Omega_part2 [ bottom ]

                    Scott and Jean stood on opposite sides of their large
               bed, both placed carefully folded clothes into small suit
               cases as they talked.

               "I cant believe we're finally getting a real vacation." Scott
               said happily.

               "I know. I've been looking forward to this for a while." Jean
               replied with a slight laugh. Scott was dressed ready for the
               beach. He wore a loose fitting Hawaiian shirt, white cargo
               shorts and sandals. Jean was wearing a long green dress and a
               golden sash tied playfully around her waist.

               "I don't plan on leaving the beach for the entire two weeks,"
               he said with a smile. "Can you picture it? We'll be in
               another universe."

               "It will be wonderful," Jean agreed. "No way for the X-Men to
               call us back two hours after we leave with some end of the
               world emergency."

               "We will finally have the honeymoon we never took. We're
               going to have to find a special way to thank Felicia for
               inviting us to her beach house."

               Jean looked at Scott with a frown as he finish that
               statement. "So long as she keeps her horny paws off my

               "You really think she's going to try something?" He asked as
               he zipped his suit case closed. "What makes you think she has
               any interest in me anyway?" Scot couldn't help blushing a
               little as he asked the question.

               "Mind reader. Remember..." Jean answered with a half scowl as
               she zipped her own bag shut. Their bedroom in Xavier's
               mansion was pretty basic. A large bed was in the center of
               the room. Behind the head board was a large window letting
               the morning sun pour in. On Scotts side of the bed, the wall
               behind him had two doors. One opened to the large walk in
               closet they shared, the other led to the bathroom. The wall
               on Jean's side simply had a painting and a small rectangular
               table holding a picture of the couple next to a bouquet of
               decorative flowers. The fourth wall had a large flat video
               screen mounted to it and a small empty night stand below
               that. At its far left, a large door to the bedroom was open
               revealing the hallway outside. Storm stood in the doorway.
               She was a tight silver spandex body suit and battle gear. Her
               face flush, her clothes dirty and even torn in places, she
               spoke with agitation.

               "I hope I'm not interrupting."

               "What's wrong?" Jean asked ready to spring into action.

               "Beast interrupted my Danger Room session with a message he
               said was urgent." She took a deep breath that conveyed her
               annoyance. "He said The Professor's chess game with Erik ran
               longer than expected and that they would be back in an hour
               or so." She didn't wait for a response before storming off
               down the hall with a huff.

               "If nothing else, it will be great to get away from how
               serious and dramatic everyone is here." Jean said, turning
               back to Scott.

               "I don't know what you mean." He said innocently.

               "You wouldn't," she said half jokingly as she shook her head. 

               A small red light in the bottom left corner of the video
               screen on the wall began flashing. Jean touched the light and
               Felicia's smiling face appeared.

               "You guys are late!" She said with her typical bubbly

               "Sorry," replied Scott. "The professor is the only person who
               can access the interdimensional bridge. New security

               Felicia frowned and her head dropped slightly. "OK..." she
               said sadly. "I just got back from a fighting tournament,
               anyway." She perked back up. "Now I have time to make sure I
               can greet you properly.." She winked suggestively and Scott's
               cheeks brightened. 

               "We should be there in about an hour." Jean said.

               "Yippee!" Felicia exclaimed jumping with excitement. Her
               large breasts, nipples barely covered by the thin white strip
               of cloth, bounced in and out of view. Jean saw Scott's eyes
               moving up and down and switched off the screen.

               "What?" He asked with an innocent shrug and a guilty smile as
               she gave him scolding eyes. She shook her head with a quiet
               laugh and closed the door.

               "We have an hour..." she said suggestively.

                    Felicia turned off a large video screen much like the
               one Scott and Jean had in their bedroom. She stood in the den
               of her beach house made of beautifully polished cherry wood.
               The den was large and spacious. The screen she had just
               switched off was mounted above a small fire place on the
               south wall. Behind her were large plush bean bag chairs
               playfully arranged around the room.
               Beyond  that, a large open archway led to the kitchen and the
               view of a hallway leading to rooms. The east wall of the den
               was a series of openings and support pillars giving easy
               access to a porch and small stairs that marked the main
               entrance of the house. The west wall of the room stopped a
               few feet out from the kitchen and opened to a beautiful deck
               with a circular fire pit styled barbecue grill at its center.
               There were chairs and two small table with a large umbrellas
               near the pit. After that, the deck ramped downwards to the
               waiting sand. Back in the den, against the wall, next to the
               fire place, carefully tucked out of view from the screen's
               camera was one of the chairs from the deck. Tied to it was
               the real Felicia. She was nude, bound to the chair at the
               wrists, ankles and waist, a thick cloth gagging her mouth.
               She mumbled at her other self as she struggled. 

               "Don't blame me." Said the Felicia standing over herself.
               "You had a chance to be a part of this, but you just couldn't
               keep a secret." Her skin fluttered and wrinkled, turning
               shades of blue as her body reshaped itself. Her hair folded
               and frizzed as it turned red and shortened in length. In
               seconds, Mystique was back to her true form, holding a finger
               to her mouth and shooshing Felicia's increasing mumbles. She
               caressed the cat-woman's cheek. "We have an hour to kill
               before the happy couple gets here and Scott Summers gets his
               big surprise..." she moved her had slowly down Felicia's neck
               and  chest, then squeezed playfully at her left nipple.
               Felicia mumbled more protests through the gag, but her cheeks
               blushed with pleasure as Mystique moved her hand across to
               play with her other nipple. "What on earth will we do to pass
               the time?"

               "I can think of something." She hulk said walking into the
               room from the deck. She wiped ocean water from her naked body
               with a large white towel. Her wet green skin sparkled like an
               emerald in the bright coastal sun. She tossed the towel to
               the floor and approached Mystique and her helpless captive.

                    Elsewhere,  Ken and Ryu stood side by side in front of a
               black curtain.  Ken was in a faded and slightly tattered red
               Gi, Ryu was wearing a white Gi in similar shape.

               "Why are we still here?" Ken exclaimed. "We did Sakura a
               favor and made an appearance. We don't have time to watch the
               tournament, or did you forget that we agreed to help that
               weird blue lady?"

               "Wait a few more minutes, " Ryu said calmly. "This is the
               first tournament Sakura is both hosting and producing. Having
               us give the opening speech meant a lot to her.
               It would be rude to leave without letting her thank us.
               Besides..." he looked at Ken with one of his rare genuinely
               happy smiles, "she promised she would make it worth our

               Ken looked Ryu in the eyes. "Are you saying what I think
               you're saying?"

               Before he could answer, Sakura cut in.

               "There's no way in the world I can thank you guys enough!"
               Her voice boomed with excitement and her face beamed with
               happiness. "After your names were put on the advertisements
               every amateur fighter in the world signed up and the arena is
               completely sold out."

               "We're very happy for your success." Ryu said in an even
               toned voice. Sakura was wearing the same outfit she was
               wearing the day she achieved world fame, a button up white
               blouse cut off just below her breasts with a tie, a ruffled
               blue skirt, calf high socks and sneakers. Ryu looked her up
               and down. "Aren't you getting a little old for the school
               girl outfits?"

               She shot him a glare, half offended by his remark, but evenly
               worried by it's honesty. She was on the other side of thirty
               now, and though she still had the body of a fighter in her
               prime, she knew he was right. Problem was, it was her only
               means to survive. At eighteen, she became the youngest person
               in history to win the World Street Fighting champion title.
               That day, she defeated both of the men standing before her
               now, and even the most feared warrior on the planet, Akuma.
               She became the most known celebrity in the world overnight.
               Since then, nothing she has done has been without the
               constant reminder of the accomplishment she can never top.
               Finding even the simplest of jobs to pay the bills has become
               dependant on her ability to remind people of that one shining

               "I don't know why you don't just come and teach at the Dojo
               with us." Ryu said. He had made the offer to her several
               times before now.

               "I can't," she said with a huff. "You guys have had decades
               of training with different masters. What qualifications do I
               have for teaching."

               "How about the fact that you've beaten us." Ken injected
               quickly. "Think about it. No masters teaching or correcting
               you. How much self discipline and skill must it have taken to
               become the best in the world? I can't think of anyone more
               qualified to be a true master."

               Sakura blushed as she thought about his words. "What in the
               world would I do without you two as friends." She dropped to
               her knees and yanked the two men's pants down. "I'm going
               suck you two so hard, you're going to beg me to stop!" she
               said cheerfully as she began stroking their cocks to life.
               Her mouth open wide, she was ready to swallow Ken's swelling
               flesh when Ryu put a hand on her head and stopped her.

               "Just what do you think you're doing?" Ken quickly demanded.

               "We promised the blue lady we wouldn't have sex until the big
               surprise... remember?" Ryu said as he took Sakura's hand and
               helped her to her feet.

               "I remember you wouldn't tell me what this big surprise is
               all about." Ken replied with angst, his erect penis throbbing
               in anticipation.

               "That's because you're so chatty. Bad enough we had Felicia
               trying to invite the whole planet." He said pulling up his
               pants. Ken gave a frown and slowly pulled his pants up as

               "Whatever you two are talking about sounds like fun. Can I
               come?" Sakura's face was beaming with curiosity.

               "Sorry..." said Ryu folding his arms, "you don't have the
               right equipment for this mission." Her face dropped. "But I
               will be needing that charm you promised I could borrow." 

               "Oh yeah..." Sakura lifted her blouse. Cradled in the
               cleavage of her small breast was a small broach hanging from
               a simple string around her neck. It was a circular piece of
               rustic metal that looked uncannily close to a Celtic knot. At
               it's center was a oval shaped jewel. The whole thing was dull
               and faded, hints of etchings in the metal worn away as if it
               were thousands of years old. She yanked free of her neck and
               held it up. "Please promise me you will not lose my good luck
               charm. I found this while on a once in a life time expedition
               the unexplored ancient ruins of..."

               "Blah, blah, blah!" Ken said half jokingly as he grabbed the
               charm from her. "We promise we won't break or lose it."

               Sakura let out a growl in frustration and looked to Ryu who
               simply shrugged.

               "Stop by the Dojo where Ken and I teach on Friday night," he
               said. "The advanced class would love to have your gratitude 
               as a reward for all their hard work and training."

               "You got it!" She said striking a goofy victory pose. The two
               men waved and walked away.

                    In their bedroom, Jean was skillfully swallowing her
               husband's large penis. Scott had a had on the back of her
               head, holding her long red hair from her face while he gently
               pushed her head to his hips. His cock slid down her throat
               until she gagged slightly. She only stopped swallowing for a
               second, before taking him in even further. One of the
               advantages of having sex with a pyschic is her ability to let
               him know exactly how rough he can be with her, without saying
               a word. Jean loved the rough sex, and if Scott ever did worry
               about things going too far, he knew his wife could take
               control of his mind. More often than not, he wanted her too.
               Enjoying all the sensations of dominating her without any of
               the fear or worry of accidently hurting her. For a man as
               uptight as he was, she was heaven sent. The only time in his
               life he ever felt he could relax was when he was making love
               to her. At this moment, his mind was completely his own. 

               "I want you to let go and lose control," she had said to him
               in a sultry voice after closing the door. "I want you to take
               all of you worry and anxiety and everything that makes you so
               uptight..." she grabbed his shirt, spun him around and pushed
               his back against the wall, "and take it all out of me."

               "You know I can't do that." Scott said firmly. 

               Jean touched his visor gently. "All your life," she whispered
               softly in his ear, "never for a second being able to relax;
               constantly remembering the destruction and death you can
               bring just by opening your eyes. I don't need to read your
               mind to know that you feel like a monster sometimes." 

               "We're all monsters here," he said with a strained smile.

               "Well then..." she said dropping to her knees and unbuttoning
               his shorts, "I want the most fearsome monster in this
               room..." she unzipped his fly and tugged the front of his
               briefs down. His soft penis flopped out and dangled next to
               her face.  " ravage my face with all his fury."

                    Scott looked down at his wife, her open lips waiting for
               his cock to slide between them. He could feel her breath on
               the head of his penis, and even though she hadn't touched it
               yet, it began to swell and harden. He closed his eyes,
               feeling the weight of the device tightly strapped to his
               head. It was heavy, and awkward. It changed the color of
               everything he saw a eliminated his peripheral vision
               completely. Most of all, it reminded him that his true nature
               was to destroy everything in his sight... literally. He
               opened his eyes to the sight of jeans face a breath away from
               his penis. His would be erection was lost, but she was
               patient, gently expectation in her expression. He looked deep
               into her eyes, expecting fear, but there was only the trust
               and wanting for him that he had never known before her. 
               He put a had on her head and her face lit up as his penis
               sprang to life. She slid her lips around it and moved her
               head back and forth, letting his mushrooming head glide in
               and out of her warm wet mouth. Scot put the palm of his hand
               on her forehead and pushed until his cock was just out if her
               mouths reach.

               "Lick it." He commanded.

               "Yes, sir!" Jeans said, her voice bubbling with excitement. 

                    He was doing well. His hands on her face, bending and
               twisting her head to please him as he wanted her to. It
               wasn't until she began deep-throating him, that Jean began to
               feel frustrated again. She had taken almost the full length
               of his penis into her face with the slightest effort, but she
               felt his hand on the back of her head going limp. At first,
               he pushed her head slowly into him, but now it was as if he
               were afraid to touch her. The deeper inside she took him, the
               more she felt his hand shakily moving away from her head. It
               was infuriating. She wanted to feel him having his way with
               her. She wanted him to be the aggressive powerful creature
               that secretly made her wet every time they were on the battle
               field. More than that, she was insulted. All these years
               fighting side by side, and he still treated her like a damsel
               in distress in their bedroom. She let his penis slide quickly
               from her lips and stood up, wiping saliva from her chin. She
               shook her head at Scott. Dumbfounded, he had no idea what was
               going on. Jean's word came out quickly, half ranting as she
               turned and stopped into the bathroom.

               "I love you to death, but I swear to god, if you don't stop
               treating me like a helpless little princess in bed, I'm going
               to..." She grumbled with frustration and shut the bathroom
               door. Scott scratched his head, utterly lost in confusion.

                    With sparkles of light and crackles of electricity Scott
               and Jean appeared on the deck of Felicia's summer home. She
               was standing at the grill holding a pair of tongues wearing a
               plush robe. It draped open and as she turned to greet them,
               revealing the tiniest bathing suite the couple had ever seen.
               Felicia jumped in excitement of their arrival.

               "Hooray! You're finally hear!" Once again, Scott couldn't
               keep his eyes from following her large breasts as they
               bounced, threatening to pop out of her top at any moment.
               "Give me one minute and I'll great you properly," Felicia

               The curvy cat-woman turned back to the grill and took the
               food off the hot racks.
               She put them on a serving tray on the side of the grill and
               covered them as the couple looked around at her home.

               "You're place is stunning." Jean said just before being
               tightly wrapped in Felicia's arms.

               "Thank you. For the next two weeks, everything you see is
               yours." She squeezed Jean for a long minute, her arms
               caressing her back as she purred with pleasure. Jean could
               feel the soft vibrations from Felicia's body, warm soothing
               and a little titillating. Their host let her go and turned to
               Scott. He was blushing slightly as she cocked her head and
               gave him a devious smile, then pounced him like the feline
               she was. She leapt on to him, her legs wrapped tightly around
               his waist, her finger tips massaging the back of his neck.
               Scott was surprised by how light she was. He was also
               surprised by how soft her body was. 

               "And you, mister serious..." she said in a soft voice just
               loud enough to make sure Jean heard, "you better be on your
               best behavior or I'm going to make your wife very mad at the
               both of us." She slid her hips up and down on his waist.
               Scott new he was seconds from an erection but had no idea
               what to do.

               "OK, that's enough of that!" Jean scolded. Felicia released
               Scott and turned to his wife. Scott looked at Jean with a
               guilty smile.

               "You can make it up to me later," she said to Scott, grabbing
               the handle of her suitcase and turning to Felicia. "Why don't
               you give me a tour of your home and help me pick a bathing

               Scott pulled the handle of his own suitcase, but Felicia
               snatched it from his hand.

               "You're already dressed for the beach," she said with a wink,
               "I'll take this to your room and your wife and I will join
               you in water in a little bit."

               "Is there something going on I should know about?" Scott
               asked his wife.

               "I just want to have a chat with our very excitable friend.
               We'll see you on the beach in a few minutes." Jean assured

               They walked into the house. Scott's head swam in sexual
               excitement and confusion as he turned towards the calm blue
               water and golden sand. He couldn't help thinking about
               Felicia's warm body moving up and down against his. Her
               soothing pur as her fingers gently moved around the back of
               his neck.
               He stepped out of his sandals at the end of the deck and felt
               the sand squish between his toes. There was no one on the
               beach as far as he could see in any direction. He was glad to
               be alone. He took a breath and relaxed, his erection
               beginning to stretch the front of his shorts. He unbuttoned
               his shirt and walked towards the beautiful shimmering water.
               He looked around again as the water rushed over his feet,
               making sure he was absolutely alone before unzipping his fly.
               He figured he had more than enough time before the women
               rejoined him, if he was fast. He felt guilty and nervous as
               he contemplated the possibility of Jean entering his mind for
               some reason, but he would feel even worse if his wife saw him
               getting an erection the next time Felicia touched him. He
               pulled his penis out and looked at it over the water. He was
               quite well endowed. Not just long, his penis was thick, its
               ample girth ballooning towards the end of his shaft. His dick
               curved slightly to the right and twisted when it was fully
               erect, and at this moment it was more than fully erect. Veins
               popped out of the meaty flesh as it seethed with a life of
               its own. He glanced over his shoulders one last time before
               taking a firm grip on his throbbing cock and closed his eyes.
               He imagined Felicia's large breasts popping out of the tiny
               bathing suit and flopping up and down. He pictured her with
               large dark areolas and big erect nipples perking up at him.
               As he stroked hard, he thought about looking down and seeing
               her squeezing his dick between the largest softest pair of
               breast he had ever seen. She would suck his head as it poked
               out from the warm fleshy cradle of her cleavage. He climaxed,
               spraying his huge load up and across her face. He opened his
               eyes and watched his creamy white cum disperse in the salty
               ocean water around his feet. He let out a sigh of relief as
               his penis shrank in his hands. He squeezed the last ooze of
               cum from his head, then tucked his penis away and zipped his
               fly before wading further into the water for a swim.

                    Felicia had a very spacious guest room set up for the
               couple. Jean had her suitcase open on the bed and was looking
               through her clothes for a bathing suite. Standing close to
               her, Felicia slipped her robe from her shoulders and let it
               fall to the floor.

               "Tell me you have something this sexy in there, so we can
               drive your husband crazy together."

               Her bathing suite was a V shaped bikini leaving nothing but
               her nipples and vagina to the imagination as it hugged her
               generous curves. The straps were so thin, her areolas peaked
               out of the sides as they barely held her beasts in place. She
               had soft pale skin and her ample cleavage dared you to touch
               it as her breast jiggled every time she moved.
               Jean held up a tiny two piece bikini that looked like it
               would Felicia's a run for it's money in the revealing race.
               "He has no idea what he's in for." She said sharply.

               "Do you think I came on too strong?" Felicia asked.

               "Heavens no," Jean replied with a laugh. "He's so worried
               about not letting me see how attracted to you he is, that he
               will never see his surprise coming."

               "Well," Said Felicia, cupping her breasts and pushing them
               together. "He's got quite a bit to be attracted to." She
               watched Jeans face as she pulled the thin straps off her
               shoulders and let her tits bounce free. Jean looked with
               admiration and hints of desire.

               "It's not just your breasts," she commented. "Your body is a
               perfect hour glass figure. How can I be mad at my husband
               when I'm having just as many dirty thoughts about you as he

               "So true. But speaking of surprises..." Felicia giggled,
               teasing her nipples with her finger tips. "This body is
               amazingly beautiful. I'm going to miss it." Her skin rippled
               and turned blue as Mystique revealed her true self. She
               stepped in closer until her lips were brushing Jean's. Jean
               breathed heavily, her own lips trembling, not know what to do

                    Ken and Ryu looked very silly walking along the beach in
               their karate gear. They walked the span stretching behind
               Felicia's summer home and saw Scott swimming in towards the
               shore. He stood up and walked towards them as he hit shallow
               water. His wet, open shirt clung to his large sculpted chest.
               His wet shorts hung teasingly at the curve of his muscular
               pelvis, stopping just short of falling off completely. Ken
               looked at Scott's ripped stomach.

               "What's up bro! Long time no see."

               Ryu folded his arms giving only a huff and nod.

               "What the hell are you two doing here?" Scott asked with no
               trace of happiness in his voice. Ken frowned at the
               unfriendly greeting.

               "We were invited by..." Ryu put an arm across Ken's chest
               stopping him from finishing his sentence. Scott took an
               aggressive posture, but before he could speak, Jean walked up
               wearing the tiny bathing suit. It was more sting than bikini, 
               tiny triangular patches barely covering her vagina and
               nipples. Her small perky breast bounced as she strutted
               proudly towards her husband. Ken whistled with a cheesy grin.

               "I invited them to come visit, my love." She said softly.

               "My love?" Scott repeated with aggravated suspicion as he
               looked deep into Jean's eyes. She smiled at him and his face
               flushed red with anger. "Where's Jean!" He demanded.

               "Well, that deception didn't last long," the imposter stated
               as her body rippled back to its true form. Mystique laughed
               as Scott put a hand to his visor and his facial expression
               turned stone cold.

               "I'm going to ask one more time before things get violent.
               Where is my wife."

               "Violent? Didn't anyone ever teach you not to hit a lady?"
               Ryu said in a voice that let Scott know he meant it as a
               threat. Scott didn't respond or take his eyes off the blue
               shape-shifter. She stood calmly, confidently smiling. Scott
               new this was when she was most dangerous.

               "Everybody chill out and hold on a second." Ken said
               cheerfully. But it was too late...

               Scott let out a wide powerful blast of his optic ray and the
               air crackled as it screamed towards Mystique. Her smile
               widened as she watched it bend away from her. Ryu stood
               holding the charm he borrowed from Sakura earlier. Scott's
               deadly beam shrank and faded as it's energy was absorbed by
               the large glowing jewel at the center of the pendant. The
               angry, worried husband fell to his knees, his fist planting
               in the sand. His collapse was brief as he sprang right back
               to his feet, dazed but turning to Ryu as the jewel's glow
               faded. He pushed the button on his visor as hard as he could,
               ready to burn the sand to glass if that's what it took to get
               rid of his attackers. Nothing happened.

               "Not so tough without your eye lasers, are you." Ryu said
               tossing the charm to the sand and taking a fighting stance. 

               "Tough enough to take you down again," he responded backing
               into the ocean. He was trying not to let the shock of
               suddenly losing his mutant ability distract him from the
               tactical dire of his situation. The last time he square off
               against Ryu, it took everything he had, counting his mutant
               ability to win the fight, but he still regarded Mystique as
               the most dangerous threat. Ken seemed to stand harmlessly
               watching, but he knew not to underestimate him.  Mystique
               raised a hand to rub her chin with an arrogant smile. It
               seemed a harmless gesture, but is was just distracting enough
               to let Ryu execute his devastating roundhouse kick. No
               distance seemed too far for him to traverse with this move.
               Scott knew this when he began stepping backwards, hoping the
               water would slow Ryu's movements enough to give him some
               That advantage was never to be gained as the side of Ryu's
               foot collided hard with Scotts face. The force dropped him to
               his knees again and sent his visor flying off into the ocean.
               Scott was up again before his opponent's feet touched the
               ground and returned a monstrous uppercut sending him to his
               back a few feet away. Without pause, he charged Mystique, the
               world a bright vivid array of unfamiliar colors and light
               that nearly blinded him. He couldn't wait for his eyes to
               adjust to the world. He was outnumbered, out gunned and knew
               if he didn't take out the head of this attack in seconds,
               he'd be dead. She was a dark blue blur in a jumble of optic
               stimulation so extreme it was painful. He instinctively
               reached out and felt the skin of what he prayed was her neck
               and began squeezing as hard as he could. The sound of her
               choking filled his ears as he readied himself for the
               physical onslaught of her two protectors. No matter how many
               blows they deliver, keep squeezing as hard as I can until I
               lose consciousness was the only thought in his mind, but the
               ground quaked. All four of them lost their footing, and Scott
               lost his hold on Mystique's neck. His sight was beginning to
               normalize as he regained his footing and turned to find The
               She-Hulk behind him. She had jumped in from god knows how far
               away and stood knee deep in a crater of scattered sand. She
               stepped from it, water pouring into the sandy hole and
               grabbed Scott, holding him loosely around his waist. He
               struggled, but even a light grip from the big green behemoth
               of a woman was the equivalent to being trapped in a slab of
               concrete. Ryu stood beside Mystique giving Scott a
               contemptuous stare as he struggled helplessly.

               "What the hell was that?" the blue mastermind barked at Ryu,
               still catching her breathe.

               "You think I'm going to pass up any opportunity to knock this
               guy around?" Ryu responded folding his arms and returning to
               his usual broodish posture. "He took my title."

               "Who knew you could be so emotional." Ken injected jokingly
               as he picked up Sakura's charm.

               Mystique looked at Scott with a  strangely compassionate
               expression and he looked back with seething anger.

               "I know you have your reasons for hating me, but I really
               hope by the time this all ends we can be friends."

               "If anything has happened to Jean, you'd better kill me now."
               He snapped back at her. She shrugged her shoulders patiently.

               "I have no intention of harming either one of you. But you're
               so violent, I can't let you stay conscious. I tried to warn
               your wife this would happen."

               "What the hell are you talking about!"

               She gave a nod to She-Hulk and turned away without answering.

               "Night, night." The big green woman gently thumped Scott on
               the head. Even the softest tap from the giant green woman was
               enough to knock him out cold. 

                   He awoke in the den of Felicia's summer home, his head
               pounding. As he opened his eyes he saw the world in a way he
               had thought of since he was a child. The polished wooden
               house opened to a stunning view of the ocean and sand painted
               gold by the setting sun. For the span of an entire breath he
               marveled at its beauty, until his wife's name popped into his
               thoughts. Jean. That was as far as his thoughts got before
               the fast ramblings of Felicia interrupted them.

               "They tied me up because they thought I was going to tell you
               everything. I mean, I guess it is my fault, because I can't
               keep my mouth shut, and I can deal with a little bondage and
               I confess, I really liked Mystique's constant attempts to
               molest me, but that big green bitch wanted to eat me.... At
               first I thought she meant sexually, but she really wanted to
               put me on the grill and eat me. Does she eat cats on your

               Scott looked to his left to see the real Felicia naked and
               bound to a chair. At that point he realized he was also naked
               and bound to a chair. He took a deep breath, trying to asses
               the situation.  His mind was drowning in a sea of confusion
               with only one clear thought keeping his head above the water.

               "Felicia, do you know what happened to Jean?"

               She let out a high squeaky groan, afraid to say any more. Her
               eyes opened wide with fear as she looked past Scott. He felt
               himself being lifted from the ground and caught a glimpse of
               a big green hand clutching Felicia's chair. He struggled as
               they were carried with ease out onto the deck and set gently
               down facing the beach. A large bright fire roared in the BBQ
               pit and at a table close to it, Mystique, Ryu, and Ken sat
               laughing about something. She-Hulk clomped from behind the
               two captors and took a seat with the rest of the group. She
               was wearing a one piece bathing suite. This seemed so odd
               because the rest of the group was completely naked. All three
               of them sat without of stitch of clothing. Scott's mind
               folded to the confusion and he found even struggling against
               his restraints to be an mind boggling task. Mystique turned
               to him with her a wicked smile. He tried to speak but she
               shushed him, bending down and putting a finger over his lips.

               "Before you put the 'where's Jean' track on repeat again, you
               should know that I'm not the master mind of this operation."

               "Who are you working for this time? Sinestro? The Inner

               The naked blue woman chuckled. "I'll give you a hint. Who is
               the only person in the universe who would go through this
               much trouble to get you naked?"  

               There was a pause. Everyone, even the bound Felicia stared at
               Scott waiting to hear his response. The fire crackled and
               roared as he looked at each of them with desperate confusion.

               "Jean?" he finally said softly.

               "You finally figured it out, you big dummy." His mind
               somersaulted as he heard his wife's voice behind him. She
               walked between him and Felicia and turned to face her
               husband. She stood in front of the group, as naked as the
               rest, holding a large cake. "Happy anniversary, you lunk

               Scott sat speechlessly. Behind his wife, the group gave a
               cheerful chorus of "Surprise!"

               "That's right, big guy, your wife just surprised you with an
               orgy." Ken spouted.

               "Hold on a minute..." Jean said closing her eyes in
               concentration. She-Hulk stood and walked over to Scott and
               Felicia. With the greatest of ease, she snapped the ropes
               holding them to the chairs. Felicia sprang up, stretching and
               bouncing around, squealing with delight. Scott sat in the
               chair, still trying to wrap his head around everything that
               was happening. She-Hulk squatted, then lunged high into the
               air and away to who knows where as Jean slowly opened her
               eyes. "I've been controlling her mind since we arrived. Its
               not hard, but whew... what a mess."

               "How? Why? What the hell is all this?" Scott cried.

               Jean went and put the cake on the table. "I've been putting
               this together for months," she said tuning back to Scott. He
               stood up from his chair and Felicia pushed him back down.

               "I've been tied up and teased all day. You can explain the
               details after I get to fuck your husbands brains out."

               "You can't-" Scott protested quickly looking to his wife.

               "It's ok," she said with a smile. "I promised her she could.
               It's part of your surprise."

               "Part?" He asked, but Felicia quickly dropped to her knees in
               front of him.

               "I know you've been daydreaming about this." She said gently
               squeezing his penis with one hand and fondling his testicles
               with the other. Scott's cock sprang to life and began
               growing. Behind Jean, the other three guest stood up and
               closed in around her. Scott was a little nervous, but quickly
               found himself excited by the site of six hands slowly feeling
               their way around his wife's slender body. He watched as Jean
               turned to kiss Ryu long and hard, then moved to Mystique and
               Ken, passionately making out with the trio as their bodies
               pressed. Then he looked down at Felicia just as she opened
               her thick soft lips and took his cock into her warm wet
               mouth. As she sucked his cock, he watched his wife lay down
               on table next to the cake and pull Ken's head between her
               spreading thighs. She moaned and wiggled as he began kissing
               and licking her vaginal mound. Ryu teased her nipples,
               alternating his mouth between her small breasts as she arched
               her back in pleasure.

               "Watch this!" Mystique said just as Felicia sucked hard on
               his head causing Scott to give a breathy moan. Her hips were
               level with Jeans head and she fingered her own pussy slowly.
               Then it began to ripple. Her thighs, her hips, all the skin
               around that part her body seemed to vibrate. She squinted her
               eyes and her cheeks blushed. She smiled as if in a bizarre
               mix of pain and ecstacy... and then it happened. Slowly a
               bulge of skin began extending vertically from her pelvis. It
               grew and stretched until it was the longest, thickest penis
               Scott had ever seen. It was a monster rod of dark blue flesh,
               big veins rippling from the skin, blood flow turning the huge
               swollen head of her penis purple. She moaned as she stroked
               it and Scott watched as Jean let Mystique brush the head of
               her new penis across her lips. Scott's wife winked at him,
               then opened her mouth wide. Mystique winked at Scott as
               well... "One of the best things about being a shape shifter,"
               then took the invitation, sliding her cock into Jeans mouth
               until she gagged, then pulling it out only to slide it in
               further. Felicia let Scott's penis slip slowly from her lips.
               It dripped with her thick saliva as she lifted herself just
               enough to squeeze it between her large soft boobs. Her skin
               was warm and smooth and Scott couldn't resist throwing his
               head back in pleasure as she titfucked him. Feeling her wet
               skin glide up and down his penis was so much better than he
               imagined on the beach. He was overwhelmed with pleasure until
               his penis felt like it would explode. He was ready to shoot a
               thick white stream of cum across her face just as he
               daydreamed about when masturbating, but she stopped. Felicia
               stood up, her giant breasts jiggling in Scotts face. Behind
               the beautiful curve of her thick hip, Jean's head hung over
               the edge of the table. It was cocked back, her mouth
               stretched open to its limit as Mystique rolled her hips back
               and forth. The blue shemale planted a hand on the table next
               to Jeans shoulder and pushed the full length of her huge blue
               cock into her face. He watched the skin of her throat expand
               as Mystique pushed the monster cock into her.
               Jean gasped for air as Mystique pulled her cock out, slurpy
               mumbles of pleasure spilling out of her lips with saliva
               dripping around her cheeks as Mystique shoved her penis down
               her throat again. Ken stood up with a big smile, his mouth
               drenched with Jean's pussy juice. He grabbed his small penis
               as he stood between her open thighs, ready to guide into her. 
               What his penis lacked in size, it made up in personality. It
               curved upward, thick and meaty in the middle of the shaft
               with a long narrow head. He held his position between her
               thighs smiling at Ryu. Ryu cracked a brief and rare smile and
               kissed Ken passionately. After their loving exchange, he
               climbed on the table, carefully mounting Jean, watching not
               to plant his hand in the cake. Mystique pulled her cock from
               Jean's mouth so she could adjust herself for the two men.
               Jean lifted her legs higher and spread  her thighs further.
               Ryu put his penis on top of Kens and squeezed them together.
               He was a few inches longer than Ken, but with a little
               adjusting, he had both their heads poised at the entrance of
               Jeans vagina. The two men slowly pushed their cocks inside
               her as she moaned loudly. Mystique pushed her head back over
               the tables edge and went back stretching her throat with the
               length of her mammoth cock.

               "Over here!" Felicia said as she pushed Scotts face between
               her tits. She squeezed them together, smothering his face in
               their soft warm beauty. He nibbled on one of her nipples,
               then sucked hard on the other. She straddled his legs,
               cupping her breast so her nipples stayed level with his mouth
               as she lowered herself on to his penis. Her hot wet pussy
               spread around the head of his cock, and he grabbed her curvy
               round hip with one hand. With a handful of her soft round
               ass, he couldn't help himself; he pushed her down hard and
               fast thrusting his hips upward as he did. She screamed with
               pain and pleasure as he jammed his long thick cock all the
               way into her. He came. An eruption of cum as he pinned her
               hips to his and his penis exploded inside her. They both
               panted. Felicia could feel Scotts penis pulsing inside her,
               still spewing and oozing. She clamped down as hard as she
               could with her kigal muscles and slowly began riding Scott.
               Her round hips rolled as she bobbed up and  down, his long
               hard knot of flesh pushed out of her then spreading its way
               back in. Scotts whole body shivered. Every time her hips
               rolled it felt like he was cumming again. All three of the
               others were moaning as they pounded their cocks into his wife
               until finally, she pushed Mystique away. 

               "Fuck me hard!" she exclaimed as Ken and Ryu slammed their
               hips into her. She looked over to her husband, smiling
               through breathy exclamations of pleasure. He was in heaven.
               His hands moved over Felicia's supple skin as she bounced up
               and down on his lap. Jean raised stopping Ken and Ryu. "OK,
               you three, give it to him good."

               Scott had no idea what his wife meant by this, but he wasn't
               going to question a thing. He fondled Felicia's breast and
               sucked hard on her nipples. Ryu carefully climbed off of Jean
               and the three helped her up before surrounding Scott and
               Felicia. Mystique, Ken and Ryu looked down at him with
               devious smiles, stroking cocks that dripped with his wife's

               "...Um... Guys?" Their position around him made Scott
               nervous, but the small busty cat-woman squeezed his cock even
               harder inside her and his question was lost to gasps of

               "Meeeoww." She purred before licking the tip of Mystiques
               gargantuan penis and opened her mouth with an "aaah1" Ken was
               the first to cum. He blasted long thick sticky strings of cum
               into her mouth. His aim was superb, every large stream of his
               ejaculation square between her lips. Her mouth filled up
               quickly and sperm drizzled down her chin in large slow globs.
               Ryu came just came just as Ken's last small squirt left his
               penis. He blasted watery white cum across her forehead and
               nose. Felicia closed her eyes quickly as the last of his
               loads splashed over them. Her face was painted in cum. It
               dripped from her cheeks and chin, running down her neck and
               trailing into her cleavage. She rode Scott slowly, her open
               mouth so full of cum that it dripped from the corner of her
               lips. She looked him in the eyes and he knew what she was
               going to do. Scott rolled his lips in and pinched his mouth
               closed. Felicia raised a brow at his defiance, then rolled
               her hips pushing his cock as far inside her as it could reach
               and squeezing her pussy around it with all her strength.
               Scotts mouth popped open with an uncontrollable moan and she
               spit her mouthful of cum into his. He quickly spit it up,
               gagging and coughing as saliva and sperm rolled down his neck
               and chest. Jean and Mystique were both laughing. Scott looked
               at his wife, wanting to be angry, but still overwhelmed with
               arousal and pleasure. All he could do was smile and enjoy
               himself. He had no idea what he was in for next. Mystique
               pointed her giant blue rod at Scott and bit her lip as she
               stroked it quickly. Her swollen purple head inches from his
               face, he watched her urethra open and large sticky glops of
               pre-cum drip there way out. Scott closed his eyes in
               anticipation of feeling the hot wet mess splatter his face,
               but it didn't. Instead he heard the crackle of lightning and
               a whirlwind of unexplainable wind. He opened hi eyes to see
               Professor Xavier staring at him with an accusing expression.
               He was sitting in his wheelchair next to the BBQ pit and as
               he looked around a sorrow crept over his face.  

               "You have got to be kidding me!" Jean said crossing her arms.
               "You're calling us back from another dimension...?"

               "I'm sorry." Xavier said with a pained expression. "The
               trouble directly involves this world." His head dropped as he
               continued. "A great hero from another universe has fallen,
               and a creature from this dimension is responsible."

               "Morrigan." Ryu said instinctively.

               Xavier looked at him with a sad conformation. "We have to
               help them," he said. "They have no idea how quickly she will
               destroy them."


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