Catherine N.X.'s Profile

profile updated 01/18/09

The Chronicles of Suran are social and science fiction erotica set in a fictional island nation with an extremely liberal society and no age of consent. It's an attempt to hone my own writing by making the 'impossible' seem ordinary, and my thank-you to certain people who've given me a great sounding board and lots to think about.

Most of my stories outside the Suran Continuity are classic lesbian or bisexual erotica. This as opposed to plain ol' smut. Smut bores me.

The Suran stories are intended as a serious (or mainly serious) exploration of whether a society whose sexual mores are opposite our own could exist, and whether it could succeed. As such, nothing I write contains coercion, force, emotional abuse, or anything else that violates the Golden Rule. My stories are romantic, loving, emotionally validating, and as believable as I can make them. When you read my work, I don't want the banality of the characters' everyday lives to be boring, but rather a connection between them and you. Even within the Suran Continuity, my characters have jobs, and live real lives, just like you and me. They don't have fifty gushing orgasms a day, or three breasts, or the ability to magically turn passing pedestrians into crazed sluts, because that's not accessible to a reader who has to live a real life. I think erotica should show you that a happy sex life can be part of your life too, not just a wishful fantasy that's beyond your reach. Even with stories about things that can't happen in real life (such as Suran), there's a 'moral' that can be applied - and that moral is that sex can be truly innocent.