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Thank you for your consideration. -------------------------------------------------------- The Seduction of Jennifer by Karen Kay (karen@karenkayonline.com) *** A typical suburban husband who loves browsing the internet looking at interracial porn learns that his gorgeous wife has been teasing their black neighbor and is afraid she might cheat on him behind his back. His black neighbor decides to come up with a plan to seduce the wife before she decides to cheat with a complete stranger. The black man even explains to the husband that he will allow him to watch. (MF, wife, intr, reluc, voy, rom) *** Chapter 1 Mark kept flicking the pages on the internet site until he found just the right image he was searching for. It was a lovely blonde and she was on her knees sucking a huge black cock. Mark studied the way her dainty white fingers were circled around the thick shaft. The camera got a nice shot of her diamond wedding ring as her lips locked onto that thick shaft. He quickly unzipped his pants taking out his semi-hard cock and began to beat off while starring at the image. She was lovely with long golden blonde hair. She resembled his wife, Jennifer down to every little detail. Her hair, her lips, her nose and the way her chin looked all reminded him of his lovely wife. Yeah, that's what attracted him to this picture. Ironically, Jennifer resembled Jennifer Aniston with long silky legs and a nice figure much like the famous actress. Jennifer's breasts were slightly larger but everything about her was an even match for sure. Mark kept stroking his cock trying to image that was Jennifer's lips circled around that massive black cock. He kept stroking faster and faster until he was ready to cum. Suddenly there was a knock at the screen door. Mark hurriedly tucked his cock back into his pants and quickly zipped himself up before standing up and looking toward the back door. It was their new neighbor, Clifton. "Come on in, Clifton. I didn't know it was you." Clifton walked in carrying a bowl of something as the screen door slammed shut behind him. Clifton was a tall slim black guy about six-five. He hand long fingers like an NBA player and reminded Mark of a player for fact. "What's up, Mark? Is Jennifer home?" "She went out shopping about an hour ago, she should be home soon." Clifton walked in handing the bowl to Mark. Mark noticed Clifton was staring at the computer screen. "Oh, Uh, I was just looking at a few pictures on the net." Clifton chuckled before replying. "I see you were. She looks like she has her hands full doesn't she?" Clifton ended the sentence with a laugh. Mark held the bowl while leaning over and clicked the image off the screen. "Hey, you needn't do that on my account. I just wanted to bring this homemade soup over for your wife to try." Mark felt a little embarrassed. "Oh, well, uh, I was just fooling around anyway. If Jennifer were home she'd be pissed if she caught me looking at porn again." "Oh, really. You mean she doesn't like porn or just won't let you look at it?" Mark carried the bowl into the kitchen as Clifton followed and looked back as he walked and replied. "Both!" Clifton chuckled again. "It's perfectly nature, Mark. People have sex." He laughed again as he added. "Don't tell me you don't have sex with your wife!" Mark laughed. "That's not it at all, Clifton, it's a long story I'd rather forget." "Oh, you got my curiosity going now Mark. Jennifer seems like such a nice pleasant woman. I figured you two had a wonderful sex life together." Uh, not to change the subject, but should I put this in the frig or what?" Clifton laughed. "Yeah, you better keep it chilled until she's ready to re-heat it. I gave her the receipt last week and wanted her to try it first." Mark put the bowl in the frig. Clifton was pulling a chair out from the kitchen table and sat down by the time Mark turned around. "So, Mark. Tell me why Jennifer won't allow you to look at porn. Is she jealous of other women?" Mark sat down on the other side as he laughed and shook his head, no. "It's not that at all Clifton. I really wish I could tell you more but it's a private thing between the two of us, that's all." "Oh, well... I understand. Let me give you a little advice if I may." Mark crossed his arms and starred over at Clifton as he leaned forward starring directly into Mark's eyes. "I know it's none of my business but looking at porn is completely healthy for married couples like yourselves. If I might say, it enhances the experience and sometimes teaches you along the way." Mark laughed as he shook his head back and forth. "I never said Jennifer wasn't a good lover or anything. I just said she doesn't like porn or me even mentioning it in the house." Clifton leaned back in the chair starring at mark as he crossed his arms. He sat there a moment just starring until Mark smiled and said. "What?" "There's something you're not telling me. I can feel it." Mark stood up nervously laughing and shaking his hands back and forth as he said. "Really, there isn't anything wrong, Clifton." Clifton stood up and pushed the chair back under the table. "OK, I understand. It's between you and your wife." Mark was nervously trying to laugh it off as he followed Clifton to the back door. Clifton turned around as he pushed on the screen door. "Tell the Missus to try that soup." Mark listened to the sound of the thin wooden door as it slammed back against the jamb. He starred out the door watching Clifton walk back through the small gate that divided their back yard. Clifton turned and starred at the door as he pushed the gat shut. Their eyes met briefly with a quick stare until Mark turned away. Mark sighed as he hurriedly walked back to the computer and sat back down clicking the web site back on he had previously been before being interrupted. He still had time to cum before Jennifer came home. He eased the zipper down and arched up pulling his cock out than sat back down in the chair as he searched for the image he had found resembling his wife. He began stroking his cock but soon found himself thinking about the last argument he and Jennifer got into about swinging. He started to go soft but furiously worked his fingers on his cock trying to save his hard-on but it wasn't working. "Damn it!" Mark kept messaging his now semi-hard cock as he starred at the picture thinking about Jennifer. He'd mentioned it several times over the past two years. She always ended the discussion with a flat out, No! She wanted no part of the swinging lifestyle. He thought about Clifton for a moment. How could he have explained to his neighbor that it wasn't about him looking at porn? How could he tell the man who just moved in next door little over a month ago that he'd asked his wife to swing with a black man? It wasn't that Mark wasn't happy with his sex life, it was just the fact that he wanted to experience what those husbands did on that web site he'd been visiting. He wanted to watch his own wife fuck a black guy. He wanted Jennifer to become a black cock loving whore. He wanted her to do it for him and her benefit! After all, was it asking too much of his wife to fuck another man? He explained repeatedly how much he approved of her seeing another man. All he wanted was to watch. He even brought up the fact that he had no interest in swinging with another couple. She'd never have to worry about him wanting strange pussy, that's for sure! Mark finally gave up after stroking his cock a while longer. He heard Jennifer's car pull up and quickly shut off the computer. He helped carry the groceries into the house. "Clifton was here while you were gone. He bought you a bowl of his homemade soap he wanted you to try." Jennifer smiled as she put the last two cans away on the shelf. "Oh, I forgot he told me he was bringing it over today. I'll have to thank him." Jennifer kissed her husband before opening the frig to retrieve the bowl while Mark starred out the back door and saw Clifton working in his back yard. Several weeks had passed. Jennifer was beginning to learn all sorts of new recipes she learned from Clifton. After all, Clifton was home all day since he was retired from the Navy. It must be nice only being in your forties and be able to spend most of your times with the neighbors wife. I think your getting the picture now. Yes, I always thought about Jennifer and Clifton getting it on. I can't tell you how many times I jerked myself off with that mental picture of Jennifer sucking Clifton's thick black cock. So, I guess your wondering how I know Clifton is hung like a miniature horse? You see, we joined the same fitness club together several weeks back. I saw him walking out of the shower one afternoon and couldn't belief what he had hanging between his legs. I learned a lot about Clifton. I always wondered why he never married. He finally broke down one afternoon and told me his wife was killed in a car crash when he was young. He ended up joining the Navy and never looked back. He said he traveled a lot over that time and never really thought about settling down. As it turned out, Clifton has become really good friends with me and my wife. I spend time at the club three times a week with Clifton. I listen to him talk about things he and Jennifer cooked that afternoon. Clifton kind of caught me off my guard one afternoon when we were driving home from the club. It sort of hit me for a loop that's for sure. Here we are driving back from the club. Clifton has me take a detour across town to the seedy area where they have these adult video rental places and things of that nature. We parked in front of the tattoo parlor and I thought Clifton was joking around when he pointed to the little shop next door that said, adult movies. Clifton is always telling jokes. I never know when to take him serious. We walked into the shop. There was a young female clerk working at the counter. She was reading a book or something when we stepped inside. She stopped momentarily to smile at us than went back reading whatever. Clifton was ahead of me and turned and gave me a silly grin after looking at the clerk. I looked to see what he was grinning about and noticed she had a huge pair of boobs and mostly exposed. I figured that must be a way to keep customers coming back for more movies. We started looking down the rolls of movies until Clifton came across the interracial section. "Check this one out, Mark." Clifton gave me one that had a picture of a black guy the size of him. There was a pretty young blonde kneeling down next to the black guy holding onto that large sack between his legs. We spent at least thirty minutes walking back and forth down that interracial movie isle until it was about time for me to be home for dinner. Clifton stopped up near the counter and started looking through the glass showcase. I leaned over to see what he was looking at. There were dozens of different kind of condoms lined up across the glass shelf. "Tell me, Mark. If you were going to use one of these on a hot chick, which one you pick out?" I laughed and looked at Clifton who was looking back at me but looked serous. "OK, let me have a look here." I studied the condoms and finally picked out a ribbed one in blue than another one that said it was so thin she'd never know you were wearing it. "OK, this one and the one over here on the end." Clifton stood up and got the female clerks attention. She brought out the two boxes and allowed Clifton to search around for extra-large sizes. He paid the woman and we left. We got in his car. He wanted me to try it out so he let me drive. We started to drive away from the curb when I finally asked. "So, you must have met someone, Huh? You going to tell me who she is?" Clifton just grinned and pointed his finger at the windshield. "Make a right turn here at the next light. There's a little bar on the left with a red roof. Just pull around into the parking lot and we'll have a cold one." I looked at my watch. "Jennifer is expecting me home by six-thirty for dinner." "Will you relax. I told Jennifer this afternoon we might stop for a beer or two so she already knows you're going to be late." "OK, thanks for telling me!" We sat at the bar drinking a couple cold sods watching billiards on a wide screen television when I finally asked Clifton. "Are you going to tell me about this woman you plan on banging?" Clifton sucked on that bottle a couple seconds longer than put the bottle down on the bar and just sat there starring down at the bar . I had to wait what seemed like minutes until he finally turned and looked seriously into my eyes and said. "You know Jennifer told me all about your fantasy." I looked at Clifton a little confused as I sat wondering what he meant when I asked about his new girlfriend. I finally swallowed kind of hard wondering what he meant and replied. "What fantasy are you talking about?" Clifton had to stretch this out longer taking another long swig of that beer than slammed it down on the bar and looked at me again. "Alright Mark. Let me just say this first. You're a very lucky guy your wife hasn't filed for a divorce from you up to now." Clifton really had me mixed up by now as I shook my head holding my hands in the air. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Clifton twisted around on his stool and looked around the bar to see if anyone was listening than continued. "Listen. It's a good thing I came around when I did to help you save your marriage. This thing about wanting Jennifer to screw another man was a bit to the extreme, wouldn't you think?" I just sat there red faced starring back at Clifton. I just felt like crawling under a table or something knowing that he knew what I said to Jennifer. I came to my senses a few seconds later and finally asked. "What business do you have talking to my wife about our private life anyway, Clifton?" He abruptly interrupted me pointing his finger in my face. "Listen, I'm trying to help you our here... fool, before you get yourself thrown out of your house. Just sit there and listen to what I have to say here." I kind of relaxed but I was still angry but sat there waiting for an explanation from a guy I thought was my friend. "You have a gorgeous wife there, Mark. She loves you beyond what you could imagine. Sometimes I have to wonder why when I hear about these men that want to try and ruin everything over something stupid as your selfish dirty fantasy." I think he was trying to make me feel bad about myself here but I listened to what he had to say. "Mark, you should be ashamed of making a request to your wife like that. I can't think of anything worse than making a suggestion of that sort. You should be thankful and lucky I was able to talk to your wife like I did." Clifton took another sip of his beer and continued his little speech. He certainly had my attention. I don't know what I'd do if Jennifer ever asked me to leave the house! I love her too much! Clifton pointed his finger at me saying. "I'm willing to help you out here Mark but you're going to have to develop a little patience and willingness to listen and do exactly what I say otherwise you could end up being a divorced man if you don't! Do you understand where I'm coming from, Mark?" I gulped. "Yeah, alright... sure, just tell me what's on your mind." "I think I finally got Jennifer a little more at ease with your crazy idea and if you do what I just told you everything will be alright." I was getting impatient and blurted out. "What! You haven't told me anything yet except tell me I'm selfish and dirty!" I didn't realize I had spoken so loud and everyone in the bar was staring at us. Clifton finished his beer. "Come on, let's go. We'll finish this in the car." We got out to the parking lot and I waited for Clifton to unlock the door. He pooped the trunk open as I got in the front seat and waited. He sat down behind the wheel. He had a little packet with him. I kept starring. They were pictures. He handed them over to me. I started to thumb through them and flipped each one back with my mouth wide open. They were pictures of my wife wearing her sexy new black bikini. They appeared to be taken from Clifton's back yard looking into mine. Jennifer was laying on a lounger in the first two, one with her top undone laying on her tummy. I flipped to the next picture and she was sitting up smiling over at Clifton's camera. The next one had her standing near our fence smiling at the camera. I flipped to the next picture and Jennifer had her back the camera. Her hips were arched and she had her ass stuck out in a playful manor looking back at the camera over her shoulder. The next picture had Jennifer playfully leaning over with her ass stuck out toward Clifton. She was pretending to work in her garden. The next one made me gasp. Jennifer was posing with her hands cupping her bikini clad breasts for Clifton. The smile on her face said it all. The last picture had Jennifer lying on a towel posing for the camera on her side. Her head was propped up on her hand while her other arm was hidden behind her back so Clifton could see her body. Mark followed the curves of her tapered waist down to her shapely long legs glistening with lotion in the sun. Clifton grabbed the pictures out of my hand and tucked them back into the plastic pouch. He looked over at me as he placed them inside his shirt pocket. "It took me a while to gain her trust enough to take those pictures you know." I could feel my blood begin to boil as I asked. "Have you been screwing my wife, damn you?" Clifton chuckled as he replied like a confident playboy. "Not yet." I started to make a fist and swung my arm back as Clifton reached out. "Now just hold on there Mark my boy. Weren't you the guy we were just talking about that wanted to see his wife screw another man?" My arm eased up and I just starred at Clifton. "What did I tell you about patience in the bar just a few minutes ago?" I sighed and just banged the side of the car door with my fist. "Damn it, Clifton. I don't really want my wife screwing around with another man!" "Yes you do otherwise you would have never brought it up to her. I also remember the day I came over to your house a few months ago and you were looking at interracial porn on the internet. You laid and told me all those goofy made up stories about how your wife didn't like sex! Remember all that?" I just shook my head starring out the window. "Yeah, OK... so what." Clifton didn't say anything as he started the car and we drove out of the parking lot. We got a couple blocks away when he finally started to talk again. "You're going to get to see your fantasy come true just like you wanted, Mark. You'll have to just be patient and let me take care of everything." I looked over at Clifton as he drove the car. "You're telling me you never laid a hand on my wife?" Clifton was silent for a minute or so and kept driving. He finally looked over at me and saw I was waiting for a reply. "I gave her a little kiss on the cheek the other day and had my hand on her jean covered ass but that's about it, Mark." My heart was racing as he told me this. "You never kissed her on the lips or touched her anywhere?" "Listen, Mark. We were dancing to the music of this cooking show the other afternoon. She left me hold her briefly and we hugged and I let my hand slip down over her ass." I waited for Clifton to continue as he drove and looked occasionally over at me. "She didn't stop me, that's for sure so I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and she hugged me tight in return." I just sat there thinking. I have to admit I was getting aroused at the thought of Jennifer hugging Clifton. We were almost home when Clifton pulled the car over to the curb and put it in park. "Listen Mark, you can't go home and say anything about this to your wife. Do you understand?' "Yeah, sure. I won't say anything." "Listen, I know you want to enjoy this fantasy of your and I'm going to make it happen. Just be patient with me and I'll tell you what's going on day to day." He kept staring at me to reply in some way. "Are you fine with that, Mark?" I hesitated than finally shook my head up and down. "Good, now don't let me down by going home and starting a fight with your wife now over these stupid pictures. We were just having a little fun that afternoon is all." I finally got up enough nerve to ask. "What are your plans. I mean, what I'm I going to get out of all this?" Clifton laughed. "Just hold your horses, Mark. I know you're interested in watching. I'm going to arrange that for you somehow. Just let me figure everything out, ok?" I sat there starring at those condoms between our seats. I than looked over at Clifton and said. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Clifton busted out with laughter. "Don't worry about a thing, Mark. I have everything under control." Clifton pulled away from the curb and pulled into his driveway. I looked over at my house and saw the light on in the kitchen. Jennifer would be waiting for me. Clifton pointed his finger at me one more time when we got out of the car. "Remember, not one word!" I just grinned as I shook my head in agreement and walked toward my house. End of Chapter 1... Thank you for reading my story. I have 9 more chapters finished. You can read my profile at my site: www.karenkayonline.com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 77