At the Very Beginning, Part II

by Lesbian Sapphic

In the darkness, all I saw was a darker shape than the darkness beyond the doorway, through which my Mother entered. She stood for a nervous moment, stock still. And, after a brief pause, as if she was gathering up her nerve, she told me to get into her bed. She also told me to take off my top, because I wouldn't need it. Of course, she never mentioned what I wouldn't be needing it for. But, I complied with her wishes and took off the remainder of my clothes, keeping just my knickers on and nothing else. I dithered over where to put my top and shorts and socks, such was my unfamiliarity with her room in the darkness. I walked over to the far side of the bedroom and to the bed itself. I laid most of my clothes on the floor and absently placed the top on the end of the bed and knelt on the edge of the bed, sitting on my heels.

My mother still appeared to me a little odd. I wondered why this was so, but nothing was forthcoming to aid me in my thoughts. My Mother disappeared into the en suite bathroom and very shortly after, reappeared. My eyes were getting familiar with the darkened surroundings and I could briefly see that my Mother was only wearing knickers and nothing else. I could see her large breasts as she came closer to the bed. Surprisingly, this was a sexual jolt for me. I suddenly felt butterflies in my middle and a sudden familiar feeling between my legs. Yet, this was all so unfamiliar ground for me, despite my sharply rising arousal and I might have been excused the feeling that I was merely an observer of what I was seeing and feeling.

My mother also got onto the bed. She was looking at me in a way that I had not known previously. Silently, while we both intently watching the movements of the other, I got under the sheets and duvet of her large bed. The bed felt very welcoming. Strange thing to say, but it did. It is the only way of putting it. It was a very nice feeling getting into it with her. I didn't feel any sense of threat or fear. After all, I was with my Mother, whom I loved very, very much. My Mother had never been anything but a very loving Mother. So, I was quite content to be in her bed, no matter how strange it all was.

My Mother settled into the bed on her side and I did likewise on mine. I was very relaxed and I could smell my Mother's perfume. She always used a bottled scent, the name of which I forget. Yet, it was always a perfume I associated with her. I always loved the aroma. I had only ever known it to adorn my Mother's skin. I certainly had never even used it. But, it was a fragrant delight. Once abed, my Mother moved closer to me and looked at me very directly. She asked me if I was relaxed and comfortable. Yet more strangeness to my young years. I had no idea why she would ask me such a thing. Again,it was another oddness among many others that night.

I think the most odd thing about proceedings this night, especially in the unfamiliar bedroom, was the heavy curtains being pulled closed. I never used the light in my own bedroom when going to bed. And, although my room also had heavy curtains, I never pulled them closed. They always stayed open, at all times. So, although I was relaxed, the drawn curtains were something that upset the tranquility of the night for me. I asked my Mother if I might have the curtains drawn back. She gave her permission and I pulled back the covers and jumped out of bed and reached for the curtains. They pulled back with a positive noisy swish. I pulled both curtains back to their full extant and turned to get back into the bed.

As I turned around, I noticed my Mother had her head down on the sheets. Again, another oddity. She kept her head there close to the sheets and I wondered what she was doing. I could hear her breathing through her nose and she seemed to be sniffing the sheets. She raised her head as I got back into the bed and she pulled back a little because her head was next to the spot where I had been lying. I said nothing and simply settled back against the pillows. As I made myself more comfortable, she repositioned herself nearer to me. she was very near indeed and I ignored her trying to get really comfortable. She allowed me to do this to my own designs and comforts.

She was waiting for me to finish doing this and when I was finished, I turned on my side to look at her. She then wanted me to switch places with her. She wanted to lie on the left side of the bed, with me on the opposite side. So, not having any objection, we swapped places. My Mother wanted me to climb over her to reach the other side. So, in doing so, I passed my leg over her body and an arm. My face was very close to hers and the scent rising off her skin was even more delicious for me. As I continued to replace my position with hers, I sudden noticed that I could feel her leg come up as I passed above her.

I could feel her knee as it brushed against my knickers and it made me gasp. I was already getting very horny. My tiny budding breasts had two nipples that were sensitive to the least touch. And, i could feel them begging to be touched. My Mother's knee connected with my panties right where they were wettest, for a second time. So, I was suspended above my Mother for a few brief seconds and everything seemed to come to a halt. There was an immediate tension in the air. I knew that much. I was now getting very wet indeed.

Then, my Mother put her hands up to my chest in a semblance of assisting me across her body. She placed her two hands on my breasts and my nipples felt like they were infused with electricity. I felt my crotch soaking wet while my Mother's knee was there. This all happened in a flash, of course. It happened in less than the time it takes to tell. we exchange places successfully and I lay on the opposite side of the bed, with my heart racing in my chest and my legs and arms shaking with excitement.