Odd Cookie, Chapter 1

by Amanda

This story contains graphic descriptions of consensual sexual behavior between an adult woman and a 12-year-old girl. If this type of thing bothers you then please don't read any further. Also, the laws in the US dictate that any one under 18 cannot read this type of material. So while I think such laws are without merit, I must ask that if you are under 18 please stop reading here.

Ariel was twelve and one day. Her birthday had come and gone and nothing was different for her. Next year she was a teenager, but for the next three hundred and sixty four days she was still a child. Today was a typical monday for her. She was making her way to her sixth period art class, the only class she actually liked, with the only teacher that would call her Ariel. Her real name was Elizabeth, but she had insisted on being called Ariel since she was eight and had seen The Little Mermaid.

As Ariel sat down she pushed her black dyed bangs out of her face and looked up to see Ms. Freddinberg smiling at the class from behind her desk. ‘How can some one always be happy like that?’ she thought to herself. Ariel never called her teacher Ms. Freddinberg, she called her Freddy. It had started as a general show of disrespect for authority but as time had gone on, the nickname was more one of affection. Despite the night and day differences between them the girl liked her art teacher. The woman always had words of encouragement and even her critisisms were kind.

Ariel looked like a little goth girl with her black died hair and heavy eyeliner. She had streaks of blond bleached in chunks in her hair and often died them red, blue or fuscia. She wore too much makeup in general, but far too much for a child of only twelve. Her lips were always perfectly covered in a lipstick the shade of dried blood and her base was three shades too fair for her complexion. Most days she wore all black. Black billowy skirts, black tops, black boots. Once in a while she wore socks striped with pink, green or white on black. Her hair was shoulder length and spiky and she had pierced her lip with a safety pin but usually wore a hoop in it.

It did not matter what she looked like, she was not a goth. She did not listen to depressing music or write dreary poetry. She had no need to find things that would depress her, there was plenty in her life to be unhappy about. Sixth period art though was not one of those things.

Here in this class, for fourty five minutes a day she was free. For that short time some one actually listened to her. Some one treated her like she was a person and not a burden.

Mike, Ariel’s ex-stepfather, had sexually abused her from the time she was nine years old. It had been painful everytime, the whole time. He was rough, drunk and clumbsy. Ariel resented her mother, who she was sure had known. She resented her because her mother should have protected her. The little girl had remained silent for two years, enduring the pain, the shame and the feeling that she was dirty. She remained silent because Mike had told her he would kill her if she said anything. He was a cop and Ariel believed he would and no one would do anything about it. Finally one night though, she had stood up for herself. Mike came home drunk, nothing new. He went to her room and woke her. He began his normal attempt to prepare her by rubbing her slit but as usual it served only to stir fear and disgust in Ariel.

This time, when Mike began to unbutton his pants Ariel stood up on the bed and told him no, she screamed it. She told him if he ever touched her again she’d tell the police. Mike, in his drunken state, nearly beat her to death.

Even though it was late, some one had heard the noise from Mike’s attack on her and called for help. When the police arrived though it was all but too late. Ariel was barely concious. She had three broken ribs and a broken cheek bone. Her face was bloodied, swollen and bruised.

When she arrived at the hospital it was immeidately assumed that she was raped and without any one actually checking in to anything a rape kit was run on her. There was no evidence of recent sexual activity. However, Ariel heard the nurse speaking to a police officer in her half concious state. She heard then what she came to regaurd as the most beautiful thing any one had ever said. ‘....A victim of repeated sexual abuse...” Words that had freed her from Mike.

The rape kit was eventually thrown out of court, but the other findings from her examination, and her own testimony was enough to put Mike in prison for forty years, paroll in fifteen.

Ariel’s mother did not take this well. She was outraged. She testified that Ariel had always had a crush on Mike. That she beleived the girl had tried to get him to sleep with her and when he refused she made up this story. It was what the family believed even though the courts had found him guilty.

Ariel was deposited with her Aunt Sadie a week after sentencing. Her mother moved to California shortly afterward, and they had not spoken since. The girl had been with he aunt for seven months now. It was only better than her life before because no one tried to have sex with her. No one tried to talk to her, ask her how her day was, see if she needed something or anything else. Her cousins hated her, she was the reason that they had to share a room, being that they were both boys. Her aunt beleived her mother’s version of the events and made no secret of it.

School was only slightly better than home. Here at least there was Freddy. The rest of her day was something she did her best to forget. Every one in school thought she was gay and as yet, in Longmont Colorado, it was not okay to be gay. What complicated the issue, was that although it was only a rumor, it happened to be true. Ariel had known for the better part of her life that she like girls better than boys and her expierence with Mike had only served to solidify this.

“You really do have a talent.” Freddy said as she handed Ariel a large piece of paper. “I’ve seen a lot of improvment since the beginning of the year.”

Ariel took her drawing and smiled. Something hardly any one but Freddy ever saw. She liked drawing. She liked art. Much of her time was spent drawing or painting. She had also taken up calligraphy and had quite an aptitude for it. Her art though was something she kept largely hidden. It had a meaning for her that she could not show any one else. Freddy only saw what the girl could bring herself to show in class. At home, two of her dresser drawers were fille with drawings and paintings, mostly of an anime style character that had no name and was always alone.

Every other class dragged on. But art class was always over before Ariel even had a chance to really begin to relax and enjoy it. Today was no different. The class bell rang and she began gathering up her things. On her way out of the class room Freddy caught her arm and pulled her back through the door.

“I noticed you live pretty close to me.” She said once the class was empty. “I drive right by your house everyday.” Ariel shrugged. “Does your mother give you a ride home?” Freddy knew the answer, she had seen the girl walking.

“My aunt... I live with my aunt.” Ariel’s almost apologetic voice came back. “She doesn’t like to drive so I walk.” When she said that her voice took on a bitter tone.

“That’s got to be three miles.” Freddy said quietly. “Well I was thinking, I could give you a ride since we live so close.”

Ariel almost seemed to brighten for a moment but it was quickly replaced with a suspicious look. “I can’t pay for gas.” She said quickly. Freddy shook her head, her smile not fading. “My aunt will get mad if I stay after school too long.”

“Not to worry. I leave when you do. I don’t do overtime.” Freddy opened her desk drawer and pulled out a hall pass. The class bell was about to ring and Ariel would need a pass to excuse the tardie. She wrote it out and handed it to the girl. “So should we meet here after school?”

Ariel looked down at the pass for a moment before looking back up at Freddy. “Okay.” She finally said.

The girl made her way to the next class, thinking about the art teacher. She wondered what the woman wanted from her. In her life Ariel had come to believe that the only time some one was nice was when they wanted something. The girl knew she was just a kid and had nothing to offer, thus kindness was as rare as hen’s teeth. The ideas in her head made her sad. She liked Freddy. More than liked her. Over the past few months in school she had developed a crush on her teacher. She was worried now though that Freddy was only being nice because she wanted something.

The thought that her teacher might want sex had not escaped the girl. A part of her was frightened but another part wanted that to be it. Ariel felt very drawn to the woman and although the idea of sex, even the idea of masturbation, frightened her, it did not stir the same feelings when she thought of Freddy.

Ariel propped her head against her hand and looked up at the teacher glassy eyed, waiting for the day to end. Each minute seemed to tick past slower than the previous.

When the bell finally rang Ariel almost jumped out of her seat. She collected her things and hurried to her locker where she got her coat and the books she would need for her homework.

The girl slung her backpack over her shoulder and began walking toward the art room, ignoring the students hissing things like ‘Freak’ at her as she went. They did not matter today. Normally it would serve to send a shock of sadness through her. A cold blade that cut from her chest to her belly. She never showed it, she never let any one see that it bothered her. Hiding her emotions was an artform she had mastered. Today though they did not matter to her. She hardly even noticed them.

Ariel should have been in the sixth grade. She was barely twelve. But she had skipped ahead. She was in seventh grade. There was a rumor that she might be moved up yet again but she hoped it was not true. It was already hard enough being the youngest kid in school.

“Hello Ariel.” Freddy said in the cheeriest tone as the girl walked in to the art room. “I’m ready to go, can you get the lights?” Ariel nodded her head and turned off the lights. She waited at the door for Freddy to lead her out.

They made their way out of the school quickly and out to the teacher’s parking lot. Freddy lead the girl to a Toyota and unlocked the door. Ariel was not surprised when she noticed the hybrid logo on the vehicle, after all Freddy was very much a hippie.

Freddy got in her side and waited for Ariel to fasten her seatbelt before pushing her curly mouse brown hair out of her face. She started the car and pulled out of the lot.

Freddy looked over at Ariel. She felt a wash of saddness for the child. She did not know the specifics of her little passenger’s story but she knew the type. All the goth girls were the same. Depressed. Usually sexually abused, ignored, no real friends. In middle school she had to cope with meeting them on the beggining of a long painful road. Drugs, more abuse, sometimes suicide. Lots of the goths tried to kill themselves. It was a cry for attention, it was their adolescent way of begging for help. Not Ariel though. Freddy knew that if this girl tried suicide she would not be crying out for help or attention. If she tried it would be a cry for release.

“It’s the yellow house right?”

“Yeah.” Ariel answered quietly.

“You always seem so glum. How could any one that lives in such a bright house be so sad?”

“It’s not that bright on the inside.” Ariel scoffed. Whether the girl knew it or not she had spoken volumes about the world.

“How do you like art class?” Freddy asked after a short silence.

“It’s my favorite.” Ariel answered, brightening a little.

“Well you have a lot of talent. What types of art do you like?” Freddy asked.

“I like painting, and drawing mostly. I’m also learning calligraphy.”

“Are you? I’d like to see what you’ve done.” Freddy said, showing genuine interest.

And just like that, the ride was over. Freddy pulled in to Ariel’s drive way and put the car in park.

“Thank you for the ride Freddy.” Ariel said shyly as she got out of the car. She pulled her book bag from the back seat and waved before heading in to the house.

Freddy pulled out of the drive and headed the two short blocks to her home. Before she got out of the car she glanced at the passenger seat and caught a glimpse of something. Ariel had left behind three black hairs on the seat. The art teacher smiled, perhaps the goddess was giving her a sign. She pulled the hairs off the seat and gathered her things. Though she hardly knew the girl, the teacher had developed an affection for her. A soft spot that only grew softer with time.

Inside her house she went to her alter and placed the hairs on it, saying a short prayer. She got up and started to walk away before she paused. There was something nagging her. The same thing that always nagged her. Freddy went back to her altar and knelt down. “Goddess, please, please don’t let this be more of my cat stuff.”

Freddy went to the living room and laid down on the couch, she looked at the television. She thought about turning it on for a moment but as always left it off, electing instead to turn on the stereo. Motzart flowed from the speakers and she closed her eyes.

Freddy thought about the girl. She thought about Ariel a lot. Freddy had taken a job teaching in Pritchard Middle School because she liked kids, and she liked working with them. She chose a middle school because for most of her adult life she knew she was attracted to young girls, very young. She had never dated a student. She had never done anything with any student but Ariel was different. She felt something very special for the girl. Not to mention the physical attraction. For as different from herself as they were, goth girls were very attractive to Freddy.

Four more days until the weekend, four more chances to get to know the little girl better. Freddy smiled to herself. She was looking forward to the next ride home. She wished that she did not have to be at school an hour before the students. If she did not she could give Ariel a ride both ways.

Chapter 2.

Freddy watched Ariel walk up the driveway to her door and go inside. She had been giving the girl a ride home now for three weeks and only just barely gotten the child to open up a little.

What little she had learned saddened her. So much so that she had considered calling child protective services. She dismissed the idea quickly though. She had long ago decided that social services was no better than the abusive situation some one was already in.

When Freddy was young, a friend of hers had been placed in state’s custody. He was put in a place called Denver Children’s Home. A few years after he turned eighteen he killed himeself. In the note he left he talked about that placement and how it would not let him go, how he could not live with it any longer.

Ariel was already on a dangerous road, and Freddy was sure that child protective services would only accelerate her demise. At least now there was a chance she might not end up dead, or worse.

It was Friday night. Freddy went home and put her things in the closet before walking around the house, smudging it with sage. Once she was done she lit several insence. Satisified that the weeks trials and tribulations were cleansed from her home she went outside to her back patio and lit a cigarette, her one vice.

When she was finished she went back in the house and sat down to read a book. This was her normal Friday night. She used to go out to the local gay bar but since she did not drink it really was not a good place for her to meet people.

Freddy had been in relationships before. None of them really could be called bad, but they were not good either. She knew what she wanted and her relationships with adult women had not worked out because they simply did not meet her needs.

There was a level of guilt that came with her attraction to Ariel though. The girl was obviously troubled and it made her feel like a letcherous old woman. Freddy was ashamed but she could not help her attraction. She wanted to see where things might lead with the little girl.

After midnight Freddy closed her book around a leather bookmark and set it on the coffee table. She wandered in to her bedroom and changed in to the long tee shirt she always slept in.

Just a few blocks away Ariel was laying in her bed. Freddy did not know it, but as she lay in bed thinking of the girl, the child was in her bed thinking about her. For the first time Ariel could remember some one liked her, some one cared how she felt, and how she was doing. For the first time some one was just there for her. She did not know how to take it. She could not comprehend any one caring for her, no one ever had.

Ariel rolled on her side and closed her eyes. Outside her room her aunt stumbled by, drunk as usual. The girl cringed, hoping Sadie would not come in to her room and wake her up. It was rare but once in a while the woman would wake her up either to yell at her or to tell her she was grounded.

The girl’s heart pounded until she could hear the blood flow in her ears. Sadie had passed her by but the fear would linger for quite some time before Ariel could finally fall asleep.

The rush of fear kept the girl awake late in to the night before the exhaustion from constant stress overtook her. She fell asleep.

The next morning Ariel awoke with Freddy on her mind. She felt happiness, something she rarely felt but it was not long before the reality of her drunken aunt and home life pushed her teacher from her mind. The girl went in to the kitchen and got herself a bowl of cereal before going to the living room to watch saturday morning cartoons.

Freddy sat at her kitchen table drinking coffee and reading her newspaper. She was finding it hard to keep her mind on anything but Ariel. The girl seemed to be consuming her thoughts. The woman folded her paper and went to her bedroom where she pulled a leather bound book from her nightstand. A year ago it was filled with two hundred empty pages. Today those pages held many of her thoughts. Today there were less than fifty pages left for her to write on. Years ago she had begun keeping a journal on the advice of a therapist and much to her suprise it seemed to help her keep her thoughts straight.

She returned to the kitchen and began leafing through the pages taking in little bits of the book as she did. She sipped her coffee as she looked for the entries that began with the new school year.

‘The little goth girl.’ A term that came up several times in the beginning of the new year. It was later replaced with Ariel’s birthname and then finally the name she preferred. Freddy had not realized it but she had been noticing the girl almost the whole year.

Ariel was hard not to notice. She was pretty despite the odd asymmetry in her cheeks. Her youth made her noticable in the normally pubescent environment of middle school. But the sadness she seemed to hold so close to her made Freddy’s heart go out to her. There was something about the girl that drew the teacher to her.

Freddy was about to put her journal away and start her weekend house clearning. She was walking from the kitchen when a desprate knock at the door startled her. She went to the door and opened it to find Ariel standing outside, her cheeks smeared with eyeliner. She had been crying. Her eyes were puffy and red and long black lines traced the path her tears had taken. “Goddess.” Freddy gasp. She reached out and coaxed the girl in to the house. “What’s wrong sweetie?”

Ariel shook her head, it was clear she was trying to talk but she could not speak. Fresh tears rolled from her eyes. Freddy led the girl to the couch and sat her down. She sat across from the child. She could not help but reach out and rub the girl’s shoulder.

Again Freddy tried to get the girl to talk. “What’s happened?”

“Sadie...” The girl pushed tears from her cheeks, smearing her makeup even more. “She took the boys swimming. I asked to come and she said no, she didn’t want to be seen with a little dyke slut like me.”

The words caused Freddy to shudder. She could not believe that an adult could actually speak to a child that way. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

“I’m not a slut.” Ariel sniffled.

“Of course you’re not.” Freddy said trying to comfort her.

“She knows I’m not... She knows what happened.” The girl collapsed against Freddy sobbing.

‘What happened?’ Freddy thought to herself. It did not take her long to put it together in to a scenerio she suppose could not be far from the truth.

“He made me Freddy, he made me, I didn’t want too.” She said quietly. Several moments passed. the girl seemed to grow so distant that she was not longer any where near the teacher. She looked up at Freddy across the distance and she began speaking but it was clear she was seeing it as if she were a third party. “When I was nine my mother married this guy. He drank too much and he wasn’t very nice... Almost as soon as he moved in he started waking me up at night and making me do things to him. He said he’d kill me if I told...” Ariel seemed to look through her teacher. Her eyes narrowed and her tone became one of vicious joy, “but I stopped him. He almost killed me but I stopped him.” As soon as she finished speaking she no longer seemed distant. She touched her cheek. “I told him I’d tell.” Ariel suddenly looked afraid. “You can’t tell. You can’t tell any one. Mom thinks I made it up. She said I wanted him to do those things but he wouldn’t so I made up the story.” Ariel wiped tears out of her eyes. “You believe me don’t you? Please believe me.” She was pleading.

“Of course I do.” Freddy was beyond words. Knowing what probably happened and hearing what had happened were two very different things. The affects of this man on this child were litterally written on her face. The cheek bone, harldy noticable except to some one like her. Some one that had an eye for symmatry. It was real now. Her whole terrible story was real and it hurt to hear. She was at a loss as to what to say. Nothing could make this okay. And nothing should. The girl might some day learn to live with it, but it would never be okay. Not knowing what else to do, she made the only offer she could. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Ariel’s tears stopped. She stared at Freddy for several seconds, unable to speak. She could not ever remember being ask such a question. She had no idea how to answer. It was not long though before her natural suspiscion took over. She wondered if it was not some how a plot by the teacher to get something from her. “I hate her.” Ariel whispered. “She’s a drunk like Mike.”

Hoping it was not too much, Freddy pulled the girl close and hugged her. She did not hold to tightly. She simply did not know what else to do for the girl. What she could not have understood was how much her simple offer had meant to the girl.

After a few minutes Ariel pulled away. She had calmed down. “Can I use your bathroom?”

“Just down the hall on the left.” Freddy told the girl.

Ariel went in to the bathroom with her purse. She washed her face, careful not to make a mess on Freddy’s sink. When she was finished she pulled her makeup out of her purse and began to apply it.

Freddy sat in the living room waiting for the girl. She was feeling impatient but she did not want to rush her or disturb her. She wasn’t sure exactly what Ariel was doing in the bathroom but whatever it was Freddy did not want to interrupt it.

A full half hour had passed when Ariel stepped out of the bathroom and walked back down the hall to the living room. She sat down on the couch and looked at Freddy for several seconds. “You probably think I’m a freak.” She finally said.

“Not at all hun.” Freddy answered right away. “I didn’t know you knew where I lived.” She said. She had never brought the girl to her home.

“We were driving to Denver and I saw your car here so I knew this had to be your house.”

Freddy was not sure if it was the truth but it made sense. She was considering something. Something dangerous, something she knew she should not even think much less offer. Ariel’s arrival, her crying and her story had moved the teacher. She wanted to let the girl spend the night. It would let her at least escape her aunt and the rest of her life for a few hours.

“Ariel... Would your aunt let you spend the night here?” Ariel looked up at her teacher for some time, hardly able to beleive what she’d heard.

“I don’t... I mean... I’d have to ask.”

“Okay, well when will she be home, we can call her and ask then.” Freddy offered.

“I can call her now. She has a cell.” Ariel fished in her purse for a minute and pulled out a cell phone.

“You’re aunt bought you a phone?”

“No it’s one of those ones you buy cards for. I bought it with the money I got from mowing lawns and babysitting.” A look of pride crossed her face. Ariel pressed several keys then held the phone to her ear. “It’s me. Umm can I spend the night at a friend’s house tonight?” She waited, looking like she might be praying. “Just a friend from school.”

Anticipating the question her aunt would be most likely to ask Freddy whispered to Ariel, “Annabelle.” The name caused Ariel to raise her eyebrows for a moment and loose track of her Aunt’s slurred rambling.

“Since the beggining of the year...” The girl said catching the end of one of Sadie’s questions. “Annabelle... Okay.” Ariel held the phone out for Freddy. “She wants to talk to your mother.”

The woman took the phone and held it to her ear for a moment before saying hello. “Yes... No... Okay... O... O... Okay.” Freddy handed the phone back to Ariel. Sadie had already disconnected. The woman had the same exhausted look on her face that most people had when they talked with her aunt. “She wants you home in time for dinner tomorrow.”

Freddy sighed deeply and got up off the couch. She went in to her bedroom and pulled a cigarette out of her purse. When she came back in to the living room Ariel saw what she had gotten and her eyes widened. “Can I have one?” She begged. Freddy hesitated before she could say no. She was already way across the line. Just by letting the girl stay the night she had done enough to loose her job.

“I suppose.” She went and got a second cigarette. They went out to the back patio and the teacher lit the girl’s smoke before lighting her own. “Ariel, umm you know I’ll loose my job if any one ever found out I let you spend the night right?”

“I know.” Ariel drew on her cigarette. “I won’t tell. If you got fired then no one at school would like me.” She looked hopefully at Freddy. “Do you like me?”

Freddy smiled. “Of course I do sweetie.” Ariel was visibly relieved. “And I want us to be friends. I know it will take time, but I want you to be able to trust me.” Ariel blushed and bit her lip. She did not know what to say, or even if she should say anything at all. When they had finished Freddy led the girl back in to the house. “Do you need me to take you home so you can get anything?” Ariel nodded her head. Freddy grabbed her purse from her room and took the girl out to the car. They drove the short distance to Ariel’s house. The driveway was empty, a sign that her aunt had not gotten home yet. The girl hopped out of the car and ran in to the house. Freddy followed shortly after.

Freddy looked around the living room. It was not dirty, but it was indeed quiet messy. Two empty chip bags and at least eight beer bottles cluttered the coffee table. The television had been left on and several toys which seemed they might only appeal to young boys littered the floor. Behind Freddy there were at least seven pairs of shoes in the entry way, two of which she had immediately recognized as Ariel’s.

Ariel only took a few moments to gather her toothbrush, something to sleep in and clean clothes for the next day. She stuffed everything in to her backpack and met Freddy in the living room.

They spent the better part of the day chatting and watching television. Freddy could hardly beleive that she was actually seeing her television on but it was. As the day wore on the teacher decided that it was time to start dinner.

Ariel set her falafel down and looked up at her teacher. “This is good Freddy.”

“Yeah. I like it.” Freddy sipped at her iced tea. “I was thinking about something. When we’re not at school I think you can call me Annabelle.” Ariel brightened up. She smiled at her teacher and nodded. “But only when we’re not at school.”

“I promise.” Ariel drew and ‘x’ over her heart.

“So what do you want to do after dinner?”

“Can we get a movie? Something scarry?” The girl asked.

“Sure.” Freddy said, sounding unsure. She was not a big fan of horror movies. They finished eating and went to the local video store as Freddy had promised. They rented The Grudge. Freddy remembered the commercials for the movie and knew she was going to end up having nightmares.

They got home and Ariel immediately grabbed the bag of popcorn they had purchased and went in to Freddy’s kitchen. She tossed it in the microwave and hit the popcorn button. In less than three minutes she had a full bag of popcorn which she took out to the living room. Freddy had already put the movie in the dvd player and the main menu was on the screen.

They watched the movie, sitting very close. Ariel knew she would be scared, that is why she picked the movie. She wanted an excuse to be close to her teacher. If the past months at school had not been enough to cause her to develop a crush, the teacher’s kindness that day was. ‘Annabelle’ Ariel thought to herself. She liked the name, it was pretty. She wondered if the woman was from the south, the name sounded southern to her.

By the end of the movie Ariel was holding Freddy’s arm tightly. She was thuroughly terrified as was her teacher. Freddy ejected the movie and placed it back in it’s case. “Well, it’s late and... Heh, I’m to afraid to sleep... Want a cigarette?” Ariel nodded her head quickly.

With a smile Freddy went and got her cigarettes and took the girl outside. “Why are you being so nice to me Fre... Annabelle?” Ariel asked after her cigarette was burning. “No one is as nice as you.”

“I am.” Freddy answered. “Can’t I just like you and want to be nice?” She knew she had an attraction to the girl and that had a lot to do with her getting to know Ariel, but even if nothing ever developed between them she would continue to offer whatever she could to the child.

“Not where I come from. People aren’t nice for no reason.”

“I have a reason, I told you, I like you.” Freddy smiled as she exhaled smoke. “But I understand why you don’t trust me.”

Ariel’s feelings were flip flopping between attraction and mistrust. She wanted Freddy to be genuine. She desprately needed her teacher to be trustworthy, but something in her would not allow her to take the woman at face value.

When they finished their cigarettes Freddy led the girl inside and to the guest room where she would sleep. She left Ariel alone to change in to her sleep wear and went to her own room.

Freddy, having changed in to her long tee shirt, waited several minutes before approaching the guest room and tapping on the door. “Come in.” The child called from the other side.

“Well I suppose you’re too old to tuck in but I thought I’d say goodnight all the same. Ariel smiled before climbing in to bed. Freddy pulled the covers over the girl and stroked her hair. She knew she should leave but she hesitated.

Against her better judgement Freddy leaned down and pressed her lips softly against Ariel’s. She held the kiss for only a second before clamping her lips on the Child’s bottom lip and pulling away. Had she not done that the kiss might have been seen as friendly, but even a child would not miss what she had meant.

The little girl stared up at her for several seconds, not knowing what to say. “Good night sweetie.” She heard her teacher say. A moment later the lights were out and the door was closed.

Freddy sat on her bed thinking about the girl. As she did she saw images of a little gray cat sitting on her porch eating tuna from a clear glass bowl. “Cat stuff?” She whispered to herself. “It’s more than that.”

Ariel drew a deep breath. The kiss had done more than surprise her. It had been so short and gentle and yet it had awakened desire in her. In the past anything even remotely sexual envoked fear and disgust but Freddy’s kiss was different. She was not afraid. She wanted more of it, she wanted more, just more.

The little girl could not ignore the tingle between her legs. Surprising herself she slid her hand down between her legs and over her clit. She moved her fingers around her opening, careful not to penitrate herself. She could still almost feel Freddy’s lips on her’s and it was enough to encourage her to continue massaging her clit.

Ariel’s breath came quicker, shallower. She was feeling warm and in her middrift she could feel a powerful orgasm building. Ariel rolled on her side and pushed her face in to her pillow, biting down and trying to keep from crying out. She would never be able to face Freddy again if the woman caught her like this.

Like an explosion Ariel’s orgasm raced out from her clit, infusing every fiber of her being with pure pleasure. She had never come this way before. All the while, her teacher’s kiss stayed in her thoughts.

Chapter 3.

Ariel sat quietly in the back of the Art room, watching Freddy intently. Her gaze was the gaze of a little girl in love. She propped her head against her hand and sighed. ‘Annabelle.’ She thought to herself. ‘Ariel Freddinberg.’ She was dreaming but it felt nice to dream. Three weeks had passed since the night she had spent in her teacher’s home. Every day she had gotten a ride home from Freddy, but no kiss. No more night’s together. She was beggining to think that what ever had caused the teacher to kiss her was gone now. She wanted to ask, she desprately needed to know why there had not been more but she did not have the courage to ask. Mostly she was afraid that it proved that there really was something wrong with her. She saw herself as tainted and dirty, and had all but decided that Freddy could sense her taint and wanted nothing more to do with her.

On the desk in front of the little girl a half finished picture of a wolf beying at the full moon sat, awaiting her attention. Ariel could not concentrait on it though. All she could think was how much she wanted Freddy’s affections.

When the bell rang it startled Ariel from her daydreams. She reluctantly left the art class and made her way to her last class of the day. The girl just wanted the day to be over. She wanted the short three mile ride to her house. She wanted time with Freddy.

When the last bell rang Ariel jumped out of her seat, took her books, almost running from the class room. She got her things from her locker and went straight to the art room as quickly as she could.

“Freddy.” She said, exhausted, as she entered the room.

“Ariel.” Freddy said, not sounding very cheery. “Sweetie, I hate to do this, Goddess knows I do, but I have to stay here for a few minutes and speak with Mrs. Collins.”

“I can wait for a while.” Ariel said, hoping that Freddy did not mean what it sounded like she meant.

“It’s probably better if you don’t.” Freddy sat down at her desk and looked around the room for a moment. She looked worried and this worried Ariel.

“Are you in trouble?”

“Yes.” The answer was suprisingly blunt.

“Because of me?” Tears were forming in Ariel’s eyes.

There was a long pause. Freddy tried to smile. “No. Not because of you.” Had it not been for the pause Ariel would have believed her teacher. “I’ll be fine sweetheart. You go ahead and maybe I’ll catch up to you before you get home.”

Ariel left Freddy in the art room. She could feel tears welling up as she hurried out of the school. She was terrified that she was never going to see her teacher again.

Freddy took a deep breath when she heard high heels clicking down the hall. Several moments passed and the art room door opened. “Anna.” Mrs. Collin’s said as she stepped in to the room. “Normally I would be here to write you up for giving a student a ride home the way you have been the Linden girl.” The principal stood directly in front of Freddy’s desk. “This isn’t the norm though. Not for her. She has had a very hard time this year. And I’ve met her aunt... She lives with her I assume she’s told you. If she were any one else I’d be in your ass over this.”

“I’m sorry.” Freddy said quietly. “Are you firing me?”

“No. No actually. No I’m here to tell you that you need to keep your friendship with the girl under wraps. I’m not going to do anything about this unless some one makes me but don’t flaunt it.” The principal started to leave the room. “Umm. See that your availabilty to the girl is not anything more than a ride home. If you were to be seen with her in any other capacity my hands would be tied.” The principle was well aware of the rumors going around about Annabelle’s sexuality. She did not care if they were true or not. She had no idea though that the art teacher’s attraction was actually specific to little girl’s otherwise she would not be working in this or any school.

Freddy sat quietly for quite some time before gathering her things up. Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry. She had been sure she would get fired. She had not missed the warning though. It did not matter. Ariel seemed to have grown distant since the night she had spent at her house.

What the principal had known and what Freddy had been keeping from Ariel, was that at the begining of the new year she would be transferring to a new school. She was being moved to Longmont High School. She did not have the heart to tell Ariel and now there was only a month left before summer vacation. She knew she had to tell the girl what was going to happen.

One month. She had to make it through one month of torture, having Ariel so close and yet not being able to get any closer. When summer came she would be much more free to spend time with the girl.

Freddy turned on her blinker and pulled to the side of the road rolling up along side of Ariel. “Hey there pretty girl, need a ride?” She joked. Ariel stopped walking and looked at her for several moments.

“Are you still my teacher?” She asked.


“Can we still be friends?”

“Nothing could prevent that.” Freddy told her. “Come along now, get in.” Ariel pursed her lips and looked like she was about to say something but she did not. Instead she got in to the car.

“Did you get in a lot of trouble?” She asked after pulling the seatbelt over herself.

“Not really.” Freddy laughed a grim laugh. “I’ve been warned not to be too much of a friend to you... But it’s okay. There’s only a month left in school and after that...” Freddy trailed off. “Ariel, do you think you can come to my house tonight?”

“Really?” Ariel sounded excited. “I’ll come, no matter what I’ll come.”

“No, don’t get yourself in trouble.” Freddy pulled in to Ariel’s driveway. She quickly pulled a pen out of her purse. After a moment of searching she found a scrap of paper. She wrote her number on it and handed it to the girl. “Call me if you can’t come.”

Ariel nodded her head. She looked down at the number and smiled. She had Freddy’s number. She wondered if her teacher would mind if she called her for some other reason. If it would be okay to just call and talk. She doubted it, she was just a kid and adults did not like being bothered by kids. She was almost afraid to use the number at all.

Freddy had said tonight. That meant after five to the little girl. Dinner time was six. It gave her the perfect story to tell her aunt. Although in all truth she would hardly need one. Sadie never cared what happened to her.

Ariel watched the clock like a hawk until finally it was five o’clock. The girl hopped up off her bed and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. She dialed the number on the scrap of paper and held the phone to her ear.

The phone rang three times before Freddy answered. “Annabelle?” The girl said excitedly.

“Hi there sweetie.” Freddy said to her. “So I guess this means you can’t come over?”

“Oh... No. Umm...” She had forgotten that she was only suppose to call if she could not come. “Hang on.” Ariel hurried in to the living room where Sadie was laying on the couch watching the Soap Channel and toking a beer. “Sadie can I eat dinner at Annabelle’s?”

Saide looked up at the girl for a second. “Why can’t she come here?” The woman asked. “Never mind, I don’t care do whatever you want.” She waved the girl away.

“I’m on my way.” Ariel said. The girl ran to her room and grabbed her purse. “I’ll talk to you in a minute.” The girl only stopped long enough to store the phone number before she was off.

“Be home by ten.” Sadie slurred at her as she went through the door.

‘You’ll be passed out by nine.’ Ariel mumbled to herself after the door was closed behind her.

Ariel hurried along the street until she was at Freddy’s door. She knocked and stood imaptiently waiting for her teacher. “Come in sweetie.” Freddy said as soon as she opened the door.

The little girl smiled as she went through the door. “Sadie said I have to be home by ten but I bet she won’t even be awake at ten.”

“Soda?” Freddy asked. Ariel shook her head. “Iced tea?”

“Yeah. no sugar though. I can’t stand it with sugar.”

Freddy dissapeared in to the kitchen and soon returned holding two glasses of iced tea. She handed one to Ariel and then sat down with her own. “Sweetie... I have something I have to tell you. I haven’t wanted to because I was afraid it would upset you.”

Ariel looked nervous. She sipped her tea and set it on the table. “Your not moving are you?”

“No. No I’m not moving hun. First off, Mrs. Collins gave me a pretty firm warning that I am not suppose to be too much of a friend to you. I told you that. Well that means we really have to be careful that no one sees us spending time together outside of school.”

“You can’t give me a ride home any more can you?”

“Well I can. But anything other than that is what I mean.” Ariel nodded, even though she did not see where the teacher was going. “Sweetie, I won’t be your art teacher next year.”

Tears welled in Ariel’s eyes and spilled on to her cheeks. “You are moving!” she shouted.

“No, no! I promise. But they are moving me to a different school. But listen to me, listen to me Ariel...” Freddy took the girl’s chin in her palm and tilted her head up. “Listen sweetie. It means we can spend time together without having to worry. If I’m not your teacher any more then it’s okay.”

Ariel sobbed uncontrollably. Freddy pulled the girl close and rubbed her back. “You promise you’re not moving?” Ariel managed between sobs.

“I promise.” Freddy held the girl back. “Sweetie, trust me, this is a good thing.”

“But now no one at school is going to like me.”

“Well, there’s a whole summer between now and next year. You’ll see, things change over summer.” The woman pulled her little friend close to her again and rubbed her back. “We only have to be careful for another month and then everything will be okay.”

Ariel finally calmed down. When the tears were dry and she had stopped sniffling she excused herself to the bathroom and washed her face. She had forgotten her purse in the living room, but even if she had not she did not have the strength to put her makeup back on.

The little girl wandered in to the living room and sat down on the couch. “Oh my.” Freddy said with a smile. “Your so pretty without all the makeup. I would never have guessed what a pretty girl you are.”

“Thank you.” Ariel said quietly, shyly. She picked up her iced tea and took a long drink. She was thirsty. “You meant we could be friends? I mean like you want to spend time with me?”

“I do.” Freddy told her.

Ariel thought about this for quite some time. She thought about the night she had spent with her teacher. She thought about the kiss. There was a rumor at the school that the art teacher was gay, but Ariel had never beleived it. Ariel did not know why but Annabelle did not look like a lesbian to her, even though the girl was not sure what a lesbian looked like. She often wondered to herself if she was actually a lesbian. She liked having long hair and wearing makeup and she liked dresses. Everything she had read though made her think lesbians did not like these things.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What would you like to know?” Freddy asked her.

“Umm...” Ariel stammered. “Uh, are you...” She sighed. The girl drew a deep breath and tried to gather her courage. “Freddy do you umm... Do you like girls?”

Freddy thought about her answer for quite some time. “Are you asking if I’m gay?” She finally said. Ariel nodded her head. “Yes.” The answer was so simple and Freddy had given it so easily that it surprised the child.

“I am too.” Ariel said quietly, blushing. The admission humiliated her but at the same time it was so very freeing.

“I know.” Feddy put her hand on the girl’s knee. “You’ll see, as you get older you’ll just kind of know.”

Ariel stared at her for several moments before she shied away. “Annabelle... Why did you kiss me?” She finally asked.

The teacher tilted her head to the side and bit her lip. “Did it bother you?” Ariel shook her head. “No? That’s a big relief. I’ve been worried that it upset you. I don’t want you to think I’m like your stepfather.”

“I don’t.” She whispered.

“I like you Ariel. And that night when I looked down at you I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Do you think you’ll ever want to do it again?” Ariel’s voice was nearly inaudible.

“Well that’s kind of the problem. I mean do you know what that would mean?” Freddy asked her.

“I know that lots of grownups like little girls.” Ariel said very matter of factly. “Thats what you mean right?”

Freddy looked uncomfortable. If she admitted it to the girl then it made everything real. As it was now, Ariel only had suspicion and a kiss to go on. The teacher could not lie though, not to her. “Yes. But I’m not like your stepfather. I won’t make you do anything at all. I would never want to hurt you.”

Ariel was quiet, she was not sure what to say. She had not expected her teacher to be so forthcomming. The little girl sat quietly for some time sipping her tea. She could not help but be nervous. Her only experience with adults that liked little girls was Mike and though she did not want to believe it, she was afriad Freddy might be like him. “What if I don’t wanna do anything like that.” She finally said.

“Then we won’t do anything like that.” Freddy answered. Ariel looked confused. “I know that you haven’t seen this, but those types of thing, kissing and other things, that’s all suppose to be mutual. It isn’t just about what I want, it’s about what you want too. And if you never want me to kiss you again, or you never ever want to do anything but kiss, it won’t change how I feel about you. I’ll still want to be your friend, I’ll still want to spend time with you.”

Ariel was at a loss. What Freddy was talking about was so foriegn to her she could hardly understand what her teacher had said. “You really like me?” Her voice was almost an apology.

“I really like you Ariel.”

Chapter 5.

The last day of school, the last day of the week. Friday and Ariel was just relieved that the year was finally over. Her report card showed striaght A’s this quater just as it had for the past three. When Ariel was doing home work Sadie left her alone, so Ariel never missed the opportunity to do her homework. School and books had become her escape from her family. And then there was Freddy. She had been more than an escape, she had been a salvation.

Ariel walked in to the art room to find Freddy gathering the last few things she would be taking home with her for the summer. “I’ll be ready to go in just a minute or two sweetie.” The teacher said.

“Sadie’s at the welfare office getting food stamps she won’t be home til after five.” Ariel said. She set her overstuffed book bag on a desk. “Do you need help?”

Freddy paused and smiled at the girl. “As a matter of fact yes.” She pointed to a filing cabnet at the back of the room. “There are a few files in the bottom drawer, could you bring them here?” Ariel nodded and went to get the files.

Freddy got everything together and closed it up in a box which she carried out to her car and placed in the trunk, closely followed by Ariel. She let the girl in to the car before groing around to her side. “Well,” she began, a smile on her lips, “I am officially no longer your teacher so... How would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

Ariel smiled a broad smile. “Yes.” She said excitedly.

“Okay we’ll ask you aunt when she gets home.”

“I’ll ask now.” Ariel pulled her phone out of her purse and called her aunt. “Annabelle wants me to have dinner with her tonight.” Ariel said as soon as Sadie answered the phone. “You can meet her later. Okay... Okay... No... Yes... But... No I want to stay with her tonight.” Ariel swallowed hard and looked up at Annebelle. Freddy smiled a nodded her head. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Ariel put her phone back in her purse and let out a long breath. “She said okay, but she wants to meet you soon. She kinda doesn’t think you’re real.”

“How are you going to explain me to her?” Freddy asked. “Honestly it’s always suspicious when adults spend time with kids. People tend to think things about that.”

Ariel smiled. “But you like little girls.” She said, teasing. “So they’d be right.”

“About that...” Freddy looked worried. “Ariel do you have any idea... What am I saying, of course you know. Sweetie, we have to be careful.”

“I know. cause people talk.” Ariel said. She shifted in her seat. They pulled in to her driveway and the girl hopped out of the car. She fished in one of the bookbag pockets and pulled out her key. Once the door was open she went in and began gathering what she needed for the night.

Once she had everything she ran back out to Freddy’s car and hopped back in the passenger seat. “I’m ready.”

Freddy drove them to her house. She waited for Ariel to put her things in the guest room before getting them some tea and setting down with the girl.

“I have to say I’m a little worried about what to do about your aunt.” Freddy started.

“She probably won’t care. Especially if she’s been drinking. She just thinks I’m lieing. If she meets you she’ll know you’re real and she’ll leave me alone.” Ariel took a long drink from her glass. “Where are we going to go?” She asked.

“I thought we could go to Jose Muldunes in Boulder. “ Freddy answered.

They soon drove to Boulder talking all the way. They had dinner, deep in conversation. Ariel had begun to open up a little. It was at this dinner that Freddy learned why the girl loved art so much. She had hopes of growing up to draw the art for Japanese anime style comics. She said she had created a character she wanted to write about. Freddy had asked if she could see it some day but it was clearly to personal to Ariel for her to show it to anyone just yet.

The drive back was filled with chatter and laughing. Laughing, real laughter from the girl, something Freddy felt she got to enjoy far too infrequently. Once they arrived back at Freddy’s house they went in to watch television.

It was late in the evening when Freddy stood up, streching, and told the girl it was time for bed. Ariel followed her teacher down the hall way and went in to the guest bedroom where she sat on the bed. She hoped Freddy would kiss her again but she could not find the courage to ask for it.

Freddy stood at the door to the guest room looking at the girl. She was building her own courage for what she had to ask. “Ariel, sweetheart. I want to ask you something, but you have to be honest when you answer, do you promise?” Ariel looked up at her for several moments before nodding her agreement to the terms. “Would you like to stay in my room with me tonight?” She asked.

Ariel’s eyes grew wide. It was more than she could hope for. She was sure that her crush had become love and this very thing was something she had hoped might happen. It had seemed liked far too much to ask though and now that she was presented with Freddy’s offer she was too afraid to answer.

Slowly, with hesitant almost jerky movements Ariel got up off the bed and walked toward her teacher. She could not speak but she had found the courage to move. Freddy reached out and took her hand, gently coaxing her to the master bedroom and her bed.

Freddy slid across the bed, propping herself up on her elbow. She traced circles on Ariel’s leg with her finger, trying to think of the right words that would help put the child at ease. “You don’t have to stay with me Ariel. I promise it won’t change the way I feel about you.” The girl just nodded her head. Freddy moved closer, raising up. She kissed Ariel’s lips softly then sat back. The girl was smiling.

Ariel had wanted that kiss forever and now that she had gotten it, it was better than she could have hoped for. Short, yes, but it warmed her heart. “What if I can’t do what you want?” She finally managed to find the courage to speak.

“Sweetheart... You don’t understand. All I want from you is what you can give. Just promise me if I do anything you can’t handle that you’ll tell me. I promise I’m not like your stepfather. I’m not going to force you to do anything.”

Ariel was trying to beleive her teacher. What she was saying was too foriegn to her though. She just nodded her head, not knowing what else to do. She did not want to say anything that would keep her teacher from doing whatever she had in mind.

Several minutes passed before Freddy got up from the bed and turned off the light. She knew that some darkness would help the girl feel better. She went to her dresser and pulled a book of matches from her jewelry box. With these she lit three lavendar scented candles. This was less for light and more for the calming effect of the scent.

She returned to the bed and her little lover. She crawled across it to sit on her knees in front of Ariel. “We don’t have to do anything at all if you don’t want.” She reminded.

“I know.” Ariel sounded very much like she was unsure though.

Freddy eased the girl on the the bed, kissing her lips as she did. She pushed her tongue in to the girl’s mouth. The child tensed in her arms for several moments but as they kissed she began to relax.

Freddy sat back, straddling the girl’s legs. She stroked the child’s sides, running her hands under the bottom of Ariel’s laced black top. She let her thumbs move under the girl’s waisteband, and each time she did Ariel would draw an unsteady breath. The teacher knew she was afraid so she was taking things slowly. She wanted to give Ariel time to either work up the courage to proceed, or stop her.

“Can I take your top off?” Freddy finally asked. Ariel swallowed hard and pushed herself up. The top was laced in the front but it zipped from the back.

“I can’t unzip it like this.” She said. Freddy just smiled and reached behind her, working the zipper. She pulled the top away from the girl who immediately crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her nipples.

Freddy let her lay back down and did nothing to pull the child’s arms away from her body. The teacher unbuttoned her own shirt and slid it off her shoulders, then with one hand she exercised a talent she was very proud of and popped the clasp on her bra letting her breasts hang free. Ariel’s eye locked on her teacher’s chest and Freddy saw it right away. She waited only a short time before taking the child’s hands in her own and working them up her sides to her lovely B cup breasts.

The teacher moved her hands away from her little lover’s. Ariel hesitated at first but soon she found herself lost in the feeling of a woman’s breasts under her palms. She rubbed her hands over Freddy’s nipples and the woman closed her eyes and moaned.

The sensation of tiny hands on her chest caused her excitement to burn in her like a raging fire. She could control it though, she had too. Tonight she doubted that she would expereince any release. This was for Ariel, there would be another time for her and if there was not, then she could accept that too.

Freddy leaned down, letting her hair fall around Ariel’s head. She pressed her lips on to Ariel’s. She parted them and pushed her tongue in to the child’s mouth. She was being more aggressive but only a little. She dared not take things any faster than they were already going.

The teacher moved down the girl’s body, kissing her as she did. She reached the child’s chest with her lips and after several gentle kisses, coved one of her lovely pink nipples with her mouth. She brought the child’s nipples to erectness before returning to her trek along the girl’s baby soft skin, to the waisteband of her skirt.

Freddy sat back and worked the buttons on her pants. She slid them off along with her panties and knelt in front of the child. She knew that if she were first it may help Ariel to feel more comfortable.

She hesitated for some time before she took the zipper on the side of Ariel’s skirt in her fingers. “Do you mind?” She asked. She waited until Ariel nodded her head before undoing the zipper and sliding the skirt off.

Freddy suddenly felt unsure of herself when she looked down too see a pair of white cotton Sailor Moon panties covering the child’s loins. Outside, Ariel looked so much older than she was but now laying in front of her with her flat chest and child’s underwear she looked her age.

The teacher closed her eyes. Ariel was everything she was attracted too. She had known the girl was very young even among the very young of a middle school. That was one of the first things that had attracted her. Finally Freddy rolled the girl’s underwear down her soft legs covered in nearly invisible babyfine hairs. She dropped the garment over the side of the bed where it landed on the growing pile of clothing. She stopped there. Ariel was wearing a pair of over the knee socks, which on her were more like thigh highs. They were black and pink striped and looked so cute on the girl that Freddy could not bring herself to remove them.

Now, both naked Freddy kissed the girl again, pressing her body lightly on the girl’s. She wanted to feel the child’s warmth and nakedness against her and hoped that it would excite the girl.

After some time of kissing her and teasing her nipples, Freddy sat back. Now was the moment of truth. She traced her hand down the child’s chest and over her belly. She moved it down over the girl’s soft, hairless, mound where she pressed her thumb against Ariel’s clit. The child just closed her eyes and sighed softly. She seemed to be enjoying the attention.

Freddy soon slid between the girl’s legs and replaced her thumb with her tongue. She swirled it around the girl’s sex then focused her attention on the child’s tiny clit.

The teacher pulled her hand from beneath her and began running her fingers along the child’s labia. She gathered the moisture of the girl’s excitement then pressed her finger against Ariel’s opening, letting it slide in.

Ariel squealed and scrambled up the bed. She was panting wildly. “It’ll hurt.” She repeated over and over her voice growing quieter until she was only mouthing the words.

Freddy felt her heart sink. She collapsed slowly, folding on top of her knees. She crossed her arms in front of her and leaned down laying her head on her wrists. She saw the little gray cat running away from her.

When Freddy was nine a stray cat had begun comming to the house she lived with her parents in. They had a huge yard and though Freddy could not get close to it, she would place food half way down the drive for it. As the cat would eat she would sit on the porch talking to it. She told the animal all of her secrets, and in her mind the gray cat was listening to her.

Little by little she would place the food closer to the porch each time she fed it until finally she would sit on the top of three steps with the cat just to her left on the porch eating.

Weeks passed this way with her occasionally reaching out and touching the animal as it ate from it’s clear glass dish.

Finally though she built up her courage and one night as the little gray cat ate she reached out and picked it up. The animal paniced. It spat and hissed and she dropped it to watch it run off in to the shadow of the stand of trees that bordered her parent’s property.

Days at first soon became weeks and then months. The cat never came back. Freddy felt overwhelming loss and shame that she had frightened the little animal away. She had come to love the cat and only wanted to keep it as her pet but it had been too much.

Annabelle had learned the two most important things she ever learned from that cat. The first being that any relationship worth having required great patience and care to develop. The second and most important, was that she could never try to take more from some one than they could give.

Freddy pushed it out of her head. Ariel needed her. She could feel that the child was sobbing through the shaking of the mattress. The teacher forced herself to sit up and look at the girl.

Ariel’s face was a roadmap of terror. Her eyes were closed and tears ran down her cheeks. “I am so sorry Ariel.” Freddy said. She approaced the girl cautiuously and reached out, stroking her shoulder. Ariel did not recoil, it wasn’t much but this brought at least some hope to Freddy. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I promise I didn’t.”

Ariel took a deep breath and wiped tears from her eyes. She turned her head to her teacher, keeping her body pressed against the headboard. Freddy’s hand on her soulder was comforting. The woman’s face held nothing but genuine concern. The tension in Ariel’s body began to release.

The girl unfolded a bit and turned a little more toward her teacher. “You can’t do that.” Her voice was soft and apologetic. Freddy nodded. She drew an ‘x’ across her heart.

The teacher slid up behind the girl and coaxed her down on her side. She folded on arm under Ariel’s pillow and let the other rest on the child’s side. She stroked Ariel’s belly gently as she laid there. The night was over, but Ariel did not sound like there was never to be another chance. Eventually they both fell asleep.

Ariel opened her eyes to the early morning light and lingering scent of lavendar. She laid on her side with Freddy’s arm still over her. The child moved slightly enjoying the sensation of her teacher’s naked skin on her back.

She was not sure she understood her teacher at all. She did not beleive any one had ever liked her. She knew that people were only nice to her if they wanted something and yet Freddy did not seem this way at all. She had stopped and seemed only concerned. Not angry, not like she was just waiting for another chance to get her hands on the girl.

When she was younger she did not have the words to describe how used she had felt when Mike would rape her. She did not know how to put in to words the feeling that she was nothing more than a thing. Now in middle school though, the words presented themselves. She knew that for Mike she had been nothing more than a convienent hole to stick his dick in. This did not seem to be true for Freddy though. She seemed to care.

Ariel closed her eyes as she felt her heart sink. She could not understand why any one would care about her. Why any one would like her. Every morning when she had to face herself in the mirror she could only hear her mother hissing at her, “whore.” But under the makeup and the black hair, in the black clothing she was some one else, she wasn’t real. She was the lonely little cartoon character she drew constantly. The one that did not need any one or anything. She was strong, unable to feel anything. Ariel desprately wanted to be the cartoon, she would gladly loose all of the good emotions she hardly ever felt if it meant she would stop hurting, or hoping. Hope always lead to dissapointment. If there was anything Ariel hated most about herself it was her inability to dismiss any hope.

Then there was Freddy. Annabelle. She could not understand what the woman said most of the time. All she could do was wonder why some one, especially some one as pretty and nice as Annabelle, would like her.

The little girl rolled over carefully, to look at her teacher. She had expected to find the woman sleeping but instead she was comfronted by the woman’s pretty green eyes. She lowered her head and blushed right away. “Good morning lovely lady.” Freddy said with a warm smile. That smile that disarmed the girl no matter how hard she tried to stay strong. The teacher pulled the girl against her, rubbing the small of her back, down to her soft behind.

Ariel swallowed hard. She had to know something. “Do you have a girlfriend?” She asked.

Freddy kissed the girl’s head and pulled back, still smilling. “I’m not sure, but I hope soon she will be.” Ariel’s head lowered even more.

“Do you love her?” The child asked. She did not want to hear the answer, she could not bear it.

“Oh very much.” Freddy responded without hesitation. Tears welled in the girl’s eyes and it was then that Freddy realized that Ariel had not been teasing. She honestly did not know. The teacher lifted the girl’s chin and looked deep in to her eyes. “Ariel sweetheart, it’s you.” She said as she parted the girl’s bangs with her fingers.

Ariel went white. She did not know how to respond. It took several moments to sink in but she suddenly realized that Freddy had just said she loved her. The girl wanted to say it too but for as much as she was sure she was in love she could not make the words come out.

Freddy looked deep in to the girl’s eyes. “I want you to know that.” She said. “I love you Ariel. I love you.” She repeated, making sure the girl could not misunderstand.

Ariel pulled herself hard against her teacher and held on. She did not want to let go but after quite some time laying there Freddy gently pulled herself free from the child’s grasp and got out of bed.

She went in to the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she was done she came out to find Ariel had gotten herself up. The woman pulled a long tee shirt over her head and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. She did not expect that the child would help as she assumed little Ariel was putting on makeup.

Freddy was surprised when the girl came in to the kitchen with no makeup, wet hair and one of the teacher’s tee shirts on, asking if she could help.

Together they made waffles and then sat down to have breakfast together. When they had finished they washed the dishes and went to the living room where Ariel turned on the television to watch cartoons and Freddy relaxed with her newspaper and a cup of coffee.

“I want a cigarette.” Ariel said at a commercial. Freddy flipped the paper down and looked at the girl for a moment.

“Do you have any idea how bad it is for me to give you cigarettes?” She asked.

“Is it as bad as licking my... You know what?” Ariel teased.

“Funny girl.” Freddy laughed and stuck her tongue out playfully. She got up and went to her bedroom where she got two cigarettes and led the child out to the back patio.

As they sat outside smoking in the pleasant warmth of a late Colorado spring morning, Ariel finally managed to gather the courage to ask what she had wanted to since breakfast. “Can I spend the night again tonight?”

Freddy smiled and nodded her head right away. “Do you think your aunt will mind?”

“She might make you come over first.” Ariel said looking afraid.

That was exaclty the case. Ariel called her aunt to ask if she could stay another night and Sadie insisted that she meet Annabelle first. Ariel hung up looking very sad. Until now she had thought Sadie would not care but faced with the reality she was beginning to wonder.

After lunch Freddy and Ariel walked to the girl’s house. They stood quietly on the porch for only a moment before the girl opened the door and led her teacher in. Sadie, true to form was sprawled on the couch drinking a beer. Three empty bottles on the coffee table attested to her early start. “Sadie.” Ariel said. The woman looked up at her then at Freddy, somewhat confused. “This is Annabelle, she’s my friend.”

“That’s Annabelle?” Her eyes narrowed and she studied the woman closely. Freddy never let it show how nervous she truly was. “I thought you were a kid.”

“Well. Young at heart.” She answered with a smile. Sadie rolled her eyes.

“What’chu wanna spend time with a kid for anyway?”

“We have a lot of fun Sadie.” Ariel broke in. “She’s my art teacher, she helps with my drawing.”

“The art teacher?” Sadie shook her head. She got up off the couch and moved close to Freddy, still holding her beer. “I ain’t never seen one of your type up close.” She started. “You don’t look like no homo.” Freddy’s brow wrinkled and she look quite amused. Sadie had heard the rumors about her like most other parents. “You should be careful ‘round this kid, she’ll get you in trouble.” Sadie returned to the couch and finished her beer, setting the empty on the table. She returned her attention to the television.

“So can I spend the night with her again?” Ariel begged. Sadie only glanced at her for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and waving the girl away. Ariel smiled and hurried to her room where she gathered a few things. She soon returned to Freddy’s side and they walked back to her house.

“My you’re aunt is a lovely woman.” Freddy said with some sacrasm, something that very much surprised her.

“She’s a bitch.” Ariel snorted. “I can’t wait till I’m eighteen so I can get away from her.” Freddy put her hand on the girl’s shoulder.

They spent the rest of the day talking or watching telelvision. After five they started dinner. Freddy was surprised that she did not have to say a word for the girl to jump up and offer to help.

Ariel had neglected to put on makeup all day. Freddy stood in the kitchen looking at the girl as she stirred the mac and cheese. She looked so much younger, innocent. She hardly seemed twelve. She hardly seemed like some one who had suffered the things she had suffered.

The little girl lifted the lid of a pot on the stove and looked inside. “Brussle sprouts?” She asked.

“Yep. You don’t have to eat them if you don’t like them though.” Freddy said.

Ariel picked a fork out of the drawer in front of her and fished one of the small lettuce head like spouts from the pot. She popped it in her mouth and chewed it for a moment before swallowing and grimmacing. Freddy smiled. “I hate these things.” She picked another out and ate it. “But I can’t stop eating them.”

Freddy stared at her, perplexed for several moments. “Your a bit of an odd cookie, you know that right?” Ariel laughed and ate a third brussle sprout. She replaced the lid and returned her attention to the mac and cheese.

They sat down at the table and ate together. Freddy hardly got any of the brussle sprouts as, just like Ariel had told her, she could not stop eating them.

The night drew on much longer than Ariel had wanted. She was in a hurry to be back in Freddy’s bed. She hoped Freddy would want to try to make love to her again. Eventually the teacher got up and turned off the television. From there she flipped the lights in the living room off and turned in the darkness to look at Ariel. “I’d really like it if you stayed in my room tonight, but I understand if you don’t want too.”

“I want too.” The child blurted.

She hurried her teacher down the hall and climbed up on the bed. She sat on the pillows and turned around to look at Freddy. “Would you like for me to light some candles?” The teacher asked. Ariel nodded.

“Annabelle?” Ariel asked while the woman was lighting candles. Freddy looked at her through the mirror, a smile on her face. “Umm.” The child blushed and averted her eyes. “I mean, you know, if you want... If you want to you know... It’s okay.”

Freddy blew out her match and set it on an ashtray. She walked to the door and turned out the lights. In the candle light Ariel was even prettier than normal. Freddy loved candle light, it brought out the best in every one.

The teacher crawled up on to the bed and moved over the child. She kissed Ariel deeply, parting her lips and wrestling with the girl’s tongue. Ariel wrapped her arms around the teacher’s neck and sank down on the bed. Her sex immediately awoke. Despite the fear from the night before she had been left frustrated and was ready to finish what had been started.

Freddy sat back and began undressing herself. Ariel looked up at her with great anticipation. She wanted to touch her teacher again. The sensation of Freddy’s breats in her hands hand not left her and she had to feel it again.

As soon as the woman was naked before her, Ariel gathered her courage and reached out. As she had been guided the night before, she ran her hands up Freddy’s sides and over her breasts. This time though, she played with the woman’s hardening nipples with her fingers. Her breath became more rapid, and her eyes grew wide.

She had lost track of time when Freddy leaned down and began kissing her. She lapped at the child’s nipples, then kissed to her belly where she nibbled at the girl’s belly button. Ariel gigled and folded her legs.

“Annabelle?” Ariel said quietly. The teacher sat back and smiled down at the girl. “Do you really love me?” She asked. Freddy tiled her head and nodded. She reached out and ran her finger down the girl’s nose to her lips where she made a smacking sound, mimicing a kiss.

“Very much.”

That was all the answer Ariel needed. She closed her eyes and slid down slightly giving herself to the woman. She had decided she would try to trust Freddy.

The teacher pulled Ariel’s black tee shirt up over her head and pulled the girl’s skirt off. She tried not to look at the Hello Kitty underwear Ariel was wearing but she could not help it.

Today the girl had not worn high socks. Instead her socks was ankle high with a strip of lace around the upper seam. As much as she had been enticed by the socks the girl had worn the night before, these cute, child like ones were alos something she had to leave in place.

Freddy took her time kissing the girl’s body, her nipples, her lips. She carressed and kissed, all the while, as she had the night before, giving the child time to back out.

Finally the teacher slid between the child’s legs and covered Ariel’s clit with her lips. Again she traced her finger around the child’s sex but she was careful not to come too close to the girl’s opening.

Ariel moaned softly, clearly trying not to make a sound. She was hesitant but her hips moved in time with Freddy. The teacher stroked the girl’s belly with her fingers, focusing the movements of her tongue on the child’s clit.

It seemed to take forever but at long last the child had relaxed enough that Freddy was able to coax an orgasm from her. It was quite, the only sign of it being Ariel pressing hard in to the the bed and groaning.

Freddy moved up the bed and kissed Ariel deeply. When she was done she looked down at the little girl. Ariel was smiling. Her eyes drooping. The teacher shrugged and got ready to lay down.

Ariel had tasted her own sex a number of times. Though masturbation was rare for her she often, much to her shame, tasted her fingers when she was done. It was one of the few common sexual desires she had ever felt, the desire to taste another girl’s honey.

The girl licked her lips drinking in her own juices. She almost smiled when it suddenly occured to her that Freddy had seen her taste herself. Her cheeks turned so red that even in the dim candle light the blush was visible.

Freddy laid on her side and began gently stroking the child. “It’s okay sweetie. I’ve done the same thing.” She offered, hoping it would put the child at ease. Ariel looked at her for a moment before she nodded.

“Do you want me to do it too you?” She asked. Freddy shrugged.

“That’s okay sweetie. You don’t have to do anything at all if you don’t want.” Freddy slid her hand between her legs and began massaging herself. “I don’t mind doing things myself.”

Ariel looked down at her teacher’s hand. She was fascinated and humiliated seeing another woman masturbating. But she wanted to go down on her teacher. She wanted to taste her. Her fantasies were so few that she could hardly stand to miss a chance to try one. “But if I wanted too could I?” She finally managed to ask. She had no idea where she had gotten the courage but in the dim candle light it seemed okay.

Freddy stopped and pulled her hand from her sex. She looked down at her fingers for a moment, almost hating to waste the wetness on them. “Do you want too?” She finally asked. Ariel was quiet for several moments before she nodded her head. Freddy kissed her and laid on her back. “Do you want me to help you?” She asked.

Ariel forced herself to move. She sat up, then rolled so that she was straddling her teacher, looking down at her. Freddy reached up and stroked the girl’s back with her fingers. She had all the patience in the world. At that moment she was in heaven. Freddy could have stayed like that all night but Ariel was ready for more.

The girl kissed Freddy’s lips then she focused her attention on the woman’s breasts. As much as she was enjoying touching them she was also trying to build the courage to go further.

Ariel began kissing her teacher’s breasts and nibbling her nipples. She worked her way down the woman’s body until she was between her legs looking at her vulva. Freddy shaved herself completely. It seemed a bit strange to Ariel but also somehow made her less self concious about her own undeveloped body.

“I’m not sure what to do.” The child confessed.

“Just do what would feel good to you.” Freddy pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down at the child. Seeing a little girl staring up at her from between her legs sent a shock of excitement through her that surprised her.

Ariel looked at the woman for a moment then at her sex. She had almost no idea what might feel good to her. It was something she tried not to think about at. She leaned forward, keeping her eyes locked with her teachers. She began lapping at the woman’s sex. Running her tongue around her lips and over her clit. Freddy’s head fell back and she shuddered before looking back down at the child.

The girl kept lapping at Freddy’s sex, watching her intently. She was taking in everything. She wanted to remember ever taste, every sensation every expression. She never wanted to forget this, for fear that her teacher would never want to do it again.

All of her life the girl had heard that women smelled or tasted bad but it was not true. She loved the scent and the taste of her teacher’s sex. It was garnering a reaction in her own loins, causing her to feel the fire of excitement once more.

Freddy could not stand it any longer. She pulled Ariel up and turned her around. She had to taste the child again.

As Ariel returned her attention to the woman’s sex, Freddy sucked the girl’s clit in to her mouth and began rubbing her tongue on it. Ariel needed far less coaxing this time. Within only a few moments she grunted, pushed her sex toward the woman and moaned. Feeling the child climax had Freddy so close that she could hardly contain herself. She wanted to reach between her legs and finish what the child had started but Ariel, recovering from her orgasm, returned her attention to her teacher.

Freddy shuddered and nearly screamed as she came. Ariel, not sure what else to do, pushed her fingers in to the woman. She was immediately aware of the walls of the woman’s sex clamping down on her fingers and releasing, as she came. The ease with which Freddy had accepted the invasion of the girl’s finger had her in shock. Freddy had tried to do this to her. And it seemed to pleasure the woman. It made the girl wonder but her fear of the experience quickly took any thoughts of experimentation away.

When it was over she turned the girl around and pulled her up, kissing her. It was almost enough to being her to another climax tasting Ariel’s honey mixed with her own in the kiss.

When they parted Ariel slid off her teacher and turned on her side, closing her eyes. Emotion and the physical exertion had drained her. The teacher pulled her close and closed her eyes. She listened as the girl’s breathing became the slow steady breathing of the sleeping. ‘Maybe it is more cat stuff.’ She thought to herself. ‘But this time I didn’t scare her away.’