Part 8

"I wish you two would wear something.  I allow you to run around the grounds naked, but I think you might appear for breakfast properly dressed, my dears!"

"Why, Uncle?  We're going to be very publicly naked most of the day.  Why bother to dress, only to have to take it all off later.  We're walking to the village like this and we'll stay this way all day.  You let us in for this, after all said and done, trying to get yourself back on the Council - fat chance of that, by the way!" said Julia.  Beatrice nodded her agreement as she chewed enthusiastically on a piece of toast and marmalade.

"I know!  I regret it more and more and you can still pull out - say you are feeling unwell or have to go away suddenly.  I won't blame you one little bit."

"We gave our word, Uncle and I'm not reneging and I'm certainly not lying to anyone, even those unspeakable villagers.  You agree, don't you, Bea.?"

Beatrice, by now tucking into a plate of eggs and bacon,  again nodded her agreement.

"Beats me how you stay so slim, Beatrice, eating all that fattening stuff.  You never seem to stop."

Beatrice paused unwillingly, just long enough to say "All to do with the metabolism, Uncle," and then continued her systematic and rapid demolition of two fried eggs, three thick rashers of bacon, two large mushrooms, a brace of sausages and two substantial pieces of fried bread.  Julia smiled at her beloved cousin as she herself  finished off her muesli and cup of weak China tea without milk, eating and drinking with that amazing delicacy which characterised her every action.

The great day had arrived at last.  Untrue to form,  the sun was already shining and the temperature climbing.  A bright and sunny day and an unseasonable high of 80 were forecast,  much to the relief of Tracy &Co as they prepared for their ordeal by cold water.  Julia and Beatrice were none too disappointed to be robbed of their chance to shiver together - only the poor Brigadier was reading the forecast with a heavy heart.


Mrs Jenkinson had just put down the phone, after talking to the amiable Dorothy.  That young lady was now fully briefed on her expanded role for the day.  At first there had been reluctance, even outright refusal, but the atrocious  Jenkinson's powers of persuasion and a financial inducement had finally made up the girl's mind.  The evil woman's scheme to get back at the Brigadier for a million and one slights through the ritual humiliation of his favourite niece was coming along nicely.

She slipped out of her house and wandered down to the square to inspect the preparations, paying particular attention to the large stone slab with its  four iron rings, one for each of Julia's supple limbs.  The image of that proud young beauty lying spread-eagled under the hot sun for hour after hour caused her pulse to race and a red mist to form.  She controlled herself with an effort.  A wooden board had been placed for the knife throwing act and some equipment  set up for the gymnastics.  She would have to be patient and wait until these activities were over before springing her surprise!

Then she examined the large glass tank and its assemblage of platform and levers.  The poor girls would have to toil all day and with no relief from Julia who would be tied up and in great discomfort!  The hot weather would be a mixed blessing as well, since the contrast between the air and water temperatures would be so much greater - just about the only consolation the brigadier was going to get all day!

A visit to the barbers shop and a discussion with the barber, Mr Monks completed her preliminary reconnaissance.  She returned home well pleased and very excited.  Only the worries about those very incriminating photos cast any gloom and it had been so long now without any hint that they were in the wrong hands that even that worry was fading away.  She was a very happy lady that morning early in the day of her triumph!
The Colonel was also hopeful and happy.  The memory of his disgrace had faded and a successful day would clinch his re election next month and foil the Brigadier's attempt at a come back.  He was still very disappointed by the refusal of the lovely Julia to be the virgin sacrificial victim, but Mrs J's solution was almost as satisfying - more so in some ways!


Julia looked up at the clock.  It was half-past nine.

"Time to make a move my darling" she cried out to Beatrice who was in the next room.  "We're under starter's orders at last!"

The two set off hand in hand,  as ever,  for the village.  An exciting day was ahead of them and a rather nasty experience  for Julia, who was expecting something unpleasant though she knew not what, and another nasty surprise, a very, very much nastier surprise indeed,  for one other person!