Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Usual rules apply....this is my work so please don't claim it as your own. You can download it and share it as you will. This is fiction. I don't condone the actions here. If the prospect of young people playing and exploring in a sexual and, sometimes, unruly way upsets or offends, or if such topics are banned where you are, then read no further. knjfriend (at) - you know the variation needed. The Willows A tale from krisnjamie Part 3 Throughout the remaining weeks of the summer holidays Becky would take every opportunity of following her sister and spying on her and the boys together. She was horrified the first time that she actually witnessed a hard cock entering her sisters mouth but soon realised that it was part of a set routine. In fact the routine changed very little. The 3 gathered either in the site hut or in the woodland clearing. Rachael would be stripped naked, although sometimes she retained her shoes and socks. The boys would, at the very least, drop their jeans and underwear. Sometimes they would strip completely. Occasionally Rachael would be tied up, sometimes tied to the desk or the tree stump and sometimes just tied with her hands behind her back. Other times the boys didn't bother to tie her. Whichever scenario was played out, the naked Rachael would suck two cocks and either receive the salty deposits down her throat or have her face and body sprayed. Once the boys were satisfied they would jointly attack the young girl's body and bring her to orgasm. The orgasm was usually quiet if in the hut, louder in the woods. Another part of the ritual, a part which the three of them were unaware of, happened close by. Either in her brick stack vantage point or skulking in the woodland undergrowth, Becky would watch, spellbound. Her jeans would be undone, or her skirt hitched up and she would have a hand within the cotton of her underwear. As her sister was brought to climax, so Becky would follow suit, quietly of course. In the September Rachael joined her elder sister, as well as Darren, Jason and many others, at the local Community College. Generally the four would walk to and from the school together, chatting quietly or telling jokes and exchanging gossip about the teachers. Once in school Rachael hardly saw the other three. 2 years is a big gap when you are at school. Out of school, the threesome, with their silent witness, carried on as before. But with the darkening evenings they knew that their sexual antics would have to be curtailed and sure enough, the meetings dwindled first to periodical and then to rare as the winter came on. Some opportunities provided themselves though. And the threesome tried to take advantage of each and every opportunity as it arose. Half term week saw the first serious chance. One of those occasions arose when Jason's home was left empty. Devoid of adults. His mother had gone for a day out with friends and Jason was left in the care of Darren's parents. The boys gave Darren's' mother an elaborate description of the long bicycle ride they had planned and then slipped around to Jason's empty home and, using a spare key secreted in the garden, slipped quietly inside. A swift telephone call later and Rachael left her own home as quietly as possible. Becky had, of course, heard the telephone ring and was now watching carefully from an upstairs window as her sister moved away down the path. Becky then sprinted down the stairs and, as quietly as possible, left the house, pulling the front door shut behind her. Despite the chilly autumnal wind, Becky fully expected her sister to head for the building site and that tired old work hut. Instead she was surprised to see the young girl turn into Larch Grove. She knew instantly, of course, who lived in Larch Grove but she didn't believe that they would have the guts to invite her home. Watching from the corner of the road she saw her sister walk up the path to Jason's house, saw the door open quickly and saw that same door shut the instant the young girl crossed the threshold. This time Becky could do nothing but imagine what might be happening in the private confines of the house and, rather unhappy to have missed out on her usual entertainment, she turned away to return to her own home. Rachael had not been aware of her sisters' attention. None of the threesome was aware that theirs was a shared secret. The door to Jason's house had opened as she approached and she had hurried inside to try and reduce the prospect of being seen. Jason had quickly shut the door behind her and then, taking her hand, led her down the hall, up the stairs and into the guest bedroom at the rear of the house. Darren was waiting there, sitting quietly on the floor. He broke into a smile when he saw the girl enter and, as she unbuttoned her heavy coat he crawled over to her and began undoing her trousers as she let the coat slip off her shoulders. Jason joined in by helping Rachael out of her pullover and then almost taking her head off with her t shirt in his excitement. As the giggling girl toppled sideways onto the bed Darren removed her of her jeans and panties and for a brief moment she simply lay there, wearing a pair of white socks and a smile, whilst the two boys, her boys, washed her body with their eyes. The magic was dispelled when Jason explained that she had to get off the bed to avoid messing up the covers and the girl slipped quietly onto the floor between the boys. Jason grabbed her hips and drew her into a crawling position with her head facing his friend Darren and him enjoying the site of Rachael's firm pale skinned backside pointing at him. Jason slipped a hand between the girls slightly parted thighs and, finding her sex, was rewarded with a definitive moan from the young girl. Seeing his cue Darren climbed to his knees, unzipped his jeans and offered his erection to the girl. She took it into her mouth with a passion. A passion borne of abstinence and the feelings being instigated by Jason deep within. Of course the abstinence was mutual and Darren lasted only a few brief moments before exploding into Rachael's mouth. He allowed his erection to plop out of her mouth and watched as she hung her head, panting and dribbling his cum. Jason was becoming more forceful and his thrusts were pushing the girl forward in a rhythmic rocking motion. Darren watched spellbound as the young girl gave herself, her emotions, to the moment. He relished the complete trust that she had in them, the complete surrender of her body and the ecstasy etched upon her young face as Jason dragged a long hard climax out of her. Rachael allowed her arms to buckle under her and slipped down to rest her head on the thick carpet of the bedroom floor. Delightfully, as far as Darren was concerned, she left her backside up in the air and on full display. Standing, he stepped over the girl and encouraged his friend to move aside. Looking between her slightly parted legs he could see her puffy sex. See the redness, the swollen lips caused by the finger assault that Jason had inflicted. He reached forward, touching the swollen skin gently and enjoyed the reaction that Rachael displayed as a shockwave passed through her. He probed again and was once again rewarded with a ripple of muscular movement through her body. He slipped a finger deep within her folds and felt her press back against his hand. He added a second finger and saw her head rise up as she once again took weight on her arms. Darren was aware of a shadow slipping along her back as it arched against his touch. He watched Jason take his position at her head, watched as his zipper slid down, his cock poke over the top of his boxers. Darren started his own rhythmic dance with his fingers as Jason held his erection out for the girl to take in her mouth. Rachael looked up briefly into Jason's eyes and then bent to her task by sucking the head of his cock into her mouth like she had done so many times before. Jason was even quicker than Darren on this occasion and the girl was again left to savour her own slow build up and urgent climax with fresh cum dripping from her mouth. The boys allowed her a short time to recover before encouraging her to dress and shepherding her out of the door. They then left themselves having been careful to tidy up any disturbance in the guest bedroom first. The trio managed one more brief encounter at the hut towards the end of the week. This time, of course, their liaison was witnessed by Becky from the discomfort of her brick stack. It had been raining on and off all morning and now the biting wind was seriously hampering her attempt to get "in the mood." She lay half on her side with her jeans undone and pushed down to her thighs. Her hand was already inside her dampening panties as she watched the boys fondle her naked younger sister through the grimy cabin window. This time, Rachael had been tied, on her back, across the desk. Her ankles and wrists had been secured to the desk legs and she was looking most uncomfortable. Her arse was barely supported on one side of the desk and her head hung over the other side. Her legs were spread wide and Becky had an excellent view of Darren plunging his fingers into her sex. At the same time Jason was thrusting his hard cock deep into the girls' throat. Given her position she had absolutely no control over how far he pushed or how deep he plunged and Jason was taking full advantage of the fact. In fact, Becky realised, he was really fucking her face. Her fingers worked faster within her panties, she was so close now. So very close. The heavens opened. Not rain but hail came down. Hard stinging hail, assaulting the thin cotton panties protecting Becky's delicate flesh. On impulse she rolled further over, almost onto her back, and shoved the white cotton panties down to meet the material of her jeans and exposing her own sex to the elements. She spread her legs as best she could given the confines of the material around her thighs and relished the impact of the hailstones on her sex. She reached down and ground one or two pieces of frozen water deep inside of herself and, in that instant, was engulfed by her best climax ever. She recovered after a few minutes and repositioned herself to peer, once again, through the cabin window. It was over. She was in time to see Rachael's naked form bend to reclaim some discarded clothing and for one or other of the boys, she wasn't sure who, to take the opportunity to give that firm bare arse a playful slap. Becky dressed herself and, after allowing time for the other three to have a good lead on her slipped down from her hiding place to make her way home. The trio had no further opportunity for a get together until Christmas was nearly upon them. Becky, on the other hand, had taken advantage of her new found delight and would often disappear during the worst of the weather. Taking care to ensure that she was never seen, she would divest herself of her clothing and prance naked in the pouring rain until her very bones began to freeze. Only then would she stoke up her internal furnace and witness the heat from a self induced orgasm chase away the cold and damp. Generally these events would occur at the building site. She would use the hut both as a changing room and a hiding place in case of some passer by coming too close. Once or twice she made her way to the woodland clearing so loved by the trio and there she would lie naked on that fallen tree stump, spread her legs, and let nature assault her. The Christmas end of term dances were one of the few occasions when different ages mixed within the college. Essentially, the college was divided between three groups for these events. The youngest three years formed one group, years 10 & 11 the next and the revered 6th formers held their own more discreet event off site. For this year only Rachael would be at the same dance as Jason and Darren. During quiet moments on the trips to and from the school the boys had been teasing her about getting her naked on the dance floor, having her suck off a teacher and other more extreme imaginings. Now, on a wet and windy Thursday evening the kids made their way back to the college in time for a 7.00 pm start. Darren and Jason had caught up with Becky and Rachael on the way to the college and now found themselves together in the queue to gain entrance. A few minutes later they had paid over their nominal entrance fee, glanced over the poster sized rules of engagement "no smoking, no alcohol, no fighting etc etc" and made their way to the cloakroom to drop off their outdoor clothing. In fact the boys were wearing little to protect themselves from the wintry conditions and were able to discard their lightweight coats onto a shared peg in double quick time. They then watched as the two girls peeled themselves out of their various coats and scarves and hats. Becky was wearing a pair of tight white jeans with a black sequinned belt and a plain red cotton shirt that was loose enough to hide any bust that she might have had. Rachael wore a tartan skirt which came to mid thigh and topped it off with a brief top which tied in place behind her neck and left much of her midriff exposed. The boys licked their lips appreciatively. Rachael giggled and Becky scowled and stormed off with an exaggerated "oh please!" The trio separated for a bit then. The boys joined their own friends in a huddle at one end of the room and Rachael teamed up with a few of her own classmates. Becky stayed apart from the trio, although she was keeping an eye out for what they might do later. The hall continued to fill as the dj finished setting up. The bar (serving soft drinks and snacks) had a steady flow of customers and a few teachers were patrolling the room trying to make occasional jokes whilst watching out for the inevitable contraband. An hour in and some of the strict groupings were starting to break down. 30 minutes after that a few brave souls started filling up the dance floor and then the party started! A few tables were scattered around in the corners of the room and Darren, Jason and a few of their friends captured one of them. One way or another Rachael and a couple of her classmates were also encouraged onto the table and finally the trio were able to start discreetly flirting. Over a fairly short time, as people moved off to dance or visit the bar, seats were exchanged. Eventually, the boys ended up sitting either side of Rachael. Each was holding separate conversations. The boys with people on either side and Rachael with a boy almost directly opposite. She was somewhat startled when fingers brushed her leg and crept up under her skirt. She glanced briefly at Darren, possibly to warn him off, but he was deep in conversation. Unable to readily prevent the assault she moved in closer to the table in an effort to hide that creeping hand from any other gaze. The fingers continued their slow upward progress and Rachael was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain her own conversation. That difficulty was exacerbated when a new hand approached from the other side. She stole a glance at Jason who caught her eye, winked and looked away again. Moments later Darren's' hand arrived at the edge of her panties and carried on moving upwards, eventually coming to a halt when his fingers brushed the waistband of those panties. Rachael dared not look down, despite the fact that she was certain that her skirt was up around her waist. In fact it wasn't. Both boys had been careful to move in such a way as to keep their hands out of sight and under the fabric of her tartan skirt. Darren now gripped the hem of her panties and applied steady downward pressure. Rachael glanced at him again but he was still talking to another boy and she was forced to turn her attention back to her own conversation. It wasn't more than a few seconds, though, before Jason's fingers had also gripped the hem of her underwear and were also dragging the material steadily downwards. A glance in his direction earned her a cheeky grin and another wink before he too resumed talking to another boy. Within moments her panties had been dragged as far down as they could go whilst she was sitting down. She wasn't going to allow them any further access and that was that. A quick and unexpected jab in the ribs made Rachael jump up and although she didn't jump too far and was quick to sit straight back down again the reduction in contact between her and her seat was sufficient for the boys to have tugged those panties down past the chair. Rachael was all too aware that hr underwear now hung around her knees. She reached down to try and recover the errant item but found her movements hampered by the boys. Pretty soon Jason made a big thing about dropping a coin and shot down to retrieve the cash. Quick as a flash the panties were around Rachael's ankles and a quick additional tug made her realise that there was no way that she could easily recover them from that position. Reluctantly she lifted her feet and allowed the underwear to be gathered up by Jason. Now sitting there pantiless she knew it wouldn't be long before one of other of the boys started on her. She felt a tingle of nervous excitement. She didn't have to wait long. In short order each of the boys wrapped a leg around whichever leg was nearest them. Little effort was then needed to force the girl to part her legs sufficiently for a hand to dip between her thighs and probe the delights within and the boys wasted no time before doing exactly that. Between them they slowly and steadily built the girl up to a sexual frenzy. A frenzy that was more intense because of her need to control, or at least attempt to control, both her speech and her movement in the crowded environment. Her eventual climax forced the occasional sound or gasp of air to escape her lips. By and large those sounds were covered by the music but the young lad chatting across the table with her was most confused by the additional expression that she seemed to put into some words. It was then, when she was at her most confused, her most vulnerable, that Darren invited her to dance. To the accompaniment of jeers and whistles from others nearby Darren led the girl onto the dance floor in time for a nice slow dance. He held her close and shuffled in the way that most young boys do when they slow dance with a girl. Periodically he allowed a hand to stray to her backside, just briefly, and she would become aware of the roughness of the tartan cloth and the distinct lack of underwear. He leant in close and whispered in her ear. "That was kinda fun. Did you enjoy it?" she nodded "Good. Now where shall I take you so that you can suck my cock?" he asked A brief look of horror crossed her face. "no Darren, there are too many people. We might get caught." She said He laughed. "Of course you are gonna suck me off. And Jason too. That's the rules. You get off - we get off." With that the song ended and they headed back to the table. Darren got some high fives for the way he groped the girls arse and Rachael got some lewd suggestions from other boys around the table suggestions which she ignored rather pointedly. Shortly Jason took her hand and led her to dance to yet another slow song. He played to his audience and pawed her bum mercilessly. Periodically he lifted her skirt just a touch, just enough for her to gasp in anticipation of being exposed. He leaned in close. "When the dance finishes go outside and meet Darren by the door. He'll be waiting for you." She looked at him and then nodded imperceptibly. The dance finished and Jason took his applause from the boys at the table. Rachael went the other way. As she approached the door Darren moved alongside her. "Head for the locker rooms next to the gym" he hissed before moving away a little. Rachael left the hall and made off towards the cloakroom. Part way there she ducked down a side corridor slipped through a set of double doors and was off heading towards the locker rooms as instructed. As she approached the gym area she heard footsteps coming towards her and looked around for somewhere to hide. She was about to turn and run when Darren grabbed her arm. He led her into the gym itself. Rather than turn on the lights they allowed their eyes to become accustomed to the gloom and then relied on the small amount of natural light coming through the high windows from the security lights outside. As he led Rachael across the room Darren found the ties to her top and pulled them undone. He allowed the top to fall down at the front and then guided it past the girls hips and down her legs to the floor. Picking the top up, he twirled it around several times and then tied one end of it to Rachael's left wrist. They kept walking. Arriving finally at the far side of the gym he had the girl undo and step out of her skirt. She hesitated only briefly before stripping the skirt off and handing the garment to him. Once again he twirled it around before tying it to her right wrist. He then turned her around, backed her against the wall bars and proceeded to secure her to them. He stepped back to admire his handiwork. Rachael was naked save for her shoes and socks. Her arms tied above her head. She looked delectable, vulnerable, and available. He moved forward and encouraged her legs to part with one hand. She opened her legs willingly. He inserted first one and then a second finger between the outer folds of her cunt and then, ever so slowly, slipped them deep inside of her. Rachael gasped. "You wanna suck cock?" Darren asked her as he ground her fingers into her. She whimpered a little but nodded. He continued to violate her cunt with those fingers whilst he used his other hand to undo his own trousers. He made sure that Rachael was watching as he lowered his boxers and allowed his erect cock to taste air for the first time tonight. Still probing the girl he used his hand to jack himself a few times. Even in the low light of the gym a spot of pre cum could be seen at the tip of his cock. He withdrew his fingers from the girls cunt and climbed the wall bars until his groin was directly in front of the girls face. "Open wide" he commanded. She did and he helped his cock find its target with one hand whilst holding onto the wall bars with the other. A few strokes later and he started to climax. As he did so his cock slipped from her mouth and the result was that he sprayed his come all over her face and hair. He allowed himself to drop to the floor where he sat, looking at the girl. "C'mon Darren" she whispered "unite me" Darren held a finger to his lips in a gesture for her to be quiet. He pointed towards the door through which a light could be seen. A torch maybe. Footsteps came closer. Heavy footsteps. "Darren!" she hissed The door swung open, torchlight filled the area and then started its progression around the room in an arc. Rachael struggled against her improvised bonds and, as the light arrived at her naked form she tried to turn both her body and her face away to avoid detection for as long as possible. The light came closer. She could see nothing but the light. Where was Darren? And then the light turned on itself and shone in the face of Jason. Beaming Jason. He and Darren fell about whilst Rachael complained that it wasn't funny and that she should be getting back to the dance now. Two inserted fingers from Darren silenced her. While she resumed her riding of those two welcome friends Jason divested himself of his trousers and boxers and, copying Darren's technique, clambered up to insert his erection into the wanton girls' mouth. His climax was more controlled and he was able to deposit all of his sticky secretion into the willing mouth and receptive throat. He then rejoined Darren at ground level and assisted Rachael to her second orgasm of the night by pinching and twisting her nipples whilst Darren continued his rhythmic battering. Once untied the boys helped Rachael gather up her clothes and then escorted her out of the gym, still naked, and into the locker room where she was able to wash and restore herself somewhat. The trio then resumed their places at the dance in the hall, arriving a little apart from each other to avoid conclusions being drawn. Becky watched each of them return one by one and wondered where they had taken her sister tonight. She had no doubt that the girl would have willingly serviced both boys but did wonder where they found that was private enough.