Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Studio Thirteen Chapter Four Once again it was Shelby getting out of bed that woke me. I stretched and yawned watching her perfect ass flex as she stretched before padding away to the bathroom. I lay there my morning hardon pointing at the ceiling and listened to her taking care of her morning needs, when the shower started I pushed up and stepped into the bathroom. Bending my dick down I hissed as my bladder turned loose. Shelby giggled looking out behind the curtain " Glad I don't have that problem in the morning." I nodded and smiled to my self as she started showering again. " Yeah Shelby I forgot to tell you yesterday, we made about twenty five thousand on the last photos. It took a moment before she said " We what..." That was cut off by the squeak as she slipped and landed on her butt, the shower curtain ripping off the hooks. I was worried for a moment but saw she landed perfectly, turning I nodded " Yeah twenty five thousand, but that was yesterday, might be more now." Turning around I smiled " Don't make a mess of the bathroom Shelby." I got about ten steps before she yelled " You're a little bastard you know that." I was dressed and leaning on the counter when she came out, she frowned at me heading to the bedroom. Ten minutes later she came out and looked at me for a moment. " You know even good news can hurt, my ass is gonna be one big bruise by lunch time." I pulled her into my arms for a soft kiss " Then learn not to comment on my problems, think you can do that peaches?" She frowned then looked at me " Twenty five?" I nodded " Girls cleared about forty each as of yesterday morning." She whistled and looked at me " We need to set up some kind of savings for them, something they can get when their older." I nodded " I'll look into it." She nodded and gave me a soft kiss. " Your still a bastard, but you're my bastard." She giggled. " And Morgan's and Kayla's and Amy's and Cori's and Sara's and now Maria's, but you're a bastard none the less." I kissed her again putting everything into it but the kitchen sink. " Forgiven?" She frowned and nodded grabbing her purse. " Why don't you go wake up Cori with that big ole tree trunk between your legs, she'd love that." I smiled " Should I?" She giggled and nodded giving me a soft kiss " Do it, give her a good pounding." She left with a smile and with a shrug I grabbed my keys and went to Cori's apartment. There was no sign of Morgan so she was probably at Amy's with Kayla again. I looked into Cori's dim bedroom and smiled, she was buck naked and beautiful. Slipping out of my jeans and shirt I stepped in and lifted the sheet from her body sliding in behind her. It took a long moment before she rolled over cuddling to my side then opened her eyes. " Hey sexy, my big sister said you should get a wake up call." Cori stretched out and yawned then let me pull her into a torrid kiss. I explored her mouth with my oral digit and slid my hands down her body cupping her pussy, she was already starting to lubricate as I slipped a finger gently past her opening. " Oh fuck, don't tease me Alex, I cant take it." I kissed her again and slid between her legs, my cock rubbing along her furrow as I rotated my hips making her moan softly. She slid her hand between us and aimed me at her opening then hissed through her teeth as I pushed into her in a smooth full stroke. My cock soaked for a long moment in her slick grip before she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me tight into her. " Ohhh, god that feels nice, like that itch you cant reach." She kissed me again and giggled " So come here often?" I smiled " Never before but I plan on cumming her very often in the future." She snorted and drew me tight to her again " Do it Alex fuck me silly, make me pass out like you seem to do with the girls." I nodded and kissed down to her neck, a soft nip and she gasped " Oh fuck, that little cunt told you about that." I smiled and bit again this time harder and she mewed her pussy fluttering around my shaft. With my teeth in her shoulder holding her skin I drew back and thrust into her roughly, the wet slap showing just how hot she was now. Cori in a lot of ways was like her little sister. Trim and flexible, petite and beautiful. I bent her into position after position , anytime I could get to her neck I gave her love bites that made her eyes wild with lust. We were into our third position, her on her hands and knees, one leg propped up on my knee as I slid into her slick well from behind. That was when I heard the door and the soft gasp from her bedroom doorway. Turning my head I found all three of them watching, eyes wide as I rutted into Cori with powerful lunges. Cori wasn't silent on her end. Whimpering chants to the tune of " Oh Jesus Fuck" and " Fuck It, Fuck My Pussy" were constant companions in the air around us. I was pretty sure she was on orgasm number eight when I felt my balls start to tingle. " Oh god here you got, gonna fuck a baby right into your slutty pussy Cori, right up into your belly where you can grow me another hot little fuck to play with ." Cori locked up her head back as a silent cry erupted from her mouth as a hoarse whimper. I pushed deep my dick jerking and spitting my heavy morning load at the gates to her womb, her body bucked under me muscles contracting and relaxing. Suddenly she sucked in a great lung full of air and whined. Then she was quiet, her body turning to wet noodles in my grip as her head lolled to the side. Her pussy still fluttering around me as I gently eased her to the bed. I smiled somewhat pleased with myself as I drew out and flopped over on my side, the girls were mesmerized. Morgan and Kayla openly masturbating, hands crammed into their shorts. Maria was squirming where she stood, clearly new feelings developing in her body right at that very minute. " Maria, will you get us a bottle of water?" She blinked in surprise and nodded slowly, slipping from the room and returning with a cold bottle of water. I took it gently and pulled her into my arms for a soft kiss. I whispered in her ear " Hey sweetie, need some help to make that itch go away?" her head turned and looked at me then slowly nodded. I slid my hand up her smooth tan thigh and cupped her damp crotch. Moving her panties aside I stroked a finger along her slick furrow and found her clit, she shuddered in my arms and gave a whimper, her breath caught and she jerked three times before going still. I held her gently and kissed her softly on the ear " Better?" She blushed and nodded with a giggle. I wiggled my fingers at the girls and with smiles they left, the door opening and closing as I slid up beside Cori. I gently drew the cold bottle along her spine till she trembled and her eyes fluttered open. Looking up at me unfocused she sighed " Oh sweet Christ, you fucking did it to me didn't you." I kissed her gently " I think it was the whole fuck a baby in you idea." She shuddered and giggled then took the water and had a long drink. " Go back to sleep, just wanted to say good morning." She giggled and gave me a kiss then closed her eyes as I slipped out of bed and gathered my clothes. I had just stepped into the apartment when my phone chirped. Looking at it I laughed it was from Jason " Jesus Dude, did you kill her?" I laughed softly and grabbed a bottle of water before heading up to the office. Jason was at his desk and looked up with a grin. " No I just knew a few things about her that flipped her switches." I sat down " So where are we at." He laughed " Four hundred thousand and climbing. I expect half a million dollars by the weekend." I nodded slowly. " Hey talked to dad, gave him a line about a reality show, filming and a bunch of other shit, the top floor is officially yours, people are coming to put in key cards this weekend." I nodded " Find me some finger print door locks." He nodded and laughed writing that down " So what are you gonna do with an entire floor to your self?" I smiled " Move in of course, I just gotta figure out how to break it to the girls." He laughed shaking his head. " Speaking of girls, Maria now?" I shrugged and explained what happened, he smiled " So you turned into her knight in shining armor huh?" I nodded " Something like that" " Well, aside from that I have someone I want you to meet, someone's actually." I looked at him and he laughed " Yeah, more of em." I sighed and nodded. " Alana lives on ten, has two girls four and five, hooker by trade but prefers call girl. Girls are Cassidy and Cassandra. Cute as hell and eager to work, Alana will probably tell you her self but I know the girls were brought into a sex club in Russia, real young and trained up from the beginning. All access and looking to make some extra cash." I nodded " So our doctors office is up to possibly nine. Your talking like five hours of material." He nodded "Gonna turn it into a serial, episodes like a TV show, your gonna have to probably rewrite your script a bit." I nodded already thinking about that and smiled " Dr. Sex, M.D." He laughed and nodded " Fucking perfect." " Ok I'm gonna see about cleaning up the office I'm gonna use for the doctors office. I'm sure the girls wont mind helping out." he nodded and laughed " You realize you never came to work yesterday." I smiled " Sorry." He laughed waving it off " I'll find someone, you focus on your other job." I nodded and with a bump of the first I stepped out and leaned against the elevator then sent a group message " All of my girls report to the thirteenth floor for cleaning duty" I sent it to Morgan, Kayla, and Sara adding in to bring along Maria." I stepped in and pushed the button for the thirteenth floor and rode up deep in thought. The girls took about five minutes but I greeted them with kisses and led them along to the apartment I had checked out on my first visit. Letting them in I told them to have a look around and decide what they needed. Sara helped make a list and soon we were getting things from the cleaning closets on the other floors and bringing them up. I went around with a broom cleaning corners and knocking down any cobwebs as Sara wiped the furniture down once it was uncovered. The girls vacuumed and the kitchen and bathroom were cleaned. All in all it was a good two hours before we sat down in the living room. " Not a bad place once its clean." The girls giggled and nodded looking around. " Ok Morgan and Kayla, come next week were going to start a movie project. It will be both of you, Jason's four sisters, and two girls he is going to introduce me to later." The girls nodded and Maria raised her hand timidly " Sweetie your not in school." She smiled " What about me?" I sighed " Maria do you know what a porno is?" She giggled " A sex movie." I nodded " Yup that's what were making, that's what the girls and I do for money, you want to join in?" She looked at Morgan and Kayla and nodded " Ok Maria is in, Sara I'm gonna need a nurse, nurse outfit, some hospital gowns in cartoon themes and a lab coat. You have enough time?" She nodded. " Ok most of this filming is gonna be easy, like doctors exam you normally get but including sex things, You'll get your temperature taken but it's the up the butt kind. Ears nose and throat, your gonna have cameras right up in your face so your gonna have to be as natural as possible, ok?" The girls nodded " Ok why don't you three go down and get your computers, Maria can use mine and bring them up, were gonna turn the office into a doctors office and one of the bedrooms into a waiting room, the bathroom will be the changing room." The girls got up and ran off " Sara I'm gonna need you for some camera work, its easy enough but doing and shooting are not. Also on the hospital gowns, make em so their butts show even when their tied shut. And your nurses outfit, short, hot, you know what I want." She nodded with a smile. I got up and pulled her into a kiss " Sweetie this is serious stuff, I enjoy it of course and I try to make sure the girls do, some of this stuff wont be fun, but just off the girls last photos and video we made nearly a half a million dollars. We do this right and we don't ever have to work." She smiled and kissed me softly " What do you think about Alison as a girls name and Andrew as a boy?" I laughed slapping her ass " Come help me move stuff." The girls came back up as I was pushing the medical table across the hall to the apartment. The girls settled around the glass table in the kitchen and we returned with the three carts of stuff. The office had a desk and a big leather chair already. Sara helping me move it over to the other side opening the area for the table. With the table in place I unwrapped the plastic surrounding it and grabbed some cleaner and wiped down the top and sides. I opened the drawers and found piles of medical instruments. Each of them came out and was put on the table or the desk, the girls coming in to check out things. Sara giggled holding up a speculum. " I remember this, quack quack." I smiled and laughed " I promise I'll try it on you later." She blushed as I laid out everything from the drawers, pulling out the foot stool and the highly adjustable stirrups. I lifted Maria on to the table with a kiss. " My first patient." She blushed but let me put her legs into the stirrups, her panties on display to the girls and I as her skirt rode up while I moved her legs around . I smiled undoing the Velcro straps and putting them around her calves and thighs. Sara brought the rolling stool and I sat down and leaned in between her legs giving her panty covered crotch a kiss. " I like this thing." The girls giggled and after a few more nibbles on her plump covered lips I helped her up and down folding everything into place again. The girls helped unpack the other instruments, letting me plug in the ear nose and throat lamp and place it on the shelves. The jars and books went on the shelves along with some of the instruments as well. It didn't take long before it looked like a doctors office, even a bed pan sat in the corner on the shelf. The girls went to mess around on the computers and Morgan said she would set Maria up with a face book account as well and show her how to use it. Sara and I emptied the close and smallest bedroom, I would have to find chairs and some toys and things to make it a waiting room. I constantly added to a list of things that were needed and when we stopped I shipped it off to Jason getting a " 10-4" in reply. The girls helped me bring the stainless steel instruments out and they were neatly stacked in the dishwasher and set to run for a double cycle, the steam would disinfect them well enough for our use. Morgan came up with a smile and I knew she wanted something. " Alex can Maria spend the night, we wanna get a movie and have a slumber party." I smiled and nodded making her beam. Gathering up the computers we left the apartment, Sara was going to get her measuring tape to measure myself and the girls for some things, I pulled Maria off at the ninth floor and with a wave to the girls we walked to her apartment. I let my self in and we bowed to her grandmother, Maria gave her a long hug and a kiss. " She's spending the night with friends, I don't want you to worry." She smiled and patted me on the shoulder chattering away. Maria giggled " She says you don't understand what my belonging to you means." The woman nodded and pulled Maria over holding her by the shoulders in front of her. She started talking again and Maria translated. " Honorable Alex, when Maria performed the tea ceremony for you she was telling you in our way that she wished to be bound to you in spirit, if it were not for you there is no way of knowing what would have happened to her yesterday. As far as I am concerned you are her caregiver, a father, brother, husband all rolled into one. While appreciate you telling me it is not necessary. Maria has made this decision and shown she is more than capable of the responsibility involved." Maria smiled and turned hugging her grandma, she said something and the woman said something back hugging her tightly before she pulled me off to her bedroom with a smile. Sitting on her bed I pulled her into my arms and gave her a soft kiss. " Maria I want you to know the girls are probably gonna play sex games tonight, you ok with that?" She giggled and nodded " Who's idea do ya think it was to spend the night?" I laughed pulling her in for another kiss a light grope of her cotton covered ass " Ok pack for a few days just in case." She nodded happily and began bouncing from here to there. She showed me various things asking if I liked them, I gave my assent on most and once her bag was packed I pulled her to me again. " One more thing." She nodded and I slid my hands up under her skirt slipping her panties down over her rump, they pooled at her ankles and I stepped her out of them. "Your job is to see how long you can go tonight with out any one but me knowing your not wearing any panties." She giggled and nodded slipping her bag over her shoulder after tossing her panties in the hamper. With a last hug to grandma and a bow we left, my phone rang in the elevator and I saw it was Cori. " Hey, finally moving around?" She giggled " Funny, yes I am moving around again, I hear my place is hosting a slumber party tonight." I laughed " Yup, your gonna be working and when you get home your gonna snuggle up with Shelby and I, were gonna spend the first part of the night with your little buddy though, then if she can still walk she can ride herd on the girls till they pass out." She giggled " Good, Alex, she likes to be spanked, not little either, think she has a daddy thing and got spanked and horny as little girl." I laughed " I will remember that, anyway were on our way down, out for take out dinner and let the girls find a movie for tonight." " Ok I'll grab Amy and Shelby and meet ya at your place." I hung up and slid my phone in my pocket then smiling I slid my hand under Maria's skirt, she shivered and squirmed as I caressed her bare ass till the elevator stopped on our floor. The girls were ready when we came in, I got a welcome home kiss from Shelby and a slightly nervous kiss from Amy. " My next victim." She swallowed nervously and I pulled her in for a deeper kiss cupping her ass through her dress, then whispered in her ear " Think I can make you pass out too?" She trembled in my arms and blushed " Your some kind of evil Alex." I smiled and once Maria had dropped her bag we left heading up to the street. Jason knocked on the glass and flashed five fingers. I nodded and we kept going. The girls decided Greek was the way to go today. With our gyros wrapped in foil and bagged the girls bounced along to the video store. After some debate it was the Princess Diaries and asking the clerk I simply bought the movie for three bucks rather than rent it for two. Then the girls walked back home, as we approached the door Shelby smiled " No panties huh Maria?" She blushed and I looked at my phone " Wow, fourteen minutes, gonna have to do better, so that means I get fourteen good smacks on your pretty butt." She giggled and followed the girls in. I held Morgan back and whispered in her ear, she smiled and nodded then caught up with the girls at the elevator. Once in the living room we settled down on the couch and chairs, the girls spread out on the floor. The gyro's were great as usual and I finished mine with a satisfied smile. " Maria since you got caught flashing you get to clean up, then you get your spanking." She blushed starting to believe that I was going to do it, I gave the other girls a wink and they started teasing her a bit. " Alex spanks hard." Kayla nodded " Couldn't sit down all day." I noticed the squirming Amy was doing in her chair and smiled at Cori, suddenly she understood and added in " Little bastard smacked my ass a few times today, probably still handprints." Maria seemed to be slowing down and finally pushed the last of the trash into the can. " Ok young lady, over here." She slowly approached and I gently but firmly bent her over my knee, tossing up her skirt I frowned and stood her up again " Skirt off" She blushed but unbuttoned it and slid it down her legs. I laid her down again and rubbed her ass, feeling her tighten as I raised my hand. I brought it down gently and tapped her butt fourteen times." She groaned and stood up " Were not done yet though, a girl who gets a spanking needs some loving too. Morgan?" Morgan got up and I pulled Maria back into my lap, hooking her legs outside of mine exposed her fully to every one in the room. I wrapped my arms around her gently " Morgan don't stop till I tell you too." She nodded and knelt between our legs, Cori, Shelby and Amy giving a little gasp as she dipped her head and took a long lick through Maria's smooth lips. As Morgan dug in and got to work the angel in my arms vibrated, her breath coming in pants, little grunts and whimpers, her hips flexing as Morgan sucked, slurped, nipped and poked with her tongue. Every trick in the book. When she came It was with a body wracking orgasm, as per her instructions Morgan didn't stop and soon she had another and another before she shuddered and went still in my arms. Cori groaned her fingers busy in her pussy " Christ on a crutch another one." The room was filled the scent of aroused woman and girl. Maria shivered and blinked her eyes open, Morgan gave her a hug and a giggle " Your now one of us, welcome to the family." Maria gave her a hug then turned around and nearly smothered me in one, I stroked her back and got her back into her skirt. Movie in hand and promising not to get to crazy they left with hugs and kisses for the girls. " Ok ladies, discussion time." The girls arranged them selves again and I stood up and paced " The girls last photo sets and videos were a hit, such a hit that you really don't have to work for the rest of the year. But and I want you to consider this. Being home all the time with nothing to do isn't as fun as it sounds. As of an hour ago the girls have sold two hundred sets each in total that is six hundred thousand dollars. We split forty percent of that and before any of you get ideas Jason has been more than generous to us. Along with the equipment he has the contacts. That means the girls each have earned ninety thousand dollars in just a few days, not including continued sales of their first sets. That money right now is in a bank in the Cayman islands, safe and secure, we have to find a way to make it grow for their future, not risk it or shuffle it around in savings accounts, this all has to be off shore. I think we are going to go on a vacation come the end of August, before school starts, a nice beach vacation where we can carefully and safely transfer the money into something more fluid. Now our next project is coming up, I talked to the girls about it today and I want to fill you in a bit since I will need your help. Were going to make a TV series, but sex oriented, mainly it will be a medical show where Dr. Sex , me, takes care of his patients needs. Corny I know but it gets the point across. I will probably need help with filming, acting and wrangling work, we can work around your schedules but I need everyone on board for this. Not only is it Morgan and Kayla, but Jason's sisters as well as Maria and two girls I have yet to meet that live here in the building, formerly from Russia they were in sex clubs and started very early." Amy nodded " Alana, those girls are cute as fuck to." I smiled " I haven't met them yet so I don't know. Anyway that is starting Monday, we have Jason's sisters for two weeks, I think most nights the girls and I will be staying up on the thirteenth floor. Now I have some news, coming in a few weeks we will be moving, up, to the top." Eyes snapped open on all three " As I said Jason has been generous to a fault, he has made in his words " A shit ton of money." Minimum a year, probably longer, we will have private access to the floor and finger print scanners on the doors. I think it will work out best for all of us. Two massive suites but I think we only need one really, anyway we can figure it out later once this shoot is done and in the can. This has the potential to make well in the range of three to maybe ten million dollars on the underground market, nearly half of that split up for us. Any questions?" The girls looked around and no one spoke " Ok this is obviously not for public discussion, Cori I suggest you get ready for work, Amy go get anything you need from your place." They nodded getting up and I took Amy's hand and cupped her cheek " Amy sweetie, you've been a naughty girl, we both know what you did and I'm sorry but Daddy is gonna have to spank you sweetie, you know I'll always love you though right." Amy shuddered hard and looked at Cori " Hey, he bit my neck, wonder how he found out about that." Amy blushed and gave her a hug and a giggle before both left. Pulling Shelby in for a kiss I smiled " Ok your playing the little sister, the tattle tail role. You tell me all the horrible things she did with a boy, you were watching from the bushes, just follow my lead and play along, this is gonna be wild, go find her and introduce yourself and make sure she brings her anal stuff. Shelby smile and nodded " Oh yeah, Shelby, the tattle tail always gets in trouble to." She shuddered " God you're a bastard." About ten minutes passed before the girls came through the door. I nearly came out of character seeing them in their youthful outfits. " Hi Daddy were home." I gave Shelby a hug and gave Amy one as well. In her ear I whispered " When you want to stop its Apple three times." I stepped back " So how was the slumber party, did you girls have fun?" They both nodded Amy tossing her bag down. "Amy Jean, you know better than to leave your stuff in the living room, put it in your room right now." She sighed picking up her backpack and carrying it into the living room. " We had a great time daddy, we went to the movies and the park and had popcorn and stayed up all night long." I nodded and as Amy came back out Shelby spoke " I saw Amy kissing a boy." Amy gasped " You're a liar Shelby, I wasn't kissing a boy." Shelby looked at me batting her lashes " Daddy I'm not a liar, I never lie and I always tell you the truth, even when Mike down the block wanted to touch me inside my panties." I nodded slowly and turned to Amy " Your sister doesn't lie Amy, tell me the truth were you kissing a boy?" she flushed pink " It was just one kiss Daddy." I nodded " One kiss, maybe if you would have just admitted that to begin with but you lied to me Amy, what is the punishment for lying?" Ears pink she dropped her head " Spanking." I waited " Sorry what, speak up and address me properly young lady." She looked " Girls who lie get spankings." I nodded and took her arm bringing her over to the table " Hands on the table Amy, your getting ten good smacks for lying. Amy moaned bending over and putting her hands on the table. I flipped her skirt up " No wonder the boys are on you like flies, look at how you dress, I mean I can almost see your kitty through those panties. Sometimes I wonder about you girls." I rubbed my hand over her ass and brought it down in a hard clap, Amy gasped back arching and reaching back to rub her ass. " Girl get your hands down, they come up again were starting over." She whimpered and put her hands down and I quickly delivered a few more solid slaps. As I raised my hand again Shelby spoke " Daddy that wasn't all she was doin with that boy." Amy gasped jumping up and glaring at her " Sister" Shelby don't be a tattle tale." Shelby squirmed happily " Daddy he was feeling her titties. I saw the whole thing." I looked at Amy and her eyes went down " Amy, did you let that boy touch your breasts?" She nodded bottom lip trembling. I sighed " At least he didn't get under your shirt, get your hands on that table, this spanking just got more serious." She whimpered but bent over and grumbling I unhooked her skirt tossing it aside, with a swift tug I brought her panties down around her thighs, delivering at least eight solid clapping slaps to her ass Shelby spoke up " Daddy, he did have his hands under her shirt, feeling up her boobies, she wasn't even wearing a bra" Amy sprung up " Shelby he wasn't don't be a liar." I looked to Shelby " I promise daddy, he was, her nippies were all hard and he was pinchin em and playing with them." I sighed " Amy I'm disappointed in you, you know your not allowed to date yet or have boyfriends. Is what your sister said true." her eyes fell again and she nodded. " Damn you Amy, breaking my rules like some common slut running around on the street, well you like showing off your breasts so much, take your shirt off, everything young lady, maybe you wont like it so much when I'm finished with you tonight." Amy whimpered and wiggled out of her panties letting them lay on the floor, her shirt came off and her bra ass she stood pink with embarrassment in front of me. " Shelby he was pinching her nipples, like this?" I gripped Amy's rubbery nipples in my fingers making her whimper and whine " Uh huh daddy he was pinchin em and suckin on em too." I nodded and slurped a swollen bud into my lips sucking hard on it before doing the same to the other one. " I swear, here I thought I raised a good girl and you turn out to be a little slut Amy. Shelby what else was she doin with the boy." Shelby twisted twirling her hair " He was playing with her kitty daddy, putting his fingers inside her and moving em in and out, two of em, maybe three of em." I shook my head and pointed to the table " Hands on the table, cant believe my angel is a little whore." Amy moaned and bent over as I rubbed three fingers through her gash making her whimper and squirm, I clapped a hand on her ass hard making her squeak then thrust my fingers into her pussy. Amy grunted humping back at my fingers like a horny dog " Shelby is there anything else? Shelby nodded " Yeah daddy, but its really really dirty, I cant say it out loud." I sighed " Come here, whisper it in my ear sweetie." She came over and whispered nonsense in my ear. " Dear lord really Shelby, in her kitty and in her poop hole." Amy whimpered and Shelby nodded " Yeah daddy, it made me feel all sorts of squishy inside, how come." I sighed " You never mind why. So my angel likes strange boys to put their penis's in her. Well if they get to then I should, you are my daughter after all. Shelby gasped " Daddy you cant do that, its wrong." I sighed " I know its wrong pumpkin but so is tattling, you get undressed now for your spanking, first I gotta check that that boy didn't hurt Amy's girl parts." Shelby whimpered moving around and slowly getting undressed . I unzipped and slid my pants down stepping out of them. " Daddy that's your penis, what are you gonna do with it." " Shelby I told you I have to check your sisters vagina, you hush up and get undressed, I see you dawdling over there." She whimpered and began undressing again as I pushed my cock through Amy's folds, she whimpered and shuddered as I pushed my cock fully into her overheated pussy. Shelby gasped " Daddy aint you sexing Amy, what ifn she has a baby cause your stuffs in her.' I grunted thrusting into Amy. " Its ok sweetie, when I put my stuff in her your gonna suck it out of her kitty, you think I don't know what you girls get up to in your room at night." Amy tripped over the edge and whimpered and shook as her orgasm crashed down on her. " Oh lord that's right baby, you have a good cum on daddy's cock. Oh you're a tight little slut, maybe I'll just let you have my baby to teach you what happens. I jammed my cock deep into her and shuddered as my balls turned inside out, the hot splashes covering her womb in my sticky seed. Amy shuddered through another orgasm her hips quaking and bouncing around me. Drawing out of her pussy with a slurp I stepped back " Well girl sit down on the table so your sister can keep ya from getting knocked up." Amy gasped and sat down as Shelby knee walked over and took a timid lick at her slick pussy. " Shelby Ann, I'm starting to think you want your big sister to have a baby." Amy whimpered as Shelby dug in with her lips and tongue " That's better, now about that spanking for tattling." I stepped over and pulled her ass up and gave a her a solid smack, she yelped into Amy's pussy and again when I laid another down. I laid down ten solid cracks on her rump. " You know I'm gonna have to check your vagina to Shelby, who knows what you been letting them boys at school do to ya." She whimpered " Daddy, you cant do that." I slapped her ass again " As your father I can do anything I wish, you just get all of daddy's baby juice out of your sisters vagina, don't worry none what I'm doing back here." It was nearly eleven when I collapsed on the bed. The girls were wasted and had to work in the morning. Shelby and I gave Amy a kiss, she was walking funny after her double fucking. As she passed by I kissed her ass cheek. " Sleep tight baby, daddy loves you." She giggled " God your filthy, fucking wonderfully filthy." I snuggled up to Shelby's mottled ass and kissed her shoulder " Did you have a good night princess?" She giggled " Yeah all but for the spanking part, mean bastard." wrapping my arms around her we drifted off to sleep in the darkened room.