Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Curtis Seduces (14 years and 8 inches) : Chapter 08 Author: Marcus DaCosta Keywords: M, T, b, Mb, Tb, Summary: Coach Mark gets to see more of Curtis than usual -------- The next morning, I woke up bright and breezy. As it was Saturday I had set my alarm to wake me up at seven o clock because I had to be at the athletics ground in Bristol by 9am for my training session, and I had to catch two buses to get there. I have trained at Bristol and West Athletics Club in a suburb of Bristol for just over two years, and, without wishing to blow my own trumpet, I have become the rising star of the club, having a personal best of 11.65 for the 100m sprint. I had fallen in love with athletics at a young age, the love-affair beginning in 2008 when I watched the Olympics on the TV with my mum.  By half past Seven, I had showered and dressed into my thigh length running skins and lycra vest, with my black tracksuit on top and packed my running spikes and foam roller into my Adidas bag. I picked up an empty water bottle from the floor of my bedroom, rinsed it out and filled it with water from the kitchen tap, threw it into my bag, and threw my bag over my shoulder.  I opened the fridge to retrieve something to eat for breakfast. There was nothing there but a few leftovers from last nights meal, I opened the cupboard to grab some cereal, looking at my phone to see if I really had enough time to woof down a bowl of Weetabix, but there was nothing to eat there either. I kissed my teeth, blaming my father who had stolen all of the house-keeping money, I ran back upstairs to quickly check on mum, knocking on her bedroom door, but there was no reply. I opened her door and walked into the room. The bedroom light was on, the radio was playing quietly, and her bed was neatly made. I didn't know whether it had not been slept in, or if she had already got up and made it, which would be totally out of character. I thought back to the previous evening, remembering that I had left her sleeping on the couch, but she was not there either. I phoned her mobile, the ring-tone sounded from beneath a cushion on the couch. `Where are you ma, I don't have time for this shit', I thought to myself, kissed my teeth and ran out into the back garden finally locating her lying face down in her nighty on the mud.   "Ma, what are you doing out here?" I asked her lovingly, but hiding my impatience.   "They haven't grown yet, baby". She looked up at me; she was wearing a miserable expression on her face and her eyes were red and puffy.  I imagined that she had been crying all night.   "Yes they have mum", I thought I'd try... "And I have already harvested them and sown them back on my shirts, come inside and I'll show you".  I lead her inside by the hand, she responded like a corpse, or like a zombie, almost entirely lifeless. I dragged her up to her bedroom and ordered her into her bed. I ran to my room, picked up the three new shirts that I had stolen from the Supermarket yesterday, and presented them to her. "See, I told you ma".    She seemed convinced. "Where are you going baby with your bag on your back? Are you leaving me to like your father?" She scowled.   "No ma", I insisted, "It is Saturday, I'm going to Bristol to train, you know I do that every Saturday morning, and Wednesday after school, remember ma?   "You ARE leaving me you lying bastard", she started to get angry.  From experience I knew that the best thing to do was just to leave, much as my heart wanted to try and convince her that everything was OK, and that I was not leaving her, when she was like this, she became almost `rabid' and would not have believed, or even listened to a single word of reason. Experience had also taught me, that when I return later that evening, she would not even remember having shouted at me and would probably be sitting at the table having cooked another cordon-blue masterpiece, grinning like a Cheshire cat; that is, if there was anything in the house to cook. I turned and left her room, I hid my shirts on top of my wardrobe in case she decided to plant a new crop of buttons, and I ran down the stairs to a torrent of abuse. "That's right, run off like your fucking father you black bastard". She continued, rising up from the bed. "I should have listened to my conscience and got rid of you before I poisoned this world with you". Her volume increased as she stood at the top of the stairs, leaning down them and shouting, "Don't you fucking dare step your nigger feet back inside my house". I shut the door behind me and said a prayer to a God that I was not sure if I believed in or not, pleading with Him to `do something' about my mothers worsening mental health.   To make matters worse, as I reached the end of my road, I saw the Bristol bus in the distance. I had missed it. `Fuck it', I thought to myself, as I slowed my pace, eventually slumping down at the bus stop, ready for a 20 minute wait for the next bus. I sat there lost in my thoughts. I had sixty pound to my name, courtesy of Henry's wallet. Normally to a fourteen year old, £60 would seem like a dream, but to me it was as useful as a hole in a pocket. There was no food in the house, and almost no electricity or gas on the pre-pay meters. I was aware that the money would run out before the weekend did, and mum was not going to get her benefit money for nearly another fortnight. I realised that I was going to have to step up and find a way of getting some regular income coming so that I could take care of mum and the house. As I sat there racking my brains, a van pulled up in the bus stop, the window wound down and Vince spoke up "Hello Curtis, fancy seeing you here, are you going to Bristol?" It was the van driver that I shared my first gay experience with, six days ago. Yes, It was NUMBER ONE.   "Hello Victor" I pretended to have forgotten his name. "Yeah bro, I'm going to athletics training, but I just missed the bus".   "You teenagers and your tardiness" He replied, having no idea of my stressful morning, "And close, but it is Vince, not Victor, anyway champ, do you want a lift?"   "That would be great bro, you don't need to take me all the way tho, I'll hop on the bus when we overtake it".   "Fine with me, dude". He replied. I jumped up into the van. "By the way", Vince went on, "My wife said to say thank you", he laughed, "Well, she didn't, but she would have done if she knew that you were the reason that I gave her such a banging last Sunday night".   "I don't think she would fam", I replied, laughing and using such informal slang forgetting for a moment that he was not a youth.  "So what were you doing in Keynsham again bro?" I asked.   "Well Curtis, I was actually just dropping off a pram and a cot. My daughter by my first wife has got herself pregnant, so I am doing my `bit'."   "How does someone get themselves pregnant?" I mocked, wondering if Vince might co-incidentally be the father of the one of the girls that might be pregnant by me. Vince laughed at my joke. "What's her name bro?" I asked.   Vince almost blurted it out, but paused, and thought for a minute before saying matter-of-factly, as though 'reading lines', "For now, it is a secret, until the family have come to terms with the unplanned teenage pregnancy". He then continued in his own words... "Basically, you might be in the same school as her, bro, and at the moment, it is not common knowledge, so don't be offended, but I cannot tell you her name".   "Shouldn't be too hard to work out bro, I doubt there are too many girls in School with a dad called Victor who drives a white van". I joked, intentionally getting his name wrong again.   This amazing revelation did mean however that IF, as I suspected from her reaction in the Kebab shop, that Tabita is one of the pregnant girls, I can then cross Fiona Cox off of the list, because she, like me is mixed race, there is no way that she has a white dad. So it must be either Amelia Sanderson or Jade Duckett. I plotted to find out, subtly. "If the offer is still open, can I take your number bro", I said innocently. "I don't mean that I want you to suck my dick again, but I might need some help moving some things in your van soon", I lied. Vince dictated his phone number and I saved it in my phone. "What's your surname" I asked, cleverly.   Again, Vince nearly blurted it out, but just in time, clocked my plan "Very clever Curtis". He said, impressed with my scheming. If only he knew how fucking scheming I was.   We overtook the Bristol bus, and I suggested to Vince that I might as well get out and jump on the bus.   "For old times sake, let me see that fucking monster again real quick, please", he asked. I winked at him, lifted my ass of the seat and pulled my tracksuit bottoms and skins down to my knees. Vince slowed to take a look, reached his hand over and took my soft dick in his hand for a few seconds. "Damn" he said, as though seeing it for the first time.  I pulled up my clothes, as Vince slowed to a standstill in the next bus-stop. We shook hands again, and I jumped out, not looking back, but quickly hailing the bus that was only about 100 metres up the road.   Back on track, I rode the bus to the centre of Bristol and then boarded another bus, that takes me to the athletics club, thankfully I arrived in good time, I hate being late to athletics.   "Hello Curtis, good to see you on time as usual bro". Mark Strange hollered as he noticed me arrive. "Do your warm-up exercises and I'll see u shortly". Mark is my coach.   I put my bag down on the grass by the side of the track, took a swig from my water bottle and began doing my stretching exercises. When I am on the track I become a different person, no longer am I sociable, jokey, or cocky, here, I am focussed and single-minded. There is nothing I want more in life that to succeed at athletics. I do not want the puny under-15's trophy in my bedroom to be the highlight of my 'career', no fucking way. I am sowing enthusiasm and devotion with the actual aim of reaping an Olympic medal one day, maybe in 2020, or 2024. Not as a pipe-dream, I actaully CAN do this. In fact I would go so far as to  suggest that the only reason that I give a fuck about my education, and actually bother to hand my school work in on time, and of a good standard is because my athletics coach insists that all of the boys he coaches are `doing well' in school. If my grades slip, he will not train me. Fortunately, as I am a quick learner, and I think I have a high IQ, although I have never done a test, It is not often that I find any school work challenging.   Anyway, with my stretching exercises out of the way, I put on my spikes, and began to practice starting off the blocks with a few of the other boys that I train with. A few minutes later, Coach called us over to start the intense training session. He is a former athlete, but is a shadow of his former self, now 44, he is slightly overweight and walks with a limp due to an injury that he had had when he was at the peak of his game. This stood as a constant warning to all of `his boys', and we all made sure we warmed up and cooled down properly before every training session and every race. Coach Mark's hair always looked like it could do with a trim or some Brylcream at least, and was a bit of an `in joke' around the track, not that I joined in with the jokes much, I was too single-minded, and wore a serious, concentrating expression from the minute I entered the gates.   I removed my tracksuit, to train in my skins. If this was any other setting I would have relished the fact that my large thick dick looked stunning in my lycra running clothes, and would have used that to full advantage, however, here it was different.  For the next two hours, Coach trained us hard, doing various exercises, we dragged a tyre tied around our waist to build endurance, ran up a short hill over and over again to build up stamina and our calf muscles, we ran in and out of cones, practised blocks, and of course ran 60m, 100m and 200m a few times. As the training session ended and I sat there `stretching' and using my foam roller. I noticed a slight pain in my groin. I rubbed it `therapeutically'. Coach spotted me doing this, and questioned it. "Are you ok there, son? Do you have any pain?"   "It is not bad, Coach", I replied, "But it feels weird".   "Finish your stretching and go and wait in my office, son", Coach ordered. I knew that he was going to massage my injury. Many people would be a little concerned about grown men offering young boys such treatment, but in the world of athletics, it is perfectly normal and expected as common practice. I had been massaged by Mike many times before over the last couple of years, and had never found it to be a sexual experience, although I feared that today the tables were going to turn, this, being my first training session since my journey started with Vince the previous weekend. However, I was not going to treat Coach like Henry, Gary, Antonio, Mr. Wilde or even like Dave, Vince or Kemal. I had the utmost respect for Coach Mark, and would do nothing to destroy the close rapport that we had. So it was more of a `hope' that I had, and less of a `plan' with Mark becoming NUMBER EIGHT.   I picked up my bag, tracksuit and trainers, and walked into Marks office, removing my spikes and sitting on the massage bench waiting for him to arrive. He took his time, waving off the other boys, and speaking to a few `mums' who had come to collect their sons, but eventually he joined me in his office. "Still hurting?" He asked.   "Sir, I mean coach", I corrected myself, "I don't wanna exaggerate it, it is not really hurting, it is more of a `twinge'". I said.   "Well a twinge can easily become an injury and destroy your career son, lay back". I obeyed, laying back on the padded bench, raising the knee of my injured leg, and resting the flat of my foot on the bench. Coach put his two hands on around the mid-section of my thigh. "Where is the twinge?" He asked me.   I indicated by placing my hand on the area, right at the very top of my thigh, in the groin. Without flinching, Coach moved my hand out of the way, and placed his hands around the very top of my leg and began massaging my groin. His fingers occasionally sweeping against the bottom of my scrotum, which was nicely tucked away in its lycra nest.  He continued massaging me more precisely as he located the exact epicentre of the problem as directed by my `noises'.  I closed my eyes to daydream. For some reason began thinking about Dwayne's sexy fat back-off. I was surprised at myself, and slightly concerned, because up until now, as I had explained to Dwayne, the whole journey had been about taking control and exerting authority, and was not about my sexual preference, which was still girls, Dwayne's sister Gamucharai to be precise. But as I lay there being caressed by the skilful hands of my coach, I couldn't help but wish it was Dwayne touching me. In about two minutes, I had day-dreamed a million miles away...   "This is not like you, Curtis," Coach chuckled. "In fact up until today, your pretty much the only one who hasn't reacted like this".   I looked down at my skins, My dick was standing up to attention, held close to my body by the lycra, but making a deliberate effort to break free at the waist line. "Sorry Coach", I said, not really giving a fuck about having a boner in front of him, because he had professionally made light of it. "I didn't have time for a wank this morning before I came out, coach".   "I did not need to know that, son". Coach chuckled louder. "It's a bit swollen son, your injury I mean" He added jovially, "Have you checked to see it if is bruised?".   "No coach, I haven't checked"  I responded.   "Well Curtis, if you could slide your hand inside your skins and cover your privates, and then I will take your shorts down and have a look".   I did the instructions, but as I am not embarrassed about nudity, not even in the erect state I was in at that moment, I went by my own rules. I lifted my bum off the bench, and slid my skins down to just above my knees, placing my bum back on the bench. I then took hold of the tip of my 8-inch dick to `hold it out of the way' of Coach, but made not attempt to hide it.  Coach raised his eyebrows in disbelief at my openness, and slid his hands back up to my groin to examine the offending area. He found that it was not bruised as such, but was slightly reddish around the swollen area. He left the bench and retrieved an ice-pack from the mini freezer in his office, and held it firmly to my groin. Part of it touched my balls, it felt cold as hell, but kinda sexy. As he held it in place, I let go of my dick allowing it to spring up and make contact with the back of his hand. Coach said nothing. I folded my arms behind my head and closed my eyes, giving permission for him to explore if he wanted to, if he clocked the granted permission that is.   "Well Curtis, I knew you had a massive dick, because obviously I've seen you in tight clothing, but this is ridiculous".   I did not respond. We stayed like that in silence for a good few minutes, but my erection did not subside at all. Eventually, Coach removed the ice-pack, and placed it back inside the freezer. He returned to the bench and asked. "Would you like me to continue massaging you, son?".   "What do you think, coach", I replied, licking my lips as a sign.  Coach returned his hands to the swollen area of my groin, pontificating. "Not there, Coach, the pain has moved to here now". I took his hand and placed it around my rock hard dick, I `folded' his fingers around the shaft and squeezed his hand around it, hoping that he would pick up the baton and run from here. He did. He began to gently masturbate me, before rushing over to his door, locking it, and returning to pay close attention to his risen star. His hand felt cold on my dick, as it had been holding the ice-pack, but on a hot day, that was a great feeling, and I relaxed into his touch. "Go on coach, it's all yours, take it to the ribbon".   Coach used both of his hands to bring the most amazing pleasure to my dick. He used his massaging oil, and his skills, to slide his hands up and down my meat then pressing it to my body, as though massaging the underneath of it, before eventually wanking me off at sprint-pace, a pace that he intended to keep up until I came. I opened my legs to increase the intensity of the pleasure. The feeling shot through my entire body as he continued rapidly masturbating his star-runner. I am not gonna lie, it felt incredible.   "You have a lot of stamina" Coach commented. "Compared to who, coach?". I teased. "Do you wank off ALL the boys?" "No, Curtis, I've never done this before, and I have no idea why this is happening, I swear you have hypnotised me with this massive pendulum". He jested, still wanking me harder and faster. "A dick this big is just asking to be touched, isn't it coach?". I jested, "And believe me coach, your hands are fucking magic, this feels amazing". He seemed to be 'moved' by my compliment, as though he had been affirmed in some way, strange really considering that the praise I was giving him was in relation to his hand-job expertise. However strange, it seemed to provide him with the motivation to turn his 'skills' up a notch as he poured a plethora of massage oil over my dick and pumped hard as though drilling for oil, holding my dick with a firm grip. "Sit up". He ordered, as he jumped on the bench to sit behind me, mounting it like a horse. I was now sitting between his legs, and his right arm reached round and lay held of its prize again as he continued wanking me off. His other hand slid up inside my vest caressing my nipples and my abs, and I was pretty sure that his own boner was poking me. We lay back, my back resting on his chest as he brought me eventually to climax. I gave him no warning, except for the throbbing that his hand must have felt as my hot jizz shot out of my dick, up into the air, and landed on his forearm, several more shots followed out, and the last drops oozed out onto his hand. He used his other thumb to wipe my piss slit dry, and the two of us stood up and cleaned ourselves up. "Curtis, son" he sounded guilty. "I should not have done that" he echoed "this should never have happened". "The fuck it shouldn't, coach". I calmed his fears. "This has been the best training session ever, see you on Wednesday, coach". And that said, I left him to deal with his conscience alone. NUMBER 8 was fantastic. A man I truly respected, and still do. I rode the first bus back to central bristol and then waited to get the Keynsham bus back home. Ten minutes later the single decker bus pulled up at the stop, as I boarded, while presenting my day ticket to the driver, I was greeted with the sound of an excited raised voice declaring "Oh my, It's the boy I was just telling you about, Doris". To which the reply came. "It can't be Ivy, because this is the boy that I was telling YOU about". I was in shock, I half recognised both of them, but it took me a while to remember where I had seen them before. They seemed happy to see me, so I approached them and playfully said, with a massive smile on my face. "Ladies, ladies, one at a time please, I've had girls fighting over me for a few years now" I exaggerated, slightly, "But never have I been the fought over by such stunningly edible cougars as yourselves". "Do you remember us?" Ivy asked me. "Of course I do" I replied, "YOU are the lady who works in the corner-shop on High Street". I answered. "I handed in someone's wallet to you yesterday". "Correct". She beamed. Ivy was in her mid-sixties, she was plump, but not obese, with grey permed hair, and a little make-up on her friendly but ageing face. "He came back for it early this morning, kid, claiming that £80 had been stolen from it." She explained. "Mind you, he looked like he'd been in a fight, his face was badly cut and bruised, and he was walking with a limp." "Oh dear". I pretended. "Poor guy". "You shouldn't give that bastard any sympathy". Ivy continued. "The horrible things he was saying about you and your little brother, when you were in the shop together. He is a racist".   Ivy had assumed that Dwayne was my little brother, an error that I didn't correct, because I loved the idea of it.   "By the way". Ivy added. "I don't just 'work' in that shop, it is MY shop. I own it, and I live there too, upstairs in the flat above, we both live there" she said looking over at Doris. "This is my sister, Doris". Doris was older, perhaps in her early to mid 70's, she was thinner and taller than her sister, with shorter hair that was dyed brown. Her face was also wrinkly, but full of love. She looked affable, approachable, but deep down she was a tough resilient woman, the widow of a docker. "And I met you in the pool on Wednesday" I said to Doris "Your the one that said 'if only I was 50 years younger'." I laughed as Ivy gave Doris a disapproving look. They were both lovely, but it was clear that Doris was much more liberal than Ivy. "What?" Doris justified herself to her sister. "You weren't there, you didn't see it!" She corrected herself "I mean him, you didn't see HIM". "My sister has been talking about your 'swimming shorts accident' all week". Ivy explained. "Perhaps I reminded her of her husband" I guessed. "His LEG maybe, God rest his soul" she mocked, comparing my dick to her late husbands leg. "I saw your friend Nora yesterday" I said to Doris, changing the subject to another unwise one. "Oh yes young man" she beamed "I have heard all about that, too". "I don't think I want to know" Ivy chuckled. "So, young man, what's YOUR name?" "Curtis". I answered. "Curtis Denton" "Curtis, you are a lovely young man" Doris stated, softly. "Anytime you want to come and 'jam' with two old-and-past-it 'bitches' you know where to find us". We all laughed, though none as hard as Doris. "Do you have any job vacancies?" I asked Ivy. "Not at the moment, Curtis, but as soon as I do, the job is yours". It felt incredible to be trusted and admired. Doris and Ivy made me want to be a better person, without knowing it, they had even made me feel a little remorseful for going quite so far with Henry. I realised that Henry got the brunt of the anger that should have been directed at one Mr. Marques Denton, my bastard of a father, Henry had just been an easier target to take it out on, and because it was not totally undeserved, after all Henry is a racist prick, I had justified it to myself, but perhaps I had gone further than I should have. Doris and Ivy were interested in my life, they asked me about my athletics training, and about how I was doing in school. They asked me if I had a girlfriend, and I told them that I was working on. Dating Dwayne's sister, Gamu. They asked me about my family, and I was able to open up and confide in them about my dad's ineptitude and my mothers bi-polar and alcoholism. I shared with them many stories of having to bath my mother, clean up her vomit, how I had to cook and clean, and basically provide for myself as well as for her. Nobody has ever paid me this much attention before. It felt... um, warm. "How many bedrooms have you got in your house?". Ivy asked. "Three" I replied, "mine, mums and the spare room". "Why don't you rent the spare room out?" She suggested. "Rooms are going for about £75 a week, that would bring in enough to feed you and pay the gas and electric". I stepped over to their chair and kissed her. "Thank you". I almost cried in relief. "That is a perfect suggestion". Doris and Ivy stood up, to alight from the bus, and I followed them, actually I should have got off two stops ago, but I had just wanted to draw out the time with these two elderly angels. The bus stopped, and we got off. I kissed them both on their cheeks again and thanked them for their ear. "If you need a break from your situations", Ivy said, diplomatically "you know where we are, we have a big comfy couch that you can sleep on any time you need it".   I jogged home, thankful and elated. As I approached my street, I began to wonder what the reception would be like. Is mum gonna have calmed down? She was not home. I took of my tracksuit, socks and skins and threw them in the washing-machine, checking it for crockery first, of course. I rushed to my room and peeled the cover off my duvet, which certainly needed a wash after all the action it had seen lately. On my way back down I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and tied it around my waist, intending to shower once the washing-machine was running. Jingle bells suddenly resounded through the house. 'I need to change that fucking doorbell setting' I thought on my way to answering the door. It was PC Dave. I panicked. Hold on, he was not in uniform. Panic over. Dave was wearing a grey flannel Nike tracksuit and some grey Huarachis. "I've come for that chat" he announced in a patronising voice.   "Look" I started. "We have nothing to discuss fam, I seduced you, and I lied to you about my age, so YOU are off the hook, OK, its cool bruv, aint gonna be no repercussions". "It can never happen again, bro". He stated as though 'on record'.   'Who the fuck does he think he is?' I thought. "Don't flatter yourself officer". I taunted him, pissed off at his condescending tone. "It was aight, the way you sucked my fourteen-year-old dick," I stressed. "but your not all that, fam. I have got better head from twelve-year-old girls before". "That is not the sort of thing you should say to a police officer, Curtis".  I could land you in serious trouble. "Seriously, I don't think that there is anything" I emphasised "A-NAY-THANG that I cannot say to an officer of whom I have a video, clearly showing him sucking my under-age dick". I screwfaced. "I can admit to anything to you fam, and there is nothing you are gonna do about it, because I can destroy you" I carried on, testing the theory. "I smoke weed sometimes fam, in fact, I have weed upstairs in my bedroom right now, I have fucked about ten underage girls and I set one of them up to be fucked by an eleven year old boy yesterday and I stood by and filmed it. Fam, A teacher in my school is sucking my dick, what are you gonna do about that? And I steal breakfast from Patel's Mini-Market every morning, shall I go on?" I diverted from the truth. "I killed Princess fucking Diana fam, and Doody fucking Fayed or whatever his fucking name is. I shot Biggie, I spiked Amy fucking Winehouses drink on my way to drowing Whitney Houston in a bath. I have Madeline McCann locked in the under stairs cupboard, I run Keynsham's Al Qaida terror cell and I am plotting to blow up the clock-tower and there's not a muthafucking thing you can do about it because like Illuminati fam... I OWN YOUR ASS." My temper flared. "You came here on the pretence of being concerned about me, because my mother is mentally ill. Fam, my mother was mentally ill when I was SIX and I survived. I am taking care of my business fam and I don't need your fake concern when really all you came here for was to check that I aint gonna snake you because u sucked THIS DICK", I opened my towel, flashing at him.  "You Pussyole.  Well keep one eye over your shoulder nigga, or apply for a transfer, because you have fucked up OFFICER. Now get the fuck out of my house." PC Dave turned around and left without saying a word. 'Prick' I muttered under my breath. 'And I was in a good mood, too before you came'. I went to my room, fired up my laptop and opened gumtree. I scribed an advert, making sure I was slightly undercutting all the competition for a 'quick sale'. 'Small double room to let in Keynsham, 20min from Bristol, clean and tidy non-smoking house, £70 per week including bills, No DSS'. I uploaded a photo of the room and sent the ad live, including my mobile phone number. "God bless Ivy" I said to myself.   My phone pinged, it was a bbm invite from 'Gamu'. I accepted and sent her 'about time, princess'. She replied 'Not all africans think they are princesses, u know'. 'Not all africans could carry the title' I flirted. 'Mummy always tells me to be wary of a boy with smooth flattering words'. 'Would she rather I called you 'bitch',' I replied. 'Looooool'. 'How's my kid brother, Dwayne?' I asked. 'Yhn wat's with you hanging round with a primary school boy?' She asked apparently sarcastically. 'I ain't got a brother, so I borrowed yours' I stated. 'Your welcome to him' she mocked. 'I wanna hear you play the violin' I said, trying to appear as genuinely interested as I am.   'That could be arranged' she replied. 'By the way' I changed the subject, 'we are gonna have beautiful kids'. 'Loooooooool, are we now?'. 'Its in Gods hands' I said, remembering her parents were religious. She responded with the 'hug' smilie, and with that our first conversation drew to a halt. I didn't wanna appear over-keen, so I decided to wait for HER to talk to ME next time. My phone rang. It was Kemal. "Bro, I hope you don't mind me phoning, but, its just that your mum is here in the shop, and she has been sitting here since 11am this morning. She doesn't look well, mate." "Thanks fam, I'm on my way". I replied, I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 15:08. She had been sitting there for four hours. I threw my grey shorts and a blue string vest on, and put my trainers on and putting the door on the latch, I ran down the road to the Kebab shop, as I entered the shop Kemal and I bumped fists, I mouthed 'sorry, fam', and I went and sat by my mum. "Are you real?" She said, looking totally lost. "Yes ma, I'm real" I took her hands in mine. She burst into tears, "Thank Jesus, I thought I'd imagined you". She said, as though her words were rational. "I thought I'd aborted you, baby". "I'm here ma, let's go home". "Ok baby" she conformed. "Is your father at home?" She asked. "No ma," I explained, ready to make up a lie, to lighten to blow. "He has gone to visit nana Florence in Jamaica, he'll be back by christmas". "I do miss him" she said, following me out of the shop and across the road. "He is a good man, your father". I got mum safely inside and sat her on the couch, she was still wearing her mud-stained nighty and a pair of slippers. I went to the kitchen and warmed up yesterdays leftovers, the only thing in the house there was to eat, and we sat watching re-runs of 'You've Been Framed' all afternoon in eerie silence, no-one laughed, and hardly a word was spoken. Mum drifted off to sleep, I woke her, only to assist her up to her room. I rooted around in her drawer for a clean nighty. She lifted the soiled one over her head, revealing to me afresh the back that paid a constant reminder of Marques' brutality. Her back was covered in cigarette burn marks and scars. How I hate him.  I vowed again to 'take him out'. Mum dressed in her clean nighty and climbed under her covers. I had become the parent, and she, the child. I read to her from a card that nana Florence had sent some years ago, with a poem on it called 'Footprints'. As I closed, she fell soundly asleep, like a baby, soothed by the purring of a car engine. I went to the kitchen and cleared up our very late lunch, hung my washing on the line, and then jumped on my bike and rode to the shops. I put £10 on the electricity key and £10 on the gas card, I bought £30 worth of food, searching through the 'reduced' section and being very resourceful with my limited funds. I had spent £5 on my bus fare today, and I had £5 left to get to training on Wednesday. That left me with nothing. A lesser person would have felt vulnerable, but I was feeling empowered.   Today had been a challenging day, I had become more acquainted with my weaknesses and I did not like it. I was becoming unexplainedly infatuated with Dwayne, I had poured my heart out to two old ladies I barely knew and I had held back tears today, in dealing with my mum. But as I walked back home with four bags of shopping, pushing my bike, regretting bringing it, I vowed to man-up. Although freshly acquainted with my weaknesses, I had also proven to myself that I am tough and ready to face my battles. I had put Henry in his place, and PC Dave for that matter, I was 'geared up' to tackle my father and I was certainly 'taking care of business at home'. The weight on my shoulders was heavy, but I was realising just how broad-shouldered I could be. I reached home, loaded the gas and electric, unpacked the shopping and checked on mum who was still soundly sleeping. I retired to my room, took out the piece of paper and wrote by Amelia 'Vince's daughter?', and by Jade 'Vince's daughter?' The field was narrowing slightly. It could be BOTH of those two white girls, but it could not be BOTH Tabita AND Fiona as one of the pregnant girls has a white-white-van-driving dad. Jingle Bells sounded again. 'Who the fuck is it now' I thought. I looked out of my window and saw two police officers and a woman in plain clothes. 'Fuck' I thought. I wasn't sure if they had come about PC Dave, or about Henry, or maybe about shoplifting. I weighed up whether to run or not. 'If I run, they'll know I'm guilty'. I decided to answer the door and face the music. "Are you Curtis Denton?". "What's up officers? I said, avoiding the question. "Curtis, where were you between the hours of 8pm and 9pm last night?" "I was here". I lied. One of the police officers introduced the lady in plain clothes, she was from the Youth Offenders Team. He then proceeded with, "Curtis, you are going to have to come with us to be questioned at the Station, are your parents home?". "No" I lied. "Dad is in Jamaica and mum is visiting a friend, she will be back later". "Then Mrs. Price from YOT will act as your appropriate adult". The officer explained. "You cannot make me go with you". I hoped. "Yes I can Curtis". The officer confirmed. "Curtis Denton, I am arresting you on suspicion of GBH, you do not have to say anything, but anything you do say may be taken down and used in evidence against you". And with that, they hand-cuffed me, and lead me into the back of the police car, which sped off to the police station.   ----------------------------------------   If you have enjoyed this chapter please email me at quoting 'curtis seduces'. I will write chapter 9 if I know people are still reading.