Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Zorlond Title: Grand Ted Part: Chapter 13 Summary: A 13-year-old boy named Ted has just moved to a new house, and discovers a magical surprise in the basement. Let the temptations begin. Keywords: mfg, ped, teen, lolita, inc, incest brother sisters, impreg, preg, breast size Chapter 13 - In The Shade ---- Later, in Ted's room... "I'm telling you, they should be organized from innermost to outermost." "That's ridiculous. If we're basing this on being a travel agency, then the big seller items need to be first. No way is Mercury going to be a bigger sale than Jupiter. Trust me, my dad's in marketing." "Guys, we can't keep arguing about this..." Ted sighed. They'd been at it for more than an hour so far, and most of that time had been arguing. This vacation idea was silly, that destination made no sense, and now it was about which planet gets top billing. Ted admitted to himself that it probably would have been going smoother if he didn't keep drifting off to thoughts about sex. Maybe just asking his mom to come in for a quick blow job while Kevin and Mitch were in mid-argument... It'd certainly be more enjoyable than trying to play referee. Ted tried to soldier on, after all he needed the grade too. But right about the time when the argument involved whether or not to include individual moons was when he hit his limit. "Guys, how about we just stop for a bit?" Ted suggested. "We're just going from one argument to the next." Kevin looked at him for a moment before saying, "Alright, guess we could take five. Got a TV in this place?" "Yeah, it's downstairs." The three of them left the materials they had gathered for the project there on Ted's bed and filed down the stairs to the living room and pulled up some cartoons to watch. But Ted's heart just wasn't into it. And when he saw Tiffany playing outside, he took the opportunity to excuse himself and head into the back yard. The back yard wasn't really much of anything to see, just an open space of grass and a couple rocks bordered on three sides by trees. Surprisingly, Amber was there, parked in the shade on a cheap folding lounge chair, large pad of paper and pencil in her hand, sketching. Ted hadn't recalled her ever being much into art before, and guessed it must be some kind of homework. Tiffany was nearby, playing in the grass with a few toys. And over her, watching with a thoughtful look, was Chantelle. "Hey," Ted called out to the genie as he approached. She looked over to him and smiled briefly in greeting. "Any new thoughts on this little problem?" Chantelle's eyes went back to considering Tiffany. "Not really. It's really tricky to know just what could work on someone this young, mainly because they generally haven't tried anything themselves by this age." She looked up and around the yard briefly. "Still, trying it outside in the sun is worth a shot." "Sounds good to me." Ted smiled and stepped from Chantelle's side over to Tiffany. "Hey, Tiff. How's it going?" "Alright," Tiffany quickly answered, sitting back on the grass, then peered up at him. "Though you still haven't kept your promise." "I know, I know." Ted crouched down next to her. "That's why I'm out here, to give it another shot. You feel up to it?" Tiffany's answer was simply to giggle and rise to her knees to plant a kiss on Ted's lips. A long, wet one, with her little arms wrapped around his head. Ted's hands went to her back, stroking across the light shirt she had on, and going lower to grab her butt through her shorts. His mind kept rushing ahead to things he wanted to do to her, and he had to keep reminding himself that he had to go slow and keep trying things. After all, what he really wanted to do to her is give her an orgasm. A solid, proper one, with her insides twitching and tugging around his dick, leaking over him with her liquids in visceral display of her enjoyment as her moans of pleasure rang in his ears. Yeah, now that was something to strive for. The kiss kept going, as one of Ted's hands slid a bit further down, going right down between Tiffany's legs to stroke, and his other hand went higher, slipping under her shirt to run his thumb over her chest. His thoughts flickered forward, thinking about when Tiffany would actually have something there for him to grasp. If she liked his touch now, just wait until she actually had some breasts for him to stroke and lick. The raw potential enticed Ted as much as being able to touch her right then. Ted's thoughts were brought back to the now by the feeling of Tiffany tugging at his pants, trying to get them open. He gently broke the kiss to back away a bit and look her in the eyes. Without saying anything, he smiled and grabbed the hem of her shirt in both hands, tugging it upwards and off. Tiffany raised her hands above her head in compliance, seeming a little annoyed that she had to let go of his pants to do so. And then his hands took hold of her shorts and tugged them downwards. Tiffany, quickly getting the idea, stood to help get them off, then quickly shucked her panties to be fully naked before him. Chuckling, Ted let Tiffany 'help' him get naked as well, doing just enough himself so that she didn't just tear his clothes off. Once naked and kissing once again, with Ted's hands on Tiffany's bare skin, Chantelle spoke up. "Alright, let's try another position while you're at it. Try being behind her, with her on hands and knees." As Ted relayed the position to Tiffany, he helped her get down that way. As Ted kneeled behind her, trying to figure out how his hips and hers were supposed to meet with their difference in sizes, he noticed he was facing Amber. Her eyes rolled over the two of them briefly before going right back to her sketching. Ted smiled, knowing his 'brotherly love' was now perfectly normal for him. Looking back to Tiffany, Ted figured he'd have to scoot forward so his knees were in front of and outside hers. It was the only way he saw to bring his dick low enough to enter her from this position. As his dick squirmed it's way into Tiffany's tight little pussy, and he started to grind against her, she giggled. "I kinda like this way," she said. "Kinda like bunnies." "Hmm? What?" The statement was a bit of a surprise to Ted. It was the first time Tiffany had shown a preference to any particular method. Glancing over to Chantelle, he saw her gesture with open hand moving in small circles. Encouraged to continue, Ted asked, "What about bunnies?" He resumed the sex, going slower and softer now to not be overly distracting. "Oh, the Hendersons had bunnies, remember?" Tiffany said. Ted remembered that they had been their neighbors from their previous home. He vaguely recalled a rabbit hutch in their backyard but never paid attention to it. "They got like this all the time. One would get up behind another and there'd be this thumping sound, then they'd go and do the same thing to another bunny. Mm." Ted, sensing something a bit different, sped up his movements, taking hold of her hips in both hands, as Tiffany continued the story. "I asked Mr. Henderson about it. He tried to tell me that they were 'itchy' and 'helping' each other, maybe you can help me with an itch while you're there?" "They weren't itchy, kid." The words were a bit of a surprise for both of them. Ted and Tiffany looked over at Amber. Her eyes were firmly on the paper in her hands, but she continued speaking. "They were fucking. Rabbits fuck, it's what they do. And they do it a lot. Kinda like Ted." "Is that true, Ted?" Tiffany turned her head over her shoulder again to look sidelong at him. "Well," Ted tried to think as he kept his hips moving against Tiffany. It was a bit hard to do both at the same time. "I'm not a bunny, if that's what you're asking. But yeah, I guess bunnies fuck a lot, and what we're doing now is fucking." Tiffany considered that, pushing back on Ted in sync as she did. "And what about mom?" She certainly seemed more able to hold a conversation than Ted was right now. "Yeah, Ted's fucking her too," Amber answered for him. "Considering how often he's boning her, I'd be surprised if mom wasn't knocked up before the month is over." "'Knocked up'?" Tiffany asked. "Yeah," Amber then looked right at them, her one visible blue eye focused intently upon their naked forms together. "Knocked up. Pregnant. With child. Bun in the oven. Filled with baby. Well bred." She let those phrases sink in briefly before looking back to her sketching. "That's why rabbits fuck so much. They just keep making more rabbits. It's pretty much all they do. It's what they're known for." Tiffany looked back over her shoulder again. "Ted? Is that true?" "Uh... I... uh... never really thought about it." Which was true enough. And Ted was having a hard time thinking about it now, as Tiffany still hadn't slowed or stopped. It was a little hard to concentrate. In hopes of an answer, Ted looked over at Chantelle. The genie shrugged. "Well, natural reproduction is a sexual act, and frequently vice-versa. You're allowed, now." Her green eyes turned to consider Amber, brow furrowed in thought. Ted focused on Tiffany again, continuing his answer. "I guess... I guess I am. In a way." "But you weren't thinking about it?" "Um, no, I just said I wasn't." Tiffany pursed her lips in thought, pausing in her movements as she did. Which was okay with Ted, he'd run low on steam with all this talking. He was having trouble doing both at once. After a few moments, Tiffany smiled again. "Well then, you're thinking about it now. So do it!" "Huh?" Tiffany started moving again, grinding her little hips against him. "Fuck me and knock me up. Just like a bunny would." Amber burst out in laughter, her face turning to them again. "You're too young, kid. You haven't even started your period yet. They probably won't start for another couple years. Can't get knocked up until then." Over Tiffany's rising protest, Amber shrugged dramatically. "I don't make the rules, that's just how it works." Tiffany harrumphed, but then her face slowly changed from annoyance to realization. "But you're not too young, Amber." Amber's laughter stopped, and it was a testament to her surprise that she didn't attempt to correct her sister. "Ted can do it to you, and really think about it. And I can watch him do it, so I'll know what it's like when he does it to me." "Uh... buh... er..." Amber, normally quick with a sarcastic comment or remark, seemed stunned. Before she recovered, Ted spoke up. "Alright. Amber, I'd like to do my best to get you pregnant. Not just sex, but trying to knock you up with lots of sex." Ted smiled at her. "...Okay," Amber finally answered. Tiffany happily got to her feet and tugged on Ted's arm to bring him up and over to Amber's seat. Amber dropped the sketchpad next to her lounge chair. Muttering, she added, "I guess I should have expected you'd get to the bottom of your list sooner or later." Before Ted could ask what she meant, she started undressing. Tugging on the cuffs of the heavy, dark top she had on, she pulled her hands into the sleeves before taking hold of the lower hem with both hands, raising her arms up over her head. Tiffany paused in her enthusiasm to look at her sister. "Wow. You're almost as big as mom." Amber turned her head as her chin popped out from the turtleneck of the top, trying to not smudge the black lipstick she had on. "Yeah, look at your future, kid. It's chock full of bras that don't fit." Ted found himself nodding to himself. Even to his untrained eye, it was pretty clear that the bra Amber had on didn't fit right. It was also a rather garish shade of blue-green that really didn't suit her. Amber seemed glad to pop it open and discard it. Her breasts wobbled briefly in their freedom, bumping into each other and causing interesting ripples. Her nipples were large and very slightly puffed out. She was definitely just a little bit smaller than Carol, but that simply made her the second bustiest girl Ted was having sex with. Or would, in a moment. Amber's hands immediately went to the waistband of her long skirt, but Ted interrupted her by stepping forward and taking a gentle hold of her chin. When she paused to look at him quizzically, he just kissed her, right on those dark lips. He kept his eyes open, meeting her dark-rimmed eyes at extreme close range. She held still for a moment, uncertain, before trying to return the kiss. Ted found himself taking the lead, using what teachings Carol had given him to kiss his sister properly. Amber tried to meet him halfway, but her skill with her tongue was notably lacking. Pushing on anyways, Ted took hold of her breast in his free hand, feeling it's size and weight. Her nipples were tightening in the outside air, and he tweaked it between thumb and forefinger gently. Amber moaned softly into their kiss, and he felt her hand press on top of his. Eventually, he broke the kiss. Her deep-red hair settled back into place, hiding one eye. Ted smiled at her, then reached down to tug pointedly at her skirt again. Amber, catching on quickly, resumed her efforts to disrobe and unfastened the skirt, pulling it down to reveal her hips, nicely curved and padded lightly. And further down her legs were shown to be fit and long. Over her hips she wore very plain, dark grey panties that she quickly removed. And then she sat there, in her cheap lounge chair, looking rather uncomfortable. Ted just looked at her a moment, and wondered if his mom had looked like this at 16. She probably had, come to think of it. What Ted didn't get is why Amber did everything to bury her form. She looked so hot. Both in the sense that she was attractive and kinda sweaty from the heavy clothing. Ted decided to set that aside for now. Because right now, he wanted to have sex with her, and get her pregnant. He found he really did like the idea of doing that to Amber. He gently but firmly took hold of her legs, spreading them so he could get in between, straddling the lounge chair as he got his very-stiff dick in between her legs, pushing his dick into her pussy with ease. She wasn't loose, she was actually on the tight side, but he still slid in quickly, and so he started fucking Amber. At first, she kept her head turned to the side, not looking at him. He thrust into her like that for a bit, but then he lifted her legs up, holding them high as he pounded into her pussy. Her ankles flopped up and down next to his shoulders, and the motion set her breasts quivering back and forth nicely. Her head turned a little, looking at him again. Her hair slid aside amongst all the motion, and both eyes could be seen clearly, her blue eyes on his. She was moaning openly now, little grunts mixed in with the occasional "Yeah." or "More." Ted did his best to give her more. Eventually, his arms grew tired. As much as his body tended to overwhelm Tiffany's, Amber's did the same to his. Gently lowering one of her legs, he took hold of the other in both arms and set it against his neck. The resulting quarter turn of her hips made the sex more interesting for Ted, And Amber certainly seemed to like it. Now facing Tiffany, kneeling next to the chair and watching intently, Amber started saying, "Yeah, do it, Ted. Knock me up good. Let Tiffany see you plant a baby in me." Ted thought he heard a brief intake of breath behind him, but he just wanted to give Amber what she and Tiffany was asking for. He'd been thinking about all the girls at school he'd been having sex with. Would any of them get pregnant? Possibly. And the thought really excited him. Even his mom, Carol, might end up pregnant, probably would if he kept on going at her all the time. But Amber, oh she wanted it specifically. And Ted wanted to give it to her, specifically. "Then here," Ted grunted as he started firing off. "Get knocked up!" He felt Amber respond in kind, her leg pushing against him as she came, pussy clenching around his jerking dick and welcoming his load within her. The event seemed longer somehow. Either inspired to be longer or more worthy of attention, Ted didn't know. But it was good. Ted sagged against his sister's leg, and she pulled it back down so that she could pull his head down for another kiss, both of their bodies now sweaty from the exertion. He felt his dick twitch once in aftershock, leaking a bit more into her pussy before softening and sliding free. After a bit, their kiss ended, and Ted set his head down on Amber's boobs, enjoying their pillowy feel. "So, did it work?" The question pulled them both out of their fuck-induced haze, and they looked at Tiffany, who eagerly awaited an answer. Amber laughed. "It's never a sure thing, kid. Might take some more trying." Ted noticed this was a different laugh. More open, less mocking. He liked it. "Ooh, more trying," Ted said, smiling widely. "Yeah," Amber purred to him. "Weeks of trying. Hum." They kissed again, hungrily, but broke after a few moments. "But for now, it's a little chilly out here..." She nudged Ted, and he obliged in getting up off of her so she could get some clothes on. He was feeling it too, as the sweat evaporated quickly. Ted sat on the very end of the lounge chair and grabbed his shirt, starting to put it on. As he did, he looked at Chantelle, question about his performance and her opinion forming on his lips. He stopped. Looked left and right. Then upwards all around. Chantelle was nowhere to be seen. ***** This is a work of fiction, if that wasn't clear enough. Nothing I write about has ever or will ever occour in reality. Any resemblence characters may have to real people is entirely coincidental and unintentional. And I can not and will not condone real sexual activity involving minors. I do however, condone positive feedback, and encourage it. :) If you feel like sending me some feedback, you can reach me at zorlond AT yahoo DOT com.