
by hornykate

It started with a photo. Actually, all things being connected, it started when I got a job as a receptionist at a local upholstery company. That's where I met Jen, who was my boss, and who, despite her seniority, I got to know well and often joined in the local bar after work for drinks and such. We got on so well that at least twice a week we'd make a date to meet in this same bar, and I learned she had a daughter, was married and was very ambitious within the company, whereas I was single, childless and not particularly ambitious at all. So we really hit it off!

After a few months of this we'd moved on to the subject of sex and personal stuff. We really did get on. I hadn't yet revealed I was gay but then, she hadn't asked. And I heard so many stories concerning her daughter it became a running joke. I actually felt I knew her even though we'd never met.

Her name was Virginia, she was 12 ("but she acts so much older"), she was blonde, cute (isn't everyone's daughter?) and precocious. Apparently, Jen had told Virginia as much about me as she'd told me about her. For some reason.

Anyway, we carried on these platonic liaisons for a few months and I thought it only fair to come clean about my sexuality. We'd swapped stories of our past conquests with me substituting 'boyfriend' for girlfriend and I just felt like a fake so one night I blurted it out. It was one of those moments that's funny if one sees it in a film. We were a little merry, and I said, a little too loudly, "I don wan'ya to think I'm comin on to ya..." (OK, I was drunk) "...but I'm gay." It was said in this noisy bar but it went deadly quiet at just the moment I shouted "I'm gay". Everyone looked our way. I must have turned as red as a post-box, but Jen, bless her, just took my hands and reassured me it was OK. She wasn't gay, she emphasised, but it didn't change our relationship etc. We ended up laughing drunkenly, hysterically, and as we parted company she said "Just wait til I tell Virginia."

It only struck me as an odd comment in retrospect, when I was lying in bed. But I soon fell asleep and forgot all about it.

The next day I woke with a fuzzy head, so I quickly got myself a coffee, lit a cigarette, and checked my emails. And there was one from Jen, no doubt to remind me of last night's drunken confession. But as soon as I opened it I knew it wasn't from her.

"hi there. Hope you dont mind me mailin u. If u dont want me to just let me kno. Shall I send a photo?"

So was this Virginia? And why was she emailing me? What was going off?

"of course I dont mind. Does ur mum kno? Feel free to send a photo if u wish. Av heard so much about u."

She sent another, saying her mother knew she used her email and then she sent a photo of herself. And my god, when I downloaded it my cunt immediately got wet. Dont get me wrong. She wasn't naked or anything. She was wearing a white t-shirt and an over-sized hat. But she was beautiful. A beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous 12 year old. All my previous fantasies had involved a) women older than me, b) women my age or c) young girls but I'd only go as young as 15. 14 at a push. But this innocent photo of a 12 year old, the daughter of a friend, had illicited such a strong response, I felt the room spinning.

Another email. "hope u like my pic". I sat. Thought. Sat some more. Shall I reply? What should I say? I loved it, can you send a topless one? Can you send one of you in just your pants? No no no. I sent back "your a beautiful girl. You look so sweet." I then let her know I had to get to work so that was that.

At work Jennifer approached me and told me we couldn't meet for drinks after work as she'd promised to take Virginia to Pizza Hut but, she said, "why not join us? She talks about you a lot. I think she'd like to meet you." So we arranged it. We'd all meet there at 6.

I was a bag of nerves for some reason. I got there early but didn't wait long before they joined me. Jen introduced us but, really, we'd already introduced ourselves. We were in a booth that gave some privacy and Virginia sat next to me and as she did our legs touched and my cunt tingled. She kept her leg against mine and as we ordered there was a subtle movement on her part. I couldn't believe it, she was rubbing her leg against mine as her mother sat opposite. I was flustered. But, fool that I was, I began doing the same back to her. It felt so wrong, but the illicit nature of it got me so wet I just allowed it to happen. Then the pressure we were exerting increased til there was no doubting what we were doing.

Jennifer's mobile rang. Private call, she said, "I'll take it outside. Entertain yourselves". And we were left alone.

The pizzas arrived. We ate in silence, our legs still rubbing together. It felt conspiratorial. It felt amazing. Our hands touched. Then Jen returned, Virginia went to the Ladies and Jen leaned over and said "Admit it!"

"Admit what?" I asked nervously. And she leaned forward and whispered "You're wet."