ÒHappy 21st birthday, bro! ItÕs about time you caught up to me.Ó

    Dan and Dave sat on the couch in DaveÕs living room. Dan was a smallish Caucasian man, just below average height with a thin frame. He had short spiky dark hair and wore jeans and a tank top. Dave was a tall and slightly muscular African American man with a few extra pounds around the waist. He was in cargo pants, but also wore a tank top. It was a warm summer evening, and Dave had all the windows of his apartment open. Dave handed his friend a beer.

 ÒYou beat me by a whole two months,Ó Dan said as he twisted the top off of the beer.

ÒYeah well, we can finally legally drink beer together. Cheers!Ó The two touched bottles and took long gulps. ÒSo how are the women out there at California University? Is it every bit the blonde surfer girl heaven I dreamed it would be?Ó

There was a pause, and Dan took another long drink of beer to stretch it out as long as he could. Dave stared at him and waited for an answer. Finally Dan took a long breath and let the words all fall out at once.

ÒDude, IÕm not sure how to tell you this, but IÕm gay.Ó

Dave laughed hard and pointed at Dan. ÒYou said Dude. Three years on the other coast and youÕre talking like one of them.Ó

Dan sat confused. He wasnÕt sure if Dave was brushing his confession off, trying to deny it ever happened, or just being a general prick. He did remember that the last time they saw each other, Dave warned him that he would come home saying things like ÔawesomeÕ and ÔtotallyÕ. He smiled, but frowned at the same time. His face contorted and Dave thought for DanÕs brain was going to overheat and send smoke from his ears.

ÒIÕm sorry. You saying dude caught me by surprise. IÕve known you were gay since junior high.Ó

ÒWaitÉwhat!?Ó DanÕs face was having an even harder time settling on an emotion than ever.   ÒYou talked Rachel Wise into going to senior prom with me.Ó

ÒI know, buddy. I figured youÕd come out of the closet some time during college. You canÕt rush these things. They happen when youÕre ready for them to happen.Ó Dave hopped up from the couch and chugged the last of his beer. ÒNow drink up. IÕm out of weed and we gotta get you baked before your birthday is over.Ó

ÒWaitÉ Does this mean that youÕreÉÒ

ÒNot a chance.Ó Dave gestured his empty bottle at Dan, telling him to drink. Dan turned the bottle up. ÒIÕve been your best friend since third grade and I always will be, Chief. Now letÕs got get some chronic.Ó

Dan burped as he hopped up from the couch with a dazed smile. The two dropped the bottles on the table and headed for the front door.


     As Dave clicked the locks behind them, the woman of his dreams was doing the same three doors down. She turned away from them and walked down the hall. She was a tiny woman with a soft body, big round bottom, and small perky breasts. Her hair was dark with streaks of blue and purple. As Dan and Dave made their way to the elevator they watched the guy in the apartment next to hers open the door and yell her name.

ÒSareena! You think I donÕt know what that smell is!Ó

He was a wiry middle- aged man with thick glasses. Sareena rolled her eyes and squeezed out a wave at Dave as they passed her and continued down the hall. They tried not to eavesdrop on the conversation as the waited for the lift. By the time the ping came, Sareena was back on her way down the hall. The two young men stepped to the back and tried to get caught checking her out in the reflection of the silver doors. Dan and Dave read each otherÕs minds in the way that only close friends can.

Dan**** Dude, IÕm gay, and I think sheÕs hot. You should talk to her.***

Dave**** You think the word, Dude?! Anyway, sheÕs way out of my league.***

Sareena glanced back in a way that made the two wonder if she was in on the conversation. The two men silently made faces and gestures as their mental argument continued.

Dan**** Talk to her. I saw the way she looked at you in the hall ****

Dave**** If youÕre so sure, you talk to her.****

Dan**** Fine. I will. ****

Dave**** DonÕt you dare. ****

Dan**** Stop me if you can. ****

The two were staring at each other with ÒI dare youÓ expressions. Sareena shook her head. ÒBig shiny reflection in the doors guys.Ó They looked at each other, then at her with embarrassment.

ÒYou wouldnÕt by any chance be heading out to score some weed?Ó Dave asked nervously. She shot him the evil eye.

ÒA year and a half, youÕve lived down the hall from me, youÕve never invited me over for a session.Ó Dave stuttered a bit, but Dan stepped into the conversation.

ÒHe would love to make it up to you. How bout we pay for your score and treat you to dinner?Ó She looked at the guys in their matching shirts as the elevator doors opened.

ÒI would, but I donÕt want to be the third wheel on your date night.Ó They stepped out into the main lobby and walked to the front doors. Dan and Dave looked at each other and Dan chuckled. Dave sped up to catch Sareena.

ÒWeÕre not a couple. HeÕs gay, IÕm strait, weÕve known each other since elementary and itÕs his 21st birthday. I never invited you over to smoke because IÕm always too nervous to talk to you. IÕm gonna go now.Ó He turned to walk back to his friend, but she stopped him.

ÒGrab your birthday boy and letÕs get a move on. I want to go some place nice for dinner.Ó

     The restaurant they went to wasnÕt five- star but it had a rooftop patio looking out on the city. The three of them made a mess of several appetizer platters. Dan looked out at the city lights.

ÒI missed this. California has sky scrapers, but itÕs nothing like this.Ó Sareena picked up a pot sticker and tossed it over the side of the building.

ÒYeah, canÕt get away with that in California.Ó She giggled the way that only very stoned people do after curing the munchies. Dan looked at her.

ÒSo, how long were you in California?Ó

ÒEighteen years. Born and raised. Moved to New York to study theatre. Been here almost two years, and IÕm still madly in love with this city.Ó Dave was quiet. Sareena looked at him. ÒYou really are nervous around me. You need to relax. Go ahead, ask me anything.Ó She touched his hand.

ÒOK, So whatÕs with your neighbor yelling at you again?Ó He asked.

 ÒHe threatens to call the cops about the pot smoke drifting across to his balcony.Ó She rolled her eyes. ÓHeÕs been trying to get me kicked out of building for months. I swear, one day IÕm going to smash his skull and throw him down the garbage slide.Ó The two men stared in silence. Sareena laughed and they cocked their heads not knowing if she was kidding. Just as they were sure she was joking, she looked at them with a smirk. ÒYou guys should come back to my place and tag team me.Ó

Dave choked on his shock. ÓExcuse me?Ó

ÒOh, come on,Ó she said. ÒI love getting double drilled, but strait guys on the East coast are so homophobic, and gay guys always loose their erection when they see a pussy.Ó

Dave rose his hand as if he were in a classroom,  ÒI have a question,Ó he said pointing at himself and Dan.

ÒYouÕre dying to fuck me, heÕs dying to fuck you. I would kill to have two cocks inside me. This is an opportunity way too good to pass up. What do you say, guys?Ó This time Dan raised his hand with an obvious question. Sareena answered it before he could speak. ÒOh, please. YouÕve practically got Ôin love with my best friendÕ written across your forehead.Ó


     Dan and Sareena sat on her bed in plush bathrobes. Her bed was bigger than the guys had expected it to be. It had large head and footboards and a solid wooden frame with lots of decorative places a person could plant their feet against for better thrusting, or be comfortably bent over. To the left of the bed an open door led to a large bathroom that bellowed steam and the sound of a running shower.

ÒThereÕs no way itÕs that big.Ó Said Sareena, sitting Indian style in the middle of the bed. Dan was at the foot of the bed, his elbows propped against the bedÕs thick frame.

ÒTrue story.Ò He raised one hand in the air. ÒAs God is my witness, she ran from the boyÕs camp crying. By the middle of the next day, word had spread like wild fire that he was a sick pervert who tried to impress a girl by rubbing a giant fake penis on her.Ó

ÒDid he get in trouble?Ó She inquired?

Dan laughed as he recounted the end of the story. ÒAlmost. They searched the entire camp grounds, threatened all of us to rat him out or else, but they couldnÕt find any proof. Whenever the camp counselors would ask where he was hiding the sex toy, he would just laugh and swear it was really his penis she touched. In the end, all they could do was send a letter to both kidsÕ parents stating that they had been caught fooling around.Ó

ÒWow,Ó Sareena shook her head, Òand you say youÕve seen it for yourself? So I take it you and him have hooked up before? A little teenage experimentationÉÓ

ÒI wish,Ó he said leaning back. ÒUntil a few months ago, I was so far in the closet, that I didnÕt ever realize I was gay. But between the jr high locker room, the high school locker room, and camp showers, IÕve seen that monster of his enough times to know that thereÕs no possible way to exaggerate itÕs size.Ó


     Dave stepped from the bathroom in bathrobe that matched Dan and SareenaÕs. She waived a hand, gesturing for him to join them on the bed.

ÒWe were just talking about you,Ó Dan said.

ÒWell, part of you.Ó Sareena added. ÒDrop the robe and letÕs see this legendary beast. The suspense is killing me.Ó

He stood at the side of the bed and opened his robe. As it hit the floor, so did SareenaÕs jaw. She blinked in silence as her wide open eyes feasted on the site of his meat. She couldnÕt look away, and Dan chuckled. DaveÕs penis hung limply between his thighs. It was as thick and as long as her forearm, the large, dark head of ending an inch above his knees.

ÒYouÕre one of those guys whose penis is bent strait down when itÕs erect, right?Ó A small amount of fear crept into her voice. Dave didnÕt respond verbally, he just lifted his pole of a penis and played with it, bending it, flopping it around, squeezing and stretching it. Despite its size, it was as soft as a garden hose left stretched in the sun. DaveÕs handling was starting to affect his penis. It grew a couple inches longer, and itÕs girth was starting to swell. He dropped it and the head dangled past his knees for a few seconds before the monster cock slowly began lifting itself. ÒOh my god. IÕm going to be impaled.Ó

ÒLucky bitch.Ó Dan said, taking off his robe and tossing it over the side of the bed.

ÒAweÉÓ said Sareena, giving Dan a sad face, then looking at Dave with big puppy dog eyes. ÒHeÕs your best friend. HeÕs gay, but heÕs willing to fuck a girl just for the chance to be with you.Ó Dave didnÕt want to say no. He could see the pleading in both their eyes. Going into this situation, he knew he was going to have intimate physical contact with another man. He thought some touching and rubbing, maybe a few kisses at the most.  Dan would go down on him. He was completely unprepared for the two of them begging him to actually put his cock into another manÕs ass. ÒIÕll make him look nice and girly for you.Ó

ÒOK, but youÕre going to have to get me so much more stoned for this.Ó

ÒReally!Ó Dan asked, his face lighting up.

ÒI told you, youÕre my boy and IÕm always here for you.Ó

ÒAwesome!Ó Sareena said springing from the bed. ÒIÕve got just the stuff.Ó

The wall on the opposite side of her bed from the bathroom had her closet. She slid open the doors. On the floor of her closet was an immaculately kept collection of smoking paraphernalia. It was organized from left to right, starting with small decorative pipes building up to bongs that reached three feet in length. Behind the collection, against the wall was a six foot pink water bong. Sareena rubbed it and looked at Dave as he climbed onto the bed with Dan. ÒI bet youÕre cock is longer than this when itÕs hard, but IÕm going to save it for next time.Ó

ÒNext time?Ó Dave said with a smile.

She winked at him then turned back to her collection. She pulled a tall hookah style piece from the right side of the collection and a sack of marijuana and placed them on the bed. ÒPack a bowl for us while I borrow your friend.Ó She grabbed Dan by the hand and pulled him of the bed to her dresser. Opening the top drawer, she looked him up and down. ÒYou would look beautiful in lots of colors.Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Dan asked folding his arms in uncertainty.

ÒTrust me.Ó She rummaged through the drawer. ÒAnd unless we want to end up in the emergency room, your ass and my pussy are going to need to be well stretched and spread before we let that monster anywhere near it.Ó

ÒStretched and spread?Ó

She pulled a small silver vibrator from the drawer and turned it on. It buzzed strongly and she turned it off and tossed it on the bed. Then she pulled out a thick eight inch rubber dildo. Dan raised a brow as she tossed it on the bed next to the vibrator. Then she pulled her serious toy from the drawer. It was the size of DaveÕs penis, DaveÕs soft penis anyway. It was light purple and incredibly detailed with a handle and grip at the end. ÒIÕve been waiting for a special occasion to use this.Ó She tossed it on the bed with the other two toys. And pulled a small bottle of lube from the drawer and tossed it in as well.

ÒBowlÕs packed.Ó Dave said cheerfully holding the hookah.

ÒAlmost done.Ó Sareena said going back into the drawer. She pulled out a tiny pair of white panties and held them up for Dan to see. ÒWhat do you think?Ó

ÒAbout what?Ó Dan asked puzzled.

ÒI told Dave I was going to make you look nice and girly for him. Try them on.Ó

He was apprehensive, but he took the panties from her and slowly stepped into them. Sareena reached back into the drawer and pulled out a lacey white bra. As Dan stretched the underwear over his ass and packed his penis into the tiny front, Dave watched and began to get excited. She had to help him with the bra.

ÒI havenÕt touched one of these in years.Ó Dan said as she clipped it around him and adjusted itÕs fit on his chest.

ÒYou can borrow mine any time you want.Ó She stepped back and gave him a look.

ÒDidnÕt you say something about colors?Ó Dave asked from the bed.

ÒOh! ThatÕs right.Ó She reached into the drawer one last time and pulled out a pair of rainbow socks. Dan slid them on his feet and the stretched up to his knees. He stood there nervously as the two looked at him. Dave whistled and Dan blushed.

ÒThis is stupid.Ó He said

ÒNo, this is sexy.Ó Dave reassured him, stroking his growing penis. Dave was amazed how feminine his best friend looked. Even without a wig or any make-up SerenaÕs tight clothes beautifully accented DanÕs lithe body. The knee- high socks gave his calves just enough softness and curve to make Dave wonder if he wasnÕt actually looking at a woman. Of course, DanÕs penis bulging the front of the white panties was a dad giveaway, but Dave was amazed by how attracted he was to Dan.

ÒAlright, lets get baked, beautiful.Ó She pulled him to the bed and they all sat around the large pipe. It had six tubes with mouthpieces attached. Each of them held one as Sareena lit the bowl. Dan noticed Dave staring at him and blushed again. They all took in a deep lung full and stared at each other determined not to be the first to exhale. Their faces squirmed as they held the smoke in. Finally Dave let out a gust of smoke and coughed. The other two did the same and they all laughed.

ÒSo when do we get started with the toys?Ó Dan asked as his eyelids began to get heavy.

ÒArenÕt you an eager beaver,Ó Sareena teased as she dropped her hose. She picked up the head of DaveÕs penis and sucked on it. Dave laughed as she pulled her lips from his cock. ÒSorry, wrong hose.Ó Her eyelids were showing the affect of smoking, as was DaveÕs.

ÒNo itÕs not.Ó He said as his penis continued to grow in her hand. It must have been three feet long. She squeezed it hard, unable to touch her fingers together around its massive girth.

ÒI want some of that.Ó Dan said moving closer to Sareena.

ÒNo! ItÕs mine.Ó She said, playfully hording the mammoth cock from him. ÒI want to see you two kiss.Ó

ÒOK.Ó Dave said plainly.

ÒReally?Ó Dan asked with delight.

ÒGet over here.Ó

Dan scooted next to Dave and Dave leaned in and gave him a soft peck on the lips. Dan smiled looking at Sareena with a proud expression.

ÒI want to see a real kiss guys. Turn me on already.Ó

The two men looked at each other. DanÕs face was full of wanting. They kissed, slowly at first, both men cautiously letting their lips part ever so slightly. They kept kissing. Soon it was a series of passionate kisses like lost lovers share when reunited. Sareena let go of DaveÕs penis and began rubbing her clitoris as she watched; her pussy becoming wet. The two men pulled away and looked at each other.

ÒIÕm not feeling it.Ó Dave said.

ÒYeah. I know what you mean.Ó Dan agreed. ÒI donÕt think we were meant to be together.Ó

ÒWhat the fuck are you two saying?Ó Sareena gasped.

ÒDonÕt worry, were still going to fuck the shit out of each other and you.Ó Dan said looking at his best friend.

ÒYou know thatÕs rightÓ Dave agreed and gave Dan fist pump. He carefully set the hookah on the floor and pushed Sareena onto her back. They took turns, one of them would kiss her while the other used their mouth and hands to pleasure different parts of her body. They did this until her pussy was dripping and she rolled her hips every time her thighs were touched. Dave gently pushed her knees apart and sat between her thighs. His huge black cock stretched all the way to her breast. Dan was kneeling over her on her right stroking the behemoth.

ÒHow the hell do you get this inside of a woman?Ó He said looking at Dave?

ÒHonestly, IÕve never figured out how.Ó Dave confessed.

Sareena sprang up to her elbows. DanÕs eyes tried to leave their sockets.

ÒYouÕre a virgin!Ó The two of them exclaimed in unison.

ÒYouÕre the first woman who has ever seen my penis at full size and not walked or run away.Ó He said with a shrug looking at Sareena. She reached up and touched his cheek, then did the same to Dan.

ÒThe big toy,Ó she said softly.

Dan picked up the large purple toy. Above the grip it was about half the length of DaveÕs penis but almost as thick. Dave moved to the side and watched his friend slowly slide the rubber penis into Sareena. She reached down and gently pulled her labia open, moaning as her tiny pussy was increasingly dilated. Dan gently worked the big toy in and out of her, going deeper into her as she panted. She grabbed DaveÕs rod with both hands.


Dan worked the toy penis faster, but it wasnÕt enough.

ÒFaster!Ó She said again, this time louder.

Dan ran the toy in and out of her as fast as he could. She bit down on her lip and clamped her hands around DaveÕs penis like a vise. She moaned and panted, her pussy squirting as she climaxed.

ÒStop.Ó She said releasing DaveÕs giant flesh and trying to catch her breath. She took a deep, pleasure filled inhale as Dan pulled the toy from her pussy.  Getting up to her knees, she pulled Dave into the spot where she was and straddled him. She pulled Dan over to her, as DaveÕs penis pointed at the ceiling and throbbed behind her ass. She positioned DanÕs hips in alignment with DaveÕs head and rubbed his crotch. His cock grew, stretching the white cotton of the panties he wore. She kissed Dave as he pulled the panties to the side and DanÕs penis popped out of them. She licked it and pushed it close to DaveÕs mouth. He let the head slide into his lips and sucked gently. Sareena licked up and down DanÕs shaft while his friend licked and sucked the bottom of his head. Dan closed his eyes and moaned as they worked together pleasuring his penis. After a while, Sareena stood up on the bed. Even standing over him, the head of DaveÕs enormous penis pushed at the entrance of her pussy. She rubbed her clit and slowly began lowering herself. She reached out and Dan took her hand, helping her steady her balance as she slowly squeezed the giant rod of flesh inside her. She carefully got to the point where she could be on her knees, straddling DaveÕs stomach instead of his hips. His mammoth cock was bent ninety degrees as almost half of his super sized shaft was in Sareena. She rolled her hips, slowly letting his shaft out and carefully taking it back in, her labia stretched like a rubber band. She got a slow, steady rhythm and looked at Dan. ÒYour turn.Ó

He crawled behind her and positioned himself on his hands and knees between DaveÕs thighs. Sareena was breathing heavily as she rode the monster and Dave was moaning softly. Dan softly played with his testicles, kissing and licking the balls as they seethed with a life all their own. He moved his tongue slowly up the length of shaft that wasnÕt inside Sareena then licked her pussy lips as they moved back and forth around DaveÕs cock. Sareena stopped moving her hips as Dan gently cupped her ass cheeks and pulled them apart. He toyed her ass with his tongue, tickling her tight little hole before pulling his head away. Even though she heard the unmistakable squirting sounds that only a bottle of lube makes, Sareena still squeaked when she felt the cool slippery gel making contact with her skin. Dan went back to licking, spreading the mix of lubricant and saliva around her smooth round ass. It took him a minute to reposition himself. It wasnÕt easy, but he could feel the bottom of his scrotum resting on DaveÕs shaft as he guided the head of his penis into SareenaÕs back door. Her ass was tight. He felt like the head of his penis would burst as he stuffed it into her.

ÒDonÕt stop.Ó She moaned when he paused and he continued cramming his cock into her super tight little ass. Before long they were all moving. Dan could feel the gigantic size of his friends cock inside Sareena. As she took DaveÕs cock in, he could feel her insides tighten around his penis like a clamp. She wailed with pleasure when Dave came inside her. Dan felt the pressure on his own cock, and before he could react he was coming as well.  The volume of DaveÕs sperm was more than SareenaÕs small pussy could hold and his cum gushed from the sides. The three of them lay there panting. Sareena smiling happily as the two men made a post sex cuddle sandwich out of her. They lay there until both menÕs cocks were too limp to stay inside her and they squirted out with trails of cum. Sareena wriggled her way to her knees and looked at Dan.


ÒReady for round two?Ó she asked picking the silver vibrator from the pile of toys. Dan responded with a nod and an eager huff as he grabbed the sturdy footboard of the large bed on his knees. Dave sat up and Sareena put a hand on his chest. ÒYou just sit there and play with that beast of yours until itÕs hard enough for penetration again.Ó

ÒYes, maÕam,Ó he said and smiled as he stroked his dripping penis. Dan bent over and wiggled his ass. He wasnÕt nervous about being in womenÕs clothes any more and he playfully strutted.  Sareena smacked his butt, sending a playful ÒWhap! Ò sound into the air; then she grabbed the lube and got down to business. She pulled her panties down around DanÕs knees and squeezed a generous helping of lube onto the crack of his ass. She let it slowly slide down between his cheeks before she gently pulled them apart and began fingering his ass. She pushed her fingers into him and lubed his ass again until her digits slid in and out smoothly. Then, she turned the silver vibrator to full and slid the tip into him. As soon as the tip was inside him, she quickly pushed the small toy all the way in. Dan arched his back and moaned as she giggled. The powerful vibrator inside him instantly brought his cock back to full erection. His breathing steadied as she pulled the toy out and pushed back in, then repeated it until his hole stopped clinching. Lube dripped from his ass as she pulled the vibrator out and grabbed the medium sized toy from the lot. She blew kisses at Dave as she rubbed lube up and down the rubber dildo.

ÒAre you ready?Ó She asked Dan as she positioned it between his cheeks. He nodded yes and pulled his head back moaning as she drove it into him. Just like with the smaller toy, she worked it in and out of him until his asshole relaxed. She pulled it out of him. She balled up her fist and placed it against his ass. He looked back with fear. ÒRelax, IÕm just testing how far open you are.Ó His ass was opened enough for two of her small knuckles to enter without spreading him any further. She held her fist close to the head of DaveÕs penis. He hadnÕt gotten it back to full erection yet, but the head was still bigger than SareenaÕs hand. The three of them looked at the comparison. She held up the biggest of her toys, and it looked tiny compared to DaveÕs regrowing erection. ÒWell?Ó She inquired looking at Dan.

ÒGive me the fist.Ó He said bravely and braced himself, tightening his grip on the boards. Sareena tightened her fist again and placed it against his slippery hole. She watched his skin stretch as she slowly slid her knuckles into him. He grit his teeth and grunted as the largest part of her fist disappeared into his ass. She twisted her hand inside him and he panted. As he relaxed, she worked her hand in and out of him the way she did with the toys. Finally, as she pulled her hand out of him, a slight sound of air and liquid slurping came from his ass. His hole was stretched and gaping enough for her to see a couple of inches into him. The skin of his o-ring was bright pink and still dripping wet.

ÒI think heÕs ready.Ó She said turning to Dave.

ÒGood. So am I.Ó He said rising to his knees, stroking his three feet of hard veiny flesh. As wide open as DanÕs asshole was, DaveÕs cock stretched it even further. Dan couldnÕt help letting whimpers of pain slip in between moans of pleasure. Dave was careful not to thrust too far as he watched his mastodon of a penis split itÕs way in and out of his friends small ass. He pulled his cock out and a huge load of cum covered DanÕs ass and poured across his back. A loud knock at the front door interrupted the moment.

Dan had his head resting on his hands and was panting too hard to be bothered by the sound. Sareena and Dave both looked in the direction of the door. A second knocking came louder than the first. The muffled voice of SareenaÕs next-door neighbor followed.

ÒYou open this door or IÕm calling the police!Ó

ÒIÕll take care of this.Ó Sareena said, hopping from the bed and dashing out of the bedroom.

ÒWowÉÓ Panted Dan. ÒSheÕs answering the door naked.Ó

ÒI think IÕm in love.Ó Dave said looking in the direction she left.

They heard the sound of the front door open and close, and then the sound of voices. They couldnÕt make out what was being said, but it didnÕt take long before there were two thuds and silence. Sareena raced into the bedroom and opened the second drawer of her dresser. They couldnÕt see what she quickly grabbed before racing back out of the bedroom. Strange scraping sounds came from the living room. The two men slowly climbed off the bed and walked towards the door and down the short hall. Dave giggled at the way Dan was walking.

ÒI know, but man was it worth it.Ó He said with a smile.

The scraping sounds stopped as they entered the living room. Sareena looked up at them with a guilty expression. She had her knee on the back of her neighbor, who she had used duct tape to hog tie. He was unconscious but stirring. As he opened his eyes, she quickly put a strip of tape over his mouth.

ÒHi guys,Ó she said forcing a smile, Òa little help here?Ó








  They were lucky to get three seats together on such short notice.  A ding came from overhead and a voice announced that it was OK to removed seat belts and move about the cabin. A flight attendant was approaching their section as Dan talked.

ÒDave, youÕre going to love California.Ó The flight attendant reached them and he asked for a pillow. She pulled one from the overhead bin and he slipped it under his but as soon as she handed it to him. ÒAre you sure your neighbor is going to be OK?Ó

ÒHe was sweating pretty hard.Ó She said with apathy. ÒThe duct tape should have lost all its stickiness by now.Ó

ÒSo how close is your apartment to the beach?Ó Dave asked.


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