by Zebulon

This is a work of fiction.  No reference to real persons is 
intended.  It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery 
and language.  If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it.

This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper 
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, 
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is 
being posted. 
     Feedback is welcome.  Zebulon@fastmail.ca

     (MF, FF, Bond)

*   *   *   *   *   Start of Part 12   *   *   *   *   *

     A week later the Eagle landed in Las Vegas to scope out
some local prospects.  Here, more than anywhere else in the
world, tall dominant women seemed to flock in abundance. 
If this didn't work out, his next port of call would be
Amsterdam and then Copenhagen.  But Las Vegas might be
preferable since Merilla was originally a Southern California
girl and English her first language.

     The Eagle was paired with a tough looking Dom named
Karla Bell.  "Not Karla; not Bell.  Karla Bell."  On that she
was insistent.  Karla Bell held a Master's Degree in
Psychology and managed a string of S&M clubs.  She was
the main Mart operative in the region.  She had lots of
contacts and all the expertise the Eagle lacked.  Between
them they would see if they could find a suitable match for
the contract.

     After two days of looking at pictures, reading bios, and
talking it over, they settled on a short list of four prospects. 
The Eagle had their pictures spread out across Karla Bell's
desk.  "What do you think," he asked.

     "They're all good."  She tapped one.  "She's definitely
the best.  At least from her psychological profile."

     "I agree," he said.  "She looks to be the best physical
match as well.  So let's look at her last."


     "Yeah.  If we look at her first it's likely to distort our
perceptions of the others."  Karla Bell nodded thoughtfully. 
"If we get to her last and still like her best," the Eagle
continued, "we can be pretty sure we've got a winner."

     "Good enough.  I'll set things up."

     And so they went to some S&M shows.  The first three
women were all excellent.  Physically, any of them would
do.  One even had naturally red hair, but as the Eagle had
found out, that wasn't an issue.  Mistress Merilla had been
dying her hair for years.  Personality wise, they were also
good.  One was a little tame for the Eagle's taste and one
seemed almost sadistic.  But Karla Bell assured him that
either would train nicely.  The third woman was just a bit
short for the part but she had the best psychological profile
of the three.  There was no need to fly on to Europe to look
for a match.

     Armed with this knowledge the Eagle and Karla Bell
went to see the fourth woman perform on the Silver
Manacle stage.

                      *   *   *   *   *

     Lori and Ted had been married for three years.  In most
ways they were ideally suited.  They agreed on just about
everything; they liked each other's families; they enjoyed the
same leisure activities.  The only fly in the ointment was sex.

     Lori was a plain-Jane, vanilla-sex type person.  Ted was
into variety, spice, plus a whole lot more than just a little
touch of kink.  He was especially fond of bondage and
S&M.  He'd tried to get her interested in making their sex
more varied, but without luck.  She didn't take it badly. 
She just didn't take it at all   a complete lack of interest in
even talking about it.  And yet, Ted sensed a tiny something
in her manner which suggested hidden possibilities.

     Lori loved him.  Ted knew that.  And he loved her.  But
he knew he couldn't last forever on a strict missionary
position diet.  He was afraid that sooner or later the
marriage would bust if something didn't change pretty

     Ted usually came home right after work.  But several
nights a month he would tell his lovely wife he was working
late and would frequent the city's S&M clubs with his best
friend, Burt.  Too bad, Burt hadn't been a woman.  They
shared exactly the same taste in sex.

     The two of them would discuss his sex-life problem
endlessly.  But all the talk seemed to go nowhere.  Then one
night Ted got an idea.  Dom Donner's act.  If he could
somehow get Lori up on stage, . . . who knew what
wondrous changes that might lead to.  Then Burt, who
worked as a chemist for a pharmacological company, had a
brainstorm.  They discussed the idea for weeks before Ted
finally decided to give it a try.

     His wife was a big sports fan.  So they started making
bets.  Big ones.  The winner named their own reward.  He
lost three such bets in quick succession and had to clean the
garage, paint the house, and go shopping with her all day
while she tried on dresses.  He didn't mind the big pay-offs
when he lost.  He knew it would make it easier to collect
when he won.  And when that day finally came, he told her
she would have to accompany him to a sex show.

                      *   *   *   *   *

     Lori didn't know quite what to think.  She had expected
her husband to ask for something sexual when he won a bet. 
In a way, she was looking forward to it.  After more than
three years of plain sex, she also was ready to try something
a little new.  On the other hand, there was a big difference
between something a little new and a sex club.  The idea of
it frightened her.  It gave her exactly the same panicky
feeling she remembered from when she had lost her

     Part of her problem was that Lori felt she was on a
pedestal.  She had always been a good girl.  And Ted had
always treated her that way.  She felt a certain obligation
not to ruin the image.  To show too much interest in sex, or
even to talk about it was just out of character.  But for her
husband to use his bet to try something new, that put the
responsibility completely on him and left her with no choice. 
She liked that.  It wouldn't be her fault.  Besides, she had
been sure he would only press the boundaries they had
established by slow and careful degrees.  The upcoming trip
to a strip show, as she thought of it, was way more than she
had expected.  But she didn't know how to get out of it.

     So Lori called her best friend, Julie.  They talked it over
and decided to invite her along if Ted would allow it.  It
would give her moral support and perhaps the witness
would keep things under control.  She expected Ted to
protest, but instead he seemed delighted.  That worried her
even more.

                      *   *   *   *   *

     Then it was time to pay off.  Lori and Julie spent most of
the day at the gym.  They worked out.  Then they sat in the 
steam bath and commiserated  with one another.  Both 
were lovely girls.

     Lori was 26 years old.  She was five-nine and built like a
swimmer.  Her skin tones were dark resembling a rich tan. 
She had nicely formed breasts and a terrific ass.  She also
had long arms, long legs, and long brown hair.  Her face
seemed half angel-half devil and very beautiful.  Almost
every man she met wanted to fuck her.  Almost every
woman she met wanted to look like her.

     Julie was also beautiful but along different lines.  She
was half a head shorter and had a very pale complexion. 
Her body was more curvy than Lori's.  She looked like a
model in miniature.  She had a large sensuous mouth and
large brown eyes.  Her shoulder length hair was golden
brown.  She had page-boy bangs.  She was 23 but might
have passed for 18 in the right light.

     Julie had volunteered to come along to the sex club
because she was sure Ted would never agree.  When he did
agree, she was just as scared as Lori.  Julie was practically a
virgin.  She had only had sex once and that was when she
was seventeen.  It had been in the back seat of a car and
was such an unpleasant experience that she'd practically
sworn off sex ever since.  A little heavy petting and some
front room groping was as close as she'd come in the last
few years.  Truth be known, she was more attracted to Lori
than to any of the men she'd dated.  And her affection for
Lori was completely platonic.  She loved her, but not in an
inappropriate way.  Any other feelings she might have
harbored were well submerged.

     So now they sat in the sauna, wrapped in towels, trying
to boost each other's confidence.  It was going to be all
right.  How bad could it be?  They just had to get through
it.  And Lori had to stop making bets with her husband! 
That was for sure.  Some day they'd look back at this and
laugh.  And who knows, they might even learn something

                      *   *   *   *   *

     When they got back from the gym, Ted was waiting.  He
looked positively eager.  Julie had a panicky, last-second
craving to back out, but then it was too late.  They stopped
for dinner and Ted ordered drinks for all three.  But the girls
sipped water with their meal and their drinks went
untouched.  Both girls were wound to the breaking point. 
He suggested a bathroom stop before they left and the girls

     Once they were gone, Ted removed his gift from Burt. 
It was an experimental drug derived from the South
American barrachera plant.  At first he was reluctant to use
it on his lovely wife.  But Burt assured him it was well past
the animal safety checks and well into human testing. 
Besides, the drug lowered psychological resistance and
inhibitions.  It repressed the will and made subjects very
suggestible.  It was the closest thing to a hypnotic drug in
existence -- quicker, safer, and more reliable than sodium
Pentothal.  It was also odorless, tasteless, and there were no
nasty side effects.  If anything would get his wife up on
stage, this would be it.

     The lighting in the restaurant was subdued, their table
was secluded, no one was looking.  Just a couple of drops
in each half-empty water glass.

     When the girls finally got back from the bathroom, Ted
excused himself to take a turn.  He took his time.  When he
got back his wife's glass was nearly empty.  Julie had only
half finished hers.  But, no matter, Lori was the important

                      *   *   *   *   *

     The Silver Manacle was famous within the local BDSM
community for its wild shows.  The theatre was the largest
of the clubs in the area and was divided into two sections. 
There was a larger, general audience section ringing the
stage at a distance.  And there was a smaller, inner circle of
tables for audience members who were willing to take part
in the action.  Inner circle tickets cost double and the guests
had to sign a detailed waiver before being admitted.

     Karla Bell had arranged for seats within the inner circle,
but the performers had been told to leave them out of it. 
They had come to observe, not to play.

     As they settled in, the lights went down, the
entertainment began.  All the acts were good.  A couple of
them were excellent.  One girl would have been perfect for
the Merilla gig if she'd matched the physical requirements. 
But she was an oriental just barely over five feet tall.  She
did however put on a wonderful show with a male and
female sub of her own plus two volunteers from the

     Then it was time for the act they came to see -- Dom
Donner as she styled herself.  The Dom strode out on stage
with some appropriate theme music playing in the
background.  Her physical presence was almost
overwhelming.  She was just over six feet tall with large
breasts and a tremendous physique.  Her Mart bio said she
swam three miles a day, bicycled, and worked out in a gym. 
She was dressed in a black latex body suit that hugged her
curves to tremendous effect.  Her hair was dyed platinum
blond and she was wearing purple contact lenses.  She was
impressive as hell.

     As the Dom studied the inner tables she wore the
expression of a hungry tiger deciding what to kill for dinner. 
She gave Karla Bell and her guest a quick nod and just as
quickly ignored them.  They were off limits so of no
interest.  But tonight she was going to have fun.

     Shortly before the show a conservatively dressed man
had found his way backstage and asked her to pick his wife
and her girlfriend for her act.  He'd seen some of her other
performances.  Donner wasn't interested until the man
showed her a picture of the wife.  Then he told her his
wife's story and that made it even better.  So the wife
needed her horizons expanded.  She had lost a bet and was
paying off.  And she had brought a friend for support.  The
man said he'd prepared them both to make sure they were
willing.  Donner didn't want to know anything about that. 
But she took another glance at the picture and asked what
the friend looked like.

     "A real honey," the man said.

     She handed back the picture without comment but
decided if they played along, she would use them.  The Dom
had a weakness for honey.

     When Donner started her act she stalked the inner circle
of tables.  She made her rounds, raked nails along random
necks, pinched an occasional nipple, and favored the best
looking guests with rapacious glares.

     By the time she reached her targets the audience was
hungry for action.  They had come to see power, mastery,
dominance, and of course lots of sex.  That's what they
were going to get.  The Dom had no trouble identifying the
man and his two women.  He looked eager - expectant.  The
girls looked a little dazed and more than a little fearful. 
Neither seemed drunk, but there was something slightly
zombie-like about them, especially the wife.  The man was
right, however, they were both honeys.  And it looked like
they would play along which was all she needed to know.

     Donner felt her juices starting to flow.  She stood arms
akimbo and stared down at the two women.  Lori and Julie
looked like they were trying not to move in the hope of
going unnoticed.  Donner walked around the table and
stood between the two girls.  She hovered over their seated
forms.  A large hand came down on each shoulder.  They
looked apprehensively up at her.  Grasping handfuls of
fabric she practically lifted them out of their chairs.  "I think
you two better come with me."

     This was the brief moment when the women might have
said, 'No.'  There was no legal requirement that inner circle
guests participate.  But it was part of the bet; if they were
chosen, they had to go.  Ted had explained how one or both
of them might end up in the show, but had said it was a real
long-shot possibility.

     Lori seemed incapable of coherent thought and Julie was
far too intimidated to say anything at all.

*   *   *   *   *   End of Part 12   *   *   *   *   *

     by Zebulon

This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper 
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, 
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is 
being posted.