Natural Order, Part 1

by LesLuv

I'll never forget the look on my father's face as I walked out the door, suitcase in one hand, box of goodies tucked under my arm. A frozen gulping goldfish of a look, disbelief and anger combined, unable to speak, his world of control and restriction shattered.

I gave him my best middle-finger salute, screamed out "Fuck You,"  and slammed the door behind me.

A cheer went up from the four on the opposite footpath, followed by a race towards me by the two girls, Emma, aged nine, and Angelique aged eleven.

"You did it!" They screamed, throwing their arms around me, making me drop my things.

"I'm so happy," said Angie, hugging me tightly. "I have an older sister, I have an older sister." Her singing was loud and awful.

Emma stood on tiptoes and kissed my neck. "I'm so glad. I'm still shaking."

I grinned. I  was still shaking too. It's not often you discover you have two sisters and two mothers, all at once, but that's what had happened that morning.

I had just got off the school bus as usual, and was about to go through the gate into the school yard when a woman who had been standing nearby stepped forward and said, "Excuse me, but are you Deana Smith?"

She put her hand on my arm and I stopped, causing an immediate log-jam of bodies. A moment later I was being pushed forward and aside, while some idiot boy snarled "Get out of the way, Dee Dee, you're blocking the gate."

I tried to move aside, and as someone gave my backpack a shove I succeeded in cannoning into the lady who had stopped me, causing us to both stumble backwards into other people who were watching to see that their charges entered safely.

She put her arms on my shoulders to steady herself, while as I half fell against her my anger at her and the pusher rose. I'm not a small person, and as I recovered my balance I looked straight into the eyes of my interrogator, my voice ready to tell her where to go.

But no, halfway into my urge I was stopped by something  so unexpected that my stupid mouth just hung there like an idiot's cave.  It was like looking in a mirror almost, round blue-green eyes, short straight brown hair, high and wide forehead, wide mouth,  pink lips curled in a frozen smile, and a rather square jaw.

Just like me. How I'd look in twenty years or so, just like - my mouth closed slowly as my eyes widened. I felt myself swallow as her hand came to my face, rested on my cheek, and her soft, sweet voice went straight to my heart.

"Hello, Dee." She began with a grin. "I'm your mother."

My arms fell to my sides, I felt tears form in my eyes as the world faded until only her face remained. Suddenly the dam burst and I began to cry. Cry as though it would never end, cry my fourteen years of solitude, cry my heart into belief and recovery, for I knew it was true. She was my mother.

I sobbed, gulped, shook with emotion, then threw my arms around her and tried to hug her, to feel the fullness of her body against mine, to know at last what it felt like to have a mother. But it's hard to do that with a full sized school back-back on your back, hard to get enough freedom of movement, and she must have seen my difficulty for her hands tried to ease the straps away from my shoulders.

"Let's get that thing off," she said, "I want to hug you too."

I struggled out of it, letting it fall to the ground, and felt suddenly shy.

She grinned at me, said, "Come on, hug time," held out her arms and I fell into them. Fell into that all embracing, warm and wonderful world of being a child, being a baby, having her mother rock her, comfort her, bond with her and become one with her.

It was the most wonderful moment of my life.

She began to croon, a mother/child lullaby, a comforting song of peace, and I raised my face to look at her, saw her glistening face through my tears. "Love you, baby," she whispered, "I have missed you so much." She put her face next to mine and we continued to rock back and forth, oblivious to the world around us. "It's been too long."

It had. As long as I could remember my father was my only parent. My mother, I had been told, had run away, and cruel hearted woman that she was, would never return. So I was brought up to believe my father knew everything, would be both mother and father to me, and would keep me safe. By twelve I knew something was not right, that he didn't know everything, in fact was totally ignorant on many things. But I loved him. Didn't I? And his restrictions, his vetting of my friends, his control of my social life and Facebook friends. He was keeping me safe, he always said, but by then I didn't know from what.

Now I began to get some idea.

After what seemed like an hour - but must have been only five minutes - we walked to her car because, she said, there were lots of things to talk about, many of them strange, even difficult, things I might not like, but hoped I would.

I didn't care. I was in heaven, the birds were singing and the sun was shining. My mother could tell me she belonged to some strange cult of Amazons and I'd be happy. She was cuddly, warm, and so beautiful. We sat in her car, holding hands, and she told me her story.

"Your father and I never got married. We lived together, we loved each other - I thought - and you were born. But, well, it wasn't really your father I loved. It was - well, he came home unexpectedly one afternoon, you were thirteen months old, and found me in bed with another woman." She stopped talking and watched my reaction.

Of course I'd expected her to say another man, everyone seems to do that, and it took a moment for the word to sink in. My mouth dropped open again, once more I swallowed hard, and I looked at her with no idea of what to say.

"Yes, little one, I loved another woman. I'd only discovered this a few months before, and it was like a bombshell. Love is a funny thing," she went on a few moments later, "it's not what you read, not what you are told or see in someone else's life, it's truly personal. And when it is it's truly wonderful." She took my hand in hers and looked at me, not smiling so much now, and waited.

There were lesbians at school, two of them big and bossy and horrible, two others shy and withdrawn, but I had never wanted anything to do with either pair. I'd had some feelings for a girl in the senior year, a quiet, refined skinny young woman who had taken me for a burger and asked me how I felt about her, asked me if I wanted to hold hands because she found me attractive, and it was kind of good fun, but she had been old and I never kept up talking with her. I'd had other girl- friends, and I'd kissed some of them, but it was just that and I thought I was happy that way. My father hated queers of all sorts; I knew that, and hadn't paid his words any heed, but as I thought about it I seemed to get a glimpse of what happened.

"So why did you leave?" I had no idea how cruel the question was, but it had been drummed into me for so long that I had no reason to think twice.

My mother responded as only mothers can, with a smile and patience. "Well, you see my darling, it was not me who left. It was your father. And he took you with him." She put her fingers on my cheek and stroked it.

It took a minute for this to sink in, but when it did I felt my cheeks get red, my anger shot up, and I burst out, "He what? He took me? This was unbelievable.  I felt my head spin, but I never doubted she told me the truth.

"But - why? Why did he..."

"...Because he didn't want you to grow up 'queer'.  He wanted you to fall in love with a young man, get married, have children, and live happily ever afterward. His mind was closed to anything he didn't understand."

She stopped talking, and we just sat there, taking each other in, she trying to see whether I hated her for her loving another woman, me trying to make sense of it all.

At last I said, reaching out and touching her arm, "I missed you so much, but didn't know what had happened. And now I don't care what you did, or why, just that you have come back, you have found me and I have you. And I love you. I love you like nothing else could ever be. I love you so much that I don't care what you do, or say, or want. I just never want to be parted from you. Not ever again."

And I put my arm around her neck and nuzzled it. Put my lips to her cheek and kissed it, put my lips to hers and kissed them, making up for lost time, catching up on fourteen years of nothing. And I began to cry, great bursts of sobbing, the dam wall crumbling before the torrent.

She held me, she cried with me, we rocked, we touched, we stroked, and presently we began to laugh. Until there was silence, that of exhaustion and a chapter ending.

Until, "There's more, Dee, more I have to tell you before you can actually agree to what I have told you."

I nodded, smiling. I didn't care what she said, I was going with her, anywhere at all, with anyone else she wanted. My mother. I rolled to words around my head. Mummy. Mama. Mum. I loved that sound. I loved her.

"I'm married."

If her appearance had been a shock this was a bombshell. "What!"

"To another woman. A wonderful beautiful person who has two daughters. Angelique and Emma, and I'm their mother too. It was the agreement we made. I thought I was never going to find you, and I needed - well, someone, some- oh shit, I needed a daughter, let me be honest. I missed you so much. All those years. So I got two, and now I have three. If you agree. If you would come and live with us. It's a very big thing I'm asking, my darling Dee, because we live, well, we live in a special community." She paused, looking a little worried as she gazed at me.

I said nothing, for I didn't know what she meant. It must have shown on my face because she went on, "You want to have a guess about our community? Our village?"

I thought about that, wondering if it was one of those gated places with security guards and stuff, but that's not such a big thing these days, and then I remembered that she'd married another woman. Married? I mean, you can't do that, not anywhere in the world, so far as I knew. But she wouldn't be telling me lies, so it must be true. And if it was true there could only be one answer.

"Um - this place, it's like a lesbian place? You know, you all live together, one big family?"

She began to laugh, a well of bubbles that came up from the depths before it burst, enveloping me with happiness. "Well, yes and no. No, it's not one big family -that just wouldn't work. We all live our separate lives, all in our separate houses, with our own ideas, jobs, likes and dislikes, but yes, it's a lesbian community. All of us are female, women, girls, grandmothers, babies, and it is so wonderful. It's the only one of its kind in the world, and we have a registered celebrant so we can officially get married if we meet the right criteria, and it's on private land so we can keep troublemakers away."

"And you have sex and stuff?"

"Shocking isn't it? We sure do, it's a natural part of living, no matter what you've been told. But it is something you would have to get used to if you come with us. Slowly, of course. I know you would love it, but I do not know what your father has put in your head about it, so there might be plenty of trauma."


"But you'd have two sisters. And boy, have they ever been hanging on to your being found. They want to show you, introduce you to everything we do, and I cannot emphasise enough that being a lesbian is the most natural thing in the world for many women. Not all, of course, but we're born with the gene, and sometimes things get to work and activate it. And then, whee...!"

She grinned, leant forward and kissed me. A kiss that was more than motherly, more than anything I'd ever had before, and it sent a shiver of something down my spine. I felt my heart begin to pound, a heat spread across my loins, and I was suddenly aware of my nipples rubbing the inside of my bra.

It was so wonderful that I kissed her back. She was my mother, but if she wanted to be my lover as well I'd be delirious with happiness. I knew that in an instant, knew that what she said was absolute truth, that I'd live with them whatever it entailed, and to not do so would be the worst mistake I could ever make.

Our mouths were open, our tongues searching, our lips pulsing as we sucked each other, pressed hard and frantically in an outpouring of the love that is way beyond mother-child love, my first milestone in the trail of discovery I was about to embark upon.

We broke for air and looked at each other with new-found understanding. I could feel a wetness between my legs, a buzzing in my groin, and I wanted her to put her head down there and lick me.

She must have seen the lust in my eyes, because she said, a teasing invitation if ever there was one, "You want to come back to where we're staying?"

"All of you?" My god, she'd brought the family.

"Uh huh. They're dying to meet you."

"Oh. Well, yes, I suppose, but I though just you - just to - I've never even touched myself down there. But now - "

"Yes, now it's going to happen. But a little bit of a wait, there's some things we need to do first. I don't even  know where you live."

That was a puzzle. "So how did you find me?"

"Oh, a good bit of detective work. Your father thought he was being clever. He changed his name, which meant yours too, went a long way away, took a different kind of job working from home, and became impossible to find. But with a name like Schnittke - yes, it's German - " seeing the puzzled look on my face - "it wasn't so hard to eventually find the records of when he changed it, and what to. Flavia, my wife, is pretty good with doing things like that, so when we got together last year I told her of my dream to find you and she eventually found his new name, and with your name  - Deana, not such a common spelling - we began searching throughout the country for a Deana Smith in college - that's the name he took - and yesterday morning we found you. We hoped. Right date of birth, so we were pretty sure. If we'd been wrong we'd have kept on looking, because you are so precious - and so beautiful."

I smiled. I felt suddenly good, but so many questions were in my mind. Suddenly shy, I hung my head and whispered, "I don't even know your name."

"Oh, my poor baby. Of course you don't. Jess. Jessica. And I go by my maiden name, you might guess - Brioran. It's Irish. How do you feel about using that? Instead of Smith - what a laugh. You are unique, not one of many, and your name, well, mine is rare, I can tell you, and so are you."

"I'd like that." I was still shy. "What about my school? I can't just walk out, and my friends? What about them. And there's other things I need to - there's the musical - " I trailed off into silence.

"So, my lovely, here's the plan. We go into your school, and I explain that I have custody of you - I do, too, here's the papers-" she picked up a folder from the back seat and held it up - "and that you are transferring to a new school - yup, got that organised too - as of today. You say goodbye to your friends, your teachers, and then we go to your house where you can get your things and say goodbye to your father. Who knows nothing about any of it. Guess he'll be surprised, eh?" She was enjoying this.

I was, too. Hearing her say all that, all organised, case closed, and the sudden thought of telling my father what I thought of him after all these years of deceit and lies made me grin. "Hope he has a heart attack, the piece of shit."

"Then we go and meet your new family. Sound good?"

It did, and here we are, embracing in the street. Jess had called them from her cell phone.


If my day had already been full of surprises, the next few hours were jam-packed with them. After five minutes Angie and Emma had to be forcibly restrained by their mothers so I could recover my breath and talk. They had been all over me, hugging, kissing, feeling me up, licking me and chattering incessantly, but now I couldn't find any words. Not then, it was all too much, so I just looked. Firstly at Flavia, my other new mother, so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her. Olive complexion, fine straight features, waves of cascading black hair, green eyes and a figure I'd never achieve. And the smile to end all smiles. I felt warm and happy just looking at her.

Quietly spoken, impish, the first thing she said was, "Dee, I would like to be your mother, I'd like you to live with us because I love your biological mother so much that anything of hers I want in my life. I want you to have time to quietly come to terms with this rambunctious lot" - grinning at the two squirming bodies, parental hands clamped firmly over their mouths  - "and to get to know us. Truly, I am sure you will love our community and way of life, but you need to see for yourself. Would you like to do that?"

There was sudden silence and quiet as they waited on my answer. I began to smile. Anyone who could ask that question so nicely had to be lovely. I looked at each in turn  - the two girls with their mother's fine features, Angie with unruly blond hair and Emma with braids, Flavia, and my mother Jess.

I felt something stir in my heart, new and strange, which became an overwhelming desire to embrace them all. It became so strong that tears began to run down my face, tears of joy, tears of love, and I opened my arms and made cuddling motions with my hands. They came, silently, and we formed a ring of communion, five people merging into one, and I knew I was home, knew that this was my destiny, my life.

We stood there until Emma, young and impatient, stood on tiptoe to whisper in my ear,  "Can I lick you, Dee? I want to suck you like Ang and I do, you know, and I want you to orgasm me. Will you do that? Please?"

I must have a funny mind, because I hadn't really thought that my new life would involve sex like that - I just wanted my mother, company, loving, and bonding; I don't think there'd ever been a truly erotic thought in my head, but her little voice was so appealing. I smiled and whispered back, "Gee, Em, I'm not sure. I don't know about -"

" - Oh. I've been waiting so long," she sniffed and looked petulant, " we do it. Why can't you?"

Jess, standing next to her, whispered something in her other ear, and Emma opened her eyes wide and looked at me, startled, before shrugging and moving away, disappointment large. The others had watched this quietly and still said nothing, but as I looked at them I began to feel awful. These were my new friends, my new family, I'd go anywhere with them, I wanted nothing else, and I suddenly reached out and grabbed Em's arm and pulled her back, bent down and whispered, "You'd have to show me what to do, though."

"Yay!" She grinned, giggled, gave her sister a high five and and tried to pull me away, but I shook my head a little. She didn't do anything, no tantrum, no crying, just looked at me, an adoring look that made my heart beat even faster.

My sisters had to wait longer than they'd hoped to induct me into the realm of sex, however. What with going to the school - both sad and exciting, with loads of jealous friends and puzzled teachers - going to the hotel where they were all staying, eating, driving to the airport, catching first one big and then another smaller plane, it was well after ten p.m. before we arrived at my new home; in all that time there had not been more than a moment of privacy, just lots of talking, laughter, and getting to know these four wonderful people.

That is, except for one thing that I'll never forget, the thing that made me realise the importance of taking things slowly. After lunch we had to get ready to leave, and I was sorting through my clothes when Ang came in, sat on the bed and smiled. She was not a big talker, I already knew that, and I was happy to smile back. A friendly silence developed until she stood, came closer - I was fastening my bra - touched my arm, and whispered, " Sorry about Em, you know? How selfish she is, wanting everything straight away, but, well, she's pretty young, so -" she trailed off, gazed at me, and when I said nothing she went on, "But I'd really like to kiss you, Dee, would you mind? You're so beautiful, so strong, and -"

I'd been kissed thousands of times, but only in greeting or goodbye or the funny things boys tried, and only once in any real way - by my mother that morning. This time I knew that something different was meant, and with the thought of fitting into a lesbian household running through my mind a smile began to appear on my face as she asked her soft, hesitant question.

"- Hey - you're my sister, right? And sisters kiss, don't they? But I have to tell you in know nothing about these things - I lived with my father who thought I'd get pregnant if he kissed me on the cheek even, and I couldn't work out what the boys at school were on about except to get their hands on me, so yes, I'd love to kiss you. Properly." I closed my eyes and waited, expectantly, but all I got was a giggle.

So I opened them, and she said, "We do it with our eyes open. At the beginning, anyway. That way we can see each other. We generally want to see each other as much as possible."

Oh my God. There was so much I just didn't know.

Gentle teacher that she was, we looked into each other's eyes as her face drew near mine. Instead of our lips meeting, however, her hand rose and gently brushed my cheek, across my lips, down my throat, and only then went around my neck, drawing me into that last precious space, she space of breath.

That first brush of lip on lip was exquisite, tender, and thrilling. Gently the pressure built and I found my arm had gone around her waist, pulling her closer, my mouth had parted, and the full sweetness of her presence filled me with a joy so wondrous that I knew with utter certainty that this was the natural order, the way things ought to be, the way I wanted to be all my life.

The kiss went on and on, getting wilder, hotter and frantic until we were licking each other - face, neck, hair, stumbling and trying to remain upright. We may well have finished up on the bed had it not been for Flavia who must have come in, unnoticed by us, and who now put her arms around us and whispered, "Welcome to our family, Dee." After a few moments cuddling, she added, "But we have to leave in a minute, so you'll just have to wait. Terrible, I know, but won't it be worth waiting for more?"

I felt as though I had arrived in heaven, that there could be nothing better than this, this union of lives and minds in the kiss of bonding.

Well, there was, but it was not until the following day that I found out about it. No, that's not right. It was not better, but it was at least as good. That first night I slept the sleep of the dead and exhausted, all that emotion and activity skimming out my reserves. In fact I was asleep in the plane, with only blurred images remaining of the valley, the house, my room and new family.

It was dark when I awoke, disoriented and frightened by the strange smells, noises from outside and dimly outlined room, the fright soon being relegated to the back of my mind because of a strange sensation inside the pit of my stomach. Not like wanting to pee, more like a warmth that kept sending out spikes into my brain. And I needed a drink of water, and I felt different, and I did have to pee, so I felt for my bedside light, knocked something onto the floor, muttered something foul, and was rewarded by the door opening and the overhead light being switched on.

Blinking, embarrassed by by clumsiness, I squinted up and saw a young woman approaching, carrying a tray from which wafted the smell of food.

"Good morning , Dee," the girl said cheerily, and I realised it was my new sister Emma, "thought you might like some breakfast."

My mouth was dry, and I gargled my response as the tray was placed on the bedside table and my sister sat on the edge of the bed.

Just writing those words, 'my sister', brings back all those wonderful moments that were to imbue my life from then on. Not ever have I regretted my earlier life, and I've even grown forgiving of my father and his ways. But this, why, it's my natural environment. I do not know if any of you have ever lived in a lesbian community like Hope Valley. Probably not - there's not another, so far as I know  - but let me tell you they are the most wonderful places you could wish to be. Most of the time, anyway; like all of society, there are some people who try to wreck something just for the fun of it. That happened here many years ago, apparently, and the rules governing living here are now so strict that some leave because they are not 'free'. Good riddance, I say, as I like it the way it is.

We are not permitted to be in public without suitable covering - in winter that's full woollen and weather-proof stuff, as it's so cold - and in summer tops and shorts are the norm. Trying to prohibit displays of affection and lust in public would be ridiculous, but discretion is a must - no shagging on the road, for instance, no nude photography inside the town limits, and things like that - and the number one dictum is Respect! Everyone has to be respected, given their due, and any disagreement or ill-will is either resolved or taken to the council. Who Counsel, keep the peace and occasionally enact the banishment clause. There's no law-enforcement as such, but boy do we have to abide by the state and federal laws.

Anyway, Emma leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, grinned at me and said, "You've been asleep for a while. Fourteen hours, would you believe?"

I sat up suddenly, nearly upsetting the tray, and said, "What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock. We've been watching you, waiting, cause there's just so much to show you, tell you, and well, experience. You have no idea how we love you, but, well, you - well..." she trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

By that time I was sipping my tea, hot white and sweet, just the way I like it, and munching on a piece of toast made from homemade bread with homemade strawberry jam on it. More heaven. "I want to get to know you, I've only ever had a boyfriend before, and that was pretty awful , but just kissing Ang, and holding you, and seeing my mum -"

"- you mean mother Jessica? We call them Jess and Flav, or mother, or mum one and two, or - well -"

"- yes, her, was so wonderful, and I know I'm a lesbian, and I'm so glad you found me and I want to find out about love, and -"

"- And we're going to show you." Angie had burst into the room, grinning from ear to ear, naked as a jay bird, twelve-year-old boobs vibrating, "just as soon as you've had breakfast, done the toilet things, showered, and we've shown you around. And we don't have to go to school today, hooray hooray, because you're here. At last."

I couldn't help laughing. "God, it's so nice to have sisters. It's like a whole wonderland has opened up. Tell me it's not a dream?"

The table was pushed to one side as they jumped into bed with me, one each side, put their arms around me and cuddled. I put my arms around them, and we rolled, squeezed, laughed and talked.

"It's not a dream, it's real, and we're real too." That was Angie.

Emma didn't speak, just kissed me, hard, on the lips, and said, "Hey, you're wearing PJ's. No, not here, don't do that,  we gotta get those off, c'mon, Ang, help me make her decent."

I'd never not worn them, I think, but squirmed with laughter and giggles as they not only tugged and pulled the clothes off, but tickled me and gave me raspberries without stopping.

Then they gave me something more. Emma pulled the bedclothes off, Angie swung my legs over the side of the bed, parted them with one swift movement - meeting no resistance - stuck her head between them and her tongue up my vagina as though it was the most natural thing in the world to do first thing in the morning.

Well, it was and it is. And it was wonderful. Emma began sucking on my breasts, playing with them and licking me all over, Angie was doing something so good I felt my blood begin to boil, and sometime I know I screamed, yelled, was unable to stop, and finished up shaking and breathless.

"O god, I love that," I murmured, looking adoringly at my sisters.

"So do we" Emma's voice was a squeal.

"Um, Dee, well, you want to have a go now?" Angie sounded hesitant.

They must have seen my puzzled expression, because Angie smiled and touched my cheek. "I mean, would you like to suck us like we did to you? It's what we do, you know. All of us. And other things too, but, well, licking and sucking and stuff is the best, isn't it, Em?" She grinned at her sister, who leant down and kissed me again. She liked doing that.

Call me innocent, call me naïve, but I had not imagined that. It could be done to me, but me doing it? My doubts and hesitation went on so long that I sensed I was being uncouth, uncool and unmannerly, but it was more than courtesy that eventually made me open my mouth. It was sheer necessity.

"Um - yes, sure I would, but I gotta go pee first, I'm bursting." I was, too.

"You've got your own bathroom." Emma was tugging my arm. "C'mon, I'll show you." She dragged me off the bed as Angie stood up, opened a door I hadn't seen and propelled me towards it.

It was the biggest bathroom I had ever seen, with shower, spa bath, toilet, a huge mirror, vanity bar crammed with things I'd never heard of, fluffy white towels on a bar, and a sliding window open to the view of a garden filled with trees and lawn.

Angie, bless her, closed the door behind her as she left. I wasn't shy, just innocent, and she was wise enough to let me make my own pace. I felt the bonds of sisterly love grow stronger as I sat there and marvelled at this new life. This wonderland.

I thought about what I was supposed to do next. Suck my sister's vaginas. Somehow it didn't sound right, or at least wholesome, yet I had wanted them to do it to me, so it must be good. I nodded my head, went back to the bedroom with determination on my face and in my mind, and saw they had not waited for me. Angie had her face buried in Em's crotch, bobbing up and down, while Em seemed to have her fingers between her legs. I went and knelt beside them, looking at my very first lesbian lovemaking, mouth open in astonishment, drinking in the wonderful aroma rising from my little sister's body, and suddenly wanting to join in.

Angela glanced at me, grinned conspiratorially, whispered, "Your turn soon", pushed Em's fingers away, opened her mouth wide and engulfed the area in her mouth. I could see the sucking vacuum being applied by her hollowed cheeks, and within a minute saw the result - Em's body beginning to shake, her breathing coming in short bursts, and finally a long, drawn out sigh.

We didn't say anything, just watched our sister recover and re-join us. I knew what that was like, at least. I hope you do too, as I can find no words to describe it adequately, except to say it is the most wonderful sensation one can ever have.

"Thanks, Ang, you do it best." She opened her eyes, saw me, and smiled. "Just like yours, hey?

I could only nod.

"The big O, the delicious big O", she continued, "you going to do it to Ang? I'll help you. C'mon." And she rolled off the bed so her sister could take her place.

I might have nodded my head, but I didn't understand. "Um - big O?" My perplexity must have shown.

There was silence from  my sisters, a puzzled expression flitting across their faces. Angelique put my hand in hers and looked into my eyes. "Oh, you poor thing. The big orgasm. D'you know about them?"

I hesitated. "Y-yes, I've heard the word, but - is that what-"

"-That's what we have, every time. Nearly." Em broke in, eager to teach me. "It's what Ang gave you and me, and now you're going to give one to her. We share, we're sisters."

Ang didn't say anything more, just lay on the bed, legs over the side, opened them, pointed to her  pubis, and smiled.

I knelt and looked at my goal. I had never seen one before, not in real life, not in close-up,  yet somehow my first glimpse was so wonderful, so beautiful that I forgot everything except my desire to bury my tongue inside it, taste, smell, and make love to its owner.

I couldn't help smiling, looking up and saying , "You are so beautiful. You smell so sweet. I'm going to enjoy this." And I parted her lips with my fingers and began to lick the exposed moist pink flesh. My first taste of my sister's juice was so different, so wonderful that I will never forget that moment, or my desire to continue, or the waves of love that flowed over me.

My tongue simply took over, probing inside, licking faster and faster, until a small voice whispered in my ear, "Lick her clit."

I didn't even know where that was, and I paused in tonguing, and looked at Em with questioning eyebrows.

She put her finger on the spot, and I saw the small protrusion beneath the apex, and duly began to lick there.

Em's hand applied some pressure to the back of my head and I got the message - harder. I obliged. So much to learn.

Then the same voice again whispered, "Put a finger inside her, in and out like, you know?"

I didn't, but with some misgivings I gently inserted my index finger into the now gaping vaginal tube and began to push in and out with it. That got a moan from Ang, but as I'd stopped licking, Em whispered that I should do that at the same time.

So I did, which had Ang saying loudly, "More, harder, faster, yes, keep going, finger right in, go, go, go!"

So I did. And remembering at last  the great sucking exhibition I'd witnessed a little while before, I vacuumed her clitoris as I pistoned my finger inside her. A minute later there was a convulsive shaking, a growing sigh, and a loud, long moan. "Yes," I thought, "I've done it!" At the same time something else wonderful happened, something I'd never heard of, had no idea of, but was the reward for my endeavour.

A sweet, lovely musky sticky juice seeped into my still sucking mouth. I began licking again, and got more. I suddenly knew why bees went to flowers for nectar. Their food. This was mine. I wanted more, I wanted -

"Welcome to the lesbian sisters' club. You' re a natural." Ang was stroking my hair, and I reluctantly looked up. I still wanted more of that nectar.

She crooked her finger at me, and I slowly began to rise, but she pulled me down  on top of her until our faces touched. She kissed me, I returned it, and soon we were darting hungries all over each other's faces, our hands busy on each other's bodies, quickly joined by Em, squeezing in between us, making a triple knot of lovers.

That was before she pushed us apart, said, "Remember our plan?" to Ang, who grinned, pushed me away, turned me on my side, lifted my leg in the air, and buried her face in the gap, after which I was presented with Em's young slit near my mouth, with a quick glance showing me that she in turn had her mouth in Ang's crotch.

We were a love triangle, not the kind you read about in romance novels, but the best kind. A lesbian sister' s triangle, dynamic, living, and hot. So hot that we all kind of came together, more or less, which was so exciting that we rolled around the bed, laughing, giggling, kissing, and luxuriating in each other's company. It was so good.

Making love to my sisters proved to be my natural state, the reason I was here. Being together was all that mattered. Well, I thought so at the time, at any rate.