Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. We took our car . Carol was driving and I was sitting in the front between her and Norma. " Take your cute little pecker out puppy boy and make it hard for me" I knew at this point it was useless to not obey them and risk getting slapped around so I took out my pecker out and stroked it. It was immediately hard. " That's a good boy. Now get your hand off it" Norma lit a cigarette and held it in the same hand that she reached over to hold my cock. She slowly stroked my cock then withdrew her hand and took a drag off her cigarette. Then she again held my cock. But this time she had the cigarette in her other hand. " You know puppy boy I could take my cigarette and burn that worthless little pecker and watch you squirm. What do you think Carol. Would it be fun to watch little puppy boy scream and squirm some?" Norma handed the cigarette to Carol and she took a drag from it. " Where would you burn it Norma on the tip or on the side" I was getting increasingly nervous with the conversation and was already squirming. " I think I would start on the side and work my way to the tip for the finale" Both women laughed out loud at that comment. Carol handed the cigarette back to Norma. After taking a drag she held the cigarette close to the side of my now deflated cock. "Didn't I tell you to keep that worthless little pecker hard?" "Yes mam" I stroked my cock but it wouldn't get hard with Norma holding the cigarette close to it. I was too frightened to concentrate on getting an erection" " You are pitiful puppy boy. Let me help you" Norma gently stroked my cock and it immediately got hard. Then she brought the lit end of the cigarette closer to the side of my cock. "I think little puppy boy is excited about getting burnt. Look how hard his little thing is" Just then she brushed the side of my cock with the cigarette and it made me jump and yelp. That sent the two women into a fit of laughing "Did you here him yelp Carol he sounded just like a little puppy" Norma took another drag before putting the cigarette out just as we pulled into the parking lot of a adult super store. I was surprised as I had expected them to take me to a pet supply to get a collar and leash " Put you pathetic little pecker back in your pants puppy and follow us" I walked behind the two of them as we entered the store. There were about a dozen men and one woman in the store browsing around and the men took notice of the two women. Both Carol and Norma were dressed in light weight summer skirts and blouses and neither had on a bra. Their nipples pressed against the flimsy material that clearly outlined their beautiful breast and nipples. They walked loudly in their high heels on the tiled floor and walked as if they were on a runway strutting their stuff knowing that all eyes were on them. They walked up to the counter where a rough looking older man stood gawking at them. "Can I help you ladies" Carol spoke up loud enough for everyone in the store to hear " I need a collar and a leash for my puppy" The man gazed at me with a wry smile and took some boxes out of the shelves behind the counter. " Here look these over and I have more in back if these don't suit you" Norma immediately grabbed a collar that was leather with a soft velvet lining " Get over here puppy and let me try this on you" My face was red with embarrassment and I considered running out the door,but I meekly obeyed Norma. Some of the men that had been milling around the store were inching closer to us and being quite obvious in their excitement. Norma fastened the collar around my neck and tightened it uncomfortably tight. Carol brought a leather leash to me and fastened it on the collar and handed it to Norma. "He looks so cute with that on Carol. I just know he's going to love it " " Is there anything I can help you ladies with" Carol pointed to a large black dildo in the glass cabinet and the the man brought it out and handed it to her. Carol fondled it and stroked it and smiled as she handed it to Norma for her inspection. " What do you think Norma is it about the same size as Graig's " " I think Graig is a little bit thicker but it's close enough ' Norma then asked the clerk if he had any strap-ons about the same size as the dildo. The clerk eagerly went and brought out several strap-ons for their inspection. Again Carol fondled and stroked them checking them closely and selected a black one of the same size. "What else do we need Norma" "We better get some gel and a nice riding crop would be fun" The clerk eagerly piled up the equipment on the counter pleased at the large sale he was envisioning. " Can you think of anything else Norma " Now almost everyone in the store was standing within ten feet of us unabashedly staring . Several of the men were obviously turned and the bulges in their pants was quite evident. "Yes carol I think we better check out the some restraints' The clerk was eager to get more sales and started suggesting ankle and writs cuffs and brought out several for their inspection. "Is this what you ladies had in mind? or would you be interested in other types of restraints?" Norma picked out a pair of ankle and wrist cuffs that were leather. "What other restraints do you have" "We have a fine selection of cock restraints if that would interest you" " Yes I'd love to see them' The clerk laid several on the counter and started explaining how they worked and what features they possessed. "This is our top of the line . It's gold plated and has amazing features it can be placed on with or without the barbs and it will allow a person to urinate while it's on but restrict any expansion of the penis. And with the barb feature it will not only restrict but cause severe pain." " We'll take that and thanks for the help" "You're quite welcome ladies and will that be cash or charge" Carol glared at me momentarily " Don't just stand there looking stupid give the man your credit card" Norma yanked on my leash pulling me to the counter. I paid the clerk and he bagged everything up. and handed the bags to me. Norma again yanked on the leash as she led me out. I was beyond being humiliated at this point as the two women strutted in front of me as Norma led me by the leash. We passed several people on the way to the parking lot and got some intense stares. Norma and Carol seemed oblivious to them . I just kept my head bowed down and scurried along behind them. Again I was positioned between them as we drove off. The two women spoke excitedly about all that they had purchased as we drove " I can't wait to try out these puppy toys Carol especially the cock restraint. What about you puppy boy are you excited about you new toys? Answer before I slap your face" I was close to tears and my voice cracked as I answered "Yes mam" " take out your little pecker for us puppy boy and make it hard" My cock was already hard as I withdrew it from my pants "look Carol he's already turned on about his toys . What a good little puppy" Norma patted me on the head " If you keep up this good behavior puppy boy we'll give you a special treat and let your little pecker cum for us. Would you like that?' " Yes mam' I had only ever masturbated for carol and the thought of Norma participating had me on the verge of cumming and I purposely strained to keep from having an ejaculation. My balls were aching at this point and I would have done anything for some relief. Norma took a cigarette from a pack and held it close to her lips. Then she slapped me . "Pay attention little pup. Don't you see that I need a light" I mumbled something about not having a lighter. Norma handed me a lighter " make sure you always have a lighter handy . Understand ?" "yes mam" I lit her cigarette. she took a couple of drags and handed it to Carol . carol casually smoked the rest of it as we continued home. I was thankful that there were no neighbors out by our driveway as Norma led me to the house by my collar. Carol instructed me to undress for them as they sat in the soft living room chairs "Go fix us a drink puppy boy" It felt odd walking around naked with a collar on and the leash dangling down my back. I fixed them their favorite drinks and returned with them . "kneel at my feet' I knelt close to Carol's feet. My cock was straining at this point and all I could do was think about how to please them so that I would be allowed to cum To be continued