Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. An Adoring Little Leopardess By Adrian Mailenna Obligatory Disclaimer: This text contains sexually explicit material. Readers not inclined to such things, or under the age of legal consumption of such material should find something else to read. Even with the adoring little leopardess who slept snuggled so deliciously close to me, I found myself quite soft when I woke with the crack of morning. She purred at me as I rose, snuggling in a little tighter as I let my fingers brush against her sleeping cheek, tracing the tiny, freckle-like spots and patches of matted fur. So remarkable for one so small, I thought. There was so much energy, so much raw hunger in her tiny frame, just barely over five feet from toetip to eartip, and I smiled as I remembered the pleasures of the night before. We had played for hours, stopping only to wash and begin again, and I drank in her screams of delight like rich, intoxicating wine, until we slept, cream and black-spotted gold writhing against me in our slow, dreamy lovemaking. My hand wandered down her body, stroking her in affection as her sleeping purr grew, and followed her spots to the supple curves of her rear and the downy fur there, stiff with the dried evidence of our mutual pleasure. The memories of her came washing over me, from the taste of her breath to the feelings of my lips exploring her body and hers exploring mine, to the hard, carnal way she had bucked against me, so fine and strong that I could scarcely breathe, and I slid back into bed beside her, my deep, rumbling purr joining hers as we slept. -- Copyright 2004 Adrian Mailenna. Personal use encouraged. All other rights reserved. /~adrian_mailenna/