Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Usual rules apply....this is my work so please don't claim it as your own. You can download it and share it as you will. This is fiction. I don't condone the actions here. If the prospect of young people playing and exploring in a sexual and, sometimes, unruly way upsets or offends, or if such topics are banned where you are, then read no further. I love to get feedback and hear from friends old and new. Please contact me at: Knjfriend(at) - you know the variation needed. The Willows A tale from krisnjamie Reviewed and adjusted January 2010 Part 1 There is a trend in England to make good use of available space by building on brown field sites and within gaps. The Willows is just such a development. A small estate built on grassland previously missed by the developers and designed to imitate the communities of the past. Imitate, that is, by being relatively enclosed rather than self-contained. There are, of course, no shops or industry within the estate, only homes. The Willows sits between two other larger developments in a thriving market town. The plot is somewhat conical with the neck of the plot being the connection with the outside world, the main road through the town in this case. The wider base of the area backs onto a small woodland area which is the subject of a much fought over conservation order. Because of the old nature of the site the borders on each side are thickly built hedges. Heavy stone and earth interspersed with shrubs and trees which have taken residence of their own volition in a haphazard tumbling collage. These hedges, which often form one or more boundaries for the individual homes, help to maintain the privacy and seclusion of The Willows and this, in turn, helps to foster a sense of security and safety which allows children to have more freedom than they might be allowed elsewhere. An added benefit, to the children at least, is the fact of the developers' bankruptcy and the ongoing legal wrangling which has prevented the development being completed. Thus, whilst the parents complain about the lack of tarmac on the half finished roads and footpaths, the children have areas of undeveloped wasteland, piles of builders sand, stacks of unused house bricks and even a couple of portacabins to play in and around. The site was originally designed to be laid out so that it appeared almost tree like from the air. A single connecting road was to run from the front to the rear. This is largely in place, but the tarmac runs out well before you reach the edge of the wood. This road, named Willow Avenue, gives rise to other roads branching off left and right, all named after trees, hedgerow plants etc. A Friday in late April. The Mason home. Cherry Close. It is Friday morning, a little after 10.30 and John Mason is peering out of his bedroom window, squinting at the bright sunlight. His wife has long since left for work and the house, right on the corner of Willow Avenue and Cherry Close, is eerily silent. In the early days John would have been up and out of the house with his wife, determinedly looking for work amongst the local businesses, or travelling into the nearest large city to rap on the doors of recruitment agencies and try to sell himself. That was months ago. Now, except in an attempt to stop his wife constantly nagging at him, he contents himself with doing the household chores, pottering around in the garden and making sure that a meal is ready when his wife and children come home. This kind of role reversal doesn't have to be bad but his wife just can't earn the kind of money that John used to and they stretched themselves to a bigger mortgage than he would have liked to get this place. He sighed as he focussed on the fact that the family finances were on a downward spiral that he couldn't seem to stop. His eyes rested on the removal lorry that was pulling up just a little further down Cherry Close. "That'll be the end house gone finally." He whispered to anybody in earshot. There was nobody to answer vack. After a while in the bathroom he moved back to the bedroom to dress. He couldn't resist peering out of the window once more to see how the moving in was going. "God this place is dreary during the day!" he muttered out loud as he turned away from the window. Chores done and evening meal decided upon he ate a quiet lunch before settling down with a book and was still reading when the voices of children drifted in through the open window. He determinedly brightened up as his two daughters, Becky and Rachael, came around the corner and up the pathway, waving to some unseen friend as they did so. He opened the door, eager for company and ushered them inside. Becky (12) and Rachael (10) were more interested in biscuits and TV than their Dad but they exchanged brief pleasantries as he followed them to the kitchen and then into the lounge where they flopped down into chairs. A brief squabble over the TV remote ensued and John left them to it to go check on the stew that had been slow cooking all afternoon. As he left the room the children exchanged brief glances and then he was forgotten as they fell into an orgy of biscuits and cartoons that would last for a couple of hours until Mum finally got home. Indeed, it was the front door closing and the raised voices in the kitchen that told the kids both that their mother was home and that they would be better off upstairs. In the relative sanctuary of Becky's bedroom the two children listened to the snatches of heated conversation that rose through the floorboards. Becky glanced at the sullen face of her little sister. She could see that Rachael was getting upset by the constant rows and tried desperately to engage her younger sister in a game or conversation but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, in an inspirational moment, she remembered the briefest hint of gossip that she had heard at school and without considering the implications of what she was about to say she said it. "So, I hear that you love Darren Loveday" she blurted out. Rachael looked at her. "I do not - LIAR" -Well that's what I heard. - She said, rising to the challenge -I heard that you even kissed him." "Didn't so." And with that Rachael rose and stormed from the room. Becky was left alone to listen to the growing row below her. She tried to block it out, tried to work out how she could pretend that she hadn't heard anything unusual when they all sat down for dinner. A picture of her sister kissing Darren Loveday came into her mind. She smiled. Darren was in her class. Almost a full two years older than Rachael. Surely he wouldn't have kissed a girl that young. She remembered last weekend, watching him and Jason Tyler up on the building site. They spent quite some time building ramps and riding their bikes over them in the early spring sun. She remembered the differences in their skin colour when they both tugged their t shirts over their heads and tossed them aside, almost in a race. Jason was milky white but Darren, well Darren was a darker more ...more....oh drat what was the word. Any way, Darren looked different, nicer maybe. Surely he wouldn't be kissing her little sister. A shout brought her out of her reverie and automatically she headed for the bathroom to wash her hands before dinner. The meal was eaten quietly but quickly and, as soon as it was over and the children had helped to clear up they excused themselves and retreated back upstairs. Upstairs to their own world. At the top of the stairs Rachael, rather than turning for her own room, stopped and turned to Becky. "Sorry Becks. I didn't mean to shout at you." She said. Becky smiled at her little sister, took her hand and led her up the landing to her own room. "Don't worry" said Becky "I shouldn't have said what I said either. Friends?" Rachael responded by hugging her sister and whispered "friends" into her ear as she did so. They sat and talked for some time before an awkward and unusual silence fell. Finally Rachael spoke. "I did let Darren kiss me. Who told you?" she whispered. Becky honestly wasn't sure who had actually said it. She had pretty much dismissed it as soon as she had heard it and she told Rachael so. Now though, she wanted to know more. "So, um, Rach, when did he do it?" Rachael thought for a minute before responding. "You promise not to tell anybody else?" "Yeah, of course I promise." Rachael hesitated again as if steeling herself for the disapproval she felt sure her sister would have for her. "Last weekend, up at the site." She murmured. "What when he was up there with Jason riding his bike?" "Yeah" "Well I was up there too, with Alison. I didn't see you around." Replied Becky. "I was watching them jump their bikes. I was with Jane and Kerry and we were sitting behind the big brick stack in the sun." she said. That explained it. The brick stack would have hidden the girls from Becky's view. "So how come he kissed you then" asked Becky. "Well, the boys got hot and took off their shirts and Jane and Kerry started teasing them about not having any muscles and stuff." "Yeah go on" "After a bit the boys got angry and chased after us. Jane and Kerry got away ok but they cornered me and grabbed me. I told them that I hadn't said anything but they said I was part of the group so it was my fault too. They told me that they were gonna stuff sand down my trousers. I knew mum would kill me if she found sand down my trousers so I begged them not to. Eventually Jason said they would let me go if I kissed them both." "You kissed them both?" queried Becky. Rachael nodded. "What was it like?" asked the older sister intrigued. "Well Jason just kinda hurt. He pressed so hard against my lips that they swelled up and were sore all of the next day." "yeah, what about Darren?" asked Becky not trying too hard to cover her interest "Kissing Darren was quite nice. He was gentle and..." "and what Rachael Mason? What else?" urged Becky Rachael thought for a moment, head down. "he kissed me gently for quite a long time. At the same time he pulled me against his bare skin and...and...and he felt my bum." There she had said it. She had told her sister that Darren Loveday had felt her bum. Becky was dumbstruck. Her face paled and she had no words. Rachael was heartbroken. "You hate me don't you?" Rachael sobbed "You hate me cos I let him kiss me and feel me. I know it's bad. I know I shouldn't have....but I had to....kinda." she wailed Becky pulled her sister to her and held her close. "I don't hate you. Silly girl. You're my sister. It wasn't your fault that those boys forced you to do that. I think we should tell Dad and let him go round and see their Dads." Said Becky. "No. No we can't tell Dad. We can't tell anybody.... I... I er" she took a deep breath, pushed away from Becky and tried to compose herself. "He felt my bum afterwards." She whispered. Becky was puzzled. "Afterwards?" she queried "Yeah well, um, the first time, when they caught me, they both kissed me and then they let me go. But....but I waited around a while and when Jason went home for tea I talked to Darren and told him he could kiss me again if he wanted. That's when he felt my bum an -(TM) stuff." "And STUFF. Just what exactly did he do to you?" demanded Becky. A suddenly coy Rachael muttered under her breath and then, prompted by an angry and protective older sister repeated a bit louder... "He put his hand under my shirt a bit." She looked at her sister and carried on "I didn't try and stop him, I didn't mind. I quite liked it." "RACHAEL!" Becky wailed "you are only 10. Even I have never let a boy put his hand up my shirt. You gotta promise not to do it gain....OK?" A silent Rachael looked at her sister and slowly, ever so slowly, shook her head no. "I can if I want Becky and if you were a real good sister you would promise not to tell. Not to tell anybody." Becky was speechless. She and her friends had occasionally talked about boys, even considered what it might be like to be kissed, but they had never conceived of letting a boy touch them under their clothes and they were all 12, not just 10. She looked at her little sister who was trying to look both appealing and defiant at the same time. "Ok Rach. I won't tell anybody but you have got to at least promise me not to let him touch you too much. You know what I mean?" Rachael beamed back. "Ok sis, I promise." She said The Tyler Home . Larch Grove Jason and Darren were sat on the edge of Jason's bed furiously pressing buttons and jerking joysticks as they competed in the latest console beat `em up. Occasionally, during the heat of battle, the boys would lean into each other in half hearted attempts to dislodge the other and make them lose both concentration and the battle! More than once the result was a heap of giggling boy on the floor between the bed and the desk which housed the games console and the TV. This was inevitably followed by one or other parent shouting up to enquire what was going on/whether anybody was hurt/what had been broken. It was the same scene whichever home the boys found themselves in. They were rarely separated during waking hours and even generally spent nights in one another's houses during weekends. As a result their respective parents had become good friends and would often meet up for drinks and a game of cards over the weekend, or if one couple had an alternative engagement the other would always take the boys. It was automatic. This evening was no exception. Friday. As far as the boys were concerned, the weekend started here. That meant that bedtimes were a little more relaxed and that, at the last minute, one set of parents would get a call to say that their offspring wasn't coming home that night. True to form just before his 9.00 curfew Darren appeared to ask Mr & Mrs Tyler if it was alright if he stayed and if he could use the phone to call his parents. He was waived away to use the phone before he had even finished asking and his fathers' response was a familiar "see you in the morning - goodnight" that was also obviously automatic. The Tyler house was a fairly large 4 bedroomed affair but Darren never made use of either of the guest bedrooms. Instead they would roll out a foldup bed, place it alongside Jasons own bed and the two boys would whisper together for hours, quickly feigning sleep in the unlikely event that they were looked in upon. The conversation that night drifted from TV shows, to homework (very briefly) to football, plans for the weekend and, on this occasion, to Rachael Mason. "So" said Jason in his usual hushed tone "is it true?" "Is what true" replied his friend, knowing only too well what Jason was talking about and knowing equally well that he would have to either admit it or lie pretty soon. "Well, some of the girls" whispered Jason "some of the girls say that Jane and Kerry caught you kissing Rachael Mason after I had left last Saturday." "Really" said Darren "C'mon Darren" replied Jason "they say you had your hand up her shirt and everything. What was it like?" Darren sighed. He had planned simply to forget about this little interlude, forget about girls and carry on playing football, computer games and riding his bike for the rest of his life. He had planned to do all this until he found out that Jane and Kerry had come looking for their friend last weekend and, unbeknownst to him, had witnessed the brief contact between him and Rachael Mason. "Yeah, ok. I did kiss her." He said "and....what about the shirt thing?" "Yeah. That too." "Jeez Darren, you get to feel a girls titties and you don't even tell me." Whined Jason "Well it wasn't any big deal. She hasn't got any real titties, not like in those magazines of your dads, just little bump things really. And anyway it was all pretty quick." The boys had spent many a pleasant hour glancing through one or other of the magazines that Mr Tyler kept in an old box in the garage. Generally, they would take just one, cycle off to the edge of the woods and share it quietly. More than once they had expressed vague views about which girl they would like to kiss most but at 12 years of age they weren't very sure about anything. Jason wasn't entirely happy with the explanation and not about to let it drop. "So why didn't you tell me anyway?" he asked. "It's not important. I don't plan on doing it again." Replied Darren. Jason was silent for a moment. "Bet you'd do it to Becky if you could though huh?" he sniggered "Shut up Jason. I wish I'd never said I'd like to kiss her." "Yeah Daren loves Becky Mason, Darren loves Becky Mason!" A pillow hit him in the face and the boys giggled together in the dark before falling asleep side by side. Saturday. Darren and Jason were up early and soon had their bikes thundering over ramps and hills that they had created from the wreckage of the building site. By the time 9.30 came by the boys had been playing hard for hours and were tired dirty and thirsty. They headed back to Darren's place this time for breakfast. Mrs Loveday took one long look at the pair of dirty smelly boys and suggested showers whilst she got some food together. There was the expected chorus of "oh mum" and "that's ok I showered this morning Mrs Loveday" but she packed them off upstairs anyway. Darren sent Jason in first as he was the guest. He found him a towel and then, whilst his friend was showering, he dug out some spare clothes for him to put on afterwards. There was an even chance that the jeans were Jason's anyway, so often the washing was done at one or other house that clothes became shared artefacts rather than personal belongings. Jason reappeared a short time later with the towel wrapped around his waist. It didn't last long though. As Darren made his way through the door he grabbed the towel and pulled it away from his now naked friend. Quick as a flash he had snapped it across his friends' buttocks and, before Jason had time to do much more than shout, Darren was barrelling down the hall to the bathroom. When Darren cautiously emerged from the bathroom Jason was nowhere to be seen. Darren was reasonably certain that there would be an ambush somewhere and he carefully made his way back to his room to dress. Entering the bedroom he checked behind the door and in the wardrobe. Nothing. He tossed the towel aside and marched over to a chest of drawers to dig out some clothes. As he passed by his bed Jasons' arm snaked out, grabbed an ankle and brought Darren crashing to the floor. Jason was on his friend in seconds, pinning him face down onto the carpet and trying to catch both hands to win the battle instantly. Darren was having none of it and managed to keep one hand out of reach long enough to lever himself up and throw Jason off balance. Seizing the advantage he turned and lunged at his friend and the two boys rolled over the floor as they fought for supremacy. Darren was a little bigger and heavier than Jason and his weight did eventually tell. Soon he was sitting astride his friends chest and had his arms pinned above his head. Both boys were panting from their exertions and giggling, as well as doing their level best to ignore the shouts of concerned parents from the ground floor. Being naked around each other was not particularly unusual. It was just something that happened, no big deal. On this occasion though Jason noticed that Darren was sporting an erection. "whatsup Dar?" he chided "pretending you got little Rachael Mason pinned under you?" Realising what Jason was hinting at Darren too noticed his erection and scrambled off his friend. "Shut up Jason" he yelled as he scrambled to get into his underwear and cover up. Jason picked himself up and sat on the bed whilst Darren finished dressing. "You know" he said after a minute or two "I wouldn't mind seeing her naked." "Yeah like she's gonna let you" retorted Darren The conversation was postponed at that point as Mrs Loveday called the boys for food and they hurried downstairs together. They ate hurriedly and then were off. Back on their bikes and heading for the building site. As they rode Jason resumed the earlier conversation, much to the annoyance of his friend. It was some time later when Rachael showed up. Hovering at the edge of the site. Darren was riding his bike up and over the ramps that he and Jason had built. She watched him for a while, wondering whether or not she should go up to him or not. Eventually, she reasoned that she may as well at least talk to the boy and wandered through the battered fencing and headed towards him. Seeing her walking over the waste ground in his direction Darren stopped riding and waited for her. He noticed that she kept looking around and he guessed that she didn -(TM)t really want to be seen with him, especially as it was obvious that they had been seen together last time. "Hi, what ya doing?" she called out as she approached. "Just riding" came the reply She was within a couple of feet now. "Where's Jason?" "oh he's around somewhere" "oh right. So I guess you know that Jane and Kerry saw us last weekend then" "uh huh" he replied cautiously "Becky says I shouldn't have, you know, um, let you touch me an stuff." Darren thought for a minute before replying. "Well maybe you shouldn't have, you are kinda young." He said "I'm not that much younger than you and anyways, Becky says that even she has never let a boy do that." She said "Yeah, well, maybe nobody ever wanted to do it to Becky." He reasoned. That simply hadn't occurred to Rachael. In truth it hadn't occurred to Darren either, he would much have preferred to be playing with the older sister but there you go. "Look" he offered "If you're too young to do stuff or if you don't wanna do stuff you don't have too. I don't care." "I am NOT TOO YOUNG" came the instant reply. "Yeah right" said Darren as he swung his leg back over his bike. Rachael was a little confused but she knew that she didn't want this conversation to end there. "Ok, well, um, would you wanna do it again?" she asked Darren stopped and looked at her "what with you?" he queried "you sure you're not too young for that stuff?" She went quiet. "yeah with me" she said finally. "naw, don't think so" he replied as he moved off on the bike. "Wait." She demanded "Why not?" Darren stopped and looked at the girl again. "Cos it would cause more trouble if we got seen." He said Rachael was in full swing now "Well, we could go somewhere where we won't be seen." She suggested Darren thought for a minute. "Like where?" he asked Rachael looked around, spotted the old portacabin office, now deserted and pointed. Darren followed her arm and grinned at her. "ok then" he said "but only if you'll take off your top." Rachael was about to refuse automatically but something stopped her. "ok I'll take mine off if you take yours off." She said Grinning broadly Darren spun his bike around and pedalled off towards the cabin whilst Rachael trotted along behind. Once there he carefully stashed the bike round the side of the building, out of sight and alongside Jason's bike. Then he wandered back to the door to meet Rachael and led the way inside. The cabin consisted of two rooms. The door between the two hung on only the top hinges at a strange angle and the room beyond appeared dirty and unkempt. This first room though was relatively free of rubbish. Once inside Darren pulled the door too. Not fully closed as that might attract attention but pulled over to give some privacy. Rachael and Darren faced each other. She was hesitant now and even more so when she realised that Jason was sitting off to one side just watching. "Um, hi Jason" she said He nodded but addressed his comments to Darren rather than Rachael. "What's going on Dar?" he asked Darren looked at his friend and then at Rachael. "She's gonna take her top off for us - as long as I do too." He replied Both boys looked at the girl. "that's not what I said" she whispered "I didn't know Jason would be here" Darren looked at her. "Whatever, it's up to you. If you ain't gonna strip then I'm gonna go back to my bike." "You first" she whispered Darren grinned again and tugged his t shirt over his head to reveal the firm young torso that Rachael had so admired last week. Tossing the shirt aside he waited impatiently for Rachael to follow suit. She only hesitated a few seconds before fulfilling her end of the deal and tugging her own t shirt over her head to display her own naked torso. Darren just looked. Her breasts were hardly noticeable but her nipples were more pronounced than any boys and he was aware that, for the first time ever, he was staring at real tits, not just the ones in a magazine. Jason, on the other hand, took the opportunity to move in for a closer look. Darren reached for her then, pulled her close and enjoyed the feel of her skin against his, her chest against his. He kissed her the same as he had done last week. Gently, sweetly and then, as he broke the kiss, he stepped back again to admire the view some more. "You are really pretty Rache" he said The girl blushed. He moved back in and kissed her again. Then he moved behind her, gently turning her towards the favoured doorway as he did so, and reached around to run his hands over her bare stomach and chest whilst gently nuzzling her neck. The girl melted back into him, her hands by her sides, just enjoying the contact and the warmth of their bodies pressed together. A warm, tingly sensation deep within told her that it was ok for him to stroke her body. She hardly noticed Jason grinning from ear to ear as his friend caressed her young body. Instead she allowed Darren to stroke her nipples and tummy and didn't even flinch when Jason too stretched out a hand and started caressing her skin. Rachael was aware that she was half naked in front of two boys. She was more than aware that they were both touching her. She was certain that this was very wrong. But she was enjoying the attention and that incredible warm feeling deep down inside of her. Darren was concentrating on making this moment last for ever. The warmth of her skin under his hands, the fact of a naked chest to play with and the delight of sharing it all with his best friend. It was all good. He wasn't sure when the voices reached him. They found a way through Rachael's haze at about the same time. Jane and Kerry were clearly making their way across the site, probably looking for Rachael. PANIC! Darren took control. "Wait here, I'll go talk to them and when we have gone you can get dressed and come out." He hissed. Eyes wide the girl simply nodded and then crouched down below one of the windows in an attempt to avoid detection. Darren through open the door and marched out to meet the girls. "Hi" he shouted "What you doing up here?" It was Kerry who spoke first. She had noticed his bare torso of course. "um, we were looking for Rachael. You haven't, um, got her in there with you have you?" she giggled as she made the joke but realising that it might be true moved hurriedly towards the door. Darren blocked her path. "Why would I have Rachael in there?" he asked "It's just me and Jason mucking around as usual." "Yeah" said Jane "So where is Jason then?" the girl challenged Darren hesitated for a minute before yelling back over his shoulder "Hey Jason, get out here. Seems like you have a couple of girlies looking for you." Outside the cabin Jane and Kerry were fast backtracking against Darren's subtle suggestion that they really wanted to find Jason and that maybe they secretly fancied him. As soon as Jason appeared at the cabin door they started to leave with a view to looking for their friend elsewhere. The boys retreated to the cabin where Rachel was tugging her t shirt back over her head. No amount of persuasion would persuade the young girl to stay undressed and pretty soon she left the cabin and made her way out of the building site. The boys watched her go and then settled down to a good deep discussion about who had touched her where. All the way home Rachael went over the time she had spent with the boys. She knew it was wrong. She knew that her sister would be horrified, but she couldn't help but feel excited about the very memory. Still she resolved to stay away from both Darren and Jason for a while and not to tell her sister! Her resolve didn -(TM)t last. The following weekend she found herself once again at the site near the portacabin watching the two boys practise their jumps with their bikes. Officially she was looking for Jane and Kerry. Unofficially she knew that Jane was shopping with her mum and that Kerry was busy with some family thing at home. The boys pointedly ignored her for quite some time. Eventually Jason rode towards her and skidded his bike to a halt just in front of her, sending up clouds of dust as he did so. "Very funny" said Rachael as the dust cleared and she stopped choking. Jason grinned at her. "You, um, coming inside then Rache?" he asked She desperately wanted to say yes and run up the steps to the cabin. She knew she would end up taking her shirt off in front of the boys and knew that she wouldn't be able to stop herself but she was determined to keep up the appearance of dignity for just a little while longer. "Yeah right" she replied "you'd just love that wouldn't you?" she finished. Jason shrugged. "Up to you" he murmured as he discarded his bike and joined Darren at the cabin door. Rachael watched as the two boys disappeared inside and pulled the door shut behind them. She waited for ages, well she waited for about 20 seconds but it seemed like ages to her, and then she bolted up the 3 steps, tugged open the door and slipped inside the cabin herself. Pulling the door too behind her she glanced around to find the boys sitting on the desk facing her and the door. They had each stripped off their shirts and sat in with a thin sheen of sweat glistening on their young bodies. Darren coughed. "You can't come in here Rachael. Not like that. The rule is anybody comes in here has to take off their shirts. This place belongs to the skins club." It was as if he had been practising the speech for days. He had, but despite the practise he still faltered and stumbled over his words in an effort to get them all out in the open and before Rachael could interrupt him. It took the girl seconds to come to her decision and seconds more to shruck off her light jacket and peel her t shirt over her head to join the boys in being naked from the waist up. "Happy now?" she asked as she moved over to the desk and clambered up between them. Within moments she was drifting off again as two boys fondled her young body, caressing her abdomen and breasts. She allowed herself to be lowered backwards onto the desk and felt another level of ecstasy as each of the boys took a nipple in their mouths and sucked gently. Moments later and some further frantic repositioning and she was lying lengthways down the desk with a boy now stood on either side. They resumed their licking, sucking and stroking and she resumed her dreaming. And so it went on for hours. Or at least several minutes. Previously unfelt emotions and sensations periodically washed over her and on the rare occasions when she opened her eyes she could see the fire and passion, the excitement in the eyes of the two boys - her boys, her very own secret boys. At that moment she understood power. Her power over the boys, possibly her power over all boys and she relaxed back into that feeling. She became aware of hands between her legs, cupping her "down there" and of new feelings deep with her own body. She also became aware of her losing her power, her control and with supreme effort of will, she pushed the boys back, sat up, swung her legs around and slipped off the table to stand, breathing heavily, facing Darren and Jason. Nothing was said as she stooped, picked up her discarded clothing, dressed and then left without saying a word. The boys stood and watched her go. A sense of loss crept over them. Darren noticed his friend absently rubbing his hand over the bulge in his jeans and then realised that he was doing the self same thing. In a hushed tone Jason spoke. "I feel like shagging her" "Yeah me too. I wanna fuck her now." Replied Darren and the conversation descended into one of short sentences filled with words like cock, cunt, fuck and shag whilst each of the boys slipped hands inside their jeans and toyed with their own erections. In the silence that followed each boy witnessed the other reaching their individual dry climaxes and, by some unseen messaging capability, once both were done they dressed and returned to their bikes and the adventurous world of 12 year olds. The following morning, Sunday, the boys were out early practising their jumps over ramps made up of discarded bricks and plywood. They were more than a little surprised when, just before 9.00 Rachael appeared, waved and then vanished into the cabin. Exchanging a quick look they raced over to the doorway, dumped the bikes in the dust and rushed inside. Rachael was sat facing them on the desk. She had discarded her fleece and t shirt and sat, topless, with a grin on her face. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Can't come in here boys. Not unless you get down to skin. Skins only in this clubhouse." Wordlessly the boys stripped out of their own t shirts before moving over to the excited pre-teen. Moments later they had helped her lay back down along the length of the desk and were once again fondling, kissing and caressing her upper torso. Rachael allowed the boys to feel her, to excite her, to become engrossed as they had the previous day. This time, when she opened her eyes to sneak a peak at her boys and feel her power she also took the time to let her eyes wash over the boys in turn. She could see the muscular nature of the boys and could imagine their bodies in a few years as each matured. Allowing her eyes to drift downwards she identified the clear bulges at the front of each pair of jeans and dragging up additional courage from deep within she allowed her hands to seek out those bulges as she lay on her back. She made contact with Darren first. He jumped slightly at her touch, not expecting her to touch him like that but quickly relaxed and even parted his legs slightly so that she might have more room to feel around. Jason witnessed the brief interaction and moved his groin towards Rachael's searching hand so that she might make contact with him also. Rachael found herself imagining what her sister might say if she could see this scene. There she was lying topless on a broken desk whilst two boys caressed her and whilst she gently stroked the ever present bulges in their jeans. She came out of her self imposed trance to the sound of a zipper moving. Instantly alert she focussed her senses and quickly realised that no hands were touching her own jeans. She peered out of squinting eyes first at Darren and than at Jason. It was Jason. He had lowered his zipper and was even now unbuttoning the top button of his jeans. She watched through those same slits as he used one hand to open his jeans and shove them roughly down his thighs a little, exposing, as he did so, a pair of cream striped boxers. She made no effort to prevent him guiding her hand onto his erection and, without the thick denim of previous explorations in place, she happily allowed her hand to travel the length of the young boys penis. Jason seemed quite happy with her ministrations and resumed using both of his hands on her prone body. It took moments for Darren to get up the courage for a similar arrangement and soon she was also exploring his erection through his tighter cotton briefs. She noticed that the boys were getting a little more urgent, a little rougher, in their handling of her nipples and concentrated even harder from her rather awkward position to grasp the respective erections as firmly as possible. All she did was hold on to them. The boys instinct took over then and they each started bucking their hips into her hand to gain the friction benefit that they so badly desired. Moments later and Darren grasped her wrist, pulled her hand away from his very hard penis and swiftly tugged the front of his briefs downwards to release his cock to the air. He promptly pushed her hand back to the now naked erection and guided her fingers around his shaft. She was stunned. She didn't take any direct action but just let him continue to hump her hand, all the time marvelling that she was both seeing and feeling a naked cock. Jason moved in a similar manner shortly afterwards and she was now only too aware that she had two boys as good as naked with her. As they humped against her hands with feverish determination they also increased the pressure on her now rather sensitive nipples and she started to squirm involuntarily at the pleasure/pain that was building within her. Her mind clouded a little and, whilst she was acutely aware of her own jeans loosening and even more aware of the slight chill around her waist, she took no action. Jason beckoned to Darren and whilst each boy maintained contact and pressure with one nipple they also conspired to shove downwards on the now undone jeans. Due to their positions they were less than graceful but something unexpected happened when Rachael lifted her hips of the desk briefly. Taking their cue the boys shoved the jeans down her thighs taking her brief cotton panties with them and giving them a first sight of naked girl in real life. Just that sight was enough for Darren. He climaxed loudly and, for the first time in his young life, produced a shot of milky white fluid which spurted from the tip of his cock and sprayed over Rachaels naked stomach. Jason had his own, still dry, climax almost instantly and the boys each took a step backwards in unison. Each recovering from their personal exertions whilst drinking in the view of nakedness before them. Rachael, suddenly aware of her lack of covering became both disgusted by the sticky substance deposited on her young frame and acutely embarrassed. She quickly reached down and tugged her panties and jeans back into position. She swung her legs off the desk and gathered up her shirt and fleece. She dressed in silence before tripping out of the door still very aware that the boys were as good as naked behind her. Her departure also caused a certain amount of embarrassment for the boys who quickly tugged underwear and jeans back into place to properly hide their now limp cocks from the world and each other. For the first time in weeks or months the boys didn't spend the whole of Sunday together. In fact they went their separate ways and didn't speak of the adventure again until the lunchtime break at school the following day. Over the next week all three of the youngsters relived the events of the weekend in their minds. The boys did at least have each other to chat with but Rachael felt quite alone with her thoughts. She experienced extreme guilt and extreme pleasure during those thoughts but she knew full well that she would allow it all to happen again given the chance at the weekend. The boys managed to overcome their mutual embarrassment and huddled together most evenings to exchange thoughts, hopes and dreams. In the short term those dreams consisted of getting Rachael alone again, getting her naked as quickly as possible and revisiting the intense feelings of pleasure that she had managed to elicit from their bodies. In the longer term Darren felt that he simply had to manage the same achievement with Becky, Rachael's older sister, although Jason was less convinced that it would ever happen. In true boyhood fashion the boys exaggerated the details of their conquest. The only true fact that they agreed upon was that Darren had actually come and that Jason desperately wanted to create the same mess on Rachael's body. Once or twice during the evenings the boys would spot Rachael, but she was always in the company of her friends Jane and Kerry or of her sister Becky and no conversation ever took place. The following Saturday the boys forsook breakfast and were at the building site before 8.00. During their feats of daring, jumping their bikes over their makeshift ramps, they would always have one eye on the site entrance just in case Rachael made an appearance. That didn't stop them being somewhat surprised when she did, indeed, turn up a little after 8.30. None of the three said a word as they trooped into the cabin once again. Rachael had planned to talk to the boys with a view to limiting access to certain parts of her body but the boys took her appearance as a sign of acquiescence and pounced upon her as soon as they were all inside. A brief spell of mock tickling ensued and Rachael relaxed into giggles as the boys removed her sweater and between them undid the buttons of her shirt with fumbling fingers. Once open the shirt was tugged out of the waistband of her jeans, slipped off her shoulders and tossed into the corner of the room. There was a brief respite as the boys simply admired the view and then the tickling commenced again. Rachael stopped giggling briefly as hands unsnapped the button of her jeans and lowered her zipper but she quickly resumed her role as giggling schoolgirl when she noticed the boys hesitate. Given the go ahead and free rein to their desires Jason and Darren acted like a well oiled machine. Between them they guided her jeans down to just above her knees and then, with one on either side of Rachael they lifted her onto the edge of the desk in a sitting position. Moving quickly they each took one leg and tugged off her trainers without bothering to undo the laces. A few more tugs and her jeans were tossed over to join her shirt. Her panties followed seconds later. Naked now except for a pair of white cotton socks Rachael felt a little over exposed but the boys gave her no time to think and were soon mauling her body with eager hands and assaulting her lips and nipples with their own hungry mouths. There was no delay this time and both boys dropped their own jeans almost in unison. Rachael noticed a similar pair of striped boxers on Jason but was seriously impressed that Daren was wearing no underwear at all. She took every opportunity to fondle the two erections whilst the boys fondled her. Once again the boys laid her out on the desk but this time Darren went to the area above her head whilst Jason went to her feet. Darren concentrated on playing with her nipples and kissing her passionately whilst Jason ran his hands up and down her thighs. She found herself parting her legs to give him higher access and soon was rewarded with the feel of his warm hands stroking her hairless mound. The boys swapped places. Jason concentrated on her nipples and mouth and Darren stroked the soft sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs. Rachael sighed deeply. When Darren tried to slip a finger gently into the folds of her pussy her eyes widened somewhat but she parted her legs still further to give the boy access. Emboldened by her display Darren inserted the tip of his forefinger into the young girl. There was no complaint so he slipped it further in to be greeted by a warm wetness and a louder sigh from Rachael. Using information gleaned from the letters pages in mens magazines he added a second finger and began a gentle sawing motion. He must have been doing something right because the girl was moving her pelvis and lifting her hips to meet him. He noticed that Jason had moved around to the side of the desk and was encouraging Rachael to take hold of his erect penis whilst staring at the sight of his friends fingers slipping in and out of the young girl. Darren looked at Jason and then at Rachael. He was taken with the look on the face, the way her eyes seemed to focus on him and then to stare into the distance and he continued his ministrations. As he continued to work on the girl her hand started to build up speed and threatened to tug Jasons cock off his body. Jason responded by leaning over her to give a little more access and Darrens view of her face was blocked for a while. It didn't take long for Jason to climax. Darren saw him shudder and fall forward over Rachael before recovering his position. After a few seconds during which time Jason was allowed to recover Darren signalled him to swap and briefly the girls cunt was left unattended. She groaned as the fingers left her but settled back again as new probes were inserted. Jason quickly got into a rhythm to match what he had seen his friend do whilst Darren moved around to the side of the desk where Rachaels hand awaited. She grabbed his cock and started tugging on it. Darren allowed that to continue for a few seconds before deciding to try something else from that magazine. Unwrapping the girls hand from his cock he moved up the table until he was level with her head. He reached over and half lifted and half dragged her across the table towards him. Once satisfied with her position he probed her lips with the same fingers as he had used on the lower lips. With a small amount of encouragement the girl opened her mouth and sucked in her own flavour. "Shit" exclaimed Jason from his vantage point at the end of the table "are you gonna?" A signal from Darren silenced the boy. Moments later Darren withdrew his fingers and, taking advantage of the young girls still parted lips, pressed his erect cock between them. By the time Rachael appreciated what was happening it was done. He had his cock firmly embedded and was holding her head in place with one hand. At exactly the right time and completely by chance, Jason upped the tempo of his strokes into the girls cunt and after only a moments hesitation she accepted the cock in her mouth. "Use your tongue - lick it" hissed Darren Rachael obliged. Then the girl was coughing and spluttering as Darren emptied his boy sized load into her mouth. The abrupt change in her demeanour made both boys step back and she angrily rounded on Darren. "You pig. Why did you do that?" she screamed "I, I didn't mean just happened" stammered Darren. He went on. -I'm sorry Rache but you are so pretty and sexy...I didn't know it would happen so quick. Sorry." Rachael spat out what she could and then with glaring eyes she dressed and left the boys still with their jeans around their ankles. All the way home she felt dirty and ashamed and excited. She had a strange fuzzy feeling "down there" and she knew that she would have to go to the bathroom as soon as she got home. She also knew, deep, deep within her, that she would do it again. That she would let the boys strip her, play with her, put their fingers inside of her and, in all probability, she would let them stick their cocks in her mouth. She felt so grown up, so elated and so very, very naughty.