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Thank you for your consideration. -------------------------------------------------------- Mick Jagger: My Story (MM, affair, celeb) by Jenz Kneef (Anonymous Address) * * * My new boyfriend convinced me that this is the best way to help Mick, so after much thinking about it, I've decided to reveal the details of my affair with him. Faced with homophobic press in Germany and England I understand people don't want to know about the suffering of a man forced into a straight life. I have been trashed for this many times, but I don't want to gain anything with this, all I want is to I know this will help people to see Mick in a different way, and to help other boys who have experienced a similar relation with a closet rock star. Because I know Mick, I want to explain what he is really like. I don't want to earn money over his back, or anything like that. I love him, and simply want the world to see the real Mick. And this is a completely different person then anyone might think. I'll explain why he behaves towards women the way he does. First I'll introduce myself my name is Jenz Kneef, I will not beat around the bush, I am a 32 year old German homosexual guitar player from the band: "MENtall Illness" and a part time male model that has AIDS. I know that Mick is seen as one of world greatest womanizers, and my story will probably stumble on disbelieve, no one knows unto now that there is another Mick, a Mick that mostly goes unseen, a Mick that will now be revealed. And I know that only one of world's best-read magazines is able to do this! I was 27 when I met Mick in June 1995; it was on the German leg of the Voodoo Lounge tour. I'd always been a fan of his, but not a groupie, I wish I'd been, then I might have met this gorgeous beautiful man years earlier. I didn't know I was already HIV positive back then. I know this story might sound pretty accidental, but this is simply how it went. My copy of "Gay News" and I had been waiting in front of the hotel for hours, but I left when neither him nor any other attractive bloke appeared to me. When I went to the pub I was quite depressed, until I saw this thin looking lost figure stand on the pavement. I felt an instant mutual attraction, he really reminded me of someone, but I couldn't figure whom it was... His hair was like Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler and his moustache was in the style of Freddie Mercury. He stopped me and asked -in perfect English- if the crowd was still there. I could only nod. After we had stared at each other for a while, he smiled at me, and said something like: "I was in that crowd too... wanna know what I did?" I nodded. "Waited for you..." I was stunned, that a beautiful creature like this could even have the slightest of interest in me! We then introduced ourselves to each other; he said his name was "Paul Turner". And went to the pub together. In the pub we talked for a long time. He told me that he was a Stones fan of many years, who followed them everywhere around the world whenever they toured. He was very kind to me, and I noticed that he kept pressing his knee against mine while talking, and that I liked the way it made me feel: as if thousands of small fairies were tickling me. As I stared into his eyes, I could see that he felt the same. He then asked me if I knew a 'cool' kinda place to go out. I said I did, and that we could go there if he wanted. He did, and we arranged that we would meet that evening at the same pub. When I came to collect him there, he looked stunning, he wore an amazing pink suit, and the most beautiful green eye shadow. Although I never said it, I did wonder how he could afford expensive clothes while following the Stones all around the world. But I didn't ask, because although I'd only met him a couple of hours ago, he had something in his eyes that made me trust him immediately. Walking to the club he told me how much he loved it when the Stones were on tour, because it made that he could travel the world too. He saved all his money for that... "And clothes..."he added, having guessed that I wondered. He told me he loved being in most countries far from Britain, explaining that there still is a very conservative aversion towards homosexuality there. So it was only when the Stones were on tour that he could be himself. In the club my brand new partner really came alive. Through the night he reminded me of someone so much that I thought someone slipped me acid and I was hallucinating: The suit, the mouth, THE DANCING! Yes he was the perfect guy... The only tiny vice I could discover was that odd habit he displayed throughout the evening: All of a sudden he uttered a tiny cry while putting his hand over his mouth and dashed off to the lavatory. But whenever he returned he was so incredible beautiful that he was forgiven. Later that evening he seemed to get tired. I was still on the dancing floor. Suddenly I felt two arms around me, and two wet lips in my neck. "Darling..." he whispered "What do you think of you and me in an expensive hotel room? We'll celebrate our love together." He never gave me a chance to think, he took my hand and whisked me away, whispering al kinds of sweet romantic things of what our night would be like. Our night of passion was amazing! HE was amazing! Making love to him was like a luxurious Belgian bonbon: Passionate, but still tender. He did it with complete devotion, but in the dark. When he was done he seemed exhausted, he wanted nothing more then for me to hold his slender body, curl up and fall asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, and looked at my love, I had the strange sensation that something was different about my new lover. And suddenly it hit me what it was: HIS MOUSTACHE WAS GONE!! That's what that odd behavior in the club had been all about!! It was a fake! And his hair... MY GOD! It had now become so wig like, it had moved in the night, and didn't look real anymore. I wondered why my new love wore a disguise, wondered if he was a con-men...But he'd paid everything so... And he had a look so innocent, without the moustache, and looked so much like... And he had the sweetest little snore. I couldn't believe that he was who I suspected he was. I woke him up, and we kissed and cuddled for a while. But then I pointed out that he'd lost his Mercury. He completely panicked, but then said: "I didn't want to tell you yet...I'm Mick." As if I didn't know. I got angry and tore in at him, asking how he could let this happen, Mick cringed. When I saw this I stopped and let him explain. My anger at that time, more or less came from the fact that I'd slept with a hero without knowing. I felt used, and expected him to bribe me and leave, but things turned out different: "The me you saw last night...it was the real me...I'm sorry...I didn't want this to happen...But there's no other way for me to meet men like you...This was my free spirit..." "Turner?" I asked, and he nodded. Only later it hit me that Turner was the name of the part he played in "Performance" the movie he'd been very "free" in. "I'm so tired..."he whispered. "But...I really care for you..."he said, while I started getting my things, getting ready to leave. "Please stay..." he said. "You cheated me!" I said. "No," Mick said. "This is no cheating. I'd never dared to speak to you the way I did, as myself. I would have told you, but not just yet." I smiled cynically. "And if you told me, you'd have one last fuck, bribe me, and piss off. Laughing about having tricked another young boy in your web." Mick seemed amazed that anyone dared to speak to him that way. "Please," said he "Listen... listen to me..." I turned around, and suddenly...There he was, staring at me his naked body covered in nothing but a sheet, sitting, his arms wrapped around his legs and the sheet. He was beautiful, and I knew I loved him. He smiled shyly. "Come and sit next to me... I'll tell you everything." He'd already caught me, and his spirit led me back to the bed. His body was so thin, so beautifully frail. I went to sit next to him. "Why would you tell me?" I asked. For a moment he stared at me, then he said: "Because, I've fallen in love with you." I looked at him, into those eyes, and they were honest. "Please hold me..." he whispered. I couldn't believe it! Mick Jagger wanted ME! He'd fallen in love with me, and wanted to pour out his heart. "Are you sure..." I asked him. He nodded. I wrapped my arms around him, very softly. "Why so careful?" Mick asked. "You didn't do that last night..." He giggled. I didn't know what to do: I now knew he was Mick Jagger and he seemed so delicate. Mick rested his head on my shoulder. And started to talk. He told me about his experiences about something called the "Dartford Grammar school", that it was there that he'd noticed he had certain feelings for men. At first he thought it would go away, and repressed it. He thought these feelings came from the fact he'd never been with a girl, and was always surrounded with boys. But he realized they were more lasting when after trying it with girls, his mind kept returning to the boys of the Grammar school. He also told about his early strong feelings for the boys he shared bands with. But he never dared to utter a word. He was very afraid his parents would find out, seeing they were very conservative, and would have never accepted. He told me about early experimentations with the band members he shared a house with. But how he was consumed by fear. That although he really loved to be with men, he still felt dirty after sex or touch. About his relation with his first manager, that opened up that world to him, but also closed it by taking care that for the outside world he more or less gave a feminine heterosexual appearance. But he also confided that although having to appear heterosexual even in the 60's and 70's he still could be more or less himself, because at that time bi and homosexuality were not only accepted, but for a short while even encouraged. He seemed to be cracking up, I told him he could stop if he didn't want to continue anymore, but he said he was happy that he could at last tell someone. He told about the times he was ready to tell everything, but was gagged by his fear of loosing his fans, the fans who in the early eighties became more conservative then ever. How he'd started taking a therapy, billed as marriage therapy to rid himself of his homosexuality. But that it never worked. How he then really started a reputation as womanizer. Paying girls to talk about hot nights. How he'd found out the Stones office had begun this years earlier. Asked girls of his acquaintances to accompany him. Getting girls willing to do this was easy for him. He was famous, and young girls do anything for a moment of his fame. How Jerry Hall had made his life hell. At first Jerry Hall, (Wife, ex-wife, never wife?) didn't know about the fact that he cheated about cheating her, but when she did found out, and used it for her own publicity gain. She sometimes even looked for girls that would look better next to him. She used him for her publicity, abused him, and stood between him and his real lovers, as she could tell the press the truth at the drop of a hat. Mick didn't like the affair stories of the 90's, they were almost all Jerry's in earlier years he'd always carefully arranged them. He was still in mourning for Rudolph Nureyev, whom he'd loved deeply. But Rudolph wasn't the love of his life, he explained, although people don't want to know, the only one he ever loved was David Bowie, the way he spoke about David, softly and warmly made my body ace with jealousy. A jealousy I never felt before. Although Mick had liked and loved many men, he'd never found anyone to compare with Bowie the love of his life. The story of him and David sounded like a modern version of Wuthering Heights. But he also told about being heavily under pressure by the Stones publicity machine, to remain strictly heterosexual, because being bisexual or homosexual is these days the kiss of death for an artist. He explained to me that this made him turn to disguises, to keep up this secret life. I asked him if I was the only one who'd ever discovered his identity. He shook his head and explained to me that there had been several times that he'd been discovered, but that his P.A. always paid those boys handsomely to keep it quiet. I asked him if my fate would be the same. "Not if you don't want to..."He said "If you'd stay with me, I could call you my roady... p.a...anything..." Although being one of the most successful and adored artist in the world, he seemed so lonely and longing for a companion. I couldn't answer yet, but I could kiss him, and I slowly felt him relax in my arms. Softly we made love, this time it was very gentle. Afterwards he fell asleep in my arms. I held him for a long time. Later I ordered room service, and served him breakfast in bed. Suddenly Mick spoke about quitting the showbiz industry for staying with me. I said that he was taken by the moment, that he shouldn't talk nonsense. He hardly knew me. Mick said he'd love to get to know me better, and once more asked me to travel part of the tour with him. How I would have liked to come with him at THAT instance, but at that moment I had two jobs waiting, and knew they'd never want me back if I'd cancel them at the last moment. What if things with Mick wouldn't work out? I'd be out of a job and have nothing! Mick understood, but seemed disappointed and crushed. Then he got another idea: I'd finish my jobs, take no new ones, arrange for a holiday, and we'd meet up in Paris! I agreed, and Mick relaxed. We swapped addresses and numbers, and Mick left excited about our little plan. I never expected anything to come from it, so I never called him. So two days later I was stunned to receive a phone call from an insulted and indignant Mick. Why I hadn't called. Then I received a first class ticket to Paris. When I arrived, Mick was there to collect me at the airport. He was wearing the disguise I knew so well, and a violent green silk blouse. He was excited to see me. His disguise gave him the courage to simply jump in my arms and kiss me. He kept talking about all the fun things that were to come. He was amazingly and lovingly considerate and sweet. We spent a romantic evening on a boat on the Seine, he was more then sweet to me. I decided to accept his offer to travel part of the tour with him. This time I decided to accept his offer to travel part of the tour with him. Although I hardly had any of my stuff with me. Mick seemed to know, and took me on a shopping spree. He bought me absolutely EVERYTHING! I was very surprised about this, and said: "I thought your girlfriends said you were mean..." Mick smiled and said, "To women...yes..." I traveled with him to Britain, Spain, Portugal (where the picture was made), France -France was great, seeing we celebrated Mick's birthday there. I got to know a lot about Mick's secret life. He told me about the nights he spent in bed with Rupert Everett, while to the outside world it seemed that Jerry was friends with the latter. About his affairs with bodyguards, (he always took once that he thought were pretty, didn't sleep with them.) It was such an amazing period, I'm sure it will remain the greatest time of my life. I mean: what could possible beat this? Being with the Greatest Rock and Roll band of all time day and night. And even more amazing: being showered with love and kindness by the most famous man in the world! He behaved as if I were more important then he, he wanted to protect me, he said. He bought me small gifts most everyday. But I had my jealous moments, like when Mick told me he was chasing Hugh Grant, and was almost sure he'd have him... I'm sure he did. And when I noticed a thing between Mick and his tall dark handsome bodyguard. It wasn't a thing I could get in-between; the two had been with each other for simply years. I never asked if they were lovers or friends, and in the end we became close friends. The more I got to know Mick, the more I found out what a good and kindhearted generous person he really is. I will never believe any of the things they wrote or write about "nasty, evil, mean, scrooge Mick Jagger" because I've been with him and know the truth: About his anonymous donations to charity, his love for children, his patience and kindness. I can't understand what joy people can get out of humiliating him. Ask his friends and you'll see. The only thing I disliked was that he kept talking about Bowie to me, and kept comparing him to me. Things like: 'Oh, David did this,' 'Wear this, David wore something like that too..' 'Why can't you act more like David...?' When the tour returned to Germany I had to stay there. Because I too had my work to do. After that Mick he called me almost every day. Or he would sent me cards and flowers with sweet wishes. Of course I did the same. He told me everything that was on his mind, and often arranged for me to come to see him. This was often in the Loire Valley. It was a smooth running long distance relation, which slowly carried on. In the meantime, I realized that I kept feeling more tired and kept suffering from an ongoing cold. Mick told me to see a doctor. I did, and was told a few weeks later that I was suffering from AIDS... When Mick was told, he immediately called me, and was the epitome of support. He talked to me, and wasn't repulsed or anything. Although I thought it better to end our relation, he insisted on continuing. I was amazed by so much kindness from a man always known as a hard cold-hearted person. Still, life continued, and I knew I could live for years with it, so I carried on. Sometimes Mick secretly visited me. That's when we had the most fun: going to gay pubs and clubs, often accompanied by my friend William Wilma, an Internet journalist from the website "Secret Homosexual Affairs", and transvestite. We had tremendous larks. Mick totally blossomed, and I was happy. I remember how happy Mick was with his part in the movie "Bent". He told me that it would give him a chance to talk about his real interest and his real self in interviews for a chance. "I actually play myself in this movie..." he said "Except that my Germans are my PR person, fans and the press." We often talked about what he would wear, it were really subjects that Mick adored. If he really liked something, there was a childlike happiness about him that made him seem years younger then me. Once Mick told me an odd story about Uma Thurman being a friend of Jerry, and a lesbian. I myself know nothing about it, but have read something about this in a gay magazine. He also told me about the fact that he'd paid Jana Rajlich for coming out of his hotel room in nothing but a towel, a practical joke for with which he'd fooled the press. He thought it the epitome of fun. But I was quite put off by this, seeing: I'm an open homosexual, and dislike any of companions doing something like that: using women as a cover up: NO WAY! Not even Mick, because by then he wasn't a star for me anymore, but simply a lover. I said something to him then that I regret now but I was so fed up with all the stunts he pulled to make people forget his gay escapades: "Through weak wussies like you this prejudice against homosexuality will never go! Can't you see? If you'd come out immediately, everything would have been easier for everyone." Mick whispered, "If I'd come out immediately, I wouldn't be here I'd be dead!" I wished I'd asked him what he meant. But I had to say: "I never though you'd be like this. What kind of example for youth are you? Rather then burry your head, you should make a mark! Imagine what a legend you'd become if 20th century's greatest womanizer and icon would come out! Imagine what it would mean to the gay culture! Don't you think it would be better to the fans if they could live with an idol that was real, instead of the one dimensional fake idol you let them believe in?" For a moment Mick was quiet. Then he said, "You're to stupid to understand, it's not that easy and won't be as sunny as you imagine it. Perhaps you're coming out was that good. But most aren't, and mine would be hell. I would be branded a women user, and exploiter. Hated, and would loose everything including my children. There is more to it then me: There is Jerry, who will be branded the queers wife and loose out on HER jobs, and who will hate me forever through it, the children who will be inhumanly bullied, and then -the worst part of my pressure: the band, they don't want to loose the fans. And the press... which actually is the most as well the least of my trouble as they'll kill me anyway. God I wish I'd never..." Then he hung up. I knew there was something going on. I often visited Mick in the studio when the Stones recorded "Bridges to Babylon", and he didn't seem happy. He even mentioned the odd "Jerry will probably be pregnant soon..." I never asked him what he meant. He seemed different, confused, and less confident. As if he was afraid. Things weren't the same after that. Mick called less and less, and when I called he hardly spoke, only in asides, suddenly afraid someone would hear. One day I received a tape with the song "Already over me" with a note from Mick, he said he'd written it for me. I called him and told him I loved him, he burst into tears and threw the horn on the hook. On 11-8-97 Mick visited his beloved David Bowie at Shepherds Bush, and returned excited. I felt deep jealousy. Mick took me to see U2 in San Diego; he seemed to have a 'thing' for Bono, which, I guess is finished now... I also saw the Chemical Brothers with them. At both concerts I had to pretend to be and not to be with him, which was quite hard. Instead of me, it was Mick who seemed to get very weak, I often found him crying. Something was wrong, but he didn't want to tell. Only one time he let something slip. He was in tears again, now about an article that once more linked him to a girl. Something he just put aside in earlier days, but now everything could upset him. From newspaper abuses, to the fact that he couldn't get a bottle of water open. I held him, and asked him what was wrong: "It's killing me, my own reputation, that I've build with such care, it's killing me!" His body was trembling shivering and meandering in my arms. I noticed him getting more and more quiet and thin, but I never asked him what was wrong. In June it turned out Mick was right, Jerry was pregnant, and I was amazed he knew beforehand. For the first time I didn't receive an invitation for Mick's birthday. Things were going downhill. In August the handsome dark bodyguard told me to come over immediately, because Mick wanted to see me. I already sensed it was wrong. When I arrived I was shocked by the paleness of Mick's face. He told me it was over, that he couldn't put up with the pressure of the Stones machine anymore, they'd been forcing him to break up for a long time. And also that he didn't think it fare to me. To suffer an illness while having an affair with a lover he hardly saw and who had to keep everything hidden all the time. Who perhaps couldn't be thee for him when he was needed the most. "You need your own steady lover Jenz, one who's there for you... I cannot do this. You deserve better..." He said. I somehow knew he was right, but I didn't want it to end, and saw Mick didn't want it either. "Please, Mick" I said "You're to tired. We can still write. I can see that we both need support." "You can write..." He smiled wearily. "But I won't answer..." then he turned away from me and said: "Please go, if you still love me, JUST GO!" "Mick," I said, "It cost me a fortune to get here, you can't simply end it like that!" Mick turned around, his face was tired. "Oh..." he sighed. "Money..." He ordered his bodyguard to pay me my traveling expenses. "Happy?" Mick asked. "All love affairs end like this for me. I always have to pay..." He trembled. The bodyguard wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Come," he said, and ushered me out of the room. Outside he said to me: "Mick loves you very much. But he's been under a lot of pressure by the Stones PR for the last couple of months to end this affair before the tour. I can see why, the two of you were almost caught at the U2 concert. They've talked in on Mick and threatened him for a long time, but he bravely resisted, but they've now broken him." I was shocked that Mick had never told me. And realized that I had to leave Mick for his sake as well as mine. I returned the cash that Mick had given me, and left. After that, it was only a few weeks before Mick called me again, and I returned. And we two once more lived through adventures together... After a while my boyfriend William Wilma and I realized that we'd always loved each other, and my relationship with Mick turned into just good friendship. This continued until 21-10-2000... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Celebrity Archive