Simulated Love, Part 6

by Anonymous Submitter

I woke up resting on the fluffiest bed, my head against the softest pillow, my body on the nicest sheets, covered by the warmest blanket. Anita, my 8 years old daughter, had her head resting on my extended arm, while my free hand was hugging her close, fingertips on her tiny tits; her wings were extended behind her, one under and one over me. She was cuddling with Emily, her 11-year-old sister, their little hands lost in the feathers of each others' wings, still marveling at their novelty. Behind Emily, Kim, their other mother, was resting, likely enjoying the softness of the new appendages.

Or she WOULD have been resting, if she hadn't woken up early to prepare breakfast. Drat.

In a calculated move, I placed a kiss in Anita's neck, sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body as she slowly woke up, the shaking likewise awaking her sister.

They slowly opened their little eyes, then kissed lovingly; Emily made sure to enjoy the butt of her sister, naked due to the night gown she had given her. Kim called them to the table and I observed my two near-naked daughters get up and stretch up, making a big spectacle of extending their beautiful wings as far as they could go, making Kim and I lust after them even more.

Breakfast was eventful, to say the least; not since Anita precociously discovered arousal had we had so much to do during breakfast. I sat Emily on my lap, her fluffy wings rubbing blissfully against my bare chest; unable to resist, I grabbed her little breasts, rubbing them, before sliding a hand down to her young vagina. She took her sister's hand in her own, getting her attention, and reflectively bent forward, losing control of her body against my motherly attacks. Emily started moaning, quickly followed by Anita, under the caring, expert hands my lover, and they quickly reached orgasm, their infantile juices drenching our nightdresses. We let our daughters rest up a bit, then finished breakfast, interrupted by many giggles from all participants.

Having no plan for the day, we decided to rest up in a long, relaxing bath. Warm water and floating duckies were prepared and we got a chance to see how the wings reacted to bath water. My daughters sat down into the water, then lowered their feathered backs into the water, their new nerves registering water for the first time. I sat down in the large family bath, on the opposite end of my lover of 16 years, my thoughts not on her perfect body, but on playing some more with the wings of our innocent daughters. Anita got up to walk toward her mother, and I got a sight to die for; her wet hair and bottom, usually the cause of much happiness on my part, were taking second fiddle to her angelic limbs, their downs glistening with warm water, dripping like so many cherubic waterfalls. I gasped loudly, and they all turned towards me; Anita was the only one to maintain the look, however, as her sister and mother were quick to seek the heavenly sight. Emily, ever so happy to please, got up on her knees and started to kiss her sister, directing the little wings towards me and her own towards Kim. We enjoyed the view for some time before the girls stopped kissing, and I motioned for Anita to come cuddling with me, Emily following towards her other mother.

The two girls relaxed, and apparently learned to let their wings float; likely lighter than water, they rested on the water, little waves sometimes sending bath water over them, which glided down their perfect feathers, caressing the sensitive nerves of our beloved daughters.

Kim spoke up after a long period of relaxed love, barely punctuated by any attempt at actual washing. More knowledgeable of the workings of artificial appendage-graced women, she suggested that the girls might want to try gliding with their new wings. While they likely couldn't engage in full flying, due to their weighty human bodies - even if it's a bit difficult to call my two tiny angels 'weighty' - they likely could glide for quite some time, and areas were prepared for people who liked such activities, with reliable flying robots set around to catch fliers at the bottom of their travel and take them back up for another go.

The girls got excited at the idea, of course, and the bath was all but done at that point. We got up to see a large basket of soft towels waiting for us, with a cheerful note from our doctor about how to best dry up wet angelic wings. The activity was indeed harder than it seemed, despite the specially-selected towels, the wings catching water in every soft crevasse; I doubt, however, that many others trying to dry wet wings had to cope with the angels kissing each other.

Our daughters and our selves dry, we went to select appropriate clothes for warm-weather flying and anthropo-ornithology, the watching of winged individuals. While selecting clothes was easy enough for the mothers, our daughters had a harder time. With so many new clothes to choose from, and wanting to look at their best in their first flight in case there were cute girls around, our daughters were making a mess of their clothes drawers, picking every piece and summarily discarding it, looking for that elusive perfect set. Clothes were finally selected with a little help from two women used to seeing them at their best, Emily picking bright clothes, which accentuated her girlish figures, while Anita went for bright, attention-attracting colors, looking positively like an adorable bird.

The car ride couldn't have been more than a few minutes, a torturous wait for our would-be avians, who already practiced gliding by skipping, aided by their wings, all the short way to the safety instructor, who proceeded to tell them what to do in the unlikely event of some malfunction before sending our daughters on their way. They ran as fast as their little legs could take them toward a mostly free area, but stopped before the jump, completely scared. It came up to their mothers to hold back a laugh, give them a loving hug, then send them on their way. Carefully, they extended their wings, then jumped down.

Their first flight was rather short, as they didn't know the basics of gliding just yet and were trying to flap their wings to get higher, resulting in a barely-slowed plummet, with their frightened screams cut short by the catching robots casually grabbing them and bringing them back to us. This time, they observed the other girls gliding and started mimicking the movements, implanted instincts doing a lot of the actual work, and they stayed in the air a lot longer. They came back down a third time, holding hands and clumsily trying artistic figures, prompting Kim and I to take a seat at the nearby observation bench. Our daughters again were brought back to us, staying a short time for some affectionate cuddling before running together again to jump at the void, their manufactured wings the only thing between themselves and a screaming plummet towards the catching robots.

Kim and I had some time to cuddle while our daughters were too far to see, and I noticed the areas contained only girls and women. I couldn't help but think this area was perhaps designated as lesbian-only, wondering how many of these women had had sex together, and perhaps with their daughters. My speculations were cut short when Kim pointed a young girl to me, looking around 10, and she was right, that girl had been part of our simulation. Noticing the gesture, the winged girl turned towards us and let out a visible gasp, blushing; I flashed her a smile, thinking she would just be on her way, but she seemed petrified in place. Seizing the occasion, I motioned her to come to us, and she apparently could barely refrain from running at us; I deduced she had likely spent some time with us in simulation as well, and was looking forward to playing with us.

Now, I generally try to avoid any sex in public; even among women who were likely all lesbians themselves, there are things that are just off-limit. But the area was rather calm, no robot coming close to us, as if they knew what was going to transpire here. Kim tried to calm the girl down by introducing us, although she apparently already knew our names; she asked where Anita and Emily were, and while I was pondering the mixed emotions at a total looker of a stranger being so intimate with us, Kim informed her that they had just had wings installed and were trying them on right now. She beamed at the mention of our winged daughters, and I noticed the area around us was now completely empty.

Having not had sex yet today, I had desire for the girl pushing through all my pores. Hoping she was as horny as I was, I took her by the hand and, without a word, pulled her towards me. She stabilized herself by apparently accidentally putting a little hand on my breast, and it's all it took to make me want her so much. With very little encouragement, she sat on my lap, her tiny legs on each side of me, sticking behind the bench. I started kissing her passionately, her tongue quickly and clumsily making her way deep into my mouth. Kim caressed her wings gently while we made out, and too soon our daughters came back, my passion for this girl having barely been cooled.

Kim greeted our daughters as if my display of carnal desire was all planned, informing the girls that we had found one of our simulated bedfellow among the diving girls. Without giving them time to think, she urged the girls to take place besides us, acting as if we had actually been waiting for us, mercifully hiding my lust for prepubescent flesh. The girls sat sideways on the bench on each side of us, letting their hands run wild on the lightly-clothed girl. I let my arms relax around the girls to give Anita a wet, loving kiss, making it look like I wasn't completely horny for this young girl.

While we were playing, our area had been quietly moved under the jumping area, giving us a good look at jumping girls while maintaining intimacy. I quickly undressed the girl on my lap, her erotic and erratic movements urging me into giving her as much relief I as desired myself; Kim did her best to entertain our girls, undressing them seductively, first lustful Emily, then pretty Anita. The three young girls then proceeded to forcefully remove my already light clothing, throwing everything around. Being the center of attraction for three young, beautiful and winged girls was more than I could take and my head started to spin with every erogenous touch. I soon found myself on the ground, ready to be taken by whoever had such a desire. Our beautiful guest was first in line, of course, and she planted her delicious pussy in my face, letting her actions speak louder than all the words she could not pronounce. Our daughters were nicely horny after the probing touches of their more level-headed mother and were quick to take desired places, Emily giving me the pussy-on-pussy rub I so desired, while Anita was once again contemplating the deliciousness of my breasts, offering her bare pussy to the loving touches of her older sister.

I lay down there, on the floor, barely aware that Kim had offered her warm juices to the anonymous girl, who meticulously licked every drop of the fluid whenever she had enough concentration to do so. My head started to spin as I reached a miniature orgasm, already drenching my eldest daughter; I could barely feel her wing on my leg, yet it was still enough to send me over the top with pleasure, practiced reflexes being the only thing that kept my lips and tongue on this young girl's wet hole. I could barely concentrate on anything with my daughter playing with my breasts, half like a baby sucking the succulent milk, and half like a sensual lover getting her share of my large, motherly breasts.

I let my body take over my mind, my hands seeking the wings of the angelic beauty who knelt over me; but, finding they were already being traveled by the hands of my lover, I instead opted to hold on to them, her familiar touch bringing me a longer-lasting happiness than lust for a little girl ever could. And just like that, holding hands with my lover, my daughters unseen but quite loud, I had a bountiful orgasm, drenching my nearly teen-aged daughter in comforting fluids. Being covered in my cum sent her into her own waves of pleasure which shocked even Anita, her pussy quickly covering the fingers invading it with her own abundant love juices. I was vaguely aware that Kim also came, but I didn't have much time to curse my inattention as I was soon covered by little girls and little wings, cuddles more compelling than usual as the girl whose name I never learned was holding me as tightly as her tiny arms were allowing, perhaps afraid to let go of a woman who had been only a dream for so long.

Little wings were shuffled around, multiple hands seizing any occasion to caress as they could; the softness was almost visible with so many young wings around. The computer, in the voice of a young girl, with a hint of sexiness and arousal, informed our guest that she had to leave soon. The darling sighed, and I gave her a great and tender hug as a parting gift, which I knew the computer would catch and emulate the next time she was in a similar situation with my simulated self.

The girl made her way out, with a great many loving words being exchanged back and forth. I found a towel on the bench, placed there by unseen hands when no one was looking, and recognized it as the same type we used after our morning bath. Giggling, I picked it up and headed towards Emily, who still had some of my juices on her body. Catching her gaze, I wrapped the long towel around her lovely body, placing a short kiss on her soft lips, then handed on end of the towel to my lover, who proceeded to dry Emily's wings of the cum with which I had covered them. Seeing the gesture, Anita was quick to grab the other end of the towel when offered, and together we removed all traced of my love juices from Emily. Once we were done, we got dressed again, and our daughters went down for another jump; Kim and I took place on the bench again, and it was brought back to the upper area again, which filled itself back with the normal crowd during our daughters' next few jumps as if all this had never happened.

After many more flights, our daughters were forced to agree that it was time for lunch, and we headed out to eat. Again, we were directed to a restaurant with private dining areas, where we enjoyed a not-so-quiet meal, although certainly calmer than last time. Our cherubs saw fit to mention that they found it odd that we didn't have any modification yet; it took some time to explain to them that not everyone wanted such things, and many people were happy to go their entire life with more or less their original body. The argument sounded somewhat hypocritical, not that they knew that word, because of the fact we were enjoying our daughters' bodies so much; the modifications had made them so much sexier, if that was even possible, and I was enjoying them very much. They suggested I get some wings myself, but the idea was quickly forgotten, as Kim pointed out that my light skin would not go very well with white wings.

Now, I don't know where Emily learned about all these things, but she said I could get other types of wings; gazes were turned towards me when Kim asked if she meant the succubus modification, and I swear she did it on purpose, because it was obvious our daughters didn't know what a succubus was.

Now, I'm not much for the bad girl or demonic look myself, preferring the company of sweet, gentle and loving angels, but that didn't seem to matter much in this situation. Despite my opposition, discussions were made as to what the best look would be for me, and a black leathery tail with small black bat wings were picked as the number one appearance. I protested for a long time, but their idea had much merit; a succubus, mother of two angels, was just the most precious thing I could think of myself, and my argument were feeble in opposition to such logic.

Not wanting to give it to peer pressure and hastily-taken decisions, I kept saying I didn't want it, when Kim bent towards me and whispered in my ear. This was not a hasty decision, she told me, she knew me well enough to know what was best for me; and just like that, all my reservations were gone, replaced in my mind by all the things I could do with such a set.

I ordered the computer to schedule an appointment tomorrow, but Kim cut me, telling the computer to schedule as soon as possible; which, to my surprise, was almost immediately. My daughters ecstatic at the idea, finishing their meal quickly so we could get to the hospital on time. The idea of the modifications I was about to have to my eternally young body finally sank in during the ride, and I was left a bit nervous, doubtful questions crossing my mind; was it not for Kim uncharacteristically using her convincing power to ease my mind, I'm not sure I would actually have gone with it.

We met the same doctor as the previous day, who seemed to be quite happy to see us again. She quickly asked the same questions as last time, before taking me alone to the operation chamber, while my lover, daughters and the nurse waved at me. Before putting me to sleep, the doctor asked about the details of the modifications, and I explained the desire for black leathery wings and tail, taking a stand against getting evil-looking horns; I instead picked some cute and blunt pink horns, no doubt something that would make the whole family melt.

The doctor put her hand on my leg, caressing it softly to help me relax as I slowly fell asleep, all reservations having now made room for eagerness.

I woke up feeling pretty groggy, the sedatives apparently taking some time to dissipate, but I still could notice the odd feeling of an extra limb flowing between my legs from my behind; the wings were more subtle, being barely noticeable due to their thin leather and small size.

I sat up on the operation machine, trying to focus my sight; I could clearly hear, however, the coos of admiration and arousal, two little voices and an older one easily recognized, two other, more reserved, I could only presume were the doctor's and the nurse's. I finally dispersed the clouds before my eyes and managed to focus on the scene.

In front of me were two beds; on the one to my left, Kim was sitting, with the doctor close to her, handling the machine. On the bed to my right, my smiling angels were sitting on the lap of the nurse, their clothes discarded. My imagination ran wild at all the things they must have done while I was under, the sexy doctor and pretty nurse likely taking advantage of the naive girls who didn't know enough to reserve their bodies for people they cared about, not that we actually ever got around to teaching them such things.

I got up and tried to walk a bit, expecting my balance to be way off, but to my surprise, my tail waved around easily enough on its own, maintaining my equilibrium with no extra effort on my part. I saw the many staring eyes on my body, no doubt aroused by my butt waving from side to side to compensate for the extra weight on the back, and made great effort to maintain my devilish look, teasing them with a little butt-waggling which made resolves melt all around me.

I calmed down somewhat, though, since I wanted to try my body a bit before risking to hurt someone with uncoordinated appendages. I started trying out my new limbs, to the ever delight of my daughters, and encouraging caresses of my lover and her pet doctor. I found my tail was easy enough to manipulate, its muscular and dextrous shape easily able to move in front of me from the sides, or slip between my legs, although it couldn't go very far forward that way without rubbing against my vagina.

My focus went up to my wings, little things grafted to my back, apparently more for effect than any actual flying capacity, since they were ever so small. The doctor noticed my attention shifting to my wings, and explained to me, teasing the soft leather as she spoke, that the wings were at their relaxed position, and I could stretch them much bigger. Under her guidance, I pushed a bit on my back, my new wing muscles responding quite well to my orders, and was quite surprised at just huge they were; I would certainly have knocked down the good doctor if she hadn't moved away from them.

My wings were nearly two meters across each, almost filling the room from wall to wall, and they were over a meter high. Their enormity would surely allow me to glide very easily, perhaps even fly on my own, and I flapped them back and forth a few times, sending wind across the room and nearly tripping at the reaction I so effortlessly created. The doctor caught me to help me stay up, and I let her touch my nearly naked body as a reward. I finally relaxed my wings back, and they easily went back to their tiny size, their flapping around doing nothing useful other than increasing the cuteness ratio in any room.

Content that I was accommodating to my new appendages just fine, my daughters go up, but instead of hugging me like I expected, they went behind me and started playing with my tail; so much for missing me. I let them caress the tail for a bit, somewhat disappointed that I wasn't feeling their little hands more. Kim got up and walked to me, giving me a loving and gentle kiss. I vaguely recall the doctor saying she and the nurse would stay with us to help me acclimatize, meaning, of course, that she wanted more of our naked flesh against hers.

Sure enough, the doctor removed her coat and sat down on the bed; she explained to me that she was used to girls like me who were new to their bodies, and didn't mind that I might not be particularly good. It seemed the consensus that I needed to pleasure her, and Kim helpfully directed my tail towards her suggestively.

Encouraged by two adorable angels and their affectionate nurse, I tentatively poked the doctor in her tight pussy, her gaze turning from encouraging to lustful; she started playing with her breasts, before the nurse, taking position behind her, insisted she relax and grabbed them herself. My darlings completed the picture by taking place on each side, admiring my handiwork with no hidden anticipation, their overactive minds already imagining all the things I would do to them, no doubt encouraged by invocations of such while I was asleep.

I contracted my tail muscles, increasing its size, and started to trust it rhythmically, the doctor's pleasured hole already gushing a warm lubricant, seemingly inviting me further in. Indeed, the nurse, seeming to know her doctor well, told me I could push much further in; I complied, of course, and was brought forward for my trouble, the doctor having sprung up energetically to hold me in her arms. I was having trouble pushing forward with the doctor so close, so I bent a bit forward, her soft body gently caught by her favorite nurse, then I lifted her legs up. Her pussy, so exposed, was much easier to penetrate, and I caught myself enjoying her tightness on my long tail, impressed by her capacity to take so much of it inside her. Knowing even my beloved Kim couldn't take that much, I made sure to enjoy the woman as best I could, enthusiastically pushing as far as I could, faster than I thought myself capable, into her overflowing love hole. It wasn't long until the arms around me tensed up, followed by a scream that could make a nun melt in desire, and most of my tail was soon covered in the results of her own hidden modification. My daughters lost no time in jumping down and licking my tail off, starting at the base, even while I had only slowly started to take the brand new limb out of our favorite physician; she had a few more spasms as I ran out the whole length she had taken, taking with it more of her love juices. The little mouths and tongues on my tail felt wonderful, even after the doctor's tight pussy, and I found myself not even trying to get up from over the doctor, her arms now helplessly laying on my bare back as she didn't have the strength, nor the desire, to move them.

The angels finally had finished licking my tail from the tip to the butt, kissing the limb, bottom and each other passionately, even though much of the tail hadn't been wet, and I was now quite relaxed in my doctor's arms. Kim then mentioned that we needed to go get some dinner and, even though I distinctly remembered eating right before coming to the hospital, I again felt hungry, the time asleep apparently consuming no fewer food than normal. We left our medical lovers cuddling, the doctor uncharacteristically weak in her companion's arms, and proceeded to go eating out again, this time choosing a more public restaurant, as if we wanted to show off our new modified assets. And indeed showing off was easy, as I was also only wearing a bikini top with my skirt, as my normal clothes would feel too tight with my wings in, even fully relaxed.

We ate politely like a big, happy family, pretending not to be aware of the many gazes turning towards our modified bodies, and not even showing any sign of lust, which led me to believe my normally lustful daughters had indeed been taken repeatedly by the beautiful doctor's charming assistant.

There was no discussion as to where we were going after the meal; a certain sales girl encouraged us to come back see her as soon as possible, as it was certainly possible now. I could almost hear her heart skip a beat when we came in, Anita holding me by the hand. Emily flashed her a teasing smile, which made the girl blush even more, and I barely heard her whisper “It's them.” to her pretty colleague before composing herself barely enough to greet us. Seeing my wings, the girls set up another private shopping environment, and Kim provocatively asked why we needed the both of them to help us, to which they blushed brightly, muttering something unintelligible which we pretended was enough reason. As the shop's corner was rearranged for us, I sneaked a look at the second sales girl; she looked pretty young, maybe about 14, although her appearance could be due to some growth-slowing treatment. She was very slim, with barely any breast visible inside her belly-showing shirt, and her back-length red hair made her look like she would be an even better succubus than myself.

No sooner was our shopping area prepared that Emily said she was going to explore the other side with the new saleswoman. Knowing exactly what they were going to do, not that it was particularly hard to guess, I suggested to come with them, splitting our group in two for more efficiency; Kim knew me well enough to not need me next to her to pick potential clothes. The girl, apparently having never heard of mother-daughter lovers, tried to make some excuses to be alone with my daughter, who didn't have any of it; she was quite pleased, even if a bit surprised, to have her mommy with her for what was going to transpire.

So we walked around to the other side, picking a few potential clothes along the way, my daughter taking the embarrassed and aroused girl by the butt, not realizing the poor saleswoman didn't know she and her could get on with my approval. I made a big show of removing my top to try a shirt on, then asking her what they thought, to much cooing from my daughter, and much shy compliments from the poor girl. I then picked a dress and went completely naked to try it on, increasing the breathing speed of the innocent woman. Emily said she didn't like it, so I removed it and went back to searching for more potential acquisition without even putting anything back on. Not being capable of meanness, however, I couldn't let the girl agonize so, and I turned around and planted a big, wet kiss on her lips, to Emily's delight, who was starting to wonder if we were even going to do anything.

The girl flushed brightly, and I slowed down a bit to let her breathe. I finally parted my lips and backed down a bit, offering her a big smile. The poor girl looked like she was about to pass out, so I simply asked if she wanted to play, hoping to put her mind at ease of the situation; helping that fact was my little Emily, her tiny hands caressing her bottom, looking for a way under her tight skirt. The girl didn't need to be asked twice and plunged at me with lust, merging our lips while she tried to remove her clothes, something with which Emily was more than happy to help. I unbuttoned her shirt while she was trying to get her panties off, and soon I could see just how much she lusted after me. In a girlish, pleading voice, she begged me to take her; she was so adorable, I was afraid to not be able to please her just enough. Using my new-found tail, I started teasing her little butt, running up and down her crevice, making her wet and shiver in pleasure.

The girl gave me pleading eyes, seeming to beg me to get something, ANYTHING, inside her, so I gently pushed her against the wall, then lifted both her legs, which she was more than happy to firmly place against my butt, already breathing hard in anticipation. My initial reflexes were to just rub pussies with her, but of course my tail gave me other ideas, and I plunged it in one switch motion inside her already-wet pussy, to the horny delight of the now-naked Emily, touching herself as she watched me use my new appendage to make love to yet another woman. The girl screamed hard, apparently ignoring all decorum, and I was worried she might melt out in shame when she realized just how little self-control she had at the time. I really didn't need to have such concerns, however, as moans could already be heard from the other side of the shop, not nearly as loud as my lustful vendor, but loud enough to let her know that there was no reason to hold back at this time.

The sweet girl in my arms, her back against the wall as I kept her up to further invade her private parts, I couldn't help but wish I could get some relief myself, the position doing little more than tease by clit a little. Seemingly hearing my prayers, my angel cuddled against me, one hand firmly on her pussy, and managed to sneak the other one past the action and to my own. She already had much experience making girls happy, and I soon found myself wetting heavily on her hand. It didn't take long for the whole experience to turn into a three-way orgasm, the vendor girl cumming first, but more than happy to accept my further penetration through the afterglow bliss. I sensed my daughter's hand tense up on my pussy, her caressing fingers finding themselves inside me for a moment, and the involuntary motion sent me to a wet orgasm; I finally got tired, and slowly lowered the nearly unconscious girl to the ground, taking my tail out carefully. I cuddled on top of her, my head resting against her breasts, and took my daughter in my arms. The salesgirl found the energy to put her arms around me in a loving embrace, which lasted for a good while, neither of us finding both the energy and the will to move away from our admirers for quite some time.

We finally got up, the saleswoman insisting on putting some clothes on for professionalism, my daughter grudgingly accepting to do the same after I gave her a long kiss. The rest of the shopping was pretty sweet, as we took our time along the way, the only downsize being that I had to actually encourage the girl to touch me a few times before she realized she had free reign on my body. I put a pretty dress on, one which really didn't have as much fabric as it ought to, and we walked back to the other girls with the rest of our picks. Anita smiled at us when she saw us, a smile I recognized for having it be given to me many times after I brought her over the top, and I knew they were done as well. I tried all the clothes we brought for my lover and youngest daughter's approval, showing off my naked body as long as possible, and the new sales girl showed her colleague just how much I liked being helped into the clothes I was trying. Now completely devoid of modesty, the two of them appreciated my body openly as I put on all the clothes one by one, my family appreciating both the girls' show and the clothes' design.

It was already late in the evening when we were done, our clothes sent home, and the girls gave us all actual farewell kisses, soft, loving gestures which sent us home in an incredibly good mood. Our girls' heads were already waving on the short trip home, however, and we knew the day was well over. We sent them to bed early, with a few well-placed kisses, then went to cuddle on the couch so our quiet fondling wouldn't wake them up. Kim whispered a few sweet words about my tail, how much she looked forward to trying it herself, and we cuddle for some time before feeling tired ourselves and sneakily joining our daughters in bed. I fell asleep resting on the fluffiest bed, my head on the softest pillow, my body on the nicest sheets, and the warmest blanket over me. Today had been a good day.