Rewarding Good Behaviour, Part 2

by LesLuv

Melisa was five, but there was a streak of innate wisdom and tenacity within her heart. She looked up at the lady opposite, at her daughter, and said firmly, "No, you cannot stay. Mary is mine now. I'm never going to leave her like you did."

She stood and kissed the top of the older woman's head. "I love you forever," she said softly.

A kind of wet blanket silence descended after this. Melisa had her arms around Mary's neck, as possessive as any child can get; Annabelle was open-mouthed, not willing to believe what she had just heard; Mary was sniffling, suddenly aware that the exhilarating picture of foursomes that she had been presented with a few minutes ago had been daubed with black; Sarah was looking at her mother in dismay, and it was she who finally broke the silence.

“But you said we could stay.” It was a scream, a whimper, and an anguished cry all in one. “You said. Promised.” She knew what promises meant, and this was not that.

“Shh, shh.” Mother was ever comforting, picking her up and beginning to rock her back and forth, but she looked at Mary as she did so. Questions and horror lined her face; she was sure her request would be welcomed, but had not anticipated the presence of a rival.

Mary had dealt with some difficult situations in her life, but the lapse into an emotional black hole had thrown the things she'd learnt out the window. She looked at Annabelle, then at Melisa with disbelief. “Oh my goodness. What have I done?” Her voice was disbelieving.  The angst had dried the tears, but the black hole was looming large.

Melisa by this time was staring insolently at the other two. She was the little girl with the grapes, and these foxes were not going to get them. Mary was hers. You do not give up what is yours, not without a fight.

Mary turned to look at this precocious five year old. She could not blame her, as she'd done exactly what she had nature had led to do, but as she lifted Melisa from the floor and placed her on her lap a flash of inspiration came.

Tousling her hair, she said softly, “I thought you wanted a sister?”

The change was almost immediate. Her mouth fell open, her eyes did a rapid blink, and the scowl was replaced by a look of wonder. “You mean – you – this girl, Sarah, is my sister?”


“Well, not really, but she might like to be. I think she'd like a sister like you, wouldn't you, dear?” She was looking at the girl opposite, smiling in the certainty of hope.

“Yes, she would indeed.” Annabelle was quick on the uptake also. Sotto voce, and poking her in the ribs, she said to her daughter, “Yes, you would like a sister.”

Sarah, wise to the need of keeping her mother happy, said brightly, “Yes, I would like you to be my sister. Thank you.”

Melisa's mouth was still open, her head swiveling from side to side as she looked at Mary then at this new girl. Finally she looked at Mary in wonderment and asked, “How did you know I wanted a sister?”

“All girls want a sister. It's natural. As natural as playing with your clit. As natural as eating, breathing and sleeping. You don't get far without those, and you don't get as much out of life without a sister. So go and say hello nicely to her. Give her a kiss, show her your room, have a drink of milk, and - ” here she grinned at Sarah, “ – make her welcome. How do you feel about that, Sarah?”

“All right, I guess. But she's not my real sister, is she?”

“She will be soon,” Annabelle said with a grin as she put her daughter down.

Melisa went round the table and took Sarah's hand. “Come on, I'll show you where things are. Do you want a kiss?”

The four year old looked embarrassed. “Not here,” she whispered and urged her friend out of the room.

The two women looked steadily at each other after the kids had gone. Memories had been fast forwarding through their minds, and the present was, well, the present. A smile began on their faces and grew as the reality of the situation became the final scene. A tear in her eye, Annabelle said, “Would you like to talk now? There's lots to tell, but somehow I don't think the two girls will be a problem, do you?” She was anticipating a new taste, one with feisty little hormones.

“No, not a bit. Talk's fine, but actions speak louder, don't they?”

“They do indeed.'

“OK, let's get this fire lit. It's not going to be warm for ages, and, well, you know how I feel the cold.” Mary was only half joking. She'd once got stuck to the back door – at minus 22 degrees – before she could turn the frozen knob, and Annabelle was too small to reach the inside handle. But that's another story.

“You have to be warm outside if you want to be really hot inside. I remember lots of your little epigrams. You need oil to cook the meat on the stove, but our meat comes with its own oil so you can eat it straight away. Something like that.” Annabelle was helping put the kindling in the firebox of the wood stove as she reminisced. Then, stopping as a match was applied to the paper, she said softly, “I thought about you every day. Even when I was having sex with my husband it was you really doing it.”

As Mary straightened Annabelle put her arms around this loving woman and said softly, “Home. It's a lovely word, isn't it?”

“Home is where two people who love each other live,” she replied before she put her lips to those of the woman she had not seen for twenty years. The girl who had been taken away against her will  -which had broken two hearts  -  but had now returned. Unbelievable. A million words could not have spoken as loudly as their sighs.




“Mary, you ought to see - ” the high-pitched girl's vice, excited and awestruck, broke off as she looked up and saw the scene before her.

Another high pitched voice said reprovingly, “Mummy, what about me?”

Mummy, however, was in no position to answer. Not only was her mouth fully engaged in the provision of cunnilingus cum excellenza to the householder, the said householder was on  the point of bringing mummy to the most earth shattering climax she'd ever had. The two girls, so wrapped up in their own discoveries, looked at the scene with open mouths.

 Neither had seen anything like it before, had not even imagined it happening, but as the moans from the tableau grew louder, Melisa, the eldest (and therefore the most savvy), put her arm around her friend's neck and whispered, “Let's try that. We could do it too. Come on, I'll lie here, you get on top of me, and we can really lick each other.” She did not wait for an answer, but shucked off her clothes, lay on the floor next to Mary, and opened her legs.

Sarah loved the feelings that came when her mother sucked and played with her slit, and she had been brought up on the joys of intimacy, but before today she had never had anyone else as a companion. Now, not only had she been thrown into the arms of another girl, she had seen her mother in the arms of another woman. Her exclusive relationship had been undermined, and she was feeling put out and nervous. Yes, she and Melisa had looked at and fingered each other's slits, talked about loving and mothers and sisters, and kissed and cuddled, but wasn't that because Melisa was now her new and longed for sister? So it had to be all right. Didn't it?

She looked down at this blond haired girl with the funny accent and suddenly knew that sisters didn't have to be born, sometimes they just came. And she sure knew how to lick someone's slit. In two seconds her clothes were off, and as she lay down head to toe on top of Melisa she found their bodies fitted together perfectly, as well as being beautifully smooth and warm. Melisa's slit was right by her mouth, and she parted the lips with her fingers so she could look closely before she began to lick and suck them. Pink and moist, beautiful and inviting, she wanted to bury her mouth in that place and be filled with delight. She stroked Melisa's skin with something approaching love, then began to lick it. Soft, smooth and sweaty-sweet.

Sarah soon felt little fingers playing, then a tongue, than a mouth. It was so good, and she was not slow to put her own skills into operation. Melisa's cunt was so different to her mummy's. Small, hairless, tight, and it tasted different too. Sweeter, smoother, and she couldn't help putting a finger inside it, only a little way, for she knew that fingers could cause bleeding if they went too far, but she knew it was right, because she heard her sister gasp and say, 'yes, yes, more.'

But her own feelings were different too. Whatever Melisa was doing to her, it was really new. It didn't matter what, she was getting hot, could feel the bottom part of her tummy kind of spasming. And what she was doing to Melisa must have been pretty good also, because as she pushed her tongue in and out faster and faster, she heard her gasp very loudly and felt a rush of her new sister's sweet juice run into her mouth. The heat in her body suddenly got hotter, and she felt herself shaking and panting before she too let out a yell, “Ah – ah, h…h…h  - ahhh – ahhh,' and her whole body was filled with wave after wave of magic thrills as it jerked up and down.

Melisa must have been feeling the same somehow, because as Sarah was feeling the magic playing in her mind, she also felt her body being squeezed tightly by her companion, so tightly she could hardly breathe  - but after a few moments the squeeze suddenly stopped to be replaced by her lover collapsing back onto the floor. That didn't matter, because she could breathe again, and Melissa was so nice. She knew she'd love her forever.

She really wanted to turn around so she could kiss her sister's lips. It's what lovers did, she knew, but she was prevented by another body falling on top of her, so big a body that the breath really was knocked out of both girls,  their ribs probably broken, and they'd never walk again.

“Help,” came a strangled cry from Melisa, invisible beneath the sprawled form of Annabelle.

“Mummy, mummy, get off. You're squashing us.” Sarah had her mouth free to yell at her.

But mummy was already rolling away, off their bodies, weak with helpless laughter. Mary sat up, looked at the scene and also began to laugh. Four naked females, all having done the same things, all obviously having cum and cum, lying helpless on the floor, and now the babes having been dropped on by the mother of one. Not hurt, just with a pained expression, and looking totally, wonderfully cherubic. Little angels full of love and each other. Heavenly – and so touching.

“Thanks for being my cushion, little ones. The best kind there is,” Annabelle gurgled as she sat up.

Melisa, looking at the adults, began to laugh also, though she didn't know why. It was just a funny thing, being suddenly squashed, and by someone with no clothes on. What would her mother think? And she was glad her favourite doll, Brigitte, had not seen what they were doing. She was very prim. Instead, she grabbed Sarah into her arms and kissed her as hard as she could. As it was what her sister wanted she kissed her back, happy and content.

The adults, however, having glanced at each other and come to the same instantaneous decision, gathered the girls into their arms and then brought them together in a wonderfully caring and loving embrace. This was family. This was love. Above all, this was how life was meant to be. What a great household this was already turning into.

They looked at each other and smiled. Mothers and daughters, sisters and friends. The best kind of relationships. It mattered not that they had only just discovered how it all fitted together. Nothing, surely, could ever break them apart again.




A little while later, and not so strangely, they were hungry. The house was warmer, but not enough to go without clothes for long. Anyway, nakedness becomes less thrilling when you are eating ordinary food, especially when breakfast sausages are dripping hot fat.

It was just as well.

There'd been lots to talk about; the amazement of each girl having a new sister was keeping them happy and cooperative, and Annabelle had explained in some detail about her marriage breakup.

Mary was listening, basking in the happiness of this miraculous reunion, when the front doorbell rang. A look of annoyance, then alarm crossed her face, but these things happened, and she was always prepared. Her living arrangements were secret, and had to remain that way.

“Annabelle, my love, and Sarah, you go into the bedroom and stay quiet. Melisa, you hide their dishes in the cupboard, leave just yours and mine, and get a bowl of cornflakes for yourself so you can be eating them. Just in case. You right with that?”

That underway, she went to the door. The outline of their sometimes friendly village policeman could be seen through the crinkly glass. Worried about what this might mean, she opened the door and said, “Hello, Jim, come in. Too cold out there. What can I do for you?”

“Thanks, Mary. It is cold enough indeed.” He came in and removed his helmet and overcoat, and said, “I understand you are looking after the daughter of one of the oil rig workers. That's right?”

No chat or niceties today then. “That's right. For a few days. Why?”

“I have some disturbing news from Stockholm. It seems  her mother, Mrs. Larsson, attacked another woman shortly after she arrived and put her, and herself, in hospital. She's being held by the Swedish police in a locked ward. She's in a good bit of trouble.”

“Good heavens. She's such a nice person. Why, do you know? And will she be all right?”

“No, we don't know very much, only that her husband has flown back there to be with her, and Mrs. Larsson has apparently requested that you continue to care for her daughter if at all possible until such time as she can organise something else. And this has been sent through to us.” He handed her an envelope, with just her name and address on it, but no stamp.

“Oh, my goodness. That's really something. Let's go and ask her how she feels about it, shall we? Although she may not have much choice. There's no other Swedish relatives she could go to?”

He shrugged. “Who knows?”

When she was told the news, Melissa, who had been dutifully eating cornflakes, looked startled for a moment, then went white. “Jail? But mama couldn't – couldn't - ” she moaned, before bursting into tears and running from the room.

“She'll be all right after a while. I'll see to her. She's a very good girl, and it's no trouble, really, to keep her here. Of course, I'm teaching all the time, but that's fine too.” She thanked him and showed him out, having got a promise to be kept up to date.

When she got back to the kitchen Melissa was again eating cornflakes while also feeding her doll. She looked up, no smile, and said “She's not hungry. She's been eating lollies again.”

Mary looked perplexed. “Um – did you understand about - ?”

A slow smile spread across her cheeks. “Poor mama. Poor papa. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Then the smile became a grin, the actor's acknowledgement of a good performance. “I can stay, I can stay. Oh, I'm so happy. Mama is never coming back. They've locked her up.” She raced out and returned a moment later with her sister and her sister's mother. “Isn't it wonderful? We can be sisters forever. And we'll have two mothers. Come on, Sarah, let's play dollies. I wonder if they lick each other.”

They were nearly out the door when Mary called after them, “What's this?”

Annabelle had her hand over her mouth to stop the guffaws, and the girls, when they saw what was in the extended hand, seemed quite nonchalant.

“That's my dildo,” Sarah said. “How did you find it”

“It was in the cornflakes box.”

“I put it in  there when the policeman came in,” young savvy Melisa said, “I thought I'd better not let him see it.”

“I showed Melisa how to use it.” Sarah said. Turning to her companion, she added “Let's see if your dollies like it. Mine do.”

The adults were aching with silent laughter. Weren't daughters gorgeous?

So was the contents of the letter Mary had been given. “My god,” she said to Annabelle, "that's our financial worries over for a while." She help up a bankers order for 5,000 Euros.




A kind of routine developed over next few days, after that stormy Monday. Well, the wind had blown and the snow fallen, but the lightning, fireballs and sweaty drenchings had all been inside. Some things, though, were not quite what the parents had anticipated, but the way four and five year old minds think are mostly forgotten by adults.

Routines are so important; no one gets through life without them. School had gone back the following day, Tuesday, with Sarah being taken along as well. She'd only been in kindergarten before that, but managed to cope with the strangeness of the older children. She had to hang onto Melisa's hand, of course, and had to be cautioned with hissed reproof against trying to kiss her, but the other kids accepted that she was the daughter of Mary's niece, and pretty much ignored her.

Neither Mary nor Annabelle had thought of a certain problem that arose that Tuesday night. Monday had been different – they were all so exhausted that sleeping arrangements were not on the agenda. Sarah fell asleep on the couch, Annabelle in front of the fire and had to be covered up with a blanket or two, a pillow placed under her head; Melisa was asleep in her bed fully clothed, Mary almost ditto in hers. But the next night?

As the adults made ready for bed, donning night attire in the warm kitchen, Annabelle said, “It'll be a truly wonderful experience to be back in bed with you, Mary, after all this time.”

Natural and innocent. And not so subtle, for Sarah picked up on it straight away. “But, mummy, you're sleeping with me. You promised. You said once we were here we'd be together all the time. I'm not sleeping on my own, not like I had to do at home.”

The two women looked at each other. “But aren't you going to sleep with Melisa?” Her mother was genuinely puzzled.

“No, I'm sleeping with you. I'm sleeping with you.” She began to cry, a four-year-old wail of expectations destroyed.

Annabelle picked her up and gave her a cuddle. “But Mary and I love each other. Remember I told you that?”

Her head nodded in agreement. “But I love you too. I'm not sleeping on my own. Not. Not. Not.”

Mary went close to them and said, “That's all right, sweetie, you sleep with mummy tonight. Melisa will sleep with me, won't you dear?” She added,  turning to her.

But Melisa also had other ideas. She shook her head to this suggestion, smiled and went to where Sarah was being rocked. She put her mouth close to Sarah's ear and whispered.

The crying stopped, and after a moment a smile appeared. “They are? You will?” Struggling out of her mother's arms, she put her arms around her friend and said, “Oh, that's so good. Can we go to bed now?”

“As soon as you have had your baths, your supper, and got things ready for tomorrow.” Mary's rules were to be obeyed.

There was only one toilet in the house – well, there was one outside, but not used after the internal one had been installed. No more frozen latches, thank you –and Sarah was first to use it.

“What did you whisper to her?” Both adults were agog.

“I told her I loved her too, my bed was the right size for both of us, we were the same size and could suck each other easily, that she'd promised me she'd show me how the dildo worked, and then I told her that our dollies had used it and they'd cum, and that I'd use it on her.”

Later, the two women stood with their arms arms around each other and looked with joy and awe at their children – one, of course, by proxy  - as they slept the sleep of innocence and wholesome understanding. They had their arms around each other, their nighties were on the floor, and a telltale trace of something was around their mouths.  Neither knew how long the four of them would remain together, but, as Annabelle said, even if Melisa had to go, there'd still be the three of them.

That filled Mary's heart with sadness, for she loved them both, and she couldn't tell Annabelle that her real penchant was for little girls. She's simply do her best to see they all stayed together, and that both Melisa and Sarah spent lots of time in her company. And in her bed. And on her face. Happiness. Four beautiful people. She was one of them, and that's exactly how she felt.

She shook her head wryly. She had her grapes. None for any fox that might happen along.


The end.