Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ---------------------------------------------- ** NOTE: Sir and his wife were physically modelled on the characters Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) and ** Bail Ling (Myca) from that epic movie The Crow - but toning their proper characters down a bit. ** Their son was modelled after a young and blonde James Franco. Copyright (C) The Shattered Man 2013. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or reposted without express consent. ** This is my first story on this site. Much more is to come later. ** You can send feedback to: ---------------------------------------------- EVERBODY should love their job, and she certainly loved hers. Purple haired Tammy loved her job so much, it was hard to think of actually doing anything else. Those listening should not get her wrong. The cleaning part was sometimes quite brutal. It broke her back, ruined her hair, completely destroyed her hands, and usually made her pretty much unapproachable for most of the day (or at least until her third gin and tonic). It was the unexpected benefits on the side that made it all worthwhile. Right now, another of those benefits was busy ramming his eighteen year old (if he was a day) dick into her from behind. The boy somehow matched the palatial surroundings around them: perfect skin, moulded physique and as clean as the new driven snow. Being a rich prick, to boot, was also not so out of place, as the grinning blonde fucker had pretty much demanded he be serviced, rather than making even rudimentary attempts at seduction or foreplay. Not being a pushover in any form, Tammy had taken a punt and demanded all the money in his wallet in return. At first blondie had refused. It had taken a threat to tell his father of his behaviour that had overturned the arrogant prick's indecision. She had been here a couple of times, and had been given the impression that the boy's father was not a man to be trifled with. $440 later, here she was, still in full uniform, getting rodgered from behind and, for the hundredth time, totally unsure of where her knickers had gone. Maid To Order was the name of the game, Tammy being regularly sent out to clean properties that ranged from fully fledged mansions down to the occasional slightly stinky aged pensioner's villages (not very nice places to clean up after, despite that some of them were amongst some of the kinkiest buggers that ever had the indecency to lift up her dress or pinch her bottom). The money was poor, unless, of course, you took the time to offer those `extra curricular' services to those who had the money to pay for them. Sometimes, she had to seduce them (a short, French maid's outfit over a pair of bright white knickers was usually more than enough), and she would sweetly and kinkily ask for money afterwards. Sometimes they came to her, and if they did, then she was sure to ask for money in advance. It was a dangerous game to be sure. She had nearly been raped twice, almost `discovered' by various wives, a number of times, and had honestly performed enough disgusting and degrading sexual acts to last most people a lifetime. We are not talking about the vanilla sex you might read about in Cleo. She had been caned, cummed on, dominated, degraded, spanked, spat on, ass fucked, asphyxiated, licked out, violently lashed, groped, gangbanged and had even once provided hand jobs to a half dozen sixteen year olds while dressed like a cat and purring like a kitten while she licked each new spurt of cum from her fingers. Damn, that had been a great day. She had even let one of them fuck her titties and cum on her face. She still had the photo............. somewhere. On all fours and definitely enjoying the blonde's humping, it began to occur to her that she could not feel the condom that he promised to put on before he entered her. It was hard to tell. The damn things were so thin, it was sometimes impossible to actually feel. Having learnt from another of her fellow Maids that had made the ultimate mistake, Tammy turned her flushed face slightly around to the boy, "Pull out. I want to see that condom you promised." "I don't think so, bitch. I paid for it. You're mine." "I said get out, you little prick...arrrgggghhhhhh........" Why fate chose that time for her to orgasm, Tammy could only guess. Her body had betrayed her once again, shaking and shuddering, as she continued to pray that it wasn't going to trigger a load of suspect sperm into her quivering and ruefully slutty pussy. All it did, however, is to make the blonde fucker laugh out loud. "Get out," demanded Tammy, after a few minutes, voice still slightly shaky and weak. "Make me!" sneered the boy, obviously not willing to stop. "Oh, I wouldn't worry, my dear. Allow me," interjected a deep, raspy voice, having apparently entered the room without either of them noticing. In the space of a few heartbeats the shit well and truly hit the fan. The boy snapped his head around, dick still mounted in the girl before him and immediately recognised the source of the unexpected comment. "Dad," he spluttered, a moment before the intruder grabbed him by the hair, yanked his head back (which also forced his dick to slip out) and punched him full on in the stomach. Blondie rolled off the bed and hit the floorboards good and hard, while Tammy spun around in shock, shying up against the bedhead in fear at the violence that had just been displayed before her. In front her was an immaculately dressed man with long black hair, a hook nose, a waistcoat, and pants tucked into a pair of calf-length leather boots. In his black leather-gloved handswas an ordinary light brown cane, that, as Tammy tried to finally bolt the scene, suddenly produced a sword levelled two inches below her throat. "Going anywhere?" queried the man with an absolute lack of emotion. Tammy focused on the blade before her, nostrils flaring, and eyes as wide as dustbin lids. Slowly she retreated to her previous position on the bed. "Good girl," approved the immaculate man. Slowly putting the blade back into its cleverly disguised sheath, the man only known as `Dad' stared at Tammy for a few moments before turning and calmly placing his cane up against a dresser. "I hope that there will be no `misunderstandings'. I command. You obey. Are we clear?" "Yes, sir," responded the Maid, eyes still wide. "Excellent choice. Sir is most appropriate. Please use it." "Yy-yes, sir," nodded Tammy, completely in agreement as to her choice of titles for the man. The man now known as `sir' smiled warmly at the still thoroughly astonished girl, and walked around the end of the bed to his son. Reaching down to lend a helping hand, Sir helped to lift Blondie up off the floor only to again land another hearty punch to his son's ribs. Despite his previous behaviour to her, Tammy could only wince in sympathy at the boy's plight. Satisfied of a job well done, the man straightened to his full height, an imposing sight if there ever was one, and quickly pulled a phone from his waistcoat pocket (one of those old flip-case Nokias), and pressed a single button. A moment later the number he had dialled had answered, and a most unusual one-sided conversation began. "Where are you? Good. Go to the parlour and bring a couple of things into the west-side bedroom. Ties, a green rod, a full bottle, a packet of blacks, and the silver hook. No complications. Correct. Immediately. Whatever you are wearing." Snapping his phone shut, the man turned his gaze to Tammy. Pointing at her, he gave his first, crystal clear command. "On all fours, to the end of the bed, head back, eyes up. Now." Tammy did not hesitate, crawling on her hands and knees, stopping at the end of the bed, fully aware that she was being visually dissected by a man that truthfully both excited her and gave her the absolute willies. The man bent his knees and crouched until he was at exact eye level with the girl on his expensive king-sized Indian-cotton-sheeted bed. "I don't need to know your name. It is already obvious as to WHAT you are and, right now, that is all that matters. I only have two questions. Did he pay you? And what do you normally get paid?" This was not what Tammy had expected. "F-four hundred, or something. I didn't really count. And, I accept `donations', I'm not a whore." "Hmm.. Then I will donate two thousand. One for your, `expertise', and another as an apology for my son's lack of consideration. Just understand that you are going to have to EARN it." "Understood," agreed Tammy, heart skipping a tiny bit at the extra money being offered. "Understood WHAT?" demanded the man. "Understood, Sir," responded Tammy, forgetting for a second what was expected of her. "Do you have any limits?" queried Sir. "No blood, no shit, no piss, no permanent injuries, no broken bones, and, regardless, not on the face." "Then that's a damn shame. There are no limits here, other than my safety, and the safety of my son." "Yes, Sir," replied the Maid, trying not to think about what exactly that implied. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and without waiting for an answer, a short, slim Asian woman came in. While not truly beautiful, she was, admittedly, stunning! She wore a very plain red dress with ordinary rectangular straps going over the shoulders. What made this vision so enticing was the effort that her bosom was making to escape. Whether real or fake, this tiny chick had a rack that would make most men drool, weep, or fall over in a dead faint. She quickly strode a couple of steps until she was standing before the man, a thin bamboo cane in one hand, and a black, shiny handbag in the other. The items in her hands were swept wide either side of her, as she bowed low and made her salutation. "Beloved," was all she said, still bent over in her bow. "Dearest," responded the man. "It seems that our son continues to ignore our lessons. I caught him having unprotected sex with our latest maid." Somehow, Tammy had banked on shock on the face what she assumed was his step-mother. What she did not expect was for her to straighten up, smile, and burst out laughing. "So I assume that I am here to assist in his punishment?" "Without doubt. Did you bring everything?" "Of course." "Good. Or I would be punishing you instead." Again Tammy was slightly stunned, as the wee Asian woman, again, only smiled, big, wide and open without a hint of anger, surprise or sarcasm, "As is your will, beloved." The man turned to Tammy and pointed to a spot beside the bed. "Go," was all he said. Tammy did not argue, and slipped off the bed to stand on the floor beside it. Sir stooped over again to pick up his son, this time manhandling him onto the bed face down. Without looking up he held his hand out, the Asian woman placing a pair of plastic ties from her handbag in his hands. Within seconds his son's hands were bound behind his back. "Get UP," commanded the man. "On your knees, NOW!" A groan or two later, the young man did so, ass up in the air, face still well and truly planted into the bedding. Sir again held his hand out, this time the cane being passed over. Tilting his head in consideration, the man then turned to Tammy, and with one of the wickedest grins she had ever seen in her life, beckoned her closed. As she approached warily, he handed her the cane and told her to get on the bed. Once kneeling on the king-size ensemble, she finally got the idea. She was going to be the one to cane Blondie for his mistake. Liking that concept a LOT, Tammy locked eyes with the boy's father, almost as if asking for permission. "Hard as you like," answered the man, holding his arms up as the Asian woman daintily and carefully undid his belt. The cane whistled through the air and made contact for the first time. Bravely, the boy gritted his teeth and dared not move. Twice more, thrice more, four-score and so many times more the cane screamed shrilly as it bore down on Blondie's reddening buttocks. After the first few, the boy's step-mother had finished undressing Sir and stepped forward and put her hand underneath the poor boy and started stroking him and gently playing with his balls. Almost lost in the fascination of it all, Tammy almost jumped a mile as she felt Sir get on the bed, and made his way up behind her, naked except for a his black, shiny boots and black rubber condom cladding his fully erect six inches. Her breathing deepened as she realized that pretty soon, she was going to be fucked. She did not know how, but she knew with an absolute certainty that she was. Deciding that she was best to continue what she was doing, she raised her arm to deliver another stroke, only for Sir to catch her hand. "That's enough. The cane. Throw it over the side of the bed." Tammy, now almost shivering in anticipation, nipples as hard as diamonds, did as she was told. "Now the dress." After a quick struggle, aided by the strong hands behind her, Tammy found herself naked with the long haired man's arms around her, kisses cascading their way down her neck. She arched her back in response, mouth open as she felt the man's right hand snake down to start playing with her almost soggy pussy. What she did not expect, was for him to almost immediately start working on her clit. She was already hyped up and already most of the way `there'. Sensing the girl's body start to react, Sir placed his left hand on Tammy's forehead and yanked her purple head back so he could whisper in her ear. "There are no limits in this place. The only word of law is MINE. Are you going to obey me, little one?" "Y-yes, Sir," stammered Tammy. "Then I command you to cum, little one. Cum so fuckin' hard that your body trembles, and the gods, themselves can fucking hear you! Cum for me, you sexy bitch! I said CUM!" Not really understanding what it meant, or where it all came from, Tammy started to orgasm. Finding that she was not really able to move much at all, or lessen the man's attention to her clitoris, or be able to stop her pussy from betraying her, Tammy's orgasm was relentless. It was strong. It never seemed to end. When it did start to recede, she found herself almost fighting the man behind her. This was too much. This was too strong. And just as she thought that something inside of her was going to bust open, Sir threw her forward. Shaken, the purple haired girl was unable to stop her own head from hitting the mattress, resting only a foot from Blondie, who's eyes were open, watching her every move. As if breaking the spell, the Asian woman, again laughed her open laugh, pulled her hand out from stroking her step-son's cock and wandered over to her handbag. A slim, black plastic bottle was tossed over the girl's head, to be caught by the man still behind her. A second later she felt a cold goo being smeared onto her pussy, Sir's fingers probing into her wetness as he greased her for slaughter. There was no doubt now, she was going to be properly fucked, and about bloody time too! The man did a thorough job, regreasing his fingers twice until he was happy with his handiwork. Tammy felt the man move position and closed her eyes for the penetration that was sure to come, only to start slightly at yet another dollop of goo dropping onto her private parts. This time it had dropped onto her anus. She should have guessed. He was going to fuck her in the ass. Sure enough, a slippery, probing finger started to run rings around her back opening. Sir teased her at first, almost pretending to be about to dip a finger in, only to pull back and keep circling. Sure enough, though, the finger slowly slipped on in. Tammy felt her anus being frigged tenderly, with one digit, eventually joined by another. He was preparing her like an expert. This was not a man without experience. He had done this a million times before and now he was going to sodomize her. There were no limits here. She was going to get it in the backside and get it good. Finally done with his oiled ministrations, Sir almost violently grabbed hold of the Maid's hips, and clinically used his knees to force her legs wider. He then reached forward, grabbed hold of her arms by her biceps and pulled her back up into a kneeling position. Again his left hand went to her forehead and pulled her head back, this time his right hand going down to guide his slippery black rubbered dick into her asshole. It took time, but Sir was, again, an expert. After a minute, the head popped in, Tammy doing her level best not to panic as her anus tried to spasm. It did not take long, however before Sir's dick was slowly pumping in and out of her back door with certainty that this was going to just be the beginning. Once finally happy with the depth he had delved into the Maid's tight little asshole, Sir decided it was time for the next step. "BOY! HEAD UP!" Blondie rose back up, kneeling like Tammy was, showing everyone that his step-mom had gone back to gently stroking the boy's dick - which appeared to exactly the same size (and just as hard) as his father - and now also covered in a black rubber condom as well. And then Tammy twigged. This was why Sir had greased her pussy as well as her ass. They were going to double penetrate her. Tammy had been fucked more times than she cared to remember, not even beginning to count the vibrators, finger fuckings and assorted vegetables. She had even been buggered a number of times. This was not a new thing for her, once even using margarine for lubricant, as there was nothing else available at the time (her anus had itched for a week). But never had she taken two live dicks at once. Seeing that his son was ready to do his part, Sir fell back onto the bed, taking Tammy with him, rolling slightly to either side as he freed up both of their legs. Blondie wobbled forward on his knees, hands still tied behind his back. Seeing that he would need a bit of assistance, the Asian girl, now totally naked, with her impressive breasts out for all to see, got onto the bed with them, and guided her awkward step-son's dick into the waiting girl's pussy. As it slid on in, Tammy could only close her eyes and marvel at the sensation of two dicks in her at at the same time. She felt it all at once: thrilled, elated, frightened, seriously slutty, and even a little bit clinically curious. At first, they both held stationary for a bit, filling Tammy up to the brim with dick. Then, slowly, Blondie began to move his hips, and began to properly fuck his allotted hole. "C'mon baby, you can do it. Fuck her good," encouraged the Asian woman. After a short while, the boy tried to increase tempo as best he could. He wanted to come now. He had been denied before, and now he wanted to give that purple bitch the fucking of her life. To encourage him, Sir (who continued to stay deep in Tammy's backside, making only small movements in concert with his son) decided to step in. "Dearest?" "Yes, Beloved?" "Use the hook." Another laugh rang out as she hopped off the bed, went back to her handbag, and came back to join them with a very shiny piece of steel. It was if two round rods had been moulded and then stuck together. The first piece was an ovular ring, meant as a handle. The other piece, anchored to the handle was like the top half of a question mark. It was a hook. Smiling to herself, the Asian chick picked up the black bottle and squirted a little bit of lube onto her hand. This she inserted between her step-son's cheeks, astonishingly oiling up his anus for use. Then, if that was not enough, she then carefully inserted the hook into the boy's still pumping ass, gave it a couple of experimental tugs, and then sat back, content with her achievement. "Your will, Beloved." Tammy, head still spinning a bit of having two dicks rubbing together inside her, felt Sir's right hand slide around them all to find the handle sticking out of his son's ass and grab hold. As stupid as it sounded, it changed everything. Blondie started to pump harder, just as slow, but deeper. Sir also used his left hand to start pulling the Maid downwards onto his cock by her left shoulder. This allowed him to use the leverage to really start fucking her properly from behind. That was enough. Now in rhythm. Now in sync. It did not take long. Should anyone have heard, they would have marvelled at a sexy Maid bellowing out as she came. Long. Hard. Loud. Be it the sound, or just the vibe of the situation, as Tammy neared the end of her climax, Blondie decided to come as well. His own bull-roar matched her own, finally coming to rest on her, spent. Unwilling to allow it all to end there, Sir waited until his `Dearest' had removed the hook, and then grabbed his son by the hair and yanked hard to the left with considerable might. As before, the boy rolled off the bed and onto the wooden floor boards below. Slightly dazed as she was, Tammy found herself slightly incomplete, missing a second dick inside her. It did not take long, however for the boy's position to be taken over by his step-mother. Without query or request, the big-titted woman started a slow, maddening lapping of the Maid's freshly fucked fuck hole. The penis still buried in her ass continued to only make slight movements, still fully penetrated as far as it could go. Tammy had never been given oral sex while being anally penetrated either. Part of her loved it. Part of her continued to be curious. Part of wanted more dick. Part of her wished the bitch would hurry up. Another big one was coming. She could feel it. Six minutes later, she proved herself right, again yelling to the world of the joys of orgasm. By now, Tammy was very nearly spent. She was finding it more and more difficult to focus. Sir had started longer and deeper fucking movements in a circular motion underneath her. Her pussy was both sore, and tingling at the same time. She had not expected to be fucked and bum fucked for as long as she had been. Unsure of where this was all going to lead from here, Tammy was honestly surprised to find a soft Asian mouth suddenly kissing hers. Moments later, the mouth pulled back, and a face was suddenly smiling down on her. "You have done well, pretty one. There is still a way to go. You haven't been properly ass fucked yet." "I-I-I...." whispered Tammy, in response, not all really there. "I understand, pretty one. Let me help you." Tammy felt the Asian woman pull back and lie down beside her and the man still slowly thrusting into her back passage. A moment later she was rolled over, suddenly finding herself on top of the woman, Sir's weight piling on top of her, and Sir's dick now fucking her back door harder and harder with every stroke. Only a master would have waited this long to pound her ass properly. Any other man would have cummed, rolled over and would be thoroughly asleep by now. It was somehow comforting as the man shifted to strokes as long as he could make them. Underneath her, the woman was stroking her hair, and making soothing comments. The world seemed to fade away, as only sensation remained. If you had asked Tammy her name, she would have taken a long time to answer. All she knew was the thrusting and the whispers. For minutes, maybe hours, Tammy had no idea, she remained on the edge of orgasm, exhaustion and oblivion. When she finally started to cum, Tammy had the oddest epiphany. It was so obvious. This is why they call it `cumming'. The orgasm was already there, it just took time to reach you. Now it was here, she figured that she should be afraid. There would only be blackness beyond this one. Still, there was no stopping it now. But unlike the others, this one came not in a rush, but a wave, almost a pressure. Constant, unyielding, absolute. She had no idea of the noises she made, and not the faintest registration that the man reaming her so professionally was coming as well. It was all too much, too much sensation, too much for one. She did not feel herself pass out. Nor did she feel the man extricate himself from her thoroughly fucked back passage. Later she seemed to remember waking up and looking beside her to see the man busy fucking his Asian honey from behind, her face down and him on top of her with his hands wrapped firmly around her magnificent breasts. She thought she saw the woman notice her awake, and reach out to take her outstretched hand, only for her eyes to roll back, whispering the word `Beloved, before she was taken over by her own orgasm. Days later, Alyson looked at her purple naked self in a mirror and thought back to it all. It was almost too much to believe. She was unsure if she was going to be lucky enough to have sex like that ever again. But as she caught her own smirking smile in her reflection, she realized that it mattered not one little bit. This was a smile of pure satisfaction. Pure satisfaction Maid To Order.