Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Zorlond Title: Grand Ted Part: Chapter 4 Summary: A 13-year-old boy named Ted has just moved to a new house, and discovers a magical surprise in the basement. Let the temptations begin. Keywords: mf, first time, teen, public place, bad sex Chapter 4 - Firsts ---- Ted wasn't able to get to his locker for a couple periods. His mind went over what had been said at lunch, and over Cass' body. He could do it, right? Just wish for it? And if he worded it right, it wouldn't even be like he was forcing her... technically. Although... His mind was abuzz with ideas and possibilities, he finally managed to get his backpack out of his locker just before the last period. Reaching inside to give the lantern a quick rub, he closed up the backpack, closed his locker, and turned around to nearly plant his face squarely into a pair of huge, green boobs. "Hey, Ted," Chantelle smiled as Ted jumped back a little and tried to cover his surprise and embarrassment. She was attired as before, in a highly sexy catholic school uniform, despite the fact that this was neither a uniform school nor an overtly catholic one. "You wanted to see me?" "Yeah," Ted said, feeling the flush slowly clear from his face. He gestured down the hallway towards his last class and started walking. "A quick question, first. I don't recall you mentioning anything about love during the rules..." He'd been thinking about it, and he had remembered that had been one of the big rules in that old cartoon movie. Chantelle gave a small, sardonic laugh. "Yeah, that's because, 99 times out of 100, anyone asking for love doesn't actually want it. They just want lust, or submission to the point of slavery... Chains optional." "So, you can't do it?" Ted looked at her. It seemed more odd that it hadn't been included in the rules, if that was the case. Chantelle leaned her head to one side briefly. "It's... complicated. Let's just say that if you ask for it, what you get probably won't be what you actually wanted. Or will enjoy. But I will make the attempt if you insist." "No, I'll pass," Ted quickly said. He turned the idea over in his mind. He turned to enter a classroom, and there, he paused. Cass was there. She was sitting down, getting ready, laughing at something the girl next to her had just said. Ted snapped out of it when he realized he was just staring while standing in the doorway. Quickly making his way to an empty seat in the back, he tried to cover by focusing on getting his notebook ready. "Hmm," Chantelle hummed. Ted looked up at her, which gave him a view of her standing there, one finger held against smiling lips, other held under her breasts to lift and push them together. "Is this line of thought about that girl over there? She's pretty hot..." Ted immediately started wondering why Chantelle's words didn't sound all that innocent. But he pushed those thoughts aside quickly. "Yeah. And don't worry, not asking for love." Ted took a bracing breath, then thundered ahead. "I wish that Cass Whitmoore would decide she wants to have sex with me before the day is over." Chantelle looked at him, her mouth open, eyes looking concerned. But, her expression faded quickly, words unsaid. Ted, watching her, couldn't help but notice that she looked a bit... Resigned? Disappointed? Whatever it was, he didn't have much of a chance to look, as Chantelle unfolded her arms. "Granted." She brought her hands together in a solid clap, and from her hands sprayed a shower of rainbow-colored sparks. Ted blinked, clearing the little spots from his vision, and only then realized that Chantelle was gone again. Looking around, he didn't see any obvious changes. Cass certainly didn't look any different. The math class proceeded, once the teacher had noticed Ted and given him a textbook to read from. This teacher apparently decided to test him a little bit right there in class, calling him up to answer problems on the board three times. Ted managed the algebra problems with reasonable skill and no obvious mistakes. But as he was going back to his seat after answering the second, he caught Cass looking at him in an odd way. She looked away when she noticed him looking at her, jotting something down in her notebook. When Ted was called up the third time, after answering the problem, he specifically turned around to look at Cass. His eyes met hers, and they held each others gaze for a few seconds. Cass was subtly smiling as she did, and Ted felt his own face smile as well. And then the moment was over, and Ted had to get back to his seat. Class eventually gave way to the final bell, and after Ted had picked up his list of homework from the teacher, he headed out of the classroom. As he turned a corner, however, he was brought up short by his name being called. "Ted? It is Ted, right?" He stopped and turned, and there he saw Cass, looking at him a bit sidelong. She held her books in one arm, up against her side, pressing her breasts together a bit. Ted thought they looked nicely enhanced by that. He did his best not to stare, but instead to meet her eyes. "Yeah, that's right," he said. He raised a hand to generally point towards her. "You're... Cass, I think?" Cass nodded, asking, "You've heard of me?" Ted shook his head. "Just your name." She smiled at that. "I assume you heard my name from the grilling in math class." She laughed, a light thing. "Yeah, Mrs. Jenkins is just like that." She considered him a bit more before asking, "Hey, you wanna hang out?" Ted tried to make a show of thinking about it before answering. "Sure," he said. Inside, he was feeling a little jittery, as excitement dueled with the need to act ignorant of what Cass was thinking about. Cass smiled. "I know a good place to hang. C'mon." With that, she led the way down the hall, Ted falling into step beside her. As they walked, they chatted, about how Ted was new in town, how Cass had lived there her whole life, general gripes about homework, and the merits of various teachers. "Oh, you're in Mr. Fredrick's homeroom? I had him last year." Ted nodded. "Was he as grumpy back then?" "Pretty much, yeah," she laughed, a light sound that tickled Ted's ears. Cass led the way outside, and through the trees out behind the school. A short walk through the brush revealed a basic baseball diamond with a couple cheap wooden shelters with benches inside. Cass headed to one of the shelters and set down her books and purse before sitting. Ted followed suit, sticking his backpack under the bench. Taking a seat next to Cass, Ted tried to relax and look content. Cass looked him over, then laughed a bit to herself. "You're a nice guy, aren't you, Ted?" Ted shrugged. "I think I'm okay. Mostly, anyways." He didn't want to think about it, really, not now that his wish appeared to be coming true. Cass looked at him intently, quietly saying, "I think so too." With that, she leaned over to him, and their lips met. Ted could taste sweetness, as he kissed her, trying to imitate the kisses he'd seen on TV. He wasn't sure he was doing it right, but it felt good all the same. The kiss broke, and Cass seemed a little short of breath as she asked, "You felt it too, in math class?" Her hands were on his stomach, trailing downwards to his fly. "Yeah," Ted mumbled. He wasn't thinking about much of anything, as his hands went for her shirt, pulling it up out of her pants to reveal smooth browned skin. Cass' hands were undoing his pants, her hand slipping inside his underwear to grab hold of him in a way no one else ever had. Fingers curled around his entire package, she tugged once, getting it loose from it's settled position. She let go for a moment so that Ted could finish pulling her shirt up and completely off, revealing a lacy white bra, holding orange-sized breasts. Cass' hands returned to Ted's pants, pulling them downwards and away, letting his stiffening dick out into the open air. Ted's hands trembled a bit as he pulled her bra straps off of her shoulders, pulling the bra down to reveal her puffy nipples. To have a girl's breasts revealed to him for the first time, Ted had to shake off the desire to just look. Instead, he put a hand to one of them, feeling it's softness in his hand. Cass moaned a bit, startling Ted. Did he mess up? Was she enjoying it? Or should he stop? Her words cut through his uncertainty. "Pants. Get your pants down..." Ted stood for a moment to drop his pants to his ankles, soon followed by his underwear. Cass undid her pants as well, shimmying on the bench to get them down. With restraints undone, Cass lay back along the bench, and when she enticed Ted closer with a finger, he lay down on top of her, trying not to crush her in his haste. They kissed again, skin to skin contact sending tingles up and down Ted's body. Her hands were on him again, down on his fully hard member, she shifted a little, adjusting, then told him, "Push." Ted did. The warmth of her around him was unlike anything else. It felt good, it felt intense, it felt demanding, but mostly it felt wonderfully warm and damp. Ted pulled back a bit, noticing how the sensation changed with motion. But in his haste, he fell out of her. With calm words, she took hold of his dick again and led him back inside. He tried to move again, and this time stayed inside her. He couldn't move much, a few inches at best. A few strokes later, he fell out again and this time Ted took hold of himself and planted himself inside her again. He would learn this. Yes, this was worthy of study. Controlling his pace, he managed to stay inside of Cass as he thrust his dick into her pussy. Beneath him, Cass closed her eyes, moaning softly as her body moved in time with his. Her hair a dark halo around her head. Her breasts jiggled up and down, hypnotizing Ted with their movement. He set both hands on the bench over her shoulders, trying to get the leverage to go harder, even if he couldn't go further. It felt like a long time, and also too short a time, with Ted thrusting into Cass there. He felt the pressure build up, and then it released, his hips shaking as he felt his dick fire into Cass a few times. His mind lit up with the feeling... And then it was over. He felt out of breath, and his crotch felt drained. As he leaned back, his dick fell out of her, already going soft. He looked down at himself, and he could only wonder. Was that it? Could he have another go at it? Maybe two or three? It had felt good, in a deep way that he couldn't define. But it also felt incomplete. Maybe he could finish if he tried again... But Cass was already moving, nudging him off and sitting up on the bench. Retrieving her purse, she grabbed a packet of napkins and set about rubbing one at her crotch. She took another and silently tossed it to Ted. He looked down at the bit of fluffy white in his hand, then back at Cass. "Um..." He really had no idea what to say. Wasn't there something called 'pillow talk'? Except there weren't any pillows... Cass interrupted him, "I'd recommend cleaning up. It doesn't smell so good after a while." Her voice was distant, as if she were busy thinking about something else entirely. Not knowing what else to do, he gave his dick a quick rub-down, cleaning off the wetness of her. Trying to get the conversation going again, he tried, "That was... good. It felt good. Right?" Cass just shrugged. "Eh, it was okay, I guess. About what I expected from a boy your age, really." She pulled her pants back up, securing them quickly. "I'll see you in class, I guess," Re-seating her bra, she quickly threw her shirt back on and gathered up her books and purse. Ted could only stare, and it was only as she was turning to leave that he was goaded into action. "Uh, wait! I..." Ted stood and tried to take a step after her, wobbled precariously where he was for a moment, then sat down to get his pants back up from around his ankles. Once he had gotten his fly up, he started running after her. As he was catching up, he saw her waving to someone in the parking lot. Ted fell back as Cass hurried up to an older teenage guy leaning against a car. She jumped up into his arms to hug him, and then to kiss him. And not in a quick way, either. Ted just looked at them for a few moments, then shook his head and walked back to the baseball diamond to retrieve his backpack. He made a paranoid double-check to make sure the lantern was still at the bottom of the bag, which it was, he idly noticed that it had shed a layer of grime that was now sifting around in the bottom of his backpack. Shouldering his pack, Ted started walking, grumbling when he realized he had completely missed the bus back home. Looking around, he decided there wasn't much for it, and pulled out his cellphone. His mom had made it abundantly clear to him when she gave it to him that it was for emergencies only. He hoped this was close enough to qualify, it was a very long walk back home. Dialing the house, it rang for only a few moments before the answer. "Hello?" he heard Carol say. "Hey, mom... I kinda missed the bus ride home. Is there any chance you could pick me up?" Ted timidly asked. There was an annoyed grunt on the other side of the line. "Ted, how could you miss the bus on the first day?" "I'm sorry, mom, I just did..." He didn't want to explain just why he did. Not right now. Maybe not ever. Looking around idly, he realized Cass and the boy she had been with were nowhere in sight, but the car the guy had been leaning on was still here... Wait, was the car shaking..? Ted stared for a moment before firmly turning away. Yeah, not telling mom about this seemed like a plan. "I'm sorry, but I can't pick you up right now. But hold on..." Carol's voice went muted as Ted could hear her talking to someone else. There was a bit of a wait before Carol came back on the line. "Alright, Amber said she'll pick you up. You just stay put in front of the school, she'll be there in a few minutes." Ted nodded to himself, "Gotcha, I'll stay put. Thanks, mom." With that, he hung up and put his cellphone away. Glancing around again, Ted firmly decided to wait somewhere else. Like over there, around the corner where he wouldn't see the bouncing car in the lot... ***** This is a work of fiction, if that wasn't clear enough. Nothing I write about has ever or will ever occour in reality. Any resemblence characters may have to real people is entirely coincidental and unintentional. And I can not and will not condone real sexual activity involving minors. I do however, condone positive feedback, and encourage it. :) If you feel like sending me some feedback, you can reach me at zorlond AT yahoo DOT com.