Author: Virtual Scott
Title: Lloyd's Angel
Part: 8 of 18
Summary: Lloyd discovers he has the ability to influence others with his mind;
can he think with his head instead of his cock as he struggles to control
his gift and come to terms with its ethical implications?
Keywords: MF M+F FF mc

Lloyd's Angel: The Party

January 1962

I wasn't graced by any dreams that night, but Alexandra appeared at the
door to my cave about mid-morning. That was even better, as far as I was

"How was your weekend?" I inquired, beckoning her in.

"Okay," she smiled. "The wedding seems to be on track, and we have
Jonathan and Danny measured. The waistcoats they settled on aren't *too*

I thought Jonathan was an idiot. While Alexandra was preoccupied with her
coat, I closed my eyes long enough to locate her, and wafted that thought
ever so gently in her direction. The rigid erection in my pants was more
than enough of a reminder that it was perilously easy to go overboard
without meaning to do so.

"Well, what brings you down, besides the heat?"

She settled primly in my guest chair and flashed a brief smile. "There is
that." The humor was switched off just as quickly as it had appeared. "I
wanted to hear what you learned from Susan on Friday. She had an
appointment this morning, so I haven't been able to ask her."

I quickly related the censored version. "If you try something like that
again, I think she might hit you," I concluded.

"But it worked!" Alexandra emphasized, clearly excited. "It's just
fascinating, Lloyd!" She turned her gaze on me, but it was clear she was
looking at the interesting research problem and not the man.

Well, I liked her looking at me, and vice versa. I used my lightest
featherweight touch to loft that thought at her, too. Gently, Lloyd, I
told myself before resuming the conversation. "So, another test?"

"Absolutely," she responded. "It's pretty clear you have a genuine
ability, but we have no idea how it works. Why did the ketchup work, but
the word fail? What limitations does it have?" Alexandra cocked her head.
"Have you figured out anything more?"

I decided a little confession wouldn't be out of line. "I think it's
pretty short range. If I concentrate, I can see sort of a glow where
people's heads are, if they aren't very far away. It's hard to describe,
but I think it's all related."

Her bug-under-the-magnifying-glass stare was back. "Really! Can you see me

I already knew I could, but I went through the motions of closing my eyes
and finding her in front of me. Alexandra's glow started moving toward the
doorway; keeping my eyes closed, I told her, "You're walking away from me
now." She kept moving until she was so faint I wouldn't have found her if
I hadn't been watching, and then the glow moved sideways and abruptly
disappeared. "Lost you," I reported, and opened my eyes again.

Alexandra looked around the door jam. "Interesting. Was it when I went
through the door, or when I stepped down the hall?"

"I think it was the wall. I could still see you, but you disappeared when
you moved sideways."

"I wish Susan was here," Alexandra sighed, walking back into the room.
"This isn't rigorous enough; we need an observer, at least."

The lack of an observer wasn't bothering me, but I was having difficulties
resisting the temptation to meddle. "Couldn't we rough things out, so we'd
have a better idea of where to spend time with the careful experiments?"

"How would you propose doing that?" Alexandra asked cautiously, but she
didn't dismiss the idea out of hand.

It was a spur-of-the-moment suggestion, so I didn't have a plan in mind.
"Well..." I thought furiously. "Let's go out in the hall where there's
more room. You'll walk slowly toward me until I tell you to stop, and then
we can count tiles to get an estimate of the distance."

"How will you decide when I should stop?" Alexandra wanted to know.

"It's kind of hard to describe," I demurred. "We're just trying to get a
distance we can refine later on, okay? I only have a few more minutes
before I need to head to class."

"Okay," she decided, clearly humoring me.

We walked into the hallway and proceeded to opposite ends before facing
each other, rather like modern-day duelists. The difference was that we
were unarmed, at least visibly, and only Alexandra began pacing slowly
forward. I closed my eyes and began casting my vision outwards, mouthing
her name silently on my lips and concentrating on the warmth I felt.

Her slow footsteps echoed down the hallway as I kept concentrating.
Eventually a faint sense of her presence appeared in my mind and I
redoubled my effort, ignoring a burgeoning headache. As soon as saw a
faint ripple, I shouted, "stop!" and opened my eyes.

"How far, Alex?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

She quickly paced off the remaining distance between us. "About 15 feet.
How confident are you about the distance?"

"Pretty sure, I guess. Like you said, Alex, we'd need to set up a more
formal experiment to be sure." Her neutral expression, hinting of
calculation, was the only confirmation I needed -- my use of "Alex" hadn't
set her off at all. Maybe I'd let her come closer than was necessary, but
that was what the follow-up would determine.

I heaved a sigh. "Well, we can discuss it this afternoon. I have to go
suffer at the hands of undergrads now. Susan should be there by then,

Alexandra -- no, it was "Alex" for me, now -- nodded. We collected our
coats and headed our separate ways, the spring in my step at odds with my
fading headache.

I was looking forward to our afternoon meeting, but not for any reasons
that had to do with Alex's research. This late in the day, the temperature
in their office was almost normal, and I shrugged off my coat without
hesitation. "Hi, Susan! Hi, Alex! What have you thought up for us now?"

The girls smiled welcomes at me, although Susan quietly mouthed, "Alex?!"
when her officemate wasn't looking. I winked at her in return; she was
dressed more attractively than her usual practice, if less daringly than
the end of the previous week.

"Okay, let's get started," Susan decided as soon as I'd sat down, and
produced a half-eaten basket of French fries slathered with ketchup.

"Weren't there more of those when you brought them back from lunch?" asked
Alex. Susan nodded sheepishly and Alex resumed her usual direction of our
activities. "We discussed this earlier, and I think it's important to see
how easy it is to undo a change you've made. For one thing, "flipping"
something back and forth will be much more efficient for some tests than
what we've done so far."

"You want me to make Susan hate ketchup-covered fries again, then?" Both
girls nodded, and I could see the point, too. Not about the fries
specifically, but I did have some flashes of regret over a few of my
impulsive decisions on the weekend.

"Now?" There were more nods. "Okay, then," I said a little more
confidently. I found Susan's mind almost instantly, and then opened my
eyes again so I could stare at the red-spattered fries. This time I
focused on the feelings of nausea I'd had once after finding particularly
bad "lost" leftovers in the back of the refrigerator, and imagined those
leftovers were the fries in front of us. After a suitable period of time,
I relaxed. "Well?"

Susan popped a dripping piece of fried potato into her mouth. "It was
better hot, but they're still good."

"Hmm, let me try again." I closed my eyes, found Susan's glow, and kept
concentrating on that while I thought hard about tomatoey horror. Her glow
never wavered and I felt the beginnings of a headache, so I stopped. "I
don't think it's going to work," I told them.

Alex thought out loud while Susan ate another fry. "Maybe Susan would
always have liked ketchup on fries and just was afraid to try them?"

Susan shook her head. "I don't think so. That supposes that Friday's
experiment was a failure too, just like today -- but you rigged it so I
couldn't have faked it. Besides, I *know* Lloyd can do these things!" She
clamped her mouth closed, but Alex already was looking suspiciously at the
two of us.

"You *know*?" Alex asked carefully. "How did you obtain this knowledge?"

I cringed, seeing no good way for the conversation to end. "Look, Alex, --"

"Just a minute," she snapped. "I'm talking to Susan right now."

Susan had a quick mind -- quicker than mine, anyway -- and proved it
again. "Look, Alex," she echoed, and paused for the inevitable response.

"Don't call me Alex!" the blonde hissed, and then stopped herself so
abruptly I thought I heard her teeth click. Suddenly, her attention was
focused entirely on me. "Say it again," she demanded.

"Alex." I drew it out, letting the syllables roll gently off my tongue and
looking her straight in the eyes. "I like calling you 'Alex'." Her eyes
widened and I thought I detected a hint of color in her face.

Susan cut in, talking fast but without sounding jittery. She had to be
improvising, but she did a great job. "Lloyd and I discussed this Friday
night while he was taking me home. We felt that, as principal researcher,
it was important for you to understand the change in perception, and I
didn't feel I could do it justice with a verbal description. I know you
didn't plan it this way, but we thought first-hand impressions would be
extremely valuable. And," she pointed a fry at Alex for emphasis, "it's
payback for that ketchup trick!"

"When did you do this?" Alex asked me. If she didn't look happy, at least
she wasn't looking upset either.

"This morning. It was just fortuitous coincidence I was able to combine it
with your suggestion for a distance test."

"Well, don't do it again."

I nodded, thinking I was fortunate to escape with no worse repercussions.

"So tell me," Alex continued, "how *were* you able to determine the
distance? What's going on inside that head of yours?"

Not for the first time, I had the impression that although I was the most
educated person in the office, both women were smarter than me. We spent
the rest of the afternoon talking about mind glows, visualizations, and
hypotheses about interpreting them.

Susan caught up to me halfway across the quad after we'd called it quits
for the day. "I need to talk to you, privately," she announced.

I was already mostly hard thinking about what she might want. "Sure -- you
might as well see my cave, anyway."

She surprised me again. "I really like Alexandra," Susan told me while we
unfastened our coats. "I really like this, too," she continued, gripping
my rigid shaft through my trousers. "But if you hurt Alexandra or take
advantage of her, I'm going to tear it off and feed it to you, understand?"

"Perfectly," I gasped, painfully aware of Susan's surprisingly strong grip.

"Good." A moment later we were tearing at each other's clothes; I fumbled
a condom onto myself while Susan pulled down her pantyhose, and then we
were both enjoying a fast stand-up fuck. Neither of us lasted long, and I
could feel Susan screaming into my mouth as I kissed her.

That encounter pretty much set the tone of the next few weeks. The three
of us did our class work and continued studying and evaluating my ability.
Whenever Susan and I were alone, we fucked like rabbits. Both of us were
insatiable, and it got easier after Susan revealed she was on the pill and
we could dispense with the condoms.

She still came like a banshee every time I pumped her, and after I found
sticky deposits in her panties, I began to suspect I wasn't the only guy
Susan was fucking. I couldn't complain since I thought about Alex all the
time, although I hadn't done anything more "off the record."

I sure wanted to, but knew I shouldn't, and wasn't sure it was needed. The
three of us necessarily spent a lot of time together, and Alex had been
getting increasingly frustrated about the wedding preparations. It sounded
like Jonathan didn't take the planning, or Alex's aspirations, seriously;
either it was getting to her more than it had, or she was just less
inhibited about voicing her annoyance.

Sometimes we'd be talking about the project or reviewing a draft of her
thesis, and I'd catch a hint of an expression on Alex's face that had me
instantly rock-hard in my pants. There was no way I could have restrained
myself if Susan hadn't been available to serve as a willing, wanton
receptacle for my physical urges. Nobody had actually said anything, but I
was pretty sure Alex knew something was going on between Susan and myself
even before the morning she returned unexpectedly early from a class and
caught Susan giving me a blowjob in the office.

The minx had bet me that she could get me off without orgasming herself,
which was saying a lot for a girl that pretty much came if my cock moved
inside her. I didn't think she could do it, which was the only reason I'd
taken the bet; joining Susan for a three-way with another guy wasn't on my
list of erotic fantasies. Unfortunately for me, her technique had improved
and she was using a combination of suction and tongue action that had to
be felt to be believed. The finger tickling my prostate was borderline

I heard the key rattling in the lock, but I was right on the verge of
exploding in Susan's mouth; Susan was so focused on me I don't think she
head the door at all.

"Where's Susan?" Alex asked. She'd deposited her books on her desk before
she noticed my expression and looked down to see Susan's head buried in my
crotch. "Oh gosh, you two! Get a hotel room!"

It might have been my imagination, but I thought I saw a trace of
something other than shock and disgust in her expression. Real or not, it
-- and Susan's finger -- pushed me over the edge and a huge load boiled
out of my balls and up my shaft.

Susan immediately pulled away, unwilling to risk losing her bet due to
some involuntary muscular contraction on my part; that left my jerking
tool in plain view while Susan managed to catch most of my spraying semen
in her mouth.

Alex finally regained her voice. "Susan, don't you have any shame?"

"Not as much as I did," Susan quipped. She rose slowly to her feet, wiping
her cheek clean with a finger.

I hurriedly tucked myself away before Alex's accusing stare returned to
me. "Don't look at me -- it was her idea!"

"You seriously expect me to believe that?" Alex's laugh didn't sound too
humorous. "I saw what you got out of it." She looked over at Susan, who
now appeared a model of decorum. "Lloyd didn't pressure you into this, did

"No," Susan laughed. "We made a bet -- which I won! Do you want to hear
about it?"

Alex eyed her officemate's cat-who-ate-the-canary expression, and
responded with a doubtful, "I don't think so." She looked intrigued but,
true to form, tried to focus on the job at hand -- after getting in the
last word. "Just remember, Susan, you're the equal of any man. Don't let
them push you around, even Lloyd, okay? You can always talk to me."

We spent the remainder of the afternoon reviewing and organizing data that
suggested my changes seemed to be permanent. After the session broke up
and we were preparing to leave, Susan told me, "pick me up tonight at 7."

"What?" I tried to restrain my surprise and avoid attracting Alex's
attention. "You already set it up?"

Susan gave me a Mona Lisa smile. "You're a pushover, Lloyd. I knew I could
do it."

I smiled thinly in return and left. It was beginning to feel like I'd
created a monster. However, I'd given my word, and I'd feel better if I
was there to watch out for her. And, I admitted to myself, I was looking
forward to fucking Susan -- even in the presence of another guy.

Thus I found myself pulling up in front of Susan's apartment right at the
top of the hour. I could see Susan talking to Yelena in the lobby; the
girls noticed me and Yelena waved as Susan walked out to the car. I jumped
out to get the door for her, although Susan had enough practice to handle
it herself.

"To the Madison, James," she drawled in a mock British accent, once I'd
rejoined her in the car.

"Certainly, Madame," I replied in the same tone, and put the car into
gear. It was a nice hotel, once very nice, that wasn't too far off campus.
Its declining fortunes owed more to the subsequent construction of newer
properties closer to the city center than to decay, and it was still the
place well-heeled parents and alumni wanted to stay when they visited the
campus. "That must have cost you a pretty penny," I told Susan in my usual

She laughed. "Not a cent! I won it on a bet."

"What bet?" I asked, laughing too. "With who?"

"You'll see," Susan smiled mysteriously.

I couldn't get anything more out of her on the drive over. Turning over
the car to the hotel valet was a little nerve-wracking, but most of my
mind was focused on Susan and the question of who the other guy would be.
Apparently she already had a key, so we walked through the hotel lobby to
the elevators.

"Looking forward to this evening?" Susan asked, brushing my pants to feel
for my penis. She found me half-hard.

"Half of it, anyway," I admitted. I reached for a breast but Susan
adroitly steered my hand aside. I settled for a steamy kiss instead.

We found the room and Susan let us in. I don't really know what or who I
was expecting, but I wasn't prepared to find Danny Sullivan sitting in the
armchair, nursing a glass of champagne.

He rose and came forward to shake my hand. "Lloyd Parker, I really didn't
expect to see you here," he told me with a grin. Turning to Susan, he
added, "You're an expensive date."

"I'm just learning to get what I want," Susan rejoined, throwing her coat
across the chair. "I'll just freshen up while you gentlemen prepare
yourselves." She disappeared into the bathroom.

"Oh, I'm prepared!" Danny told the closed door. "I have to say," he
continued, "I didn't have you figured for this kind of scene, Lloyd. But I
guess Susan's a hot enough number to have both of us wrapped around her
little finger, eh?" He leaned closer. "I've been with a lot of girls, and
I never met one who got off on sex the way she does. What a firecracker!"

"Yeah," I tersely agreed. I couldn't decide if it was better or worse to
be stuck in this with somebody I knew, much less Alex's brother. I
couldn't resist asking, "How'd she get you here, anyway?"

Danny laughed. "Not much to it, Lloyd! She just asked if I wanted to help
give her a night to remember. I'm always ready to help out a lady that
way!" He made some thrusting motions with his hips to reinforce the
message, and then sighed. "I just thought she'd end up paying for the room
when she bet me you'd be the other guy. What about you?"

I had to smile, thinking of how Susan had played both of us. "She bet me
she could blow me without getting off herself; I lost."

"Really?" Danny blinked. "I would have taken that bet, too -- talk about a
hair trigger. Damn, I wish I'd seen it!"

Some perverse notion made me tell him, "Your sister did."

"Alexandra?!" He gaped, genuinely off-balance for once. "How did that

I shrugged, obscurely pleased by his reaction. "We were doing it in the
office at school, and she walked in on us."

"I bet that went over like a lead balloon," Danny laughed. "Now I *really*
wish I'd been there."

After a chuckle, I admitted, "she seems pretty uptight about that kind of
thing, I but I think she was too surprised to say much."

Danny poured me a glass of champagne. "Lloyd, before 10 minutes ago, I
would have said *you* were too uptight for this." He toasted the closed
bathroom door and then me.

"I guess first impressions can be deceiving." I hesitated, but he seemed
to be in a good mood, so I observed, "I wouldn't have thought Alexandra
and Jonathan would make a couple -- how did they meet?"

"Cotillion, I think." Danny took a sip and paused before continuing. "When
we were kids, anyway. Mom liked to pretend we were rich; Jonathan's
parents actually were rich." He snorted. "Alexandra was looking for Prince
Charming, and I think Jonathan was looking for arm candy, a nice corporate
wife. I've seen worse couples."

It wasn't a stirring endorsement, and I thought about drawing him out a
little more, but the bathroom door opened and Susan rejoined us.

She was wearing a lacy black baby doll negligee with matching panties, and
that was it. Her hair was down and teased out, and her lips were a
suspiciously familiar deep red. "How do I look?" she asked, twirling so we
could see all of her.

"Why don't you come over here and ask?" returned Danny, who set his drink
on the side table without taking his eyes off of her.

Susan looked hot, but it still felt funny having Danny there too, and I
didn't say anything. I think she sensed that, because she sauntered over
and embraced me. I could feel Susan's body as clearly as her questing hand
could my erection, and we kissed hungrily.

Danny was kind enough to remove the glass from my hand before I spilled
it, and then he was embracing Susan from behind and running his hands down
her body. I tried to ignore his nearness and concentrate on her. "I hope
this wasn't too expensive," he murmured in Susan's ear.

"Why?" she mumbled into my mouth, undulating sensuously between the two of

"Because I'm going to be paying for it too," he replied, and then
literally tore the panties off her body. Susan squealed with surprise, and
then jumped again as Danny inserted a few fingers into her from behind.
She moaned, making my cock even harder.

"C'mon, Lloyd," Danny chided, breaking our embrace and steering Susan
toward the bed, "we aren't here to hit singles and make out; the lady
wants us to get to home plate. Am I right?"

Susan lay back atop the covers, breathing heavily, and spread her knees in
clear invitation. It was surprisingly easy to focus on her glistening sex
and ignore Danny, who was shedding his clothes beside me. I fumbled with
my own fly.

Naked at last, I nearly threw myself at Susan and sheathed myself to the
hilt in her molten cunt. I leaned forward to kiss her, but Danny was
beside us and Susan turned aside to take his rampant organ in her mouth.
The three of us bucked together without any rhythm, but the feel of Susan
convulsing between us was unbelievable.

I jetted into her depths almost immediately, and I saw overflow from
Danny's load trickling from her mouth not much later. There was no way to
be sure, but I suspected Susan had already orgasmed at least once. My cock
was still ready for more, but she rolled away from me, trying to follow
Danny's reddened tool.

"Ride me, you slut," he teased her, flopping on his back and holding her
head away from his throbbing manhood. I thought his attitude was coarse,
but Susan wasted no time in clambering forward and impaling herself on him.

It didn't fit my mental image of Susan, and I didn't like watching her
fuck another guy, but I had to admit she was looking and acting a lot like
a slut. "Oh fuck me, fuck me harder, pound me!" Susan slurred, her tits
swaying as she bounced up and down on Danny and I watched my scum leaking
onto their thighs.

I think my pride was a little wounded that she seemingly could forget me
so quickly. If Susan was going to act like a slut craving faceless cock, I
decided, maybe I should just treat her that way. I moved up behind them,
focusing on her tiny rosebud, and pressed against her.

It wasn't like I was forcing her. "Oh, God, yes!" Susan moaned, and
pressed backwards so I slid into her. When she reversed course and moved
back against Danny, I followed. I could feel his cock pressing against
mine inside her, one of the most erotic sensations I'd encountered.

I began a slow pistoning motion, because I knew that really got her off.
"Fucking slut," I grunted. Danny said something, but I couldn't hear him
over Susan's moaning and gasping. I reached around her head and muzzled
her with one hand.

"Roll over," he repeated; I realized most of our weight was on top of him.
Keeping a firm grip on Susan, I leaned sideways and fell to the bed. He
rolled with us, leaving us all on our sides with Susan the meat in our
sandwich. "Thanks," he grinned, then refocused on Susan. "Take this,

We started slamming ourselves into her, working into a synchronized
rhythm. I could go deepest when we were alternating strokes, but it was
when we were both thrusting into her simultaneously that Susan just went

"That's the ticket!" Danny grunted. "Give it to her!" I came again,
unloading in Susan's tight ass, but kept going, maintaining pace with
Danny. I also kept my hand over Susan's mouth, keeping the volume to a
manageable level. Susan's body was thrashing as if she were experiencing
continuous orgasms, and her head suddenly snapped backwards and cracked me
in the face so hard I saw stars.

When I could focus again, the first thing I heard was Susan crying. My
initial alarm faded after I realized she was saying, "Oh my God, I can't
believe I came like that!"

"You're an E-ticket ride, baby," agreed Danny, leaning over me to look at
my forehead. "I think you're gonna have a bump there, Lloyd."

"I'm so sorry!" gasped Susan, rolling over to look at me, eyes wide with
concern. Her face looked like a mess with lipstick smeared all over it,
but she was glowing.

"Don't apologize," I magnanimously told her, "it was worth it."

"You're so sweet," she smiled, and kissed me. A moment later, she sat up.
"I want to do it again!"

Danny laughed; I just stared at the ceiling. "I'm glad you appreciate our
prowess," he told Susan, "but, as you see, we take a little longer to
recuperate." He made no attempt to hide his flaccid organ, which was still
shiny with her juices. "We do have fingers and tongues, however."

"I want more cock. I want to feel it inside me. Can't I help you along?"

I sat up, too; my penis needed to be washed. "You know it doesn't work
that way," I reminded Susan. "It's just a physical limitation we need to
live with." Danny nodded his agreement.

"Can't you, you know, do something about it?" She gave me a meaningful
look. Danny picked up on it, although I prayed he didn't understand what
she was really asking.

"I'm sorry," I said shortly, heading for the bathroom, "you'll just have
to wait. As soon as I get hard, you'll be the first person to know."

"Drat," Susan sulked. "I wanted to fuck all night!"

"Didn't you take any physiology?" asked Danny, half-humorously. "You'd
need a lot more than two guys for that."

"How many more?" Susan asked, in a tone that made me drop the washcloth
and leave the bathroom.

"Seriously?" It was clear Danny didn't know if she was joking or not. "I
don't know; maybe a half-dozen or so."

"You don't need to do this," I pleaded, but Susan was fixated on the idea.

"I've heard about your reputation," she addressed Danny, absently
fingering herself. "You have friends; could you talk some of them into
coming over here?"

I had to give Danny credit; he looked in my direction, where I was shaking
my head "no."

"Don't pay attention to him," Susan chided, walking up to Danny. "Pay
attention to me." She undulated against his body and whispered huskily in
his ear. "It's my party, and I can fuck who I want to." Danny's cock
lengthened slightly, and I knew I'd lost the point.

While he made a few phone calls, I seriously considered just getting
dressed and leaving; I hadn't signed up for an orgy and wasn't interested
in participating in one. I finally decided to stay; I'd brought Susan, I
was the one who'd made her want to do this, and I thought it was good to
have somebody present who saw Susan as more than a fleshy tube meant to
house cocks. I knew Danny's reputation too, and I didn't trust any of the
gentleman callers expected to appear.

The first disbelieving frat boys arrived sooner than I'd expected. They
looked young to me, and the reality of the sexy woman who answered their
knock clearly surpassed whatever Danny had promised them. Susan still wore
her baby doll, but the panties were gone and it was obvious she'd already
been fucked.

"What's the score?" one of them asked Danny after taking in an eyeful and
then scanning the room. "Is this for real?"

"Totally real," Susan assured him, unfastening his pants. "Do you think
you're man enough for me?"

"We needed reinforcements," amplified Danny, unashamed of his cock, which
had made it back to half-mast. I'd pulled on my shirt and slacks, feeling
uncomfortable with that level of nudity.

The new guys didn't need much encouragement, and had Susan screaming with
pleasure in no time. Danny was fixated on the show, stroking himself
slowly, so it was left to me to answer the knock at the door. I was scared
it would be somebody from the hotel, but it turned out to be another trio
from school.

One of them palmed some cash into my hand as they pushed by; from the way
their attention was focused on the action atop the bed, I didn't even
bother asking them about it. A few more singletons arrived a bit later,
also cash in hand, to join the swarm.

It was like watching ants at a picnic. The men were double- and
triple-teaming Susan, who was gleaming with perspiration and leaking semen
from every orifice. Danny was keeping an eye on her too, but it seemed
mostly to ensure her mouth was plugged as much as possible. I stopped
worrying about her after a while, when it became clear she was enjoying
herself even more than her worshippers.

The first guys left after about an hour, laughing and joking with Danny,
who escorted them to the door. I couldn't help noticing he was limp again
and glistening with fresh saliva.

"What's with the money, Danny?" I asked after the door was closed.

"Oh, good," he exclaimed when he saw the bills in my hand. "I was afraid
nobody was taking it. It's donations -- you don't think we're going to
have to pay extra for cleaning?" We watched one of the guys spray sperm
across Susan's back and the bedspread.

We could have bought new linens for less than what I held. "Susan is not a
whore, and we are not pimps," I told him sternly.

"Absolutely not," Danny replied defensively, before our conversation was
interrupted by a sharp knock.

It was another one of Danny's friends, pale as a sheet, accompanied by the
hotel's night manager. "What's going on in this room?" he asked
suspiciously, eyes widening at Danny's casual nudity and again at the
unmistakable sounds coming from the bed.

"We're just having a little party..." Danny's voice trailed off into a
widening circle of silence that spread to encompass the entire room,
punctuated by Susan's, "keep going! Why are you stopping?"

The manager -- his nametag said "Ray" -- walked a little further into the
room and his eyes literally bugged out at the scene on the bed. Susan was
kneeling atop one guy while another stood frozen behind her, slowly
rotating her pelvis against both of them. She visibly swallowed and pushed
a lock of cum-matted hair out of her face. Several more guys, all stark
naked with wilting cocks, surrounded the bed.

"This is completely unacceptable behavior!" Ray choked out after a false

"What's the big deal?" Danny asked with commendable bravado. "We're all
adults here; we aren't doing anything wrong." After a barely discernable
pause, he added, "You should join us."

"I should call the police," Ray huffed.

It was hard to tell if he was threatening us or just thinking out loud,
but I don't think anybody, even Danny, saw a happy ending ahead. I cringed
thinking of how Susan would come out of it.

I couldn't let it happen. I wasn't the only one in the room to close his
eyes, but instead of praying for salvation I found Ray's mind and thought
about how good Susan's mouth felt on my cock and how great it was to
explode down her throat and feel her suck me dry.

My ears almost popped from the change in air pressure when we heard the
sound of Ray's fly unzipping and everybody exhaled at once. "Convince me
not to," he told Susan, and stepped in front of her.

The outcome was predictable after that. Susan worked on him like she
hadn't been near a man for a year, and carried on like he was Casanova.
Luckily for us, everybody else was still too scared to move and Ray hadn't
seen enough to know Susan was like that with everybody. When he orgasmed,
she didn't lose a drop and left him as clean as a whistle.

"Thank you," she told him, with a sincerity of expression and tone of
voice that had more than a few cocks twitching. The sound of his zipper
was like a switch that jolted everybody back into motion again.

"Just try to keep it discreet, okay?" Ray told Danny and me as we escorted
him back to the door. We feverently promised to do so, and wilted against
the walls after the door closed behind him.

"You should be in sales," I told Danny. "I thought we were goners."

"I did, too," he admitted while eying me speculatively. "Do you know why
he changed his mind, Lloyd?"

"He just knew a good thing when he saw it," I demurred, looking over at
Susan, who was teasing her partners back to full hardness.

"Maybe," he said, and let the conversation slide.

Many of Susan's guests left fairly quickly, no doubt shaken by their close
call; however, an uneven stream of replacements continued to arrive. I
shot Danny an accusatory look after letting in a party of four, but he
shrugged back at me, all helpless innocence, and I had to admit to myself
I hadn't seen him go near the phone again. Evidently word was spreading on
its own.

"Unbelievable," Danny breathed, as we watched Susan assist two of the new
arrivals with their attempt to double-penetrate her vagina. "I should have
asked for more." His penis was beginning to rise again.

I was more troubled. Watching those young men, clumsy with their eager
desire, penetrate a woman who clearly welcomed all of them, kindled no
heat inside me. I knew I'd been there first, and that there was no place
they could penetrate that didn't hold my seed. The woman I wanted to share
a hotel room with was Alex, and I certainly didn't intend to share her
with anybody.

Despite our differing attitudes, Danny and I stepped forward as one to
restrain and then evict one of the guys who apparently thought sluts
deserved to be slapped around as well as fucked. "We need to shut this
down," I told him after we closed the door.

"Who's going to tell her?" We looked at the bed, where Susan quite clearly
was still having the time of her life.

"Well, I'm going to stop letting people in," I decided. Danny didn't argue
the point. We proceeded to ignore the sporadic knocking that followed, and
didn't answer the phone either, the once it rang.

It was well after midnight by the time the last stalwart cocksmen
departed, leaving the room to the three of us who'd started the evening
together. Susan lay on the bed, oozing cream from everywhere, and singing
to herself like she was drunk; Danny obviously was considering whether to
have a final go at her himself. I felt tired and grumpy; this wasn't what
I wanted, but it reminded me of what I didn't have.

Danny rolled his eyes at another knock on the door, but since I wasn't the
one teasing Susan by holding my cock just out of her reach, I recognized
the sharp staccato of Ray's knuckles. With some trepidation, I opened the
door to find the manager accompanied by Yelena.

"The young lady insisted on being allowed entry," Ray told me, obviously
in an uncomfortable position, as Yelena pushed past me and let out a gasp
at the sight of Susan.

"I understand," I told him. "We were just wrapping up the party anyway;
don't worry about it." It didn't feel quite right, but I offered him some
of the money I'd collected.

"Yelena!" slurred Susan. "Did you bring me some more cocks?"

"I'll leave it to you, then," Ray said, taking the cash after a quick
peek. I didn't blame him for wanting to distance himself from this
situation. I locked the door before joining the others.

"No, of course we didn't do this all by ourselves," Danny told Susan's
wide-eyed roommate. Yelena didn't resist when I offered to remove her coat.

"She told me to check on her if I hadn't heard from her by midnight,"
Yelena explained. She'd obviously just thrown on a sweatshirt and blue
jeans before coming over; they didn't highlight her lithe body the way her
usual outfits did.

I realized, belatedly, that it was only the amount of semen, and not the
nudity, that had thrown Yelena. Well, Susan had hinted in the past that
her friend was a little promiscuous.

"Why don't you join the party, now that you're here?" Danny brazenly
offered, his penis pointing at her.

Susan climbed off the bed and embraced him from behind, protesting, "I
don't want to share!"

The comment, together with the fact that Yelena hadn't immediately
refused, sparked a thought in my mind. Susan couldn't go on like this, and
we were pretty sure I couldn't undo what I'd done. But perhaps I could
give her an alternative outlet, one that wouldn't be so high profile... My
cock stirred at the idea; two girls sounded much better than two guys.

I focused first on Yelena, thinking of all the things about women that
excited me. The feel of soft lips, the curve of a breast interrupted by
the pebble of a nipple, and the way it grew when teased; the smell of her
musk and the liquid grip of her channel when she climaxed. Nothing
happened for the longest time, and I was beginning to think I'd messed up
somehow. Finally I was rewarded with the tell-tale shimmer for which I'd
been waiting.

I knew before Danny did that when Yelena stepped up to them, she was going
to kiss Susan instead of him. Horn-dog that he was, it just made his
erection harder; I wasn't immune, either.

Before Susan could overcome her surprise and resist, I centered on her and
repeated the process, with much more immediate results. I wondered,
briefly, if it had anything to do with my prior intervention or her
natural inclinations, but put the thought aside for future consideration.

All three of us admired Yelena as she stopped to pull off her sweatshirt
and jeans; she wore nothing beneath them. She might have been a ballerina,
although her breasts and hips were large enough to save her from
androgyny; I think she could have held a pencil between her tight buttocks.

"Men, I have tasted before," she told Danny before pushing past him to
flop Susan back onto the bed and embrace her.

Danny just shot me a sardonic grin as I finished undressing again,
revealing a hard-on that matched his own. We moved closer to the bed where
we could see the action clearly.

The girls writhed against each other, their skin well lubricated by the
male ejaculate covering Susan's body. Danny was slowly stroking himself,
but I held off, knowing I probably had only one more good climax in me
that night. First Susan, and then Yelena, jerked and trembled under the
influence of delicate fingers probing between their legs.

"What about us?" Danny finally asked. The girls looked up as if they'd
forgotten we were there.

"I did not come... prepared for this," Yelena admitted, dropping her eyes.

I remembered all the condoms in the room and guessed she wasn't on birth
control. Of course, Susan and I didn't use condoms and neither of us had
any, and it was apparent Danny didn't, either.

"Well, there are other options," suggested Danny, who never seemed to be
at a loss in these situations.

"Oh, let them do your ass, Yelena," Susan sighed. "It would be so hot!"

Yelena looked at us. "Lloyd, I will trust," she finally decided. I don't
know if it was subconscious prompting on my part, or the matching feral
gleam in Danny's and Susan's eyes that made up her mind, but I was glad
she chose me. "Be gentle," she urged me, "I will be tight." My cock
throbbed in anticipation.

I was thinking about what I could use for lubricant when Yelena surprised
me by milking a handful of mixed cum from Susan's gash and slathering it
on my erection, which hardened even further.

Susan looked disappointed to see her friend's attention focused away from
her. "Can't we do this together?" she asked.

"Oh! I know!" yelped Danny. "Get into a sixty-nine!" Susan and I stared
blankly at him, but Yelena grinned lasciviously and reversed herself on
the bed. Susan's confusion lasted about two seconds after Yelena pulled
her close and began licking; she ducked her head and started reciprocating.

"You first," Danny urged me. "I won't have any trouble getting into Susan."

I clambered onto the bed behind Yelena and wriggled closer to her until my
cock nestled between her tight buns. Not wanting to make the same mistake
with her I'd made with Susan, I probed gingerly between her legs with one
hand. Yelena obligingly raised a knee, granting me unfettered access. My
fingers slid easily between her slick folds and emerged dripping; Susan's
breath felt warm on them as she continued stimulating her roommate's clit
with her tongue.

It was a short distance down to Yelena's puckered anus. I pressed a finger
gently against her back door, and it slid in more easily than I expected,
but lord was she tight. After reaching the second knuckle, I withdrew it,
and tried two fingers together. Yelena jerked slightly as my fingernails
penetrated her, but I could feel her making an effort to relax her

My preparations seemed inadequate, but I could feel the impatience of
Danny and Susan like the hot summer sun on my skin at the beach; I told
myself my cock was better lubricated than my fingers, anyway.
Repositioning myself, I pressed the tip of my cock against Yelena's
asshole. She tensed up, so I used my free hand to caress her flank, like
petting a cat, and whispered, "Relax, I won't hurt you," in her ear.

"Oh God, I can see him going into you, Yelena -- this is so hot," Susan

Evidently, Danny felt he'd waited enough, although I don't think I was
more than a third of the way inside Yelena. He bounced onto the bed behind
Susan and rolled the girls slightly toward me, unintentionally forcing
Yelena further onto my rod. A shock transmitted itself through the bodies
before me, and I suspected Danny had just seated himself inside Susan's
welcoming ass.

The two of them started banging away with abandon, but I settled for
grasping Yelena's hips and pulling her inexorably onto me until I was
filling up a place I was pretty sure not too many men had visited before.
I switched my grip higher, palming her tits and started a pumping action
that, while shallow, caught up to Danny's pace.

Susan was already cumming like a madwoman, but I could hear Yelena moaning
and gasping too, and her hips were rocking against mine, encouraging me to
lengthen my stroke. I obliged, and the increased stimulation quickly
brought her off; when she climaxed, her ass squeezed me so tight it felt
like my cock was going to be amputated.

It took me a few minutes more to peak, but finally I felt the beginnings
of my own orgasm. At the last moment, I pulled free and squirted my scanty
reserves of semen onto Yelena's ass. It was an unconscious decision; I
guess it was a reminder to everyone else that I'd been there.

Yelena made an incoherent protest, but subsided when Susan replaced my
cock with a few fingers. Looking up, I saw Danny already had spent himself
and been similarly replaced. The girls sucked and finger-fucked each other
silly for a while longer, until Yelena jerked again in ecstasy, and then
rolled free, also satiated.

I could see Susan still looked a little restless, but after six hours of
nearly non-stop fucking, she had to be exhausted. "Let's get you cleaned
up," I suggested, and hauled her upright. With a little help from Danny, I
got Susan into the tub and filled it with warm water. The Madison's class
extended to the thoughtfully provided bubble bath Yelena found and dumped
in as the tub filled.

"How about a sponge bath?" the irrepressible Danny asked Yelena; both our
organs were looking a little ripe.

Yelena turned away from us, displaying my cum drying on her butt, and
replied, "I'd love to make you kiss my ass, but I think not tonight." She
punctuated the comment by pulling on one of the white terry robes hanging
in the bathroom. "I will wait until Susan is finished."

Wordlessly I tossed a washcloth to Danny and found the one I'd used
earlier for myself. After we finished, by mutual consent we wandered back
toward the bed, leaving the bathroom to the girls.

"I admit, you are a man of surprises," Danny told me as we looked at the
wreckage of the bed. "Have you done this before? It didn't look like
anything fazed you, even that visit from the manager."

I chuckled. "Appearances deceive. I feel like I've been driving down an
icy road all night, and I don't know how I stayed out of the ditch." I
looked around and picked up my shirt. "I think one woman at a time is
enough for me."

"Yeah, I noticed you seemed a little put off by the crowd." He looked to
see we were still alone. "But what a waste! Lloyd, you're a chick magnet!
You should be going to town with this." He simpered, roughly imitating
Yelena, "Oh Lloyd, I trust you to take my ass."

"Oh, come on. You're the one Connie told me was 'majoring in women'. I'm
just a dusty academic."

"The night we met? I'll have to get even with her for that. But listen,
Lloyd, I completely struck out with Susan that night -- couldn't even get
her phone number." He laughed. "Imagine my surprise when I learn later
that stuffy guy at the table is banging her every which way!"

It didn't seem worth trying to correct his distorted impression of what
had happened. "Stuffy? Try intimidated! You're all out of my league; you
know, I probably wouldn't even know Alex's name if Dr. Reynolds hadn't
thrown us together."

"'Alex,' eh? She lets you call her that?"

Oops. "It's sort of a joke," I explained, trying to brush the whole matter

"Chick magnet. The only person she *ever* let call her 'Alex' was our
grandfather." Danny gave me a long look. "You aren't screwing her too, are

"God, no!" I protested, flushing darkly. I zipped up my pants, thankful I
was able to protest my innocence truthfully.

"But thinking about it, I'm guessing?" he waved it off. "Don't get upset
-- she's an eyeful; I've fantasized about it once or twice, and she's my
sister. If you hadn't, I'd think you were queer." Danny's expression
turned serious. "But, you know, as Alexandra's brother and Jonathan's
friend, if you did try anything, I'd have to hurt you. Bad."

It was a side of Danny I hadn't seen before, and didn't care to see again.
"Message received." It wasn't like I didn't already suspect this would be
a complication, but I was too tired to deal with it now.

Susan emerged from the bathroom, wearing a robe and looking clean, if
half-asleep. "Hi, guys," she mumbled, walking toward the bed. Danny and I
looked at each other, and then quickly turned back the bed, letting the
stained cover fall on the floor. She toppled onto the bed when she reached
it, and lay still where she'd fallen.

I looked closely, but couldn't see Susan's face with her hair in the way;
it sounded like she already was asleep. "I guess going home tonight wasn't
such a great idea," I mused.

"We've got the room all night, anyway," agreed Danny.

"You don't have to stay; I can drive them home." I dreaded the thought of
meeting with Dr. Reynolds in a few hours, and wished Susan had planned
this for a weekend.

"Hah!" barked Danny, humor restored. "Just leave you sharing a bed with
both Susan and Yelena? Nice try! Besides; I'm paying for the room -- I'll
stay, too."

I pulled Susan's legs over so she was stretched out in the center of the
bed instead of diagonally across it; she didn't stir. "I don't think we're
going to see too much more action, Danny." Sighing, I started removing my
clothing once again; this time, in no rush, I hung my shirt and slacks in
the closet. I kept my briefs as some sort of sop to modesty or

Danny was a boxer man, but seemed content to follow my sartorial lead.
"When do you want the wakeup call?" he asked, reading the directory on the
nightstand next to the phone.

"Next week," I groaned while figuring logistics in my head; that elicited
a laugh. "You'd better tell them six -- I hope nobody expects breakfast."

Yelena, still wearing her robe and toweling her hair dry, joined us while
Danny was talking to the front desk. "Oh, how cozy," she cooed
sarcastically, "we all are going to share."

"It's a king," objected Danny after he hung up. "There's plenty of room."

"With a cat, perhaps. Sharing with two men? Like large dogs, but with
other things on their minds." She pulled the robe's belt tighter around
her waist. It was either the bed or the floor if she stayed, and Yelena
showed no inclination to abandon Susan. "I will sleep on this side," she
finally declared with a very thin grin, "and then I will have one
direction only to defend."

Danny and I ran the remaining permutations in our heads. "Chick magnet,"
he said so softly only I heard him, as I rolled to the center of the bed
next to Susan. Yelena climbed in behind me, and Danny turned off the
lights before lying down on the other side of Susan.

I fell asleep with surprisingly little effort, but woke later to find
myself in a tangle of limbs. I was on my side facing Yelena, who was
pressed tight against me with her head tucked under my chin. I could feel
the swell of Susan's breasts against my back, and she had one of her legs
hooked over mine. A hand that had to be Danny's draped over Susan and hung
in my face. My penis was swollen in my underwear, but there was no way to
reach it, much less do anything about it, without disturbing everybody. I
lay there, thinking of Alex and the obstacles between us, until I drifted
off again.

"Doctor -- Reynolds -- sure is -- a pain -- in the ass!" Alex told me
while we tried to make corrections to her thesis draft. She could barely
hold the red pen steady; I took it from her so she could brace herself
against the pounding she was taking from her advisor.

"Commendable, my girl, commendable," Reynolds told her as he withdrew his
foot-long dripping wand from her anus. She tightened her grip on my more
modestly-sized erection to avoid being dragged away from the table.

"I'm a bigger dick than that," boasted Jonathan. He unzipped his tuxedo
and fished out a rapidly hardening two-foot cock.

"You should be sure to use protection until you're married," Connie chimed
in. She produced a condom made of white lace and tulle that matched the
veil Alex was wearing, and then rolled it onto the first few inches of
Jonathan's throbbing weapon. He hoisted Alex onto the table, scattering
silverware and pinning her thesis beneath her.

Alex looked down at herself, staring at the pubic hair trimmed into the
shape of a heart. "I was waiting for my true love."

"All the ladies love this," Jonathan reassured her, and began feeding his
meat into her in short strokes. Soon she was completely transfixed, and
every thrust lifted her briefly off the table as the lace-clad tip of his
cock appeared in her mouth.

"Can you -- rewrite -- that last -- paragraph?" Alex choked out when the
monstrous organ permitted. She pointed at the sheet on the table.

"Sure," I told her, before I found out the pen had run out of ink. "Susan?"

"I'm almost there!" she screamed. "Danny!" He was fucking her hard, much
more quickly than Jonathan's ponderous pace, and Susan was having trouble
pouring the midnight siren ink from the lipstick tube into the pen without
splashing it everywhere.

"Not on -- the waistcoats -- they're -- rented!" Alex moaned in between


I awakened to find myself in the hotel bed, with Susan and Danny bouncing
vigorously beside me. Yelena was missing, although the sheets were still
warm. My eyes ached and the clock said it was early, but there was no way
I was going to get back to sleep -- or stay awake, for that matter.

The toilet flushed as I was dragging myself to my feet. "Can't you control
your roommate?" I blearily teased Yelena as we passed. We were interrupted
by a particularly loud and passionate exclamation from Susan, which
engendered an involuntary swelling in my briefs.

"About as well as you control your friend," she replied. "You all think
with your cocks, I see."

"I'm not thinking much at all right now," I confessed. "I'm taking a
shower; send a search party if I don't reappear in 15 minutes."

My face had been in the hot spray for far less than 15 minutes when I
heard the shower curtain rustle and Yelena stepped into the tub behind me.
"You are a patient man, Lloyd. I thought that I would help you wake up."
She started lathering up my body, which prompted me to return the favor.
Her touch felt fantastic, but not as good as the sensation of our bodies
sliding together when we embraced. My erection was a rigid pole trapped
between our groins.

I felt her start when I ran my soapy hands down the curves of her tight
ass and pressed my fingers lightly into the crevice between her cheeks. "I
am still a little sore there," she told me between kisses.

Disappointed, I forced myself to nod. "It's okay."

"Yes," she smiled, confusing me a bit. Yelena turned in my embrace and
reached down to pick up something from the lip of the tub. "Luckily for
us, I found this in Susan's coat pocket," she continued, brandishing a
condom. We had a heck of a time opening the wrapper with wet hands, but
Yelena got the sheath onto me almost soon enough to suit my impatience.

A quick check revealed she was already slick between her legs, but just to
be safe I tickled her clit with a finger while caressing her breasts until
her breathing was uneven. "Fuck me already," Yelena urged. Her frame was
slight enough that I just picked her up and lowered her onto my waiting

Yelena's legs immediately wrapped around me and she began gyrating on me.
"Oh yeah," she sighed, "fuck me harder!"

I shifted my position until her back was against the wall, and held her
there so I could thrust in and out of her welcoming pussy. She kept up a
constant stream of filthy encouragement -- not all of it in English -- and
worked her elongated nipples until I stiffened and fired my load into the

My cock and her legs were still supporting her body, so I pushed Yelena's
hands aside and started mauling her tits myself. I was fascinated to see
how far her nipples extended from her relatively small breasts, and the
way she writhed and cursed when I twisted them. She screamed, "bite me!"
and repeated it until I understood she was serious.

I lifted her slightly so I could capture a nipple in my mouth, and bit
gently while pulling at it with my teeth. Yelena jerked and stiffened,
then went so boneless I almost dropped her.

She sighed and looked up at me. "Are you awake now?"

"Very!" I assured her, and we smiled at each other.

"It's after six -- what are you doing in there?" Danny called from the
bathroom door.

"Nothing!" we replied together, breaking into laughter.

"Jesus, Lloyd, you're as bad as me," Danny shouted, but he left us alone.

I hoisted Yelena free and set her back on her feet. It was tempting to
clean each other, especially since I wanted a closer look at her neatly
trimmed bush, but Reynolds probably would blow a fuse if I was late.
Regretfully I pulled off the condom and quickly cleaned myself with a
soapy hand while Yelena did the same.

"Chick magnet," Yelena giggled very softly while we toweled ourselves dry.
I didn't dignify her comment with a response.

We wandered out of the bathroom, passing a very satisfied-looking Susan
strolling in the opposite direction, sans robe. Fresh semen was leaking
from her puffy lips and I noticed Yelena's eyes followed her ass the same
way mine did.

"I thought you wanted to get out of here early," Danny groused at me
before focusing his attention on Yelena. "Hey, beautiful, when are you
going to let me have a turn?"

She sniffed disdainfully. "When you begin thinking that 'your turn' -- as
you put it -- is a gift I may choose to bestow, and not a foregone
conclusion to which you are entitled, for one." Pulling on her jeans under
the robe, she continued, "A girl likes to feel appreciated."

"Oh, I appreciate you plenty," he assured her as we both watched her shuck
the robe. Her trim butt did wonderful things to the denim, and there was a
gap at the waist just crying out for a hand to slide down her midriff and

The rest of the scenery was quickly covered by Yelena's sweatshirt. "No,
you appreciate my body," she corrected Danny after her head emerged. "It
is not the same thing."

Spell broken, we started pulling on our own clothes. My shirt was a little
wrinkled, and I sported a night's stubble, but I didn't look like a bum;
Dr. Reynolds probably wouldn't care, anyway.

"Are you going to make your meeting?" Susan asked. She was easily the most
presentable of us all, having brushed her hair and taken the time to care
for her clothing the previous night.

"Yeah," I guessed, looking at the clock, "especially if Danny can handle
the checkout." I remembered the cash in my pocket and handed it to him.

"Leave me with all the fun jobs," Danny complained absently while he
quickly riffed through the bills. "This is it?" he asked, looking up with
a touch of surprise.

"I tipped Ray last night," I reminded him, "and this is not a for-profit
enterprise, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The money disappeared into his billfold. "You're a
hard man, Lloyd, but surprisingly fun to be around."

"Likewise," I told him, a little surprised to realize I meant it. It was
true that none of the past 12 hours would have occurred without his
presence, but I couldn't imagine having survived it in his absence.

"Ladies?" I looked up to find Yelena had borrowed Susan's brush; her short
locks were damp and arranged differently than she usually styled them, but
still attractive.

"We're ready," Susan answered for both of them, and we all filed out of
the room. She remembered to hand her room key to Danny during the elevator
ride, and he peeled off to the reception desk when we headed for the front

I mentally kicked myself for not holding back a buck for the valet, but
felt bad for the thought. I could have skipped the orgy without a second
thought, but would have paid far more for the time with Susan and Yelena.