Into the Loliverse ( Pilot - Conclusion )

by Aunt Molly

Thanks to those who had read this. I know its not an erotic story.

( It was twenty minutes before the gate opens)

        Cyan came back on the speaker, "I see, well , there is a problem. We cannot get you back to Habitat Four without releasing you. And we cannot release you because you are a threat to the other residents."

         "I'll kill her."

        "Then you will have no bargaining chip."

        "I can break one bone every  minute you don't release me. I think I'll start with her right hand."

         Eliza's heart was racing. "Whoa, Whoa - I'm human!".

         "You're a species traitor. That makes you *worse* than them. And the fact that they will bargain with me for your life means you are important. How many humans have you helped them 'resolve' ?", his voice had a cold bite too it. He was no longer raging. His gaze was determined. The road ahead was clear to him now. He was acting , not *reacting*. He shouted up to the ceiling , "WELL ?"

           Cyan's voice caught his attention, "We are clearing the hallway now. One of the hoppers will be accessible to you by your spex. The propellant will be refilled and the battery charged. You may fly it where you wish. On the condition you allow the hostage to go. Otherwise the hopper will not be permitted to leave this habitat."

             He seemed to consider this , "Fine No tricks - or she starts screaming ."

            Several minutes passed.  The door in the direction of the docking bay opened. True to their word, the corridor was clear. Eliza wasn't sure where the refugees were put, but she didn't see anyone.

              Cyan's voice could be heard on the speaker, " Your spex will paint a green arrow , leading you to your hopper. Once you release the prisoner we will open the door. "

               "No - once you open the door I will release the prisoner."

                "Of course."

                 They made their way to the hatch with his promised hopper.   The big man climbed the ladder . The hatch opened  - and the whole habitat shook violently.


                Cyan could be heard over the speaker again, "The habitat is under attack - it is not safe for you to leave. And its not safe for us to have the docking bay open."


              Eliza could not possibly see how being under attack was convenient.  The big man was grabbing her arm so tightly is was starting to bruise. The jack over Eliza's left ear was normally hidden by her hair, but as she was being shaken, the large man happened to see it.

              He grabbed her hair and pulled it back.          

            "YOU'RE A XOMBIE!", the angry man started to shake her, "I'LLKILLYOUI'LLKILLYOUI'LLKILLYOU!"

             "No ! Please its not like that ! When I was born part of my brain didn't mature properly, it had to be replaced by a computer. I have a case that acts as my long term memory. The jack allows me to connect to it. It also lets me enter the delfscape. I know what's going on - the delfs are being infected by a virus. We are all in danger - all of us ! Humans and transgenics."

           "LIES! LIES! LIES!", The habitat endured a particularly violent shake and Eliza was able to break free, she ran down the corridor, the Lolis ( who presumably were watching ) had opened the inner door making the path clear for Eliza. What Eliza wanted to know was - why the heck didn't they charge in and save her ?           

          Then she remembered - in a hostage situation , the hostage taker is more likely to kill the hostage during an attempted rescue - he has nothing left to lose.

         The large man , fueled by his nearly limitless rage gave chase. As Eliza ran down the hall, the barriers fell again. This time Eliza was on the outside and the large man was trapped by himself. He shouted and banged against the walls

        Then Eliza heard a sound something like *chub, chub, chub* and the large man's breathing became labored , the pounding less frequent , and then he fell to the floor. And there was silence.

           *pshhhh-hish* , something was released into the space..

             Several resolvers came out from a nearby lift. The little girl humanoids had what looked to be large shackles and a trolley.  The barriers were  lifted and the shackles and cuffs placed on the large , now unconscious, man.

              With some effort and assistance from Eliza ( and the fact that gravity was greatly reduced in this part of the habitat ) , he was loaded onto the trolley

                The habitat shook again.

              One of the resolvers, the one with green hair she'd seen earlier, examined Eliza's arm, " We'll get y'all to the infirmary later.. But Cyan wants t'know - what you said to this big guy here. Is it true ?  Can you enter delfspace?"

              "If I can get the case that holds my backup memory I can show you."
               Eliza nodded. A pair of resolvers took the big man , who was starting to regain consciousness, back to the lift.  They seemed very calm. It seemed comical , the little girls and their wagon , carting a two meter tall man into the lift.

                "We need to get yah to the computer center right away."


       They took a separate lift and boarded the small car-like tram. Eliza was a little shorter than average for a woman, but she still was a giant compared to the big eyed humanoids .  Yet despite their resemblance to children, they were oddly calm and professional about the whole thing.

        Sirens and lights blared on the tram , but even louder sirens called out through the habitat's residential sections.

         - All Residents of Habitat -6 we will be commencing an emergency launch as soon as possible , Please make way to your residence or an emergency shelter. Make sure to secure your family before you belongings.  This is not a drill.  All residents...-
          Eliza heard , "What emergency launch ?"

          The  girloid brushed some green hair out of her face, "Quick version Honey - this habitat is a spaceship."

           " How ? Why ? But you'd need immense power to move something this big. ."

             "Six fusion generators, And  several thousand metric tons of CO2 propellant. And one delf in the pilot seat. But in order to protect the habitat from all the crazy delfs runnin' around out there we need ta' take you to the computer room.    If w'all survive this huge cluster-shrag I'll tell y'all the whole long story."
                They zipped though the food production area of the habitat and into the machine shop. As they drove through the corridors Eliza saw one meter tall robots made up from cunits ( the cunit based drones were a fairly common design ) with three legs. The tripod robots didn't seem to be moving for some reason.

   From there to an open area with three quantum computers. A black haired Loli in a rust colored uniform had a thin fiber-optic cable attached to the middle column.

                Eliza jumped off the tram, and the black haired Loli didn't even bother introducing herself. She just handed the cable to Eliza , and Eliza inserted it into the jack behind her ear.

               "Where should I go ? Where should I take the habitat?"

                "Someplace safe - we're too big to get through the inter-planetary gates, but we probably have enough food ,water, and oxygen  to get us to Earth the long way  Assuming the virus doesn't spread there ahead of us."

                Which taking into account it moved at the speed of light was all too likely.

                 Eliza closed her eyes and opened her mind. She saw a locked door. The Black haired Loli had a tool in her hand , one half a knife, the other a key. She used the key to open the door.


         A diaspora had formed, ships fleeing to the interplanetary gates. Smaller versions of the Alpha Centauri gate  Human piloted warships attempted to cover the retreat of the civilians as delf controlled ships rammed into the fleeing human ships like missiles.

               The gate to Earth orbited around Ganymede , the most populous of Jupiter's moons. And it was the most popular destination of the Jovian diaspora. Dozens of ships , large and small, fleeing to the mother planet, and hopefully to safety.

                 Finding they could not defeat the warships with force - they used subterfuge. Using a more primitive form of digital life disguised as a message from its fellows. ZThe trojan horse was an old trick - so old the crew of the warship did not expect it.  Soon the warship was infected.
  The other human piloted vassals had not realized it until too late. Black and angled like a shark, it flew a safe distance away and launched a sunlance. The other ships, the civilians, and the Earth gate itself was consumed in a white hot firestorm.

              The trajectory was taking the warship towards Io,   where a large number of humans still resisted and even had managed to kill a delf. They have dared to protect some of the humans , and now they plan to escape Her wrath. The voice of the One Who Is To Come  has declared Io's Habitat 6 to be the greatest enemy of life in the universe.


                   Eliza was Habitat Six, she was the myriad sensors , she felt the six fusion generators , she could feel unmanned cargo haulers ramming into her , one after the other , trying to push her out of orbit.  She felt the white hot fire of the fusion reactors , flowing in a ring of powerful magnets Co2 was released into the center of that ring and the plasma heated it and Eliza released the superheated gas creating tremendous thrust..

                   At first the habitat barely seemed to move , unable to break its bulk away from Io's gravity , but then , slowly but surely overcoming inertia , the habitat started to move away from its nest and out into space.

               She was all too aware that for over two thousand Loli's gravity had just turned sideways - no longer , furniture turned to its side and slide along the floor. Dishes broke , glasses shattered and residents found themselves tossed about like dolls. Those that had made it to the shelters were in belted seats

              The refugees had few belongings with them , but were too large for the shelters. Injuries would surely result - but Eliza could do nothing for them.  If she slowed or hesitated she feared she would only put them in graver danger.

           Eliza was able to pick up radio and microwave transmissions, humans, and even some uninfected delfs still struggled.  She hoped so. She could not pray for them. How could she? She had been a goddess , she wielded near-divine power right now , and still she was severely limited in what she could accomplish.
         A Ganymedean warship was moving quickly towards them. But their were no people on board, no living ones anyway.  Eliza was able to see its inside was as cold and empty as space. The Delfs needed no heat or oxygen , just power.

           Even if the hull somehow survived a strike from a sunlance, Habitat Six would become a giant oven and everyone on board would be roasted alive.
           She remembered the vision she had while in delfspace,  the infected delfs felt certain they had to stop humans from entering interstellar space.  But they must not destroy the gate itself. Which was odd because that would be the most efficient way to stop the humans from entering interstellar space..

             She checked the time , the gate would open in a matter of minutes.  The warship would not risk harming the gate. It would need to get closer to use its standard weapons.

                The Alpha-Centauri gate the only gate big enough to handle something the size of Hab-6. The gate that all infected delfs were to protect above everything else. Eliza turned the habitat towards it , making use of Io's gravity to help turn the massive ship.

                This was going to be about timing - too fast and she would fly straight through the gate and into Jupiter itself. Too slow and the warship would catch up and tear Hab-6 to pieces.  Eliza guessed it would use a mass driver. Or microwaves to heat the ship. Eliza could think of way too many ways that ship could bring their death.
 Thirty seconds.

                  Seconds ticked by so slowly. And the warship closed so quickly. Why did it have such a sleek predatory lines? There was no fluid it had to move through. But war was as much about psychology as technology.

       twenty seconds.

                Eliza was going too fast - she'd crash into the gate before it opened. There were thousand reasons why the gate on the other end could have failed. There were a thousand reasons why the signal could have been slowed even by fractions of a second.

               It just came to her mind the gate on the other end was probably orbiting another body, which was orbiting a star , the distance could have changed by several astronomical units. Even light itself can be slowed - by glass , by water , by an atmosphere.  

           Ten seconds. The hull temperature rising. The warship has begun bombarding Hab-6 with microwaves. Strong enough to roast the inhabitants - but weak enough so as not to harm the gate.

             5 seconds,  The habitat shook, she felt a hit from an iridium tipped bullet launched by the warship's mass driver. A huge chunk of the hull had been knocked away

              2 seconds, the gate wasn't open, they were so dead.

              1 second.

              Then a great black hole appeared in the center of the gate. The gate's sensors attempted to enlarge the wormhole to accommodate hab-6.  It was going to be a tight squeeze. The larger the wormhole the more power it drew.  The habitat was pushing the gate to its limit.  

              One moment Jupiter and the huge spider-web-like gate filled her vision,  then, stars everywhere  They made it. But Eliza's relief was short lived  The warship coming through the gate. They'd made it only to be -

              Then the gate failed.  the warship had been cut in half , the computer core separated from the fusion reactors by 4.35 light years.

                Eliza shut off the engines. All over the habitat reports were coming in of injuries, as sudden increases in acceleration and change in direction flung residents  about like rag dolls. There had been no fatalities. Eliza was so thankful, but she was not sure who to be thankful to.

               She saw the bright yellow sun of Alpha Centauri A - like a big sister of Earth's sun , and Eliza saw the planet the gate orbited. Slightly larger than Earth with three moons, There was a purple sea. .She gently nudged the habitat into a gentle orbit before reutrning to the "real" world.


         Most lolis were cute, Mayor Snow was *adorable*, her platinum blond locks with long natural curls. And instead of the ballerina outfit she liked pantsuits. She thought it made her look more professional.

             The habitat had gotten cold ,  then it was attacked,  then moved unexpectedly then got wicked hot, then they found themselves in another solar system. There were grumps all over the place. Oh and Nana was  *gone* .Needless to say , the lolis wanted some answers.
        And so mayor Snow made a public announcement in the habitat garden, hundreds of Lolis showed up in person, and the rest were watching through spex.

         Deputy mayor Forest and Mayor Snow's personal assistant,  Jade, stood to either side of the Mayor. Her Honor had no security detail, since no one had actually wanted to harm her. And up until now she had mostly  been a figurehead.  
         Well Nana was gone , and all the lolis looked very angry. But she knew she could lead them , she knew she had it in her to be a real mayor. Yes , finally her leadership skills would shine

        "Sooo- yer' probably wonderin' what in holy b'jesus is goin' on around here don'tcha ? With all the shakin' and crashin' and emergency vehicles runnin' around. Well , funny story. Well actually not 'ha-ha' funny. Funny as in 'peculiar' and so - "

            Deputy Mayor Forest whispered in Mayor Snow The white-haired Loli surrendered the floor to her dark green haired colleague. Forest was somewhat plain for her race, and unusually tall. But her voice rang out clear and confident.

             "We don't know everything that happened, but we do know this. A delf infected with a knew, extremely dangerous, virus had managed to take control of the habitat's environmental systems, but with heroic effort of our own Nana and our mechanics , we were able to take back control of the ship.

             These infected delfs had reeked havoc on the larger system , and we took on refugees. You can see them among you in the crowd. Failing to destroy us from the inside, the hostile delfs attacked us on the outside. They rammed cargo haulers into the side of the habitat , trying to knock us out of orbit and into our host moon..

              Having no choice, Nana fired the main engines and launched us out into space. She judged Alpha Centauri gate as our only means of escape .Sadly,  the entire affair brought great strain not only to the ship's physical systems, but to Nana's matrix of programs. A short time after coaxing Hab-6 into a gentle orbit,  several of Nan's programs crashed, and our mentor, our leader from the very first days of our freedom passed away. .

              While we no longer have her to guide us We have her in our hearts and our memories. I want you to make the new residents feel welcome , I am sure they will become a valuable addition to our community."



   Sable stood towards the back. It was a lie. And it was the truth. Nana did everything she could to protect them. That monstrous doppelganger she saw on the spexnet was not Nana.  Still she could not shake the feelings of guilt she felt , even though her daughter had forgiven her.

  Emerald and Ashley had their arms around one another.

   Todd clung to Eliza . The latter having finally recovered her case in time to download the memories she had gained. "So where are we going to sleep?"

   Ashley nuzzled her wife gently, "They are going to set up temporary housing in some of the empty storage rooms since they have high ceilings."

      Sable stretched, "Buut - I guess since you saved all our butts from certain destruction, I could let you and the boy stay in my apartment. I still have Ashley's old bed. It'll be pretty cramped for you, but I'm sure we can work something out."

      Eliza looked over to Emerald , " You said you would  tell me the whole story if we got out of this alive."

    "I reckon ah' did. So come back to my place , and we can show ya."


            "Ma'am - some humans made it through the gate."

      "How many is 'some' ?"

     He paused before saying it aloud, "  The former Loli plantation. They call it Io Habitat -6 now. It had a population of over two thousand. Plus a few human refugees."

   "Did we have time to get the virus through the gate?"

    "We don't know."
    She was annoyed, but it was not fatal to her plans. "Any pockets of resistance left?"

    "Io is secure, so is Callisto. There is a little resistance left on Ganymede  The Europans are particularly stubborn.  "

     "Have the delfs finish up - I want us to be the only humans anywhere near Jupiter. "

      "Yes Ma'am."