Dark Lover, Part 5

by Amanda

First off... This is dedicated to all you goth girls out there. Pale skin, black clothes, heavy eye makeup, god you all drive me crazy. I love every one of you.

Second this story contains graphic depictions of sexual behavior between an adult and a teenaged girl. If that is illegal where you are, if you are not 18 or if this offends you please read no further. If you are under 18 and still want to read on I'm really sorry but legally you can't, however in just a few years you will be able to vote, remember this when you are asked to elect people that would tell young people they have no rights.

Jasmine stopped, trying to catch her breath. Michelle was gone, she did not know where but where ever it was had to be better than this. Behind her the footfalls of the Crusader echoed through the alley she had just run down. Right now she was not so much trying to get away as she was trying to take the fight to a safe place for her. More than even that though, she was leading the Crusader away from Michelle and that mattered more than anything else.

"New York sucks." She grumbled as she sprinted off again. She was faster than the woman following her. She had to pace herself so as not to get too far ahead. Still it was exhausting. She wondered to herself if the woman close at her heels felt the effects of their long chase.

Jasmine stopped and spun on her heels. She was in central park, in a stand of trees. Close quarters, not a lot of room to move. This made the long silver sword of the Crusader nearly useless.

She did not know how she knew these things. But somehow she knew that she wanted to stay inside arms length from the woman. She wanted to turn the fight from a sword battle in to a grappling match.

"Jacob." She whispered. It had to have come from his blood. Somehow she had developed fighting skills. Nothing like she could have had she trained for years, but it was enough of the knowledge and theory of combat to get her through this.

The Crusader stopped just within the trees and looked around, taking in her surroundings. Whether she knew what Jasmine was trying to do or not would remain a mystery as Jasmine could not read her.

"It's time Vampire." She said. She drew her sword from beneath a long trench coat.

"Don't you think a tazer and silver bullets would work better?" Jasmine asked. The woman scoffed. "Who are you?"

"The one that's going to kill you, that's all that matters." She lunged forward with the blade and Jasmine sidestepped it, moving herself just within arms reach of the woman. The Crusader immediately tried to back up but the Vampire stayed on her.

With a hiss the Crusader threw down her sword and pulled out a short knife. Like the longer blade this one too glowed black.

The woman leapt forward slashing and stabbing at the vampire. Jasmine found herself able to dodge the blade rather easily. The Crusader must have been new. She was slow, and her skills seemed, incomplete.

There was not going to be a chance for her to get any better. Jasmine flew in to the air, a surprise for the Crusader to say the least. She darted forward with Vampire speed and they both tumbled across the ground. As they rolled Jasmine loosed the knife from the woman's grip. Disarmed it was only a matter of a short struggle before the vampire snapped her neck.

Jasmine stood up and looked down at the body. This was the second Crusader she had faced since arriving in New York City. They knew she was here. The first had been much faster. She still had a scar across her chest where she had not been quick enough to dodge his sword.

Jacob was not entirely correct about them. They used magic and silver weapons, but it was not just the blood he had consumed that had caused his scars to be so long lived. The blades they wielded were tainted with some dark energy as well.

The vampire's attention turned to her changeling. She could sense the girl at home, she was anxious and Jasmine knew why. If the Crusaders knew about them, more would come. Soon they would not be able to leave their home without being attacked.

With only eight months in the city, it was now time to find somewhere else to live. A small town this time. Thousands of them through out the United States, much too difficult for a hunter to decide why one might be better than another.

Jasmine wrapped herself in shadow and darted in to the air. She had not perfected flying but she was getting much better. For tonight she could enjoy the skill but soon, as the blood of her last meal waned in her system she would no longer be able to take flight. Jacob had been right, it took a kill to fuel this particular power. She hated it but she had been maintaining her ability to take to the sky now since her first encounter with the strange Crusaders.

The vampire arrived at home, drifting over the edge of her balcony. She always chose apartments as high up as she could get them. She had for as long as she could remember. Perhaps it was instinct or perhaps personal preference, but she felt safer the higher up she was.

"Jasmine!" Michelle ran across the room a threw her arms around the vampire as she stepped through the sliding glass door. "You're alive."

"Of course." Jasmine kissed her gently on the lips and smiled. "Were you followed?"


"You checked?"

"Yes, just the way you taught me." Michelle walked to the couch with her mistress and sat down. "Now what?"

"We leave. That's two, there'll be more."

For the rest of the evening they talked but were both uneasy. They would spend the day in the apartment sleeping but with the next sunset they would be leaving. It was simply to dangerous to stay any longer.

The Crusaders seemed to have gotten more aggressive. They had moved twice in less than a year now. Once from Venice to Orlando and then again to New York. Now they were leaving again.

Denver Colorado

Jasmine sat down on the new couch she had purchased earlier that evening. Michelle was in the bathroom showering. Originally she had planned to move them to a small town but something about Denver seemed inviting.

It was early fall, September. Soon the bitter cold of mile high winters would confine them to their apartment save for the few nights they were forced to hunt. It was safer to stay home though.

Jasmine had an errand she wanted to run. Michelle may or may not approve but it was something the vampire had to follow up on. She had sensed something the night before. As she drifted through the night sky wrapped in shadow she had sensed something near an overpass where the homeless congregated in to a small village of cardboard boxes and makeshift tents.

The vampire walked in to the bathroom and told Michelle she was leaving. After a moment of silence she turned and left. She made her way out of the apartment via the balcony and flew out in to the cool night air.

Near the rail yards, where they met with the interstate Jasmine drifted to the ground just out of range of human eyes from the homeless colony. She crouched down and moved between trees, train cars and miscellaneous large objects discarded because the city trash collectors would not take them.

Jasmine was looking at the world through what she called the night eyes. A thermal image generated by two heat sensors just under her nostrils, not unlike a pit viper, with a second image of the psychic impressions of the world superimposed over it. She lost a fair amount of detail, however in the trade she had a clear understanding of what was around her as well as being able to see in absolute darkness.

The vampire stopped with her back against a concrete barrier. She could hear the homeless talking, coughing, and trying to get through a chilly fall night. They were not what she was looking for. Her quarry was deeper in the throng.

Jasmine reached out and coaxed her target out, causing her to want to leave the colony behind and walk in to the darkness of the early evening.

The vampire watched her small target pass her and continue walking out in to the darkness. She finally stopped in front of the hulking body of a circa nineteen sixty Plymouth.

Now wrapped in shadow and invisible to mortal eyes, Jasmine ran the short distance to where her small quarry stood, looking out in to the darkness with a blank expression. 'Sleep' she urged and the girl's eyes closed. Almost at once her knees buckled and Jasmine caught her before she could fall to the ground.

She was around nine or ten, dirty and reeked from her six months living on the streets. Jasmine had tried to search her thoughts to learn more about her but the girl had locked so many things deep within herself. Not the least of which being the story of how it was exactly that a child in the twenty first century could end up homeless.

There was only one reason Jasmine had for coming after this girl and no matter what she wanted to tell herself she could not convince herself that there was anything noble in her desire.

The vampire flew home with the child. She entered the apartment as she most often did, via the balcony and took the little girl straight to the guest bathroom where she set the child in the tub. The vampire had nothing to concern herself with, the girl would sleep until she was awakened.

Jasmine went in to the living room to find Michelle sitting on the couch watching television. "I didn't see you when I came in." She said, sounding surprised.

"You woke me up actually. I was dozing." Michelle sniffed the air as if she had not already smelled the new guest. "A girl." She said quietly. Michelle's eyebrows raised. "But not… And she really needs a bath." Michelle stood up and tilted her head as she stared at Jasmine. "Are you bored with me?" She asked. "Are you going to do to her what you did to me?"

"What I did to you?"

"You know what I mean." Michelle furrowed her brow. She ground her teeth and tried to remain as calm as possible.

"Oh my god Mishy. Okay, just relax a little bit. You're still my baby. Still my… Well, Wife." Jasmine offered. Michelle scoffed.

"Then why do you want her?"

"Can we talk about this after we clean her up?" Jasmine asked. "I need to change I'm covered in her."

Jasmine went to the bedroom where she hurriedly changed in to a clean outfit. She turned to leave, finding Michelle blocking the door.

"She younger than me, you're going to leave me for her." The girl sounded desperate. Jasmine sighed softly and shook her head. She crossed the room and wrapped her arms around her lover.

"No sweetie, no, not at all." After a moment Jasmine stood back. "Think of her maybe, like a little sister."

"I never fucked my little sister."

"That's because you don't have one."

"Jasmine, seriously."

"Mishy, please. Listen to me. Yes, that's exactly what I hope from her eventually. But this doesn't change us at all. You're still my lover. What would I do without you?" Jasmine led the girl to the front door. "Lets get some supplies and get her clean, we'll talk about this more later okay."

"Jasmine, I'd do anything for you I love you, but…" Crimson tears built in her eyes. "I just know you'll want her more."

"Nothing can change how I feel about you." Jasmine tried to reassure.

They went to the nearest Wal-Mart and bought several items of clothing the girl would need. They then went to the first drug store they passed and bought two boxes of lice treatment. The child's hair was a rats nest of tangles and Jasmine could smell the parasites on the girl.

When they got home Jasmine thought to ask Michelle to help her but then reconsidered. The girl needed time to adjust to the child she had brought home. It would simply be better not ask her for anything at the moment.

Jasmine stripped the girl and placed her in the tub. She threw the girl's clothing in the garbage and returned to the bathroom where she performed the first of two lice treatments on the child.

When she was finished with that she started the water running and carefully washed the little girl, cleaning away months of filth. As she did she could see what an endearing little child she was.

The girl had dirty blond hair and green eyes. She looked quite waifish after so long with minimal nutrition and healthcare. It made her even more appealing to the vampire. She was attractive, but in an unusual way that Jasmine could not quite put her finger on. Maybe her lips were too thin or her ears too big. It wasn't immediately clear but her oddity was appealing.

Gently the vampire dressed the girl in fresh underwear and a white cotton nightgown. She took the girl to the guest bedroom and laid her in the bed tucking her in. The vampire looked down at her with a smile. This was no small thing she had done. At best the girl would join her and Mishy, at worst, she would never have to live on the streets again.

The child would spend the rest of the night and the following day asleep. Jasmine would awaken her when she had a full evening to dedicate to the child. Besides, since the girl was far to young to be a girl friday, she would need to be watched over rather than left free to roam and possibly run away.

"Are you bored?" Michelle asked when Jasmine reappeared from the guest bedroom.

"No." Jasmine sat next to her young lover. "But you've known about me for a while now."

"Why would you think..."

"That you're interested in her?" Jasmine smiled. "Because you have drunk me. You have my blood in you and a fair amount at that. That means you have a part of me that is forever in you now, as I do you." Jasmine smiled a slight smile and turned her full attention on the girl. "You're never going to die Mishy. You're never going to age. You can do anything you want, very nearly with impunity. And with all that, you'll see, the only things that really matter, are the small joys."

"What if I can't." She said, sounding less sure of herself. "Or if she doesn't want too?"

"You know it isn't in me to force anything on any one…" She trailed off thinking of how Michelle had come to be turned. She had not forced it, as it were, but there had not been a great deal of freedom for Michelle to choose otherwise. "And I'm sure you know I won't throw her back out on the street either."

"I'm afraid." She whispered. Michelle leaned against her mistress and closed her eyes. She was trying to believe in Jasmine. She wanted the vampire to mean what she said but it was very hard for her to believe all the same.

They spent the rest of the night in conversation deliberately directed away from the little girl sleeping in their guest room. As the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon Jasmine and Michelle went to bed to sleep away the daylight.

Jasmine awoke first as the sun set. Michelle was younger, her instincts would tend to keep her in the vampire slumber longer.

The vampire got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make coffee. When she had finished she went to the living room and sat on the couch, unsure exactly of what she should do. On the one hand she wanted to wait for Michelle, so that the girl would not think her sneaking around. On the other she wondered if it would not be easier on her if the child was dealt with while she still slept.

Eventually Jasmine's internal debate became moot. As she went to pour herself a cup of coffee Michelle walked out of the bedroom in her boxers and tank top, scratching her head and squinting against the bright living room lights.

Silently she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the small folding table they had placed in the kitchen. Jasmine joined her. "We should get ourselves cleaned up. I'm going to wake her soon."

"Mmmhmm." Michelle mumbled before sipping from her cup. "I'm feeling it Jasmine." She said quietly after a long silence. She meant the hunger. She was feeding almost exclusively from Jasmine and because of this was prone to fall prey to it far more often than if she was feeding directly.

Michelle finished her coffee and went back to their room to get ready. Jasmine waited patiently for her turn, watching television as she did.

When both Jasmine and Michelle had gotten showered and dressed the vampire sat on the couch and coaxed Michelle to sit next to her. "Are you ready?" She asked. Michelle nodded. Jasmine released the hold she had maintained on the girl since the night before. Almost instantly the child opened her eyes and Jasmine could feel her trying to comprehend where she was and what had happened.

The child sat up in bed and looked down at herself. She was wearing clean cloths for the first time in months. Her head did not itch and she could smell the fresh cotton of her nightgown.

Confused, the little girl got up and looked down at herself again. It was real. Sleepy, unsure of her surroundings, suddenly she felt pulled toward the doorway. She looked up and began walking slowly at first.

Her pace picked up as she left the room and entered the darkened hall that led to a lit room a short distance away.

The little girl stepped in to the well lit living room, squinting and turned to see Jasmine sitting on the couch. Her eyes went wide, more shock at seeing some one she did not expect than anything else. A moment later Michelle moved forward and the little girl took notice of her.

She looked around slowly, taking in her surroundings, then turned her full attention back on Jasmine. Her forehead wrinkled with the obvious questions in her head but she said nothing.

"What is your name?" Jasmine's gentle voice broken in to the silence and it startled the child. She said nothing in response. Jasmine reached in to the child's thoughts and could not seem to find any comprehension of the question. She asked again.

'Ashley.' The answer echoed. Jasmine nodded her head. The vampire was relieved, the girl understood. More over it seemed that although some trauma kept her silent, it was not impossible for her to speak. However, It was just as easy for her to listen to the girl's thoughts as it would have been to listen to her words.

"Ashley." Jasmine said quietly. "What a pretty name." The girl's eyes widened slightly. She wondered to herself if she had spoken. "Come here." Jasmine smiled and reached an open hand out toward the girl. Slowly, for reasons she could not understand, the girl felt the need to comply. "How did you end up homeless?" The vampire asked. This time there was no answer. The girl looked down shyly. Jasmine tried to reach further in to the child's thoughts but what ever it was the girl had experienced, she had blocked it out.

"I'm Michelle." Michelle said. She slid off of the couch and knelt in front of the little girl. "Are you hungry?" The child looked up. Michelle had not linked with her but knew the expression and the streets well enough to have not needed to ask. "C'mon, lets go get a sandwich, okay?" The little girl did not nod or speak but when Michelle stood and took her hand she followed without any influence from vampire will.

Jasmine and Michelle sat quietly watching as the girl wolfed down the sandwich she had been given, then held out her plate for another. Michelle obliged.

"You're safe here." Jasmine offered. Michelle sat looking from her mistress to the child. "We're not going to hurt you, or anything."

'What do you want?' The question echoed in the girl's head but she remained silent, albeit more tense. Jasmine understood the child's concerned. It was not even entirely misplaced as she did have her hopes.

"Don't worry about anything right now. I just want you too get used to this place… And the rules."

There was a flurry of thought at the mention of rules but nothing specific. Jasmine did not push the issue. The little girl pushed her plate away, and Michelle picked it up, and took it to the sink.

"Hey, so we stay up all night and sleep during the day." Michelle said, trying to make it sound exciting. The girl rolled her eyes slightly. She was too mature to be spoken to in such a childish way. "Hmm. Well anyway. You can stay up with us."

Jasmine led the girl back to the living room closely followed by Michelle. "I'm not going to get you to talk to me am I?" Jasmine asked the child. She made no move, gave no thought, that indicated either way.

They spent the night watching television. Michelle would need to feed again, but Jasmine could sustain them both for a little while longer. She herself would not be likely to need to feed until the next full moon, a time all vampires felt the hunger more strongly.

As the sun begin to hint at it's appearance Jasmine took the girl to the guest bedroom. This would be the child's sanctuary for the time being. When she was tucked in Jasmine left her there for her own room.

"She'll wake up before we do." Michelle warned.

"I know."

"Aren't you afraid she'll run away?"

"I've, well She'll feel the need to stick around for the next few days. Enough time I hope that she won't need my influence again." Jasmine slid in to bed next to her lover and kissed her.

Michelle's eyes betrayed what she wanted but the sun would rise all too soon. Jasmine placed her finger over the girl's lips and smiled. "Tomorrow love."

For a vampire sleep is a nearly instantaneous experience. Jasmine felt that hardly a moment after closing her eyes she was awake again. This evening however she was greeted by a sight that nearly startled her. Ashley was standing next to the edge of the bed staring at her. Jasmine reached in to the child's thoughts, she had been there for hours, just watching. She could also feel that the little girl sensed something unusual about them.

"You're probably hungry." Jasmine said as she sat up. She glanced at Michelle who was still sleeping. The sun was low but would not set fully for a few more minutes.

Jasmine cooked the little girl an egg and started her eating, before leaving her to greet Michelle, who was just beginning to stir.

"Hello." Jasmine leaned down and kissed Michelle's lips gently. The girl smiled and sat up.

"Is she still here?" She asked. Jasmine nodded her head. "What's that smell?" She asked, sniffing at the air.


"Smells repulsive."

"It's an effect of being like us." Jasmine shrugged. "Most food smells… Dead."

They spent several moments kissing and simply enjoying some closeness before going out to check on the girl.

'Has she said something?' Michelle asked her mistress through their link. Jasmine shook her head. 'Do you think she can talk?'

'Yes, she just won't.' Jasmine smiled and stroked the girl's face. Instinctively the child leaned in to Jasmine's hand and closed her eyes. She had been running from everything on the streets for so long she had forgotten what it was to be a little girl. "Ashley." Jasmine said, catching the child's attention. "I want you to stay here. With us. We'll take care of you and all you have to do is help with the chores and keep your room clean."

The girl understood. She looked in to the vampire's eyes and seemed to be trying to say 'okay' but there were no words. She was nervous, and even a little afraid but something in the vampire's eyes made her want to trust in her.

Ashley, for the most part, did as she was told. She slept in the guest room and little by little Michelle and Jasmine outfitted her with all of the things they thought a little girl would want or need. For three weeks they spoke to her and listened to her thoughts for the answers they needed. Jasmine had begun to think that the child may never speak.

Michelle and Jasmine's intimacy had suffered since the girl had come to live with them. Not because either had lost interest but instead because they were simply too busy with the child to take time for themselves.

"You're not going to get away from me tonight." Michelle said with a mischievous smile as Jasmine stepped out of the bedroom and in to the living room. She pulled herself off of the couch and approached her mistress. "It's been a really long time."

Jasmine nodded her head. It had been far too long and Michelle had to have been suffering from the hunger. Even if they did not have sex the girl would have to feed, pushing her hunger this long was dangerous, especially with the child in the house.

Michelle, taking the lead, pushed Jasmine back in to her bedroom gently and coaxed her to the bed. "I love you." She whispered. "God I've missed you."

"Me too." Jasmine drank in the girl's kisses. They wrestled with one another's tongues for several moments before Michelle sat back and began to undress. Jasmine smiled as she watched Michelle turn it in to a little bit of a show.

When she had finished She leaned back down and kissed her mistress. "Now for you." She grinned as she began pulling at Jasmine's clothing, eventually getting the vampire undressed.

"Drink me." She whispered as she pulled Michelle to her throat. The girl shook her head quickly. She wanted blood but she wanted it from the sexually charged thigh while Jasmine climaxed. It would be richer and far more satisfying.

Michelle kissed and licked from the vampire's throat to her breasts and began teasing her nipples. She suckled them to erectness and continued to nip them with her long canines. Jasmine writhed with pleasure. She loved the sweet pain of Michelle's teeth.

The girl began kissing and licking her way across and down Jasmine's body. She scented the vampire's flowery skin as she moved across her flesh toward her hungry sex.

Jasmine closed her eyes and pressed her head in to the pillow as Michelle covered her clit with her mouth. She gripped at the sheets and moaned softly in time with Michelle's tongue. "I love you." She whispered.

Michelle slid her fingers in to the vampire as she suckled her clit. She curved them slightly searching for the spongy flesh just behind the pubic bone. Jasmine's 'magic button.'

The vampire rocked her hips and groaned loudly, loving Michelle's efforts. "Now." She moaned, coaxing the girl to bite her. Michelle did as she was bid and turned her attention to the soft fleshy fold of Jasmine's inner thigh. She pressed her teeth in and pushed her blood in to Jasmine's body, before beginning to drink.

Jasmine was nearly built to climax when she suddenly became aware of Ashley's eyes, fixated on her. Instantly she sat up and tapped Michelle's shoulder trying to get her attention.

The vampire looked down at the little girl and sighed. She had not wanted Ashley to find out anything this way. It was too late though. She had seen them, and now was acutely aware of the blood in Michelle's mouth and on her lips. She looked toward Jasmine's sex to see the healing puncture wounds slowly oozing blood.

For Ashley there was nothing impossible about the existence of vampires. No life of believing in only the real world to come to grips with as a monster of legend suddenly came to life before her eyes.

The child wanted to run but she was too petrified. Carefully, Jasmine crawled across the bed, leaving Michelle panting and yearning for more blood. The vampire swung her legs over the edge of the bed and leaned down too look the girl in the eyes. She smiled, letting the child see her teeth at their full length.

"Didn't I promise you that you would not be hurt?" She said after some contemplation. Ashley moved her head as if to nod but never completed the gesture. "I promise you sweetheart, you are perfectly safe." The child did not believe her. She was terrified that Jasmine would suck her blood now.

"Ashley, sweetheart, we're not monsters. She's telling the truth, we'd never hurt you." Michelle assured as she moved across the bed and picked the child up. Ashley tensed in the girl's arms and wanted to push away but she could not find the strength. She had no idea where she would go or what she would do if she ran away from them. It was winter now and the cold and snow were simply too much for her to face alone.

Jasmine cradled the little girl's chin in her hand and turned the girl to face her. "We love you angel, we couldn't hurt you." Ashley closed her eyes slowly as tears built up. More than anything now she looked hurt and betrayed. The vampire could tell that she felt lied too.

Jasmine pulled the girl from Michelle's arms and moved back across the bed, laying down and pulling the child on top of her. She moved and struggled slightly until Ashley was sitting on her belly, straddling her. 'Finish' she whispered in to Michelle's thoughts. The girl immediately moved across the bed and slid herself between Jasmine's legs.

The vampire drew a deep breath when Michelle's teeth reentered her body. A smile played at her lips but she was careful to keep her gaze on the girl.

Ashley was not entirely sure what Jasmine had in mind but she was less afraid now. She could hear what Michelle was doing behind her but it did not fully register. She simply sat watching the vampire, feeling less afraid of her with each passing moment.

Jasmine's breath came shorter and shaper as she neared climax. Michelle was teasing her, drawing out the experience as long as she could but now the vampire neared the point of no return.

As the fire built in her belly Jasmine drew sharp gasps and rocked her hips in time with the girl's fingers. She slid her hands under Ashley's shirt and wrapped her hands around to the girl's back, caressing her slowly as her climax finally came. She drew one long deep breath, and released it in a quivering exhale. Her sex spasmed and she was awash in ecstasy. Michelle withdrew from her thigh and sucked her clit, keeping time with each pulsation. For a moment, Jasmine lost focus on the girl and the world and only knew her climax.

Jasmine closed her eyes and began breathing deeply, drinking in the afterglow. Michelle slid up next to her, laying on her side and looking up at Ashley with a bloody smile.

As ghoulish as Michelle looked the child found she was not afraid. "Do you know what she did?" Jasmine asked after she opened her eyes. The little girl nodded her head slowly. The nearest thing to speaking she had done since Jasmine had brought her home. The vampire coaxed the girl to lean forward, pulling her down until their lips met. The vampire parted her lips and lapped out just far enough to touch the girl's lips with her tongue. Ashley immediately sat up and covered her mouth looking surprised. She was not disturbed, not afraid, simply surprised.

Having given the surprise time to pass, Jasmine pulled the girl forward and this time she did not have to expend any effort or coax her at all. Ashley leaned in and pressed her lips against Jasmine's. She did not move or pull away when the vampire gently pushed the tip of her tongue in to her mouth.

Jasmine was being as gentle as she could and she could already sense that she might be going too far too soon. Jasmine released the child and she sat back slowly. "Do you understand?" She asked. There was a long silence. The child's mind was quite, her expression blank. Slowly thoughts began to form and she nodded her head once more. Jasmine smiled and pressed her finger to the tip of the girl's nose, causing her to smile. This amounted to more direct communication from Ashley in less than three minutes, than there had been over the preceding three weeks. She did understand, as much as a ten year old girl could understand about physical love.

"We'll always take care of you sweetie." Michelle said breaking her silence. She sounded sleepy, drunk with the blood she had taken. "Nothing will change that. So you don't have to do anything you don't want too." Perhaps even more so than the vampire, Michelle cared for the little girl. She truly had come to think of her like a little sister.

Jasmine had pushed things as far as she dared that night. The girl had seen plenty, testing her sexual interest was just a step beyond what the vampire wanted to do.

The vampire laid the girl down on the bed and held her while she drifted to sleep. She hummed absently as she stroked the child's hair, smiling to herself. "You're not influencing her are you?" Michelle asked.

"Of course not Mishy… I'm hurt that'd you'd ask."

"What's it about then? Did you know she's gay?"

"It's about attraction, preference and yes it's even a little about sex. It's about not being bound by human laws. Honestly I don't know if she's gay. She has a way of blocking me that I've never seen. But it isn't even about if she's gay or not. Kid's are willing to experiment. If she loves us, and she feels comfortable she'll do whatever she wants, if not, well… What difference does it make. She's ours no matter what."

"Ours? Like a daughter, or like a pet?" Michelle wasn't exactly sure. She had not come to view humans quite as harshly as most vampires eventually did but she had begun to understand that she was not a part of the mortal world any more, that she was some how above it, above it's rules and it's laws.

"Like a daughter of course." Jasmine looked over the child's head at Michelle. There was something in the vampire's eyes that concerned the girl.

"Are you going to turn her?"

"If she wanted me too why wouldn't I?" Michelle's eyes grew wide. "But not now, not when she's still so young. In a few years. I don't think it's something we'll have to consider any time soon."

Jasmine reached over the child and stroked Michelle's arm. "Sweetie, relax. I didn't force you in to anything, I wouldn't force her."

"No…" Michelle said absently. She was thinking about the circumstances of being turned. A part of her felt very much as if she had not had a choice. The girl pushed the thoughts away. It did not matter any more she was what she was and she could end that any time simply by watching the sunrise.

They soon slept. Michelle had moved close and Jasmine was able to reach her arm across both the child and her. Feeling the vampire's touch comforted Michelle, even when it was Jasmine that caused her to need comforting.

When sunset came Jasmine opened her eyes to find Ashley staring at her intently. "Good morning." The vampire said, smiling as she sat up. The little girl watched her closely. She then held up a coloring book for Jasmine's inspection. The child watched closely as Jasmine looked at the picture she had colored. "You're very good at this." She said. Satisfied with that Ashley bounced out the door and back to the living room.

The vampire turned her attention to Michelle who had awakened in time to see the girl go. "Is she okay?"

"Seems fine." Jasmine smiled at her lover and reached out, stroking Michelle's hair. "You worry too much Mishy."

"I can't help it Jasmine. I mean can't you tell something's wrong with her? She hasn't spoken in all the time she's been here and god knowns how long before that."

"And we haven't giving her any reason to speak. We've been listening in to her thoughts, so who knows if she would have started talking by now." Jasmine crawled across the bed and kissed Michelle on the cheek. "It's all going to be okay. A couple months from now you're going to wonder what you were worried about."

The vampire left her there and went in to the kitchen where she began making coffee. When she had finished she started on something for the little girl to eat. As she cooked she began thinking about Ashley. The child needed school. She may not be with them forever and if she was not she needed an education. She resolved to find some way to get the girl in to classes before the end of the month.

With the coffee happily making Jasmine brought Ashley a plate of macaroni and cheese. She sat down when the girl did and watched for a moment as the child began eating. "You know sweetheart, I'd love to hear your voice." When she said it Ashley paused for a moment and looked up, then went back to eating. "Well, think about it angel, we can't go on reading your mind forever." Jasmine stroked the girl's hair and sat patiently until she was finished with her food.

Jasmine needed to hunt. Five points, it was close and filled with every sort of criminal. Every sort of person that would make the world better by leaving it. She needed to maintain her ability to fly and it meant killing, every time, as much as she hated it.

The vampire waited until Michelle had come out of the bedroom before she left her two girls for the chilly night and a meal.

Jasmine flew through the city as quickly as she could. She landed on an abandoned building's roof once she had reached the inner city neighborhood known as five points. Inside the building, several floors beneath her was what she wanted. A man that had gotten away with more than one crime, not the least of which being rape.

The vampire crawled over the edge of the building using her claws to scale the wall. She reached a broken window and slipped in to the building where she made her way to the second floor. He was there.

Jasmine found her victim and took him as easily as if he had been willing. She left the building much the way she had come.

When the vampire reached the roof she felt a shock of fear rush through her. There was a man standing at the far edge of the roof and she could clearly see the silver sword in his hands.

"Fuckin' Crusaders." She grumbled. Seeing her, the man strode confidently across the roof. Jasmine was about to simply fly away but something caused her to change her mind.

Almost as soon as he was within range of her he struck out with the blade. Jasmine dodged easily. So easily that she wondered if he was playing with her. He lunged several more times and soon she was sure this was just a game for him.

Jasmine did her best to get behind him, she tried flight, speed, anything but he was faster than she was and more prepared. Finally Jasmine flew up in to the air, out of reach of his blade.

As soon as he could not reach her with his sword her pulled something from underneath his coat and pointed it at her. A moment later she felt an overwhelming pain as thousands of volts of electricity coursed through her body. She fell to the roof immediately.

The pain stopped. Jasmine was disoriented, she was fighting to get to her feet, to get her wits back but before she could do anything the man was on her. He got behind her and pulled her head back. The vampire caught a glimpse of a silver blade before he pressed it against her throat.

"You loose." The man said in a gruff voice. Jasmine felt a wash of sadness go through her as she realized she was going to die. In that instant she missed Michelle and Ashley so terribly it brought a tear to her eye.

A moment passed, then two. Her head was beginning to clear. "Well do it already." She hissed.

"I don't want to kill you." The man released her and sheathed his blade. He reached down and picked up the sword he had dropped in favor of the knife. "But I want you to know that I can." He pulled his coat tighter around himself. Jasmine stumbled to her feet and turned to face him. He was unarmed now and presented a tempting target but Jasmine was not sure she could take advantage of it. "Jasmine." He said.

"How to do you my name?" She asked, pushing dreads out of her face.

"You killed a Crusader, you're known, in my world and your own." He smiled and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket which he offered to the vampire. She declined and he lit it for himself. After a long deep draw of the smoke he focused on her. "I'm the only one that knows you're here. That will probably last another month or two, so I'd be ready to move."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"As I said, you're known." He stepped closer, hoping for her to get a better look at him. "In New York you got away from me, and I'd have been happy to have taken your head that night believe me. But things have changed."

"What things?" She spat.

"Now now, play nice. I'm not your enemy, not any more." Jasmine stepped closer and the man let his trench coat fall open, allowing her to see the hilt of his blade. "We had a noble purpose once, or so I thought. Rid the world of a monster that preyed on innocent humans…" He laughed to himself. "And I know about the little girl thing." There was a long pause as he allowed Jasmine to try to understand what he was saying. "Thing is, you, vampires, you had a noble purpose once too, it's just some of you have forgotten it. But not you. You only kill, shall we say, the most unsavory. Like Jacob, oh yes we known about him too. Of course the history of the vampire is forbidden for us to study for this very reason. And so when I learned about you, I learned about us. It's about power. For both of us. Yours is god given. Ours, stolen. But we hunt you for the power. The things your blood gives us."

"You're saying God made the vampires."

"Not 'that' god. One much older. Anubis, lord of the underworld made your kind." He drew on the cigarette and then held it in front of himself and looked at the hot coal for a moment. "But us, man made, drunk on stolen power." He laughed for a moment. "We drink from you and learn what your blood can teach us, gain the power it can give us. But we're poison to you. I can change that and I decided I like you better than that other one. Jacob is the only other vampire to manage to kill one of us."


"Yes well. Two. I'll find you when I can give you the antidote. Until then, be careful, we never stop moving." He started to walk away.

"How do I know I can believe you?" She asked.

"Because I can kill you without an elaborate rouse." He walked away, stepping off of the roof and falling five stories to the ground where he sprinted away.

Jasmine was left on the roof to wonder. He was right though, he did not need to trap her. He knew about her, about Jacob, and almost certainly about her girls sitting at home, defenseless.

As the vampire flew off toward her apartment she wondered if he had some other angle. If he did she was not sure she would have a choice but to play along.

Jasmine stepped in to the apartment and found Ashley asleep on Michelle's lap. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you." She said to her young lover. Michelle raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled.

"Something happen?"



"I'll tell you later… When I figure it out." Jasmine joined them, turning her attention to the television and just enjoying having them close. She felt as if she had lost them and only just now found them again. In that moment when she had come so close to death she had realized how much they really meant to her.

The evening drew on and the vampire was content to just be near them. There would be more though. She had realized at the moment she had seen the Crusader's blade, that there was never enough time to put off a kiss, to put off a chance to make love.

On the roof of an abandoned building in five points Jasmine had realized that even she was not immortal. That even for her, who would never fall prey to time, there might not be another chance. She could not be sure the Crusader was not playing her, but at the very least he had given her something precious. He had given her another night.

Jasmine coaxed Michelle off the couch. The girl turned and laid Ashley down, but no sooner than she did the girl's eyes opened and she sat up, looking at both of them.

Her attention focused on Jasmine. Some how she could sense something different about the vampire, about the way she looked at her. Questions entered her mind but she could not find the connection between thinking them and asking them aloud.

The vampire reached out and the little girl stood, taking her hand. Jasmine lead them both too the bedroom where she preceded them on to the bed. "Tonight I learned that even for us, life is way to fucking short." She helped Ashley up on to the bed and kissed her lips softly. The little girl almost smiled, keeping her eyes intently on the vampire. Michelle followed soon after, wrapping her arms around Jasmine and kissing her deeply. The vampire responded with a new passion, surprising her.

'Tonight it's about her.' Jasmine whispered in to Michelle's mind. The girl nodded compliantly, though she looked unsure.

'Be gentle.' She reminded as Jasmine turned her attention on the child.

"Are you afraid?" The immediate response was curiosity tinged with a fear of the unknown. Ashley did not speak. Jasmine laid the girl down on the bed and smiled down at her. Michelle slid across the bed and laid next to the girl, gently stroking her hair. "Hey, sweetie, if you get scared you have to tell me okay?"

Ashley remained silent but there was no reluctance in her. Satisfied with that Jasmine leaned down and began placing soft kisses on her lips, and down her throat. Jasmine laid on the opposite side of the girl, propping herself up with her elbow. She started by stroking the girls cheek with the back of her fingers, then she moved her hand down to rub Ashley's belly.

The child tensed slightly but soon began to relax. Jasmine was acutely aware of every thought she could glean from the child. The vampire finally sat up and began to undress. As she did she glanced at Michelle who understood she should do the same.

When they had finished Jasmine tugged at the bottom of Ashley's shirt, and paused, looking deep in to the girl's eyes. "Can I take this off?" The child held her arms across her chest for several moments before she sat up and allowed Jasmine to pull her shirt off.

The vampire smiled when she saw Ashley's tiny pink nipples. They were just barely beginning to become puffy. Seeing such a sign of youth in the girl sent a wave of excitement through the vampire.

The vampire leaned down and planted little kisses on the child's chest and between her breasts down to her belly. She then moved back up and covered one of the girl's puffy nipples with her mouth, gently suckling it, letting the child feel excitement building in her for the first time.

Ashley's breath came quicker, and seeing it even began to have an effect on Michelle. She kissed the girl's lips softly, flicking her tongue across them, giving the child time to adjust to all the new sensations.

Jasmine, satisfied with the erectness of the child's nipples now, sat back and placed her hands on the waistband of the girl's pants. Michelle moved back and like her mistress, looked for any sign of reluctance. "Okay?" She asked. Seconds ticked bye slowly as the desire to permit it formed in the girl's head. She could not communicate it, but she felt safe, comfortable.

The vampire slid the girl's pants and underwear down her legs. Ashley helped by kicking them off as they neared her feet. She lay on the bed, feeling self conscious, very aware of the eyes on her.

Jasmine began at the girl's throat and kissed and licked her way to the child's belly. She wanted to link them, she wanted to feel what the girl did but it was far too soon for any such thing. Even more concerning was the fear that she might take things too far as she had with Michelle.

The vampire sat back and gently slid the child's legs apart. She leaned in and kissed the girl's thighs. She gently nibbled and licked before sitting back again and smiling down at her. "I love you." She whispered. Jasmine ran the backs of her finger's along the child's cheek before turning her attention to the little girl's sex.

She ran her hands up the child's legs until her thumbs just brushed the girl's bare sex. She did this several times, sending a shiver through both of them each time she came in contact with Ashley's vulva.

Michelle watched carefully, making sure that Jasmine was not taking things too quickly. She felt very protective of the girl and was keeping watch over her.

Satisfied that Ashley was not in distress she began kissing the girl and gently stroking her breasts. She teased the child's nipples and pinched them softly before breaking their kiss and covering an erect nipple with her lips.

Jasmine nodded her head absently before she slid down, coming within inches of the child's sex. She could smell the sweet scent of a child's excitement. She wondered to herself how much of this was new to Ashley. She seemed more comfortable with all of it than she would have thought.

The vampire closed her eyes and pushed herself forward until her lips touched Ashley's. She opened her mouth and sucked in the girl's tiny clit, flicking her tongue across it as she kept suction on it.

Jasmine ran her hands up the child's side and down and around to cup her behind. She could sense the girl's growing excitement. Her hips moved slightly as she was unsure exactly what to do. The vampire pulled one hand free and with a deep breath she slid a finger in to the child's opening. Ashley drew a sharp breath and exhaled slowly. Jasmine could only sense more curiosity. Curiosity about the strange sensations she was feeling. Wondering if this is what Jasmine had felt the night she had seen them together.

Ashley gasped and she bucked her hips hesitantly as her first orgasm began to build with in her. Michelle returned to the child's lips and stroked her body as they kissed. Ashley's breath was short and sharp and she was pulling at the sheets. Her little feet kicked slightly as she raised her knees.

Jasmine sucked the girl's clit, keeping pressure on it. She moved her finger more quickly until at last Ashley forced her sex toward the vampire, arching her back and tensing her legs. Jasmine smiled to herself as she became confident that this was indeed the first orgasm the sweet little girl had ever had.

When at last the ecstasy subsided Ashley relaxed in to the bed and jasmine moved to lay next to her. It was too much for them to do any more, but this was enough. The vampire, though deeply excited, felt satisfied. She looked over the little girl's head at Michelle who silently nodded her understanding.

Ashley rolled on her side and buried her face in Jasmine's chest. The vampire stroked her back for a time before reaching out and coaxing Michelle close enough that she could hold them both.

"I love you." Ashley whispered.

Michelle and Jasmine stared wide eyed at one another over her head, unsure they had actually heard her speak.