Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. . Mary Jensen frowned as she clicked the confirm button with a sigh. Her latest blog was posted on time, but she wasn't at all happy with it's quality. She had worked hard for years to secure her pen name as one of the most reliable sources on things that didn't really matter, but somehow managed to get paid to talk about. It was exactly that kind of sour mental state that had been poisoning her work more and more. She left her computer and walked to the kitchen sink. Looking out the window at the sunny streets of her neighborhood, she took in the calm, peaceful, relaxing nature of her fortunate life, and wanted to burn it to the ground. Instead, she poured the last cup of coffee from the pot into the sink and set a fresh pot to brew. She turned back to the halls of her house and felt sorry for her husband. She was a beautiful voluptuous woman full of confidence, love, compassion and intelligence. He was going to be absolutely crushed when he saw how quickly other men were going to line up to take his place. She knew it wasn't his fault. This morning she milled into the kitchen like a zombie, made coffee and went strait to clicking away at keys. She ran her fingers through her long green hair and pulled a handfull of it in front of her face to look at. She had died her hair green, and he hadn't noticed for two days. She remembered when they were dating how obsessed he was with touching her, now he didn't even look at her. Had two decades of nothing but kids, being over worked, and sitting on seperate ends of the coach squashed every bit of desire out of him? Have I turned him into a eunuch? Mary took a deep breath and looked down her quiet hallway. No doubt her husband was in his office. Not one day after the thier twin sons moved out, he converted their rooms into seprate offices for Mary and himself. Since then, passing each other in the halls of their house had become Mary's most vivid mental picture of their relationship. It was time to change that. she heard a door opening down the hall and quickly untied her robe to the let it slide open. She leaned against the counter, one of her large breasts and the curve of her hip seductively exposed. . Trent was a large man, tall and built like a professional wrestler. His bald head and goatee gave him quite the intimidating demeanor, but as soon as he smiled it was clear he was a big teddy bear. He smiled at his wife as he walked down the hall towards the kitchen. He was wearing a dark grey suit and holding an empty coffe cup in one hand. His eyes were a blend of early morning sleepy and warm compassion. He looked his wife in the eyes as he approached her, not even glancing at the eye full of beautiful flesh she offered. Their bodies touched as he reeached past her to put his coffee mug into the sink and he leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek. "The market still sucks," he said surprisingly optimisticly, "but it looks like I might sell the Mortan House today. Can't wait to hear all about your latest blog when I get home." He turned and walked back down the hall. "Oh, your hair looks nice." He said without turning around. . Seconds later, he had his briefcase and keys and was gone. The emotions hit Mary like a ton of bricks. Rejection, lonliness, and anger turned her face beat red as she tied her robe closed. She took a deap breath and tried to be rational, wondering if this is how she made him feel for years. After the twins were born, they decided not to have any more children. This marked the begining of their sex life's slow painful death. Mary just had no interest. It bothered him at first, but after a while, Trent buried himself in work and fatherhood. Soon, Mary couldn't remember the last time they had gone on a date. She couldn't even remember the last time they talked about doing anything together. She was more than happy to curl up on the couch with a cheap book while some crime investigation show played on the tv. There was one for every day if the week and at the end of the day, her husband was the furthest thing from her mind. For years, she was as happy as happy can be... and then her mid thirties rolled around. . It was a Saturday afternoon. Their kids, now young adults out forging the path of their own lives and independance, were sure not to return for hours. Trent sat on the couch watching a hockey game and sipping beer. Something must have happened, because Trent let out a loud chear and sat forward on the couch. Mary took the beer from his hand and straddled him without warning. "Why don't you turn off this game and give me a reason to chear in the bedroom." Trent looked at his wife with bemusement, then responded in a monotone voice."Ha ha very funny." "I'm dead serious," she said in a sultry voice. But Trent had leaned to the side to see the television. That day started an argument about their sex life that never ended. After the kids moved out, Trent went silent. He was kind and friendly to Mary, but he avoided her and the emotional distance between them was constantly amplified by the silence of their newly emptied home. She knew she hadn't had any kind of meaningful intimate relationship with her husband for years. It was only a short matter of time until their marriage was over. "No!" She exclaimed to herself standing in the kitchen. . She loved Trent. Once apon a time she promised to be his every wish and fantasy. Now in the thrawls of her own anger and unsatisfaction, for the first time in her life she was yearning for that very same thing. She realized she never made good on that promise. She marched down the hall to his office and turned on her husbands computer. She started with his web browser's history. It was time for Trent to get exactly what he wanted most. TEXT MESSAGE We need to talk as soon as you get home. For years we've been parents together, but WE havent had a relationship. The kids are on their own now, and you and I walk the halls of this empty house avoiding each other. With the kids gone, I feel like there's nothing left keeping us connected. I now you've felt the same and I think its time we sit down together and decide what we're each going to do about our future. . Vern sat at Mary's kithen table giving her a very serious look. He held one of her hands, giving it a gentle, comforting rub. He was afew years younger than her, but not many. He lived three houses away and considered himself one of Trent's best friends. "I play poker with your husband twice a month," he pointed out. "Are you sure, you want me to be the one to do this with you? I don't want to lose either of you as friends." "I'm sure." Mary's voice was steadfast and determained, but Vern could tell she was nervous. He was a handsome black man with a broad nose and touches of grey coming into his short neat hair. Mary touched the smooth skin of his cheek and let her hand slowly trail down his face. The last time she touchd a man's skin with desire was that horrible Saturday. She closed her eyes and slowly rubbed Vern's chin, breathing through her own feelings of guilt and the weight of the past as she pictured him naked. It wasn't the first time. She opened her eyes to see Vern smiling. "Are you sure you're ready to do this?" He asked one last time. They both heard the sounds of keys jiggling at the front door and knew it was too late to turn back. They hopped up from the table and Mary rushed Vern into the living room, then ran to meet her husband as he open the door. . Trent had a sad expression. He looked at his wife with thoughtful, understnding eyes. She was wearing a thin summer dress with floral pattern and her hair had been beautifully styled. The green dye was gone and her natural sandy brown color had returned. "You look great." Tren said sadly. "Sorry I didn't respond to your text." Mary opened her mouth, but half a syllable was all the response that came out. Instead of talking, she grabbed her husband's breifcase from him and quickly led him by the hand into the kitchen. She tossed the breifcase across the floor and told Trent to sit down in a serious tone. He did, noticing at the center of the table was a single slice of cheesecake on a small saucer with a spoon, and two sets of handcuffs. He looked around the kitchen, then at his wife, then back at the items on the table, then back to his wife again. She stood beside him, a strange look of determination in her eyes. "Uhm... what's going on here?" He asked nervously. "No matter what the problems between us are," she started firmly, "the one thing we've always had is trust. I have something to tell you. Something that I can't begin to predict what your reaction to will be..." She took a deep breath. "... so I'm asking you to trust me, even if it is just one last time." Trent looked at Mary, thinking about the gravity of her words, believing he understood the point there reletionship had come to. He let his arms drop to his side and submitted to his wife's request. She thanked him as she slowly cuffed each of his wrists to the back legs of the chair he was sitting in. "What's with the cheesecake?" He asked as Mary clicked the cuffs. She didn't answer, only checked to make sure the cuffs were tight and secure before standing in front of her husband. For an instant, she had a pained expression as she looked at him. All the issues of womanhood, the long history of how their relationship had soured, the fear of what she was doing now would lead to in the future; it swelled in her throat and choked her of her confidence. She swallowed it...Closed her eyes and took a long deep uncomfortable swallow, then opened her eyes to see the man she loved had trusted her enough to let himself be cuffed to a chair. He was the one. This is what she knew about him, but had forgotten a long time ago. He looked up at her with sad eyes, waiting patiently for her to say the words his heart had been feeling for some time. "I want you to let me say everything I have to say before you respond." Trent nodded in agreement and Mary continued. "I ignored you for years, and it took you a long time to turn away from me, but you did. After that our relationship faded to a point of non existance.I know that's my fault." She paused and her husband tried to speak. Mary put two fingers over Trents lips and reminded him that he agreed to let her finish. "When I hit my thirties, my sex drive exploded into something I can barely contain throughout the day. I threw myself at you constantly only to find that you've grown so resentful of my past rejections, that you can't bare to touch me. That being the case, I think there's something you need to know about our neighbor, Vern." "Vern!" Trent squeezed through a flabbegasted gasp of shock. "Vern has been a friend of the family for years, but I've been attracted to him since the day we first met. Vern, could you come in here now." Mary called out to the living room. Vern walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but a sympathetic smile. He had a six pack of rock hard abs and a chest that looked like it was carved out of mahagony. The cuffs clanked against the wood of the chair as Trent instictively tried to stand. "Vern?" He said again with sad shock. "You're leaving me for Vern." He looked at his naked friend as his eyes began to water. "How could you? Why are you naked?" "I'm not leaving you." Mary said pulling Trents attention back to her. "I love you, and I will never leave you..." she said softly to her husband. But as she slid the straps of her dress down from her shoulders, her voice firmed to an almost scolding tone. "...but since you've decided that this beautiful body is so repulsive to you, I'm going to see how you like watching another man enjoy it." The thin dress glided over the curve of her large breasts and dropped to the floor as she pulled Vern in to her. He put his hands on her soft hips, and they kissed paasionately as Trent watched. She moved her pale hands up and down his dark muscular back, tingles of sexual excitement coursing through her body in ways she had never known. By the time they stopped kissing, she was breathing fast and heavy. "I remember when you used to kiss me that way," she said to Trent. He didn't respond. His face was red with anger, but he just sat. He had no idea what else to do. Mary gently squeezed Vern's penis and began stroking it. "Look at this." She instructed her husband. "He's only half way hard, and he's already bigger than you. I wonder how it will feel having him deeper inside me than you will ever be, spreading me further open than you ever could. I wonder how your smaller dick would feel inside me after his huge cock plowed me to orgasm. Does that make you want to touch me again?" She finished sharply. "Yes." Trent said meakly, the red slowly leaving his face. Mary let go of Verns penis and stared at her husband with wide eyes. It took her a few seconds to realize the crotch of his pants were stretched and throbbing. She looked at Vern, expecting him to be freaked out and ready to run. He just stood with a patient reasuring smile. Mary looked back at her husband, this time her eyes had started to water. "We should have done this a long time ago." She said "Don't get all soft on me now." Trent said, the erection in his pants subsiding. "I've been waiting two decades for something like this to happen." "Awe. Isn't that cute." Vern interjected. Mary turned back to Vern and they began kissing again. She grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his head down to her chest. He kissed her breasts working his way from the center of her cleavage to her right nipple and sucked it hard. Mary sighed in pleasure, then pushed Verns head to the left nipple. She moaned as he sucked it, then flicked his tongue quickly across its erecting red tip. "Are you feeling left out yet?" She teasingly asked her husband. "Yes..." he said longingly. "Well then, how about we give you something to suck on too." Vern moved his hips closeer to Trent and Mary pushed her husbands head towards his penis until he opened his mouth and took it in. "If that cock comes out of your mouth before I say it can, I'm going to have Vern shove it all the way up your ass." Trent mumbled his compliance and sucked his friends big black cock as they started kissing again. Vern moved back to orally pleasuring his way around her chest as Mary gave breathy moans. She looked down and saw the excitement in her husbands eyes as he began moving his head back and forth, Vern's thick dark flesh sliding in and out of his face. She pushed Verns face from her chest and sat on the table with her legs spread. "You've had enough fun with that cock," she scolded. "You can put your mouth to use for me, now." She pointed at her pussy as Vern moved behind Trent and scooted him between Mary's thighs. She pushd his head into her crotch hard and ordered him to lick. He did, softly at first then slowly increasing the spead and pressure of his tongue against her tiny clit. "Oh yes!" She cried out with delight waggling a finger at Vern. He stood close to her, and she ran her hands up and down his chisled abomen. She slowly felt the details of his muscles as her husband licked her pussy faster. Vern moaned as Mary pinced his nipples, then she grabbed his waist with both hands and pulled him closer. She sucked hard on his nipples as he let out sighs of pleasure. Trent began flicking his tongue across his wifes clitoris as fast as he could. She threw her head back with a loud exclaimation. "Oh god don't stop!" She yelled, planting her feet on her husbands thighs and spreading her knees as far as she could. "Get my pussy wet so your friend can shove his huge black cock all the way inside me!" Mary noticed the way Trents crotch would flex and throb every time she riminded him that Vern was going to fuck her. The more she said, the faster and harder Trent would lick away at her throbbing pussy. "I can't wait to have that long dark cock hammering it's way into me. I'm going to cum all over that thick black shaft of his and watch you lick my pussy juice from another mans penis." Mary's teasing was sprinkled with loud moans that increased in volume. Suddenly she cried out, then bit her lip and went silent. She struggled to breath as she dug her nails into the back of Trents neck, her legs quivering as her pussy gushed. Finally, she pushed his head away, her vaginal fluids dripping from the hair on his chin. She was panting hard. "Are you ready for this?" Vern asked stroking the shaft if his huge girthy rod. Mary rotated her hips away from Trent, still trying to catch her breath. She didn't, but instead gasped and held it again as Vern slowly slid his large penis into her. Trent watched as he rolled his dark hips, his penis sreading into the depths of his wifes pussy. Vern began thrusting faster, and soon he was at a steady rhythm, Mary practicly screaming each time he'd slam his hips into her. Trent pulled aginst the cuffs, his own cock ready to explode in his pants as he could do nothing but watch. Vern pounded away at his wife as she put her legs on his shoulders and yelled harder. He fucked her until her voice began to crack, then slowly pulled his driping cock from her and stepped back as they both panted with pleasure. When she caught her breath, Mary sat up and rotated her hips back towards her husband. Her legs spread again, Trent could see how much Verns enormous penis spread had his wife open. He watched the muscles of her vaginal canal as they throbbed and squeezed. "Do you want me to uncuff you so you can put your little dick into this big gaping hole your friend left you?" She teased. "Please?" Trent asked his wife obediently. "First there's something you have to do for me." "Anything." he agreed eagerly. She reached behind her and grabbed the saucer. The spoon clinked as she put the slice of cheasecake in front of her pussy. "You have to eat every yummy delicious bite of this." She winked at Vern and he stepped in stroking his penis, then groaned as sperm erupted from it. "Oh yeah!" He exclaimed as he shot thick sticky streams of cum on Trent's dessert. When he finished, there was more sperm on the saucer than cheasecake. Trent licked his lips in anticipation as Mary cut the first bite of cheasecake onto the spoon. He ate every cum dripping spoonfull with a smile, then his wife pushed the saucer to his face so he could lick the cum and crums stuck to it. Dribbles of thick white sperm clung to Trents goatee. Mary scooped them from his face with the spoon then let him lick it clean. "How does your friends cum taste?" She asked then leaned down to kiss him, sucking his jizz covered tongue as their mouths parted. Trent looked up at Vern with a satisfied smile. Mary nodded and Vern released his friend from the cuffs. He stood up and couldn't get his pants down fast enough. "Come and get your reward for being so cooperative." Mary said with a smile and layed back on the table as her husband stood between her thighs. END. @Fantasy_Ink