The Sexual Education of Yumi 13: Grandma Games (Part 2)

by MargaretSexyMum

This is quite a long and slow chapter, which may not be everyone's cup of tea. It mainly involves sex between adults, including a male character. More normal service will resume in the next installment.

While Kiyomi is settling in to the household, across the other side of the country Sarah is finishing her packing for her move back to be with her brother's family. As she has almost finished her packing she receives a surprise visit from her mother.

Sam and Sarah's mother Joanne has just returned from a long overseas trip. She is an internationally renowned photo-journalist, artistic photographer, and painter who spends most of her time traveling the globe.

When Joanne arrives at Sarah's house she is surprised to learn her daughter is packing up her house and is intending to go and live with her brother and his family. While Sarah can't tell her mother the true reason she is moving she does say that she is tired of the rat race and seeking the solitude of living in the countryside. She also indicates that she is looking forward to helping look after her nieces and nephew.

Joanne is surprised by Sarah's decision, having always thought of her daughter as being very career orientated. But she is also happy to hear that she is returning to her roots in the countryside. Joanne has always been a bit of a hippy who believes in spiritual pursuits, having tried to raise her children in a natural lifestyle.

Joanne decides on the spur of the moment to accompany Sarah and travel to see Sam and his family as she has not visited for some time and she has yet to see her new grandchildren. Sarah is concerned about this development given the usual living arrangements at Sam's house. Despite her misgivings she feels she can't do anything to dissuade her mother. She rings Sam to warn him that when she arrives she won't be alone.

In turn Sam tells Keiko about his mother's visit and is a little surprised when she appears so enthusiastic about the additional visitor. While his wife has always gotten on well with her mother in law they have never been particularly close as Joanne has always kept her distance. Keiko explains to Sam that coming to terms with her own mother's quiet loneliness has made her more sensitive to his mother also spending so much time alone. While she might seem to be a confident and very independent lady, Keiko worries that perhaps this outwards attitude camouflages some deeper seated unhappiness.

When Joanne and Sarah arrive they are both welcomed with open arms.

Joanne is tall woman with a prim and regal bearing. This grandmother's outwards appearance is in stark contrast to Kiyomi's fleshy figure. She likes wearing flowing, feminine floral print dresses. But even loose fitting dresses are unable to fully conceal her lovely curves as she is a busty woman with full womanly hips. She wears her hair in a long braid and could pass for much younger than her 43 years. Sarah is a strident feminist with a strong spiritual core who is attracted to alternative lifestyles. She often laments the materiality and conservatism of modern life and believes that individual freedom is important for happiness. She is a vegetarian who loves to meditate and practice yoga to cleanse her mind and body. Her work and art has taken her all over the world and has meant she has not been a constant part of her children's lives since they were old enough to be self-sufficient.

The first thing Joanne notices when she arrives is that her daughter in law's sister is heavily pregnant. She is too polite to ask who the father is but she is increasingly intrigued about what is going on in this house. She sees that the girls' mother has also moved into the house and now her own daughter is also moving in. While everyone appears to be living happily under the one roof, including her three grandchildren, it does strike her as an unusual arrangement. It seems like they have set up a mini family commune.

At dinner that night Joanne regales them all with stories of her most recent travels. She had a photo assignment from National Geographic to document the lifestyles of a remote Pacific Island community. She tells them of how impressed she was by the simple lives the people lead and the strong family bonds that run through the community. How they are not bound by Western conservative religious conventions that unnecessarily tell people how to live their lives. They have their own moral standards centred around family love and respect. She found it refreshing that they didn't feel bound by conventions like the need to wear clothes just as she had tried to raise her own children in a natural environment. She jokingly mentions that it seems not too different to the small family community they have set up here.

When Yumi seems interested in the exotic tales, Joanne pulls out her laptop and scrolls through some of the shots she had taken on her assignment. The setting is a tropical paradise, with pristine beaches, palms trees and waterfalls. Amongst the shots of the lovely scenery she has captured shots of the Islanders going about their daily lives. In most of the shots the people are generally naked, the children playing with happy smiles on their faces.

She points out the tribal head surrounded by his family. Yumi asks which one is his wife and Joanne points out to her granddaughter that he actually has three wives. "That is the normal arrangement in that society Yumi, for the men to have multiple wives. It never seems to work the other way though, women with multiple husbands!" She points out an older woman who looks to be in her forties, another woman in her 20s and a pubescent looking girl who is obviously pregnant. "These are his three wivesa."

"That pregnant girl looks like she is barely a teenager" Kiyomi exclaims.

"I believe she is 13" Joanne responds, "as I said they don't conform to Western conventions like age of consent in their society. That girl was given to the Chief to warm his bed when she was 9 yrs old. While many societies would call that child abuse they thought it was the most natural thing in the world. They all seemed to be happy with their choices and their lives."

"You can't ask for more than that can you" Kiyomi suggests.

Later that night Kiyomi takes up the conversation again as she and Joanne prepare for bed in the room they are sharing. The two grandmothers get on well and are soon discussing how proud they are of their children, and now their adorable grandchildren.

Kiyomi turns the discussion back to Joanne's Pacific Island assignment.

"It must have been an incredible experience being in that tropical paradise. It seems they were very welcoming to you. How did you get them to accept you into their closed community?"

"Well it wasn't easy, I had to try and assimilate into their ways. For example, I went around naked just like them. I don't think they had ever seen a nude white woman before. I certainly got a lot of stares from all of them. I found it liberating too. We used to be regular nudists at home when the kids were growing up. I miss that natural state of life."

"I can see why they welcomed you into their community. What a sexy sight you must have been. You have a lovely figure Joanne. You know we are not shy around here either, Sam has kept up his interest in naturalism and he and Keiko do that here, and the rest of us have just naturally followed their exaample. We often get around in just our underwear or nude, I agree that it is liberating. So don't worry if you want to get naked, no one will mind ..... in fact we might appreciate it," Kiyomi says with a wink.

She continues "I imagine that island community was not inhibited about their bodies or sexual activities. They must all live in quite small huts and you would know what happening at night. I guess there is no need for a formal sex education class like in our society. It was interesting when you showed us the pictures before of the chief with his three wives and explained their marital arrangements. I can see why the man would be happy with the arrangement. Particularly the opportunity to fuck such a pretty little girl on a regular basis. But I have to wonder if that young girl really enjoyed being fucked by a man so much older than she is when she was only nine years old?"

While being a little shocked by Kiyomi's crude comment Joanne replies "from what I saw the girl she seemed to really enjoy being one of the chief's wives. The wives would take turns going to his bed. On the nights when she was his bedmate, she was very vocal during their lovemaking, the noises coming from their hut went on for hours. It was very distracting."

"I'm sure it was. Young girls can be such sluts at that age once they realise the power they have between their legs" Kiyomi says

"But you are right Kiyomi about the openness of their society. In their culture sex is a natural thing and people don't feel the need to go behind closed doors to fornicate. I often came across couples fulfilling their natural biological needs."

"It must be wonderful to have so few inhibitions. I think sex is natural too and it isn't just these tribal societies where people should practice being open and honest about their sexual urges and activities. It is so refreshing to hear that you are so accepting of these normal human urges Joanne. You have obviously passed this open-minded attitude on to your children. There is something we need to discuss and I think it is best that I raise it with you straight away so that the truth is out there."

Kiyomi continues "we don't live in a tropical paradise here but we do live in an open household. Your son and my daughter have opened their house and their lives to their extended family. They practice the sort of sexually open lifestyle that you mentioned. In this house sex is celebrated and nothing is seen as off limits. I have not been living here long but I know this house is overflowing with love. I think that speaks volumes about how confident and caring our children are. I like to think we have both had something to do with that Joanne. We must have done something right in our parenting even if there are areas where we could have done better or done ..... differently."

Kiyomi looks Joanne In the eyes "You should know that there are only two females in this house who haven't been fucked by your son. You are one and our granddaughter is the other ... and with her it is only a matter of time, not whether, it will happen."

Joanne at first thinks Kiyomi is joking, but then she realises she isn't. "Are you saying that Sam is the father of Mieko's baby? And that you have slept with him too?"

"Yes that is what I am saying. And I should confess that your boy is a real stud. I don't blame either of my daughters for wanting to have him and his huge cock inside them."

Joanne' eyebrows rise and she seems shocked by this confession, but she regains her composure and says "well there is another female in the house who you seem to have overlooked. My daughter Sarah."

Kiyomi smiles, "No I didn't overlook her .... and neither has Sam. When Sarah last visited, her brother gave her the fuck of her life as he took her virginity. It seems they have both wanted to fuck each other's brains out since they were little. Sarah had even 'saved' jerself for her brother. Now they have consummated those desires. But it really only whetted their appetite for more. As I mentioned there are no taboos here, including incest, we believe if you love someone you should express that love in an open manner. Didn't you wonder why Sarah packed up her life and decided to move here. It was so she could regularly fuck her brother ... and the other members of his family. I haven't had that pleasure yet but am looking forward to it!"

Joanne looks stunned by these revelations.

Kiyomi continues, "and just one more thing I want to say in the interests of full disclosure. I don't think Sam's incestuous desire runs just to his sister. I am willing to bet that, if given the chance, he would drop his trousers and fuck his mummy in a heartbeat. You are a beautiful and sexy woman Joanne and Sam would appreciate that as much as anyone. You don't need to say anything ....but doesn't the thought of Sam on top of you and thrusting his stiff prick inside you get your panties more than a little wet?"

Joanne is silent for some time while she gathers her thoughts, her mind in turmoil.

She responds slowly, "I am not the most sexual of women. I haven't had intercourse since the children's father left just before Sarah was born. I was 18 yrs old at the time and already with one child and another on they way. My parents threw me out of the house and I had to raise the children on my own."

Finally, choosing her words carefully, she says haltingly, "what you have said is amazing, I am struggling to fully comprehend it. But in a strange way it makes sense. When I arrived and saw that Mieko was pregnant and pieced together that it must have happened since she moved here I thought something was going on. And I couldn't understand why Sarah was uprooting her life and moving here. But now it makes sense if she is moving here to be with her brother."

"I have to admit that I am shocked that Sam and Sarah are sexually active together. Although when I really think about it ... perhaps I shouldn't be that surprised. I have always noticed how close they are. They were both such beautiful and affectionate children. I had all these ideas in my mind about how to raise children. How to help them become independent, open-minded and self-aware young people. I wanted them to be free-spirits and not afraid to express themselves. I had always dreamed of raising my children in a free-love commune like they had in the 1960s but I soon realised that was just a silly dream. Those groups that claim they live in such a commune were usually dysfunctional patriarchies and not somewhere I wanted to raise my kids. So I made the decision that the three of us should live in out in the country where I could home school the children and we could be as one with nature. Sam was a very feminine boy and he and his sister shared clothes. I know many would have thought that was strange but it worked well for us. We didn't have much money and my sister was able to share her daughter's cast off clothes with us. I always wanted Sam to learn to embrace his feminine side."

Kiyomi says "Well he has certainly done that Joanne. Your beautiful boy is a real panty boy. I have discovered that sharing panties with his sister developed into a strong fetish for wearing only girl's underwear. I am sure if you stay here long enough you will get to see how pretty he looks when dressed as a girl. He and my daughters share lingerie and dresss now as well. I think you were, and are, a wonderful mother and he is such a well adjusted feminine boy. He embraces his feminine side but is still very manly in the bedroom."

"I am glad to hear that Sam is happy .... and Sarah too. I haven't been as close to my children's lives as I should have been. I have focused on my work and art and that has taken me away from home too often. It makes me sad though to know I really should have been here for them when they needed me. Perhaps I could have helped them to accept their special love. I have travelled the world and seen many different societies. I don't find the thought of a brother and sister expressing their love physically distasteful. I am glad they were able to find their true love here. While I was shocked at first when you told me. I really don't have a problem with them being lovers. They are my children and I want what is best for them. I should have recognised the depth of their feelings for each other much earlier, when they were still adolescents and coming into adulthood. But I have to admit I was trying to ignore those signals as I was dealing with my own conflicted sexual feelings."

Kiyomi asks "sexual feelings for your children?"

"Yes. I was a single mother of two young, beautiful and bright children. I had no partner to satisfy my sexual urges and had to rely on masturbation to relieve my tension. The three of us were a close knit family and we were naturists so I was observing my children developing and their bodies maturing. I did begin to have feelings for them that frightened me and I made a decision to keep some physical and emotional distance between us. I did this when they were going through puberty and that may have been a mistake. I could have helped them deal with their feelings. But I was too concerned about controlling my own feelings."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed about your feelings for your kids. My late husband and I had similar feelings for our girls, but like you we never acted on those desires .... much to our mutual regret. So you see we have a lot in common, we are two horny mothers."

Kiyomi continues "Joanne you are mature enough to make your own decisions. But I think you need to know that if you have an urge to express your love for your beautiful children in a physical .... a sexual .... way, I don't think Sam or Sarah would reject your advances. In fact I am confident your son and daughter would welcome you with open arms. They both love you unconditionally. Sam and Sarah are still coming to terms with their own intense feelings for each other and exploring the boundaries of their own incestuous relationship. I think they need their mummy's unconditional love in return ..... and your guidance. I think they must be worried about what your reaction would be to finding out about their illicit lovemaking. They need your approval and acceptance more than ever. While my daughters and I have supported them, they need your support even more. I know this because my daughters have had a long-standing lesbian relationship with each other and they were so grateful to know that I still loved them after it came out in the open. I had actually known for many years but never acknowledged their special love. I now know that was wrong, I should have celebrated it so they didn't have the guilt of hiding it from their father and I. Crossing that boundary also meant I could join them in a physical expression of our love."

"You have certainly given me a lot to sleep on Kiyomi. When I decided to tag along with Sarah I never imagined that there would be such things to deal with. But I think it was a fortunate choice because not only do I get to see my beautiful new grand babies but I get the chance to deal with some unresolved issues with my children. Thank you for being so honest with me. I have to confess that I haven't been totally honest with you .... yet .... But if I can have some time to process my thoughts I promise to tell you everything at the right time."

The next morning Joanne confesses to Kiyomi. "I couldn't sleep last night thinking about our discussion. I am confused and not sure what to do. It seems I have already made so many parenting mistakes and I want to do the right thing. All I want is for my children to be happy and I will do anything to make that happen. I need them to know how much I love them and that I always will, no matter what."

"I know you do. I won't speak to anyone of our discussion. It was just a chat between two loving mothers and grandmothers. We are family now too. I respect your eventual decision and know you will do it with the best interests of Sam and Sarah at heart."

Kiyomi moves to Joanne and envelopes her in a warm embrace and kisses her on both cheeks before finishing with a soft peck on the lips.

Over the next day and night Joanne mulls the choices before her. Eventually she decides she needs to talk to her son and daughter. She finds Kiyomi "I have been thinking about our discussion from the other day. I now see that I was trying to repress my natural feelings. I understand that this wasn't the most healthy response either for me or the kids. I am grateful that I have been given a second chance to make it up to them. The first step is to speak to them ... to be honest about my feelings and explain the decisions I have taken along the way. I was hoping you may be able to help me have some time alone with Sam and Sarah."

"I am sure it won't be a problem to arrange for an outing with my daughters and grandkids and give the three of you a couple of hours of privacy and quality time together this afternoon."

Kiyomi keeps her side of the bargain and she and the others go out for a long walk in the countryside. She assures Joanne that they will keep away from the house for a couple of hours to give them time to talk.

Joanne calls her children into the living room, "my precious angels can you come and sit here next to me. I have something very important to discuss with you." Sam and Sarah come and sit next to their mother looking a little apprehensive.

Joanne says quietly, "I hope you know how much I have loved you both from the day you were born ... and that I will always love you."

"Yes Mummy" they reply in unison, and Sarah goes on, "We love so much too Mummy." Sam nods his head in agreement.

Joanne takes a deep breath, "Kiyomi explained to me what a wonderful family you are nurturing here Sam. Mummy is very proud of the lifestyle you and Keiko are pursuing, opening you hearts to those that you love. I am so happy that you are able to express your love physically as well as emotionally. I think it is sweet that Mieko is having your baby, she seems to be glowing with happiness. Your wife is very understanding to share you with her sister. I do not judge your choices, in fact I congratulate you for being brave to pursue true happiness. You are teaching your daughter so well. Yumi is becoming an open minded and affectionate girl. I only wish I could have been as brave as you when I had the chance to set an example for you both."

When Sam goes to object she stops him. "Please let me finish. I have thought long and hard about this over the last day and a half. I know I made some mistakes raising you two. I can only say I had good intentions ... I was just not confident enough to follow through with my convictions. I preached but did not practice my free love principles. I know that you two have become lovers and Mummy is very happy for both of you. Your happiness is everything to me. I am so sorry that my timidity meant that you two missed out on many years that you could have been making love to each other. And I am sorry that I missed out on spending special time with you both. I think it is time to try and correct those mistakes. I only hope it is not too late to make amends."

She hugs her children to her. "I am so sorry I wasn't there to help you when you were younger. To help you understand the strong feelings you had for each other and to explore your sexuality. I wish I could have been there to share the beautiful moment when you finally consummated your love for each other. I can't turn back time but I am here for you now .... to help you come to terms with this big change in your relationship."

Sarah places her arm around her mother's shoulder, and Sam follows suit. "Sam and I had such an idyllic childhood Mummy. You were a wonderful loving mother. We couldn't have asked for a better mum. And we are so happy to have you here to share it with us."

"You don't know how important that is for me to hear babygirl. I want you both to know how happy I am for you both. Can Mummy ask you a favour? Can I see you two kiss? Ever since Kiyomi told me about your relationship I have been imagining what it would be like to see my babies kissing each other like lovers."

Sam and Sarah gaze deeply into each other's eyes for a long moment and then lean across their mother, inches from her face, and kiss softly on the lips, opening their mouths and French kissing. After about thirty seconds they look up to see if she approves. She smiles sweetly, "that was so touching, so sensual and so erotic." She gigles nervously, "Is it hot in this room or something? I feel flushed all over."

Sarah says, "It was so nice to have you watch us kiss Mummy. But there is something that would be even nicer ...."

"What is that darling?" Joanne asks.

Instead of answering her mother's question Sarah leans in and kisses her mother on the mouth, pushing her tongue between Joanne's lips. She feels her mother responding to her kiss and the two are soon frenching passionately. When they come up for breath Joanne exclaims, "wow you are a great kisser Sarah, no wonder your brother likes kissing you so much." She looks over to Sam and asks, "are you a good kisser too son?"

"I'm not sure Mum, but let me give it a try." Sam moves in on Joanne and soon they are kissing like lovers not mother and son.

When they finish, Joanne looks lovingly at her children, " my sweet babies .... I love you so much."

Joanne giggles, "I can see that Mummy. Look your nipples are all stiff."

Joanne glances down to see the hard points of her nipples pushing through the material of her dress. "Oh dear I really should have worn a bra with this dress, the material is so thin" she says fingering her wraparound floral dress.

"I can see where I got my big nipples from Mummy, yours are so long and thick," Sarah says. She uses a single finger to tug at the top of her mother's dress, pulling the material away from her chest and allowing the tip of her breast to be exposed. The long, brown nipple is surrounded by a wide areolae. Sam smiles at his sister and pulls on the other side of the wraparound dress and Joanne finds herself sitting between her children with both of her breasts now exposed.

"Would you stop that you two" she scolds them slapping their hands away as they reach in to touch her breasts, "you are making it hard for me to concentrate on what I want to say."

"But your boobies are so lovely Mum. Just like I remember them when we were growing up," Sarah says. "I was always jealous of your titties and couldn't wait for mine to grow ... but they never really did," she says looking down at her flat chest.

"That is sweet of you to say Sarah but age is taking its toll. They are no longer as perky as they once were and they sag more every year," she says as she lifts her tits in her hands.

"Of course" she jokes "breastfeeding you two didn't help in keeping my titties firm and supple. Not that I am complaining though, I would do it all over again of I had the chance."

"I agree with Sarah Mum, your tits are gorgeous" Sam says emboldened by Sarah having broached the subject.

"Enough talk about my tits or I will have to cover them up" she threatens. That 'threat' silences the flirtatious banter of her children but Joanne still notices they are both looking intently at her bare breasts. The feeling of being partially exposed before her children, for the first time for many years, makes her nipples throb and she can feel how wet her cunt is getting, soaking her knickers. She wants desperately to touch herself but knows she must exercise self-control if she is to get through this discussion.

She tries a light-hearted approach to lessen some of the sexual tension in the room, "well I am certainly feeling a little under-dressed" she chuckles. The is no immediate response to her quip but Sam suddenly sits up and pulls his t-shirt over his and throws it across the room, "Is that better Mum? I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." As Joanne is admiring her son's muscular torso she notices movement on her other side and looks across in time to see Sarah unbuttoning and removing her blouse to expose her flat braless chest, Joanne's gaze is drawn to her daughter's long, stiff nipples.

She smiles as she says, "You were telling the truth weren't you darling ..... you do have Mummy's nipples. Well now that we are all more comfortable I think we do need to talk. We need to share some secrets we have between us. I asked both of you when you were growing up to keep certain things that happened between us private .... as our special secret .... even from each other. I need to confess my 'sins' and then we may be able to move forward with our lives based on honesty."

"You were both the most beautiful children. My heart used to ache from how much I loved you. Your little naked bodies were so perfect. I was astounded I had produced two such perfect babies. You will always be 'my babies' to me. I loved watching you grow and your bodies develop. I think that was maybe the main reason I tried to encourage us to live a naturist lifestyle .... just so I could see you naked all the time. I am not sure if you remember that I used to take some lots of family photos when you were growing up. It was how I discovered my passion for photography. You were my inspirations .. my artistic muses. Those images included many photos of you both naked. I had to develop them in my dark room at home so no one would discover my secret. I have to confess that I scanned many of my favourite pictures from that time and travel with them on my laptop. When I feel lonely on the road and get them out and look at them. They make me feel so happy when I see them ... and even a little excited. I need to be honest with you so you can understand why I got scared about my feelings and became more distance with you. When I say I got a little excited, the truth is I masturbate when I look at the photos of you naked. You were six, seven, eight years old in them up to when you were entering puberty. I can show you some of them another time as I still have them on my laptop. In fact I looked at them and pleasured myself just yesterday as I contemplated confessing my sins to you."

"But what you really need to understand is that I did not fully accept these sexual feelings until later in life ... but I felt them even more strongly when you were still children. I used to rush off to masturbate when the feelings overwhelmed me, or at night in bed when I remembered your innocent beauty. I was convinced that I was a pervert. While I pretended that I was a free spirit who believed in the principle of free love I was not able to accept my own sexual desires .... for my own children."

"Do you remember the big old bathtub we had in our house and that we used to share baths? I loved when your slippery bodies would rub against mine, the three of us squeezed into that tub. Bath time gave me a perfect excuse to touch you, washing your cute lil penis Sam or Sarah's smooth slit ... even when you were really old enough to be able to do it yourself. I touched both of you whenever I could, when getting you dressed or undressed I would try and make sure my hands brushed against your private parts. I loved hugging you when we were all naked, the feel of skin against skin made me feel so close to you."

"But bath times were a very special time. I loved washing you. You were so cute, so curious about each others genitals. Sarah you were such a naughty little girl, so curious, you were always wanting to feel your brother's little penis. You used to like watching him urinate too wondering why he was allowed to stand up to pee while you had to sit down. You used to want to pee just like your big brother. I also caught you two playing Doctor one day, you had your legs open wide and Sam was examining your sweet lil vagina."

"Then I got scared that I was some sort of pervert, so I stopped our bathing together when you were about nine years old Sam. I know it must have been confusing for you but you were just too much of a temptation for Mummy. But I couldn't keep away from the both of you for too long. I was ashamed of giving in to my desires so I became very secretive. I apologise for that I shouldn't have kept secrets from you."

"Sam, did you tell Keiko about our nocturnal frolics?"

"I did Mummy, I'm sorry I know I promised not too, but I deliberately left her with the impression that was the only time. It was important I shared that secret with her after she had told me about her and Mieko and their special sexual relationship. But I didn't want to totally betray our confidence."

"I am not mad Sam in fact I am glad you did that. It shows me that you are not ashamed of what we did, and that is very important to me. Maybe I didn't do such a bad parenting job after all."

Seeing Sarah's puzzled expression she asks, "Sam did you mention our secret to your little sister?"

"No Mummy."

Joanne then turns to her daughter, "Sarah did you tell your big brother about our special secret?"

"No Mummy, I didn't"

Joanne can see realisation spring into her children's eyes. "I can see you have guessed our family secret. I molested both of you when you were younger."

"No Mummy" Sarah protests, "molested is such a bad word. You showed me how to love myself. I treasure those times. You made me feel very special."

"I feel the same way Mummy," Sam agrees.

Joanne admits "I was too ashamed then to let each of you know what was happening. So I again stopped touching you. I know now this would have been an abrupt change. I am now ashamed that I left you both hanging when you needed me most after unlocking the door to your own emerging sexual desires. I was also too selfish to recognise that I should have let you play with each other. I should have seen how strong your love was ... and help you express that love in a physical way. I should never have encouraged you to keep secrets from each other. But now is time for me to tell you the whole truth."

"Sarah, I discovered your brother masturbating in his bedroom when he was 12 yrs old. He was sniffing a pair of Mummy's soiled underpants while he pleasured himself and he had a pair of your used panties with him too. I felt a flood of emotion when I saw my little baby boy stroking his stiff penis. He was magnificent, his cock was so big for a boy his age, almost was like a grown man's. I actually think it was bigger than his daddy's and he was still only twelve years old."

"He was embarrassed that I had caught him. I went to comfort him, to tell him there was nothing wrong to rubbing his penis, that it was a natural thing for boys to do. I believe I only had the best of intentions when I went to him, but sitting there next to him, that erect prick of his standing up from his groin seemed to be teasing me. I confess I was not strong enough to resist his charms. I took your panties from him and wrapped them around his erection. I told him I was going to teach him how to do it right, so I took his cock in my hand and masturbated him. I remember the thrill I had stroking his beautiful penis in my hand until he ejaculated. It was intoxicating watching his semen spurting from the head of his prick. It was so perfect being there and watching my sweet little boy become a man. He made such a big sticky mess in your knickers."

"Once I had done it that first time I couldn't keep my hands off him. We did it every single day for about six months. I convinced myself I was doing it for his benefit, that he needed Mummy's help as he was becoming a man. I would sit next to him and let him suck on my boobies while I played with his stiff little peepee. I admit though that it did excite me a lot too and I used to touch myself between the legs while I did it. I told Sam not to tell you about what we were doing as I was embarrassed. Your brother was such a good boy. He told me he also wanted to make Mummy feel good too, he asked if he could touch my privates but I thought that would be a bit too naughty for me. After all I rationalised my behaviour by convincing myself I was just helping to teach him about the joys of pleasuring himself as he had no male role model to help guide him into manhood. At night I imagined what it would be like if he climbed on me and I let him fuck me, that made me so horny."

"But I felt guilty about doing it, I was worried I was putting my own pleasure before Sam's welfare. I was also guilty that I was treating my children differently. I couldn't rationalise why I was 'helping' you Sam with your sexual education but not Sarah."

Turning to Sam she says,"one day I worked up the courage and asked Sarah if she masturbated. She didnt understamd what I meant and i had to explain that I was talking about touching herself in her privates. She was really embarrassed that I asked such a personal question and thought she would be on trouble if she admitted she did. I had to convince her that I thought it was normal for girls to masturbate. Eventually she confessed that she had been touching herself between the legs since she was about 6 yrs old cause it felt nice.mow that she was 10 she did it a lot more. I asked her to show me how she did it but she was too bashful."

"In order to gain her confidence I told her I would show her how I did it first then she could show me what she did. She was surprised that I did it too. I felt a percerted maternal urge to also help her on her road to sexual self-discovery. I can remember it as if it was only yesterday, I stripped off my clothes, lay on the bed, opened my legs and masturbated while Sarah laid between my legs and watched. Then I asked her to take off her clothes and she rubbed her pretty cunny so I could see how she did it. What a delicious temptress you were Sarah, your coltish legs open so I could see your beautiful bald vulva, the labia parted so I could gaze into your virginal opening. After that time Sam, she spent many hours with me and I would help teach her the best way to pleasure herself. I would press your sweet 10 yr old sister's face to my chest and she would kiss my boobies and suck on my hard nipples just like you did. While she did that I rubbed her between her legs just as I stroked your penis. I can remember how slick her hairless cleft would get as I caressed the lips of her vagina and rubbed her tiny clitoris. It was so wet and slippery Sam. I had many orgasms as I rubbed our cunts. I remember licking my fingers clean after I had finished stimulating Sarah ... she tasted so sweet ... and my cunt juices tasted a lot more musky. The noises she made, and the way she squirmed under Mummy's touch, made me think I was doing a good job."

"I remember it too Mummy and I did like it a lot. No one has ever made me feel so good ..... at least until Sam fucked me."

Joanne takes a deep breath "I convinced myself that masturbating you both was ok, as long as I didn't make you pleasure me. I also thought that if there was no oral sex or penetration involved that somehow it made it ok. But I was also consumed by feelings of guilt. That is why I asked you to each keep our intimacies secret from each other. I can only apologise again for making you keep secrets from each other. If only I had embraced my feelings and encouraged honesty amongst us then maybe you two would have been able to come together much earlier. I can imagine the hours and hours of fun you could have had sitting opposite each other and masturbating together or mastubating each other."

Sarah says "Mummy I am so glad you told us about this. I wish I had known that you and Sam were playing the same naughty games as we were. But that is the past, now we should just look to the future. I have so many fond memories of my childhood, growing up in our lovely house with you and Sam. When you rubbed my little coochie it made me feel so special, like I was a big girl. I have to say though that all this sexy talk has got me very excited, my panties are soaked though. Could I ask you a favour?"

"Of course my darling, I would do anything for you."

"Can I nurse on your booby Mummy? Like I did when I was a baby and when I was growing up. I can't take my eyes of them ... They bring back so many fond memories."

Joanne thinks for a long moment,"yes baby ... If that is what you want .... go ahead and kiss Mummy's boobies."

Sarah leans down and takes her mother's breast between her lips and suckles like an infant, wrapping her arms around her mother's tummy. Joanne looks over to see Sam staring at his sister nursing at her breast, she smiles at him and holds out an arm, offering him her other breast. He hesitates only for a moment before moving in to take her breast in his mouth.

Joanne looks down with happiness to see her children, adults now, licking and sucking on her teats. "My sweet babies it feels so nice to have you back tandem nursing on my breasts just like when you were toddlers. Suck hard on my nipples my darlings. I only wish I had milk to feed you." The horny mother feels butterflies fluttering in her lower belly and the warmth and wetness spreading between her legs. Two pairs of hands grab at her dress and pull it aside, baring her body. She is now clad only in a pair a white cotton underpants.

She is disappointed when Sam, after a last lick of her distended nipple, moves away from her. She doesn't understand what he is doing until he stands up and removes his trousers and Joanne sees that he is wearing pretty pink bikini panties with lace trim. "So you still like wearing girl's underpants Sam? I remember how cute you were when you were little and shared undies with Sarah. You do have good taste in panties, those look cute on you."

"It is not me you should compliment Mum. These panties are actually Sarah's. We have started sharing them again."

Joanne glances across to Sarah and sees that the girl is removing her own shorts to show that she is wearing a pair of matching pink panties "they are pretty honey. It is so sweet you still let your brother wear your underpants. You must care a lot for him."

Sarah gazes adoringly at Sam "Yes Mum I love him a lot .... I am in love with him."

Joanne coos "Aren't my babies adorable, you have both grown so big. My two beautiful girls look so cute in your matching undies. You have grown into a strapping man Sam. Kiyomi wasn't exaggerating when she told me you are hung like a horse. I can see the outline of your large penis and balls in those pretty panties. It is so long and hard .... I don't know how you can fit that in your sister's tiny vagina. Can you show Mummy what you do together? I would like to see my two perfect angels making love."

Sam and Sarah lie on the bed next to their mother and embrace, bodies pressed against each other and their hands exploring their bodies as they kiss deeply. Sarah kisses down her brother's chest and over his tummy till she reaches the edge of his panties. She gazes at his erection, noticing the head of his cock is trying to escape the confines of his undies. She leans down and releases her brother's stiff prick from his panties and shows it to her mother. Both women feel a tremble between their legs as they admire his huge prick. Sarah licks the shaft and then slides it between her lips. Joanne gasps at the sight of her daughter sucking her son's thick erection.

Sarah eventually lets Sam's cock slip from her mouth and she lays back on the bed, opening her legs and pulling her panties aside, her slit glistening with her juices. Joanne watches open-mouthed as Sam mounts his sister and enters her, fucking her slowly and deliberately, his deep thrusts drawing moans from her mouth. She feels Sam begin to tense as if he is approaching orgasm and Sarah pulls away from him, forcing his erection to pop out of her gaping cunt. Sam's cock is throbbing and coated in her vaginal secretions.

Joanne's face is flushed, "You two look so good fucking each other, you fit so well together .... but why are you stopping? I am so sorry I did not encourage you to mate when you were children. I never realised how much you both wanted it. I was too caught up with my own sexual guilt. I can only imagine how adorable you would have been when Sam was 10 or 11 years old and if he was on top of you as he is now Sarah. You wouldn't have been not much older than Yumi is now. I think you would have both enjoyed it, his long, thin cock filling your tiny undeveloped vagina. When I was living in that island community I saw so many children fucking each other and with adults. They were joyously uninhibited with no religious wowsers to tell them what they were doing was 'immoral'."

"My time amongst the villagers opened my eyes to how naturally sexual children can be. I still remember how Sam's penis always seemed to be erect at that age. I loved how hard it was when I touched it and masturbated him. I can only dream of what it would have felt like in your sweet preteen cunny ..... or even in my mature cunt."

Sarah turns to her mother, "we may have missed our earlier opportunities but now you can find out what it feels like .... it's your turn now Mummy." Joanne looks confused, "Suck Sam's cock Mummy it is already hard and wet for you. You will taste me on him as well. You confessed that you played with his prick when he was a little boy, he liked it a lot and I bet he wished you had done more. Now it is your time to show him how much you love him."

Joanne looks over to gaze in her son's eyes and feels a release of emotion and affection. She can see wild desire in his eyes. She shyly confesses to her children "I have never sucked a cock before."

She takes Sam's penis in her hand and strokes it gently, then Sarah guides her head down and Joanne licks the shaft of Sam's cock like a lollipop, savouring the taste of her daughter's cunt juice and takes the head into her mouth. She sucks it a few times, and her mind drifts back to a time many years ago when she was masturbating her preteen son. With his man sized cock now filling her mouth she imagines what it would have been like to suck on his little boy cock. By the time he was 12 yrs old his penis was already an impressive size and she can imagine pleasuring it with her mouth. Then she thinks back even further to when he was 6-7 yrs old and what it might have been like to lick his much smaller but still gorgeous little penis. His cock had seemed to be hard so much of the times inside the little girl panties he often wore or when he was walking around the house naked. She had seen him many times touching his cute stiffy. She also remembers how Sarah, still only a toddler, was seemingly fascinated by her big brother's cockie. Now she imagines how it would have been to lick her son's childish genitals, enjoying the soft, smooth skin around his crotch, sucking on his tiny hairless scrotum and licking his thin prick. Joanne is jolted back to the present day as Sam groans throatily from his mother's sucking. She enjoys the feel of his cockhead in her mouth and can feel her vaginal secretions soaking her panties as she dreams her dirty thoughts and enjoys her current position between her son's legs and with a mouth full of cock.

Sarah taps her mother on the shoulder and disturbs her thoughts. When Joanne looks up quizzically Sarah smiles and says "it is your turn now .... to get fucked by Sam Mummy."

Joanne lays there passively as Sarah reaches up to pull her mother's knickers down. Both son and daughter are surprised to see that Joanne's sex is shaved perfectly smooth. As their mother blushes she explains "Kiyomi mentioned to me that this is the current fashion. The little girl look. I haven't been like this since I hit puberty, I have always had a bush. I have to admit it feels nice though, particularly when my panties were rubbing against me. Do you like my baby vulva?"

Sarah responds, "it is beautiful Mum. I think it looks lovely without hair, your labia as so plump and you have a huge clitoris. I never realised it was so large .... it is like a tiny penis." She jokes "maybe Sam inherited his big prick from you?"

"Thank you darling. I used to be embarrassed by my vagina when I was a young girl. But now I can appreciate the beauty of all women's precious yonis. I think you have a lovely honey pot too Sarah."

Sarah parts her mother's thighs and notes the wetness on the lips of her labia showing her arousal. "Come on Sam, look at our mummy's beautiful cunt. This is where we came into the world ..... now it is a place of pleasure, look at how her outer lips are opening for you. Her cunt is welcoming you brother ... it is time for you to fuck our mummy. " Sarah's laughs and smiles lewdly "but before you do that I really should make 100 per cent sure she is wet enough to take your big cock."

Sarah dips her head between Joanne's parted thighs and tentatively laps at the petals of her mother's open sex before sliding her tongue deep inside her mother's cunt. Joanne grabs the back of Sarah's head and pulls her in tight to her crotch "Ooohhh my precious darling, why did I wait so long .... I should have let you lick me when you were a little girl. You are such a good little cuntlicker .... Mummy is so proud of you."

When Sarah raises her head from between her mother's legs she seems to be delirious with lust, her face covered with Joanne's cunt juices and licking her lips savouring the musky taste.

Sarah motions for her brother to come over and Sam climbs between Joanne's legs and lays atop her. He feels a hand encircle his penis and he realises Sarah is guiding his prick toward their mother's entrance. She helps position him at the opening and pushes him forward. Joanne moans as her son's cock pushes deep inside her vagina. "Oh Mummy" he groans as his cock is enveloped within the warm walls of her cunt and Sam begins a slow and deliberate fucking movement. He thrusts deep inside Joanne as he leans forward to take a brown nippled breast that Into his mouth.

Joanne feels a weight moving on the bed as her head spins with the sensation of finally having her son's cock inside her. She gives in to her wanton incestuous desires, she closes her eyes and wallows in the sensations of being fucked by her boy. As she closes her eyes to enjoy Sam's fucking her mind again turns to the past and why she had never taken this opportunity before. She can imagine Sam as a young boy, a preteen and again as a teenager, laying on top of her and wrapping her fingers around his throbbing prick and guiding it between her legs. The wicked thought of fucking her young son sends a shiver down her spine as she continues to savour the deep penetration she is feeling with Sam's cock buried fully inside her. She squeezes her vaginal walls around his thick prick.

When Joanne finally opens her eyes she sees her daughter straddling her head and slowly lowering her cunt down onto her face.

The woman instinctively opens her mouth as Sarah's slit brushes against her lips and her nose presses between her daughter's pink labia. The smell and taste of the girl's vagina assaults her senses but she can no longer contain her desire and her tongue snakes out to lick her own daughter's cunt as her son's cock fills her pulsating vagina. The three of them continue their coupling until they reach a shuddering climax, Joanne feels her cunt flooded with spurt after spurt of her son's hot semen while her daughter's juices fill her mouth.

As they collapse exhausted, Joanne contemplates the mind-blowing sex she has just experienced with her own children. She loves the feel of Sam's semen soaking her womb and the taste of her daughter's essence in her mouth.

The three lovers doze after their afternoon delight. About a half an hour later Joanne wakes to the feeling of Sam's cock pushing against her vaginal opening, she opens her legs slightly to let her son penetrate her again and the two fuck for a second time with Sam again filling his mother with his seed.

Just as the sun begins to set Kiyomi, Keiko, and Mieko are at the kitchen table when they hear footsteps and look up to to see Joanne entering looking dishevelled and dressed in a loose fitting short slip, clearly naked beneath. Following her into the room, Sam and Sarah smile shyly also dressed in thin feminine slips.

"You look like you need something cool to drink", Kiyomi says with a grin, "must have been a very intense discussion you had." She looks Joanne up and down, "Yumi could you get Grandma Joanne a tissue please, it seems she has some of your daddy's semen dripping down her leg. You three must have had more than just a discussion .... I'm so happy you seem to have sorted things out."

Keiko also stands up and moves to her mother in law, embracing her and kissing her on the lips. She stands back and says, "it is so nice to have you join us Joanne. I have always thought you were a beautiful lady and your gorgeous children take after you. I love sharing my bed with your son, and more recently your daughter. I hope I can share our bed with you. Nothing would make me happier than to have a sexy threesome with you and Sam sometime."

Keiko puts her arm around her mother in law's shoulder and cuddles her, "but we don't just want you in our bed Joanne .... we want you to be a permanent part of our lives. While we were out walking this afternoon my mother agreed to come and stay with us permanently. We would love for you to join her. You already know that Sarah is moving here too and we can all be one happy .... and loving .... family. There is no need for you to ever be alone again. If you decide to take up our offer you and my mum could share a room. Mieko and Sarah seem to have taken to one another and they could share another room. Of course, we will also need to put a cot in there when Mieko has her baby. Sam, Yumi and I would share the other bedroom with the twins. Not that any of us should feel constrained in swapping rooms whenever the urge takes us."

Joanne sits down heavily thinking about the offer Keiko had made, unsure about how she feels about everything that has happened so quickly. Her immediate thought is that she would just be in the way, another person in an already crowded house. Just as Joanne is about to decline the offer, Yumi enters the room naked, having been quietly standing in the doorway listening to the adults talk. The seven year old climbs onto Joanne's lap and looks into her eyes, "please grandma Joanne ... I want you to stay with us." Joanne feels a stirring in her loins as her eyes travel over Yumi's thin body, taking in her flat chest and immature vulva. Then she feels Yumi's tiny fingers fiddle with the edge of her slip and her granddaughter's fingers brush against her nipples through the thin material.

She smiles down at her adorable granddaughter and says sweetly "how could I refuse such a wonderful invitation?" and kisses her softly on the forehead. Yumi tips her head up and returns the kiss, this time on Joanne's lips. As their soft kiss lingers Yumi tugs on the top of her grandmother's slip, exposing one of her breasts. Joanne is surprised when Yumi breaks the kiss and ducks her head to slip a stiff nipple between her lips and begins to suckle.

Keiko giggles, "as you will soon learn Joanne your granddaughter is a very oral person. I have never weaned her and she still enjoys her regular breastfeeding, even if she doesn't get as much of a chance now with two hungry siblings to compete with. She does have a breast fetish though and has been compensating by sucking on any other breasts that come within reach. I know that once Mieko's milk begins to flow she is going to be nursing on her tits whenever she can. So I should warn you that your breasts won't be your own around here, not with this little minx around." Keiko ruffles her daughter's hair as the girl continues to suckle at Joanne's teat.

"Oh dear, this brings back memories of when I was much younger and breastfed Sam and then Sarah, although they weren't quite as big as this little minx. They were quite competitive too and I couldn't feed one without the other wanting equal time. I have to say though, Yumi does amazing things with her tongue, did you teach her that Keiko?"

"No" Keiko chuckles, "she is a natural, and as I am sure you will find out she can make your toes curls with that talented mouth of hers. She loves worming her tongue into the most intimate of places and bringing her partner immense pleasure. The precocious lil pixie also loves sucking her daddy's penis. I am sure he will tell you she is already the best cocksucker in the house.although I always tease him that his opinion is colored by the fact he gets so turned on by the sight of being sucked off by his 7yr old daughter."

Joanne sighs with pleasure, "you have raised a sweet little girl Keiko, she is just as cute as Samuel and Sarah were when they were her age."

Keiko watches as Yumi pulls both straps of Joanne's slip off her shoulders baring both of her grandmother's breasts. The girl begin kissing her other breast and licking the hard nipple. She feels proud of her daughter as she notices the effect that Yumi is having on Joanne as the older woman's breathing deepens.

"Joanne I should probably mention given this is your first time .... when Yumi nurses she really likes it if you tickle her between the legs. Here let me show you." Keiko moves Joanne's hand along Yumi's thigh, then she grabs two of her fingers and places them on the girl's sex. Keiko guides her mother in law's fingers along the child's hairless slit, her fingers sliding between her plump labia and feeling the wetness spread. Joanne loses herself in the moment and her mind drifts back to when she was much younger and it was her own daughter Sarah whose cunt she masturbated.

Now she looks over to see Sarah watching her avidly as she masturbates her granddaughter, then she looks down to observe her fingers working on the little girl's slit and realises that Keiko has released her hand now it is just her manipulating Yumi's cunt. Her pace accelerates and she feels Yumi sucking harder on her tit as she stimulates the young girl. Her granddaughter spreads her legs even wider to allow her better access to her vagina. As she feels the child's body begin to tense from the approaching orgasm she again looks to Sarah and sees she has lifted the hem of her slip and is furiously masturbating herself. Joanne realises that her daughter is also remembering when it was her cunt her mother was stroking. She sees her daughter throw her head back as she climaxes, just as Yumi's body convulses with her own orgasm. When she calms down Joanne removes her fingers from Yumi's slit and puts them into her mouth, tasting her granddaughter's juices for the first time. She tastes delicious.

Kiyomi moves over to where the duo are relaxing and gently pats Yumi on the bum, "why don't you feel how wet Granny Joanne's cunt is princess? I have had a peek under her slip and she is literally dripping with desire. I can also see some of your daddy's cum is still leaking out of her. What a horny slut she is!"

The little girl climbs off her grandmother's lap and reaches out to graze her fingers along her glistening slit. This gentle stroking of her slit causes a throaty moan to come from Joanne's mouth. As the little girl draws her fingers away from Joanne's slit she sees that they are coated with Joanne's sticky juices.

Yumi slides a finger between Joanne's spread labia, pushing her digit deep inside her. As she pulls it out she sees a white sticky glob of her daddy's cum on her finger mixed with her grandmothers juices. The little girl happily licks her finger clean before sliding two fingers inside her vagina, rubbing the walls of her grandmother's cunt as she leans in to lash her clitoris with her warm, wet tongue. The feeling of her granddaughter's tongue on her clit sends Joanne over the edge and she orgasms, her cunt contracting sharply and squeezing Yumi's fingers still buried in her cunt.

Joanne pulls the little girl up and kisses her tasting her own juices on the child's lips. "Mmmmm that was delicious babygirl, you are such a good cuntlicker .... just like your mummy told me. Grandma is so proud of you."

That night after dinner the whole family go into the main bedroom and lay naked on the bed. They talk about what happened that afternoon and their future plans together.

Joanne tells them stories about Sam and Sarah when they were children. Then she smiles broadly, "In fact I have something even better than stories. Yumi can you go and get Grandma's laptop sweetie? I can show you how cute they were when they were around your age. I have lots of photos that I always carry with me. I have never shown them to anyone as many of them are in the style of a Sally Mann, nudes focussing on the beauty and innocence of youth."

"I also notice Sam has kept up the family photography tradition. Last night when we were in your room I noticed the portrait of the three of you naked hanging on the wall Keiko. You all looked so much in love. What a beautiful memory to capture forever."

Keiko says "I am so excited at the thought of seeing Sam and Sarah when they were little and au naturel. Or Sam dressed as a cute little girl, he must have been adorable. I also hope you might have done some nude self-portraits Joanne. You are beautiful now but you must have been a very yummy mummy when you were younger."

Joanne blushes and admits she features in some of the shots.

When Yumi comes back she has Joanne's laptop in her hands. Joanne turns on the computer and Sam connects it to the tv in the bedroom so they can enjoy the photos on the big screen. Joanne opens a program that stores all her photos and clicks on a folder and the photos begin to scroll through. The first set of photos show the family through the years, lots of shots of the children playing in the outdoors, and many portraits of the three of them with happy smiles on their faces. The first set of photos are all respectable with he raciest shots of the three of them in swimsuits at the beach, Joanne in a small two-piece bikini and the children in matching floral bikini bottoms. Many of the photos show the siblings wearing matching dresses. Keiko coos "Doesn't Daddy look adorable dressed as a little girl Yumi, he is so pretty and he and Sarah look more like sisters than brother and sister."

When the photos finish scrolling through Joanne clicks on a second folder. The next set of photos start with a shot of the children when they were still toddlers. They are naked or semi-naked and running around outside the house in this series of photos. The shots also capture normal family life, doing everyday things like eating or playing with their toys. Their happy, smiling faces are infectious.

Keiko says "Yumi, didn't Daddy and Aunty Sarah look so cute when they were little like you. Look at them running around nudey rudey. See Daddy's little peepee and Sarah's puffy lil coochie." She turns to her mother in law "they are gorgeous photos Joanne. Now did you say you had some nude shots of you as well. Do you have them on the laptop?"

"Yes I do" Joanne says clicking on another folder.

Some tasteful shots of a young Joanne nude in a field of flowers come up on the screen.

"You were a beautiful girl Joanne," Mieko says.

"I took those when I was 17 ..... before I had the children." The next shots are self portraits of a pregnant Joanne her belly bulging. "These were when I was carrying Sam."

The following group of photos show Joanne naked and nursing Sam as a baby and then as a toddler. His little mouth is attached to a nipple and sucking .... mother and son gazing lovingly into each others eyes. Then more shots of Joanne this time pregnant with Sarah while her and Sam pose naked for the camera. One shot shows his hands resting on her pregnant belly and in another Joanne is sitting in a chair her knees spread and sex open below her huge tummy, Sam is sitting on the arm of the chair his naked body pressed against hers as his lips nurse on one breast while his tiny fingers fondle the other. Then there are a number of photos showing Joanne tandem nursing her two children through the years, the children usually naked like their mother or dressed just in cute little underpants.

"What lovely images", Keiko says glancing over at where her twins are sleeping in their cot "nursing two at once is such a special experience."

Yumi squeals and points at the screen, "Look Mummy a picture of Daddy and his peepee is all stiff." Then when the next photo comes on Sam has been joined in the photo by his little sister, they are posing for the camera and Sarah has her tiny hand around his penis.

Joanne says "these were taken when Sam was six and Sarah was four .... aren't they adorable. Even then Sarah loved touching her brother's penis. I thought it was just a toddler's curiosity. When they had baths together she was always touching him with her soapy hands .... and Sam didn't seem to mind her rubbing his hard little wIllie. Although to be fair, she wasn't the only one who was curious. Sam also liked touching his sister's privates."

As she says this the next photos to come up on the screen are of Sam and Sarah in the bath soapy and giggling. Then there are photos of Joanne joining the two children in the bath. She stops the photos on an image of them in the bath. Sam is standing up and is holding his tiny erection in a soapy hand. Sarah is leaning against Joanne's chest and has a thick nipple between her lips nursing."

Joanne looks wistfully at the imagine on the screen, "bath times were the best time of the day, we had such great times. I remember this day clearly. You can't see from this angle but I was fingering myself under the water. I had a wonderful orgasm." As she says this she clicks on the next imagine and the expression on her face is ecstatic and they realise the camera has caught her mid-orgasm.

"I eventually put an end to our shared bath times. I thought Sam and Sarah were getting too intimate with each other. I like to think of myself as sexually liberal but that made me a little uncomfortable and I couldn't handle it. I can't believe now that I was such a slave to tradition and community standards. I feel like such a Puritan now, I should have stayed to true to my natural tendencies. This week has taught me that I made a poor decision. I am so sorry babies ... I should have let you love each other how you wanted to."

Kiyomi asks "are there any more even naughtier pictures?"

Joanne clicks on another folder on the laptop. The first photo shows her sitting facing the camera with her legs spread wide. Then the next shot shows her opening the outer lips of her labia exposing the entry to her vagina. Then in the next shot she is masturbating with two fingers buried inside her cunt, a look of pure pleasure on her face.

"My God Mum, I have never seen these photos," Sam exclaims. "You look stunning."

"Your mummy is one sexy slut Sam" Keiko continues "look at the expression on her face, she is so horny fingering herself for the camera."

The next shots come up on the screen, Joanne is obviously older as are Sam and Sarah.

"I took these pictures during the time I was intimately involved with Sam and Sarah", Joanne explains.

The first shot that Joanne pauses on shows her and a12 yr old Sam sitting side by side naked in front of the camera. Sam is sucking on one of his mother's breasts while being masturbated by her with a pair of Joanne's underpants wrapped around his stiff prick. In the final shots of that series of photos Joanne's has a hold of Sam's cock and semen is erupting from the tip, then a shot of her hand and panties covered in Sam's thick white cum. He has his eyes closed but Joanne has a very satisfied grin on her face.

The next photos feature Joanne and Sarah. The 10 yr old girl is facing the camera, naked and sitting between her mother's open thighs leaning back against her body. Joanne is pulling the girl's legs apart and her fingers rub Sarah's hairless cleft. Her daughter's mouth is opened and eyes closed as Joanne stimulates her slit. The final shot shows Sarah with head thrown back and tilted up kissing her mother as the older woman's thumb is pressed against her clitoris.

When the photos finish the family are quiet for a times contemplating the images they have just enjoyed. As they were laying on the bed and looking at the family photos, hands had been active. Yumi and the adults have been touching themselves and each other, naked bodies pressed up and rubbing against each other.

Sarah stands up and dramatically clears her throat, "I have an announcement to make" she pauses her gaze passing over the naked bodies on the bed. Finally her hands move to her stomach, "I am pregnant. I am going to have Sam's baby."

Everyone rushes to congratulate Sarah and Sam, hugging the radiant mother to be. Keiko embraces her sister in law "I am so happy for you sister, being pregnant is such a wonderful time, and I can't imagine what it would be like to know you are carrying your brother's baby. I know that with the great genes you share your baby will be as gorgeous as Yumi and the twins. Wow this house is going to be overflowing with babies soon. They will all have fun growing up together."

Joanne looks around the room taking in Keiko and the twins, Mieko with her huge pregnant belly and then her own beaming daughter now carrying her brother's child.

She feels and arm drape around her waist and sees Kiyomi smiling sweetly at her. "That son of yours is certainly virile Joanne, his sperm must love the girls in this family. He has managed to knock up both of my daughters and now your daughter as well. I guess I should consider myself lucky I am too old to have to worry about him impregnating me ... but I don't think your childbearing years are behind you quite yet."

"Don't be silly Kiyomi" Joanne responds, "I'm 44yrs old. The chance of me getting pregnant again after 25 yrs is tiny." As the words leave her mouth she realises she can still feel her son's semen soaking her vagina and for a moment she wonders what the chances really are?"

Kiyomi chuckles, "well you are in very good health and I read that Halle Berry is having a baby and she is 46."

As they all climb back into bed to snuggle down together for the night Joanne snuggles into her daughter's back and reaches around to fondle Sarah's tummy knowing she has another grandchild growing inside. She rubs her own belly wondering what it would be like to be pregnant again and a shiver runs down her spines as she contemplates bearing her own son's child. She smiles as she drifts off to sleep thinking she doesn't find the thought at all disturbing.

To be continued ...