Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Colors of the Soul Chapter 10 I have her, Finally after two and a half years of looking for, hunting and waiting I took the bitch last monday night. I was hesitant at first, worried that she might turn out to be a red. as Cyclops and Vixen had hinted at. She isnt and I am so relieved that I will finally begin to show her the errors of her way and am able to vent my unbridled rage. It happened quite bt accident and I see it as a gift. I was in the middle of a hunt, having tracked an intended toy through a small park. She was a black and was giving me fits, she seemed to know something was after her.Constantly looking over her shoulder to catch a glance at me.She had led me a merry chase through the park, down several alleys as I herded her towards where I had planned to take her. She had slipped inside a grocery store in an attempt to throw me off. Well it worked,but not because she was with other people. It worked because as I waited outside for her, none other than the my "loving daughter" picked that time to exit the store with several sacks of grocery's and walk to her car. Once I caught sight of her, all thoughts about the other toy went out the window. I quickly made my way to my car, jumped in and managed to make it back to the store in time to be able to follow the bitch as she drove out of the parking lot and headed to where she lived. I sat watching as she unloaded the car and noted the address and apartment number. The mailbox confirmed she lived there. It took me several day of carefully watching and following her to get her route down, where she worked her boyfriends, where she shopped. I was extremely careful not to be seen and once I had the safe place all ready for her, I took her. It was late at night,as she had the habit of shopping in the early hours, that i took her. I had parked right beside her car after she had gone in, having rented a cargo van with a sliding side door. No I didnt use my real name, I used one of the fake ones with a bogus credit card. I waited until she had opened her trunk and began putting her groceries into it before I walked up behind her and calmly tapped her upside the head, hard enough to knock her out. I glanced around to insure I hadnt been seen, before grabbing the tape and securing her tightly and gagging her as well.I installed her in her own trunk ontop of the smashed groceries and secured the lid. Once that was accomplished, I locked up the van and picked up her purse and car keys and drove off using her car.I was wearing gloves to insure i didnt leave any finger prints and would vacuum out the car before abandoning it in a nearby park and ride. I drove for nearly 4 hours before arriving at the place I had set up, getting there well before it was light and driving the car into the garage that appeared to be run down and in complete disrepair. After parking and checking to make sure the property hadnt been disturbed since my last visit. I opened the trunk, dragged the bitch from it and slung her over my shoulder and headed into the safe place. I had found this place several months ago and knew it would come in handy as a place to use my toys in private and had decided to upgrade it for that use. The house itself had been partially burnt down, three walls were still standing as well as part of the roof. The interior of the house was gutted and had blackened timbers all over. What had caught my eye was the complete basement that was nearly untouched by the fire. It had taken me several months to touch up the basement and make it liveable. It had its own well so getting water was no problem. I had divided the cellar into three rooms, a sleeping area, a storage area that doubled as a kitchen and the larger area I had dubbed " the play room". The sleeping area contained a futon, a dresser and a camp stove for cooking. The storage area is where I kept food and a small generator to power the lights and the pump to draw water. The cellar itself had been constructed using large stones and mortar, the floor itself was dirt. I had to prop and brace the ceiling where it had sagged but other than that is was well insulated and dry. I had managed to install several chains and secured them to the wall. It was ready as it would ever be and would sever its purpose. I secured the bitch to the wall usung the chains and several pairs of handcuffs..She could moved around but i had spaced the chains so that one arm could not reach the other. I left her legs frww so that she could stand, sit or lay down. I had other sets ready in case I wanted to secure her legs.I had even installed a small air mattress for to sleep on. She had been groggy when I had taken her from the trunk and had a lump on the side of her head from the blow I had given her. I had left her fully clothed as i secured her , but that would change as soon as the games began. I had started the generator so it was still completely dark inside the cellar. I had left her gagged, but didnt bother blindfolding her. I wanted her to see and know what was happening and who was doing it. She wasnt going to walk out of there alive so it didnt matter. I went and got several buckets of water and the device I had bought strictly for this occasion. I had seen the device before and even used it a few times myself as I grew up on the farm. The cattle prod was a stick about 18 inches long and powered by several batteries that could be recharged. It delivered a stinging jolt of electricity when it was administered to unprotected skin. After getting everything I needed. I proceeded to introduce the bitch to the beginning of her last few days on this earth. I began by soaking her completely with several buckets of water cold enough to wake her up and insure she was very uncomfortable. Then as she stood there shivering, I instructed her to strip naked. This took some time as you can well imagine, each time she refused I took the prod and gave her a taste, all in all it took almost 30 minutes and several doses of the prod but eventually the bitch had her pants and underwear off, her blouse and bra hung off shoulders since she wasnt able to get them free with the chains. I took a knife and cut the blouse and bra from her,managing only to be kicked once since she was blind in the darkness and totally at my mercy.