Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Curtis Seduces (14 years and 8 inches) : Chapter 2 Author: Marcus DaCosta Keywords: M, T, b, Mb, Tb, Summary: Curtis and the lifeguard (please read Chapter 01 first) The rain didn't let off much for the next few days, so my athletics training was cancelled as the indoor track was being repaired and it was far too wet to train outdoors. I decided to follow my coaches advice to do circuits in the gym, or to go swimming. I packed my towel my shorts and my wash-kit into my adidas bag, waited for a 'break' in the rain, jumped on my BMX between down-pours and cycled the mile and a half to Keynsham Leisure Centre, locking my bike to the railings and rushing inside before the rain got too heavy again. I had never been shy in the changing rooms, probably because as long as I could remember I have had the biggest dick in the class, but regardless of that, I've never understood those pussyole's that change under a towel. There was one such character in the changing room. An white guy of about 19 or 20 who looked like he could do with a good feeding he was so skinny. His shyness emboldened me and I flaunted my nakedness in front of him intentionally. "Oi blud" I said to him, standing, facing him, stark naked. "What time does the pool close?" He looked over, glancing at my dick, and then looking up in the vague direction of my face, embarrassed that he may have been caught checking me out. "9 O'clock I think mate." "Thanks bruv" I replied. Two boys of about 10 or 11 years of age came in to the changing rooms making a lot of noise, apparently laughing about some fat woman they had seen with camal-toe. As they came in, I was fishing my shorts out of my bag, still naked. My impressive abdominal and pectoral muscles as well as my developing biceps caught their attention and they both stared at me as they walked past. I clocked both of them throw lingering gazes at my thick and long manhood dangled remarkably low. I acknowledged them "safe". "Are u Curtis?" The black boy asked. He was about 5 foot, dark skinned with short hair that urgently needed a shape-up. He was slightly overweight but that was probably just a bit of puppy fat that he would lose when puberty kicked in. "Yes blud, how do u know my name". I asked. "My sister thinks your piff". He smirked. I appreciated the compliment. "How old is she" I asked. "16" the boy declared as he pulled his briefs down revealing a soft 3 inch uncut dick with a long forskin hanging over the end, surprisingly he had a fair amount of pubic hair and a plump bubble butt. "Is she a piffy too?" I inquired. "Blud" he exclaimed "you don't expect me to rate my own sister do you?" "She's aight, I'd fuck her" remarked his friend. He was a white boy, with short dark hair, thin but not too skinny, and with piercing blue eyes. The black boy slapped him hard round the back of his head and said "The fuck u will crakka". The two of them laughed over-exaggeratedly. The skinny white man, who was now in his long bermuda shorts, looked over disapproving at their language, and annoyed at being referred to indirectly as a 'crakka', closed his locker and left the changing rooms in the direction of the pool. The black boy walked over to me, also naked and showed me a photo of his sister. She was indeed good-looking. "Cool" I said. "I beg u give her my number or my bb pin". I put my hand out as if wanting to take his phone. He gave it to me and I saved my number in his address book and added myself on his bbm. He spent most of that time staring at my dick which was only a few inches from his waist. We heard a 'click' and looked over to the white boy, who had taken a photograph of the two of us standing by each other naked. I wasn't bothered, but the black boy was pissed. "The fuck?" He shouted "delete dat now, u prick!" "Make me" said the white boy who was now wearing only a pair of tight fitting white boxer-briefs revealing a small but defined soft cocklet. The black boy pounced at him and pinned him to the wall. "Grab his phone" he shouted at me. I rushed over and grabbed the white boy's phone and deleted the incriminating photo. He wriggled free, though only temporarily as his black friend wrestled him to the floor in the 69 position. The black boy's dick was rubbing all over the white boys face, although this was innocently. I leant over grabbed white-boys boxers by the hem of each leg and yanked them off in one go, revealing a small but fully erect hairless dick. I chucked his boxer-briefs on top of the lockers and clicked the camera function on his phone. "Step back my nigga" I said to the black boy, who looked up at me, understood my plan and conformed, backing off quickly and suddenly. I 'clicked', taking a photo of the white boy scrambling about trying to get on his feet. His dick was clearly in view. I clicked 'set as bbm display picture' and then put his phone on the lockers with his boxers, too high for him to reach. "Looks like ur gonna be a lucky nigga" I said to the black boy. "What ya mean cuz?" He asked. "Ur crakka friend here boned up as soon as u rubbed ur dick in his face bruv, I reckon u'll be able to get head everyday". I said 'planting a thought'. "You wanna suck my dick Sean?" The black boy mockingly asked his mate. Sean did not reply. He pulled a bench over to the locker to retrieve his phone and boxers and deleted the photo, looking decidedly pissed off and still saying nothing. The three of us pulled our shorts on. I do not own a pair of swimming shorts so I wear my white adidas football shorts. Sean wore a pair of navy blue speedo boxer-style trunks and the black boy wore black knee-length shorts. As we ran to the door, we stumbled upon a lifeguard who was standing there legs apart, arms folded, looking pretty military. He was a mediterranean looking white man, mid-twenties, with a neat trimmed goatee, dark eyes and dark hair which was combed back and gelled neatly in place. His body was ripped and there were feint whisps of hair on his chest. He was wearing the usual red swimming shorts that most life-guards seem to wear. His legs were muscular and hairy, and his feet were in a pair of red and white flip-flops. "How long u been standing there?" Sean asked. "Long enough to hear you boys laughing about fat women and camal-toe" He replied. Shit, that was what they were talking about when they entered the changing rooms, I thought. He had seen everything. Mind you, he hadn't said anything or broken up the play-fighting, so I decided to continue the bravado. "You should have joined in the fight blud, maybe Sean wouldn't be the ONLY one with a boner." I winked, grabbed his ass as I walked past him, and dived into the water, not waiting to look at his reaction, or give him opportunity to reply. The pool was pretty empty, there were only three old ladies and the skinny white man who were all swimming lengths, and a female life-guard sitting on the tall chair looking bored as hell. Sean and the black boy jumped in at the shallow end, and began playing the typical kid-games, 'who can stay under water longer' or 'standing on your hands'. I was at the deep end and decided to join the 'oldies' swimming lengths for a while, seeing as the reason I came in the first place was to 'keep fit and toned'. After swimming 20 lengths I was knackered and decided to have a rest. I pulled myself up onto the side and walked over towards the bench. My white football shorts were slightly see-through when wet and they were clinging to my butt and my long dick. I felt a lot of eyes on me. The life-guard, who was nearest to me blatantly checked me up and down, and two of the old ladies who were standing together at the shallow end sniggered as they looked at me and then each other. I turned to skinny white man to see if he was checking me out and he quickly looked away verifying my suspicion. Sean and the black boy continued play-fighting and were unaware that 'all other eyes were on me'. Once I realised how many eyes were on me I decided to milk the situation, so I did not sit down immediately, I lifted both my arms behind my head and arched my chest leaning back, stretching. My dick pressed forward against the fabric of my shorts making the length and size of the mushroom head blatantly apparent, hypnotising my audience. The female life-guard climber down from her high-chair and walked over to the male guard, kissing him on his lips, suggesting that they were either dating or married. They spoke softly to each other for a few minutes, before she stepped forward, blew her whistle and shouted "five minutes left guys" and with that she left the pool area. I looked over at the male life-guard and he caught my eye, I winked again, dived back in the water and swam underwater over to the two boys. I grabbed Sean round the waist and pulled him under the water. The black boy jumped on top of us both and the three of us wrestled. Someone grabbed the waistband of my shorts and yanked them down to my knees. I made no attempt to pull them up, but carried on wrestling. My shorts fell of and sank. I wrapped my legs around the black boy and forced him to the bottom of the pool. After a while, he needed air, and began tugging at me, eventually he slid his hand between my legs and grabbed my balls hard. I yelped, and let him go, and we both rose to the surface. "Fuck, that hurt". He laughed. The male life-guard blew his whistle and our time was up. Skinny-white-man had already left, as had one of the ladies. The other two were climbing up the steps, and the two boys jumped out too. I dived under to retrieve my shorts, but didn't bother putting them on. I pulled myself up onto the side, stood up and turned to face the life-guard and the two grannies. I smiled. One of the grannies let out a "fucking hell, Nora, if only I was 50 years younger". I winked at her and walked into the changing rooms holding my shorts. Skinny-white-man was in the showers, lathering his hair with shower-gel. I went and stood under the shower-head next to his, in spite of the fact that there were eight others available. He looked intimidated. "Right blud?". I said. He ignored me, almost trembling, but I clocked him glance at my dick again. He realised he had been caught and attempted to leave the showers, but I blocked his exit looked down and said "It won't suck itself blud". I heard noise behind me as the two boys pissed themselves with laughter at my boldness. They were both already almost dressed. Skinny-white-man took the opportunity to escape past me as the boys had distracted me. I looked over to the boys "you man aint showering?" I asked. "When I get home bruv" the black boy answered. "Don't forget to give your sister my digits, fam" I reminded him. "Oh" I added, "and enjoy your blowjob". I winked at him. As they left I heard their banter continue. "There's no way I'm sucking ur dick". Sean insisted. "The fuck your not" the black boy scoffed as they went out of ear-shot. Skinny-white-man also hurriedly left, leaving me alone under the showers. I repositioned the shower-heads, then slapped all ten on at the same time and stood in the middle of the showers getting sprayed from every angle. "I do that too" a voice came from nowhere. I nodded 'hello' at the life-guard. "Where do you get your confidence from young man?" The lifeguard inquired. "Here" I said, taking my balls in my hand. "Come and have a look, maybe you can suck some confidence out of them". I began to chubb up. "I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate me sucking your dick". "Trusay" I replied. "But how likely is it that she will come into the men's showers?" "There is no chance of that mate". "So" I continued. "What is stopping you?". "Urgh, the fact that I'm straight for a start". He said. I thought for a minute. "How many timed have u fucked ur girl?" I asked. "Dunno" he said "over 100 tho". "And how many other girls have you fucked?". I continued. "Three" he admitted. "Well mate, do u really think that a dude who has fucked four girls, hundreds of times is gay, just because he sucked one dick, once?". I asked, offering a convincing theory. By now my dick was rock hard, and standing up at over 8 inches tall. "How old are you mate"? He asked "Nearly 17" I lied, adding almost three years to my life. "What about you blud?". "25" he said as he walked over to me, dropped to his knees and cupped my balls in his hand. For an amateur he was certainly enthusiastic as he slid my dick into his mouth and began circling my cut mushroom head with his tongue, and then sliding more and more of my long dick into his mouth. One by one the shower-heads turned off. I put my hands on either side of the back of his head and began to thrust myself deeper and deeper into his mouth, until I was fucking his throat. He gagged a few times, but eventually acclimatised to his new role. Pre-cum began to leak of of my cock. I decided it was time. I took his hand, lifted him up, my dick slapping free from his lips as he did. I moved to the cold tiled wall and pushed him face-first into it between two shower-heads. I lowered his shorts to the floor, parted his legs with my feet, reached for the shower-gel and applied a healthy amount to my fingers before wiping it all over my throbbing meat. I parted his cakes and located his hole with a finger before lining up my dick and telling him to 'relax, and push ur muscles out'. This was to be my first time fucking a man, but I reckoned I knew what to do considering the amount of porn I had watched. He pushed out and I inserted slowly deep inside him. He let out a few whimpers, but tolerated the pain. Once in, I took hold of the two shower-heads, one each side, and began to fuck him softly. After a while, once he was accustomed to the sensation, he began to grind into me with every thrust and I upped the pace and the force until I was banging him hard. I slowed for a minute and lowered my hands, placing his where mine had been, I wrapped my arms round his chest and pressed my chest into his back. I fucked him harder and harder until I was nearing climax. I then placed my hands on top of his hands, outstretched, as my cum shot deep inside him. Shot after shot of hot cum squirted out from my dick deep inside the man. I kept grinding into him until my balls were empty, after which I pulled out, turned one shower back on and rinsed off. Neither of us spoke. The life-guard squatted in the shower, composing himself, looking satisfied and somewhat baffled. There was a noise from the locker-room. I rushed out and was confronted with skinny-white-man, who hurriedly explained "I left my shorts here mate". I was pretty sure he had not left his shorts there, and there was no sign of them in his hand or in the changing-room, so it was apparent he had come back to spy on me. I clenched my fist and punched him hard in his stomach. "That is for spying, rudebwoi". He winced in pain, as he lowered himself forward I 'one-banged' him in the side of his head. "And that is for 'wanting this dick, but not having the balls to take it, you bladclart pussyole.'" He fell to the floor, groaning in pain. I chuckled, as I quickly dried myself off and threw my clothes on. I winked at the life-guard, who was showering, and said to 'skinny-white-man' "next time, mate". I rode home in record time and went to the bathroom to dump my shorts and towel in the wash-pile. My phone pinged. It was the black kid. "Hello cuz" I read, "It's me Dwayne from the pool". "Safe, fam" I replied "so, did u get head?" "Nah cuz, not yet, looooooool" he replied. "U will fam, he wants it" I predicted and told him "I got it from da lifeguard tonite fam" "No lie?" He asked. "I wish I'd watched dat" "Dat skinny dude did and I one-banged the pussy." "Loooooool, I wish I'd seen dat too fam, yh he was a pussy doe innit". "Don't forget to give my deets to ur sister dude, I wanna fuck her". "Calm" he replied and our conversation ended as his status changed to 'BED'. I went downstairs to get something to eat. Mum was pissed as usual but attempted conversation. "Where have u been, baby?". "I went swimming, coz training was cancelled mum, what is there to eat?" "U'll have to get something from the freezer coz I have been too busy to cook". She lied "As usual" I muttered under my breath. I opened the fridge, it was practically empty, i opened the freezer, it was totally empty. "In that case" I said "I'm gonna run up to the chip shop and get a kebab, do u want anything?". "Can you get me a couple of cans, baby?" she replied, half-asleep. "They're not gonna serve me in the offy mum, I'm fucking 14". I grabbed my coat and headed for the door. "Don't fucking swear" she shouted after me. I jogged up the street wondering if the young turkish man that works in the chip-shop would become my 3rd victim. ---------------------------------------------------- If you have enjoyed the opening chapter of this story, please email me at quoting 'curtis seduces' and if there is enough response, chapter three will follow shortly.