Virginia 6

by hornykate

Part 1 of 2 of a story within a story. Confused? I'm starting to be!

I walked out of Jen's office at about mid-day. It was lunch time so the area was mercifully deserted. I felt flustered. Jen had offered to give an explanation regarding her sudden 'onset' of lesbianism, but i had to wait til after work. We'd arranged to meet in our usual bar and, as usual, i got there first.

It was not yet 6 o'clock so it was quiet. I ordered drinks for both of us, then found the most remote booth i could find. I felt her explanation may require a degree of privacy, and as it turned out, that was something of an understatement.

She arrived soon after, cool, calm and collected.

"Hi," she greeted me and we kissed cheeks. We talked, stuff about work, just idle chatter. Then, when the conversation stumbled limply to a close, she took my hands over the table, and adopted a serious, business-like attitude.

"Something happened Kate, at the convention. It was something so bizarre, so...unexpected. I think its changed me forever."

"Ok," i said slowly, "well, we're not in a rush are we, so, you know, take your time."

"First, just let me say something about Virginia." A pause while she took a sip of her drink. "We had an argument, sometime ago, and we got angry at each other, and, without going into the why's and wherefore's, she let it slip that she was..."

"A lesbian?" i offered, filling in the gap.

"Yes. To cut a long story short, when you came on the scene, we became friends, and i had this mad idea to introduce you both. I actually think i wanted you to get together. Mad huh? Anyway, i wanna get back to the convention."

I wanted to hear more of her reasoning regarding Virginia and myself but i let her carry on. I could ask questions later, should i want to. Besides, i was eager to know what happened at this bloody convention. And with permission, i shall continue in a first person narrative, from Jen's point of view. The story is seared on my memory so i believe i shall do it justice.

"The convention had gone well, we'd secured a fair few orders overseas, and we were relaxing in the hotel bar. I was the only woman on our team and i admit, the boys got a little boisterous. I ended up sitting at the end of the bar, on my own, talking to the barman. Thats when i noticed the woman standing a little way off from me, waiting to order. She looked over and smiled a beautiful smile. Straight white teeth, stunning cheek bones, slim, radiating health. American, i guessed. She sidled over and said hi, and "are you here on your own?"

I'd guessed right. Her name was Lauren. She was from Salt Lake City. She was at a table with her daughter and would i care to join them? Before i knew it, i'd been introduced to her daughter and was sitting with them, chatting like we were old friends. They were both good company. Her daughter's name was Lisa, and she was as stunning as her mother. She was just turned eleven, she said and she was blonde, like mommy, slim like mommy and quick witted. Like mommy. And i was shocked to find myself staring at her pert little breasts, looking small and delicate beneath a cream satin shirt. And, i swear, i cant remember ever being so affected, so immediately, so completely, by another person's physical attributes. I'd stared at mens asses, i'd even checked out other womens legs. But this young girls breasts had triggered something primeval.

I had to be so aware of what i was doing, not to be obvious. I was enjoying myself enormously and didn't want to ruin things.

Time flew and it was a few hours later when Lauren said she needed to get Lisa up to their room, it was her bedtime.

"Night-cap?" asked Lauren. It took a few seconds for this to register as an invitation.

"Sure!" i said, and it wasn't until we were in the elevator that i became aware that things were not what they seemed.

I was watching Lauren, as she stood behind Lisa. I was to one side of them so i couldn't see clearly, but i was sure i saw Lauren's hand slide down her daughter's shoulder and gently caress her small breasts, yet without looking directly, i couldn't be sure. But the perception of it was enough to make me feel slightly giddy, and i felt a moistness growing between my legs in spite of myself.

We entered their room, the lights coming on automatically, and i was offered a seat and a drink from the mini-bar. A small G&T, though i'd probably had enough already.

"Pyjamas!" ordered Lauren, and Lisa scooted off leaving us alone for a few minutes.

Lauren came over to sit next to me. I felt nervous, apprehensive, and almost jumped when i felt her hand on my knee.

"Maybe i shouldn't be here." i said quietly.

"Oh," she replied, just as quietly, "is there nothing here that...attracts you? I'm sorry," she continued, "i think i mis-read the signs." I turned to look at her beautiful face, our lips so close i could feel her breath. I felt the already small gap closing and, oh so slowly, our lips touched. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned slightly to see Lisa dressed in just her satin shirt.