Daddy's Little Slut~Muffin's Profile

profile updated 02/14/10

My stories are something that I take very seriously. I care a lot about my characters, and before I even begin to write, I take some time to get to know them in my mind. If you are the kind of reader who wants material that immediately opens with, say, two little girls going at each other like manic weasels, then my material will be of little interest to you. I'll get you to that place, but only after I've taken the time to introduce you to my characters, let you come to know them a bit, come to an understanding of who they are and why they find themselves in the situations that I describe for you. If all you want is the sucking and fucking, move on to another author - you will most likely find my material to be boring. If, however, a somewhat intimate knowledge of a character's history, thoughts, feelings, personality and so on are something that make a story more enjoyable, more real to you, then I think you may enjoy the things that I write. Even more, though, I think you just might like my characters, as I relate to you their experiences. That is really my ultimate goal - to bring you, the reader, to a point where you like and care about the characters I create for you, even as they also arouse and excite you.

You'll notice as my list of material here grows that I am a woman who is very much attracted to young girls. I do view myself as being bisexual, though I don't have the opportunity to be with another woman nearly as often as I would like to. Most of what you will see me write is material involving an adult female and a young girl.

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