Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Copyright (C) 1998, by Centaur. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted by writing Original posting date: Sunday AM, September 20, 1998 A Resident Author story from MrDouble's archive, File: amy4.txt from This is Part Four (the Conclusion) of a Four Part Novel. The story was written to be interesting by itself, the erotic parts just increase the enjoyment - at least in my mind they do. A great deal of it is factual, some of it is fantasy; I leave it to the reader to make any distinctions. I hope you enjoy it, sit back and relax and try to lose yourself in the story. Part One is authored by Jim Martin, Part Two is written by Amy, Part Three by Julie and Jim Martin returns to conclude the story in the climax in Part Four. At the end of Amy is a preview of my new novel Marie. If you enjoy it, or have non-flame based criticisms please contact me at the above address and share your thoughts. Part 4 By Jim I remembered a loud noise, a shock and then a feeling of flying though the air and suddenly I was twisting and turning under the water trying to breath. I watched my air bubbles for a second to orientate myself to which way was up and then struck out for the surface. I was having trouble with my balance and my feeling of up and down as a result of that loud noise. My first thought was to get to the surface to breath and to find Amy and Julie. I figured we must have hit something, but there hadn't been anything out in front of us, I would swear to it, nothing that big could have possibly gotten in front of us without me seeing it, especially in that moonlight. At that instant my head broke the surface and I sucked in a huge lung full of air, nothing had ever tasted so sweet! As I treaded water I took a quick physical inventory. I didn't seem to be injured or had anything broken. I couldn't hear very well out of my right ear and my shirt and life belt was completely gone. Then I remembered what Julie had said about the smell of burning metal, the "sparkler" smell that she was picking up from the rear of the boat. Suddenly everything made sense, it was a bomb, we hadn't hit something at all! Someone had put a bomb on board the Silver Cloud and it had gone off and blown me and the girls off the forward deck and into the water! Suddenly I was frantic to find the girls and Larry and Diane. They could be hurt or unconscious floating in the cold water. Everyone was wearing waist type life belts, at least at the time of the explosion, but I notice that mine was gone along with my shirt, the force of the explosion had stripped them right off my body. I was frustrated because even in the moonlight I could only see into the trough in front of me from the top of a swell and the swell on the other side. I tried shouting but I could tell by the muffled sound of my own voice none of us would be able to hear very well. I was trying to decide which way to swim when, while cresting on a swell, I saw a strobe light begin to flash off to my right. I shouted and began to swim as hard as I could in that direction. In a few minutes I began to see the shape of the Zodiac appear in the flashes of the strobe. I could see the outline of someone sitting in the boat as well, but I couldn't make out who it was at this point. As I came up to the rubber boat I saw Julie leaning over the side shining the flashlight down at me. I hung on to the rope on the side of the boat trying to get my breath back from the swim. I felt Julie reach down and take hold of my wrist. She wasn't trying to pull me into the boat, she would never be strong enough for that, but she was sitting on the far side with her legs braced on my side and leaning forward, giving me her arm to use to pull up into the boat. Anyone that has ever tried to climb into a rubber boat from the water, particularly the Pacific with it's large swells, knows how hard it is without something to pull against. I was just afraid that she wouldn't be heavy enough to keep me from capsizing the boat when I tried to get aboard. Once I had rested for a minute I squeezed her hand to let her know that I was about to try to climb aboard and kicking my legs in the water pulled on her wrist and swung to pivot my right leg up and over the side of the boat. By some miracle the boat stayed stable in the water instead of rolling over towards me and capsizing. Julie grabbed my leg as it swung up over the side of the boat and I was able to pull and roll simultaneously into the boat where I lay on the bottom panting. Julie immediately sprawled on the bottom of the boat next to me, crying and hugging my neck. She was trying to say something to me but my right ear was totally shut down. I raised my head and pointed to my left ear. She put her mouth up to it and started to talk. "Uncle Jim, Amy is hanging on to the other side of the dingy, I can't lift her up and she is not strong enough to climb aboard herself, help me get her in the boat." That explained it, her weight along with Julie's had held the dingy stable as I rolled aboard. I sat up and leaned over the port side of the dingy and saw Amy hanging on to the rope on the side with one arm and treading water with the other. When she saw me she burst into tears and reached up with her free hand and put it on my face as though to convince herself that it was really me. In the light of the flashlight her eyes looked so big and frightened, that coupled with Julie being so scared and hanging on to my arm made me want to cry myself. At the same time it made me terribly angry at whoever did this terrible thing. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. The important thing was to get Amy out of the cold water and aboard the dingy, then go in search of Larry and Diane who were out there somewhere. I had Julie sit against the other side of the boat just as she had done to help bring me aboard, then I leaned over the side and putting my head close to Amy's told her to pull on my wrist as she swung her leg up and over the side of the boat. I positioned myself to be able to catch her ankle as it came up to the level of the side, and as I did I pulled on her wrist and rolled toward the center of the boat, pulling Amy over the side and on top of me. I lay on the bottom of the rubber dingy, Amy and Julie on each side of me, both girls sobbing as they clutched me. I let them lay there for a few minutes, just holding them and letting them cry. Then I sat up and pulled both of them to a sitting position. I checked them out as best I could with the flashlight, other than scared and shaking from being in the cold water they appeared to be unhurt, except for being partially deafened just as I had been by the terrible noise of the explosion. They still had their windbreakers, probably the fact that they were zipped up kept them on, along with their life belts . "We have to get the oars out and start looking for Larry and Diane, they might be hurt and probably won't be able hear us shouting for them. We'll have to get to where they are to be able to see them. First I want Julie to sit in the front of the boat, as far forward as possible holding the strobe light as high as she can. Then Amy and I will move back about two thirds of the way in the boat. While I sit I want Amy to climb up on my shoulders with the flash light and see if she can see anyone in the water." With a boat like the Zodiac it was really unsafe for anyone to try to stand up, this way Amy would be pretty high above the water and sitting on my shoulders be pretty well supported. Everyone got in their positions and Amy climbed up on my shoulders and shined the light over the water in about a two hundred and seventy degree arc. After a few minutes she climbed down and I slid forward so that Amy and Julie and I could all have our heads close together so that we could talk. "I could see a lot of small pieces floating on the water, broken wood, paper and what looks like a big piece of the main sail with part of the mast still attached. I couldn't see Uncle Larry or Aunt Diane, but there seems to be a lot of wreckage about two hundred yards to our right." Amy looked up at me with a scared look on her face "What happened Daddy, did we hit someone in another boat or what?" "I'm not completely sure girls, but I think there was an explosion in the aft part of the boat." "Did the engine or the propane tanks blow up Daddy. Why would they do that, we've sailed Silver Cloud hundreds of times and nothing like this ever happened." "I think that it might have been an explosive device hidden in the engine compartment before we left, I think it might have been done on purpose." "Do you mean like a bomb Uncle Jim! Who would do that? Why would someone want to kill us? You don't think Aunt Jane hates us that much do you - I mean to try to kill us?" "All I know for sure is that we are OK and we need to find Diane and Larry as soon as possible. Now lets row over to where Amy saw the piece of the sail and all the debris floating around." "I'm so scared, I want to find my Mom and Dad right away, we just have to find them. If it was a bomb it was right under where they were sitting, they must be cut or hurt we just have to find them!" Amy slid over the put her arms around Julie, hugging her tight. "We'll move as fast as we can Julie, Amy will get on my shoulders every few minutes and look for them, you just stay in the bow and keep that light up in the air, that's how I found you, and it could be the most important thing we are doing." I didn't tell Julie, but I thought the chances of finding Larry or Diane alive were very small. As Julie had said they were sitting on the aft deck, right on top of the engine compartment. We were only alive because the explosion of the bomb created a shock wave that blew us off the boat and safely into the water. If we had been below decks or on the aft deck with Larry and Diane we would have all been killed, of that I was sure. I was also sure that whoever was responsible for this was going to pay - and pay with their lives. We spent the next twenty-five minutes rowing from place to place looking for Larry and Diane. We found lots of wreckage, the largest piece of which was the section of main mast with the mains still attached, but no sign of our dear friends. I thought we might find a body at least to bring closure to the search, but nothing. At least the rowing had warmed us, Julie and Amy changed positions every five minutes or so, it was impossible for Julie to sit in the front of the boat without looking for her parents every so often. About thirty minutes after the explosion I saw a red and green light low on the horizon moving rapidly in our direction. A second or so later a silver and black helicopter roared overhead about twenty feet above the water. The helicopter was a small Bell 206, the one that they call the Jet Ranger. It was really loud and the rotor wash almost tipped us over. It had LA County Sheriff's Department markings and a Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) pod on one side. Someone must have seen or heard the explosion and called the sheriff's office. The helicopter made a sweeping turn and slowly hovered sideways back towards us, kicking up a considerable amount of water as it approached. As it moved closer the turbulence subsided some, the worst was about twenty feet out from the center of the helicopter where the tips of the rotor blades were, close to the fuselage itself it was pretty calm, but loud. The pilot looked out of the side window and I was shocked to see that it was Marv on the controls. Then I remembered I had been talking with him on the cell phone when the boat exploded, no doubt he heard the noise just prior to the phone call ending. I didn't know he had such strong connections with the Sheriff's Department that he could commandeer a helicopter on this sort of notice, nor fly up front in the pilot's seat. I could see Marv turn to say something to the other pilot in the right seat and then let go of his set of controls. He reached behind his seat and threw a rope ladder out of the open passenger door of the helicopter. Then he took the controls back and hovered over toward us until the rope ladder was directly over the Zodiac. I moved toward the back of the boat and signaled Julie to stay in the bow, I wanted the boat to stay stable when Amy started her climb up into the helicopter. Amy got the idea right away and grabbed the ladder about half way up and started climbing into the aircraft. Once she was safely aboard I signaled Julie to start climbing. As she left the boat it started to get blown toward the rougher water, I was sure it was going to turn over at any minute so I rolled over the side and into the water, still holding on the to rope on the side of the boat. When Julie was on board and I reached up and grabbed the ladder with one hand and let the boat go. Climbing up against the rotor wash was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I was just glad the three of us were in good shape, otherwise we never would have made it. As my head and arms cleared the floor of the helicopter the girls grabbed me under the arms and helped me the last few feet. Soon the three of us were sprawled out on the floor of the aircraft. I motioned to Amy and Julie to get on to the bench seat at the rear of the passenger compartment and to put on their seat belts. I climbed into the jump seat behind and between the seats for the pilot and co-pilot. I leaned forward toward the red-lit instrument panel and reached out and squeezed hard on Marv's shoulder. He turned towards me and gestured to the headset hanging from the bracket above me. I got the headset and put it on, adjusting the mike in front of my mouth and locating the push-to-talk switch on the cord. "How in the world did you get here so quick Marv? And where did this helicopter come from anyway?" "I'll get into to that later, where are Larry and Diane? Have you seen any sign of them since the explosion?" "We've been looking Marv, but they were aft on the rear deck right above where we think the explosion was, I don't hold out much hope for them. We have been searching for the past thirty minutes with no luck." "I've searched the area with the FLIR and with night vision goggles but we haven't picked up anyone in the water except the three of you. I'll make one more pass just to be sure but I'm afraid you're right, I think they are gone." I turned in my seat and motioned for Amy and Julie to put on headsets. When they had them on I showed them how to adjust the mike booms and told them where to find the switch to use to talk. Julie came on the intercom immediately, "Has the pilot seen Mom and Dad? Do we know where they are? Can we pick them up?" "Marv is making another flight over the area but it is pretty unlikely that he will be able to find them honey, he has already looked pretty well before he picked us up, even with his special night vision systems. No sign of them, I think we have to accept the worst." Julie broke down and leaned over sobbing. Amy made eye contact with me and I just gently shook my head to indicate that there wasn't any hope. Her eyes filled up with tears and she took off her headset and Julie's and pulled Julie's head into her shoulder and put her arms around her. I could see both of their bodies shaking with their sobs. My sadness disappeared in an instant, replaced with an anger so cold that it startled me, I had never felt an emotion so intense. I would find who did this and I would take them out, I swore it on my soul, whoever they were where ever they were they were dead - period. I finally knew what that passage from Shakespeare that my father used to quote all the time to his English classes meant: And Caesar's sprit, raging for revenge With Ate by his side come hot from Hell, Shall in these confines with a Monarch's voice Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war. Marv flew back toward the east at about a hundred and twenty knots, staying about fifty feet over the water. I asked him where we were going and he replied that we were going to his place to discuss our next move and that he would talk more to me then he needed to concentrate on flying. I glanced over at the co-pilot in the right seat and he didn't look much like a Sheriff Department pilot, both he and Marv were dressed in baggy black nomex flight suits, black nomex gloves and black flight helmets. In the glow from the red lights of the cockpit instruments I couldn't see the co-pilot's face very well, but I got the impression that he was pretty young. Judging by the digital map on the instrument panel we made landfall somewhere between Malibu and Santa Monica. I could see the lights of LA and the flashing beacon from the control tower at LAX about twelve miles to our south. I noticed that neither pilot made any radio calls entering what must have been the Terminal Control Area for LAX, I would guess we were below their radar coverage and that was the reason for Marv staying at such a low altitude. Somehow I was beginning to believe that this was not really a Sheriff Department helicopter in spite of the markings. Marv slowed to about sixty knots and dropped down over the trees that marked the beginning of the Malibu foothills. He keyed his intercom and told the co-pilot to turn on the landing pad lights. The co-pilot reached up on the overhead console and hit a switch and a landing pad about a quarter of a mile ahead of us lit up. The pad was a tennis court that was part of a roof-top deck on a large house built into the top of one of the high hills that surrounded Topanga Canyon. As we got closer I saw that the "net" was really painted on the concrete surface. Marv began his approach to the pad and soon touched down gently. I started to unbuckle my belt but Marv came on the intercom and told me to sit where I was for a minute and tell the girls to stay buckled up. I turned to look at Amy and Julie, but they were not paying any attention, they were still holding each other and sobbing softly. Marv shut the engine down and as the blades began to slow reached up and pulled on the rotor brake, stopping the blades. He then reached up to the overhead console and threw another switch that turned out the lights on the pad and I heard a motor underneath us start up and we began descending down into the structure beneath us. When the large elevator stopped we were in a hanger type enclosure. I could see another smaller helicopter (it looked like a McDonnell-Douglas 500C) off to one side, it was painted to look like one of the local TV stations news helicopters. As I watched the roof overhead began to close from each side, like a big sunroof. Obviously, from above no one would know that there were any landing areas down here let alone a helicopter hanger. I knew that Marv was in the security business but I never dreamed that he operated on this scale. Marv took off his helmet and turned to face me. At the same time his co-pilot took off his - or actually her flight helmet. As the helmet came off long black hair spilled out, covering her shoulders and she turned to look at me and then the girls with a look of terrible sadness on her beautiful face. "This is my daughter Marie, Jim. She knows something of what the girls are feeling right now since she lost her mother too. Let's go into the house and get everyone dry and into some other clothes and then we'll meet and plan our next move." He got out of his door and took my arm and helped me out of the helicopter. I looked back for the girls and Marie was on the other side helping them out and hugging them tightly. "Come on Jim, Marie will take care of the girls for now. Let's get you cleaned up and a brandy in you." Marv led me into a wide hallway and down a set of stairs to a bedroom on a lower floor. "I think you will find everything you need here Jim, clean sweats and socks in the closet. Take a hot shower and get dressed, when you are done pick up the phone and I will come get you. I want to check on my operatives in the Bay Area that I put on alert before I took off to find you." "Who was it Marv? Was it Jane, was she responsible for this senseless act? I've got to know and I've got to do something about all this, I won't rest until I see whoever did this pay for it." "I don't have all the details yet, we'll talk when you're changed and I have new information, it won't take long to find out who did what, I have two Class A agents working on it. And don't worry, whoever did it - they'll pay, I guarantee it." "I need to see the girls Marv, they're devastated by this, Amy was so close to Diane, both of them have lost a mother, Julie a mother and a father." "Don't worry Jim, Marie will get them warmed up and into some dry clothes, you'll meet up with them as soon as you are cleaned up too. God, I feel so bad for the three of you. You're right this was a senseless act, but we'll get to the bottom of it and real fast, you can count on that." With that he hugged me and left the room. I don't think I had ever seen emotion in Marv before, even in college he was like an ice cube, all cerebral with no weaknesses. He was really shaken by this tragedy. I showered the salt water off under the hot water, starting to feel warm for the first time in an hour or so. I dried off and put on a pair of gray sweats and some soft cotton slipper socks that were in the closet. When I was ready I picked up the phone and Marv answered by saying he would be right up. A few minutes later he opened the door and he and I walked down the hall to a small elevator. The elevator took us down what felt like a long way into the mountain, when the door opened we were in a huge room full of monitors, racks of equipment and communication devices. The faint hum of conversations came from several speakers located on a control console, the monitors above them showing video images from places where it was daylight as well as night time. One whole wall - floor to ceiling - at the far end of the room was an electronic map of the world with various colored lights spread across the continents. I saw two red lights on the map near San Francisco, and one blue light next to where La Jolla would be in Southern California. "I just want to check the latest printouts from my people and then we can go back up to a more comfortable room and meet with Marie and the girls." He went over to a laser printer and got out a stack of papers. He looked through them for a few minutes and then suggested we go back up stairs. "Was it Jane, have you found out anything?" I asked quietly, I was sort of awed by the complexity of the hardware in this room, it looked like something out of a spy movie. "I've got the info I was looking for, but let's meet up with the girls and we can all go over this together, they deserve to be in on the details and our plan." Marv led the way back into the elevator and we went back up to the more residential levels of the house. As I walked into the room both girls were sitting on a low couch with Marie standing behind them with a hand on each of their shoulders. The lighting was soft and a brandy decanter stood on a low table with five crystal glasses next to it. Amy and Julie were holding hands, their eyes were red but they had stopped crying. When they saw me they both got up and ran to me and into my arms, hugging me and starting to cry all over again. I just held them, their bodies shaking, tears forming in my eyes as well. Marv went over to the table and poured five glasses of the brandy. Marie took two and came over to where I was holding the girls. "Amy and Julie, chˇrie, please take these glasses, my Father wants to say something." She spoke with a lilting accent, French-sounding, but I couldn't quiet place it. At the same time Marv brought me a glass and handed one to Marie as well. Walking back to the table he picked up the last glass and turned to face us. "Dear friends, I knew Larry Ault and Diane Black and their daughter Julie for many years, since we were at Berkeley together. I liked them and thought they were gifted and special people. They were loved by Jim and Amy Martin, people that I have loved dearly for twenty years. They did not deserve what happened to them, but happened it did and they are gone. In my old agency we had a toast for all the terrible losses like this one - and there were more than most people know - and I would like to offer that toast to the memory of Larry and Diane. 'To absent friends and fallen comrades, we will hold you in our hearts and in our thoughts and we will not forget, nor will we rest until the scale is once again balanced, this we swear'." With that he raised his glass and we did the same, everyone drinking down the brandy. I could feel it warming my throat and down into my stomach. Somehow it seemed to warm away some of the pain, to acknowledge the loss, it made it easier. We set our glasses down on the table and the girls and I sat on the couch Amy on my right, Julie on my left. Marie took a seat in the large chair next to the table curling her legs under her and Marv went over to the table by the door to pick up the papers he had brought up from the control center. "OK, this is what we know right now. First of all I need to tell you that I have been monitoring the audio bugs in the beach house along with the people that put them there. I've done this so that I could be sure I knew what the opposition was hearing. I apologize to you Jim and you too girls, but it was necessary. Unfortunately there has been about a twenty-four hour time period from when something is recorded and I see the transcripts. I just never thought that this would escalate this quickly or I would have listened to the raw recordings before they went into the computer to be turned into text. Looking at the transcripts from night before last I can see what probably drove Jane over the edge. There was a long conversation between Larry and Diane in their bedroom about how happy Jim seems now that he is separated from Jane. Diane makes some very unflattering comments about Jane and then they discuss what might be done to get Jane out of the company before it goes public. At one point Larry suggests that they contact me to see if I can find out if there are any skeletons in Jane's closet that might be used to force her out. I think that potential threat drove her over the edge, she must be hiding something pretty strong. I have had my agents looking deeply into her activity since I saw this early this morning - I just never imagined that she would go to this length." He paused and looked over at me. "First of all there is a scandal in her life Marv, Amy and I uncovered it and used it to get Amy away from her. As far as timing, it must have been pretty tempting for her Marv, with Larry and I gone and Diane and the girls too she would own the whole company. It's the first time that the five of us have been in a place where she could do something like this and make it look like an accident. Do your people have confirmation that she was behind this, or even that it really was a bomb?" "Based on what I saw of the wreckage and what you told me about Julie smelling something like a sparkler I have very little doubt that it was a planted explosive. Most probably Semex with a timer and a fuse containing powered aluminum - which is what Julie smelled as the timer set the fuse off. Professionals never have an electrical timer set off an explosive directly, too dangerous when setting things up, they always have a short fuse and a chemical detonator between the timer circuit and the explosive itself to allow them to stop things if the timer malfunctions while they are setting things up. The fact that nothing in the wreckage was charred - nothing caught fire, indicates an explosion caused by Semex or C-4, one of the plastic explosives; they produce such a strong shock wave that they literally blow out any fire before it has a chance to start. I think we can safely assume that it was a bomb, someone in Jane's employ was responsible for planting it on the boat yesterday afternoon between three and five o'clock when the security man on the dock was lured away from the slip. We just have to wait to see what my people find out and go from there." Just then the a portable phone sitting next to Marv on the table rang. Marv picked it up and listened for a few minutes and then set it down on the table again. "That was one of my agents, he managed to put a bug in Jane's car about an hour ago right after I contacted him. He has a tape of Jane talking with two men named Phil and Ian and he just data burst it to me. I don't know who Phil is but from the tone of the conversation he thinks that Ian is probably one of the people that she hired to watch you." "We know who Phil is Marv, Amy found Jane's diary and in it she talks about being a member of a bondage and torture sex club with a junior partner from her firm named Phil Waddington. The two of them have been carrying on for four years. That's the relationship we uncovered that we threatened to expose if she didn't let Amy move to La Jolla with me. Originally she had something on me that she was using to keep me away from Amy, I don't want to go into it now, but with what we had we were both in a sort of Mexican standoff. Since she didn't have anything on Larry and Diane I guess she was terrified that they would uncover the same stuff that I did, particularly since she knows your talents. I just never dreamed she would go this far." "You don't owe me any explanations Jim, I know how much I love Marie and if anyone every tried to separate us I hate to think of the consequences. I'm going to go down to the control center and bring the tape transmission back up here so we can hear what was recorded in Jane's car just a few minutes ago." With that he left the room. Amy and Julie and I just sat on the couch, still stunned by the realization of what had really happened, it was starting to sink in - Jane had tried to kill all of us, and she had succeeded in killing Larry and Diane. My anger started to build all over again, and I could feel the girls starting to react the same way, their body language changed subtly. They sat straighter, and their eyes were cold and their mouths set in a hard line. I knew that Jane had to be made to pay for this act. That was for sure. Marie seemed to pick up on our change of mood. "Jim, Amy and Julie, I don't know you in person, but my Pappa speaks often of you and in very glowing terms, I have always counted you as mon amis (my friends), even having never met you. For this to have happened to your parents Julie is unforgivable. But rest assured you are with the one man in the world that can make anything happen and happen quickly. He has his two best agents in the United States in the Bay Area right now, I have never known him to use two agents like these together on anything - and believe me we've had some assignments that are pretty unbelievable. My Pappa is the most capable and most determined person you will ever meet, the people that did this will pay - of that have no doubt." Now I could place the accent, she was speaking in the soft lilting tones of Cajun French, I remembered that Marv spent some time in New Orleans when he first went to work for the government. I had heard somewhere that he had married a Cajun woman down there, but he never spoke of it, Marie must be his daughter from that marriage. "Thank you ma 'tite fille (my little girl)" Marv said as he walked back into the room at the end of her statement. He carried a small digital tape recorder which he set on the table in front of us next to the brandy decanter. He sat down on the edge of the table and reached over and turned it on. "This was taped from her car and data burst to me just minutes ago and stored on this digital play back disk. She drove to a parking lot near the campus and met up with two men there. They all were in her car for this short meeting. You'll hear three voices, the first is Jane, then Phil answers her then Ian describes what his man in La Jolla observed. It leaves no doubt about what was done and why." With that we heard Jane's voice start to come out of the small speaker in front of us, with the clarity of the digital playback it sounded like she was in the room with us. "So, its ten-thirty, by now according to Ian's man, the five of them are rapidly on their way to becoming fish shit. I probably won't get officially notified until later tonight or tomorrow, it depends on how quickly someone finds the wreckage, or better yet a body. I'll have to play the grieving widow Phil, so you'll have to handle all the probate problems. As soon as possible we need to petition the court to have them declared dead, it would be too much to hope that all the bodies would wash up somewhere." "That's not a problem Jane, in about a week I will file with the district court to petition the certificates prior to probate, that will speed up the probate process by several weeks. The fact that the wreckage is so far from any land will make it pretty simple, if no one is found in a few days the chance of anyone being alive is non-existent. The important thing is to find a buyer for the company right away - as soon as you have control, since liquidating the assets will keep any spurious claims from being filed. You will no longer own the assets and the new owner is exempt from any claims by right of good-faith purchase. Ian are you absolutely certain that the bomb went off on schedule and that your guy put enough explosive on the boat?" "Listen Phil, for the one million bucks you promised us we would have put the goddamn thing in orbit if you wanted. Anyway, Jeff followed them in another boat about five miles away, he said the Semex went off at exactly ten o'clock, he saw the flash and the shock wave was so fucking powerful that he could feel it from where he was, there is no way any sonvabitch could have survived that explosion - I guarantee it." "You had better be right Ian, that last thing I need is for my fucking ex-husband or that little slut daughter of his to walk into court while we are probating his assets." We heard Phil's voice come out of the speaker. "Speaking of assets Jane, I'm sort of sorry I didn't get a shot at that little cunt Amy before she became several thousands parts, she really had a nice ass and a great set of tits, I would have loved to see how they looked after thirty minutes of using a hot iron on them." "Yeah, and that blond bitch too," added Ian with heavy lust in his tone. "Jeff told me they were both hot looking pieces of ass, he said that night he followed them to dinner he had a hardon all night just looking at them dancing in their short dresses. He said the tits on the dark haired one when she was dancing were..." Jane interrupted in an bitchy tone, "Just pay attention to what you need to do Ian, and you forget about Amy's tits too Phil, you just concentrate on getting us control of that company. Get me that money and I'll buy you all the teenage tits you want, and help you string the bitches up by them." "Hey, you guys that sounds like a party, are Jeff and I invited?" Ian said in an expectant tone. Jane continued, ignoring what Ian had said. "As soon as he gets the microphones out of the beach house get Jeff's ass up here Ian, and fast. I don't want him near that dock or anywhere in La Jolla where he might be recognized, particularly if the cops start talking to people down there around where the boat was parked. If Jim's friend Marv should get wind of this like Larry and Diane were thinking about we'll all be hanging by our fucking tits. OK, Phil you go home and start writing the petition brief, I'll head home to sit by the phone. Ian you call Jeff and have him meet you at your motel in San Mateo first thing tomorrow. No one call anyone until I have been officially notified, no more meetings, no more contact until I contact you. Now get out of here - both of you." There was the sound of car doors opening and closing and then the car engine starting and the car driving. We all just sat there stunned. We knew what had happened but the cold tone in Jane's voice sort of froze us - this was a mean bitch. She had just organized killing the five people closest to her for most of her adult life, and she showed absolutely no remorse. "Well," said Marv, "you've heard what my agent recorded just a few minutes ago, I doubt that Jane has even gotten home yet. So what do we do now?" Amy reached over and took my hand and then so did Julie. Amy looked straight at Marv and spoke very clearly. "I want Jane dead, and I want Phil dead and I want those two rotten bastards that did the dirty work dead. I'm not interested in the police, I am not interested in long trials with lots of lawyers, I am interested in all four of them dead, period." She looked over at me as she said the last words. I met her gaze and saw the determination and the coldness in her eyes. She was completely serious and I realized at that moment that so was I - I wanted them dead too. I glanced in the other direction at Julie and she was looking at me with the same expression in her blue eyes, they were the color of ice. This was some pair of girls. "This seems to be unanimous with us Marv, we don't see any reason for them to live, they have crossed over the line from people who deserve to live under the rule of law to the side of mad dogs that need to be destroyed," I added. "I agree with you and the girls Jim. If you had asked me to I would have arranged for enough evidence to be 'found' to convict them of murder, but without bodies it would have still been tricky with their connections. The safest way is to terminate them and terminate them now, I just wanted to hear it from you first. I'll get in touch with both of my people up there and set the events in motions for 'accidents' to happen to all three of them. I already have one of my people at the beach house waiting for that Jeff guy to show up, he will be taken care of down there, along with the bugs. The question now is do you want to stay alive or do we take advantage of this opportunity to have you three disappear?" The three of us just sat there and stared at Marv. "What do you mean 'disappear' Marv?" Amy questioned. "And why would we want to do that, I mean with Jane out of the picture Daddy is free to do what he planned with the company, and the three of us can be together and try to heal from this terrible night." "In a perfect world you would be correct Amy, but stop and think a minute. Your mother and one of her associates at the law firm have accidents just hours after the boat you, Julie and your Dad are on blows up, killing the other partners in the business. Then the three of you show up unhurt with no good explanation of how you got ashore. The police are bound to wonder if there is a connection, they will dig into the whole business to see if there is any evidence of foul play. When they find traces of explosive on the wreckage - and Semex leaves a pretty identifiable signature - the question will be who planted the bomb? You three are the only ones alive and the only ones that benefit from the deaths of the others. Can the three of you stand that sort of personal scrutiny?" I looked over at the girls, they seemed worried, Marv's words had hit home. We might be suspected of the murders, especially if our real relationship came to light. "I'd better explain." Marv went on, looking at the three of us directly, " I know more about your relationship than you think I know, my recordings of the conversations in the beach house were not effected by the silencing device that blocked Jane's recordings. I heard all the words spoken, all of the conversations. Again I apologize, my motivation was not to snoop on you but to protect you and I had to know what was being said all the time. I care too much about you guys to do this job half-assed. That's why the delay in the transcripts, no one but Marie or I ever heard the raw tapes, and the transcripts were edited before I sent them to my agent in Berkeley." "So you know about the relationship that Daddy and Julie and I..." Amy started to say. "I know how much you three love each other and how you want to be together." Marv interrupted. "I also know how much society frowns on what you want to do and to be for each other. I know because Marie and I share that special kind of relationship as well, we have for several years and one of the reasons we live here, alone, is to allow that relationship to exist, right 'tite belle (little sweetheart)?" he said softly, looking at Marie lovingly, she returned his gaze with soft eyes and walked over to stand beside his chair. "But what about my company, what about our lives, we can't just disappear Marv, it wouldn't be fair to the girls to spend our lives in hiding, I mean how am I going to make a living if I'm 'dead'," I said, putting an arm around each of the girls. "First of all no one is talking about giving everything up and just hiding out. I'm talking about new lives, lives working with me in this business. I'll buy your company Jim and we can use the software development assets with you guiding from behind the scenes. I'll wire ten million to an account in the Caymans for you and the girls tomorrow morning, call it a signing bonus. Then after some serious training you three will join Marie and I in owning and running 'our' new company here out of this house. First, though, I would recommend some time in the field to let things cool down around here and so that you can experience first hand what it is we really do in the 'business'." "What exactly do you do anyway Marv, I know it is some sort of security work, but as I told Amy and Julie it's sort of murky exactly what 'security' means." "Well, let's put it this way Jim. You know all the James Bond movies, the license to kill stuff? The save the world stuff? Let's just say that I have a very, repeat very, informal arrangement with the highest levels of the US government to do things that need to be done that no official agency can be allowed to get mixed up in, it can be very stimulating - as well as profitable. Are you three interested? I can promise you can be together and you will never be bored!" "Well girls? You said you wanted an adventure, are you willing to give up everything and go adventuring?" I asked, kissing each of them on the top of the head. "Daddy as long as we can be together I don't care what we do and you know how I feel about adventures." "Me too Uncle Jim, you and Amy are all the family I have now, and besides someone has to go with you and Amy to make sure that things get done correctly and on time. Count me in." "Well Jim, Amy and Julie, sounds like we about to become one happy family, welcome to the Omega Group - by the way we're called that because we're the last resort, they never call us unless no one else can do the job." Marv leaned over and poured brandy into the five glasses. He handed us each a glass and proposed a toast. "To interesting times." "And True Love" Amy added. Epilogue (A year later) The Pappillion rocked gently at anchor in Sydney Harbor. She was a graceful two masted ship, sixty five sleek feet of white and teak. Her name (French for Butterfly) fit her perfectly, she seemed poised on the surface of the water to suddenly dart off on the first gust of wind. A deeply tanned man wearing only a pair of cut-offs sat on the rear deck, a bottle of Red Back Ale in his large hand, a can of deck cleaner and a brush at his feet. Forward two beautiful young women were busy taking the canvas cover off a large dingy tied down to cleats on the forward deck. One of the women was tall with a taut, slender body and short white blond hair. She too was tanned, not as darkly as the man but dark enough to compliment the very small lime green string bikini she wore. The other woman was equally as tall with long reddish brown hair, plaited into a long braid that hung down her back. She too had a dark tan, as dark as the man, and also wore a small bikini - her large breasts strained against the small triangles of azure blue cloth restraining them. Neither women showed any tan lines, clearly indicating that they usually tanned without the need for even the minuscule suits they wore today. They moved with practiced grace, the well developed muscles in their legs and back standing out as they pulled on the heavy canvas cover. Jim Martin (now calling himself James Williams) leaned back in his deck chair and enjoyed the view as the two women pulled and tugged on the stubborn canvas cover. "How soon will you girls be ready to go ashore? Amy has to meet with our target at five and get him to the warehouse." "Some help from the Daddy would have sped things up, but I wouldn't want to interfere with your work on the deck" Amy replied with a grin on her face looking pointed at the bottle of Red Back in his hand. Jim and his daughter Amy and adopted daughter Julie had trained for almost a year for this sort of mission. Their training included both physical training - at a level that Jim and the girls had only dreamed existed, as well as training in how to use the complex electronics that Marv built along with what Marv called lightly "tradecraft". Their current mission was simple in concept, but difficult in execution. A mid-level Australian government official named John Mitchell had stolen some highly classified documents that could prove very embarrassing to both Australia and the United States if they were to find their way to the Indonesian government. Given the unstable nature of the current Indonesian government, which the papers concerned, they could conceivably cause armed conflict between Australia and the well equipped military in Indonesia. The papers had to be recovered and the traitor silenced - forever. His major weakness was beautiful young girls, preferably teenagers. It was up to Amy to convince him to lead her to where he had hidden the papers to show them to her. He believed that Amy was an American tourist in Sydney for a couple of weeks on vacation and that he had just gotten very lucky. Amy had managed to lead him on over the last week to the point where he was panting to get her clothes off. Very subtly Amy had convinced him that his probability of getting her in bed was directly related to Amy's view of his importance. He had promised to show her something that would convince her of his imminent importance, and wealth, in the world. There was also some pretty convincing recent evidence that the man had murdered a woman government employee to get the papers, and Jim had no doubt that he would kill again if he suspected that the meeting with Amy was a trap. This was their first field assignment on their own, and after this they planned to take several months off and relax with an around the world sail. Between the training and now this assignment they had been at it intensely for almost a year. Jim stared out at the sculptured roof of the Opera House on the edge of Sydney Harbor and remembered back to a year ago when he and the girls had started training for this line of work. It was hard for him to believe a year had passed since his ex-wife had murdered Julie's parents and tried to kill the three of them by blowing up their sailboat, the Silver Cloud. Well, he thought, Jane and her helpers were long gone, three eliminated in the Bay Area - dispatched by Marv's agents in two, seemingly unrelated, horrendous traffic accidents the day following the explosion on the boat. It caused a minor stir for a day on all the TV and radio shows - the grieving widow (Jane) and her lawyer (Phil) killed in a single car accident while driving to the sheriff's office to hear the particulars on the death at sea of her husband, daughter and business partners. Particularly since the "accident" involved the car being driven by Jane veering off the entrance to the Bay Bridge and plunging into the cold waters of San Francisco Bay. The television reports said that both people in the car had still been alive when the car plunged into the Bay and that they must have remained conscious under the water since they died by drowning. The car accident that killed Jane's henchman only made the back pages, a man in a fiery crash near the San Mateo bridge that backed up traffic for over an hour. The one in La Jolla named Jeff, who actually planted the explosives, just disappeared; no one ever heard of him again. Now Jim, Amy and Julie were agents for Marv (actually more like partners) getting ready to arrange an "accident" for someone else that deserved to disappear. Jim finished up his ale and headed below to see if the girls needed any help getting dressed, although he had to admit he just enjoyed watching the process. He was looking forward to being done in Australia so that they could set sail on their well deserved six month break. Six months with the girls, the three of them alone on the boat was going to be a wonderful vacation - given their libidos after this assignment he hoped he would survive the trip. End A Preview of Centaur's new novel - Marie Coming in December 1998 Marie Part One Chapter One - Present Marv sat in the control room watching the monitors on the control console, and listening for some contact from Jim and the girls anchored in Sydney Harbor. It was five AM in California which made it Midnight in Sydney, time for Jim and the girls to check-in and let him know how things went with recovering the papers and getting rid of Mitchell. As the digits on the clock face in front of him moved to seven minutes past the hour he started to get concerned, Jim had never been that late with a report. Even a blind check-in from a telephone just letting him know that they would be delayed would have calmed his concerns. He never worried about his agents like this, but Jim and Amy and Julie were special to him - family. He heard his daughter Marie come quietly into the room and walk up behind him. He felt her gentle hand touch on his shoulder. "What's wrong Pappa? Haven't you heard from Jim and the girls tonight?" "No 'tite belle (little sweetheart), nothing and it's not like them to be late. Tonight is the night they were to have had Mitchell lead them to the papers and arrange for his "accident". I hope nothing has gone wrong, if something has happened to them I will never forgive myself, I really didn't want to sent them out into the field, but I thought this would be an easy one, I didn't find out about Mitchell killing the woman who got him the papers until after Amy had already made contact, and I figured that the three of them would be able to handle him." "Don't worry cher if anyone can protect the girls it's Jim, not that they need much protection one-on-one with anyone. They are the best martial arts students we have ever trained, the sensi (martial arts teacher) was amazed at what they accomplished in six months. And you know what sort of marksmen they are as well." "I know, they can take care of themselves, but I just can't help the feeling that something has gone terribly wrong. I haven't felt this way since your Mother was killed. I hate feeling this way. I should have never let Jim talk me into letting them go on a field assignment. Now I can only sit and wait." Marv felt Marie lean forward and hug him, her warm breath on his face. He loved her so much, but he was filled with the thoughts and feelings of what happened seven years ago. Chapter 2 - The Past He had to face it, they were gone, his lovely Chantel and his little Marie. His wife and daughter, snatched by Ricard in revenge for Marv's putting him in jail ten years ago. He was frantic to find them, he knew Ricard's reputation - the underworld called him "The Family Man" - not because of his love for his family but for the way he killed the whole family of anyone that opposed him. He often left the man who offended him alive for up to a year after he killed his family, letting him suffer the loss before his own death. That reputation kept most local gang leaders - and most of the police - from bothering him as he tightened his grip on the drug and prostitution business in New Orleans. Marv sat on the staircase of his suburban Washington home, looking at the splintered door jam when someone kicked in the front door. Little Marie's school backpack lay on the floor partially behind the open door. He was suddenly startled by the shrill ringing of the telephone. He almost fell in his haste to get up and grab the receiver. As he said hello he heard what he most feared, Ricard's voice with it's thick Cajun accent. "Hey you tcheue poule (loosely translated as 'chicken ass") Fed bastard. Guess who this is? The guy you sent to Angola ten years ago. Well I'm out and horny for real pussy. Good thing I've found a couple of cunts that can help me out. Of course the old one is used goods, I've had her before and I'll just leave her for my mon amis (my friends) here. But the jeune fille (young girl) here looks really belle (sweet). I just stripped her down and she has a tight looking little cunt here. I'm going to wait an hour or so then when the boys have finished with your bitch Chantel I'll let her watch me break in this 'tite chatte (little pussy). So what do you say to that Mr. Smart Fed?" Marv felt his knees weaken as he heard Ricard speak, he could also hear Marie crying in the background and calling for her Pappa. "If you touch her you fils de putain (son of a bitch) I'll tear your balls off with my bare hands, let them go, it's me you have the argument with, not them. I'm the one that wired Chantel and got the goods on you that sent you away. They had nothing to do with it." 'Merde (shit) on you Fed, I'm going to fuck them both, the 'tite fille first then your wife - up the ass - for dessert. I'll call you in about an hour when I'm doing it so you can hear her scream when I shove my prick up her cherry cunt, til then just think about it. If you have any idea you can stop me t'es en ˇrreur (you're mistaken)." Marv knew he had only one chance to find out where that asshole Ricard was hiding out with Chantel and Marie, but he had to get his friend at the FBI to help, off the record and quick. He reached again for the telephone. (To Be Continued) *---(:> Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!! <:)---* doubleMirrors at: Dear Mr Fantasy: Strawberry Fields Forever.... *---(:> Mr Double <:)---*