NEW story: Heather Submits, Part 4 (M/f, D/s)
First a.s.s.m posting: 08/??/02

Missing Part X? Previous chapters of this story can be found at:
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it with a friend. Feedback is welcome.      heatherkalin@hotmail.com

I checked my e-mail several times every evening hoping I'd find a new note from David. Sometimes he teased me about something we could do together or he would share his thoughts on an e-mail I had sent him. I savored every word. It's probably a good thing I couldn't check e-mail at work, I would have never done anything constructive. It was difficult enough to keep my mind on the patients and their records and scheduling conflicts without smutty e-mail distracting me in the office. 

Time seemed to be dragging along but eventually it was the 12th, just a few days before our first meeting. I was constantly thinking about the way David might look, how he'd react to me, what I would say to him at the moment we met. I even agonized about the book I would bring with me to the mall. Should I be cheeky and bring Lolita or silly and show up with a cheesy romance novel that an ex-roommate left behind? I was exploring the bookshelf in my bedroom when the computer beeped, signalling a new e-mail was waiting in my inbox.


Dear Heather,

I think Joe set you up just to see if you'd disobey him. Unfortunately you did go against his instructions and you were punished appropriately. I'll have more questions for you about this later.

Did any of your high school friends discover the truth about your relationship with Kevin? You seem well-adjusted about your experiences at such a young age, do you think you're lucky that it didn't permanently scar you emotionally?

Take care,


I made myself a glass of tea and thought about his last question before sitting down for a long writing session.


Dear David,
It's funny that you don't think I was harmed emotionally by my relationship with Kevin. I don't think I was harmed either, but I bet most people would consider me really fucked up if they knew the truth about my desires. Not because I am crazy or unstable, but they wouldn't understand that I still very much want to be in a relationship where I am controlled sexually and they'd consider it his fault that I'm this way. 

Most people wouldn't understand why I am very unhappy in a boring monogamous relationship. I am tired of cheating on boyfriends just to have multiple lovers, I very much want to find a man like Kevin, a man who can take control of my body and use it to satisfy his whims. (You might be wondering why I am no longer with him. I'll tell you that story in person if it's OK with you, I don't want to write about it.)

OK, so you want to know if my high school friends ever found out the truth about my relationship with Kevin. No, but my best friend Tracy came the closest. This is a pretty good story so I'll tell you the whole thing, from start to finish.

(I am skipping over some fun stuff that happened in June and July but I have to jump to August to answer your question.) 

Around the first week of August I called Kevin to see if he had any new parties scheduled or friends for me to meet. I was listless and the messages on the voice mail system had been some variation of "We don't need you tonight, maybe tomorrow or this weekend" for over a week. I was feeling neglected and worried that his interest in me had waned so I decided to phone him directly instead of leaving a voice message.

"I'm glad you called," he said, which made me happy. "I was just wondering something. Who was your friend I saw at the mall the day we met, she had straight blonde hair?"

"Hmmm, which one? Tracy and Laurel both have blonde hair, though Laurel's hair isn't exactly straight. Oh, were her breasts smaller or larger than mine?


"Gee, thanks for noticing. That was Tracy, she's got big tits and Laurel is barely an A cup."

"Tracy is pretty," Kevin said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, so?" He had put me on the defensive. "She has a boyfriend, they've been together since the 9th grade. I don't want any of my friends involved in this, OK? If someone at school knows it could get out and then, as you like to remind me, my reputation would be lower than mud." I snarled 'reputation' like it was a dirty word.

Kevin ignored my outburst. "Well I'd like you to invite her over for a movie."

"Did you just hear what I said?" I said, exasperated. "None of my friends! Besides, she's too old for you, she's going to be a Senior in the Fall and she'll turn 18 in October. Ha!" I teased.

"Very funny," he said with a smirk in his voice. "Nobody else will be here and I won't try to seduce your friend. Don't you think it's a good idea that your friends think of me as a good guy? What if they start to get worried and decide to tell your mom about me? I wish they didn't even know I exist. I worry about them tattling because they decide I am too old for you. I just think it'd be nice for one of your friends to see I'm not a monster."

"OK, you have a good point," I admitted. "Tracy has been asking a lot of questions about you and she sounds a little suspicious. Plus she has a car so we can drive over there, you wouldn't have to pick us up."

"I wish I could give you a car without your mom freaking out," he mused.

"Yeah, me too." (No kidding, it would have made life a lot easier.)

"OK, call Tracy now and invite her over Friday night around 7:30."

"Wait a second, how do you know for sure both Joe and Phil won't be there?" I asked suspiciously.

"Joe is sailing to Eagle's Nest Island for the weekend and he's taking Phil and a couple of girls along. They're leaving Friday around noon. If their plan falls through we'll give Tracy a quick tour of the house and then just the three of us will go out to a movie theater or something."

"Hmmm, OK, but I definitely want to know ahead of time if they aren't going on the boat trip." I couldn't put my finger on it but something told me that Kevin had a plan he wasn't sharing.

I called Tracy right away and she agreed it'd be fun to finally see the house she'd heard so much about. She asked if we'd be able to swim in their pool but I complained we wouldn't have enough time if we wanted to watch a movie. (I have to admit I wasn't thrilled about the idea of Tracy parading around in front of Kevin wearing her bikini.) She whined about wanting to go swimming so I told her to bring a suit just in case.


I nervously watched the clock until Tracy picked me up Friday night. She was running late, as usual, and I was worried it'd piss Kevin off. I relaxed once we got to the house and all signs indicated he was truly alone. He was friendly and affable, waving off our apologies about being late. 

He went out of his way to make sure we had snacks to eat and non-alcoholic drinks. Tracy asked for and received a glass of wine like Kevin was drinking and I glared at her but she shrugged and promised to stop at one. After Kevin poured her a glass he poured another and handed it to me. I took a few sips and decided I could handle just one glass.

Tracy asked about using the lap pool but Kevin had a weird story about it needing a fresh batch of chemicals before it'd be safe to swim in again. I suspected that was a lie but I didn't want to make a scene by questioning him about it. I was actually relieved that he wouldn't see my best friend in the tiny bikini she'd brought along. She had the most perfect breasts of any of my friends, which is saying a lot. I saw the way guys looked at her when we were at the beach and public pool. I didn't care to see my boyfriend ogling my best friend.

Kevin suggested we start the movie right away but Tracy wanted a tour of the house first. He explained that all the rooms upstairs and on the main level weren't really his to walk through. The tour was restricted to the kitchen and dining area on the main level and then all of Kevin's rooms in the basement, including the four car garage. Even though she could only see part of the house and the backyard it was obvious that Tracy was impressed.

When we were in the basement office Kevin left us alone for a few minutes to answer a phone ringing in another room. Tracy sidled up next to me and whispered, "Do you have any idea how LUCKY you are?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hello? Look around! Who do we know that lives like this? Nobody!"

"Well it's not like it all belongs to him. Joe's the guy with the money," I said practically.

"Still . . . Kevin has a good job, it's not like he's poor. I saw his car in the garage. He must buy you some really nice things," she said with a nudge. "Has he?"

I thought about it for a few seconds. "No, but it's not because he's cheap. If my mom saw me wearing jewelry or a leather jacket or something like that then she'd get really nosey. She knows I can't afford nice things, I don't have a job. If I say dad bought me the stuff then she'd ask him about it, she knows he's stingy with money."

Tracy didn't like my excuse. "If I had a rich boyfriend I'd want him to buy me something nice," she muttered and then brightened up when an idea crossed her mind. "Hey, if he buys you anything I can hide it for you in my bedroom."

"Whatever," I snapped. "I don't need expensive presents." 

At that point Kevin returned from his phone call with the suggestion of starting our movie before it was too late. He ushered us upstairs into the living room and picked up a video sleeve from the glass coffee table. "Have either of you seen _Searching for Her Soul_? It's a foreign film, that's the English translation. Don't ask me to pronounce the real title. Joe said this would be a good film to watch tonight." He held out the sleeve to show us. There was a blonde girl on the cover, looking heavenward with her hands clasped to her chest. 

Tracy and I both said no, we'd never even heard of it. We sat down on the couch with our wine glasses in hand and a plate of food between us to share. It felt weird to be sitting on that couch with my friend. Obviously she had no idea of my history with the couch and what I had done with multiple men on it. I wondered how she'd react if I told her the truth. 

Kevin slid the video into the VCR. He looked around for a minute and found the remote control on a shelf. I expected him to sit next to me on the couch but instead he headed towards the love seat across the room in front of the picture window. After hitting PLAY he hit the LIGHTS button on the remote to turn off the overhead lights. The draperies were open and the Summer sun was still setting so the room wasn't completely dark.

The movie opened with a minute or two of credits and it seemed normal enough. The camera was travelling down a dingy residential street with apartment buildings on either side of the road as the foreign names of the cast appeared on the screen. Occasionally the camera were veer to the right or left and look into a window for a few seconds where we'd see a girl flipping pancakes or a child watching TV or a man getting dressed. 

Finally the movie started when the names ran out and the camera went through one of the apartment windows and ended up in a cluttered bedroom. A blonde girl was sitting up in bed topless with a sheet across her stomach and a man was walking around the bedroom stark naked, talking to her in a foreign language. There were English captions on the screen so we knew he was saying something about the blonde making him late for work again and he couldn't find his socks.

"Oh my God, what rating is this?" Tracy asked, obviously shocked but trying to hide it.

Joe glanced at the video case still in his hand. "R," he said before tossing it on the coffee table.

Tracy looked incredulous. "I've never seen a completely naked man walking around like that in an R rated movie. Uh, what is he doing now?"

The man had climbed onto the bed and disappeared under the sheet. The girl pulled the sheet off so the camera could show his head between her legs. She slid down the bed and opened her legs further and urged him to continue. Joe chuckled, "Now he's definitely going to be late for work."

After a minute of watching this intense oral sex scene Tracy leaned over to me. "This is kinda weird, don't you think?" she whispered in my ear. I could smell the wine on her hot breath and made a mental note to stop her from drinking a second glass.

I shrugged. "It's a foreign film, I think they usually have a lot of sex. American movies have gore and people dying in violent ways, which is worse?"


The sex scenes were woven into the story so it wasn't non-stop sex like you'd expect to see in a typical porn movie. It was difficult to follow the plot even with the aid of the captions. I think the blonde girl wanted to find her father but instead she met a series of strange government men who were always pointing her in the wrong direction and she made a lot of "friends" along the way. (I don't even remember how it ended, maybe she's still out there, looking for her dad and fucking strange men.)

After the first 20 or 30 minutes Kevin spoke up during a boring scene where the blonde was filling out forms in a police station. "Hey Heather, I'm getting lonely. Come over here and sit next to your boyfriend." He patted the space on the love seat next to him. 

I left Tracy on the couch and crossed the room. "This movie isn't rated R!" I accused under my breath as I flopped down on the love seat, trying hard not to laugh.

"OK, so it isn't." Kevin grinned mischievously. "But admit you're having fun."

"Well, yeah, Tracy likes to pretend she already knows everything, it is fun to see her flustered. But this is still a dirty trick. I knew you had something up your sleeve. No wonder you cared more about watching this movie than letting us take a swim." We kept our voices low so they wouldn't carry across the room.

Kevin sighed. "Will you relax, if Tracy had a problem she wouldn't still be here. I'm not going to get within 5 feet of her, chill out. Now shut up and watch the movie." 

We suffered through another 10 or 15 minutes before an especially hot sex scene started. The naked blonde girl was on her knees sucking a man's cock and another man was in the room taking pictures of the action, tossing the Polaroids on the floor. The photographer was shouting at her as he snapped the photos and the captions indicated that he was calling her a whore and a slut. Soon she was surrounded by photographs of her sucking cock. 

Kevin nudged me and nodded his head over at Tracy. The room was getting darker as the sun set behind us but I could see her legs squirming. "That actress looks like Tracy," he whispered into my ear. "She has her blonde hair. I bet Tracy wants to come bad." What he said turned me on but I smacked his knee anyway to say 'knock it off.'

When the photographer ran out of film he tossed aside the camera and kneeled behind the girl still on her knees. He then pulled his cock out of his pants and slammed it into her pussy. The captions revealed he was telling her to continue sucking the man standing in front of her. This really turned me on, thinking about the time Luke fucked me from behind while I sucked off Joe. 

Wordlessly Kevin lifted my right leg off the floor and placed it across his lap. He then reached his hand under my skirt and stroked my thigh. "What are you doing?" I asked softly, slightly alarmed.

"This reminds me of watching other men fuck you," he murmured. "Your pussy is wet, isn't it?" he asked me, his voice low. I nodded and he slid his hand up my thigh until his fingers touched my labia. I relaxed my legs and shifted my hips so his fingers slid deep into the folds of my cunt. 

By this time the sun had almost completely disappeared behind the trees and I could no longer see Tracy's face. There was a chance she was watching Kevin rub my pussy but at that very moment I didn't care. I decided that later I'd tell her I was tipsy and didn't know what was happening. She had sex with her boyfriend Brian, it's not like she expected me to be a virgin and completely non-sexual with my own boyfriend. Within a few minutes I was coming as I watched the blonde fuck both men surrounded by the photographs. I did my best to keep quiet without making a spectacle of myself. After a minor unsatisfying orgasm I pushed Kevin's hand away and dropped my foot back to the floor. I was deeply embarrassed, not sure how much Tracy had been able to see in the dark room. 

Eventually the movie mercifully ended and Kevin turned on the lights. Tracy grabbed her purse, saying she didn't feel that great and needed to go home. Kevin asked if she was sober enough to drive and Tracy claimed she didn't finish her first glass so she was fine, she just felt ill. We found our purses and headed out to her car without a word exchanged between us.

When Tracy shifted the car into drive I decided to say something. "Um, Trace, I'm sorry about what happened. I had too much to drink and things got carried away." I was too ashamed to look at her so I pressed my forehead against the cool glass and stared out the window.

"Nothing happened," she said strangely.

I understood what she was saying. The tone of her voice told me everything I needed to know: She had seen what Kevin did to me but she preferred to pretend it didn't happen.

"OK, nothing happened," I agreed with a tremendous amount of relief. "I'm really sorry about the movie, I'm very embarrassed. Kevin thought we'd be watching an artsy foreign film, he had no idea it was porn. Joe played a trick on us." That last part was a lie but I think she believed me.

"Don't worry about it," she shrugged. "My brothers watch worse when my parents aren't home." 

This was classic Tracy, pretending to be cool with her been-there-done-that attitude. I recalled how she reacted when she saw the naked man going down on the girl in the first few minutes but I decided to let her off the hook. If she was willing to pretend she didn't just watch me have an orgasm I could easily let her pretend she wasn't shocked by a porn flick.

"Do you mind if I ask a question about Kevin?" she asked cautiously.

I hesitated and wondered if she somehow discovered something or if Kevin had hit on her when I was in the bathroom. "OK, what?"

"You guys have oral sex, right?"

Relief. That was a question I could handle. Tracy and I had talked about sex before plenty of times. "Sure, don't you and Brian? Yeah, you told me that's all you did with him the first year you were dating."

Tracy sighed. "Well, that's the thing. I go down on him but he won't do it to me."

"Wow, really? Not even once?" This was startling news, I had assumed otherwise. In fact, some of the things she'd said to me in the past completely contradicted what she just admitted. But that's Tracy, she frequently pretended to be experienced and worldly about all sorts of things to avoid looking ignorant. It was actually surprising to hear her admit this was something she hadn't done.

"Nope, he says it's gross and I'm gross for wanting it."

"It's not gross and it feels good. You should convince him to try it at least once." I was pleased and a little smug about knowing something Tracy didn't know.

"I feel bad about even asking again, like something is wrong with me for wanting it," Tracy said as she pulled into my driveway. 

I hopped out of the car and leaned back in the open window. "Call me later, OK? We can think of ways to make him do it," I said with a wide grin. 

Tracy nodded and waved at me, deep in thought.


A little over a week later Tracy phoned me at home. She hadn't returned my phone calls all week so there was still some tension between us. I'd feared that she'd woken up Saturday morning mortified about the movie and watching Kevin get me off right in front of her. I imagined all the awful stories that would go around about what happened at my boyfriend's house. So it was with relief that I listened to her calm rational voice on the line, even if felt sort of weird to talk like nothing crazy had happened. (I couldn't stop thinking about what she had seen and she was probably thinking the same thing.) First she apologized for not calling me back and rambled a bit about shopping for new school clothes before she got to the main reason for her call.

"Hey, I was wondering. Where were the guys that Kevin shares that house with?" she asked, trying hard to sound nonchalant.

"You're talking about Joe and Paul. Joe owns a boat and he took Paul on a trip to one of the nearby islands so that's where they were. Why do you want to know?"

"I dunno. Just wondering. Um . . . I was thinking it might be cool to meet them too. I'd like to know more about these guys you're always hanging out with. I'm supposed to be your best friend and I haven't seen much of you since you started dating Kevin." There was an edge to her voice, like she was accusing me of something.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I hedged.

Tracy and I then proceeded to argue for a few minutes about whether or not I was hiding something from her. I finally agreed to ask Kevin if I could bring Tracy over to meet Joe and Paul and then go swimming.

Kevin was amused when I explained why she wanted to visit the house again. "Good. I think something can be arranged. Hold on a minute." Kevin set the phone down for several minutes. I was close to hanging up when he finally returned. "OK, how about next Saturday around 5. You two can go swimming and then we'll serve dinner at 6."

"OK, but don't expect a repeat of the Sherry and Heather show. Tracy and I are bringing our bathing suits. I don't like this at all but she insists on meeting Paul and Joe. Plus I think she's obsessed with that pool."


Tracy showed up at my house several minutes early on Saturday, which was unusual for her. She was ready to go and wasn't happy about waiting an extra 10 minutes for me to finish doing my hair. She was giddy and cracking jokes during the entire ride to Joe's house and I caught some of her enthusiasm despite my misgivings about bringing her to the house a second time.

Kevin greeted us at the door with an apology. "Sorry, I have bad news. Something came up and Paul had to take off earlier this afternoon. Joe is here though, he'll be down in a few minutes." 

I looked over at Tracy but she didn't seem too disappointed. I had a feeling Joe was the guy she really wanted to meet. She'd asked a few questions about him in the car, like what he did for work and whether or not I thought he was cute. (I'd told her that her boyfriend Brian was much cuter.)

We followed our noses into the kitchen where Kevin had tall glasses of sweetened iced tea ready for us. Whatever was cooking smelled delicious. Kevin lifted the lid on a pan and showed us chicken simmering in a white sauce. Tracy and I then approved of the veggies and side dishes before taking our tea outside by the pool.

After we sat down on the metal chairs Tracy asked "Joe's the one with the boat, right?" She tried to sound innocent and failed miserably.

I nodded grimly. This wasn't good, she was definitely impressed by Joe's money. How could I warn her off him without giving anything away? "Joe has a girlfriend you know, and he's even older than Kevin."

She shrugged. "So? What's your point? I have a boyfriend already, I'm not looking. You're acting weird, Heather."

I sighed and hoped the evening would end quickly and without incident.

Joe opened the sliding glass door and brought out a tray of appetizers. "Hi girls," he chirped. He set the tray on the table before us and complimented Tracy on her outfit.

"Hey Joe, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked in my friendly voice. I took his arm and pulled him back into the house so we could talk in private.

"What's up?" he asked as I closed the sliding glass door behind us.

"Listen, Tracy is my best friend. She has a boyfriend and they've been together for 3 years. I don't want you hitting on her, I don't want her involved in this. She's only here today because I'm afraid she'll tell my mom about Kevin if I try to hide too much from her."

"Well Heather, I don't think you get to make the rules around here." Joe took a sip of tea and arched both eyebrows at me. "If you think you can tell me what to do in my own home, you're sadly mistaken. I'm surprised you'd talk to me this way. You're out of line and I will remember this." 

I nearly started crying because I felt so frustrated with him and I flashed back to my experience in the playroom. Would he have me punished again for daring to tell him how to behave? "I'm just asking you to leave my friend alone," I begged. "I'm scared Tracy will find out what I really do around here for you guys. I barely understand it myself, she _won't_ understand. Doesn't that make sense?"

"Go outside and calm down. Everything is under control." Joe turned his back on me and walked into the kitchen. I returned to the deck and did my best to hide the fact I was upset and feeling nauseous. I was about to suggest to Tracy that we go swimming, just so she wouldn't have an excuse to return to the house a third time, when Kevin called "Dinner's ready!" through the open kitchen window. "Come inside, we have the table set up."

Tracy followed me into the dining room and gasped when she saw the table. "My mom's fanciest holiday dinners never look this good at my house," she whispered to me before sitting down. She was right, the men had really gone all out for us. There was crisp linen on the table covered with fine china and gleaming silver. An expensive yet tasteful vase of white orchids was the centerpiece flanked by two flickering candles. 

I looked at Kevin appreciatively. "This looks beautiful, thank you." He set a plate of food on the table and said slyly, "Aw, you deserve it." Tracy nudged me under the table and muttered "Lucky" at me when I looked at her.

Our dinner conversation was uneventful except for my best friend's behavior. First let me explain a bit about her. I'd known Tracy forever, we met when a bully pushed her down on the playground and tore her pants in the seat. I gave her my windbreaker to wrap around her waist and we walked to the office together so she could call home and ask for a change of pants. As we sat and waited for her mom to show up we started talking. That was the beginning of our friendship. 

Eventually we became best friends, which was unusual because we weren't in the same grade. I was in the 3rd grade and she was in the 4th. We would have never spoken to each other if I hadn't been standing near her on the playground that day and she hadn't said "Hey you, I need to borrow your jacket." She had always been pragmatic. She was serious without being boring, smart without being a geek. The Tracy I saw at dinner was completely unlike the Tracy I had known for around 8 years. She was flirting and acting silly, making bad jokes and heaping compliments on Joe.

When dinner was finished I made a move to clear the table but Joe stopped me. "No, leave it for now. Let's relax in the living room and chat. We can . . ."

I cut him off. "Actually, I think Tracy wants to go swimming. We had planned to swim before dinner but you guys had dinner ready early."

Joe shook his head. "I don't think it's wise for you to go swimming so soon after eating a heavy meal, you should wait awhile. I think you're supposed to wait 30 minutes or maybe an hour?" He looked over at Kevin and Kevin made an "I don't know" face.

Tracy piped up, "I don't mind waiting, we can chat. Why don't you tell us about your trip to the island? What's your boat like? Do you have photos of it?"

We moved as a group to the living room and Joe pulled a book of photos off a shelf. He and Tracy sat next to each other on the love seat, a little too close for my comfort. 

Kevin was perusing the shelf of videos so I walked over to him. "I hope it's not another foreign film," I muttered under my breath when he pulled a video off the shelf.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Joe made a sign to Kevin with his hand. Kevin quickly put the video back on the shelf. "Hey Heather, let's clean things up while they look at photos, we've already seen them." I followed Kevin into the kitchen.

"What's going on? Why are we leaving them alone?" I demanded.

"Do you have any idea why Tracy is here?" he asked.

"Uh yeah, she wanted to go swimming and now we're not even doing that!" I said through gritted teeth.

Kevin shook his head. "No. You have a lot to learn about girls. I gave Tracy a test last time. She passed the first part of the test by not asking to leave when she realized what kind of movie we were watching. Then I made you come right in front of her. I gave her an easy out, I made sure it happened in a darkened room so she could pretend it never happened. Tracy saw everything and it turned her on. I saw the way she looked at me when you weren't in the room. She asked to return because she wants someone to do that to her. I suspect she wants Joe to do it, she's throwing herself at him."

We heard footsteps on the staircase leading upstairs before I had chance to respond to Kevin's absurd claim.

"Oh my GOD, I don't believe this, he's taking her upstairs!" I hissed and started to rush out of the kitchen to stop them.

Kevin grabbed my arm. "He will not force her into anything. If he does anything to her that she doesn't ask for or initiate then he's screwed and he knows it. Joe is a very smart man, he'll play this cool."

"Kevin!" I wailed. "He can't turn her into a slut, then she'll find out about ME! What about Brian! I LIKE her boyfriend, he's a good guy!" 

"Calm down! Joe and I already discussed this, right after he met her tonight. He has no future plans for her, he just wants to have some fun. She will never know about you or any of the other girls, this is a very short term thing for Joe and he knows it. I give you my word." 

I sat down on a kitchen chair in despair. "I swear to God, if he hurts her or this ruins my friendship with her . . . I don't know what I'll do." I started to cry. "We've been best friends forever!"

Kevin sighed impatiently. "Heather, you're acting like she's moving to the moon and you'll never see her again. She's upstairs, chill! Help me bring the dishes in, maybe they'll be back by the time we're done."

We finished cleaning the kitchen about 20 minutes later but there was no sign of Joe or Tracy. I started to whine about going home when Kevin angrily said he'd call me a cab and I could leave without my friend if I didn't stop acting like a baby. I didn't want that to happen so I tried to calm myself down. 

After a few minutes of watching me silently pout he got an idea. "OK, do you want to see what they're doing? You want to make sure he isn't doing anything wrong?" I nodded so he said, "Follow me then." 

We moved through the foyer and Kevin paused at the bottom of the stairs. He put his finger to her lips indicating that I should stay quiet. We crept up the stairs and stopped at a white door in the upper level hallway, right next to Joe's office. Joe's bedroom door at the end of the hallway was closed. Kevin took a key out of his pocket and quietly unlocked and opened the white door, silently waving me in ahead of him. 

I walked into a brightly lit windowless room. I remember a lot of white, everything was white: the chairs, the desk, the walls, even the tile floor was white. Four large screen computer monitors sat side by side on a long desk and computer equipment with flashing lights was stacked from the floor to ceiling on racks.

Kevin closed the door behind us and turned the lock leaving the key in the handle. "Welcome to the control room. These are the computers that control the extensive security system and all the video cameras we have around the house." He flicked on a monitor and settled into a chair. I stood behind him and watched over his shoulder. With a few mouse clicks he showed me the kitchen, the living room, the pool outside, and his bedroom in the basement.  

"These are just a few of the cameras, it's safe to assume every room in this house has at least one, usually more. Basically the only parts of this house that aren't capable of being recorded are the bathrooms, those are strictly off-limits. We aren't recording video constantly, there's a hidden panel in the rooms that allows us to start or stop recording. Needless to say, when girls are here, the cameras are recording everything for our own protection. All it takes is one vindictive bitch to ruin everything we have. We go through a lot of tape but it's a small price to pay for our peace of mind. Paul is our security tech guy, he keeps everything running smoothly."

"I can't imagine how much this cost to set up and keep running. You guys are crazy. So where are Joe and Tracy right now?" I wondered.

"My guess is Joe's bedroom. Let's check." Another mouse click popped open a new window displaying a clear view of Joe's posh bedroom. Two people, obviously Joe and Tracy, were sitting on the bed, the same bed where Joe and his friend Taylor had teased and fucked me earlier that Summer. I was relieved to see Joe and Tracy were still fully clothed and they were sitting at opposite ends of the bed. Kevin tapped a few keys on the keyboard and the camera zoomed in so their bodies filled the screen from head to toe. Even without sound I could tell that Tracy was acting silly, she was laughing and looking coy. Her body language just screamed FLIRT. I shook my head, I wouldn't have ever guessed she could be like that. It made me wonder what else I didn't know about her.

"We didn't serve alcohol tonight," Kevin reminded me. "She's not tipsy or drunk, she's perfectly sober." 

I sighed. "I just never would've thought Tracy . . . I mean, she loves Brian, they plan to get married. I wonder what they're talking about."

He chuckled. "Well let's find out." Another mouse click and stereo sound was pouring out of the speakers. We caught Tracy in mid-sentence.

". . . soooo much fun! I want to go back someday. Maybe next summer."

"So what else do you like?" Joe asked pleasantly.

"Does Joe know we're watching this?" I asked nervously. Kevin held up his hand to silence me. He wanted to hear what they were saying.

Tracy giggled. (I rolled my eyes, she never giggled around me.) "I like riding horses and going to movies. I play the flute in the school band. I'll be a Senior in the Fall and, um, I plan to volunteer at the nursing home where my grandma lives, I like helping other people."

Joe was nodding, encouraging her to continue.

Kevin said quickly during their conversation lull, "Yes, he doesn't mind if we watch. Now be quiet."

Tracy fidgeted with her hair. "And I like your house, this is a nice place. _Really_ really nice. So, what do YOU like? I feel like all I've been doing is talking about me me me."

Joe spoke carefully. "Well I like my house too, and my boat. I'm usually a very busy man with work, I like that I'm able to spend the evening with you tonight."

"Aw, thanks. That's sweet." I couldn't tell for sure but I think Tracy was blushing.

"You're very pretty. Does anyone tell you that?" Joe asked.

"Um, sometimes. Not very often actually," she admitted sadly.

"I'm surprised, a pretty girl like you should hear it every day."

"Wow, thanks."

There was a long silence. 

"Maybe we should go back downstairs?" Tracy asked hesitantly.

Joe stood up. "Sure, if you want."

"Actually . . . no. I like talking to you alone. I think Heather is mad at me for coming here and, uh, let's just stay. I like it in here, this is a really nice room. I like those paintings."

Joe sat down again. "Sure, anything you want is fine with me Tracy."

There was another long awkward pause in the conversation.

"I like your bed, it's really soft," Tracy said to kill the silence, smoothing the comforter with her palm.

Joe was just staring at her with a slight smile on his face.

"Can I try it out?" she asked hesitantly.

"Sure Tracy," he said. "You can do whatever you want."

She kicked off her sandals and swung her legs onto the bed.

"Wow! This feels great! I wish my bed was this soft."

She rolled across the bed like a little kid and then rolled back to Joe, bumping into him.

"Oops! I'm sorry. I must look really silly."

"Nah, I think you look cute. I like watching you."

"Do . . . do you wanna join me?" Tracy asked shyly.

Joe smiled pleasantly. "What would you like me to do?"

He was saying all the right things for the camera.

"Well this is fun. Come here. Take off your shoes first."

He untied his shoes and slipped them off. "Now what?"

"Come here! Get next to me."

Joe positioned himself on the bed next to her. Kevin quickly flicked the keyboard so the camera switched to an over-the-bed shot. We were now looking down on them. "She's doing everything," Kevin said. "You're witnessing this, he isn't suggesting a single thing to her."

"I know," I said numbly. "I'm just afraid she'll never speak to me again. I can't believe I'm watching this."

"Do you want to stop watching?"

"No," I admitted miserably.

"Didn't think so. If he makes one false move we'll both storm down the hallway and drag them out of there, OK? I promise. But if she asks for it, then it's her decision. She isn't a little kid, she's older than YOU."

I had to agree with him. Tracy wasn't a child, she was definitely acting stupid but she knew what she was doing. 

Kevin scooted his chair back a couple feet. "I want to enjoy this. Get under the desk and suck me."

"She's my best friend!" I protested.

"Do it," Kevin ordered. "Now." I kneeled down on the cold tile in front of him, my back to the computer monitor so I could no longer see what was happening, I only heard their voices through the speakers. I unzipped Kevin's slacks and took his cock in my mouth reluctantly, I really wanted to watch what was happening.

"This feels dreamy!" Tracy cooed.

"Do you want to go downstairs now and watch a movie or something? It's not too late to go swimming if you'd prefer doing that," Joe suggested.

"Oh Joe is good," Kevin commented. "He's not even touching her, he's going to let her initiate all contact. Keep sucking me." I nodded, trying to relax my throat to accept all of his cock in my mouth.

"No way!" Tracy giggled but then she sighed. "I like it right here but I feel bad. I have a boyfriend and Heather says you have a girlfriend."

"There's nobody special in my life." 

"Then Heather lied," Tracy mused. "Hmmm. OK, my problem is that I think I want to marry my boyfriend. His name is Brian and he's a great guy, he has names picked out for our future kids already. He'd be really mad if he saw me right now."

"I'm not telling anyone," Joe said solemnly. "We can tell Heather that you wanted to learn about my paintings upstairs. Heather has already seen the paintings, she knows they're up here."

"Ha ha, very funny Joe," I thought to myself.

"OK," Tracy said thoughtfully. "Earlier you were asking me about stuff I'd like to do, stuff i haven't done before. I left something off."

"What did you forget?"

"This is embarrassing. It's something I saw in the movie I watched with Kevin and Heather a couple weeks ago. I asked Brian if he wanted to try it and he said no, he thought it was gross. Which doesn't make sense, 'cause I do it to him."

"I'm not sure what movie you saw with Kevin and Heather. What did you see?"

"I'm embarrassed to say!"

"Go ahead and tell him slut," Kevin urged to the monitor. His cock grew even harder in my mouth. I could scarcely believe where their conversation was going.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want. But I won't judge you, whatever it is. I like you." Joe spoke reassuringly.

"Well . . . OK. This guy was licking his girlfriend down there. It's all I can think about since I saw it in the movie. I am sooo embarrassed I actually said that!" 

Joe tried his best to sound shocked. "Brian won't eat your pussy? But you suck him?"

Kevin muttered, "She's nodding her head."

"Well that hardly seems fair!" Joe said in all seriousness. I have no idea how he refrained from laughing.

"I KNOW!!!" Tracy practically shouted. "That's what I told Brian, but he won't do it. Kevin does it for Heather and since you're an older man like Kevin I'm thinking you might do it for your girlfriend too. I mean older as in more experienced than my boyfriend, not old-old."

"Sure, I enjoy doing that."

"So . . . I'm thinking maybe you'd do it for me? Just once, so I know what it feels like. And I can do it to you to say thank you! I'll do it first!" Tracy said eagerly.

"That sounds really nice Tracy but I'd love to eat your pussy first if that's what you want."

"Oh God," Tracy shrieked. "I can't believe this is happening! Thank you, thank you!"

Kevin groaned and shoved my mouth down hard on his cock. "She's a slut too, I knew it." Part of me wanted to start crying, part of me wanted to start screaming so Tracy would rush out of the bedroom, and part of me really wanted it to happen. The thought of Joe eating Tracy's pussy was turning me on something fierce. She enjoyed acting superior to me about so many things, there was something comforting and exciting about knowing she was capable of being bad or immoral, just like me. Obviously the last part of me was winning, I continued to suck Kevin at the slow easy pace he enjoyed the best.

"You'll have to take off your jeans and panties for me," Joe said.

"OK," Tracy said. "But I want to leave my shirt on and is it OK if I call you Brian?"

"No problem, you can call me anything you like," Joe said, amused.

I heard the rustling of clothes and Joe's murmurs of appreciation. "You have a beautiful pussy, I'm going to enjoy licking it for you. Spread your legs for me baby."

Kevin chuckled. "He's having her spread her legs for the overhead camera, he's giving me a perfect shot of her cunt. What a slut. Joe's a lucky bastard. Keep sucking me nice and slow, I'm going to pretend your mouth is Tracy's pussy. I bet she's tight too. OK, he's going down on her now. Damn, now all I get is a view of the back of his head between her thighs. Oh well, I can watch her face."

"Oh Brian! That's even better than I thought it could feel," Tracy whimpered.

"Just relax baby, Brian will make you feel real good," Joe said.

"Lucky bastard," Kevin muttered. "You should see her face, she looks like a slut in heat. She wants him to fuck her now, I can tell. Here, take a look at your friend." 

I swiveled my head around and watched Joe eat Tracy for a few seconds. Her legs were writhing across his back and her hands were on top of his head. Her mouth was gaping open and she was crying "oh oh oh oh oh oh" repeatedly.

"That's enough," Kevin snapped. "Back to sucking." I turned around and swallowed his cock. "Yeah, my cock is in Tracy's pussy right now, Hmmmmm. You like thinking about me fucking your best friend don't you?" I nodded as I sucked him. "Yeah, I know you do. Oh Tracy, your pussy feels soooo good around my cock." That was really turning me on, knowing that Kevin was imagining he was in bed with Tracy instead of with me in the stuffy room.

Tracy's moans and cries of pleasure were really turning me on too. As Kevin's cock went into my mouth I was also thinking about it sinking into Tracy and I blushed hotly when those dirty thoughts made my pussy even wetter. It took several minutes before I finally heard (and Kevin saw) Tracy coming. She screamed Brian's name a few times but I had a feeling that wouldn't have made Brian feel any better about what just happened.

"How did that feel baby?" Joe asked.

"I had no idea it felt that good," Tracy said, giggling. "You made me come."

"I sure did."

"I want to thank you now," Tracy cooed. "I said I'd do it to you, right?"

Kevin told me what was happening on the screen while I massaged his cock with my mouth and hands. "OK, I changed the camera so now I'm looking at them from the side. Joe is on his back and he's unzipping his pants and pushing them down. Tracy is lying next to him. She just put her hand on his cock, she's stroking it and she's got his right nipple in her mouth. This slut knows what she's doing. Now he's pushing her head down. She's putting her mouth on his cock and sucking him in. When my cock goes in your mouth it's really in her mouth in my mind. I'm thinking about Tracy sucking my cock now. Slide down when I say so, I'm going to time your strokes to hers. OK, down now! Up, down. Up, down. Just like that. Perfect. Yeah, I'm zooming in on her face and watching her suck cock." 

Tracy had no way of knowing it but she and I were sucking two men simultaneously for at least five minutes. 

"OK, she's stopping. Hmm, what's she doing?" Kevin wondered. I could hear Joe murmuring something to Tracy and she responded but they were talking too softly for me to hear from my position under the desk.

"Oh shit!" Kevin cried. "She took off her shirt and she's climbing on top of him. She's actually going to fuck him, no way!" I tried to turn around but Kevin held my head firmly down. "NO! Keep sucking me. This bitch is gonna sit on Joe's cock! I don't believe it!" He hooted so loudly I was sure they'd hear him down the hall in the bedroom. "This tape is gonna be priceless," he muttered under his breath. He reached over my head and clicked on the keyboard. "I'm changing cameras again to get a close-up of her pussy riding him. I'd give anything to be Joe right now, she's a hot little fuck toy. OK, he's not in her yet. She's just sliding her pussy along his cock, he's not actually inside her. She's reaching back and unhooking her bra, she tossed it on the ground. Oh God, she has PERFECT tits. Joe's in heaven right now."

I tried to talk around Kevin's cock in my mouth, "Pweeze wemme wook!" I managed to get out. 

"Just a minute slut, I want your mouth around me when she actually goes down on him. She's getting ready, he's helping her put it in. She's sliding down, now he's buried inside her. Fuck! She's riding him like a pro! Go ahead and look." 

I snapped my head around and saw Tracy fucking Joe like she was possessed. She was snapping up and down on Joe's cock so fast I wondered how long he could last. Joe was massaging her breasts with both hands and I knew from experience that he was tweaking her nipples roughly. I also recognized the look on his face. I had seen the same smug look several times on the same bed.

With one hand on the keyboard Kevin was flicking between camera angles, editing the tape on the fly. "Back to sucking," he ordered me and I sank back down to the floor and resumed giving him head. He put his free hand on the back of my head and pushed my mouth down on his cock, forcing himself deeper into me. It took me almost a minute of listening to my best friend fucking Joe to realize that Tracy wasn't pretending that it was Brian inside her, she was now chanting "Joe, Joe, Joe."

"I want to come inside you baby, are you on the pill?" Joe panted.

"Yes, come inside me Joe, I wanna feel your come!" Tracy whimpered. "You feel sooooooooo good in me."

Joe groaned loudly. "I'm coming inside you, soak me up!"

Kevin's cock stiffened and began spurting inside my mouth. "Yeah, I'm coming in you too Tracy," he growled. 

I swallowed Kevin's come and cleaned his cock with my tongue. Only when I was done cleaning him did he allow me to look at the monitor again. Tracy was nuzzled up against Joe, one bare leg draped over his legs. They were talking quietly and I could clearly see Tracy smiling.

Kevin stood up and flicked off the monitor. "This will keep recording but we should go downstairs." I followed Kevin down the stairs and moped around the kitchen while he fixed drinks. 

"What's the matter, your friend got to come and you didn't?" he teased me.

I stuck out my lower lip and pouted. "I wanna come too," I whined.

"Well I'm spent, I just came in your best friend upstairs."

"Hey, that was MY mouth you used."

"Yeah but in my mind it was your friend. She earned the orgasm, you didn't."

I put on my best "poor me" face and pouted to make him laugh and give in.

Kevin glanced at his watch. "OK, OK. Joe likes to shower immediately after sex and he'll probably take Tracy in with him, so we have some time. Sit on the counter." I hopped up on the kitchen counter. "Now hitch up your skirt, put your heels on the counter too and make yourself come for me."

"Thank you," I sighed. "I need to come so bad."

"I know you do slut, go ahead." Kevin sat down at the kitchen table and sipped at his drink. "You look so good when you do that," he approved. "I want you to think about me fucking Tracy right now. Close your eyes and make yourself come thinking about my cock in your best friend's pussy."

"Ooooooh, you're fucking my best friend," I whimpered as I closed my eyes and fingered my clit. I visualized Kevin on the bed upstairs with Tracy. In my mind she was riding his cock and leaning forward so her breasts dangled above his face. He reached for her nipple with his mouth and latched onto it.

"That's right. I'm fucking the pussy that rightfully belongs to Brian. She's putting out for me instead of Brian. What would Brian say?"

"Oh Brian would be so mad. He wouldn't like you fucking Tracy's pussy."

"He thinks she's a good girl, he thinks she's at home right now like a good girl. He has no idea she's being fucked by another man. Poor Brian."

"Poor Brian!" I agreed. 

"I think Brian deserves to fuck a new pussy too. MmmMmmmm. If Tracy gets my cock doesn't Brian deserve your pussy?"

"Yeah, Brian wants my pussy, I know it!" 

"OK, think about my cock in Tracy's pussy and Brian's cock in your pussy. You two sluts are fucking us at the same time, in the same room. Then we switch. Now I'm fucking you and Brian is fucking Tracy. We switch again."

This time I visualized Kevin and Brian sitting on the couch in the living room. Tracy and I were straddling the guys and then switching whenever Kevin told us to. Then I changed to a mental image of us two girls on our hands and knees on the floor and the men were behind us, pounding into our cunts. In my nasty fantasy they were switching every 30 seconds and Tracy and I were coming over and over and begging them to fuck us harder.

"Oh God, I'm coming, your slut is coming for you," I shuddered.

"Come on Brian's cock, slut. Come for me on Brian's cock!" Kevin urged me on. 

The mental image of Brian first fucking Tracy and then switching over to me was the catalyst for a gooey slippery orgasm that almost knocked me off the counter. "That felt soooooo good!" I gasped and grabbed a fresh glass of water, drowning half of it in one swallow. 

I recovered a minute or two later and my head cleared. "Too bad Brian would never cheat on her, it's something I've thought about but he'd never do it." I looked over at Kevin to gauge his reaction and he raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. 

"Don't be so sure!" he snickered.

I shrugged. "Well I know him and you don't."

"Yeah but I know men and teenage boys are even worse," Kevin said. "I assure you that Brian is a mass of hormones on feet and if you offered your cunt to him there's no way he'd turn you down. You're too cute to turn down. Think about it. If you were alone with him and you raised your skirt and said 'I want you in my pussy' you think he'd say no? No fucking way. He'd jump on you."

"OK, that's a hot fantasy. I disagree with you about that happening in reality, but only because I _know_ Brian. Tracy would be an idiot to let him get away." 

I went to the bathroom to wash off the gooey results of my orgasm with a warm washcloth. When I returned to the kitchen Kevin and I sat in silence for a few minutes sipping on iced tea before Tracy and Joe finally descended the staircase. "Wow Joe, thanks for showing me your paintings, I learned so much about art tonight!" Tracy was saying as they entered the kitchen. She wasn't a good actor, Kevin and I had a difficult time not cracking up. Joe looked squeaky clean but Tracy's hair was dry.

The four of us made awkward small talk in the kitchen before I declared it was time for me to return home. Tracy gave me a dirty look and reluctantly said goodbye to Joe. I noticed her hesitation before she made up her mind that it was OK to hug him goodbye. Joe invited her back to the house anytime and she smiled coyly, saying "Sure, maybe before school starts again."

Once we were in Tracy's car I apologized for wanting to leave early. She didn't respond which confirmed she was annoyed with me for cutting the evening short. After several minutes the silence got on my nerves so I thought one of us should say something. "At least we didn't watch a bad porn movie," I offered as a conversation starter to lighten the mood. Tracy dismissed my comment with a shrug and turned on the radio to shut me up.

A few songs later she turned the volume down and finally spoke. "Joe's a nice guy, right?" 

It was my turn to shrug. "He's fine but I've met his girlfriend, she's a real sweetheart. You'd like her." OK, that was a lie, he didn't really have a steady girlfriend in the traditional sense. I was hoping she'd feel guilty about cheating on Brian _and_ helping Joe cheat on his sweet innocent non-existent girlfriend. 

"Are you sure he has a girlfriend, they didn't just break up or something?" Tracy asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, Kevin would have told me if Joe dumped her, we were talking about her tonight when we cleaned the kitchen. What's with you? Are you going after Joe now?"

"No!" she said a little too defensively. "I was just curious why a rich guy, who isn't that bad looking, would be single. He told me he didn't have a girlfriend but I guess he lied. No big deal, it's not like I care."

"Maybe he was trying to get in your pants," I said with a wicked grin she couldn't see.

Tracy pursed her lips and her voice tightened. "I told him about Brian, he knows I love my boyfriend. He didn't try anything funny. We just looked at all his paintings upstairs. Sorry, I thought you'd like to be alone with your boyfriend and I learned a lot about . . . well I forget the artist's name, you know the guy who did the black and white paintings."

I bit my lip to avoid laughing aloud. Our conversation died at that point which was convenient because we were only a minute from my house.


A couple weeks later Kevin had me watch what happened in Joe's bedroom after we went downstairs. The video revealed that Joe made Tracy come a second time using his fingers instead of his tongue. (Kevin really liked this because Joe's big head wasn't blocking the view.) Once Joe was in the shower she masturbated alone on the bed. Kevin enjoyed fucking me as we watched my best friend finger herself. As she came a third time she was saying, "Fuck me" over and over. I have no idea if she was thinking about Joe or Brian.

Tracy didn't phone again until school was about to start in September. The strange thing is that she asked how Kevin and I were doing but she acted as if she had never met Joe. In fact she never mentioned his name again or asked about him, not even once. Sometimes Joe would wonder if Tracy was still with Brian and I was happy to tell him that yes they were very much together. It made me feel pleased that there was one girl Joe couldn't keep in his grasp. Funny reaction, considering the things I let Joe do to me.

So that's how Tracy almost discovered the truth about me. Looking back I think it's pretty amazing that she didn't find out more. Things would have been different if she hadn't been able to stop seeing Joe. I'm sure he wanted to introduce her to some of his friends and I have no way of knowing how far she would have let things progress. 

As far as I know Tracy was faithful to Brian after that night. They were married right after they both graduated from college and I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. Her best friend from college was her Maid of Honor but I didn't consider that a slight against me, we'd drifted apart after high school. I had remained in our hometown and attended the local college while she and Brian went off to the same school out of state. When planning her wedding she recalled the countless hours we stayed up late at night whispering about her future wedding plans when we were just children. She said it wouldn't have felt the same without me there when those plans finally became reality. 

Sometimes I wonder if she suspected that I slept with Joe as well as Kevin, but maybe that's just me being paranoid. 

Goodnight David, I am very sleepy and want to send this tonight. Talk to you soon. :)


End of Heather Submits, Part 4.
(c) 2002 heatherkalin@hotmail.com

Missing Part X? Previous chapters of this story can be found at: