Practice, Chapter 1

by girlgirl

The fallout from Lisa (a sexually curious teen) after getting caught experimenting with a boy from school and how it affects her mother and younger sister.

Denice sat at the desk in her room thinking about what her mother said. Because of the way Lisa had been acting lately mom felt the need to talk about sex, responsibility, the bad consequences like pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. How with age comes understanding and how you should take things slow.

Her mom had told her that she and aunt Linda use to practice with each other. That is/was a safe and satisfying way to keep the "MONSTERS" at bay. It didn't mean you were gay, just a way to get through being young. She even talked about LUGs. She had heard about those in school.

Mom also had told her that it would give her a unique opportunity to explore the possibility they may in fact be gay, and how she would support them if they were because no one should have to live a lie because some people didn't agree with who they were. She thought about that mostly.

She wanted to be kissed and liked the idea of being kissed by Lisa.

Denice had always been attracted to girls but this is the first time she ever thought of it in a sexual way.

The idea of being gay kind of scared her, but she wanted to "practice" with Lisa, that is if Lisa was willing.

That scared her shitless.

With trembling hands she wrote "Have you ever wanted someone to kiss you?" then she added "Like in the movies." on a Post-it note. She peeled it off walked over to the bed where her sister was reading a book "Forever by Judy Blume" and gave it to her. Her sister read the note. Sat up on the edge of the bed and without saying a word placed her right hand on the back of her neck, her left hand on her waste, pulled her face down to hers, and kissed her on the lips.

It was just a little kiss but Denice's knees got so weak being bent over she had to sit down on the edge of the bed with Lisa. Then Lisa pushed her down on the bed rolled over on her and kissed her again. This time it was hard, long and passionate.

Denice was shaking so bad she felt like she was being electrocuted. Lisa sat up, smiled and asked "Was it everything you thought it would be?"

Denice didn't say a word. Still shaking she got up, walked back to the desk and sat back down looking at the wall.

Lisa rolled over with a smile on her face and went back to reading her book. Lisa felt a little sick, and a little stupid as thoughts raced through her head. Why didn't I tell her "It was everything I thought it would be and more?"

I should have said "I love you."

That would have been stupid. Thank you God, I didn't say I love you.

Then Denice noticed something wrong.

She was still shaking, she was perspiring so bad her top was wet under the arms and she realized she was so wet her panties were stuck to her pussy.

God no, she wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

She got up and eased over to the dresser in the room they shared and hoped Lisa wouldn't notice as she tried to get a clean pair of panties.

She noticed, looked straight at her with a look as to say what is going on. She saw the clean panties in Denice's hand, laid the book down got off the bed and walked over to Denice. Lisa's hand went straight down the front of her shorts to her crotch and Lisa's fingers became sticky form the juices that leaked through her soiled panties.

She began to cry.

Lisa laughed, put her arms around her sister and kissed her on the cheek.

Lisa said, "There is no reason to cry, these things happen when you get excited." then Lisa smelled her sticky fingers. She held them to Denice's nose for her to smell, then she put them in her mouth and sucked them clean with a look on her face like she just got away with doing something bad.

"Do you ever masturbate?" Lisa asked.

Denice just looked confused.

"Change your panties and don't worry about it, but I want the ones you have on," Lisa said.

Denice went into the bathroom feeling embarrassed, changed her panties and wiped her face before easing back in the bedroom.

Lisa took her soiled panties held them to her face and breathed in deeply through her nose, then she placed them under the pillow on her bed. Then looked at Denice with that same devilish expression and said, "Tonight you can sleep with me and we will practice." Lisa kissed her on the cheek again and walked out of the room.

As Lisa started down the back stairs she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket, and called Jane Ann her best friend from school. When Jane answered the phone Lisa said, "I am going to do my sister tonight and my mom practically said I could."

"No, you're kidding, your sister?" Jane yelled over the phone.

Lisa told Jane "She is really hot for me and my mom told both of us that sisters fooling around is normal. She said she use to fool around with my Aunt Linda when they were young."

"Are you going to keep her all to your self?" Jane asked.

"I don't know yet, I'll have to see how it goes," Lisa said.

"Your mom and your aunt, do you think they are gay?" Jane asked.

"NO!" said Lisa, "She is married and had us. I'm not gay, it's was just a way to keep the monsters at bay and I have got great big monsters that need calming down."

Jane asked, "Where the hell did you get that?"

Lisa said, "I'll tell you everything when you come over this weekend I promise, but I've got to go now. Later," and she hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket as she reached the bottom step. She walked across the family room into the kitchen where her mother was working on dinner.

"Since Dad's gone on business and school is out can Denice and I sleep down here tonight so we can watch TV?" Lisa asked.

"You are asking a lot for someone who is suppose to be grounded. I am already letting Jane spent the night Saturday and you still have your phone," her mother said.

"Your tracking who I call on my phone, I am not allowed to leave the house and there are no boys within a mile of me. Does it have to be like prison?" Lisa replied.

"Next time I catch you half naked with a boy you will think it is prison. You know the rules. Sixteen before you can date and you are going to have to prove to me you're smart enough not to wind up pregnant or get a disease. Do you have any idea what life would be like if you are labeled a slut at fourteen? There is a reason we have rules," her mom snapped.

Then Lisa started, "I wasn't asking for me. Denice is having a hard time with all of this and I thought it would be easier if we could be comfortable and spend some time together. I think she's feeling left out."

"You're serious?" was her mother's only reply.

"Yes," she said.

Then her mom said "You can sleep down here and I will leave you alone but so help me god if you try to sneak that boy in the house or if you try to sneak out all hell will rain down. This is a chance to earn some of my trust back. Don't blow it."

Then Lisa put her arms around her mother, with her head resting on her mother's breast said "thank you" then kissed her mother on the lips. As they held each other her mother was surprised at the love she felt at that moment for her daughter. As Lisa let her go and walked out of the room it almost hurt. Her mother brushed the feeling off and went back to making dinner.