her. "Hey Kara." Kara, in the zone, kept looking straight ahead. She was still stepping, yet completely oblivious to the female voice that was now next to her. "Hey Kara!" Suddenly Kara felt a tap on her shoulder. Startled, she nearly tripped on the brisk movement of the treadmill's motor pad. Grabbing the bars on either side of her, Kara barely caught herself from falling. She struggled to place her feet on the footrests. Now irritated, Kara ripped out her earpieces and glared in the direction of the tap. Tamryn stood there, holding up her hands. "Kara? I'm sorry," she stuttered. "I didn't mean to scare you." Kara's gaze softened. "Hey Tamryn. I'm sorry. I was in another world." She took a long look at Tamryn. Tamryn's jet-black hair had been plaited into a long braid that reached well down her back. She wore a pink nylon tracksuit with spotless white tennis shoes. Kara smiled at Tamryn's cute, sporty style. Kara turned the treadmill off and hopped to the floor. "So how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks," Tamryn said, staring into Kara's dark brown eyes. Tamryn admired the sparkles that danced within them. Shaking her head, she recovered. "So are you?" "I'm fine," Kara replied. She grabbed her towel, hanging on the bar of the treadmill, and dotted her face and neck. She then wiped the moisture from her taut stomach, dangerously displayed underneath her half-shirt. Kara's black sports bra, barely covering her ample bosom, peeked from under the loose material. Kara quickly wiped the sweat from her luscious caramel-brown legs and then tossed the towel back over the bar. Tamryn licked her lips, dazed at the sight of Kara's soft brown skin. "So," Tamryn said, searching for something intelligent to say. "What brings you to the exercise room?" Kara looked at her curiously. "Umm...exercising?" "Right," Tamryn laughed. "Of course." She looked over at Kara's treadmill. "So. You like using the treadmill?" "Yeah. It's good for my thighs and my butt," Kara chuckled. Tamryn eyed Kara's luscious, lean body. "I see. And they look great." "Umm...thanks?" Tamryn was flustered. "I'm sorry. I just meant that you're working hard and it shows." "Thanks." Tamryn cleared her throat. "Well, how are your classes coming along?" Then she drew a blank. "And what's your major again?" "Mechanical engineering," Kara said. "Wow. That's pretty intense, right?" "Not really. My dad's a mechanical engineer. I'm just following in his footsteps." "Cool." Fuck, Tamryn thought. I sound dumb as hell. I have got to get my shit together. Just let me calm down. She took a deep breath. " are you enjoying the Sorority so far? How did you like the Tea?" "I loved it," Kara beamed. "You know, I've watched you ladies all during my freshman year. I've done my research and you ladies are the smartest, most talented women on campus. Especially you," she winked. Tamryn blushed. "Oh come on..." Kara grabbed Tamryn's hand. "No really. I saw you last year in the campus production of A Raisin in the Sun. You're a theatre major, right?" "No. Broadcast journalism. But I wanted to try out for the play so I just went for it," Tamryn said weakly. She couldn't believe what was happening as her heart started pounding. Kara had been watching her? Since last year? "Broadcast journalism? Wow," Kara said. "I'm impressed. Now I know folks on campus think that you're kind of...fierce, but I see it as power. You have a very strong sense of self. You're definitely not a pushover." For the first time in ages, Tamryn was at a loss for words. She just stood there mute, staring dumbly at Kara. Kara smiled. "Tamryn, I mean it. I like that about you. I like that you say exactly what you think. And I like that you don't take any crap from anyone." Still holding Tamryn's hand, Kara stroked it gently. "That's a good quality to have. Fearlessness." Kara leaned in close. "Total badass-ness," she whispered. Tamryn looked directly in Kara's smiling eyes. She was surprised to see only genuine concern reflected back. But, nervously, Tamryn suddenly snatched her hand back. "Well, thanks for the compliment. But don't think you're going to have an easier time getting into my Sorority." Kara stared at her incredulously. "Excuse me? think I'm just making this up?" Tamryn paused. Oh shit. "Well, I -" Kara grabbed her towel from the treadmill bar. "Well, how about this? We'll just keep it strictly professional from now on. You don't have to worry about me saying anything else to you if you don't want." Kara tossed the towel over her shoulder. "Have a good evening, Tamryn. Excuse me...Ms. DuMouchelle." Then she turned and stormed out. Tamryn stared at Kara's retreating form in amazement. What the hell just happened, she thought. For the first time in a long time, Tamryn had been completely outdone. ~~~ A week later, Sierra was in her bedroom reviewing the first of the pre-application packages. As she sat at her desk, all of the papers were carefully arranged by the girl's last name. She'd been going over the documents for the past few days, looking for clues that the girls would be a good fit for her organization. Then she looked up at her wall clock. Sierra was shocked to see that over two hours had passed since she had begun her review and she was no closer to determining which girls were in and which were out. Soon her head began to throb and her neck muscles began to stiffen. I need a break, she thought. Just then she heard the light chime of her doorbell and she got up to answer it. As she opened the door, she was surprised to see Lina standing there. They hadn't really spoken since the Membership meeting. Just a quick hi and bye. Sierra thought that maybe Lina had been deliberately avoiding her, so she allowed the girl her space. "Hi," Lina said. "Hey babe. Come on in." Sierra stepped to the side and Lina walked in. "We need to talk," Lina said softly. Sierra's body tensed. Any conversation that began with those four words usually didn't end well. "Sure. Have a seat." "We're friends, right?" Lina asked as she got comfortable on Sierra's loveseat. Sierra took a seat in the chair facing Lina and just stared at her for a moment. "I thought so," Sierra finally said. "But for some reason you've been pissed at me and I'm not sure why." "It's because we hardly hang out anymore," Lina snapped, a bit too harshly. "We live in the same house but we barely see each other." "That's not my fault," Sierra said, her head still hurting. All of a sudden, Sierra became irritated at Lina's irritation, which made Sierra's voice began to rise. "Damn, Lina. You know we're about to start pledging. There's a lot of things that need to be taken care of. I just don't need this stress right now." "Well, excuse me, Ms. Sorority President. I didn't realize that you were the only one with responsibilities." You're pushing it with the smart-ass attitude, Lina, Sierra thought. Sierra knew she needed to keep cool but she wouldn't back down. "Lina, please. It's just that I'm busy. Damn!" Lina bristled. "Excuse me? First of all, I'm Dean of Pledges, so I know how busy you are. I'm just as busy too!" "Which means we should be helping each other!" Sierra shouted as she leapt out of her chair. Lina threw up her hands. "How can we if we don't spend any time together!" They both just stood silent for a moment. Sierra, just tell me you want me, please, Lina thought. Please? Sierra ran her hands through her hair in exasperation. "Why are you starting with me now? When there's so much shit going on? Why in the hell are you arguing with me?" "I don't want to argue with you!" Lina shouted. "But damn, Sierra! What's your problem? Are you avoiding me?" Am I avoiding her? Is she kidding? She's the one who's been hiding from me for the past two weeks. Sierra stood silent. Should I just go ahead and tell her the truth? That not only do I not want to fight but that I just want her near me? Forever? Sierra opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Lina's shoulders slumped at Sierra's silence. "Fuck it," Lina snapped. "I see you don't care, that you have absolutely nothing to say, so fuck it." Lina jumped up and headed toward the door. "I'll let you get back to your work, Madame President," she tossed as she stormed out and slammed the door behind her. Sierra just stood there for a moment. Then the doorbell chimed again. Sierra ran to the door and flung it open. "Lina-" Miko was standing there. "Huh?" Sierra sighed. "I thought you were Lina." "I know. I heard y'all. I was coming down the hall to see you," Miko said. "Come on in," Sierra said. "What's up?" Miko walked in and took a seat on Sierra's plush loveseat. "The question is, what's up with you? You've been holed up in your room going over paperwork for the past few days. I know there ain't that much to review. All the girls haven't turned in their packets yet. And Lina? She was running down the hall to the stairwell as I came out of the elevator. What's going on between you two? Y'all have been distant all week." Damn. Is it that obvious? Unable to form any words, she just stood there silent. Miko was undaunted. "Spill it." Sierra sighed. "It's complicated," she said finally. "Ahhh. Young love," Miko smirked. "I know you like her." Sierra's mouth dropped open. "Everyone knows, so don't look so surprised." Miko patted the cushion next to her. "Come. Sit." Sierra slumped down next to Miko, leaning her head on Miko's shoulder. "I've fucked everything up." "Don't worry, hon. You'll get it straight," Miko said. "But I'm not gonna pry. Obviously, you're not ready to talk about it yet." Miko decided to change the subject. "Well, how are the reviews coming?" "That's the other thing. I've been looking at the same names for over two hours. For days, even. I need some help." "Come on. I'll help you go over them." Miko took Sierra's hand and they went into her bedroom. Miko sat on the edge of Sierra's bed while Sierra sat at her desk. For the next thirty minutes, they carefully went over each of the girl's requirements. As they went through the pile of papers, Sierra's judgment became clearer. She and Miko made notes on each profile and came up with an initial set of recommendations. "See, it's not so bad when you have help," Miko joked as she straightened the papers in her hand. "Thanks. You've been a big help. But I'm still a bit frazzled," Sierra said as she rubbed her temples. Her headache was lessening but her neck and shoulders were still tight. "Let me help you. Come sit next to me." Miko patted the bed. As Sierra stood and walked over to her, Miko was momentarily awed at Sierra's beauty. A delicious tingling began deep between Miko's thighs. Gotta have it, Miko thought. "You need to relax," Miko whispered as Sierra sat down next to her. "Let me help." Before Sierra could protest, Miko planted her soft lips onto Sierra's. Miko softly kissed her friend, loving the feel of Sierra's full lips. Sierra, unable to resist the exotic beauty, kissed back. Soon, the girls had their hands in each other's hair, pulling each other closer. "Lie back, sweetie," Miko whispered. Sierra, still sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly reclined until her back rested on her soft comforter. Miko slid off the bed and kneeled between Sierra's thighs. Miko peeled Sierra's shorts and panties off, leaving the brown beauty naked from the waist down. She grinned as Sierra's erotic scent wafted in her nostrils. "You need to relax, Sierra. You're too stressed. Please, baby. Let me do this for you. Like we used to do." Sierra moaned as she remembered Miko's wicked tongue. "Not yet, Miko. Go to the drawer. Look in the drawer," Sierra panted. Miko flew over to Sierra's nightstand and looked in. Miko laughed as she pulled out Sierra's favorite pink vibrator. Some things never change, Miko thought. "You still like the Pink Princess, huh?" Miko said as she ran back and kneeled between Sierra's thighs. Sierra nodded. Miko chuckled. "Let me take care of you, baby," she moaned as she planted her lips on Sierra's sugary wetness. "Shit!" Sierra shouted. The feel of Miko's wet, wiggling tongue sent her straight to heaven. "Miko!" Miko licked and kissed Sierra's sweet pussy as Sierra writhed all over the bed. Miko grabbed Sierra's hips, trying to keep her still. Once she had Sierra in a tight grip, Miko dove even deeper into Sierra's essence, swirling her tongue in Sierra's delightful elixir. "Miko! Please," Sierra moaned as her head rolled from side to side. Miko's tongue was as wicked as ever, delving into every crevice of her hot pussy. Miko made sharp circles on Sierra's clit to distract her, then Miko deftly slid the vibrator deep into Sierra's wet pussy. "Oh fuck!" Sierra moaned. "Oh my God! Don't stop!" Miko kept up the rapid pace of her kisses and licks on Sierra's pussy. She rotated the vibrator until Sierra screamed out. Suddenly Sierra felt her body hovering closer and closer to ecstasy, not believing her orgasm was coming this fast. "Ohhhh, baby! Baby, please!" Miko licked faster. "Come on, baby! Cum for me!" Sierra strained her body against Miko's tongue, trying to get more of it into her pussy. Her juices were flowing all over her thighs as her heart pounded in her chest. Miko loved the taste of Sierra's wet pussy and rubbed her face all over Sierra's mound. Miko felt Sierra trembling more and more. Miko's tongue went into overdrive as her hands pounded Sierra's pussy with the vibrator. Suddenly Sierra screamed. "Ooooh, I'm cumming! Yessss!" Sierra shouted as her body exploded. "Yessss!" she screamed. "Oh Miko!" Sierra rode the waves of her intense climax for several long minutes, moaning and writhing on the bed. Finally, she began to whimper as she tried to calm down. Miko sat back on her heels and licked her lips. "How was that, honey?" All of a sudden, Sierra sat up. "Lina -" "- is not going to trip," Miko said as she slid onto the bed and wrapped her arms around Sierra's still-trembling body. "Besides, she's not as innocent as you think. You know that. Trust me: she lives in this House too. So she doesn't expect you to be faithful. She just expects you to be honest. Can't you do that?" Sierra couldn't answer. ~~~ At that same moment, Lina was stretched out on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been in her room ever since her argument with Sierra. "Why can't I just tell her?" she whispered to herself. "All I have to do is tell her that I like her. Why is that so hard? And why am I being such a coward?" She sighed. "Because you know how she is. Sierra's the President. In all the years I've known her, she's never been with just one girl." Lina rolled over onto her stomach and laid her head on her pillow. "But, to be fair, you know how you are. You like girls too. We're both a couple of freaks," she chuckled. "Maybe I should just talk to her. Maybe she - maybe we both - can be committed to each other?" She turned onto her side. "But how will I feel if she gets with someone else? I do get jealous." Frustrated, she rolled onto her other side. "But Sierra's an adult. We're both adults. We can handle an open relationship, right?" However, as she said the words, she felt a tightness in her stomach. She ignored her uneasiness and sat up in the bed. "Fuck it," she said aloud. "We at least need to talk. I need to talk to her. Now." Lina jumped out of bed and slid her feet into her slippers. "Besides, Sierra's been pretty quiet lately. I haven't noticed her with anyone. Maybe she's calmed down. Maybe she actually wants just one girl." Lina smiled as she grabbed her room key and padded out the door. Once at the end of the hall, she pressed the button for the elevator. After a few moments, she pressed again. And again. "What's taking so long?" she asked aloud. "Fuck it. I'll just take the stairs." As she reached Sierra's floor, Lina opened the stairwell door. She gasped at what she saw. ~~~ Sierra and Miko stood in Sierra's doorway. They'd finally gotten dressed and Sierra had walked her out. Miko stood just outside the door and rest her hand on the doorjamb. "Just talk to her," she admonished. "Today." "I will. I promise." Miko leaned close and whispered in Sierra's ear. "You'll do fine. You're a beautiful woman, Sierra. Any girl would be lucky to have you. But Lina's special too and what the two of you have is special. Just don't fuck it up." Then Miko kissed Sierra gently on the lips. Sierra kissed back and shivered as she enjoyed the taste of herself on Miko's lips. "Thank you, babe." As they winked at each other, neither girl noticed Lina racing back down the stairs, tears streaming down her face. ~~~ The following Monday, Nadia Coleman sat in a booth in the Food Court of the campus Student Center. Her textbooks were splayed in front of her on the table and she was reading intently. Nibbling on a chicken fajita, she was grabbing a bit of lunch before her afternoon classes began. The sweet and tangy sauce blended perfectly with the tender chicken, making for a delicious meal. Nadia grinned as she licked her lips, tasting the delectable sauce. She was just about to lick her fingers when she heard a feminine voice above her. "Does that taste good?" Nadia looked up to see Brandi Stewart smiling down at her, holding a lunch tray. "Mmm hmm," Nadia said as she reached for a napkin and wiped her mouth and fingers. Chewing quickly, she swallowed then smiled back. "Hey Brandi!" "Can I sit down?" Brandi nodded toward the other side of the booth. "Sure," Nadia said as she cleared her books away. "Have a seat." Brandi set her tray down and daintily took her seat. First, she carefully arranged her eating utensils on the table. Then she placed her salad carefully between the knife and fork. She then placed the small containers of salad dressing in a neat line on the side of the salad. Next, she placed her water bottle on the opposite side of the arrangement. Finally, she placed her napkin neatly on her lap. Then she looked up. Nadia grinned at Brandi's meticulous nature. "Yeah, I'm kinda particular," Brandi joked. "I have to have everything just so." "Nothing wrong with that," Nadia replied. "But as you can see," she said as she gestured toward her mess, "I'm not that neat at all." Brandi laughed as she cut into her salad. "You're in good company because, trust me, most of the Sisters aren't this neat." She took a bite, closed her eyes and moaned. "This is good," she smiled. Nadia smiled back and continued eating. "So how's it going?" Brandi asked in between tiny bites. "Good. But classes are a beast this semester." "What's your major?" "Biology." "Oooh. That sounds tough," Brandi grimaced. Nadia nodded. "Yes. Very much so." The café au lait beauty shook her head. "I'm an accounting major and I thought that was tough." Brandi delicately wiped her mouth and then her hands with her napkin. "Well, what do you plan to do with your degree?" "I really want to be a teacher," Nadia replied. "I've always loved science, so I want to help other kids love science too. I'm taking three heavy-duty science courses now, along with some prerequisites. Since I'm just a freshman, next year I'll add in some of the education courses." "Good for you. That's great," Brandi smiled. The girls sat in silence as they both kept eating. Then Brandi set her fork down and studied Nadia for a moment. Nadia had the richest, most buttery caramel colored skin she'd ever seen. Brandi licked her lips at Nadia's warm, rich skin color. Nadia's reddish brown hair naturally fell into tight spirals that skimmed her shoulders. Her bright smile, complete with perfectly straight white teeth, made Nadia simply adorable. To stay somewhat cool in the warm Virginia sun, Nadia wore a silky, dark brown tank top and tight jeans. She donned a pretty collection of silver bangles on each wrist with a matching choker around her neck. After admiring her jewelry, Brandi's eyes eventually lowered to Nadia's thick nipples peeking through the silky material. The unmistakable tingle between Brandi's legs was a definite sign that she had to get to know this cute, sexy minx a lot better. Brandi picked up her fork and continued eating for a few moments before speaking again. "So...what was your impression of our Tea? Did you have a good time?" "Yes, I did," Nadia said as she took a sip of her soda. "Everyone was really nice." "Had you heard of Rho Sigma Tau before?" "Yes. I looked you all up on the Internet while I was in high school. I've been looking forward to this for awhile." "Really?" Brandi asked. "How so?" "Well," Nadia drew closer, "y'all are the best women on campus. And I feel like I could offer you a lot." "Oh really?" Brandi sat back in her chair, a sly smile on her face. "Like?" "Like intelligence. Discipline. Loyalty. Tenacity. And I'm a hard worker. And I'm very dedicated." "I see. Well, that's a good start. But will you make a good pledge? Or a good Sister?" Brandi winked. "I think so. But I guess we'll see, now won't we?" Nadia grinned. Brandi snuck another peek at Nadia's full, luscious breasts and smiled back. "I guess we will, Nadia. I guess we will." ~~~ "So. Which of these girls can we manipulate most easily?" Jade Cross, proudly wearing her Mu Lambda Sorority jacket, sat in one of the booths in the Student Center, carefully reading a handwritten list in front of her. As she sat there, she was flanked by her sorors, the twins Mya and Brianna. At Jade's sharp words, the twins just looked at each other. Jade looked up, irritated. "Hello? Are you listening to me? I gave each of you my list of girls who were at Rho Sigma Tau's Interest Tea. And so I ask again, which of these girls can we get to help us take these bitches down?" "For the record," Mya said, "I still think it's pretty odd that you staked out their Tea." "Yeah," Brianna added, frowning. "I can't believe that you actually hid down the hall and wrote down the names of all the girls that attended. That's kinda creepy, don't you think?" Jade ignored them both. "There were twenty-eight girls that were there. But knowing Sierra and those other hoes, they'll only take a handful." She peered over the list. "I see three names on this list that may be helpful. First up is Shawna Turner. What about her?" Mya shook her head. "Naw. She hardly goes to class. She won't make it past their initial interviews. Who's next?" Jade went down the list. "What about Angel Reynolds?" Brianna frowned. "Naw, she can fight. I don't recommend messing with her." Jade snorted. "Well, here's another name. Luci Tennyson." She thought for a moment. "Wait. I know her. The shy one, right? Real nervous-like?" "Right," Mya said. "But she's smart as hell. On a scholarship. But she's pretty timid." "Fine. A shy, timid girl sounds perfect. We'll start with her. And I'll talk to her personally," Jade said as she gathered her belongings. "In the meantime, I need both of you to keep your eyes and ears open. If either of you have some other names of girls that might be able to help us, or if you hear who's actually been invited to apply, let me know." Jade grabbed her books and her bag and left abruptly, not even saying goodbye. "Damn," Mya said. "Why do we let her treat us that way?" Brianna shrugged. "Cause she's the President of our Sorority. I mean, what else can we do?" Mya wasn't satisfied. "Well, I'm not going to take much more of her disrespect. Or her craziness. I'm going to be watching her. Closely. So she'd better watch it." ~~~ "So tell me. Why did you decide to pledge Rho Sigma Tau?" Angela Patton stood in the lavish sitting room of Grace Hollis, the Alumni Chapter Treasurer. She'd set up her videocamera so that it faced the sofa right in front of Grace's large picture window. Angela was conducting the first of the interviews for her sorority documentary and she'd fiddled with the camera endlessly until she had the perfect angle with the best lighting. "Well," Grace began, as she relaxed on her plush sofa. "My mother was a member back when she went to college. From a very early age, I remember seeing her getting ready for her sorority meetings. She looked so beautiful." Grace looked wistfully into the camera and smiled. "I remember wanting to be like her so badly. Over the years, I'd heard so much about Rho Sigma Tau that I couldn't wait to join." Angela adjusted her lens as she continued filming. "What's the best thing you like about the organization?" "All of the lovely women," Grace laughed. "But I didn't find out what the sorority was really about until I got to college. My mom never told me the truth while I was growing up. But once I went to my first Interest Tea, I kinda had an inkling about what was going on. But once I was accepted as a pledge, my mom finally came clean." Grace adjusted her light wool blazer. "And once I crossed, it was on! There were so many beautiful women, that I nearly flunked out of school! I spent more time in bed than I did in class!" Angela laughed. That was her experience freshman year too. "Fortunately, we had housemothers back then. Who promptly told my mom what I was up to. Thankfully, I got my act together." "And now?" Angela asked. "What's your favorite thing about the current crop of girls?' "Well," Grace said, carefully eyeing Angela's tight body. "I love everything about the current crop of girls. Especially the beautiful one standing in front of me." Angela blushed. Grace pursed her lips as she stared at Angela. Because Angela's skin was so smooth and so luminescent, she only wore a light application of makeup. She used pink and rose eyeshadow along with a pinkish blush to highlight her caramel skin. A quick swipe of bubble-gum pink lipgloss really made her lips pop. Normally Angela wore sweatshirts and jeans, especially while filming. However, wanting to make a good impression on Grace, and to keep cool in the muggy heat, Angela wore a silky pink halter top with cuffed white shorts that showed off her perfectly toned body. As a final, regal touch, Angela pulled her black ringlets into an elegant French twist. Grace smiled as she scooted over on the sofa. "Come join me." Angela reached for the off switch on the videocamera. "No. Don't turn it off," Grace said as she removed her jacket. "Leave it on. You want a documentary? I'll give you a documentary!" Angela's eyes widened. Slowly she walked over to the sofa and sat down. "You're gorgeous," Grace whispered. "Such a cutie!" She leaned in and kissed Angela's soft neck. "I'm so glad you came over to see me." "Ohhh," Angela moaned. Grace's lips tickled her smooth skin and she trembled. Grace slid her hands underneath Angela's light halter top and gently stroked Angela's smooth skin. Grace slid her hands higher and higher until she reached Angela's pert, caramel-brown breasts. "No bra?" Grace whispered as she tickled and teased Angela's stiff nipples. "Such a bad girl!" "Oooh Grace," Angela sighed. "God, that feels good!" Grace quickly slipped off Angela's top. Before Angela could react, Grace locked her soft lips directly onto Angela's dark brown nipple. "Oh!" Angela cried out. "Oh God!" Grace made long, teasing licks all over Angela's tiny breasts. The soft, caramel skin nearly melted in Grace's mouth. Grace used her hands to rub and stroke Angela's body as Angela squirmed in ecstasy. Angela ran her hands through Grace's long, auburn hair and pulled Grace tightly to her chest. Angela closed her eyes as Grace nipped and bit at her sizzling skin. Angela slipped her hand underneath Grace's skirt, between Grace's thighs, and grinned at the sweet, sticky honey she found. "No panties?" Angela whispered. "Looks like you're the naughty one!" Grace chuckled but her laughs quickly turned to moans as Angela deftly manipulated her fingers over Grace's sensitive bud. "Oh Angela!" Grace groaned. "Oh baby!" Angela, excited beyond belief, quickly slid off the couch and onto her knees in front of Grace. She slid Grace's skirt up until Grace's naked ass wiggled on the couch. Angela quickly leaned in and slid her index finger into Grace's wetness. Angela took her other hand and swirled it around Grace's sensitive clit. "Oh!" Grace exclaimed as she leaned back on the couch. Grace quickly unbuttoned her blouse, yanked the cups of her brassiere down and exposed her nude breasts. Grace tweaked her nipples as Angela's fingers danced over her clit. "Yes, baby! Yes!" Angela rubbed and stroked Grace's clit softly at first, then picked up speed as she saw Grace's passion rise. Grace's sweet, sticky wetness flowed all over Angela's fingers. Unable to resist, Angela drew her fingers up to her mouth and took a long lick. "Delicious," Angela whispered. "Baby, please? Please?" Grace whimpered. "Do it, Angela!" Angela grinned as she bent her head into Grace's dark triangle. Angela swiped her tongue over Grace's pussy, tasting the tangy peach-like flavor. "Mmmm," Angela moaned. Grace nearly jumped off the couch at Angela's first lick. "Oooooh!" Angela wasted no time in pleasing her lover as she drank deeply from Grace's heated core. Grace's nectar flowed copiously over her lips and tongue and Angela groaned in delight. Angela swirled her tongue around and around Grace's turgid clit. To Angela, there was nothing more heavenly than eating a woman's pussy. Grace writhed and panted, her ass grinding all over her expensive sofa. She groaned as she felt her juices spill all over her thighs. She grabbed Angela's hair and completely pulled the French twist out. Once Angela's ringlets were free, Grace took Angela's head and pulled it into her wet pussy. Angela kept up her manipulations of Grace's clit as she tongued the wet flesh. Feeling Grace's thighs tighten, Angela thrust her fingers deeper into Grace. Grace's heart pounded faster and faster, as she hovered on the verge of an explosive climax. She tightened her legs around Angela's head as her body began to shake. "Oh Angela. Oh Angela! I'm cumming! Honey, I'm cumming now!" Angela licked as hard and as fast as she could. Then she tasted a burst of liquid honey. "Ahhhh!" Grace screamed as her orgasm hit hard. Grace continued screaming as Angela licked up every drop. When Grace's passion sated, Angela drew her fingers from Grace's pussy and licked each one of them. "Tasty!" Panting, Grace licked her lips. "Angela, darling! That was so quick! You're such a sweetheart!" Grace wrapped her arms around Angela and held her tightly. Then Grace pulled back and looked Angela directly in the eye. "How about you join me upstairs? And bring that videocamera with you!" ~~~ "I can't believe I'm running late again!" Luci Tennyson strode briskly across the campus, on her way to her Organic Chemistry class. Once she reached the Science building, she quickly went inside and ran up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. Nearly out of breath, soon she reached the third floor and bolted toward her class. Just as she reached the door, she heard a shrill voice behind her. "Luci! Luci, wait!" Luci turned around to see Jade Cross walking toward her. "Hi," Luci said, confused. "Do I know you?" "You will. Come with me." Luci frowned, her hand on the doorknob. "Umm...I'm late for class. I have to go." Jade quickly moved so that she stood between Luci and the door. "Did I mention that I'm Jade Cross? My father is the Provost here. Again, I said come with me." Luci just stood there, stunned. "If you want your scholarships to continue, you'll come with me," Jade snarled. "My scholarships?" Luci sputtered. "How you do know about my scholarships?" Damn, Jade thought. Didn't I just tell her that my dad was the Provost? Is she that dense? "You ask too many questions, Luci. Like I said, my father is very important on this campus." Jade paused when she saw a couple of students at the other end of the hall walking toward them. She smoothed back her long ponytail, stalling for time until the students passed, curious looks on their faces. "I have a very important project for you," Jade continued once they were out of earshot. "So come along." Luci straightened her back. "And if I don't?" Jade's hard stare immediately made Luci nervous. Jade looked her directly in the eye. "If you don't," Jade said, her voice low with scorn, "I'll make sure you lose everything you've worked for. Everything!" Luci's shoulders slumped. I'm no match for this girl, she thought. Luci sighed as she let Jade lead her away from her classroom and down the hall. Jade eased up, realizing that she needed at least some cooperation from the poor girl. She placed her arm around Luci's shoulders as they continued toward the elevators. "Don't worry. If you help us, I'll make sure that you're compensated very well. Much more than those old scholarships." Jade stopped to look Luci in the eye again. "But if you don't, you'll be ruined. And I'll have so much fun doing it," she smirked Luci shivered under Jade's icy glare. Jade paused for effect. "So...what's it gonna be?" Luci's eyes suddenly lowered to the ground as hot tears threatened to spill over. "Fine. What do you need me to do?" To be continued... Stephanie Rose Productions (C) 2008. All rights reserved.