Paradise, Phase Five

by Don

You slowly awaken to the rumble of feet running around and a loo flushing. Stretching your arms and legs and wide yawn you turn to Angie. Your movement has disturbed her slumber and she too is now waking up — she smiles and you reach over, stroke her cheek and after planting a kiss on her forhead say, "good morning, think we should be getting up and see what everybody is up to." She nods in agreement still smiliing and watches you get up and throw your silk gown on now hiding your perfect nude body. Grabbing your bag of tricks and a towel you make your way to the bathroom.

Managing to hear voices downstairs you go to top of stairs first and shout down, "morning all, we are up now, just getting a quick shower and be down in minute, okay!?" a reply comes back, "yes, fine no rush — still only early." off Suzzie and then in one of, "hurry up" in stereo off a giggling Sarah and Debbie.

The gown floats gently off your shoulders and falls to the bathroom floor and you step into the shower, the first cold squirts of water soon warms up to just the right temperature and start to lather the soap as the spray hits your face running down your neck, over and between perfect breasts and then rushing down over your tummy, down both legs and between your crotch and a steady pouring of directed water now streams from your pussy lips — not only making it looking you are having a secret pee — but the water running over your clit feeling nice and making you want to have one too — so you let go anyway as you start to soap down your face, neck, shoulders, arms, breasts and tummy. — Your steady long steam of pee now also well out of the way and down the drain you start on your pussy — and shapely legs. Now the extra fun part you always enjoy — taking the shower out of its holder you swill off all the soap — you nipples rock hard as you rinse and gently tweak them wishing it was one of the little girls doing it — or even both there and smiling as your mind starts to drift of both standing there with a booby each tweaking and sucking on them. 'must calm down' you tell yourself as you rinse off the rest of your body down to your pussy — the jets coming out of the holes seem a little harder than what you are used to and as the you concentrate it over your pussy as the water hits your clit as if an electric shock sends a near climax through your body 'fuck that was nice' you think — and you stroke it with your other hand as you direct the water again directly onto it — finding that perfect spot again you part your legs slightly and start to give yourself a hell of quick finger fuck — your expert fingers, pounding water jets — naughty mind of those little girls soon has wave after wave of exploding minature climaxes followed by a massive one almost making you slip as you nearly lose control standing up. 'coming down from a mind-boggling feeling of heaven' you realise you are taking too long and even though still shaking as the lingering thrills subside you hurry yourself up — dry yourself off and rush back to the bedroom — giving Angie a quick wake up nudge because she had nodded back off to sleep.

By the time she has finished stretching you have just got your trainers to put on and at the door. Looking back you say, "wait until you check out that shower — especially the power of the water — sure it will not disappoint you and you realise what I mean!" smiling and a wink gets her motivated to get up as you go down the hall and stairs.

The kitchen is full, Wendy is there too — she is taking Suzie to hospital and brought round Sammy of course, Sarah and Debbie run up to you with their good morning welcome, Rex wagging its tail doing its bit. With Wendy and Suzie just smiling shaking their heads, little Sammy just letting out a 'kind of' sound througher her pacifier kicking her arms and feet in the air. "Must have made some impression on this lot in the park." says Suzie with a smile.

With a returning smile and sipping on your morning coffee you take hold of a passing cup of coffee — but thinking, 'if only you knew Suzie how much I am going to hope to though' as your heart suddenly starts pounding glancing over at the three little girls now playing with Barbie dolls in the corner of the sitting room sending a twitch or two in your pussy.

"Right" says Wendy, "let's get organised — better get the stuff in the back of car and you off for those tests." — so the three of you each grab a bag or two and go out to the car — boot opens — all placed neatly in — closed and back to kitchen as you glance over the list of ticks on the list and assure each other all is done. As if on cue Angie appears through the door — gets her now share of 'welcomes' and enjoys her coffee — and now the time has come for Suzie to be off. Only nervous because she hates hospitals — and knows nothing is going to happen as such. She says, her good bye to Sarah and Debbie with hugs and kisses and 'be good' warnings, a wave to little Sammy and heads out for the car with Wendy. All standing on the porch with you holding Sammy you wave her off as the drive down the road into the distance. Poor Rex at the window barking thinking it was going to be left alone.

You go back inside and Debbie tugs on your elbow — "do you and Angie want to come and play with our Barbies" she asks smiling up at you, "sure I do, but just want a quick chat with Angie and clean cups — we will be with you in a minute, okay? you reply smiling back at her. And skips back to them in the corner of room. You follow and put Sammy down beside her and return to the kitchen passing Sarah who is consoling poor Rex missing Suzie already, patting his head and stroking down his him down to his long tail.

Angie had beaten you to the kitchen and was already busy washing the cups and rinsing them, you give the tops a quick wipe down and go up behind Angie, looking over your shoulder making sure nobody is there you give her a hug and kiss her neck and whisper, "is that some shower head or what?" — With a broad grin she turns, kisses you fully on your lips and you tease each others tongues for a quick few seconds and replies, "yep, we must get one — trust you to find out about that — and tell me you horny sexy minx — which one of those little angels were you thinking of?" with a sexy giggle you reply honestly, "well, actually, BOTH!" and she turns to face you, kisses you again and slips her hand down between your legs and cups your pussy — you open your legs slightly — and she draws her palm up, and twiddles her fingers, finshes her longing kiss and whispers, "come on, we have some work to do — three little virgins need out help — and who are we to deprave them of fun filled thrilling future of woman love." With a broad grin you reply, "Certainly not us hey?" and both laugh out loud. With that you both go to the living room — all three girls are playing nicely — Rex enjoying a bit of peace with head between his paws looking on — lifting his head as you join them and few wags of his tail and back down again.

All five you are now playing nicely, youself and Angie reminicing of your bygone Barbie days and thinking how much you enjoyed them — you and Angie lay down on bellys and proping yourself up — the girls crosslegged facing you. Of course it was the perfect postion for you and Angie — you can look up their little skirts and have your odd moments of naughty thoughts of tenderly licking up those soft thighs to the hidden cute folds of flesh enclosing a small pussy making your mouth water.

You and Angie have got this 'quick as a flash' glancing off to a tee — you both take in all the mouth watering glancing and savour each split second — any longer would be stare or leer — but they way you both do it it is definately put down as an accidental glimpse — you are both proud that you can do it without the other person knowing that you are mentally stripping them.

It was as you are playing that you noticed something about Sarah — she seemed to be positioning her Barbie and as if looking at it — but her eyes did not seem to be actually 'looking' at it — more like 'looking passed instead' — at first thinking she might have slight squint — you then notice something else too!!!!!

Now you are seeing things, even though it is very warm, surely that can't be a little swet patch on her white panties — and then it hits you like a ton of bricks!!!!!!! You inwardly smile and your heart starts pounding as it dawns on you what is actually happening!!! The crafty little girl — she is looking right down both yours and Angies tops and getting turned on — that being the case, she must also know that you two are looking up her short skirt at her pussy — she is 'flashing' at us!!

'WOW' you think — 'I must be going mad here — this idea is getting silly — but if she is toying with us — this has to be a real first' and you try and think of how you can test her.

You decide to try to read more signs and try to play her at her own game. You purposefully carry on playing of course but position your Barbie right in line with her pussy and look past it too. Sarah is doing to the same looking down your top — then she looks into your eyes and back at your breasts — you look into hers and back at the damp little pussy patch — now both your eyes meet — and she smiles — and you send a soft smile back — with a wink.

Now your own pussy is begining to get extra wet — your heart has never pounded so fast — and you definately need to tell Angie who obviously hasn't even noticed what has been going on as such — just moments ago you were enjoying the girlie smells of youth and innocence — and all is now turned on its head — you really must make an excuse and get Angie in the kitchen alone.

Time for another coffee you reckon, "Come on, quick break you lot," you say chirpily, "Sarah — you see to Debbie and Sammy — Angie and myself will have a coffee in kitchen" — Angie looks at you, "I don't want one yet," and you stare back with a questioning expression, "Yes you DO, and come on."!! and smile as you say, "We can all play again in few minutes."