A Church Camp for Girls – Day 3

by Muriel

When the rumble outside woke me up. Then a flash of lightning. I still felt my right hand firmly between my lips down there. I must of fingered myself to sleep after all ",,,did Elizabeth and me Really Kiss Like boy girl couples do last night?" working in my rem sleep just passed. Nevermind if we did or not, it was one of those famous thundestorms girls, heck folks in the southeast know all to well was sounding off. I tried to ignore it, and ease my hand away from my sex hole. My Hand was so disappointed.

"Hello Amanda. I dreamed all night about you and me kissing. " Oh my Lord. It was true. I don't know why I felt how and guilty at the same time. I turned in my cot just looking over at her, my Elizabeth and she dreamy looked just hold-abley warm in her cot. I never felt anything like this before. I never even thought about anything like sex intill a few hours ago. I so wanted to somehow leap on her, and do everything I could to make her know how much I loved what happened last night. " That was so wonderful, Elizabeth. I realy love what we did

"I think I did too." She softly gazed away from me and prayer like found the ceiling. I waited for the louder roll of thunder, just aching to do more.

I whispered back as softly as I could. Oh God!, why did she have to roll on her back like that?! Oh please, and thank God for me and her last night. Her grin was enough to melt the trees out there, Her breasts didn't have the decency too flatten out even a little bit. They just stood on her young chest, begging for me. Then she took a deep breath and tenderly sighing. I know I did a low growl.

I noticed her watch on the little night stand between our cots. 6:40. A.M. Even with the approaching storm It was getting light out. More thunder grumbled and getting ever closer, I knew we needed to get out or get very wet.. " Listen, It's gonna pour down in about 15 minuets, Let's get freshed up and get some breakfast." I said a bit louder.

"Yeah, Lets." As I swung my feet to the floor, my Elizabeth did about the same. Does she have to giggle like that now? There we were again, just a smidgen further apart than on the cot. Only My t - shirt and pantyies keeping my skin, all ready to feel her. Of course she's in that nighty from the last 2 nights.

My left hand eased toward her right. Yet my need to pee was greater than my want to love her, for now. "Later?"

Not saying, Yelling it through her glowing blue eyes. ' Yesss, Later! ' We both Shucked our night clothes and found our undies, camp shorts and shirt, slid on our flip-flops and bee lined to the showers.

Four steps out on the pine straw strewn sandy soil beneath the pine trees and plantation oaks. Pa Tow Wow Wow!!, of thunder woke up anyone still asleep, and we zoomed five feet off the ground straight to the showers. We got to the lean-to just in time. Just as normal with these storms, heavy curtains of warm rain pounded the tin roofed small bathhouse. I decided not to shower this morning. There was to be special meal tonight, so why shower twice? Had we been 10 seconds later, We would of still had our morning shower.

Inside there were 5, no 6 girls, 2 in the shower, A tall brunette and a medium hight blond girl. This time I just briefly sipped in the sight. More girls getting washed up, Two with actual boobs and the others, like me just starting to pooch out, And their shiney hiney's a slick to lighty hair wre just more than I had time to stare at.

Karen was at the sink brushing her teeth. Yeah, she had that. 'I know what you two did look.' Or I thought. " Hey. Ya beat the rain. It's sure loud on the roof.' Karen winked at me and went back to her flossing.

But her grin was infectious as her too small nose, better than my long thing, set her light blue eyes off well. Her lighter blond hair pulled to a pony tale. Elizabeth said to her It was my doing that got us here dry. Karen said. " Are you're that was the best idea? I 'd loked twice at rain soake T-shirts."

"Me too!", the girl next to Karen teased us.

"Uh Huh. So you are sure that was best? " I swear to God, Karen knew. Now I didn't care if the whole world saw me and Elizabeth last night.

The other girl, Cathy from Texas said. I hope we said she hope there was have plenty of grits for breakfast I almost didn't get any. " Me and Karen fell into giggles that lasted through breakfast. We both hadto apologise to Cathy, but we weren't, making fui at her. It was the timing and the voice. Cathy is cute, short. Maybe 5 feet. Smokin' brown eyes. and hair to her shoulders, all silky a thick. And yes,tits. Oh my, TiT's. l didn't think we'd quit laughing.

The strom passed by 9:00, and we had the next payer session and lesson about the vineyard watch tower. Near the end of the lesson. Ms. Tyson lead it, She turned over the last half our to the man and lady who was taking us all on a beach feild trip. They were going to show us about all the nature arround us. That this is God treasure house was what were given dominion over. All human kind was supposed to keep the world clean and safe.

After lunch, we all gathered out on the beach. I brought my camera with me, I 'd promised Jacob I 'd take some pictures. He wanted me to take some of the girls too. Soon I'd want to take them too.

All 60 of us and the 10 councilors. We set out in groups of 30. The group, Karen, me and Elizabeth wound up in went from the direction the houses were. That was Southwest we learned. We went toward the Northeast. It looked like nothing but wide sandy wet beach from the rain and tide. Sand dunes to the left and ocean toward the right. The storm clouds we were told were headed toward Bermuda. I made friends with some other girls too, but Elizabeth and me kept close. Karen hooked up with Cathy.

I had a neat Sony camera I got for my birthdays. A big memory stick, and I dad a spare in my big bag. So I clicked off a few pictures as we walked, stopped, looked and discussed what we found.

We looked at and picked up shells and sand dollars, even some starfish. we stopped and watched a herd of dolphins just off shore. We got to the end of the island, were the sand dunes were real high. It was neat but real windy up there. There we could see a tugboat pushing a big ole barge Stack high with containersup the inner coastal waterway. Out to sea there was a shrimp trawler working it's nets.

I clicked off a few more pictures again

By now though. I needed to pee. I mean soon. I looked back down. There was my relief. The lady was telling how the mangrove oaks were uniquiqe here because they were some of the life saving places early in the settling of Charleston up the east coasts barrier islands.

Several British and French ship we run aground off this beach and others like Pawly's Island. Because these trees were just behind the dunes and sheltering the the sailors and settlers who survived the shipwreck could huddle there. In the depth of winter it was 15 degrees warmer than the outside. Luckily, winter most time in these parts weren't as cold as the rest of the norther coast. And the leaves provided some sustenance to goats that still roamed the island. In the summer, as now, it was 15 degrees cooler underneath the evergreen oaks.

Here's the part I liked about now. Beneath the low hanging branches, no one can see you. Sounded like a toilet to me. I tapped Elizabeth's arm and nodded to come with me. The group had become scattered over the area anyway. As we started toward the green natural tents. " Where are we going? " Bubbled out of Elizabeth's still nasely voice, But I was getting used to that.

I turned enough to show her me patting my mound. " Can't wait any longer."

"Oh God! Thank you. I was about to wet my shorts." She still needed an answer.

"Those trees."

She tugged back my arm as we got real close. " How, uh, Only boys do it next to trees."

"Out in the woods, you do what you have too. " I tugged her harder. Sure enough, we ducked under the tress dark green branches and the late spring heat was gone. So was everybody else. It was cool and shady in there.

"Gosh It's bigger under here than our cabin. " Elizabeth was impressed. " Er, Where do we? ".

The ground under the tree's canopy was cover in decaying leaves, soil and sand, Near one side was a small dip in the soil. Maybe other people or the critters had done it, but that was the spot. The closerwe got the more certain I was. I had 20 seconds left or burst. Over to the dip I went m digging my pantyies and short legs to the side, just before I let out breakfast milk and lunch time sweet iced tea. Oh That felt,, you all know how wonderful it feels to empty. This time I had my girlfriend there.

She needed no other instruction. But did she just have to get where I could see just her? And, just why am I complaining? I held out as long as I could stand it, and three seconds longer. Her stream lowered to a trickle. No one had seen us come in here, we hoped. This was not the time to worry anymore about it. Our hands found each other. We both tried to swallow the other in that oh so needful kiss. There we were, doing what only the faintest of thought had entered our minds. Or,me at least until the other night.

See, If we were Baptist and kissing like that, we'd of been accused of dancing. Look it up. Dancing was naughty behavior and very sinfull back then amongst Southern Baptist. Ha! We were Lutherans.

It was now entirely fair Elizabeth had such wonderful tits. In my hands you see. My word they felt so firm, and hot, and smooth, And, when did our shirts and her bra come off? She said It wasn't right that I had darker nipples. Oh my, her big pinkys were needed more work from my thumbs and fingers and "Yes", lips.

Those low hanging thick branches make such wonderful benches. We perched in ways we both could curl and lick and slather each others breasts and dig into each others cunnys. Do not ask when those shorts came off. It was terrific being so sexy with her only a day or so about not sinning. Forgivness is its own reward.

"I guess they started back, Ms. Tyson. " It was Karen sounding not too close by. Loud enough to bring us down to Earth again.

We just sorta giggled, our foreheads met " We better get going before they send police looking for us. " Elizabeth said. Like If it were that way. We'd be found guilty of kissing.

I edged toward the side of the tre the voices came from. " Cool." I decided, they're not quite headed back out to the beach but still on the dunes. The whole groups moving toward the beach. We were getting dressed all along. Elizabthed giggled again. " What'll we do? We 're gonna get caught."

"No we won't Come on. " I took our flip-flops of in hand. We sprinted low on the beach side of the trees. " Hot damn!" I cheered to me. We topped the dunes just as the lady leading the rest of the group back out on the beach. " Sit down, right there. They haven't seen us yet. We'll be fine." I was so proud of us.

"I can't believe it Amanda. I knew we were gonna get caught. God's looking out for us. " I slid down the 8 foot high sea oat shrouded sand pile to the soft upper run of beach where we learned, the ghost crabs live. I was looking down at just a piece of drift wood, But from where the rest of them were, They couldn't yet tell, if I was looking at something important, My Elizabeth up on that and dune laughing in her hands rocking with glee. " Amanda, you are so devious! " She didn't say that like it was bad of me.

"I see one of them. " I could here another councilor shout. It was Mrs Davida Price doing the shouting. I could tell from her floppy hat and voice. She was what my daddy said was a handsome woman. Older, and pretty tall. She was more the city lady, lady All propper the way she said things. Her cabin troup was right there with her. I think they thought we 'd run away or were in trouble.

Nope we were just out of heat under those trees, and in the heat of late spring at the beach. Oh and still Letting off steam.

So I turned and waved. Soon enough Mrs. Price was close so I didn't need to yell. She was all worried in her face. I explained, Elizabeth had gotten homesick again So she' wanted to search the beach for some sand dollars for home. I thought someone said it was time to head back. I came on ahead. When I realised the weren't behind me, I turned back,found her on the sand dune. So I talked to Elizabeth until they all came. I was doing all I could not to laugh,

Elizabeth hopped down next too me and shoulder hugged me. " Mrs. Price. I decided I 'll stay here till the end of camp. See, I missed Daddy and Momma so much, I just wanted to go home. My sister and brother too. Now I see what good friend Amanda is, She said all you are my friend too." That fat soft right boob of hers was making out with my left arm. I'm not so confused right now.

Ms. Tyson, Karen and Cathy all came along too. The whole bunch wanted to comfort Elizabeth and thanked me for being so kind and thoughtful. I couldn't tell them how right they were. or how sweet Elizabeth was already. or not the way I thought church girls and ladies were to shave.

The smartest thing said was next. Ms Williston, the guild lady, turned out to be the daughter in law of the family that owned the biggest Seafood house in the area."Tonight, the owners of that trawler is having us come for dinner. " Melaney Campbell, another councilor wooped, " Girl the Let get back, get showered and dress nicely, like ladies."

Good shrimp, scallops crab and oysters were going to be fresh and good."

Jeana and Karen clung with Me and Elizabeth. Were were in a gap of the groups. Ms. Tyson was up ahead with Chrystle and Akia. The wind and incoming tide hid our voices from people in front and behind us.

"You are a sneaky girl Amanda." Karen nudging me. Jeana " yeah'd " that I saw you two sneak into those trees. We just know it was to do something?! "Her eyes rolled with fun in her eyes.

Bless Elizabeth heart, She jumped right in. " Just because you didn't know trees are really good bathrooms. I didn't want to pee in front of everybody."

Jeana grabbed my arm and slowed usual down. " You did that under those trees. Are you trying to get caught? what if somebody saw you?? Peeing? If that's what you really did?" She was half astonished and part mystified, and all doubting.

"So smarty, What did you see?"

We pick up the pace again. " Karen said, No, were were to far way til we got close to them. Still I couldn't see anybody."

",, And??? " Elizabeth urging her to complete her thought. Karen admitted. " I still coudn't see through all those leaves and branches. " The light in her brain clicked.

That poop eating grin on Jeana and Karen's face, and how Elizabeth stuck her chest out was beauties all it's own. " So, You two could peed too, or, anything else your little heart desired. Nobody can see you from out side."

",, And it's not as hot. " Jeana added and hid her red face from us seeing how embarrassed she was.

"Elizabeth nearly fell over laughing at that.' It was funny watch Karen as Jeana cauaght on to the joke too. As we stepped through the low dunes in front of the camp ground, Jeana hooked my left arm and Karen hooked Elizabeth's right arm. In like a walking football huddle, Karen said. "Ya'll gotta show us tomorrow."

The other group that headed toward the houses was coming over the sandy ridge now too, We all had and hour and ten minuets to shower and change clothes. So me, Elizabeth, Karen and Jeana decided to go for the shower now. Not worry about our own shampoo. Just use the stuff our parents paid for, and the camp ground had. There were those thin towels there too. They'd do for drying, just not as fluffy.

Getting there first was fun by it's self. Stripping, even for a shower with my new friends, and favorite lover was so knew and delicious. When Elizabeth reached her hem of her T-shirt, We, me a Jeana and Karen just stopped. There are girls, and there are girls. We all had to see if Elizabeth was built as wonderfull as her body and garment hinted at.

Now Karen is the tallest. Her Blond hair just fell on her shoulder top. Her nipples were medium pink, Like they were stiff too. Like they have someone use them. Jeans chest was a bit smaller, with slightly light pink areolias. And little boy chested me, and my give it away nips.

Elizabeth was for 12, magnificent. Like flash color coffee cups, but bigger. Her areolias were 3 inches accross. (I later measured them. That came later.) Her actual nipples were half the size of pincile erasers.

There was just hot silence at the veiw we all had. Me and Jeana had the same idea at the same time. We each slipped a hand on her chest, and said. " How could you not let us see you before? " Not that I would of dreampt of even thing such a thing 2 days ago.

Karen got behind Elizabeth and pushing her butt toward the shower heads. I grabbed her hand pulling her along.

"I was scared you all hated me. " Elizabeth squealing and giggling as were were started to wet down. Karen spurted the water on, without the warm up. We all squealing now as the cool water hit us all. Quickly we all grabbed bars of soap and soaped each other. I never ever though getting washed could be so much fun. It was all I could do not to kiss any one. The water was getting hotter, but not more than us 4. Other girls came through the doors, so we quickly decided to behave in a more church like way.

By the time we were dried and slid up our shorts and T-shirt on. It was closing in on going out to eat. We were to dress more nicely. Most of us were wearing jeans and nice tops, a few in shirt and blouse outfits. We piled into 2 School buses.

It trip was not real long, we all saw a few interesting things in the late June afternoon. About 5:30 P.M. Way off to the inland the sky was dark gray with huge silvery edged clouds. Ms. Silver, a councilor from Mount Pleasant, where wre were going said it was normal. Most summer afternoons, the off shore breeze blows up in to heave storms like we had this morning. Parts of the inter-coastal plain get as much rain as tropical islands do.

The sight was just amazing. There was the wide salt and brackish marsh, trimmed in the distant shore, barely visable. The setting sun turned the marsh grass golden green. Off toward what we could see as shore lining Mount Pleasant. was bright blue until the huge thunderstorm cloud spilled over in view. This was beautiful. The closer we got to Mount Pleasant the more We could see the oyster and crab hunter out in the draining tidal flats.

Soon, too soon we were in the town. Like any other town for a little bit. I could see through our windshield, the other bus was stopped and then turning to the left, Our bus followed it.

Ther was a bucnh of people already going in this big ole red building. It looked like a ship on land. Somebody asked if that the case? Ms. Silver, said it was an old boat blown up on the land by hurricane Hazel in 1954. The owners just made it into a restuerant, and added to it. The place was amazing. We got seated on the top level. We were snaked through a long set of steps and rooms.

Somehow me and Jeana and Elizabeth weere seated next to the widow over looking the wide creek next to the resturant. There was two big fishing or shrimp boats tied to our side of the dock. Black and white men were just pouring out all kinds of fish, and shrimp into big water filled flat boxes. Other people, including ladies were going trough them tossing the crabs in another box. Different fishes in other boxes. The Shrimp and Scallops were sinking to the bottom. We couldn't believe they did that without even looking where they were tossing fish, and not even looking where they ossed them. they never ever missed. We couldn't belive how all those 10 people went through all those fish. They finnished before We received our order.

I got the small combo platter, and so did most of us. There was lots of fresh baked bread. A big pitcher of sweet iced tea. It was wonderful seafood. All I left was crumbs and shrimp shells.

I had listened to Ms. Tyson and took some money with me,

I got my Daddy a little ship in a bottle and my mom Christus Victor set of drinking glasses. I go my sister and brother post cards Momma and Daddy too.

The other girls got stuff too. Then we piled back in the bus and rolled back to the camp ground. So many of us were just stuffed and walk weary to boot. There was just soft conversations. Jeana was leaning with Karen. Elizabeth nuzzled to me. I needed some thinking time.

As we rolled back across the marshes and bridges the little stores and docks and boats I barely noticed bthis afternoon. I had some other vistas to gaze at. There were all those houses. Maybe girls like me too. I really was wondering about all that happened. Everything I thought of now was changed. It was boys I supposed to want to marry and be with. My girlfriends were forever or until we all got married. Girls weren't for kissing, or so most evey girl was taught.

The past two days, at a camp where I was supposed to get my faith and heart right, was now in love with another girl. Not just a crush. A kissing hugging love, or lust. I didn't know much. All I was sure of was it was fun. Not just Elizabeth. Karen and Jeana and Chrystal and Akia were so much fun too. Not once had boys been talked about.

Sooner than I was ready for, the bus pulled into the camp ground. I helped my staggering girlfriend to her cot, Jean slumped with Karen to there cubby and Akia and Chrystal to theirs. Ms. Tyson said she be back to check on us. but other wise, good night.

If Ms.Tyson was lesbian, I didn't really care. I was too mixed up to think either way about it. Thanks to Elizabeth, I was looking at girls and women in far different ways.

After a few minuets reading the Bible lesson for the next morning and a silent the Lords Prayer, I decided to take a peek outside. The surf was singing a sound I had to be closer too. It was heaven out there. I took no time finding my yellow sweater and flip-flops.

The air felt like velvet. Soft and curling me in is texture. The salty air and the sent of the sea came wafting over the low dunes at the beach. It spotted the old rail ties along one of the dunes close by, and just settled down.

Off toward the southwest, the direction we didn't go earlier. The lights of the houses and the small entertainment are sparkled like jewelry. Way down there about 3 miles we were told there was a fishing pier, stung with lights looking the world like a diamond necklace dangling over the sea. Out beyond were Ships going out with the tide, and another fishing boat heading out somewhat closer than the ships.

Above was a bright silvery half moon with stars and planets all over. I cold even see people, couple walking hand in hand way off there. A little ghost crab popped up about 15 fet from me, Saw me a skittered away.

"Amanda? is that you? " Came from behind me. The ladies voice was clear. Not from real close here, The lights of the camp ground gave definetion to her, she had a flash light helping her look I guessed for me.

"I 'm right here." I said back.

"Oh thank goodness. I didn't know what to think when you weren't in bed or in the shower or stalls. " As she came closer I stood up. It was the polite thing to do. Ms Tyson has a rounded kind of face. One that could look very sweet or very intense. Not lovely. Her eyes made her the most attractive. Ones of instant acceptance. Are you all right?'"Her voice calming down.

"Yes Ma'am. I just needed to think some. I decided to come and look out our door, and the waves called me."

"They do that to me all the time. " She motioned and we sat down togather.

"You scared off my little friend."

"Oh? Who?"

"A little ghost crab. It was cute for a crab. It disappeared back home when you called me., I 'm glad you came. I didn't mean to be a worry to you. I just needed to think about somethings I really wasn't sure about. I am now."

She gave me a nice grin. " That's good. That's the reason for coming here in a big way. I apologize to you." She nodded toward the crab hole.

Then she looked back at the glittering lights up the beach. She just propped her body with her hands behind her looking at the sight that made me deeply breath. Her gray windbreaker unzipped fell away from her t shirt clad figure. My goodness. Her boobs just saluted the sky. Almost like Elizabeth's.

She turned to say. " This is a place you can lose yourself, and see,, and oh my, I see You like em don't you? " She glanced down her body and back to me.

Caught staring I was. Too nieve to deny it. " I do,, like,, Looking at them. I don't know why I do."

"Good for you." She turned to look at the ocean. "You can get lost in lots of other thing besides stars and water and lights. It that partly what you needed to think about."

So I looked a little bit more. " Ms Tyson?,"

"I'm what you 've been told. I know how fast gossip can flow, Especially, the juicy ones." I knew she was teasing in a good way. "Girl hate keeping secrets. I 'm too well aware of that."

"Then it isn't wrong?, to,, Be ur like..?"

"Of course not. It would be horrible to not love another person. That's mostly what God wants us to fo down here. Love each other. You know the lessons we went over yesterday and today. Christ loves us all. " She looked a bit sweeter. I don't hate or avoid men. I 'm not intersted in settling with one to marry. Or not yet. " The last part sounded a little sad. She looked back out to sea.

"But I get in real trouble if I take too much time in the shower ` at home. " I whined. " Momma and Daddy say if I 'm not washing I 'm wasting water or sinning."

Ms. Tyson turned facing me, touching my knee just enough for me to face her better. " None of humans make it to heaven with out sinning. You know what the second worst command to violate is? Barering false witness. Not just fibbing about school grades or if you took out the trash when you were told too. Bareing false witness comes from saying someone did something the accuser had no knowledge of. Or, Listen, telling a lie to spare someones feelings is two lies in on. Liying hurts every way possible"

"The truth hurts a lot less. If the lie doesn't needs explaining Why even say it. If the dress looks bad on her, or the make up, say so the first time. That's seems little thing until you here the truth after believing the lie. Santa Clause come to mind."

That hit me like ice water in mt face. It was so very true. " Ms.Tyson, I never thought of it like that. When My mother finaly said what my brother said Santa was just a story, I was really stunned for weeks, Mostly at him. Then He said, "Mom Told the lie. I told you the truth. Christ is our gift of salvation." Then he said. "The Wisemens gifts were their love to GOD's son. That's why we give gifts at Christmas."

She looked at me with real understanding. " You brother is very brave and right on. Another example you'll come across as you grow up; If you don't like the person you are dating, tell them. Don't say,'we can just be friends after you lead them to think you loved only them. ' I changed my mind. is the usual truth. It's also honest and hurt much less.


"If I kissed a girl, then I shouldn't feel bad. '" I was really hoping.

"You did that? Cool. " I don't care who. " That her business and yours. I think I know. I saw you and Elizabeth go into those Mangrove trees. I need to remember that " She now was really close, and I liked her even better now. We were like magnets.

Our foreheads so softly came together, I knew what was happening. Those little chuckling laughs were tender hearing. I rolled my head a bit to my right. Our Lips met, and surrendered to the others. Deep, slow urgently finding what the other yearned for. We Kissed and kissed. Oh God love her she kissed and I kissed her in return.

Elizabeth was hoping and searching like me for what to say or do with each other. We were kissing to find out the answrs in our skin. Ms. Tyson was teaching and allowing me how to learn. And I reached her shoulders. Her strong yet tender arm holding and gathered me in like wrapper round a candy bar.

My tiny chest was hugged and held to her larger firm breasts. Her hand slid right to my shorts and tugged them open. We then stood up, Breaking our kiss we both were hungrier than at the seafood house. Now we ate richly each others passion, and became each others blanket. All my wondering about the sinfulness of loving Elizabeth was swept away.

Ms. Tyson slipped her hands beneath my hind end a engulfed me in deeper embrace. I was now her toy. Anything she wanted, anything. Her right hands then didn't do what my thighs were all ready for. "Hummm. Later. " Her eyes shining at me

She slipped her right index finger between our mouths, then capping my gasping mouth. " If you still think kissing a girl is wrong, then you now have so idea how silly that thought can be,"

I was puddy. My very soul begging for more of this wonderfull meal. I gave into her reason. I was very late now. She wouldn't even hold my hand as we made our way back to our cabin. We paused between the cabin and the showers. " I need to you know," I nodded toward the showers.

"Go a head. I 'll check the other girls. " She let go my hand and grinned back to me. " You are a terrific kisser. Which ever girl or biy you're hoping for in here is a lucky soul."

She turned heading to our cabin. " Thank you Ms. Tyson." I just said softly.

Everything in my mind was just swimming in foam the whole last few minuets. After my business was done. Was washing my hands, and I saw me in the mirror. I never saw me like this before. My eyes were just shiny, and a little blood shot. My hair was all mussed. Good thing it was so short now. I said to me. "Sexxxy."

My t -shirt still scrunched up some on my chest. I grabbed my little newly sore a little, nipples, and looked at me again. I lifted my shirt to see.

There, there, my nipples now almost ached as I felt them as my palms cover them I hoped I'd put out the fire. All I did was make sure they'd burn on. down there, My clit demanded me pinch my legs together. I looked to the ceiling with a soft prayer of thanks. Instantly I felt blessed. The sigh on my face was softer than I ever saw it. And I loved my whole heart. Ineed now my cot.

I slowly made my way pout to the sort of court yard heading toward bed. Something made me look back toward the ocean, Not 50 feet from me, another woman was in full embrace with, it looked like Christal. I kept drifting toward the bungalow. I decided it was none of my business.

I crept past the table and decided to peek In Chrystal and Akia's cubby. Chrystal wasn't there, Akia was in full snooze, almost snoring. Moving on, I poked my head in Karen and Jean's cubby. They were in their cots. Jeana on her back mostly Her spread laying just below her softly rising, falling bosom. Karen more on her tummy, and clutching her pillow. They were sound asleep. Now our cubby, Elizabeth was on her back, and awake.

"Amanda! Where were you? " She was upset. " thought something had happened to you. I was so scared."

I scooted to the floor just next to her head. I reached her teary face. " I just needed to rest my brain Elizabeth. So I went to the beach. It is glorious out there." Speaking as softly As I could.

She rolled on her back and thanked God I was OK. " I was so scared you hated me Amanda. I was so scared you think I 'm a monster or evil."

"That's a big reason I went to the beach or somewhere I could sort things out. I wasn't doing to good until Ms. Tyson came looking for me."

Like hearing the read sound of judgment coming she said "Oh No. She 's not nice. She's like me. " and clamped her hands over her face.

I crawled quickly next to my girl. " No she isn't. She told me that girls kising girls in not bad at all."

Suddenly her eyes were terrified. " You didn't tell her about,?" Pointing her finger at me and her. I 'm going to hell and you too. It's my fault too, " She yanked the sheet as mich as she could because I was in the way of it, over her head again.

"God does not let that happen."

The sheet came back off. " Who told you that!??! " Then

moment was right then and now. I dove in and kissed her on those trembling pouting lips. This time, i knew what to do. She was geniunely frightened. I wanted her to be assured. I wanted her to take it easy. I needed her to shut up.

"Jesus Christ did. That's all you need you know. You Are saved by his grace. i am too. I would think of kissing anyone evil." I fell on her worried, pretty face one again.

Elizabeth went round and round, kissing with love, and Kissing to challenge. and back again. SAll the while giving in to the pleasure like last night. My hands this time were right on her firm breats. She was breathing so deep and fast and moaning in passion. I felt her right leg slip into my valley, her Thigh up to my pussy, All hard and now demanding more attention. My left hand shot straight to her invitation. I zipped right to her newly discovered womanhood.

Her left hand found my opening. we let our mouths explorer our necks and shoulder, Night shirt and T-shirt wee staining with all our heated grabbing, holding tugging.

With just our kissing and fingering first Elizabeth roiled in climaxes. The first I ever had. The first for her too. Neither of cared about noise or people or anything else now. God it felt so good to just share each other and our joy.

I placed my finger of my sticky from her left hand on her lips once more. " You are forgiven. You will not go to hell or any place bad. You did nothing wrong, I didn't either. " I kissed her forhead, and started to go to my cot.

With a firm grip, she tugged me to face her. " I love you. I 'll sleep with you. " Elizabeth snuggled closer. i love you so much Amanda."

"I love you too. We have another big day tomorrow. Good night"

It wasn't long before she went to sleep. As much as I hated to, I sneaked out to my cot and prayed for more love like today brought. The nights sleep was what was needed.