Summer Blessing ~ Chapter V

by BabyKeiko & Daddy's Little Slut~Muffin

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I'd sent the girls off on their own for some free time. It was their first day at camp, and they'd had a rather busy one. I'd given them instructions to be sure to be at the dining hall at six-thirty for dinner, and then I returned to the cabin.

Entering my tiny room, I flung myself down on the small bunk, my mind in a whirl. I didn't know what was happening to me, but it scared me to death.

I was attracted to little Yuki. Sexually attracted. Even now, filled with guilt and self-loathing because of my thoughts about her, I felt myself becoming aroused as I saw her in my mind. The image of her sitting astride Mizuki as she rode flashed in front of me and I felt a sharp contraction deep in my lower belly, accompanied by a damp, spreading warmth.

I had to make this stop!

I lay there for a while, trying to understand. Nothing made any sense to me, though. The gentle hug, soothing Yuki as she cried in the stable, was haunting me. The feeling of her slender body pressed to mine, her face nestled between my breasts. The more I tried to make sense of what I was feeling, the more aroused I became. This was wrong! She was just a little girl!

Angrily, I stood and strode across the small room to the refrigerator. I got two carrots and stuffed them in my jacket pocket, and then left the cabin, headed for the stable. I'd take Bella out for a ride, maybe that would help me calm down. Horses always make me feel peaceful.

I put the bridle on Bella's head, and led her out so I could saddle her. She seemed nervous, just a little skittish. Horses can sense the moods of people close to them, and I guess Bella was picking up on mine. I tried to make myself calm, tried to murmur and coo to her to settle her down. Both ears stay pinned back. She didn't like what she was sensing from me.

I felt like crying. On top of everything else, I couldn't even calm Bella enough to make her feel comfortable with me. I broke up one carrot, feeding her a couple of pieces. She took them, but those ears stayed pinned back. She kept shifiting her hind legs, moving her rump from side to side. I forced myself to breathe slowly, and kept talking to her softly.

"Are you going for a ride, Karen?" I heard a soft, high-pitched voice behind me. Turning my head, I saw that it was Yuki.

I forced a smile and nodded, but kept murmuring to Bella. I watched a wistful look appear on Yuki's face as she stood gazing at me. God, no, I thought. But really, what could I do? This is my job, for one thing. For another, I could see that she desperately wanted to be back on Mizuki, even for a little while. I forced another smile.

"Bella is a little nervous," I said quietly. "I'm just calming her down. If you'd like to, you can saddle Mizuki and ride with me."

Yuki's face just exploded into a look of joy. With a quick nod, she darted to Mizuki's stall, leading the filly to where I stood with Bella. She was talking quietly to the horse, her voice soft and musical. As she came near, I saw Mizuki flatten her ears for just a moment, then she stepped closer to Bella. Facing each other head on, Mizuki rubbed her neck along the length of Bella's, then turned her head slightly. She nipped lightly at the base of Bella's neck, and in a moment, Bella did the same to her.

Bella's ears swiveled forward again, and she stopped the nervous shifting of her hind quarters. As the two horses continued their physical contact, Bella eventually calmed, and I went to get my saddle.

When we had the two horses saddled, we led them out of the stable, and mounted. If nothing else, I could take the opportunity to see just how well Yuki rode. I smiled at Yuki.

"Let's go through the woods first," I said.

"Okay," Yuki replied.

We set out with the horses in a slow walk. I had Yuki take the lead, telling her to just follow the trail through the trees. As Bella and I followed, I caught myself staring as her body swayed slowly in rhythm to Mizuki's steps. God, she's beautiful! I thought.

When we broke through the trees and into the low lying meadow, Yuki pulled Mizuki up short, waiting for me to come alongside. Slowing Bella, we sat side by side. We traded smiles, both just happy to be sitting astride our horses, out in the open on a beautiful early summer day.

"Let's see what you can do, Yuki," I said. "There's plenty of room here. Why don't you take Mizuki through a trot, then a canter, and then a gallop. I want to see how well you ride."

Yuki's face broke into a grin. "Okay!" she exclaimed.

I watched as she gently nudged her heels into Mizuki's sides, quickly bring the filly into a trot. She sat the horse well; a bit stiffly, perhaps, but she seemed comfortable. After a few moments, she nudged the horse into a canter, that peculiar, "three-beat" gait that's almost a gallop, but not quite. Finally, she swung her reins, tapping Mizuki quickly on either side of her neck, and the filly broke into a full gallop.

I watched the beautiful, dark-skinned girl lean her body forward over Mizuki's neck, hair bouncing and blowing in the wind, a look of sheer joy on her face. She was breathtaking. Her initial stiffness, I decided, was probably due to the western saddle. I'd bet my own saddle that she was used to riding English.

Now though, she seemed to have found her comfort zone. All I could do was stare in admiration as I watched her, lithe and beautiful, letting Mizuki have her head and run. When she came back towards me, slowing the filly, her face seemed to outshine the sun.

She was smiling at me as Mizuki pranced under her, blowing and snorting, clearly not ready to stop yet.

"Oh, that was great!" I said enthusiastically. "You and I are going to have some fun while you're here!"

She grinned at me. "I love to ride," she said.

Grinning back at her, I said, "Do you see that big tree, all by itself on top of the hill?" She nodded as she looked where I was pointing. "That's about a half mile away. About two hundred yards past it, down the other side of the hill, there's a pond where we can let the horses drink. Let's see how fast we can get there!"

Yuki nodded again, her face seeming to be locked in that joyous grin.

"Come on, Yuki!" I shouted, digging my heels into Bella's flanks.

We flew across the meadow side by side, letting the horses choose their own pace. They ran like the wind, and in almost no time, we were passing the ancient oak tree on the hilltop, then moving down the opposite side, towards the pond we could now see. As we came closer, we slowed the horses, then dismounted, both laughing and grinning.

Yuki didn't have a hobble for Mizuki, but I had a length of rope in my saddle bag, and I fashioned a hobble for her with it. Then I hobbled Bella, and Yuki and I sat next to each other in the grass, watching the horses drink, and then begin grazing on the fresh grass.

"You're a pretty good rider, Yuki," I said. "I think this is going to be more like a vacation for you, instead of having to spend all your time learning new things."

"Thank you, Karen," she said shyly. "I love to ride, and Mizuki is... Well, she's like magic. She almost knows what I want her to do without me telling her."

I reached out and ran my hand through her thick black hair. I felt a stirring in my belly that I had to force myself to ignore.

"Then you have a very special gift, Yuki," I said. "It usually takes time to bond that way with a horse. You and Mizuki have already bonded, I think."

Yuki blushed. She was so pretty sitting there, a light film of perspiration on her skin, her face glowing. I felt that stirring again, low and deep in my center, accompanied by a pang of longing. I tried not to think about it.

A look of sadness flitted across Yuki's face. Only a flash, but I'd seen it. I reached out and circled my arm around the small shoulders, letting her lean against me.

"The sadness will pass, Yukio," I said softly. "And things will get better, I promise. It hurts to lose someone you love so much, I know. For now, if you need to talk about it, or if you just need someone to be with when you're sad, I'm here, okay?"

I felt her head nod as she sighed, letting her weight lean against me.

We stayed there for over an hour, watching the horses graze, talking quietly about nothing in particular, just small talk. When it was time to head back to the camp, I promised Yuki that we could go for another ride like this tomorrow, and that I'd show her a very special place, deeper up in the hills.

We rode back slowly, still talking, laughing, and just getting to know each other. I was enjoying my time with her, though I was still very disturbed by the feelings that she provoked in me. Still though, I wanted to spend more time with her. There was something special about this little girl, something I couldn't quite define. I felt at ease with her in a way that I seldom feel with other people, despite the reactions that my body had to her presence.

I had looked at Yuki's saddle and tack when we were getting ready to leave, and it was in need of some maintenance. I told her that we should meet in the stables after dinner, so that we could clean and oil her tack. She had smiled beautifully at me with that, and nodded her head.

We stabled the horses after letting them cool down for a few minutes, brushing and currying them before returning them to their stalls. Mizuki nickered quietly as Yuki walked away. I was impressed. The two really had formed a bond already. We left the stables and headed for the dining hall.


~ To Be Continued ~