I had moved into my condo earlier in the year, and spent the past few months getting settled and getting my business established, furnishing the place, setting up the office, traveling to see clients etc. etc. in short I've been working my ass off. I’m Tim Barnes and I have a computer consulting business that I run from my home. I'm 38 years old, 6' 1", 195 pounds, sandy blond hair medium cut, and I'm in pretty good shape. I don't have six-pac abs or a 10” cock but all-in-all I’m not bad to look at. I try to run everyday and workout two or three times a week. I was married once but it didn't take. It wasn't really anyone's fault, we just didn't see eye to eye on some things, the major one of course was sex. I believe that sophisticated people can have recreational sex with other people AND, can be in love with one person and ‘make love’ with them. They are two separate relationships. She, on the other hand thought and probably most women think married people should only have sex with their spouses. It wasn't cheating that pushed us apart, we just realized that we were not compatible in the long run so we called it quits.

Now I don't think all married couples should be swingers and I don't necessarily advocate what some would call an open marriage. Those lifestyles are more radical than just having a casual fling once on a while. Couples, whether married or not should think seriously before they go down that path. However, I do think that there are those times and circumstances when a mutual attraction develops that just shouldn't be ignored. And that rational, loving spouses can discuss such outside attractions and agree to have a fling occasionally. When there is a situation where hands are on body parts and the clothes are coming off, do it, and we can discuss it later!

Anyway I've been working my ass off getting the business started and now I decided to take a break. I took a book to read, covered myself with sunscreen and sat down beside the condo association pool. The two buildings that make-up the association contain 96 units, four to each floor. So the pool is large and usually fairly crowded especially now during summer. This day there was a group of about 10 teens playing some tag game near where I sat. There were about an even number of boys and girls and as I observed, it looked like the appropriate amount of touching and groping was happening also. As I remembered from my own teen years these were great opportunities to begin to find out what the other sex's body parts felt like. In short I thought it was good clean normal fun. Before I got into my book I laid my head back and started to doze, then suddenly there was a high pitched female yelp/shriek "stop-it!" I looked to see what was going on and I could see two guys around a girl who seemed to be making the noise. She pushed away from them and got out of the pool and walked to a chaise near where I was sitting. She seemed a little upset, but none the worse for wear that I could tell. She was however a totally gorgeous young woman. I guessed she was about 16 or 17 but with an almost adult body. She was about 5 feet tall slim with dirty blond hair that would come down almost to her shoulders it it weren't wet and plastered to her head as it now was. Her skin was lightly tanned, smooth and clear. He nose was small and tilted up just a bit. Her lips not full and yet seemed inviting. Her breasts were small but deliciously noticeable, perhaps an A-cup, her nipples apparently firm and pointy, pushing at her bikini top. Her waist was slender and accentuated the flair of her hips. Not exactly womanly hips yet but far from a little girls figure. I'm not normally attracted to kids but she was not really a kid any more, at least not physically. She wore a tiny yellow bikini and her ass was something to die for. She was a real cutie.

She didn't seem to notice that I was there. She sat on the chair and mumbled something I couldn't hear and then seemed to shudder a little. As I watched she dried herself with a towel and began getting her things together to leave the pool area. As she stood to leave the two guys came out of the pool to stand in front of her and said, "Oh come on Amy, we didn't mean anything, we were just playing around, come back in the pool."

"No," she said, "I'm finished with the pool for today, I'm going home."

As she started to walk away one of the guys took hold of her arm and began to pull her towards the pool, "Oh Amy! Come on, come back in the pool."

"NO! I said I'm going home!" she said, struggling to free herself from his grip.

She tried to pull away as he pulled her towards the pool. I thought things had gone far enough so I stood and said, "OK guys back off. She said she wants to leave now. No means NO!"

All three heads snapped towards me and looked at me for the first time. Both guys dropped her arms and immediately turned away back to the pool. She nodded shyly to me and said "thanks." Then she turned and left the area. I sat back down and started to read. Soon when I looked up again, all the kids were gone and this end of the pool was empty.

A few days later after spending the morning working on a proposal for a prospective client, I went back to the pool; it was time for another day off. When I entered the pool area I noticed that Amy, I remembered her name from the week before, was there again. She smiled at me and when she waved to me I waved back and sat down. I saw Amy turn and start talking to another female sitting next to her. This one was the adult version of Amy. She was even more gorgeous than Amy. She looked like she could be Amy's older sister. The same features just a little taller, a little fuller, and a little older. What a very striking woman! I was immediately interested in getting to know her better. I had dated a few women since moving in but there was no particular 'friend with benefits' right now and it had been a while since I had enjoyed the exploration of a female body.

As I settled in to my chaise, they both got up and came towards me. God what a pair! I'm at a loss for words to describe them. Beautiful does not begin to tell the story. Nor does gorgeous nor ravishing nor stunning. All those words together are only the start of their description. There is so much more to tell and so few words that seem good enough to express it. Two beautiful women wearing stunning bikinis, on two absolutely gorgeous bodies, walking towards me on long slender perfectly toned and tapered legs.. It was enough to make a guy's heart flutter. And his hard-on flutter too. I think every guy in the area watched them glide around the corner of the pool to stand in front of me.

I immediately stood. The older woman, reached out her hand to shake mine and said, "Hi – I want to thank you for rescuing Amy last week. She tells me you are her knight in shining armor. I'm Amy's mom, I'm Karen, Karen Wilson.”

"Ah… Umm... Ah… BA… You... You are her mom!!??" I sputtered, I couldn’t believe she was old enough to have a 16 or 17 year old daughter.

She chuckled, "Yes, I am."

“I Uh! Umm, Ah,” I stammered some more, trying to get my brain started. I couldn't help myself I quickly looked her up and down or down an up. "Oh, well, more like her night in sunscreen," I laughed, finally getting a coherent thought articulated.

Karen was quite an eye-catcher after all. With dirty blond hair and emerald green eyes on a tanned athletic 5' 5" frame. Her breasts were not large, maybe 32B’s. They were perched high on her chest with nipples which were trying to poke themselves through her bikini top. Her little flat tummy sloped gently down to the top of her thong bikini bottom. A narrow waist that I thought I could span with my two hands flared out into perfect hips. Her legs were lithe and smooth, and tightly muscled like runner’s legs. Finally tiny feet with bright red toenails tucked into white sandals. When I got back to her eyes there was an impish grin on her lips. "Do I pass inspection," she asked

I swallowed hard, "Um, Ahh, Oh God yes, Please excuse me, I've embarrassed myself. If you don't mind me saying so you're gorgeous. You both are gorgeous! I can't believe you are mother and daughter."

"We don't mind you saying so at all, it's just what we like to hear. Amy said you were kind-of-a hunk, now I see why. We think you are gorgeous too. Don't we Amy?" A straight forward woman, who isn't afraid to say what she thinks. I like that.

I looked over to Amy and caught her looking me down and up. She blushed and when her gaze got back to my eyes and shyly said, "yeah."

I was immediately attracted to Karen, and it seemed that the attraction was mutual. We sat and talked for an hour or more. I learned that her husband had died in a traffic accident five years ago. It was hard on both of them but maybe more so for Amy. She adored her dad and still missed him. They were OK financially from life insurance and a big settlement from the company of driver of the truck that killed him. As we talked Amy went back to the pool and was horsing around with what looked like the same group of kids that were there the other day.

"Was Amy OK the other day when she got home? It looked like maybe there was a little groping going on in the pool."

"Yes, she was fine, just a little pissed that the boys were so grabby and rough. She really kinda likes the attention but she thinks the boys are too pushy. She only 13 so hasn’t had much experience with boys yet. She wants to learn, but she doesn't like them always grabbing at her," Karen said, “I guess if they were a little more considerate and less boyish she would be a lot more receptive.

"Really? Amy is only 13? I thought she might be 16 or 17. She is a such a gorgeous, mature looking girl. If I were in the pool with her I'd probably be grabby too," I said.

"Oh? You like young girls, are you one of those?" she smirked.

"Uuungh," I stammered, "I'm not really, but then I could make an exception for her. She is a remarkable beauty."

"What about me, What am I chopped liver," she giggled.

"Oh God what have I talked myself into," I grinned.

"Well I'll tell you what. If you take us to dinner tonight, we will, I will forgive you. Is that a deal?" Straight forward again, right to the point.

Never one to miss an opportunity like this I said, "I'd give anything to take you both to dinner, and I know just the place. How about I pick you up about seven?"

"Mmmm seven will be prefect,” she grinned, “You say you would give anything for a date with us? I'll keep that in mind."

We talked a few more minutes, Amy came over to us in her wet bikini. I could see just a hint of camel-toe at her crotch and I started to embarrass myself again with another hard-on. Damn I gotta quit thinking like this, she's only 13. They both looked at my embarrassment and smiled. We all left the pool area each making plans for later.


Karen’s condo was in the other building, and two floors above mine. I rang the bell at seven on the dot and heard “Come on in Tim,” from the inside. The door was unlocked so I pushed it open and stepped into the small foyer. The units are all basically the same floor plan, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a combination living room/dining-room/kitchen. There are four condos on each floor one in each corner of the building. You enter into a small foyer with the second bathroom off to one side and a short hallway leading to the master bedroom on the other side. Ahead a hallway angled left or right leads past the second bedroom into the combination living room/dining-room/kitchen. The floor plans are flipped so that the entry's are near the elevators in the center of each floor and the living rooms are in the corners. A balcony runs all the way around the outside from the master bedroom at one end to the second bedroom on the other, with the living room in the corner. Doors in each bedroom and the living room open out to the balcony.

“Have a seat in the living room Tim we will be out in just one second,” I heard Karen say, “and help yourself to a drink if you want.”

I looked at the small bar and found an open bottle of Johnnie Walker - Black sitting there, “Hmm this lady knows what I like,” I thought to myself. I poured a splash into a glass and was taking a sip when I heard “TA-DAH” behind me.

I turned and saw Karen and Amy standing at the kitchen end of the room and I gasped at the beautiful spectacle. If I thought the visions I had had at the pool were indescribable, I really hadn’t seen anything yet. They stood side-by-side and I almost had to look twice to be sure which was Amy and which was Karen. Their hair was swept up at the back into a French Twist thing, They were both in short cocktail dresses with tiny straps over their bare shoulders, bare legs and sandals. The dresses were molded to their bodies without a wrinkle in sight. And there were no VPL’s (visible panty lines) so if I wasn’t mistaken, either a thong or NO panties. Karen wore black and Amy Hot Pink. I detected nipples poking at the fabric of each bosom so probably no bras either! “My GOD,” I said breathlessly, “you two are just perfect!”

“Mmmmmm, That’s exactly the reaction we were working for,” said Karen, “what do you think Amy, does he look worthy of us, you think we should let him take us to dinner?” I had dressed in light yellow golf shirt, brown slacks and tan jacket and loafers. “Oh yessss,” hissed Amy, “I think he looks perfect.”

“Well then Mister Barnes, that settles it! I think you look delicious, so you have a date,” Said Karen. “Where are you taking us?”

I had done some consulting work for a very popular, classy little restaurant near the beach. In the process the owner Eddie Lake and I had developed a close friendship. I usually don’t let myself get too personally close to my clients, but Eddie and I seemed to have clicked from the beginning and we became close friends. We became even closer when I met his wife Jean, and learned that, as a couple they sometimes liked to invite friends into their bedroom. Eddie is a very large black man about 6’3” and I guess 240 pounds. Jean is the opposite, 5’ 6” and maybe 120 pounds. But together they are a sexy couple. They love each other dearly. They love to love each other and they love to watch each other enjoy loving other people. I had attended some very hot parties with them and one of the women I had dated. And watching Jean bouncing up and down on Eddie's large cock was as exciting as feeling her bounce up and down on mine.

“I know just the place, I’m taking you to Eddie's on the beach.”

“Oh, I know it,” said Karen, “but without a reservation we might have a long wait, it’s usually very crowded. Did you make a reservation?’

I knew that when Eddie was told I was there we would be seated immediately. He had instructed his staff that whenever I showed up he was to be notified. “No let’s just go and see; if we have to wait a few minutes, I will be the envy of every guy in the bar while we wait.”

‘OK smooth talker, lets go,” said Karen!


As expected Eddies was crowded. There was a line of people waiting to put their names on the list at the Maitre’d desk. Karen and Amy waited while I stood in line to get my name listed. I saw that Jean was on the desk tonight, and when I got there she looked up, squealed my name and came around the desk to give me a hug and kiss with a lot of tongue. Which I returned eagerly. When I returned to where Amy and Karen waited, Karen looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and asked, “Do you know her or are you just irresistible to all women?”

“Uh… I… uh… she’s the owners wife, I did some work for Eddie in the past and I met her then. I’ve gotten to be good friends with her and Eddie.”

“We could tell, you will have to tell me about the work you did for them sometime,” she grinned.

We were immediately shown to a table in a corner at the back of the restaurant, not secluded but away from the traffic and very quiet. As we walked through the place you could hear the conversations pause, and you could see the eyes, especially the men, follow our progress. God these two looked hot walking before me with their little asses twitching with each step. The hostess seated us and soon a waiter was filling water glasses when Eddie came bursting around the corner and said very loudly, “Who the hell let you in here you bum? I told them up front to never let you in here again. I even posted your picture at the desk to be sure everyone would recognize you!”

The conversations in the room stopped entirely and every eye was looking at the scene at our table. Karen and Amy both had shocked – surprised expressions on their faces. I slowly stood, moved to just a few inches in front of Eddie, and stood nose to nose with him. I glared in his face for a second, then said just as loudly; “I can’t believe this place is still open you big ugly son-of-a-bitch, I thought the health department would have closed you down long ago when they found the dead rats in your kitchen.” We stood glaring at each other. I heard someone gasp behind me and a few close by chairs scraped the floor as people maneuvered to get out of the way while everyone waited for the explosion to happen. Then neither of us could pretend any longer. I laughed and then hugged the big oaf. He hugged me back and everyone in the room exhaled audibly, laughed and settled back to their conversations.

I introduced Karen and Amy to Eddie, and Karen gushed about how much she liked the restaurant and how happy she was to meet the ‘famous’ owner. I could see the wheels turning in Eddie’s head while he was wondering how I knew these two gorgeous creatures and whether we were more than just friends. We explained that we had just discovered that we were neighbors and were just getting acquainted ourselves. I think both Amy and Karen were a little awed by meeting the 'owner' of Eddie's and by how huge but gentle seeming he was. And Eddie was, I think a little in awe of the gorgeous creatures I had brought to his place.

After a few minutes Amy started looking at the menu in front of her and Eddie took her menu away and said, “no sweet thing, you let Eddie fix you a special dinner. Does everyone like seafood? I have some fresh Flounder, caught this morning and I'd love to prepare it for you. OK?” Eddie is a trained chef and still does at least some of the cooking at the restaurant. And he’s very good. He insisted on making a special dinner for us and that it was on the house. I argued, weakly, because I knew it wouldn’t make any difference. We had a wonderful meal and both Eddie and Jean sat and chatted with us over coffee and after-dinner drinks. Karen and Jean seemed to like each other. They were both amazed to learn that Amy was only 13, just as I was earlier. And it pleased Amy that people thought she was older. Karen had even allowed her a small glass of wine with dinner.

After dinner I took the ladies home and we sat and talked while I had another Johnnie Walker – Black. Soon Amy said she was going to bed and ‘leave you two alone’ she gave her mom a kiss and then kissed my cheek too. Then she disappeared around the corner. I looked at Karen and she patted the couch beside her and said, “Come sit. I want to tell you something important.” I sat.

“After Jim died it took a while, but I finally realized that life must go on. For me but especially for Amy. I dated a few men, and I guess I measured them all against my memories of Jim. And none of them measured up. I want you to know that because I think I feel something very different with you. We haven't known each other long, and I don't want to scare you away by moving too fast, but I feel that you might someday be very important to Amy and me and I don’t want there to be any secrets if that does happen. I like you and I think Amy likes you also.”

Before she could continue I said, “I’m glad to hear that you think this might be something special because I feel that way too. And I don’t want anything to get in the way of that either.

She paused for a moment thinking obviously about what was on her mind, then said, “I am not usually so straight forward but I feel that I don't want to waste a lot of time getting to know you better. So I hope you aren't put off if I seem pushy or forward. I'm a very sexual person and I have had sex with a few men I've dated. I don't know when or if we are going to have sex but I have had a few drinks tonight and I find you to be very exciting.”

“I will never take advantage of any situation, and I didn't ever assume that we might get to that point on a first date or ever for that matter. But I want you to know that I think you are the sexiest, most exciting person I have ever met and I am very attracted to you.”

We kissed. Tentatively at first and then more eagerly. Her arms went around my neck and pulled me to her and I turned to bring our bodies together. Our lips parted and our tongues began to wrestle in each others mouths. I don't remember how long that kiss lasted but we were both kinda out of breath when we pulled apart. Her eyes were glassy and I’m sure mine were also, she said.

“Wow, that was a kiss to remember. Let me get my breath. I want to be sure you understand. I don't know why I’m telling you this 'cause I hardly know you but, Jim and I had what I guess could be called an open relationship. We had great sex together! Sometimes we were attracted to other people, we usually talked about it first and then if he or I didn’t have any objection we would go ahead and do it, we would have sex, let's use the word, we would fuck with that other person. Sometimes we would be with other people before we talked with each other but not often. I would love to have that kind of relationship again. What do you think? Am I a tramp?”

“I don't know you very well, yet, but you are clearly no tramp in my eyes. If this is true confession time, then I want you to know a few things about me also. I too like sex. I like it a lot! I really appreciate sexy women like you. I like to flirt a lot with lots of women. I guess some people would say that I have a roving eye.”

Karen looked at me with one eyebrow raised, “Just flirting?' she asked.

“No, sometimes more than just flirting,” I said, “I think you should know now. I am a very friendly guy. I don’t necessarily go looking for sex, or to cheat on anyone but I think that if there is a situation where emotions are hot and the clothes are coming off, go with it, and we will discuss it later!”

“Are you telling me that you might want to be with other women even if we were committed to each other?”

I looked straight into her beautiful eyes, “I don't want to ever be anything but honest with you. It was a discussion exactly like this that caused my ex-wife and I to decide that there was no future for us together, but yes, there might be situations where I would want to have sex with other women.”

Karen sat for a moment just looking at me, not speaking, then she smiled and said, “I couldn’t have said it better. I feel exactly the same way. I was thinking of how I was going to tell you much the same thing.”

I took her in my arms and we kissed deeply. It was a kiss that was like no other I had ever experienced. I felt a connection, a something that I still can’t describe, I felt a closeness and partnership with Karen then that left me breathless. I knew at that moment that she was the other half of me. I hadn’t thought that I was a partial being, a partial existence but that first kiss showed me, showed us what was missing in our lives. She felt it too I know because we talked about it later. Our tongues wrestled with the other. I caressed her breast and she moaned deep in her throat. As the kisses heated up, I eased the dress straps off from her shoulders and pulled her dress down to her waist freeing her breasts to be kissed too. I love tiny titties and these were perfect. Her pink nipples were hard like little pebbles and poked up from her aureole. I moved the kissing from her lips to her neck to her nipples, sucking and gently nipping with my teeth. As I was kissing I moved my hand down across her tummy toward her crotch and she opened her legs to give me room. I slid my hand up her thigh under her dress and discovered there were no panties. Her pussy was sopping wet as I rubbed her clit and pushed a finger inside. Her hips started gentle fucking motions impaling herself on my fingers trying to get them further up inside her hot, juicy vagina. Then little shudders as she began a series of mini-cums, until she froze and clamped her thighs together in a much bigger orgasm. After a minute she relaxed and opened her eyes. I curled my fingers up toward the front of her vagina. I found what I was looking for and gently rubbed/scratched her “G” spot. She had a wild look in her eyes and again clamped her thighs together, trapping my hand and fingers in her vice. She said huskily, “I don't usually fuck on the first date, but take me to bed. Take me to bed and fuck me. Fuck me hard. Please do it now!”

She led me to her bedroom practically running down the hallway. I looked into Amy’s room as we passed it but it seemed that she was asleep. Karen flipped the covers down on her king-sized bed and dropped her dress around her ankles, while I finished taking off my pants, shoes and socks. Her body was breathtaking but I didn’t take much time admiring it as she was urging me to hurry. She lay back on the bed her feet flat on the bed and her knees in the air, spread wide. She started stroking her pussy and clit as I climbed between her legs and pushed my face into her pussy. Her body jerked and she let out a long, low groan and tried to lift herself closer to my tongue. I spent a few seconds there, then I continued down to the bottom of her slit, and stuck my tongue in as far as it would go. Hers was as sweet a pussy as I have ever tasted. And I love to eat pussy. She had a nice fresh clean smell and taste. I licked up to her clit sucked it and then down again, pressing the tip of my tongue to her rosebud asshole. Her hips jerked up so I could tongue her ass. “Oh Yesssss lick me there… no stop…not now … fuck me!!” She reached and grabbed my arms and pulled me up so we were face to face. And said loudly, “FUCK ME NOW. FUCK ME HARD. FUCK ME LONG. PLEASE FUCK ME.” I was afraid Amy would hear her so I clamped my mouth over hers and reached between us to put my cock at her opening. I eased my hips forward and slowly slid my seven-inch cock full-length into her. Her pussy fit my cock like a glove, it seemed like it was caressing my cock from one end to the other. I started stroking, with long, slow, steady strokes deep fucking her. I had learned early on that starting slow and letting my partner get warmed up was always better than slam-bam thank-you ma’am. She was urging me faster and I obliged gradually fucking faster and harder. Then I switched to short quick strokes, and then back to long slow strokes. With each stroke I could feel my cock bumping her cervix. She started fucking her hips up to meet my thrusts we were a fucking machine. Each receiving from and giving to the other. It was an incredible experience for me and I hoped for her too. Then she started arching her hips up toward me bouncing off the mattress, her hips fucking back at me a mile a minute. “Oh GOD YESSSSS… its sooo good OH GOD I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cuuuuuummmmminnnnnggggg,” she shouted, while her body stiffened and then just froze for a few seconds. With one last thrust deep into her pussy I shot my load and the walls of her vagina milked my cock dry. It was incredible. I rested over her for a few moments, supporting my weight on my arms, letting the tingling in my cock and belly ease away. My cock popped out of her as I rolled off her and lay on the bed beside her. She was still muttering ‘so good… so good’ along with little moans and sighs. We rested for several minutes not talking, both of us just reliving the experience. For me it was the most exciting, fulfilling sex that I had had.

As we gradually returned to the present, I wondered if maybe I should leave and go home so Amy wouldn't find me here in the morning. I had no doubt that she knew we might have sex when she left us but I didn’t know how it would be in the light of a new day. Karen said no that it was OK to stay the night, that Amy had seen similar mornings in the past and didn’t have any problem with it. With that she rolled on to her side and spooned into me. “Move over a little” she said, “there is a big wet spot here that I don’t want to sleep on.” I moved and she moved with me. I put my arm over her and she took my hand and put on her breast. She muttered 'so good… so good…' and we both drifted off to sleep.


“Oh! Eeeuuu! Look at the mess you two made here.” I opened my eyes in the morning and saw Amy in her pajamas getting into bed on the other side of her mom. I was a little startled that she was there and could see that we were still nude. And I had my normal morning wood. Karen woke too and smiled at her daughter, “Good morning sweetie did you sleep well?”

“G’Morning, yea after you finished all that screaming I slept OK.”

“Oh sorry sweetie I didn’t realize we so noisy.”

“Oh pooh you are not either sorry,” Amy teased.

“You’re right I’m not sorry,” laughed Karen

“Are you going to fix me some breakfast or am I gonna starve this morning.”

“I’ll be there in just a minute, you go to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee. We will be right out.”

“OK but don’t you start anything or you will never get out of bed today,” giggled Amy.

“You sassy little scamp get out of here,” Karen swatted her butt.

“Owww! Child abuse! You saw it Tim you are my witness!”

“Me? I didn’t see anything, I didn’t hear anything. I know noottthhhiiinnng!” I joined the teasing in my best Schultz imitation.

We all laughed and Amy went out. Karen turned to me and we kissed, “Uggghhh, morning breath, sorry about that” she said, “but I wanted to kiss you and thank you for last night that was the best sex I’ve had since Jim died.”

“It was my pleasure you certainly don’t have to thank me for what we had together. It was the best sex I’ve ever had. Thank you! I’m sorry Amy saw me like this.”

“It’s OK. I want her to learn more about men. She is usually shyer around men. She has never come in here like this when a man was here, maybe she likes you. I know I do.” She leaned in and kissed me again, this time with a lot of tongue and we didn’t even notice the morning mouth. I cupped her breast and lightly pinched a nipple, which immediately stood at attention looking for more of the same. Karen moaned and reached down and started stroking my hard-on when we heard Amy shout from the kitchen, “Are you two fooling around in there or you coming to breakfast?”

Karen giggled and whispered, “save this for later” then said to Amy, “we are coming - right now.”

I went into the bathroom to relieve my bladder and when I returned to get dressed Karen was gone. I went into the kitchen and found her there she was still nude. I reacted with a quick gasp and a sudden swelling in my pants. She explained that they usually were very casual about wearing clothes at home and would that be OK with me. Well let me think… two gorgeous women who seem to like me; want to sometimes be nude around me??? Would that be OK?? Hmmm? I am pinching myself to be sure this isn’t a dream. Uh yea I guess that would be OK with me. Wow my head hasn’t stopped spinning since I met these beautiful creatures. If this is a dream I hope I never wake up!

After a light breakfast, Amy left the kitchen while Karen and I chatted. We heard her shower running and then a little later she came back wearing the bikini bottoms I had seen the other day but no bra. I choked on a mouthful of coffee almost spraying everyone with it. Her titties were tiny like her moms just a little smaller, perfect, with hard little pink nipples in the middle of creamy white triangles where her bikini tops have covered them.

“Oh GOD, I must have died and gone to perv heaven.” I groaned. Amy had a shy little smile on her face, and when I looked at Karen she was looking at Amy with a raised eyebrow and a cute little smirk on her lips.

“I think we may have to call 911,” she said laughingly.

Amy asked if she could go to the pool and after getting permission she put her top on grabbed a towel and was out the door.

“Well here we are alone again,” Karen smiled, “can you think of anything that might keep us occupied for a little while?”

“I think I would like to finish what we started when Amy called us to breakfast,” I said.

“I’d like that, I like the way you think,” Karen grinned.

We went back to her bedroom and once again I shed my clothes while she lay back on the bed and began fingering herself. This time I wanted to worship her so I said, “Just lay back and let me love you OK?”

I started kissing her lips her eyes her ears her neck slowly and gently just brushing my lips to her flesh. I started down her arm to her fingertips kissing each one. Then back up the arm to her breast and nipple. I just couldn’t get enough of those nipples. Kissing and sucking and nibbling first the right one and then the left. She was moaning now and urging me to move faster, telling me she wanted me in her now, but I continued slowly kissing and caressing. I kissed lower closing in on her pussy. It was still crusty with last nights mixture of my cum and her juices and as I kissed and licked around her opening I could taste the combination. I have tasted cum before, other guys, and my own so I wasn’t the least hesitant to push my tongue into her hole and get a good taste of us. We tasted great by the way. She was fucking her hips up against my face now begging me to put my cock into her. Instead I used two fingers to spread her lips apart so I could stimulate around her clit. She was already wet from her secretions but I wanted to suck and caress her clit and I wanted it to be protruding from its little hood before I took it in my mouth. As I moved my lips to her clit and tongued and sucked while I slid my middle finger into her vagina and felt up to the front and found her G spot. When I began to massage it she screamed her first orgasm of the morning and went rigid under me. I continued my kissing while she came down from her high, and kissed down her thigh and let to her feet and toes. After sucking lightly on each toe I started back up the other leg. When I got back to her pussy once again she was fucking her hips up to meet my tongue, pleading now for me to fuck her. This time I kissed her clit once more then rose up and planted my cock into her with one long stroke, clear to the bottom. When my cock tip hit her cervix she screamed her second orgasm and went rigid again. This time I just stayed in her not moving until she started to relax again. I asked her to roll over and she quickly assumed the doggie position and I entered her again now stroking slowly in and out of her steaming hot cunt. Her cunt walls were holding my cock like a glove not wanting to let me slide too far out. As I fucked into her I touched my finger to her rosebud. I remembered that it had turned her on when I licked her there last night. It turned her on again this morning. She started to tremble and moan anticipating an attack on her ass. And I didn’t keep her waiting for long. I was barely able to keep from cumming long enough to slide my finger deep into her rectum as I thrust my cock deep into her pussy and unloaded my balls. She screamed her third, fourth and more orgasms and collapsed under me. Taking me down with her to lie exhausted on the bed. As I lay there on top of her my cock still embedded in her I could feel her shudder with mini-cums. I rolled to her side and my cock popped out of her. I could her mumbling softly, 'so good…. so good.'

I must have dozed for a while, because the next thing I knew was hearing muffled voices. I opened my eyes and found myself alone in her bed. Karen had left me there to sleep. I dressed again, cleaned up in the bathroom and walked out into the living room. Amy and Karen (Karen still nude) were sitting on the couch. They quit talking and both looked up at me and smiled. Karen called me a sleepy head, Amy just looked at me and I decided that I had clearly been the topic of conversation before I walked in. I apologized for falling asleep and we chatted for a few minutes. I told them that I had to get back to my place because I had a business Tele-conference soon and had some more work to do to get ready. Karen ask if I had plans for the evening and when I said no she invited me to dinner with them again, this time here, so they could show me how well the two of them could cook. That was fine with me first because I really wanted to spend more time with these two and second because I guessed that they were probably good cooks and I needed to eat anyway.

As I worked that afternoon I couldn’t stop thinking about Karen and my feelings for her and her daughter. Was I falling in love? It clearly felt like nothing I had ever felt before. But things were moving so quickly. Maybe I was in lust rather than love. I had only known her for a little more than 24 hours. But it seemed so right. She was intelligent, chic, witty, fun to be with woman. And what a woman she was. The sex we had was wild and urgent but I had felt a mental connection there with her as well as the physical connection. Wowie Wowie wow! What am I doing here and do I want to commit to a relationship, assuming she wants to move forward with one? I had enjoyed my first marriage from the standpoint of companionship and the sex. There was someone to talk with, to go for walks with, someone to share meals with. I did miss not having a partner. Finally I decided that I should just see how things proceeded. Maybe I was just a fling for her, but I sensed it was more than that for us both.

I pushed their door buzzer at six as we had agreed and Karen opened the door to let me in. She was nude and incredibly lovely. Tan lines helped to enhance her breasts, her nipples tipped up slightly pink and starting to harden as I gazed at them. Her pussy too was outlined by her tan lines with just a strip of the softest, finest hair above her slightly puffy lips. My cock started to rise immediately. When I entered the living room Amy came out of the kitchen also nude. She was as I’ve described, a miniature version of her mom and just as lovely. She still had that fresh innocent virginal look about her but you could also detect the smoldering sexuality that her mom possessed. I stopped in my tracks for a second choked back a gasp and my cock finished its rise to full readiness.

“I see that we meet with your approval,” giggled Karen.

“I… Ah… Uh… Um… yes definitely,” I stammered, as I stood there looking first at Karen then Amy then back again. I consider myself to be a fairly worldly guy who isn’t often completely at a loss for something to say. And I’ve seen my share of naked bodies. But this was something for all time. I will never forget the vision of these two gorgeous creatures standing in front of me. I finally came to my senses and realized that I was staring and making an ass of myself.

“My God please excuse me. Please excuse me for staring, for slobbering all over your carpet and myself and for mumbling incoherently. You two are the loveliest things I have ever seen.”

Karen came to me, pressed her body against mine and gave me a big kiss. “That was a naughty thing for us to do to you, but we got exactly the reaction we were looking for,” as she pushed her hips against my hard cock.

“Tim please come here and sit, we want to talk for a minute before we eat.” Karen sat on one end of the couch and Amy on the other. I was in the middle. “Amy and I talked a lot this afternoon. Were talking when you left this morning, as I’m sure you saw. We talked about what happened yesterday with you. We talked about where this might lead and we decided that we like you. We like you enough to invite you here into our home and let you see us with our hair down so to speak. To let you see how we live. We like you enough to see if things might become more serious between us. We know that we only met yesterday and that things have moved rather quickly. Am I, are we, scaring you yet?”

“Well I had some long talks with myself today too. No you are not scaring me. I know I feel the same way. I decided that I miss having someone else in my life. I miss the close companionship. I felt something last night when we kissed. I felt that I had discovered a part of me that I didn’t even know was missing. I think you felt something too. I feel something for you both that I haven’t ever felt before. I really want to see where this might lead us, and I want you both to know that if it becomes more serious then I am ready to go there.”

Karen turned to me and gave me a big kiss with lots of tongue. It must have lasted a full minute. “OK mom come up for air,” giggled Amy.

Karen pulled back and our eyes locked. She had a starry eyed look, a dreamy expression. No sooner had she pulled back than Amy gave me a full-mouthed kiss also. No tongue, but just as enthusiastic. My cock had calmed itself slightly while we were talking but now started its rise again.

“As you now know Amy and I like to be nude at home. You are welcome to be that way too, but don’t feel you have to. Nudism is a very individual decision. It is very freeing for us, but it takes some time for some people to get used to it.” She grinned and glanced down at my crotch. “If you would rather not it’s fine with us, but we are going to be our normal selves. Is that OK with you?”

Growing up at home with my parents, we were never too careful about wearing clothes or in closing doors. So while we weren't really nudists, I was comfortable with nudity and sometimes went nude myself inside my condo. I had even visited a nude resort not far from here a couple of times. Being nude gives you a sense of freedom, and I think it gives you a sense of confidence that you can't get otherwise. When you are able to remove your clothes and move around and be with other people, you just don't get too hung up about your perception of how your body looks. But these two bodies were nothing to be ashamed of. God what gorgeous nude bodies.

“Yes I completely understand. Yes I’m OK with it, you two just took me by surprise. And uh… I’m uh – uh I'm ... just a little indisposed right now.”

“If you take your clothes off things won’t be so crowded in there,” said Amy, looking openly at my crotch.

Karen laughed, “from the mouth’s of babes. I guess that lets you know that she’s OK with it and you should know by now that I am.”

Not to be out done by these two minxes I stood, turned to face them and pulled my shirt over my head. I slowly undid my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my fly and dropped my pants around my ankles. Both sets of eyes were glued to the bulge in my jockey’s. I turned my back to them and pushed them down dropping them with my trousers. Willie popped up into freedom and I wiggled my ass for them, then slowly turned to face them.

“Oh my God,” Amy breathed.

“Isn’t it beautiful,” said Karen, “Amy will you excuse us for a minute I want to help Tim with this. Go in the kitchen and finish dinner, Please.”

Amy stood and said, “welcome to our home.” She pressed up against me making sure she pushed against my hard cock, and kissed me again. Then she walked away as Karen pulled me into her bedroom and took my cock in her mouth. She pulled my hips forward and began sucking and jacking my cock. I started fucking her mouth then and again we were a sex machine me fucking her mouth and she sucking my cock deep into it. As horny as I had become it took only a few minutes until I shot my load into her mouth. She caught every drop and swallowed greedily.

“Umm God you taste good. I’m gonna love sucking your cock and swallowing your cum. Shall we go eat dinner now, I’ve already had my desert.”

We went to the kitchen and Amy was finishing setting the table. “Did every thing come out OK,” she smirked.

“Yes it did, and don’t be sassy little missy,” laughed Karen

The meal was just a simple home cooked pot roast with potatoes, onions and carrots, but it was delicious. I’m not a great cook but not bad either, but I really don’t cook much for just myself and it was a pleasure to eat good home cooking. I had forgotten how good it was. We had a nice Merlot with the meal and Karen allowed Amy to have a half glass in celebration of our new “family” as we decided to call our relationship. It was the most pleasant experience I’d had in a long time. I thought I could get to like this very much.

After dinner we took the wine bottle and adjourned to the living room again. I sat on the couch again with Karen while Amy sat in a big chair opposite us. And while she didn’t openly flash me, she didn’t do anything to keep me from seeing her cute nearly hairless little pussy. I glanced at Karen a couple of times and she seemed to be amused by her daughter’s antics. So I looked. I couldn’t see any hair on her pubes but her hair was so blond anyway that I couldn’t have seen it from a distance if there was any. Her outer lips were tight together, and you could see just a hint of her clit at the top. As expected my cock started to rise again so I had to look away and concentrate on the multiplication tables, and how many decimal places I could remember for pi, 3.14159 was all I could remember. It helped.

I learned that Amy loved school and was an “A” student taking some AP Math, Science and English classes and was planning on a computer science degree after high school. Her best friend’s name is Kelly, they both think boys their age are dopey and they are too grabby and rough. There are one or two ‘older’ boys who they think are dreamy. She and Kelly just finished eighth grade with another year of middle school before they get to high school. This coming year they would be the ‘seniors’ in middle school and they had every intention of lording it over the lesser students. Just like it’s been since the dawn of time.

I learned that Karen had suffered deep depression after Jim had died and for almost a year friends had kept a close eye on her to be sure she was OK. It had been only about two years ago that she had started really living again. Her best friend was Shannon, they had met before Jim had died and Shannon and husband Don had been there for Karen ever since. About a year ago she had taken a real estate course and was a licensed agent but really didn’t work at it. It was a part of the healing process part of getting on with her life. Her effort to get back in touch with other people. Looking at her now, laughing and full of life it was hard to imagine her pain.

I told them about my consulting business how it was just now starting to flourish. How Eddie was one of the first people to trust me and give me a chance when I was just starting up.

By now it was getting late and Amy was yawning, “I’m going to bed, will you two try keeping it down tonight?” she giggled. Amy stood and came and stood in front of me. She nudged my legs apart and then sat on my leg with her legs between mine. She leaned forward pressed her right breast into my chest and gave me a big kiss on the lips. She tried to put everything into it and I could sense her inexperience, but I also sensed that she really wanted to appear very grown up. I reached my hands up and held her face and gently gave her a long sweet kiss. When I let her pull back she had a starry eyed look in her eyes. We both looked over at Karen, she had a huge smile on her face so I thought I might live for another day. Amy said, “good night Tim I’m glad you are here.”

“Good night sweetheart, I can’t tell you how glad I am to be here with you and your mom. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” She kissed her mom and disappeared into her bedroom. I looked at Karen not too sure what her reaction to all that was going to be. She looked me in the eye with a slightly puzzled expression. I sat there saying nothing waiting for her.

“Thank you,” she said, “for letting her flirt with you. You amaze me. You did just the right thing, when some guys might have been very crude. Amy is very mature in some ways and still a little girl in many others, but she wants so much to be all grown up. I have tried to be very open with her about sex topics. When she has a question she knows that I will answer truthfully and honestly. She knows that she can tell me anything and I will not be judgmental about it. She knows I have had sex with men I have dated and as you have seen she likes to flirt. I have never seen her even come close to another man or flirted with one the way she was with you tonight. I know you don’t know it but she has a crush on you, she likes you a lot. She was very close to her daddy and she was devastated when he left us just as I was. Since then she has been very reserved with men. I’m just delighted that she likes you and feels comfortable with you.”

“Don’t thank me. It was my pleasure. I have to tell you it wasn’t an unpleasant experience for me; she is so cute and sexy though that I nearly lost it. Especially now with her kiss.”

“I can see what it did for you, come lets go to bed and I’ll help you with that,” Pointing to my raging hard-on.

We made love that night. It was slow kissing and caressing - making love. I’ve always believed that there is a difference between fucking and making love. One is more of a sharing experience where participants are trying to give as much pleasure as possible as they receive. And the other is more personal, it’s each participant for themselves. Get your own pleasure and partners are responsible to get their own. That isn’t to say you have to be in love to make love and it doesn’t mean you can’t fuck the one you do love. Just that one is more oriented towards yourself and the other more oriented towards your partner. This night we made love. Not that it wasn’t intense. It was very intense. We sixty-nined, she was on top, I was on top, doggie, cow girl you name it. We were expressing our new-found love for each other in every position we could think of. I awoke in the morning to hear Karen and Amy whispering. Amy had climbed into bed along side her mom again. I couldn’t hear their words but it seemed to be very loving between them. I began to stir and my morning wood brushed against Karen’s delicious ass. She rolled onto her side facing me. “Good morning love,” she said.

It was the first time the ‘love’ word had entered our conversations and I thought it sounded very nice. “Good morning to you too, both of you,” I said. I continued lying on my side trying to be as discrete as possible. Karen reached between us and started stroking my cock. It surprised me and when I jumped she giggled. She continued to stroke looking directly in my eyes. Amy behind her said, “Oh jeez you two never quit, I guess ill go start breakfast.”

After Amy left, I said, “I need to go pee. I’m trying to be discrete with Amy here.”

“Go pee, we’ll talk about that later.”

This morning when I entered the kitchen both Amy and Karen were nude. It was almost more than I could take. I wanted to fuck both of them and it seemed that they both wanted to fuck me too, although I wasn’t sure Amy was mature enough to make that decision yet. They both teased me about being clothed, but I held my ground. I needed to talk seriously with Karen. She seemed to be encouraging Amy to flirt with me, and I was uncertain about how to react. I definitely didn’t want to screw up whatever was developing between Karen and I but I was really having trouble keeping my hard-on from being obvious to Amy. And from grabbing her and doing something I might regret.

Like yesterday after breakfast Amy went to the pool and Karen and I fucked. This time it was fucking. She was so hot and anxious she was almost like a different person. She sucked my cock till I came down her throat then kept sucking till I was hard again. I don’t know where my endurance was coming from, but I managed to stay with her. When I was hard again she asked me if I would take her ass. How could I refuse one of the all time best asses I’ve ever seen, either in person or in videos. I loosened her sphincter with my finger then plunged deep into her bowels. At the time I didn’t know if her ass was cherry but it was as tight as anything I had ever experienced. She was fucking back against me faster and faster, asking me to fuck her deep, fuck her fast, fuck her in the ass. And I did the best I could. She shrieked her orgasm and I was certain a neighbor would call 911 to report it. I guess no one did ‘cause the cops never showed up. We collapsed, her face down into her pillow, me still buried in her ass. I rolled to the side pulling her with me and we fell asleep with my cock still in her ass.

We slept again for a few minutes, I don’t know long. When I opened my eyes, Karen had dislodged my cock and rolled completely over and was now facing me. “Hi stud,” she whispered.


She paused for a moment. She seemed to be trying to form some thoughts in her head, then asked, “Are you OK with Amy flirting with you?”

“Yes I guess so, I know she is just trying to act grown up. I don’t mind. But I’m very liable to have some giant erections around her. I don’t want that to affect us and what we have going here. I hope you understand that it’s just a natural reaction to a beautiful and sexy young woman.”

“Would you have sex with her,” Karen asked, looking directly into my eyes.

As I pondered an answer my cock twitched and started to grow. It’s a treacherous organ. Oh shit! How to answer this. There aren’t many men alive who would not want to have sex with a teenaged virgin. And there aren’t many women alive who do not know this. If I answer no, Karen wouldn’t believe me; if I answer yes would she think I was some pervert after young girls. Honesty is the best policy. “Of course I would. Any normal male would be crazy if he said no to Amy.”

“Do you think she’s too young for full sex,” she asked?

“I don’t know you or Amy as well as I hope to but I think mental maturity is the key factor in deciding whether or not a person is old enough to have sex. Sex must always be a voluntary act. No one should ever be coerced or talked into having sex with another person. It is a decision that each person must make for himself or herself. In the case of younger/older the real question is whether the younger person is truly mature enough to know what they want for themselves or if they are just trying consciously or subconsciously to please the older person. Kids are very good at intuiting what adults are thinking and what adults want them to do. Obviously physical maturity is a factor also. A very young girl can't be expected to physically accommodate an adult cock. And a very young person can't be mature enough make a decision like that.”

“Age of consent laws try to legislate the decision, but as usual a law cannot replace common sense. Here in Florida, the age is 18. But there are hundreds of 18 year old kids who are not mature enough to be having sex; as evidenced by the number of illegitimate and unwanted babies being born or fetuses being aborted; and by the epidemic of STD's in the world. On the other hand there are certainly intelligent younger people who are mature enough to make a rational decision. I don’t know Amy well as I said, but I would guess she is in the latter group.”

“On a similar subject, what about sex between parents and their children,” she asked?

“Well it’s really the same answer. I don’t think relationship is a factor if all parties have made mature, rational decisions to do it. I think parents have to be very careful though, because kids are very good at reading between the lines and knowing what to do to please their parents. A child might even think they were making a rational decision, when in reality it was a desire to please mom or dad and not to please themselves. If all parties have decided for the right reasons to have sex then I think it doesn’t matter as long as pregnancy doesn’t result. There are no good reasons for children to become parents.”

“I have another confession to make,” Karen said, “Amy and I are very close and she knows she can talk to me about anything. About a year or so ago she came home from school and asked me about masturbation. I explained what it was, and that it was normal and OK for her or anyone to do it. She asked if I did it and I told her yes. A few days later she asked me if I would show her how to do it. She had tried it in her room and didn’t think she was doing it properly. So we began a learning session where I demonstrated using my body. I showed her the parts of the female body, and how I like to be rubbed and stimulated. She was duplicating the lesson on her own body. God Tim it was so hot. I didn’t want to get aroused but I did. I came with a huge orgasm and then explained to her what that was like. Since then we have progressed to masturbating each other and doing oral on each other. Do you think I am a bad mother?”

“No! I don’t think you are a bad mother at all. I think you are a very good mother. Kids will learn about sex! It's just a question of when, where, and from whom they learn. There is no better way to learn about sex than from someone who loves you and wants what’s best for you. Someone who will take the time to make it enjoyable. And I don’t have any doubt about how much you love Amy and want what’s best for her.”

“Thank you Tim, and now here is the sixty-four dollar question. She asked me if you would show her how guys masturbate. Would you be willing to do that for her?”

I had once again let my big mouth put me in a situation where there was only one way out. Here was a woman, a mother, who I was falling in love with, asking me to help her child, the person she loved more than life itself, to learn about sex. There was no question in my mind about whether Amy had made the decision on her own and that she really wanted to learn. But I paused and considered for a moment.

“If we start this how far will you want it to go?”

“As far as you and she want it to go. As you said, it must always be a mutual decision.”

Trapped by my own words again. “you mean it would be OK with you if she and I had sex?”

“Yes. I think I know how you feel about me, about us. I am not worried that you will fall in love with Amy and leave me.” She grinned. “Would you fall for her and leave me?”

“I don’t want anything to sabotage what we have going here. You wouldn’t be jealous or anything? Could you know we were having sex and be OK?”

“Jim and I used to swing. We loved each other very much. And I loved to watch him with other women and he loved to watch me with other men. No, jealousy would not be a problem.”

“Are you sure that Amy is OK with this, I don’t want to hurt her in any way either.”

“Oh yea I’m sure. She definitely wants to learn about sex and she definitely wants you and me to help her learn. She really likes you. On the other hand she is still young so we need to do things at her speed, that is not to push her too fast.”

“I guess we can try and see what happens. The things we do for the people we love,” I said.

It was the second time the “L” word had been spoken. And this time it was me that used it.

It surprised her. Her eyes popped opened wide, “what did you say?”

“I said I love you too.”