Author: MikeCA
Title: Flowers and a Phone Call
Part: Chapter 6
Universe: Pure Strip Poker
Summary: Lary meets Mary and is drawn into a series of strip poker games as their relationship slowly develops.
Keywords: MF, oral

Pure Strip Poker

By MikeCA (

@(C) Copyright 1998-9 by MikeCA, all rights reserved, except those 
described below. Permission is granted to download, archive, and 
repost provided that the contents are not altered, including the 
disclaimers, copyrights and limitations on use and provided that no 
fee is charged for access.

Pure Strip Poker

Chapter 6 Flowers and a Phone Call

My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary 
had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this 
mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up 
after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I 
supposed to do? 

Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. 
Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the 
pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So condoms was what I 
needed. I didn't have any. I wasn't at all prepared for this. I guess you 
should always bring a condom with you on a date, just in case.

Kat reappeared out of her bedroom with a small bag. 

"Good night, be good..." she said, as she grabbed Jacks arm and they 
walked towards the door.

"But not too good," smiled Jack as the door closed.

 "Uh ... Mary," I said. "Maybe I should go get some ... uh... 

Mary paused. "Oh..." she said. After a few seconds, she smiled. "I 
don't think we'll need that, ... not tonight."

What did that mean? Was she really on the pill? Were we not going to 
do anything? What did Mary mean? Why was she being so 

Mary walked over with a smile on her face and held out her hand. 
"Come on..." she said. She led me towards Kat's bedroom. 

"You've had a lot of excitement in the last two nights," Mary said, 
smiling up at me. "How many naked women have you seen?" 

I started to count them in my head, when I realized Mary had meant it 
as a rhetorical question.

"I think you have a problem," she said, as she turned and 
grabbed my crotch with one hand. "Oooooh..." she exclaimed. "A big 

Mary pulled me through the bedroom door and pushed it closed 
behind me. Mary reached her lips up towards mine and her arms 
embraced me. Our lips met. How are you supposed to kiss? I had 
never really kissed a girl. The tongue, that's it. I spread my lips and 
our tongues met. What're you suppose to do with your tongue? I 
gently felt around Mary's tongue with mine. Was I doing this right? 
Mary had a broad smile as our lips parted which gave me confidence 
that I must have done it approximately right.

Mary knelt down and unfastened my jeans and pulled them down to 
just above my knees. My erection was now in my left boxer short leg 
and Mary prided open the front of my boxers and it popped straight 
out. Mary looked up at me and smiled, then stuck out her tongue and 
slowly licked the underside of my member from the base all the way 
to the swollen head. As her tongue reached the head, I felt this electric 
thrill like nothing I had ever felt before. 

If Mary had done that a second time, I probably would have cum right 
then, but instead Mary looked up at me. "Why don't you get 
comfortable on the bed?"

I waddled over to the bed with my jeans half way down my legs. As I 
sat on the edge of the bed, Mary helped me take my shoes off again, 
then pulled my jeans completely off and finally my boxers. 

Mary wrapped her right hand around my shaft and began to slowly 
move her hand up and down the shaft. She reached out with her 
tongue and licked a spot of pre-cum off the head, running her tongue 
around inside her mouth, then she looked up at me, smiled and opened 
her mouth and placed the whole head in her mouth. Her tongue moved 
over the sensitive underside of the head as she slowly worked my 
member back and forth in her mouth. I felt the muscles tighten and 
that intense pleasure swell beyond tolerance in just a few strokes of 
Mary's tongue. The first shot of cum into Mary's mouth obviously 
caught her completely off guard, and she pulled her face back in 
surprise. The second and third contraction shot streaks of cum across 
the front of her sweater, which caused her to shriek in surprise and 
move to the side out of the way of the rest, which fell harmlessly on 
the carpet.

I looked up and saw Mary smiling, almost giggling, as she looked 
down at the stains on her sweater. "I'll get something to clean this up 
with," she said and walked out of the bedroom.

I had been lying down on the bed, with my feet of the edge of the bed 
on the floor, and as I regained my senses, I pushed myself back up 
into a sitting position. Mary came back in carrying a damp wash rag 
and wiping the front of her sweater. She knelt down in front of me and 
wiped the last drops of cum off the end of my still partially erect 
penis. Then she moved back, looked at the rug and wiped up the cum 
spots from it.

Mary looked down at my partially erect penis and smiled. As she 
gazed at it, I felt it begin to stiffen again. Mary got up and bent over to 
kiss me on the lips again. My tongue met hers only for an instant. 
Then Mary stood up. 

"I think we better get going, Larry," she said. "It's getting late." 

I knew that the strip poker game had taken a long time, but I had no 
idea what time it was. As I grabbed my boxers to put them back on I 
looked for a clock, and noticed it was slightly after 1 AM. I pulled my 
boxers on, then my jeans, and finally tied my shoes. What should I do 
now? What should I say? Mary had just given me my first blowjob. 
What were you expected to do afterwards?  

Mary had disappeared out of the bedroom again, and she reappeared, 
this time without the wash rag. I got up off the bed, walked towards 
Mary and extended my hand to her. She took my hand and I lead her 
out of the bedroom, turning off the lights as I left. I found my jacket in 
the living room and put it on. Mary put her jacket on, and I extended 
her my hand again. We walked hand in hand out of the apartment to 
the elevator. I tried to think of what I should say, but my mind was 
blank, so I just smiled at Mary.

Mary broke the silence. "I don't think Connie is really a very good 
poker player. She probably shouldn't have tried to play tonight." 

"Well, she certainly had bad luck," I replied.

"Connie was just playing her cards," Mary said as we got on the 
elevator. "Not reading the other players."

"You took a big chance on that last hand, didn't you?" I asked.

"Well...not really," replied Mary. "It was obvious Connie was very 
happy with her hand before the draw. She took three cards, and had no 
reaction at all to her three new cards, so I figured she must have a high 
pair. I had a pair of aces, so the only thing I was really worried about 
was that she had the other pair of aces."

"Gee...uh, I didn't notice that," I said. I had known Mary was a good 
poker player, but I had not realized how observant she really was.

As the elevator door slid open in the lobby, Mary smiled. "Yeah, I 
know. You were a little distracted during that last hand."

"I suppose, I should thank you for not forcing me or Pam to remove 
our panties at the end," Mary continued as we walked out the lobby. 

If I had been sure that Mary was going to win that last hand, I 
probably would have forced her to drop her panties, but I wasn't 
going to tell her that. 

"A girl has to leave some mystery for next time," Mary said with a 
smile spreading over her face.

Next time? Was Mary planning yet another strip poker game? Hadn't 
losing her bra in this game been enough for her, at least for a while. 
Or did `next timer' refer to something else. Why were girls always so 
ambiguous about these things?

"Can I ask you what you had on the second to last hand?" Mary said.

I smiled. "A pair of eight's."

"So you did bluff Vicky," said Mary. "I thought you were bluffing at 
the time. I guess Vicky is not that good a poker player either."

"Please don't tell Vicky," I said. "Kat said she would be really mad if 
she found out."

"You told Kat about bluffing Vicky?" asked Mary.

"Well, after Vicky told everybody what she had, Kat ask me what I 
had, so I told her," I replied.

"I expect Kat will tell Vicky about it tomorrow," Mary said.

"I asked her not to," I said.

"Well, they're roommates," said Mary. "Even if Kat swore on a stack 
of bibles not to tell Vicky, I would bet she does anyway." 

This was another aspect of the female of the species that I have never 
completely understood. Way back in junior high school I had learned 
that if you wanted to keep a secret, you never told it to a girl. You 
could tell your best buddy it was a secret, and he would never tell 
another sole, but if you told a girl, and asked her to keep it a secret, 
everyone in school would know the next day.

"Well, I hope Vicky is not too vengefully," I said. "I didn't cheat or 
anything. I just bluffed her fair and square. I wasn't even really trying 
to bluff her. I thought she had a lower pair, and figured I either had 
her beat, or I might bluff her out of a marginal pair."

"I know," Mary said. "If she asks, I'll tell her that."

We were now approaching Mary's dorm.  

"Look, it's late," Mary said as we entered the lobby. "I'm sure my 
roommate is asleep already, so I'll just say good night here in the 

Mary turned in front of me reached up and planted a kiss on my 
cheek. Then she hesitated and pulled my ear down.

"I know I didn't do a very good job tonight..." she whispered. 
"It...It...It was my first time... You could probably tell, uh." 

I nodded my head, but it was my first time too, and I really thought 
Mary had done just fine.

Then she pulled my ear down again.

"I'll do better next time," she whispered. She gave me another peck 
on the cheek, turned, walked quickly away, and vanished down a hall.

Next time! The thought that leaped to mind was that Mary could 
practice all she wanted on me, until she got it perfect. We could have 
lessons every day. Heck, we could have lessons several times a day. 
But I didn't think I would ever tell her any of that.

As I walked back to the dorm, I was thinking, I had just had my first 
sexual experience! It was just a blowjob, but that still qualifies as a 
sexual experience. And Mary clearly liked me. See even said wanted 
to give me more and better blowjobs! Well, that wasn't exactly what 
she said, but it's what I thought she meant.

When I got back to the dorm room, Marc was just getting into bed. He 
didn't say much of anything that night except hi, but my big dumb 
smile must have given away the fact that something had happened, 
because Sunday morning, when we finally got up for lunch Marc tried 
to give me some advice.

"It looks like you hit it off pretty well with Mary last night, uh?" Marc 

"Yeah," I replied. "I guess you could say that."

"Well I don't mean to pry, but can I give you a couple pieces of 
advice based on my experience with the fairer sex?"

"Uh...ok," I said.

"First, girls are insecure," Marc said. "It doesn't matter how many 
times you told Mary last night you loved her, this morning Mary woke 
up wondering if you only wanted her for her body." 

I couldn't remember ever telling Mary I loved her last night. Should I 
have told her I loved her? If a girl gives you a blowjob, are you 
expected to tell her you love her? Did I love Mary? 

"So what can you do about this?" Marc continued. "Two things, first: 
Flowers. After that big score, the next morning you got to send the 
girl flowers. If you send Mary flowers today, it will make Mary feel 
good about whatever you guys did last night. Believe me, from 
experience, it works every time." 

"The second thing, after you take care of the flowers, you got to call. 
A girl is going to start to get worried if you don't call her right away. I 
know, I know, you made plans last night, and nothing has changed, 
and you feel silly calling when you have nothing to say, but trust me 
on this. Go down to Stewart's, buy her a nice bouquet of flowers, 
leave it for her at her dorm, then tonight, after you're sure she has 
gotten the flowers, call her. Tell her you love her again. Tell her you 
are already missing her. Tell her any bit of romantic sounding BS you 
want. It doesn't really matter what you say. Just talk to her."

I must have had a really confused look on my face at this point.

"I know all of this sounds weird," Marc continued. "But trust me. 
Girls think about these things differently. They need this kind of 
continuous reinforcement or they start getting weird ideas in their 
heads. This advice is based on my vast experience with the fairer sex. 
I consider flowers followed by the call to be my patented secret 
method for turning a hot date into a steady girl friend."

I wonder if Marc had a patented secret method for turning a simple 
date into a `hot date', or, for that matter, for turning an unattached co-
ed into a date in the first place. I bet his charming smile and handsome 
face had a lot to do with it. 

Oh well, flowers and a phone call wouldn't hurt, but...did I really 
want Mary as a steady girlfriend? Did I love Mary? Well...I wasn't 
sure. I wasn't sure I knew what being in love meant. They always said 
if you had to ask, then you weren't in love. I guess that meant I was 
just lusting after Mary. Well...what's wrong with that? My mother 
always told me that any `loving' relationship starts with that `chemical 
attraction', and that `love' part comes later, when you get to know 
each other better. Ok, so I'll lust after Mary for a while, and see what 

The flower part would be easy. You just go buy the flowers and drop 
them at the desk in Mary's dorm. No sweat. The phone call tonight is 
the hard part. What do you tell Mary? Do you tell her you `love' her, 
even though you think your just lusting after her? That doesn't seem 
right. What do your tell Mary is the reason you gave her the flowers? 
Because she gave you a blowjob? No way. Because she looked good 
sans clothes last night? Not good either. Because you liked her? That 
sounded lame. Well, I'd have to think of something.

After lunch when I got to Stewart's, they only had three arranged 
vases of flowers left in the cooler. I guess I wasn't the only one who 
knew Marc's secret. Two of the arrangements were roses and some 
white flowers. They were forty-eight bucks. The other one was some 
white and blue daisy like flowers and was only twenty-three bucks. 
Budgetary considerations made the daisies an easy choice.

At the cash register the clerk handed me a little card for the flowers. I 
had forgotten that I needed a card. Now I had to figure out what to say 
on the card. You can't say `really like you' on a card, so what can you 
say? After staring at the blank card for several minutes, I wrote `Love' 
and signed Larry underneath. You always sign cards and letters to 
friends with `Love', even though there's no romantic relationship 
implied, so it should be all right on a card with flowers, right?

I dropped the vase at Mary's dorm and went back to try to do some 
homework. I had this German test coming up and I really had to do 
some studying. Boy, I hate German. I tried to study, but I just 
couldn't. I ended in the lounge watching football on TV until 

After dinner I figured it was time for the big phone call. I hadn't 
thought of anything better to say, so I guess all I could just say was I 
`really liked' Mary. We hadn't made any plans last night. If I had 
been thinking straight I would have ask Mary out next Friday or 
Saturday night, but I had been too starry eyed for that, so I could say I 
was calling to see if she was busy next Friday. That sounded like a 
good plan. It at least seemed like a reasonable excuse for calling.

I found the little card from some restaurant that Mary had written her 
number on the first night in my desk and dialed the number. A girl 
answered the phone, but it didn't sound much like Mary. 

"Could I speak with Mary," I said.

"Oh, I think she's down the hall. I'll try to get her."

While I waited for what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a 
minute, I studied the restaurant card Mary had used for her number. It 
was a Japanese restaurant someplace down town. How had this 
restaurant card ended up in Mary's purse? Did Mary like Japanese 

I heard a voice in the background that sounded like Mary. "Who is 

The first voice responded. "Didn't say."

"Hello," Mary said.

"Hi, Mary. This is Larry," I said.

"Oh. I thought so," Mary said. "The flowers were very sweet of you. 
That was very thoughtful."
"Well thank you," I said. "The reason I called was I was wondering 
what you were doing next Friday. Maybe we could go someplace."

"Yeah, I'd like that," Mary replied. "What did you have in mind."

"Well..." actually I hadn't thought about that yet, but I had to say 
something. "Do you like Japanese food?"

"Yeah," Mary replied. "Have you been to that little place downtown 
off the mall?" 

"No, but I've heard it's good," I lied. 

"Well, great then," Mary replied. "Say listen, I talked to Vicky this 
afternoon. Kat told her what you had on that hand. She's a little mad. 
She thinks they lost because you bluffed her."

"It's not cheating," I protested.

"I know, I know," Mary said. "I tried to explain it to her. I told her 
you weren't really trying to bluff her. You thought she had a lower 
hand and were just playing aggressively because you were ahead right 
then, but she's still pretty pissed."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to cause trouble or anything."

"Oh don't worry too much about it," Mary said. "I kind of stuck my 
foot in my mouth. I told her the real reason she lost was that neither 
Connie or her were really that good poker players. Now she wants me 
to give her poker lessons so she can do better next time."

"Next time!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that," Mary giggled. "Vicky wants to 
have another game to...ah...get even with you and Jack."

"Get even," I said. "What does she want. I was in my underpants half 
the game, and Jack dropped his at the end. What does she expect is 
going to happen."

" know," Mary said. "She wants to not be on the losing 
team. Maybe I can talk her out of it. We'll see."

"Ok," I said. "Well, I've got this German test I have to study for, so 
I'll talk with you latter in the week. Ok."

"Bye," Mary said, and then made a kissing sound.

As I hung up the phone, I felt confused. Things seem to be going well 
with Mary. Marc's idea of the flowers and a phone call had worked 
pretty well, even if Mary wasn't exactly my `steady girlfriend' yet, 
but Vicky? I hadn't done anything to Vicky. She was the one who 
brought up the whole topic of strip poker that started the whole thing 
last night, and now she's mad at me because she lost. 

Oh well. At least I had a date with Mary for next Friday night. It 
should be just the two of us, so there would be no possibility of a strip 
poker game that night. That was before Mary altered our plans a little.

Continued in Chapter 7

Comments, criticism, encouragement, corrections or suggestions are 
welcome. I try to answer all my email, although I sometimes get 
behind. MikeCA(