Story 1, Tammy Meets Sweet Young Laura

by Must Be Barking Mad

Story introduction:

This is about a relationship that I am still in, as best I can recall the details (I've had to take a bit of poetic license where I don't recall all the details, but for the most part I've tried to stay true to my memory). – My name is Tammy, and I'm 31 years old. My sweet lover's name is Laura; she is an extremely pleasant young lady, who (here comes my illicit confession) is only 12 years old. My recount of our relationship (my 'story', if you will) begins with the first time we met, in a mall store. Over time we did many fun activities together, and became very good friends. Our relationship eventually turned romantic, and then later (after much emotional turmoil) intimate.

Some would say my 'story' is slow to start; I prefer to say that it takes the time needed to set the scene, and to show the natural evolution of my relationship with Laura. Go straight to Chapter 3 if you want sensual talk without the build up; to Chapter 5+ if you want erotic stuff; and to Chapter 12+ for some of the mildly kinky stuff that Laura and I have done. However, I believe you will find that the story is far more beautiful if you let your imagination evolve with the story.

This is the first story that I've ever written. Hope you enjoy it.

Parts and Chapters:

Part A
Chapter 1 – Meeting a pleasant young girl
Chapter 2 – Enjoying being with a new friend
Chapter 3 – Pancakes and panties
Chapter 4 – Kisses …
Chapter 5 – … And two peaches above …
Chapter 6 – … And a smooth peach below

Part B
Chapter 7 – Rhubarb pie (the real thing) in the park
Chapter 8 – Peaches and cream taste great!
Chapter 9 – Cleaning Up The Peach Cream
Chapter 10 – Laura Explores Her Own Sexuality
Chapter 11 – Hungry for a peach
Chapter 12 – Branching out the peach tree
Chapter 13 – Peaches in the country side
Chapter 14 – Epilogue

Copyright (c) 2002, Must Be Barking Mad. All Rights Reserved.

"Author's Notes" and "Qualifiers and Disclaimers" at end of story. Read them first!

Part A (Chapters 1 to 6)

Chapter 1 – Meeting a pleasant young girl

It was a completely ordinary day, in a completely ordinary city, in a completely ordinary setting, and I was completely minding my own business, when I first met an extraordinarily special girl named Laura.

It had been a long, hard week at the accounting firm at which I am now an associate, and I had decided to take Friday afternoon off. After all of the long hours that I had worked that week, I figured that I had some time coming to me! Having some control over my work schedule was one of the perks of being a professional on a salary with a profit sharing arrangement.

Originally I had planned to go down to a small park along the lakeshore, and just sit on a park bench and enjoy the scenery and the gaggles of ducks that frequented the park. Unfortunately, the afternoon had turned into one of those stereotypical blustery, rainy spring days, when you can feel the bitter cold cutting through to your bones no matter what you are wearing. I was hardly in the mood to be wandering around outside in such weather, especially since I was still in my business dress and pantyhose (this is one of the drawbacks of being in a professional position – you always have to be dressed immaculately, even when you are exhausted). Not knowing what else to do I conceded defeat, and started to head home. But then on a last second impulse I got off of the transit train at a large mall that I pass everyday during my commute.

This is where I met Laura. Actually, the first time that I saw Laura could hardly be called a "meeting". I was checking out some leather pumps in the shoe section of Woolrich when a young girl said "Excuse me' as she squeezed past me to get at some running shoes further down the aisle. I stepped aside for her, but hardly paid any attention to her. A couple of minutes later she again said "Excuse me," as she squeezed by. As I stepped aside for her I said "Certainly". She responded with a polite "Thank you, ma'am," as she passed. Slightly intrigued by such politeness from a young person (I guess I've become very cynical about the manners of today's youth), I briefly looked up at her as she passed, and responded in kind with "You're welcome". Then she was off, and I went back to trying to decide between the dark-brown or the jet-black pumps.

It was over an hour later when I next bumped into this young girl. I was in the DOTS women's clothing store checking out some lovely print blouses. She was at a sweater display table in the next aisle, and I just happened to look up at the same time that she did. It took us both a moment to recall why we looked slightly familiar, and then we both smiled and lightly nodded at each other in recognition.

Ten minutes later I was using the change rooms to try out the blouses I was contemplating buying. As I came out of my stall to use the large wrap-around mirrors to view one of the blouses, the young girl walked past me to enter the change room area herself. We again exchanged small, polite smiles and nods at each other. I was still standing there a couple of minutes later when she came out wearing a lime green and canary yellow knit sweater, and started to look at herself in another set of mirrors. I didn't pay much attention to her, but it was hard not to notice just how much the glaring colors of the sweater clashed with each other. Mercifully, she quickly noticed how the colors didn't work with each other, and returned to the change room to take that gaudy thing off.

For the next several minutes we went in and out of the change room stalls several times, each trying out our respective finds. I was busy trying out my last find (a light summer dress that DOTS had just brought in for the upcoming season), when I next happened to notice what the girl was up to. She was clearly trying to decide between two sweaters; she was wearing one sweater (a dark, charcoal gray, faux-Kashmir wool) and alternately holding another sweater (a dark red knit) in front of her self. As I passed by her on my way back into the my change room stall I stopped briefly and said "For what it's worth, I think the charcoal looks far more complimentary on you. It if fits you well, and makes you look very elegant. The red sweater is nice too, but it clashes a bit with your hair, and it will probably be a bit too bulky." This sort of reassurance appeared to be exactly what she needed, because she smiled very brightly and said "Thank you, ma'am," as she focused her attention on closely admiring the charcoal sweater.

It was then that I first really paid close attention to her, and it was largely because of that smile. Her smile was (and I'm happy to be able to report still 'is', present tense!) extremely cute. The corners of her mouth seemed to extend upwards towards her cheeks. Her brilliantly-white teeth flashed through. Her upper lip showed a little bit more pink, while her lower lip seemed the inflate slightly with joy and show even more pink. And the corners of her eyes crinkled up ever so slightly. The overall effect was to change a seemingly ordinary looking face into an adorable young girl.

This made me pay more attention to the rest of her appearance. She had dark brown hair, cut short in the back, and framing her face in a bob style in the front. Her face was round (perhaps even a little bit oval) in shape. Her cheeks were slightly pronounced, in a very complimentary way. I'm not a very tall woman: only about 5 foot 4. This girl was even shorter; the top of her head only came up to my chin – if that. Her build was similar to mine: sort of medium to petite - although perhaps she was a bit more slender than I was, even when you took into consideration the proportions of our relative height. I try to stay in shape, but my work requires me to spend far too much time behind a computer, and I'm starting to show it.

I realized that I was staring like a silly fool at this young girl, so I quickly said "You're welcome," and headed into the change room. Seems like a nice girl, I thought to myself briefly. Then I turned my attention to my own pile of options; so many nice things – what to take?

We both arrived at the cashier at the same time. We chatted as the teller was ringing in the girls plush charcoal sweater.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy wearing that sweater. It looked very nice on you," I said

"I can't wait to show my friends," she bubbled, as she pulled her small purse out of her pocket and started counting out her small bills and many, many coins. "… they're going to be soooo jealous!"

We continued chatting as she finished paying and as the teller rang in my blouses. Actually, mainly SHE talked. She was planning on showing up at school wearing a windbreaker over her sweater, and then making a big show out of her new treasure in front of her friends. I made a few comments, but mainly stood there smiling and nodding at her obvious excitement and enthusiasm. I remembered my own joy when I bought or received new fancy-like clothes when I was young, and I was all too happy to help enhance her enjoyment.

She continued to gush as we walked out of the store. As we reached the edge of the store and entered the main part of the mall it suddenly dawned on her that she was still babbling, and that this stranger (me) was now about to go in some other direction. "Thank you very much for helping me choose this sweater," she said, swinging the bag back and forth joyously, "I really appreciate your help".

"My pleasure," I smiled back at her.

"Well, uh, I guess good bye, then," she sort of stuttered, looking a bit uncertain as to what to do next. She looked a bit like a kitten that has suddenly found itself lost.

"Good bye," I replied back. I had already started to walk away when I suddenly stopped, and on impulse turned back towards where she was still standing, watching me, and asked "Would you like to get something to drink at the food court? My treat?" To this day I'm not sure what inspired me to make the invitation. But I did. I suppose it must have been a combination of reliving my own youthful pleasures when I heard her bubbling away about her new find, and her apparent pleasant personality, and her polite manners. Looking as irresistibly adorable as a cute little kitten probably helped, too.

Her face lit up again, and I was instantly glad that I had made the invitation. "Oh, yes please. I'd love that," she replied, practically running to catch up with me.

"My name is Tammy," I said, extending my hand.

"I'm Laura. Laura … (**author: at this point Laura told me her last name, but for anonymity reasons I'm not going to repeat it**). It's a pleasure to meet you, Tammy," she responded happily, taking my hand and shaking it politely and daintily, then we headed off towards the food court.

We had a most enjoyable chat that afternoon. We mainly discussed clothes; in particular clothes that Laura liked or owned. During our chat I did find out a little bit about Laura herself. She was 12 years old; in my mind I had guessed 14, based mainly on her level of maturity and how refined her deportment was (although I admit that her youthful looks did have me a bit befuddled). I expressed surprise at her wandering around unsupervised at such a young age, and at not being in school. But she quickly pointed out that she wasn't in school that afternoon because she was in a special accelerated program. She had in fact been advanced by a couple of grades, and was now in grade nine. 'Wow' I thought to myself upon hearing this – I'm no intellectual-lightweight, but I was never advanced two whole grades like Laura had been! The special program Laura was in had shortened days on both Fridays and Tuesdays. Her mom was a working single, and had come to trust Laura's maturity and ability to care for herself after school. I could see why, now that I was getting to know Laura a bit better.

I was a bit humored that despite her apparent good manners, Laura was so excited about her new find that it wasn't until about twenty minutes into our chat that it finally dawned on her that we were mainly talking about her stuff. But I really didn't mind; again, I clearly remembered my own youthful exuberance, and I didn't begrudge Laura for hers.

We did start to chat a little bit about my new blouses. And I think Laura would have been happy to continue talking about my new clothes. But I had to cut the conversation short. "I'm afraid that I've got to get going. I've got to get home and get ready for a date. A guy I've been seeing for awhile wants to take me out to dinner and a movie tonight. … I've had a wonderful time chatting with you, Laura. You're a very pleasant young lady," I said, being careful to use the word 'lady' rather than the more diminutive 'girl'.

She stood up from the table, politely extended her hand, and said "It was a pleasure to meet you, Tammy. Thanks for the pop".

"You're welcome. Good bye, Laura"

"Good bye," she said.

Chapter 2 – Enjoying being with a new friend

As pleasant a time as I had with Laura, I figured that our acquaintance was just a passing one. After all, we really didn't have any connection beyond having had a pleasant chat. I've met and chatted with innumerable people at business and social functions, and the vast majority of those were also just passing acquaintances. Besides, I was a 31-year-old woman busy with establishing a professional career; and she was a 12-year-old student (albeit a very bright one). I didn't see how a friendship could possibly develop between us.

And so our relationship was expected to fade to black. I didn't entirely forget about young Laura; I just went on with life.

Two months later I was on the rapid transit train returning home from a busy day at the office. The rail car was stuffed full of people, and noisy from track sounds and people talking loudly to each other over the din, and filled with the attendant smells that go with having so many people in such a small space. I was standing near one of the exits, waiting for my stop. Somewhere behind me I could hear a bunch of rambunctious school kids, but I didn't pay any attention to them. A few minutes later I felt a bit of movement behind me as people adjusted their cramped positions to let someone through. Then I felt someone gently touch the side of my left arm.

"Hello," I heard a little voice say to me.

Turning towards the voice, I found myself looking at a smiling young face. It was the young girl that I had met in the mall, those many weeks ago. I recognized her very quickly, and smiled warmly as I said "Well, hello there." I racked my brain for a moment, then quickly added, "Laura, isn't it?".

"Yes," she brightly answered. "It's nice to see you again".

"How have you been doing?" I asked.

"Great. And I still love my charcoal sweater," With that statement she held open her jacket to show me that she was wearing it.

"It certainly does look good on you," I said, honestly. Even in a crowded, muggy transit car she managed to wear it well.

We made small talk for several minutes. As we were approaching her stop, which was actually the same stop for the mall at which we had originally met, she asked me "I'd really like to buy you a pop sometime. I had a great time talking with you. Are you ever at Westmore Mall?"

"Not very often, but I do go there every now and then." I thought for a moment, and decided that I probably would enjoy having another chat with this pleasant young girl. "Tell you what, why don't we meet there this Saturday. Does 1-o'clock sound good? Same place?"

She smiled happily at my agreeing to meet with her. "That sounds great!"

The door of the train opened, and Laura got off. "See you Saturday," she said brightly, waving bye at me.

We did get together that weekend, and ended having a great time together. We chatted for over an hour while drinking our pops. I had been anticipating (I guess because I had partially forgotten how mature and polite Laura is) that she would be a typical kid and talk mainly about the things that interested her; and we did talk a bit about her interests – music, clothing, movies, soccer. But she surprised me by showing a real interest in me, and by asking me many questions - intelligent and insightful questions. I ended up telling her about my work (although I kept it simple and limited my details to talk about credits, debits, double entries, and checking the accuracy of the books). We also talked about my personal likes – such as foreign movies and sailing (although I've done very little of the latter since getting out of university).

After a very pleasant hour of sitting and chatting, I suggested that we go wandering around the mall, and she happily accepted. So we spent the rest of the afternoon checking out all sorts of shops in the mall. Certainly some of these were clothing stores (where she helped me pick out a nice light dress for when summer finally decided that it was going to show its shy face), but also music stores, a pet store (where I found out that Laura really liked cats, which pleased me since I have one of my own), a general department store, and even a couple of art and pottery stores.

Laura and I had a wonderful afternoon together. By the end of the afternoon I found that I had grown a little bit fond of this girl. Not in a sexual manner, mind you (honestly, that didn't come until later, as you will see); just in a very friendly way. She was proving to be a mature and smart kid, as well as very considerate and honestly interested in me. Also, her very lively and upbeat personality made it very easy to be around her.

We had such a nice time together that at the end of the day we both said that it would be nice to see each other again. I even agreed to give her my phone number. She gave me hers, although I wasn't sure about calling her at home – an adult 'stranger' phoning a young girl just doesn't seem appropriate, no matter which way you look at it.

* * *

Later that following week Laura did phone me. She suggested that we go shopping together the following Saturday. Unfortunately, I had to turn her down, because I had a major business presentation to make the following Monday, and I was planning on spending the whole weekend preparing and practicing for it. Even worse, on the weekend following my presentation I was going to be out of town.

I could tell from Laura's voice that this news made her very disappointed and sad. It actually hurt me to realize just how sad I had made her. You know how it is – you want your friends to be happy, and you try so hard to not do or say something that makes them feel in the slightest bit down.

So I quickly tried to make it up to her. "But I'll tell you what. The weekend after I get back from Buffalo I'll take you out to a movie …," I offered. "… My treat. You pick the movie, and I'll take you to it."

This made her brighten right up, which in turn made me feel happy.

So three weekends later Laura and I got together, and I took her to the afternoon matinee showing of her movie of choice. It starred some teen heartthrob, and I have to admit that I don't even recall what the name of the movie was. Heck, I hardly recall what the plot was - probably because it was a typical teen movie and had no real plot beside girl meets boy, girl and boy almost break up, and then girl and boy are happy together ever after. Well, I did say it was her choice, so I guess I had it coming. :-)

Despite the shallowness of movie, we did have a great time watching it together. It helped that we had a good chance to chat while we were waiting for the movie to start, and that we both squealed in terror at the two modestly scary points of the movie (closely followed by laughing at each other over who squealed the funniest).

After the movie ended, I wasn't sure what to do next. I really wanted to spend some more time with my new young friend, but I also really, really didn't feel like going shopping.

So I suggested "It's still early, and I feel like watching another movie. We just watched your choice of movie, so now _I_ get to pick the movie. And I pick a foreign film. And it just so happens that I have a couple of foreign movie rentals at home. Do you want to come over and watch one?" At the time, this seemed like an innocent and fun thing to suggest, and it WAS an innocent and fun thing to suggest.

This idea seemed to intrigue her. "Ya, that'd be great! Are they the type that have the little words at the bottom?"

"Subtitles. Yes, they are," I responded.

I had driven my car (which I only use on weekends) that day, so within ten minutes we were at my apartment. Laura thought my car was "Sweet!"; it's a little red Miata, with a convertible top (although it was still too early in the season to drive with the top down).

Laura, of course, wanted to check out my apartment as soon as we got there. It's a modest sized but nice apartment. Two bedrooms, one of which is medium sized and contains my queen-size bed (I admit that I value my comforts) and my large maple-wood dresser, and one of which is smallish and used for a home office. A spacious living room, which I have nicely furnished. An adjoining dining room / kitchen. And my 'piece de la resistance': a bathroom with a medium sized jetted tub/shower (further evidence that I value my comforts).

I also showed her the remarkable view from my balcony. I'm on the upper (third) floor of the building, and my apartment overlooks a small 'green area' that has lots of tall trees and a little creek running through it. In the distance, slightly off to one side, you can even make out the brilliant blue waters of one of the nearby lakes. It's a very serene and relaxing view (and my rent reflects it's value – ouch; but it's worth it). It's also very private – there are no apartments on the other side of the park, and so I don't have to worry about some guy spying on me through binoculars.

I left Laura watching the newly arrived song birds in the rapidly budding and greening tree branches, and went inside to make some popcorn (yes, I did cheat and use a microwave bag) and to pour us some sodas. She wandered in just as I got everything ready, and we sat down beside each other on the couch to watch the movie. Boots, my cat, decided at this time that this young stranger seemed ok, and would probably give him a scratch under the chin. So he also jumped up onto the couch, and promptly sat down in Laura's lap and started purring loudly. What a fickle cat!

The movie we watched was an Italian movie about life in a small rural village at the turn of the century. It was part comedy (especially about the fumblings of a new priest who had never lived in a country setting before) and part deadly serious (about a girl who gets ostracized by her family and community when she falls in love with the priest and refuses to marry the boy to whom she had been betrothed, and ends up becoming destitute and abandoned).

We sat there quietly for a few minutes after the end of the movie. Then Laura said, quietly, "What a sad ending"; her voice was nearly cracking with emotion, and I could see that her eyes were glistening with sorrow.

I patted her lightly and reassuringly on her knee, and then left my hand there as you would expect of a compassionate friend. "Yes, it was sad. And so unfair."

For the next twenty minutes we talked about the film. Laura was certainly feeling very emotional. But she was also very insightful in her assessment of what had happened in the movie. She either herself noted some of the social and cultural aspects of the movie, or readily understood them when I made observations. She once again surprised me with her advanced level of maturity for a girl so young. And made me think even more highly and fondly of her.

Then she added "It was a really sad movie. But I'm glad we watched it. … Foreign movies sure are different from the ones I normally watch. Thank you for letting me watch it with you."

"My pleasure. Foreign movies come in all types; this one just happened to have a sad ending. … Next time we'll watch something a bit more upbeat," I offered. "That's if you're interested," I added.

"Oh, yes, please, I'd really like that."

By then it was getting pretty late into the afternoon, and I knew that it was time to get Laura home. I gave her knee one final, friendly pat, and said "Time to get you going."

"Ya," Laura responded, "Mom's not due home yet. But I should get there before her, so I can get supper ready for her".

I was going to drive her home, but she insisted on taking the bus. "I saw a bus stop just around the corner, and it's only a few minutes to my place," she said.

I walked her to the door, and just as she was about to leave she leaned forward and gave me a big hug. "I had a great time today. I can't wait 'til next time."

I hugged her back, and it felt so wonderful to hold this sweet girl in my arms. "I'm looking forward to next time, too".

After she left I had this deep sense of emptiness, and at the same time of turmoil. I was growing fonder and fonder of this wonderful, pleasant girl. It was so enjoyable to have her here with me. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to talk with her for hours. I could feel myself falling in love with her.

What really scared me was the love part, and how strongly it was coming on and developing. Right now my sense of love for Laura was already of the 'good-friend' kind of love, the type that I might feel for other female close friends that I have. But I could feel that my love of Laura was at the brink of going beyond 'good-friend'. It was close to turning into the craving to have her as my closest companion. Someone whom I couldn't bear to be away from. Someone with whom I could spend all of my time. Someone whom would be the center of my very being. I so wanted to be near her, and I so wanted to hug her again and again and again. To be clear, at that point there was nothing sexual about this deepening love, honestly! Just deep emotional-love and a desire to be near Laura.

'I'm a woman, for pete's sake' yelled a voice in my head at my emotions. 'I'm not supposed to feel this way towards another woman.' Cultural taboos were clearly strongly ingrained in my mind. And even without the taboos, I simply wasn't used to being attracted to another woman. 'Woman?' the voice went on, 'She's not even a woman. She's a young girl!' More cultural taboos showing through there. 'Fine to love her as a friend. But stay rational, and don't allow your emotions to go beyond that.'

The rational voice in my head and my emotions argued well into the night. In the end, I resolved to get a grip on my emotions, and to be happy and content with Laura as a good friend.

Chapter 3 – Pancakes and panties

On Thursday I got another call from Laura. After a short chat we agreed that we would get together on Saturday to go look for movies. I mentioned that I also had to do a small amount shopping at a mall downtown, and that she was welcome to join me for that, if she wanted to (turned out to be a silly question – of course she wanted to join me!). We finished our call with "See you Saturday at 1."

On Saturday morning, at the ungodly hour of 8:30 AM, I was awoken to a loud knocking on my door. I tossed a complaining, mewing, Boots aside, stumbled through my apartment, and with sleepy eyes, mussed-up morning hair, and still in my pajamas I opened my door.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Man, do you ever sleep like a log. I've been knocking for almost three minutes now!" said a much-more-awake Laura.

"Hmmm," I said sleepily but pleasantly, "good morning to you too." I was about to say something more, but she surprised me awake a bit more by giving me a really big hug.

Then she rushed past me and towards the kitchen "I was so excited about spending the day with you that I couldn't wait 'til this afternoon. So I decided to come over and make you breakfast. Mom taught me how to make pancakes, and now you get to taste how great I make 'em".

With half closed eyes I made my way towards the living room. "Sounds wonderful. But you're going to have to make me some coffee too if you want me to be awake enough to eat any." With that I flopped down onto the couch, and pulled a small throw-blanket over myself. Boots, who is also lazy on Saturday mornings (actually, all mornings), hopped up and plunked himself down on my tummy, smack dab on top of my poor bladder (although only until Laura won him over with a saucer of cream).

As I dozed on the couch I could hear the sounds of Laura rummaging through the kitchen looking for ingredients, then the clanking of pans as she made the pancakes, and mewing as she and Boots carried on a 'conversation'. The apartment soon filled with the pleasant aroma of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee.

About twenty minutes later I awoke to the feel of a warm, soft, face-clothe gently washing my face. What a wonderful way to be woken up! "Hmmm, feels good," I mumbled through my grogginess.

"Ya. Mom sometimes wakes me up this way. I love it." Laura stroked my face until I finally opened my eyes. Her smiling face was a pleasure to wake up to. It made me smile warmly right back. The rational voice in my head was taking a beating.

Laura's pancakes were indeed very tasty. So scrumptious that I probably had more of them than I should have. Having breakfast with her was also very enjoyable. I let her do most of the talking over breakfast, because she was bubbling away, and because I was happy to hear her cheerful, lilting voice.

After breakfast I helped her clean up, chatting away the whole time. And after that, Laura was still so bubbling over with words that she followed me and kept on chatting as I later headed towards my bedroom to get dressed.

Once we were in the bedroom I had to tell her "Turn away, please. I'm going to get changed." It didn't seem necessary to send her away, since we were both women. But it also didn't seem appropriate to let her watch me change out of my pajamas either (cultural schizophrenia, I suppose, since if we were in the women's change room at a swimming pool it wouldn't have concerned me much).

"Oops," she said, "… sorry." She turned around and continued her pleasing chattering.

I pulled out my clothes for the day. After hesitating for a moment, I pulled off first my pajama top and then bottom. I could feel a few butterflies in my tummy as I thought about how I was naked (since I don't wear underwear under my pajamas) in a room with this young girl. 'Get a grip, girl!' I said strongly to myself. 'Remember: good-friend only, not closest-companion, and certainly NOT sensual-friend.' I quickly pulled on my underwear, then bra (which I fumbled with briefly, as I rushed to get it on), and then my T-shirt and jeans. Laura, in the meantime, had studiously stayed turned away from me, and was still bubbling out long streams of words.

"What are we going shopping for?" she asked me as I gathered my keys and purse.

"'Unique Boutique' downtown is having a sale on summer dresses," I responded, as we headed out the door. "Their ad showed some nice pink dresses, and I thought they looked very pretty. A pink dress would nicely compliment the summer dresses I already have."

"Ooh, I've been there before. Just once. They have some very nice clothes there."

'Unique Boutique' does have some very wonderful, elegant clothes. And price tags to go along with them. But I wanted a very pretty summer dress, and knew the cost would be worth it. And sure enough, the dress they showed in the ad was very beautiful, and it fit me very well. 'Sold, to the woman with the pretty young friend' I said to myself.

We wandered around the shop for awhile, ogling and awing the many other exquisite and desirable things they had in the store. At one display table I came across some very nice looking, but slinky, white and baby-blue underwear. They were slightly risquι, but I couldn't resist – I wanted a pair of them for myself. Laura was at the display with me, and admiringly said "Sweeeeet!"

With an impulse that I should have controlled, I said "See if they have your size, and I'll buy it for you." I immediately cursed myself for my moment of weakness. But having made the offer, I couldn't back out now.

Laura eagerly sorted through the display, trying to find to a pair in her size. In the end she held up a package, and sadly said "I can't find any in my size. The smallest is this pair. But I'm afraid that it might be a size or two too big for me."

Still not willing to back out of my offer, I cheered Laura up by saying "Let's get them anyway. If it's too big you'll just have to wait until you grow into them."

I paid for our new clothes, and we headed towards the video rental store. As we were driving down the road, my common sense finally stepped in for a moment, and I felt the 'damage-control' need to say "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone that I bought you those underwear. They're a bit slinky, and I don't want to get into any trouble for getting them for you. OK?"

"OK," she responded, and I believed that she could indeed keep this our little secret.

Later that afternoon, after we got back to my apartment, we laid my new clothes out on the bed to admire them. After a few minutes of chatting about dresses, I self-indulgently asked her "Would you like to see my dress collection?"

"Yes, please," she responded excitedly.

We spent the next thirty minutes looking at my many dresses, and talking about what was nice about them, and about how well they fit (or did not fit) me. I even tried on a few of my nicer dresses for her to see, purposefully going into the bathroom each time to change.

At one point Laura said "Oh, I like this one," holding up a light brown dress with a pretty floral pattern on it, an elegant neckline, and graceful pleats around the waist.

"It is a pretty dress, isn't it?" I responded. "Too bad it's too small for me; I don't fit into it any more. … My breasts have grown too big for it," I added, sheepishly. "I've had it for years, and I should just get rid of it; but I like it too much."

Then I came up with the generous idea to have Laura try it on. "Why don't you try it on. It's probably too big for you. But try it anyway."

"Ooh, may I?" she responded excitedly.

"Sure, go on." Then against my better judgment I added "While you're at it, try on those new underwear to see if they fit."

I left Laura in my bedroom, and shut the door behind me to give her some privacy while she changed. A few minutes later she came out into the living room where I was sitting on the couch, waiting for her. The color and pattern of the dress suited her very well. They went nicely with her light complexion and her brown hair But the dress was certainly much too big for her: the hem reached all the way down to her toes, and was baggy on her more petite frame. I knew from earlier (when she had been wearing a T-shirt) that her breasts were starting to develop (even though they were still less than the size of small half peaches). But in this dress, you couldn't tell if she had any breasts at all.

We both laughed as I said "Looks great on you. … Except that it fits you like a potato sack!"

"Ya, it is kind'a loose," she smiled good-naturedly in return.

Then she added "And the panties are a little bit big, too."

With that, Laura surprised me immensely by hiking up the front of the dress and wrapping it around behind her so that I could see her new underwear. When I had suggested that she try on these new underwear I honestly had not intended that she show them to me. I had suggested it merely for her own purposes and interest. But here she now was, with the dress lifted aside and showing me the new, slinky panties that I had just bought her.

While the panties seemed to fit her gently flared thighs and round bum well, they were generally too big for her young body. Especially in the front. She was turning slightly as she showed me the underwear, and I was given a partial view through the loose leg hole of her panties. The view I had from the side was quite extensive, particularly since the loose panties were cut very high up her thighs. So what I saw was the full roundness of the front of her mons, as it gently arched down from her slightly round tummy to between her sensuous legs. Her mons was slightly puffy, and the skin was clearly bare, except a few very small peach hairs (but basically hairless). It was an exquisite view.

Still holding the dress up and back, Laura reached behind her bum and pulled the fabric of her panties backwards so that it rapped more snugly around her femininity. This hid her mons from view. But it didn't hide the shape of her mons, which was now distinct against the artificially stretched fabric. And her pulling on the panties now displayed the side of her round bum cheeks. Her bum was smooth, firm, and equally exquisite. As was her tummy, which peaked out alluringly from under the lifted fabric of the dress.

I'm sure that Laura showed me her new underwear innocently enough. But the view hit me hard, extremely hard. The voice in my head was setting off a siren, a klaxon, whooping out its warning at me. I forced myself to look up into Laura's eyes, and to keep my eyes on her eyes. "Uh, ya, they are little bit big for you. Oh, well, you'll just have to, um, grow into them, I guess," I stuttered to her.

I stood up and forced myself to say "Why don't you, uh, go and get changed back into your clothes so we can watch those movies."

"OK," she said, casually dropping the dress hem and leisurely heading back to my bedroom, as if nothing undue or illicit had just happened.

This is when I first consciously realized that I was starting to also develop a sensual, sexual attraction to Laura, in addition to my already strong 'emotional-love'. This took me by surprise, and it really scared me. It scared me far more than my earlier thoughts about my love going beyond good-friend love. Yes, by now I knew that I was in love with this girl. And yes, when I was young I fooled around a little with one of my girl friends (we called it 'practicing kissing for when we would be with boys', with a tiny bit of light petting through our clothes thrown in). But my ever more ingrained cultural taboos were glaring through here. I was a grown woman now. I was supposed to be sexually attracted to men – and I was. I wasn't supposed to be sexually attracted to other females. Especially girls that were under-aged like Laura! But I couldn't help but feel my deep love and affection for Laura developing into a slight but rapidly expanding sexual desire.

This desire deeply disturbed me, scared me, panicked me. So much so that right then and there I forcibly pushed back my love for Laura to 'good-friend', purposefully over-correcting in order to ensure that I was on the correct side of appropriateness. We watched the movies that afternoon, and had a great time together - but it was purposefully a 'platonic' good time. And I also held back to this 'good-friend' level of affection to Laura for many weeks. Laura would come to visit me or meet with me at least once each weekend, and occasionally early on weeknights when her mom was working late. But I kept my emotions solidly in check.

One little telling anecdote here, though: I have to admit that even though I resolved to (and did!) keep my emotions and desires in check, later during the evening of that momentous day I did display another sign of weakness. After Laura left, I spent over five minutes tightly hugging the light brown dress that she had tried on. Even more telling, at the same time I held her new panties (which I had had the sense of suggesting she leave behind at my place, at least until they fit properly) softly against my cheek. At one point I even went so far as to lightly sniff the panties to see if I could smell her (which I could, albeit only faintly). But then I forced myself to put them away, and to leave them away.

Chapter 4 – Kisses …
----------------------------- As I mentioned a moment ago, over the next several weeks Laura would came to visit me or meet with me at least once each weekend, and occasionally early on weeknights when her mom was working late. We had many great times together. Watching rented or theater movies (we took turns selecting the movies). Talking (oh, how we loved to chat with each other!). Playing games (I even taught her how to play backgammon, and she became very good at it). Going for leisurely walks in the park behind my apartment building. We even went to a couple of art exhibits. Yes, we had many wonderful days together, enjoying each other's company.

It was a couple of weeks later that we took to hugging whenever she arrived or was about to leave. These hugs were always affectionate (as you would expect from normal friends), but not sensual. But then one day, as Laura arrived for one of her visits, I gave her a light kiss on the side of her head, next to her ear, as we did our now customary 'hello hug'. I honestly hadn't intended to kiss her – it just happened automatically with no premeditation. As we pulled away from our hug she gave me a peculiar but curious look, but said nothing. I blushed a bit at the recognition of what I had just done, and then cursed at myself for my moment of weakness. With great difficulty, I acted as if nothing unusual had just happened, not wanting to add any weight to what I had done.

Interestingly, later that afternoon Laura gave me a little kiss on the side of my face as we hugged goodbye. It was a very quick one, and she turned away and ran out the door so quickly that I didn't have time to respond or to see her face so that I could judge her mood. I think she was smiling shyly – but I couldn't be sure. I sure thought about that kiss for the rest of the evening.

The next time Laura came over, she gave me another kiss on the side of my face. It was an affectionate kiss, and I quickly decided that I really liked it. She held our hug long enough for my resolve to break down as I responded with my own peck on the side of her face. As you now know, I was already very fond of this sweet young girl, and her signs of affection towards me made me even more fond of her. Now some emotional part of me convinced me (OK, I admit 'fooled me') that I could control myself, and these friendly 'hello' and 'goodbye' kisses became common place.

We also sometimes cuddled together on the couch as we watched movies. It was simply a very friendly and cozy thing to do (well, mainly just friendly and cozy).

One afternoon, after our movie ended, we just stayed there cuddled together on the couch. Laura turned towards me, curled up a bit, and put her head onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and she in turn wrapped her arm around my tummy and hugged me.

We sat there for many minutes, talking about her week in school. Sometimes she would look up at me when she was making some particular point. Her little face was so adorable that I had troubles actually paying attention to her words. Big brown eyes, thin eyebrows sweeping elegantly around those pretty eyes, pert little nose that is upturned just a tiny bit, slightly round little cheeks, thin but soft-looking lips, all framed by wisps of tousled brown hair. During one short lull in our chatting I couldn't resist – I bent my head over slightly and kissed the top of her head. To my pleasant surprise, she responded by hugging my tummy a bit tighter and by turning her head in towards my body a bit more and giving me a light kiss on the front of my shoulder. I hugged her a bit tighter myself.

We sat there quietly for several minutes. I desperately wanted to kiss her head again – but I didn't dare. Casual signs of affection were one thing. Kissing her again was another thing. I was afraid that I would be crossing the line. Hell, I was afraid that I had already crossed the line – but at least if Laura's mom (or worse, the police) came 'knocking' I could pass off my kisses so far as innocent affection.

Also, I didn't know how Laura would respond. Yes, she had returned much of my affection to date. But would she feel that I was getting too familiar, too intimate, if I kept kissing her head? I also didn't know if I could restrain myself. Right now I was feeling so fond of this wonderful girl that I was afraid that I would kiss her on her soft lips.

I forced myself to get up off the couch. It was the only way to control my aching affection. "Let's go make a pot of jasmine tea," I said to what was clearly a face that didn't want our embrace and cuddle to be interrupted. But the face cheered up when I added with a big smile "And I have some fresh strawberries. And whip cream!"

We had a very pleasant tea party. Good company. Good humor. Soothing tea. And succulent strawberries. The sight of her with whip cream on the tip of her nose and on her lips made me laugh even more, which also got her laughing and purposefully smearing whip cream all over her nose. It also made even more in love with her. I desperately wanted to kiss off the whip cream on her nose and lips – but I again controlled myself, and used my fingers and napkin instead.

I controlled myself that afternoon. I forced myself to maintain the 'proper' level of affection that we already had shown each other. I gave her a small hug around her shoulders as we cleaned up the kitchen, but nothing else until she was leaving a few minutes later. Our good bye hug was warm but controlled. We did kiss the side of each other's face, but the kiss was affectionate and purposefully not sensual. "Bye, Laura," I said as she headed down the hallway towards the elevator, waving her fingers sweetly at me over her shoulder. After shutting the door I gently stroked my hair where Laura had kissed me good bye, the warmth of her affection seeping through my heart.

* * *

Now I have a very distasteful confession to make: the following week I purposefully had sex with a guy (Ted) that I had been seeing off-and-on for several months now. My main reason for having sex with him was my hope that it would help me to get rid of the sexual feelings that I was starting to develop for Laura. But, it didn't work. Sure, the sex with Ted was satisfying – but even as I was enjoying the feel of his heat moving deep inside of me I was still affectionately thinking about Laura's sweet face. I was very quiet afterwards, lost in my own tormented thoughts. I don't think that Ted noticed my anguish, since I made up for my quietness with very affectionate hugs (and I wasn't about to tell him that part of the affection was for him, but most was actually for a young girl that he didn't even know). * * *

The next Sunday Laura came over heavily laden with homework. I had insisted that she could only keep coming over so often if her school marks didn't slip. And from the marks she proudly showed me on her exams and reports it was clear that she was doing well, and upholding her part of the agreement. But math was one subject at which she had problems. So I started to tutor her in math, and this weekend was a particularly busy study day (since she was coming up to final exams for the school year).

Part way through the afternoon she was getting fed up with math. "Can't we take a break for awhile?" she pleaded. "Let's go sit down on the couch, together," she continued saying as she started to get up and tried to push me out of my chair.

"Oh, no, you don't, young lady," I said firmly, as I quickly pushed her back towards her chair. "No breaks until we finish this section. … Only another twenty minutes and we'll be done"

She flopped back into her chair, and put on a cute little pout that was 1/3 real and 2/3s acting. "Oh, bummer!" she exclaimed in exaggerated displeasure.

I smiled and tweaked her cute little nose ever so gently. This made her smile back. "Now back to work," I instructed, as I got up to make us a fresh pot of tea.

Thirty minutes of light-hearted griping later she finally finished her homework, and we were sitting down on the couch. The fragrant herbal tea was very soothing, and the chocolate chip cookies were scrumptious and decadent. New age music was playing quietly in the background.

Laura put her empty cup down on its saucer on the table, grabbed another over-sized cookie, and shuffled over to cuddle up against me. We sat there silently for many minutes, our arms gently hugging each other, and our toes moving back and forth to the beat of the relaxing music.

Then, without warning, Laura surprised me immensely by turning towards me and saying "I love you, Tammy". This was quickly followed by a kiss on my cheek, right next to my lips. This time she didn't turn away – she kept looking in my eyes, unwaveringly waiting to see my reaction.

I stroked the side of her adorable face as I pondered what she had just said and done, brilliant fireworks of emotion going off in my head. She had used the word 'love', and she clearly meant it. It was the first time either of us had used the word with each other. We had both shown many signs of affection, but I hadn't dared to use the word. Now she was being far more open than I, the adult, had been able to muster. My deep love for her had been trying to burst out for some time. And now the love coming from my sweet young friend dissolved my resistance and pushed me over the edge; I was now officially a lost cause.

I leaned forward, kissed Laura gently and affectionately on the side of her forehead, and said "And I love you, too, sweetie. I love you so very much."

I wrapped my arms around her, and continued to kiss the side of her face. I kissed her tousled hair. I kissed her on her ear. I kissed her on the side of her sweet neck. I kissed her on her soft cheek. I slowly kissed my way towards her mouth. My kisses lingered longer and longer, and became more and more passionate. I couldn't stop myself.

Laura responded by kissing me back on my own cheek, her small lips feeling tender and warm against my skin. I held her round little chin in my fingertips, and turned her sweet face towards me. I hesitated a moment, and then I slowly leaned forward. As I was leaning forward I watched her wide-open eyes closely and intently. She didn't flinch at what I was obviously going to imminently do, so I wetted my lips with the tip of my tongue and then put them against her mouth, and slowly and gently kissed her lips. To my great relief, her lips responded by firmly pressing back and moving against mine. Her beautiful doe eyes closed in bliss , and I let myself close my own eyes and enjoy the intimacy. The flocks of butterflies in my tummy were going wild, and escaping to the rest of my body. And I suspect that the butterflies in Laura's tummy must have been doing major acrobatics of their own!

For over ten minutes I just used my lips to kiss Laura's tender lips and sweet face. Laura was clearly inexperienced at kissing, because her kisses were somewhat rough and mashing my lips. But she was certainly kissing back, and trying to copy what I was doing to her. I loved the sensation and intimacy of her kisses!

I then stuck the tip of my tongue out slightly, and started to gently trace the outline of her small, petite lips. Her eyes flew open at this new sensation, and for a moment I was afraid that I had scared her or done something that she was uncomfortable with. But she obviously quickly adapted, because she closed her eyes again and kept kissing me back.

After a few minutes of slow, tender kissing, I felt Laura's own tongue start to stick out and press back against my tongue. The feel of her small tongue and its pointy tip against my bigger, more rounded tongue felt wonderful. After a few more minutes of tender kissing I slowly pursued her tongue back into her mouth. I suspect that her eyes flew open again at this latest new sensation. Certainly I could hear and feel her gasp slightly. But my eyes were closed, and I was too caught up in the wondrous feel of her mouth against mine to bother opening my eyes. Soon her tongue was making tentative trips into my own mouth – not very deeply into my mouth at first, but certainly following my own tongue. I could feel her small body quiver lightly when I gently sucked on the length of her slender tongue, followed by gentle tugs on her petite but succulent lips.

As we were kissing I slowly lay back and pulled her on top of me. My hands ran up and down over her shoulders and arms. I wrapped my arms around her back and hugged her closely to me. One of my hands caressed the small of her back, moved over the smooth roundness of her bum, and touched the back and sides of her beautiful legs. The fingers of my other hand ran through her willowy hair. By now she was starting to squirm, and her hands were running through my hair and over my shoulders and face in return. Her lips kissed my whole face over and over and over again, at one point almost wildly and fervently.

We kissed and cuddled for over an hour. Towards the end it was more an intimate, loving cuddle than it was a kiss; but our embrace was still very passionate.

Yes, my tummy had a very warm feeling inside, and my clitoris and nipples were tingling with arousal. And yes, I wanted to undress Laura and make sensuous love to her. But I was enjoying myself so much just kissing and holding her that I was very content with the pleasure I was already having. Right now I didn't need any more than this. It was intoxicating enough.

And I also didn't want to cross that major intimacy line with Laura. At least not until I knew she was ready and willing. But I knew now that I would be willing to go over that illicit line if she was. 'Some other time, perhaps', I thought to myself, kissing her again, 'I hope.'

Chapter 5 - … And two peaches above …

Before Laura left that day I had a very serious talk with her about how she mustn't let anyone know about how close our friendship, our relationship, had become. I stressed to her how much trouble we would both be in (especially me), and how we wouldn't be able to see each other if anyone found out what we were doing. If she did get the urge to say anything about your friendship, would she please, please, please!! only tell people that we enjoyed watching movies and playing games together as friends? Laura understood, and I did trust her that our intimacy was ours alone.

Laura came to visit me three evenings that week! Granted, each time was only for an hour or so before she had to go racing home. But three times! Each time no sooner was the door to my apartment shut than her small arms were wrapped around my neck and she was kissing me madly. And each time I had to practically pick her up and carry her over to the couch. I'm not a very strong woman, so it was a good thing this sweet young girl was so small and light, and that she quickly learned to wrap her beautiful, agile legs around my waist as I carried her to the living room, where we would collapse onto the couch.

I loved holding and kissing Laura. And I knew from my own youth how excruciating passionate and sensuous those first kisses must be for her. Heck, these were hardly my first kisses, and I was finding them to be extremely intense and pleasurable. We both seemed to have an insatiable desire to kiss and hold each other, and both of us developed a radiant glow on our faces as we kissed. (**This left poor old Boots feeling a bit put out. He practically sulked when he didn't get his requisite cuddles and chin scratches because Laura and I were too busy kissing each other.**)

Laura arrived early on the following Saturday morning, just like I thought she might. I plodded with sleepy eyes to the door to let her in, but then plodded right back to bed before she had a chance to waylay me. "Hi, sweetheart. Come in. But I'm going back to bed for awhile; it's much too early for me to get up."

She followed me back to the bedroom, and I wasn't surprised when I felt her crawl under the blankets and cuddle up next to me. She lovingly wrapped an arm around me, and lay there quietly. Within a couple of minutes I was soundly sleeping again.

She let me sleep for about thirty minutes. But I guess that was the limit of her youthful self-control, because through my sleepiness I could feel her starting to softly rub my tummy and kiss my shoulder. The tummy rub felt particularly pleasant and luxurious, and after several minutes of this I started to stir slightly. She must have felt me stir, because almost instantly she was passionately kissing my face, and then my lips. She did most of the kissing for the next ten minutes; I just lay there taking it all in. I then started to kiss her back; she took this as a sign to lie on top of me and cuddle me even closer.

As much as I enjoyed it, I decided that we weren't going to spend the whole day kissing. So I only let her cuddle and kiss for another twenty minutes before I said "Pancakes. I want some of your delicious pancakes. And then we've got some work and shopping to do."

"What for?" she asked.

"First some spring cleaning," I said, reluctant but accepting of this necessity.

"Oh, yuck," she said lightly.

"And then some grocery shopping."


"And then shopping for some clothes for me. And maybe even for you. … IF you behave!"

"At your service, ma'am. How many pancakes would you like?" she said with a big smile, eagerly hopping out of bed.

Chores went by mercifully quickly, and within a couple of hours we were happily wandering through several clothing stores at a downtown mall. At a discount store we found several casual blouses and a pair of jeans for me. We also found a dress for Laura (which I particularly liked), and a halter-top and shorts set (which Laura particularly liked, not surprisingly for a young developing girl).

In another store, I also picked up a two-piece satin lingerie nightie and panty set with lace panels for myself. Laura was busy in the music store when I picked up the lingerie, and later wanted me to pull out my purchase so she could see what I had bought. I told her "No way, Jose. I'm not pulling them out in public. Maybe I'll let you see them later."

We shopped for a few hours before we headed home. We dropped off our purchases in my apartment, and then immediately left again to go feed the ducks in the park behind my apartment building. It was a beautiful late spring day; sunny and warm, multitudes of gorgeous flowers bursting out everywhere, and the grass and trees all a brilliant shade of new-growth green. It was a wonderful time to be outside, wandering through the park.

Later, when we finally got back to my apartment, Laura wanted to know what I had bought that she hadn't been allowed to see yet. I gave in, and agreed to show her. She followed me into my bedroom, where we had put our shopping bags.

I jokingly pulled out the jeans that I had bought, and said "This is what I bought".

"Hey, you know I already saw that!" she exclaimed in mock indignation. "What's in the OTHER bag."

"Oh, that bag," I said with a smile. "This, …" I said "… and this," holding up the two pieces of the lace lingerie nightie.

"Wow," she said, enviously, "I love 'em. They look great. … I bet they'll look really hot on you."

"Ya, they probably will." I chatted with her about how pleasant lingerie is to wear. How special they made me feel, and how this made me feel better about myself. Typical girl-girl talk, really.

Then I turned my attention to Laura. "Now, let's see your clothes again," I said.

She happily pulled out her new acquisitions, and held them up for me to see and hold.

"Go on, try them on again for me," I said.

She took them back, then hesitated as she thought about where to change. I made no move to leave, and she decided that she was comfortable being in front of me. This was good, because by this point I wanted her to be comfortable changing in front of me. I suspect that at this point she was probably feeling that this wasn't much different from changing in the girls' gym locker room at school. But I also suspect that there was so much intimacy between us that it was inevitable that she would feel at least a tiny bit of sexual tension as she changed in front of me.

Laura undid her jeans, and slipped them to the floor. Her panties were white cotton undies, with colorful little bees and birds. The looked very pretty on her, and nicely outlined the shape of her pudendum. Her legs were nicely proportioned, and she had just a little bit of budding hip development. I also noticed the delicate roundness of her cute knees; I know this is a funny thing to notice, but they ARE cute. Next she undid the buttons of her shirt, and dropped the shirt to the ground. She was wearing a camisole-style top in the same fabric pattern as her panties. It was not a bra, but it was form fitting. So I could make out the gentle mounds that her budding breasts made. The camisole reached down to just above her belly button, which formed a pleasant dimple on her slightly rounded tummy. I started to get that familiar, delicious tingling rippling through my body as I stood there admiring her.

"Try on the dress first," I requested.

She pulled her new light blue denim dress on over her head. The sleeves reached down past to her elbows, but the hem was fairly short, only reaching down to midway to those cute knees. The tapered waist pleasingly accentuated her developing hips. It looked very appropriate for a casual summer day in the park.

"I like it," I said, truthfully.

"Me too."

After Laura had modeled this new dress for me for a few minutes, I asked "May I see you in the other outfit now?"

"Sure," she responded happily. She quickly pulled off the denim dress, and then pulled on her new shorts and the halter-top.

I had to laugh. The camisole top she was wearing reached down lower than the halter-top. It looked ridiculous. "I'm afraid your camisole looks very out of place," I said with a humored lilt in my voice.

She tried to tuck the camisole up under the halter-top, but this didn't work. I laughed some more. "Nope. Still doesn't work. You'll have to wear the top without your camisole underneath."

She nodded her head in agreement, and pulled the halter top off. The camisole almost came off with it. 'What a beautiful belly' I thought to myself, as I again admired her beautifully shaped, ever so slightly round belly. She hesitated when it came time to pull off the camisole-bra. "Do you want me to leave the room," I offered.

I half expected her to say yes, but she instead seemed to get the resolve to force herself to say "No, that's ok." She timidly pulled off the camisole-bra, and I was treated to my first ever view of her beautiful developing breasts. They were small, but wonderfully shaped and jutting outwards slightly. 'Not much more than puffy pubescent development' I thought to myself, 'but certainly on their way'. Her nipples were very small, and her pale areolas were slightly larger than the size of a nickel. I was hit by a major tingle as I watched her, and I could feel my own nipples begin to respond to the sight.

She unceremoniously discarded her camisole onto the floor, and shyly and self-consciously quickly pulled the halter top back on. It fit her snuggly, and I complimented her on how great it looked on her.

After a few minutes of admiring her new clothes in front of my full-sized wall mirror, Laura insisted that I try on my own new dress. I promptly dropped my pants and then my shirt to the floor. I was about to pull on the dress when I had the naughty idea of going bra-less, as I sometimes do when I'm wearing summer dresses during the stifling heat of mid-summer. So in front of her wide eyes, I turned my back to her (although not completely), unclasped my bra, threw it onto the bed, and (after a short but purposeful delay) pulled on the dress.

It took a moment for Laura to get her tongue back, but then she complimented me on how well the dress fit me.

I thanked her, and stood in front of the mirror to do my own admiring.

After a few minutes of this modeling, I said "Let's go get some lemonade. … No, don't get changed. Just leave your new clothes on."

We settled down in the living room, and had a pleasant game of backgammon. After the game was over, Laura didn't waste any time in cuddling up to me. I actually suspect that she purposefully lost the game just so we could get it over with so that she could cuddle up to me sooner.

So within a minute of finishing the game we were busy kissing and hugging. As I was kissing her sweet face and delectable lips, my hands roamed over her slender arms, back, and legs. I spent much time touching the exposed skin of her back between the end of the halter top and the start of her shorts, letting my fingers run down the little hollow in the small of her back. I also caressed the warm skin of her legs immediately below where the shorts ended on her round bum. I can still vividly remember how wonderful it felt to hold Laura so closely to me, and to touch the soft, silky skin on her back and legs.

Intriguingly, later, during one short break in our kissing, she looked down enviously at my breasts, and said "I wish my boobies were like yours, Tam. Mine are too small. I think yours are much prettier."

"Sweetie, you've got beautiful breasts. I think you look just fine with them the way they are. Besides, they're already growing, and soon they'll be even bigger," I reassured her.

She clinically poked at her own breasts with her fingertips for a moment, totally unconvinced.

I added "And they're so wonderfully firm right now. Certainly firmer than mine" (although mine aren't too soft, either). I pushed against my own breasts with my fingers. "Go on … feel the difference," I said, although my inner voice was adamantly saying 'NO! Don't tell her to do that!'

"I'm allowed to? Really?" she asked.

"Sure," I responded. The inner voice was now bellowing 'NO! NO! NO!', but I wasn't listening to it. I could almost hear myself belligerently saying 'La la la la, I can't hear you!' to that much wiser inner voice. Laura inquisitively pushed gently against the side of my breasts with her small fingertips. Then she said "I still prefer your boobs."

I responded by saying "And I still love yours," as I reached over and gave her right breast a quick and purposeful fondle. This got an "Eek!" out of her.

I laughed, and we returned to hugging. We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and playing games, until I finally had to 'chase' Laura out because it was getting late.

* * *

The next morning Laura was at the door bright and early, again – unfortunately for me, it was now a Sunday, and I like to sleep in even more on Sundays. I suppose that I should have suspected that she would be back so soon. But I hadn't, and had worn my new lingerie-nightie to bed on Saturday night. So this is what I was wearing when I opened the door. I peaked around the edge of the door, and said "Hi, love. Come in."

Even in my groggy state I could tell that she was looking more at my skimpy outfit than my face once she was in my apartment, and the door shut behind her. She looked up only long enough for me to give her a 'hello kiss'.

Then I mumbled "I'm definitely going back to bed. And this time you have to let me sleep for at least an hour."

"OK," she answered, as I stumbled back to bed.

Not surprisingly, she again crawled into bed with me. Boots got up from his 'nest' next to my feet, stretched lazily with a little mewing 'morning groan', and then disrespectfully stomped across my body towards Laura's purr-inducing fingertips. I affectionately draped my arm over my sweetie's tummy, and was soon fast asleep again. She did let me sleep for over an hour.

What happened next was definitely of Laura's instigation. Through my sleepiness I could feel her lifting up the sheet to admire the new lingerie I was wearing. This was fine with me, and I didn't react to it. Then after a few minutes I could feel small fingertips lightly pushing against the sides of my breasts. Evidently she thought that I was too solidly asleep to know what she was up to. She would experimentally and curiously touch me for a bit, stop, I think touch herself for a moment (judging by the sound of movement against fabric), and then touch me again.

I let her continue on for several minutes, pretending to still be asleep (which wasn't hard to do, since I largely still was). And then I unintentionally gave her a major shock when I said "I still think that you've got wonderful breasts, just the way they are."

Laura's hand flew away from my breasts, the sheet dropped back down, and she stammered "I … I… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been touching you."

I partially opened my sleepy eyes and looked at her. She was clearly embarrassed at being caught; her pretty face was turning a bright pink blush. I smiled, reached over to lovingly stroke the side of her pretty face, and said "That's OK, dear. I don't mind."

I continued to reassure her, and to stroke her face, for several minutes, until she had calmed down again. "Put your fingers back on my breast. Go on, it's OK. That's it. Now this time don't just poke with your fingers. Give my breast a gentle squeeze. Ya, that's it. Oops, not so hard. There, that's better."

She seemed to be very intrigued with the sensation of touching me.

"Feels kind of funny, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Ya. Soft and firm at the same time."

"Honey, is it OK with you if I touched your pretty breasts, too?" I asked hopefully, a minute or two later.

"Ya, I guess so. If you want to," she answered, uncertainly but willingly.

"Are you sure?"


With that, Laura lifted and moved her young body a bit closer to mine. I reached over and gently cupped her small right jutting peach mound in my hand, easily covering her entire breast. I slowly moved my palm from side to side, feeling the firm swell of her breast against my hand. I squeezed ever so gently. I then moved my hand to her left peach mound, and did the same. The cotton of her T-shirt was very soft, and through it I could feel that she was wearing some sort of a bra/camisole that reached down to her midriff. As I touched her I complimented her on how nicely shaped her breasts were, and how well they were developing, stoking her self esteem.

After several minutes of alternating between breasts, I could feel both of Laura's nipples starting to extend. She gasped slightly as I gently held and rubbed each nipple between my finger tips, one at a time. I remember how tender my nipples were when I was going through puberty, so I made sure that my fondles were very gentle and fleeting.

After a few minutes of this I stopped, and asked her "Feels wonderful doesn't it?"


"I love when my breasts are being fondled. It makes my nipples stick way out, too. Just like yours are," I said.

Changing directions, I said "Now come here my beautiful friend. I don't want to get up yet, and I need a kiss and a big hug." She happily came wiggling across the bed to lie on top of me under the blanket. Her soft, delicate lips inundated me with affectionate kisses.

We had a leisurely morning. We didn't get out of bed for at least another forty minutes, and when we finally did I lazily pulled on a housecoat but didn't bother changing out of my lingerie. We had a casual, extended breakfast, and took our time cleaning up the kitchen. Even our morning game of backgammon proceeded at a slow, leisurely pace.

Much later, I was back in the bedroom putting away my clothes from the prior day and trying to decide what to wear today when Laura came up behind me and hugged me tightly around my hips from behind. I stopped what I was doing, and ran one hand over the arms wrapped around me so lovingly, and reached back around us both to run my other hand over the small of her back and the top of her round bum.

We stood like that for a full minute, basking in the warmness of our mutual affection. I sensed that Laura wanted to say something; but I wasn't sure what it was so I just continued to lovingly stroke her arms and back.

"Tammy …," she eventually said, hesitantly, "… would it be OK with you if we lay down in bed again. What I mean is, would it be OK with you if, um, you touched my boobies again? I really liked how you touched me this morning."

I slowly turned around in Laura's embracing arms. I reached up and lovingly held both sides of her adorable face in my hands. Then I said "I would love nothing better". Then I kissed her. The nervousness of wrestling with her own feelings and asking to be touched quickly faded from Laura's face.

Taking her small hand, I led Laura over to my still-unmade bed. I had her lie down on her back, and crawled into bed beside her. I pulled a sheet over us, to make us feel cozier.

I didn't start by immediately groping Laura's breasts. In fact, for many minutes I didn't touch her breasts at all. I've never liked it when my breasts are just grabbed and manhandled with no buildup. So, instead, we started by affectionately kissing and hugging just like we often now did when she was visiting.

Slowly I let my hands wander over her arms and then belly and sides. Occasionally my hands would wander over her thighs and down her smooth legs. During my forays my hands started to move closer and closer to her breasts. Through the fabric of her T-shirt I started to outline her petite breasts with my fingertips, and eventually caressing them as well. Then I'd move my hands away. Many kisses of her face and neck. Followed by more outlining and caressing. Laura was clearly starting to become enthralled with the sensations coming from her breasts, because she was now too preoccupied to kiss me back as earnestly as she had been.

A small shiver of excitement coursed noticeably through Laura's body when I first gently pulled on one of her slender nipples with my fingertips. I backed off, and gently cupped one of her small mounds with the palm of my hand. Then a few more gentle pulls on both of her nipples. Each time I would let the nipple slip through the fabric of her T-shirt and bra. A firm cupping of her breasts, and gentle squeezing. Then completely away from her breasts for a few minutes, before once again returning.

I was having a wonderful time touching my sweet friend's small tits, and making them feel good for her. And Laura was clearly enjoying my touches. Her eyes were now closed, and there was a slight smile of pleasure on her face. Several times she quietly let out an 'ooh' or 'hmm'. Her breathing had become a bit more labored, and her face had become slightly flushed. And even through the fabric of her top I could see that her nipples had become very erect. I loved her so much, and it made me so happy to be able to give her such pleasure, as illicit as I knew it was.

Using the fingertips of both hands, I clasped the material of her shirt and slowly moved the fabric back and forth across her protruding nipples. Then I got brave and pulled the bottom of her T-shirt out from her shorts. Putting my fingers under the bottom edge of her shirt, I slowly pushed my way under the fabric, and slid one of my hands over her smooth, firm tummy and up towards her breasts.

She actively moved her torso so that her breasts moved down to meet my invading hand. I ran my thumb up one edge of her bra-covered breasts, and my fingers up the far edge of her small tit. I gently fondled and squeezed her peach mound, being careful to not yet touch her nipple. Then I slid my fingers over to her other breast, and repeated my ministrations for several minutes.

I moved my body so that I could kneel beside her, facing her. This allowed me to slip my other hand under her T-shirt and up to her now abandoned other breast. But again, I purposefully made sure that I didn't touch her nipple. I wanted to tease her to deeper and deeper pleasure. Several times I could feel her move her body as she tried to make my fingers come into contact with her nipples. But I was onto her, and moved with her body.

By now I had been kissing and sensuously caressing my sweet love for over thirty minutes. It was time to go to the next level, I decided. I was pretty sure Laura was ready and willing for more. I moved my fingers underneath the edge of her bra/camisole, and leveraged both her bra and T-shirt upwards until they rested above her now fully exposed breasts.

Ooh what a beautiful sight! I'm not sure that I can do justice to their splendor with words, but let me try anyway. Her petite young breasts were protruding out from her chest. They weren't very big, yet. The outside edges of each breast had a diameter of only about three inches across, about the diameter of a peach. And they only extended out about 2/3rds of an inch, particularly in the center.

And those nipples! Wonders to behold! They had become fully engorged in arousal, and their firmness stuck out almost a third of an inch. They were upturned ever so slightly in a very perky way. They weren't very wide; not much bigger than pencil erasers. But those little nubbins certainly stuck way out! The areolas around them were about the diameter of a nickel, and slightly swollen with arousal. They were a very pale brown (almost a bit rosy), and slightly lighter than her nipples. They had also become slightly puckered from Laura's high state of arousal.

The over all effect was that her adolescent breasts looked like they were small peaches, topped in the center by small, swollen areolas and nipples that were jutting out in arousal.

"You have the most beautiful breasts that I've ever seen," I couldn't help but exclaim. To me, these developing pubescent breasts were.

Laura smiled, bashfully, and instinctively tried to cover her small breasts with her hands. But I pulled her small hands aside, and lay them at her side, not willing to let my view of her alluring young breasts to be blocked.

I put my fingertips back on the sides of her breasts. "And they feel absolutely wonderful to touch," I added. Her breasts were as firm as just-ripened peaches, compared to my own breasts, which felt more like slightly over-ripe peaches.

As I touched her, Laura would periodically make eye contact with me, but each time it would suddenly be broken by an intrusion of bashfulness. This bashfulness actually made me smile in humor at my young friend's shyness about sexual matters.

I let my fingers trace the outline of her breasts. Then I fleetingly ran my fingers tips over her erect nipples. This made her sigh softly and arch her back upwards. I did it again. Waited. Then did it again. By now she was starting to squirm very actively. I pulled her T-shirt off over her head, since it kept sliding down into my way, but left her camisole-bra strung up across the top of her chest above her breasts.

Next, I put my hands completely over Laura's small breasts, and cupped them gently. I could feel her nipples pushing against the palm of my hands. I moved my hands in small circles over her breasts, just barely putting on any pressure. After a moment I increased the pressure slightly, and made her nipples rock back and forth. Careful to not put too much more pressure on her sensitive nipples, I then used my fingertips to squeeze the front of her breasts just outside her areolas, and gently pulled on her skin so that her entire areolas and nipples were tugged out ever so slightly.

This really got Laura squirming and moaning! Her whole body was starting to rock from side to side. Her legs didn't want to stay still; her knees were alternately moving up and down, and then squeezing together. Her fingers were tightly grasping the sheet under her. Her bum was lifting off of the bed. I squeezed the outside of her areolas again, and my gentle tug got her squirming and moaning even more.

I moved one of my hands down to lovingly rub her belly, eventually letting my hand come to rest on one of her slightly protruding hip bones. Leaning forward, I kissed first her left nipple, and then her right nipple. Then I gently wrapped my widely spread mouth around most of her small right breast. As I inhaled her breast past my lips I started to flick her nipple with my tongue.

This completely new and surprising sensation was apparently all Laura needed at this point. Suddenly she was squirming uncontrollably. Then her whole body started to convulse and spasm as she entered the throws of what I immediately recognized must be an orgasm. She had no voice; all she could do was emit a loud "hooh, hooh, hooh, ooh, oohooh, hoohhoh!" as she hyperventilated.

I continued to kiss and caress her breasts as she climaxed. But I very quickly backed off on the pressure and touching of her nipples as she started to come down; I know how sensitive my own nipples are when I climax, even now that I'm well past puberty. I kissed and stroked her lovingly all over her tummy, arms, and face as she continued to come down.

As I embraced and kissed my sweetheart I marveled at what had just happened. Yes, I had been trying hard to make Laura feel good with my touches. But I hadn't realized that my touching her breasts and nipples would push her over the edge like this. I was pleasantly intrigued that Laura could become so aroused that she would climax even without me touching her genitally. I later concluded that she must have had her thighs tightly clasped together as I was touching her breasts, and that this clasping had been enough stimulation of her genitals to push her over the edge.

Laura slowly came down. At first she just lay there recovering, enjoying the warm afterglow.

Then Laura started to come to her senses, and to my consternation she became immensely and worryingly distressed. "I.. I.. I'm sorry. I.. I .. don't know what happened. I'm sorry," She blurted out.

I quickly hugged her closely and caressed her face reassuringly. "Honey, honey, honey. It's OK. It's OK. Relax. What happened is what was supposed to happen. You climaxed. Your body is supposed to do that. That's what a woman's body does when she's enjoying being touched. It's OK. Really, honey."

Then she became aware of another sensation. Her hand flew down to her crotch in panic. "Oh, no. I wet myself. I peed my pants!" she practically cried.

I lifted the sheet and moved her hand aside, and looked down at her shorts. They looked completely dry, and I quickly deduced what was going on. "No, no, no, honey. You didn't pee. Your panties must just be very moist from being so aroused. That's normal, too."

Laura's great distress made me a very mad at myself. In immediate hindsight, I remembered my own first real orgasm (at the hands of a wonderful much older man – a story in itself), and how the unfamiliar sensations in my body scared me silly as I started to climax. I should have been thinking more about what Laura was going through, and been more proactive in preparing her emotionally for this.

I spent the next long while talking my sweetie down and reassuring her. We talked about what had happened, and I did manage to convince her that what had just happened to her was perfectly normal and acceptable. She admitted that she had climaxed before while touching herself; but that it had been nowhere near as intense as what she had just experienced. We talked about how wonderful the sensation could be. About how it was desirable part of enjoying one's body and sexuality.

Eventually she even started to ask me questions. "Do you feel the same way when you're touched."

"Yes. But usually I need my clitoris and vagina to be touched before I actually cum. Climax, I mean. Your body must have been really enjoying being touched to have climaxed from my just touching your breasts."

We lay there, just holding each other. "My cunny is still tingling," she noted, bashfully, a few minutes later.

"I'm not surprised. Feels beautiful, doesn't it," I responded.


A minute or so later she said "Thanks, Tammy," and hugged me even more closely.

I lovingly kissed her forehead, and responded "And thank you, honey. You wouldn't believe how very happy you've made me by being so aroused by my touches."

We spent the ten minutes just hugging, not saying another word.

However, after many weeks of feeling aroused by this wondrous nymphet, I felt a desperate need in the pit of my tummy to satisfy myself. "Honey, remember how a few minutes ago we were talking about how you had touched yourself before?" I finally asked.

"Uh, huh," she answered bashfully, blushing a bit at having admitted to touching herself.

"Is it ok with you if I do that to myself, right now. I'm feeling really aroused, and I want to touch myself," I asked, watching her face carefully to see her reaction.

Laura blushed a bit more at my question. "Uh, sure, that's ok."

She started to get up off of the bed. I realized right away that she thought that what I meant was that I wanted some privacy, just like she would want if she were going to touch herself.

I quickly held onto the side of her slim arm, and said "Oh, no, you don't have to leave, honey. I'd really like it if you stayed. You are so beautiful to look at. It would mean a lot to me if I could see you while I touch myself."

She settled back onto the bed. "You want to look at me while you touch yourself? Really? Cool! I've never done that with anyone before. Not even with Sally, …" (a good friend of Laura's from school, whom I had heard much about), "… OK, I'll stay. … This is, like, so far out!" she bubbled. I love it when she bubbles.

"Thank you, honey."

I lay down on my back, propped up by several pillows. I undid the belt of my housecoat, and pulled it aside. My nipples were pushing out through the fabric of my lingerie top, and you could see them through the diaphanous lace. My panties were clinging to my bottom, already damp from my own arousal.

I felt a bit self-conscious about touching myself in front of Laura, but I was mature enough to push this self-consciousness aside. Besides, I was so aroused that I really wanted to do this.

I started by rubbing my nipples through my lingerie. I noted to Laura how much my nipples were already sticking out. "Touching you made me very aroused".

Running my hand up under the loose fabric of my top, I started to caress my tingling nipples directly. "Hmm," I sighed lightly.

My other hand migrated down to the front of my lingerie panties. I cupped my pudendum through the light fabric of the panties, and started to slowly squeeze myself. I was very aroused, and my panties were soon even damper as I rubbed my juices onto the panties.

When I first started touching my genitals I told Laura how wonderful it was to touch one's self. For the next several minutes, as I continued to touch myself, we talked about how masturbating could be a sensuous part of a woman's sex life. I also extended the concept to Laura herself, by talking about how masturbation could play an important role in the development of a girl's sexuality. Laura was intrigued by the whole concept, and took it all in with great interest.

Soon, however, I was feeling far too aroused to carry on talking. My words became further apart, and then stopped all together. I slipped the fingers of my hand under the waistband of my panties, and down to my tingling clit and warm labia lips. Laura sat up on her knees so that she could better see the movements of my hands through the sheer fabric of my panties. She was clearly enthralled watching what I was doing. My head was starting to collapse into the pillows, so her kneeling also raised her body enough to give me a continued view of her pretty face and of her delectable breasts.

My climax came about ten minutes later. It was no where near as intense as Laura's, but it still felt wonderful with slow onset, and deep, deep, contractions. I could feel a very warm sensation in my tummy as I came down, opening my eyes again to see Laura's beautiful face smiling happily at me. I took my other hand away from my breast, and beckoningly extended it to Laura. She wrapped herself in my arm and lay down next to me. Her kisses felt so warm on my cheek.

Chapter 6 - … And a smooth peach below.

Eventually we did get out of bed. I had Laura go into the bathroom and remove her wet panties so that I could hand wash them. I could hear her running some warm water, and washing herself. I knocked on the door, and handed her one of my over-sized T-shirts to wear. She shyly opened the door a fraction, and I caught a quick flash of her alluring back and nubile young bum in the bathroom mirror. Oh, what a sensuous sight that was!

When Laura came out a few minutes later I had to smile at the sight – my T-shirt came well down her thighs, and looked like a baggy dress on her small body. She came into the kitchen and sat on a chair as I washed her panties. She tightly tucked the excess material of the T-shirt between her legs, to hide her bareness. Her lovely little knees poked out from below the bottom of the T-shirt.

We had a leisurely cup of tea and cookies, and watched a little bit of TV. About an hour later, while she was still watching TV, I went to my bedroom and got changed into my daytime clothes. I picked up Laura's T-shirt from the bedroom, her shorts from the bathroom, and her panties from the kitchen chair where I had hung them. The panties were still slightly damp from the washing, but at least they were clean.

I brought her clothes to the living room, and said "Time to get dressed, honey. I want to go to the park for a walk while it's still warm out."

She stood up as I passed her her panties. She pulled on her panties first, timidly being sure that as she put on the panties the fabric of her shirt didn't lift and expose her bareness. Then I passed her her T-shirt. She pulled off the shirt I had given her to wear. She had repositioned her bra in the bathroom earlier, I guess, so her breasts were now fully covered. She was about to pull on her own shirt when I stopped her, saying "Hold on. I want to look at you for a moment. I hope you don't mind, but I love the way you look in your underwear."

"You like looking at me in underwear? Really?" She asked, naively looking a bit surprised, but also quickly looking intrigued by the idea.

"Oh, most certainly. You have a beautiful body, and you look so sensuous in your underwear."

She smiled brightly at this, and stood there obligingly as I walked around her to admire the sight of this buddy young girl in her underwear. I also noticed, for the first time, that her alluring young tummy was covered with a barely visible fine down. "Beautiful," I said, as I absentmindedly handed her jeans to her. Then we wandered off to the park for the rest of the afternoon.

* * *

I didn't see Laura during the work/school week that week. As desperately as I wanted to see her (and I suspect her me), we both had too much to do that week. I had several important audits that I needed to finalize. And she had reports and exams to write for school. She did phone me twice during the week to try talking me into letting her come for a visit, claiming that her studying would go well anyway. But I kept a firm line and insisted that we stay focussed on our respective tasks.

On the next Saturday, sure enough, she was there bright and early. But this time I was already up in anticipation of her arrival, and had a special breakfast prepared for us. We had a pleasant time nibbling away at our eggs benedict and sipping our rose-hip herbal tea. We talked about how our respective week had gone. It sounded like Laura's exams were going well, and she had received an 'A' for an English report. "Wonderful!" I said, raising my teacup in salute.

After breakfast I got up to start putting away the dirty dishes. I had several things (platonic and otherwise) planned for the day, and it was time to get the show on the road. As I deposited the second handful of dishes in the sink, Laura said "Hey, Tammy."

I turned around. Laura was standing there next to the dining table. The front of her dress was undone, and she had parted the dress in the front. Underneath her dress she was wearing a pair of white panties, and a slim white bra. I could just make out a matching faint baby-blue flower pattern on both.

"Thought you might like looking at my underwear," she said, mischievously.

"Now that does look beautiful," I replied, appreciatively.

I took in the sensuous view of Laura flashing me her underwear. I moved forward, and pulled the front of her dress further apart. She smiled happily as I did this.

After admiring her underwear for a moment, I felt mischievous myself and said "Well, we don't want this beautiful dress to get dirty while we're doing dishes, now do we? So I think you should take it off while we clean up." Laura was all too willing to let me slip her dress off.

For the next thirty minutes I was treated to Laura walking (traipsing, is more like it!) around my apartment in just her bra, panties, and ankle socks. A bra really wasn't needed for such petite breasts (beyond reasons of modesty), but it certainly helped to accentuate her developing body. The bra clung snuggly against the sides of her twin peaches, and pleasantly showed their slightly upturned shape. Her panties were slightly baggier, but they still outlined her fetching mons in the front, and her attractively rounded bum behind. Both the bra and the panties were made of cotton, and were a matched set with the same fabric, the same slight ribbing pattern, and those pretty baby-blue flower patterns. What I found equally enticing to her bra and panties was what they framed front and back: in the front, her alluring tummy with its faint covering of down; and in the back, the gentle sweep of her spine and the hollow of the small of her back. Also, her white socks looked out-of-place with the underwear; but they were out-of-place in a combination 'cute' and 'sensuous' way.

After cleaning up the kitchen (which I ended up doing mainly by myself, since Laura was busy traipsing around being an underwear-exhibitionist for me), and having a final cup of tea, I held out her dress to her and declared "Time to get dressed, kid. We've got some grocery shopping to do."

"Oh, no!" Laura moaned out, "I don't want to go grocery shopping. I want to stay here." What she clearly meant was that she wanted to stay walking around in her underwear.

But I stuck to my guns, saying "And _I_ want to go out before it gets busy and all the specials are sold out. … Besides, that way we can relax this afternoon, without any interruptions," I added, invitingly.

She begrudgingly agreed. I helped her do up the buttons of her pretty floral dress, and then off we went.

Two hours later we were back. This time I took the initiative. As soon as the groceries were put away I went up to Laura, and to her surprise and great pleasure I said "Now, where were we," as I undid the buttons on the front of her dress, one at a time, with studied slowness. I pulled the dress open, but not off, and admired her bra, her tummy, her panties, her legs. "There, that's much better."

"Now, go put on some music for us. I want you to dance for me"

Laura giggled a bit, and ran off towards the living room, her dress flowing behind her. She fiddled with the radio dial for a moment, and found a station with music that she liked.

After plugging in the kettle, I moved into the living room and sat down on the couch. Laura was already dancing to the music. Actually, bouncing boisterously was more like it. But in my eyes she was beautiful, no matter what she was doing. I was simply happy that she was so happy. Boots, on the other hand, clearly thought Laura was daft - he went stomping off to the bedroom, his tail twitching petulantly.

I let Laura do her own thing for several songs, taking my eyes off her only long enough to go unplug the kettle and make a fresh pot of tea. Her dress was still partly ajar, and I was treated to several views of her underwear-clad young body swaying and sashaying in front of me. Then a slow song came on, and she started moving slowly to the beat.

I was enjoying the sensuousness of the moment, and my enjoyment emboldened me enough to daringly make a partially artistic and partially erotic request of Laura. "Honey, swing your dress back and forth to the music as you dance. And let it come open more."

She smiled, and happily did as I asked. The following song was also a slow song, and she continued to dance for me. During one movement her dress slipped off of her shoulders. She bent her arms to keep it from slipping off any further, but didn't pull it back up. This made her look so incredibly sensuous that it made my tummy tingle with warmth. She continued like this for the rest of the song, letting the dress slip down bit by bit until it was hanging almost down to her waist. I don't think Laura was intentionally being erotic, but this certainly was the effect.

The next song to come on the radio was much more lively, and she dropped the dress to the ground. Smiling, she started to bounce and gyrate to the heavy beat. I smiled and laughed with her.

When this lively song ended, and a commercial came on, Laura was standing only a few feet in front of me, breathing heavily from her exertion. She was facing away from me, and I had a nice view of her graceful, sweeping back, and of her tender bum, and of her beautiful legs with their intriguing dimples behind her knees. Her panties had crept into her bum crack with all of her gyrations. She grasped the bottom edge of her panties with her fingertips, and pulled them back down over her bum cheeks.

I reached forward and rested one hand on her hip; she lovingly covered my hand with her own. "Come closer, honey," I said in a quiet voice. "I want to take a closer look at your pretty underwear."

She backed towards me.

I touched the side of her baby-blue flower pattern panties with both my hands, and used my hands to caress her thighs as I admired her bum. Her bum looked so firm and round in her panties.

"These panties hug your bum so well," I said. I moved my hands to cup the enticing roundness of her small globe-shaped bum cheeks. They were firm and round and oh so wonderful to touch.

I moved my hands back to the soft skin of her thighs, and gently guided her to turn around to face me. I sat there in awe, looking at how the petite bra clung to her tiny breasts. Standing up, I touched the top of one of her bra cups, and bravely asked "May I have a peek inside?"

"Uh huh," she nodded, smiling.

I pulled the fabric away from one of her breasts, looked in, and said "Oh, beautiful, Laura". I bent down and gave the top of her breast a kiss.

Then I looked into the cup of her other breast. "Good afternoon, other pretty breast," I said, playfully. This made her giggle. I bent down again, and gave the top of this breast a kiss too.

I knelt down in front of her, and took my first real close look at her alluring tummy. The fine down on her tummy was (is!) reason enough to love the look of her tummy – this down was pale, less than an eighth of an inch in length, and so fine that it just about disappeared from sight as her tummy and chest moved in and out as she breathed heavily, still catching her breath after her dancing. My eyes did a quick scan of the rest of Laura's body, and I could just make out a similar fine down on her arms, but not on her legs. What I also love about her tummy is its enticing roundness as it curves inwards from her hips. This roundness practically cries out to be touched by loving fingers – which is precisely what I did with both my hands as I continued to admire her delectable young body. Equally enticing is the arching sweep of her slightly protruding rib cage, as her chest gives way to tummy (I've since noted that this arching sweep is particularly noticeable and alluring when Laura is lying down with her hands over her heads, and when she is stretched out you can even see the enticing lines of her ribcage as it sweeps downwards and inwards). Earlier that morning I had felt Laura's gently protruding hip bones with my hands – and now I could see just how pleasingly they accented her tummy.

Next I moved my attention downwards, to again admire the front of her cotton panties. "I love how these panties wrap around your special place, honey. They look so sensuous," I said. Laura's panties tightly hugged and outlined her whole pudendum. I could just make out the thin line of her tight adolescent cleft.

By now I was dying to view her feminine beauty directly, in a very lustful way. I looked up into her face. "Laura, …," I asked hesitantly, "… may I please take a peek in here, too? You don't have to let me, if you don't want to. But I'd really, really like to."

"It's ok …," she answered quietly, faintly, "… I don't mind." I could see her lightly bite her lower lip in sensual-suspense. I was almost breathless myself in my own sensual-suspense.

I hesitated yet again, thinking to myself that I really shouldn't do the naughty thing that I was about to do. But the hesitation was only for a moment. As if in a dream, I saw my fingers slowly pull the waistband of her panties away from her body, and slightly down, so that I could look down into her panties.

The beauty of what I saw made me make a soft "ooooh" sound as I slowly pulled in a breathe of air. Her mons was well rounded, blending with her tummy via a slight concave curve, and angling downwards and inwards to between her legs. The outer edges of her vulva formed a wide V opening towards her tummy, with notable creases between her vulva and her inner thighs. Her little girl cleft was a single, narrow, tightly closed slit – it's tightness actually surprised me a slight bit, because it looked more youthful than Laura's 12 years. A bit of her slit faced out towards my admiring eyes, but most of the slit was hidden underneath, between her inner thighs. She had a light layer of pubic hair starting to grow, but this layer wasn't much heavier or noticeable than was the fine down I had noticed on her tummy.

"You have such a beautiful body, Laura," I said, honestly. "Your special parts are so delightfully shaped. And your slit is so very, very attractive and inviting. So beautiful." I continued to admire this view for well over a minute, before slowly easing her panties back into place. "So very beautiful," I repeated.

Then, still holding the waist of her panties, I looked up into Laura's sweet face. After a moments wavering, I asked, practically pleaded, "Laura, honey, may I take these off? Please?"

"Yes," she answered, even more quietly, almost a whisper, but willingly.

I pulled the waist of her panties down again, but this time continued down over her slight hips, in the process turning them inside out. I slipped them past her knees, and let them slip down to around her ankles. I put my hands back on her hips as I admired the view of her special place. Running my hands down her legs to her enticing knees, I squatted down further on to my knees, so that I could look at her mons and vulva directly from her front.

"Wow," I said, out-loud. I still couldn't see the bottom end of Laura's narrow slit, which was still hidden between her legs. But I could see the wonder of her puffy mons and outer vulva lips, and they were truly a sensuous delight to behold.

I reached down and pulled off her white ankle socks, which were already half sagging off from her boisterous dancing. Then I slowly stood up. As soon as I was standing, I reached behind Laura, and without asking her permission and with no hesitation I unclasped her small bra and pulled it off over her shoulders. Laura was now standing completely undressed in my living room.

I hungrily drank up the image of this naked 12-year-old adolescent girl in the center of my living room.

Walking around her in circles I took in her whole beautiful, wondrous, sensual budding girl body.

I caressed her round shoulders and developing hips lovingly as I moved around her, and said many, many small compliments.

I know it sounds kind of juvenile, but looking at her bare beauty was actually making my knees feel week. So after a couple of minutes of admiring my sweetie's nude body I sat down on the couch. I noticed that Laura's knees were quivering a little bit too, so I suppose that she must have been feeling the same sensations, but from the point of view of being the subject of exalted admiration.

The radio had been playing all this time, although I was so preoccupied that I hadn't been paying any attention to it. But I now sort of noticed that it was currently playing a song that I knew Laura liked. "Why don't you dance some more for me?" I suggested.

Laura was happy to dance for me, although it was clear that at first she was a bit self-conscious about dancing in the nude, judging by her stilted movements. Soon, however, she became more relaxed, and her movements became more natural. I enjoyed watching my beautiful, lovable, nymphet dancing in my living room, showing off her nude body for me. Laura later told me that she found it very exciting and incredibly sensuous to be undressed by me, and then to dance in the nude in front of me.

After a few songs and some enjoyable dancing by Laura, I had recovered enough to stand up again. And I knew what I wanted Laura to do next for me. I desperately wanted her to show me more of her special place (I can recall that I felt like some besotted hormone-driven teenager in this desire – and certainly a peculiar mix of curiosity and lust was now driving my actions). Taking her hand, I had her follow me into the dining area.

Turning to her, I reassuringly rubbed the side of her small arms. And then, as naughty as it was, I said "Laura, I'd really like to take another look at your special area. A closer look. Lets get you sitting on the table for me."

Laura, unsure what was about to happen, but nevertheless apparently excited by the unknown, did as she was told. Without saying a word, but smiling slightly, she moved up to the edge of the table. She turned around so her bum was against the table, put the palms her hands on the edge of the table, and slid on to the table as I helped her up by putting my hands on her slender hips and lifting.

At first Laura bashfully had her legs pulled closely together. I lovingly, reassuringly, caressed her legs, her arms, and then her pretty face. I leaned forward and tenderly kissed her face. Then I stood back slightly, put my hands back down on her small, round knees, and gently spread her sensuous legs.

As I was spreading Laura's legs apart her right hand instinctively shot forward to modestly cover her exposed pudendum. I could tell from her face that she must have felt a brief surge of uncertainty and apprehension as I then tenderly but firmly lifted her hand and set it aside. I wanted her to be relaxed and comfortable with what we were doing, so I spent some more time lovingly touching and kissing her face, and reassuring her. This did relax her, and she was soon smiling again.

After a few minutes of this affectionate reassuring, I knelt down and for the first time I had a close up view of Laura's entire special beauty.

I was in awe! Not since I was a very young girl had I looked closely at another girl's femininity. And even back then it had merely been with the curiosity of juveniles that my friend and I looked at each other, and only very briefly. Certainly I had never looked at another girl under sensuous or sexual conditions, unlike what Laura and I were now experiencing. I had, in the meantime, looked at my own genitals in a mirror – but that was vastly different from the direct view I was now being given the privilege of experiencing. Excitement and erotic emotions were coursing through my body!

The cleft of Laura's pudendum was very tight looking. Even with her knees slightly spread, all I could see was her plump outer labia. But interestingly, the edges of the upper portion of her inner labia ridge protruded out ever so slightly through her slit. This was a view that I was happy to admire for several minutes.

As clinical sounding as it is, as I was admiring Laura's pudendum I began developing a craving to see, to examine, inside Laura's labia lips, her clitoris, and her vaginal opening – remember, even though I'm an adult, seeing another girl's genitals was a completely new and intriguingly novel experience for me, and I wanted more even if it was just gawking. It slowly dawned on me that to see more I was going to have to either actively pull her slit open, or widely separate her knees so that her slit came open by itself without any direct contact by me. My own apprehension at the illicitness of what we were doing led me to quickly decide that the former approach would be too forward at this moment. Yes, I was already contemplating the appeal of touching my sweet Laura's femininity; but this was not yet the time.

So instead, I had Laura slide her bum further back onto the table, then had her recline backwards onto her elbows. I lifted her heels onto the edge of the table and gently spread her knees wide apart. This left Laura in a most inelegant pose; but it gave me a wonderful view of her genitals without actually having to touch her 'private parts'.

As I had already deduced, her vaginal opening was small. I could still, however, easily make out the now stretched folds of her hymen. It was half moon shaped, at the back of her vaginal opening, with membrane-arms reaching way forward to form a thin ring at the front. Her crimson inner labia formed a thin, erect inner ridge that reached two thirds of the way down her slit. Laura's blood-flushed clitoral hood was notably engorged and relatively plump-looking compared to the rest of her inner labia. Her already hard little clitoral-bump nestled between the folds, and was slightly but notably jutting out. It was then that I noted that her whole slit was already very damp with arousal. I was certainly feeling aroused and damp, myself.

I was dying to touch her genitals, right then and there, with my hands and with my mouth. But I somehow managed to refrain (I amazed myself with this self-control). The closest I allowed myself was to caress the inside of her thighs as I knelt there admiring her feminine beauty.

Eventually I stood up, and with great willpower lowered and closed her knees. I took Laura's hands and pulled her upright into a sitting position. "Thank you, sweetheart," I said, kissing her lovingly on her flushed cheek. "Thank you so very much".

I helped Laura off of the table, and led her by her hand back into the living room area. As we got into the living room I started to playfully swing her arm to the beat of the music that was now playing on the radio. We were both so incredibly giddy with pent-up nervous energy from what we had just done on the dining table that we were both soon dancing crazily to the music, hand in hand. We did this for three songs before we collapsed onto the couch, laughing merrily.

As we caught our breath, Laura affectionately snuggled up to me, and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and sweetly kissed her on the top of her head. We just sat there for several minutes. I could feel her heavy breathing eventually slow down. I could also feel her bare skin under my hands, and I marveled at the sight and thought of this naked beauty cuddling up to me.

Laura must have been feeling pretty happy, too, because within a few minutes she had cuddled even closer to me and turned up her face so that she could kiss me. This is how we lovingly spent the next twenty minutes. Yes, it was sensuous to have Laura my nymphet unclad beside me – but just as intense was the romance of the moment, having Laura my sweetheart affectionately snuggling in my arms, and enjoying being with each other.

Eventually the romance and sensuousness of the day left me craving more. And I sensed that Laura probably wanted more too. So I pulled my lips from hers, looked into her beautiful brown eyes, and nervously but hopefully asked "Honey, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd really like to touch your body again. … Maybe even more than we did last week. … Would you like that?"

"Uh, huh," she smiled back at me.

I repositioned my body so that I was leaning back on the arm of the couch with my legs stretched out on the couch, and had Laura turn around so that she could sit between my legs, with her back resting on my tummy. This allowed me to fondle both of her small breasts at once; which I did for many minutes, interspersed with caresses of her arms and tummy. This got her sighing quietly in pleasure. Eventually, with a tiny bit of trepidation, I slowly moved my fingers down to her mons, and when Laura showed no reservations about where my fingers were now resting, I began rubbing the fleshy part of her mons, gently massaging it into her pubic bone, and caressing her inner thighs.

Reaching down further, I cupped her entire pudendum with my hand, letting my palm rest skin-on-skin on her special place. I could feel her warmth, and I could feel a tiny bit of dampness seeping from her tight slit. I gently put pressure over her entire genitals, eliciting a deep inhale and moan from Laura. I did this several times, before focussing my pressure and squeezing her puffy pussy lips together. This got an even deeper moan of pleasure from Laura.

With the tips of my fingers I gently parted Laura's small, soft, puffy outer lips and placed one of my fingertips right in her warm wet slit. My finger was soon damp from Laura's wetness. I used this dampness to lubricate two more of my fingers, and with a tiny bit of pushing against her labia was able to slip all three fingers into her slit. I slowly moved my fingers back and forth over what I was sure was very sensitive genital skin.

Then I stopped all of my finger movements, completely. After having her come to a climax so readily last time, I figured that she would likely do so again too quickly for my liking if I wasn't careful. Leaving my fingers resting in her dampness, I let her recover. She tried to rock her hips to get pressure between her sex and my fingers. But I stopped her, and insisted that she relax, explaining that I wanted to make her pleasure last longer.

After a few minutes of recovery, I restarted my touching of her genitals by ever so gently rubbing two of my fingers over her clitoris. But only for a moment.

Then I repositioned four of my fingers so that one finger each was in the crease between Laura's outer labia and her thighs on each side of her vulva, and one finger each was in the crease between her puffy outer labia lips and slender inner labia lips on each side of her vagina and clitoral hood. This was not as easy as it sounds, because Laura's adolescent genitals are proportional to her small body – meaning 'small and dainty'; fortunately my own fingers are small and skinny, and thus allowed for me to touch her genitals so erotically.

My other hand, in the meantime, was busy caressing Laura's breasts and tummy, and sometimes gently tweaking her nipples.

I did this pattern of caress – recover – caress for over thirty wonderful minutes. It was a long time to keep this young girl in sexual-suspense, but I dearly wanted our first genital caress climax to be incredible for her. Besides, I was enjoying myself so much that I didn't want it to end for my own reasons.

My caressing would have gone on for even longer, if I hadn't carelessly gotten too bold by fleetingly holding her tiny clit between my fingertips after I had already been rubbing her damp slit for several minutes without taking a break.

Exactly how much Laura thrashed about and cried out with pleasure really doesn't matter (although I'll admit it was enough that I was afraid my neighbors might hear even through well insulated walls). What truly matters is that she did immensely enjoy my touches, and that I was so very happy to be able to give my sweetheart such great pleasure. We both got great 'satisfaction', just in different ways. And I honestly don't know who got the most satisfaction; that's how much I enjoyed doing this for my sweetheart.

I held Laura closely for a long time, letting her quivering body settle down. I held her and slowly rocked her back and forth. I held her lovingly. I held her and never wanted to let her go.

Laura actually fell asleep in my arms. This made me even happier - the knowledge that she was so happy and trusting in my arms, and that our mutual pleasure had been so intense that it had left her drained.

I stayed with her in my arms for as long as I possibly could. It was only when a sharp, penetrating kink formed in my back that I was finally forced me to get up. I tried to extract myself without waking Laura up; but she did wake up and was half-heartedly trying to sit up when I insisted: "Please stay, honey. Just lie there. You look so beautiful. You have a little nap while I make us some tea."

She contentedly lay down again, and was soon asleep again. With love in my eyes, I gazed down at my beautiful sweetie lying on the couch, naked, sensuous, adorable. I covered her small body with a fuzzy blanket that I keep on the couch, and kissed her on her hair-tousled cheek, before heading off to the kitchen to boil some water for tea.

I had already finished my second cup of tea before Laura finally started to stir. As I had been waiting for Laura to wake I had tried to read a magazine; but it was to no avail. I found that all I wanted to do was admire my pretty sleeping beauty. So when Laura finally did stir, she awoke to find me fondly looking at her adorable face, enchanted.

"I like when you look at me," were her first words, affectionately spoken.

I smiled. "And I love looking at you, honey." It was the truth. I leaned forward and kissed her on her rosy cheek. "… With or without your clothes," I added, mischievously. We both giggled a bit at my latter remark.

"Would you like some tea now?" I asked.

"Yes, please."

I brought us both a fresh cup of tea and some cookies. Laura sat up enough to drink her tea, and wrapped the blanket loosely around herself. I sat on the floor at Laura's feet like a loving puppy, one of my arms draped across her lap. We leisurely enjoyed our tea, and nibbled away at the cookies until they were all gone. We didn't talk at all about what we had just done. Rather, we talked for a long time about the music we were listening to, about the movie that I had rented and that we both were looking forward to watching, and about favorite forms of performing arts. We had a very pleasant time chatting.

As we were chatting I was no longer consciously thinking erotic thoughts. But I guess that subconsciously I was still in a very aroused state, with my genitals still itching from our play, having not cum myself. Because it was Laura, not me, that first noticed that I couldn't help but stare at her pretty little breast when her blanket slipped off her dainty shoulder first once, and then again a few minutes later. Each time she automatically pulled the blanket back up around herself, and covered the breast that had been briefly exposed. However, a couple of minutes later when it slipped off the third time, she didn't pull it back up She left her breast exposed to my view.

I suspect that she wanted to confirm that I was being captivated by her bare breast. And I was. Totally. Without even thinking about it, my eyes became glued to her little breast, and its pert little nipple. I continued talking, sort of. I'm not sure how long I was staring at Laura's breast before it dawned on me that Laura was no longer responding, and that I was staring non-stop at her exposed breast.

I shook my head rapidly, to break my unintended focus on her breast and to regain my senses. I quickly looked up. Laura was smiling at me. Without saying a word, she slowly and purposefully pulled the blanket away from her other shoulder, and lowered it so that her other breast was also exposed. My eyes betrayed my politeness, and soon wandered down to take in the double view.

No hiding my thoughts now. "Your breasts are so beautiful, Laura."

"Thanks," she said.

I continued admiring her petite tits. They were so pleasant to look at, and I was already so aroused, that without even thinking about it I noticeably (to Laura at least, as she told me later) squeezed my thighs together. Then, as I was looking at her wondrous body, I got to watch as she slowly (I would even say 'sensuously' – she seems to be a natural at this) pulled the blanket apart, fully exposing her beautiful legs and hairless mons. My eyes weren't sure where to spend their time, and I'm sure they grew wide in appreciation of the view I had.

"Tammy?" I heard Laura say, and I looked up into her pretty face. She now had an even bigger smile on her face. "Would you like to, you know, look at me while you touch yourself? You know … like you did last time?"

I was momentarily floored by such a forward offer coming from my young sweetie. But I quickly made up my mind. "Yes. Yes, I'd like that, honey. I'd really like that." I again felt a bit like a hormone-driving teenager, but such was my heightened state and I accepted it.

I shuffled across the floor, and knelt directly in front of her. Then I started to touch myself. I started with my nipples, but I was so aroused that I was soon touching my crotch through my jeans. At first I was content with touching myself through my clothes, but I quickly wanted more direct physical stimulation. So I stood up and urgently stripped off my outer clothes. I was going to stop there, and reach into my underwear, but I was so aroused that I wanted more. I wanted to be nude.

"Is it ok with you if I take off my underwear, too, sweetie?" I asked.

"Sure," she excitedly responded.

Without any further delay, I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, threw it to the ground, and yanked down my panties. Despite my own preoccupation, I did notice that Laura's eyes were open wide and glued to my body. Getting back into my kneeling position at Laura's feet, I continued to caress and finger myself.

Details of my own orgasm also don't matter. Suffice it to say that this time my orgasm came within a few minutes (as I noted above, I was already extremely aroused), and that it was intense enough to make me collapse onto the floor (almost clunking my head on a small end table as I went down!). What truly matters is that the focus of my sexual affection was willingly exposing her nubile young body to me, and extremely happy that my looking at her body gave me so much pleasure. And here's an interesting little side anecdote: while I did greatly enjoy the sensuousness, the eroticness, of looking at Laura's naked body, it was actually her adorable face that I was staring at affectionately when I had my orgasm.

I lay on the floor, spaced out, for several minutes. Laura, bless her sweet little heart, took the opportunity to fetch a warm face clothe, which she used to lovingly wash me down with. She started with my face, but soon moved on to wash my arms, my breasts, my tummy, my legs, and then ever so very, very, very tenderly my inner thighs and genitals.

Then I pulled her to me, and hugged her warm, naked body closely to my own bare body, kissing her hair affectionately, cherishing the moment. It took a long, long while for me to be willing to let my love go.

Later, before I sent her home, I insisted that Laura have a shower. My extensive fondling of her body had left her skin a tiny bit clammy from sweating, and I could smell the distinct aroma of her genital dampness. It was a heady and beautifully erotic aroma, but one that I feared would be a dead give-away to Laura's mom. So I led her by the hand to the bathroom, turned on the shower for her, and left some towels out. "I'll bring your clothes in," I said. I stayed in the bathroom just long enough to watch Laura as she stepped into the tub, and pulled the shower curtain (made from elegant cutwork-embroidered white Irish linen - another luxury to which I treated myself some time ago) and liner curtain shut behind herself.

I gathered up Laura's clothes from the living room, where they were strewn all over the floor. As I passed the linen closet on the way back to the bathroom I stopped, pondered a naughty thought for a moment, then reached into the closet and pulled out a camera (a small digital Canon) that I kept on the top shelf there.

Laura heard me come into the bathroom and lay her clothes on the vanity counter. She pulled aside the shower curtain, and started to purposefully give me a flash of her glistening nubile body. Then she shrieked as she saw me lifting the camera up to my face. She quickly pulled the shower curtain back into place, and shouted over the sound of the shower "TAMMY!! No pictures!!" She stuck her sweet face around the edge of the curtain, and wagged her finger at me in light-hearted rapprochement. It was such a cute sight that this is what I took a picture of. I still have it.

"OK," I said, smiling, "I'll put it away". Which I left to do, closing the bathroom door behind me to let her have her shower in peace. I could hear Laura singing happily to herself as she showered; it was a heart-warming sound.

(**Continued in Part B**)

Part B (Chapters 7 to 14)

Chapter 7 – Rhubarb pie (the real thing) in the park

As extremely awkward as it felt for me, it was the very next day (Sunday) that I was 'cornered' into meeting Laura's mom. The school that Laura was attending was holding its annual teacher-student-parent picnic to celebrate the end of the school year. And it turns out that a few weeks earlier Laura had told her mom that a 'friend of a friend' had volunteered to tutor her in math. And on the prior Friday, the last day of classes, her mom had told her to invite the 'friend of a friend' to the picnic; the 'friend of a friend could go in place of her father, who most certainly wouldn't be attending.

That 'friend of a friend' was me, of course. At first I was shocked (verging on panic) when Laura told me that she had told her mother about me. Then, being the sharp kid she is, she quickly went on to remind me that a several weeks earlier we had discussed how she was not to tell anyone how 'emotionally and intimately close' we had become. She strongly stressed to me how she had NOT told her mom, or anyone else for that matter, about this.

It turns out that one day her mother had been inquiring into where she was off to, yet again. Rather than tell her mother that she was off to a friend's (Sally's) place to watch a movie (which she was afraid that her mom would find out wasn't true), on the spur of the moment she decided to instead tell her mother that she was getting some tutoring in math. It struck her that this was a more plausible explanation for seeing an adult, and one that her mom would be impressed with and let her leave the house to do. Laura was mature and studious enough (relative to other kids her age) that it would sound like a reasonable explanation. In hindsight, I have to admit that this was a very ingenious and quick-witted bit of thinking.

Unfortunately, Laura didn't spring this anxiety-inducing news on me until Saturday, just before she headed home. I, the supposed adult in this relationship, almost panicked about both Laura's mom knowing about my existence and about the imminently pending picnic. Yes, her words and reasoning did calm me down some. Enough at least to get me to agree to go to the picnic. But I did spend the rest of the evening and the next morning in great uncertainty and turmoil. How well would I handle meeting the mother of my (illicit, illegal) lover? I wasn't sure. Less than 24 hours was hardly enough time to come to grips with the issue.

But I did show up at the picnic the next afternoon. There were probably about 200 people at the school picnic; students, their parents, and their teachers. Wandering through the crowd of unfamiliar people made me so nervous that I almost turned back. Then Laura saw me and waved madly until she caught my attention. She was sitting on the grass under a large tree with several other young teenagers and their parents, and I could see several heads turn my way as she waved at me. 'No turning back now,' I thought to myself as I headed in their direction. Laura came bouncing over to meet me part way, and grabbed my hand and excitedly pulled me towards the others. Much to my relief, she didn't hug or (worse) kiss me in public.

A lady stood up from her blanket as we got close, and I correctly guessed that this must be Laura's mom.

"Hello," said the lady, smiling brightly and offering me her hand "I'm, Sharon, Laura's mom."

"Hi, I'm Tammy (**author: at this point I told Sharon my last name, but for anonymity reasons I'm not going to repeat it here**)".

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Tammy. I can't thank you enough for helping Laura with her math. It seems to have really helped her."

"My pleasure," I replied. I had to work hard at controlling my nervousness so that my voice didn't crack.

"Please, come sit with us," she said, releasing our handshake and turning back to the others. "Everyone, this is Tammy. Tammy is the tutor that Laura has been so excited about, and that I've been mentioning," she added with a smile. I gave a little wave of greeting as the others said their hellos in return. As we sat down Sharon started to introduce the others in the group, always as Fred and Jane So-and-so, parents of Sue, Dave, Junior, etc. I even got to meet Laura's good friend Sally, of whom I had heard much already. Sally also turned out to have a single mom; her name was Bev, if I recall correctly. Sharon and Bev were both very good at making me feel at home.

The bunch of us spent the next thirty minutes or so just talking about their various kids. We also talked about their just completed school year. Inevitably, I ended up telling them 'how I ended up being Laura's tutor'. I use quotation marks, because what I told them was (for obvious reasons) far from the truth. The prior night Laura and I had agreed on what we would say, just to make sure we were staying consistent and not raising suspicions.

Then the real party fun began. The next three hours of the picnic were spent enjoying several of the silly games that the teachers had arranged. Some I sat out, but several I got dragged into by both Laura and her mom. I even went into the three-legged race with Sharon; we did very poorly, but we had a good laugh (it also made me feel a lot more relaxed with Sharon). There was also a BBQ buffet going on, so there was lots of food. I have to admit that I had far more rhubarb pie than I should have had; it was very delicious, too delicious.

During and between the games and eating I got to chat with Sharon and several of the parents of Laura's friends. A nice group of people, I thought. I also discovered that Sharon and Bev (Sally's mom) had formed a bit of a friendship via the girls, and were becoming each other's support system. I came to admire their resilience and accomplishments, despite what life had dealt them.

The picnic went on well into the afternoon. It was apparently a school tradition, and many of the parents stayed for the whole afternoon. But it soon became apparent that Sharon (for whom this was her first year at the picnic) hadn't planned on staying so long. As 2:30 approached she started to anxiously look at her watch. Then she reluctantly announced that she and Laura had to get going; not being aware that the picnic would last so long, she had made arrangements to help Laura's aunt paint her apartment.

Laura made a small fuss about leaving while the picnic was still going strong. Sharon acknowledged that leaving right then was unfortunate, but the aunt was counting on her and Sharon wasn't going to let her down.

Sally's mom generously offered "I'll take care of Laura for the rest of the picnic, Sharon."

"Thanks, Bev, but I won't be back until later this evening, and I know that you're due at your parent's for dinner this evening."

By this point I was having such a good time myself, and I didn't want the picnic to end either, so I then volunteered "Why don't I supervise her until this evening? I'm having a good time, and I'd be happy to stick around for the rest of the picnic and take care of Laura until this evening." Several other parents in the group nodded their smiling heads in understanding (It's not often you get a picnic crowd this involved! My company picnics normally start fading with apathy after only an hour). "But only if she promises to stop eating all of the pie," I jokingly added.

Sharon smiled, and agreed to this arrangement, just so long as I really didn't mind, which I didn't. We agreed that anytime between 7 and 9 PM would be fine. Laura then convinced her mom to extend this time to 10:30, by pointing out that she was now out of school for the summer, and I told Sharon that I was fine with this late hour.

The formal picnic went on until almost 4 PM. The food kept on coming, and the teachers had several other games for us to play (I got soaked playing water-balloon toss! Then I got Laura and Sally back. :-) ). After the formal picnic ended, many of the parents stayed around as their kids started playing an impromptu soccer game. As the kids played I chatted with several of the parents. One of the parents with whom I chatted was Sally's mom, Bev. Bev also seemed like a very nice lady, and we got along well. I even ended up volunteering to spend some time tutoring Sally as well, who was having to spend a month in summer class because she had done poorly in math.

It was well past 5 PM before the picnic finally wrapped up. It was certainly a most enjoyable picnic, despite my initial reservations.

Chapter 8 – Peaches and cream taste great!

Throughout the afternoon Laura had behaved as if we were just good friends, much to my relief. When we were finally alone as we headed off in my car Laura turned to me and proudly said "I behaved good, didn't I? I wanted to kiss you. But I didn't. And nobody could tell that we like kissing each other."

"Yes, you did behave well. Thank you, honey."

"I can't wait 'til we get to your place," she said. I responded by patting her knee lovingly.

As soon as we did get back to my apartment Laura's arms were around me and her lips were kissing me passionately. There was no hesitation. And I happily responded in kind. This was the intensity of our physical intimacy for over two hours. Yes, for over two hours. Normally I'm more interested in the emotional setting of my relationships, and perhaps wouldn't write up many details of the physical activities. But our two hours that afternoon were so physically intense and (to me, at least) erotic, that in the next many paragraphs I'll try to recount what Laura and I got up to physically.

As we kissed I stroked her back, and caressed her sides. After much kissing I began fondling her small breasts through her shirt. She responded to my fondling by pulling her shirt off over her head, and then yanking her shorts down over her hips and letting them drop to the floor. This left her in her sports 'training' bra and panties. And her white ankle socks - always a sensual sight.

We continued to kiss and caress passionately in the entranceway for a several minutes more. Eventually, though, I broke off our kissing, and led her by the hand into my bedroom. I gave her one quick kiss, looked deeply into her in the beautiful brown eyes for a moment, and seeing her obvious desire I reached behind her and unclasped her small bra. I let the bra drop to the ground.

I ran my finger tips across her shoulders, then down across the top of her breasts, and glided over her petite nipples. Coming back from below, I cupped her small breasts in my fingertips. Wasting no more time, I bent down towards Laura's tiny right tit and gave it pleasure by licking. Then I softly wrapped my lips around her pert, narrow nipple to suck without putting any pressure on it. She clearly enjoyed this, as she let out a cooing moan of pleasure and arched her chest towards me. I continued these finger, tongue, and lip ministrations for a long time, alternating between her wondrous breasts.

Throughout this Laura was still in panties. And it was towards these panties that I eventually moved. My lips and kisses gradually migrated down past her chest, past her belly button (into which the tip of my tongue fit nicely), and past her alluring tummy. I kissed her mound through her panties. Then I reached up with my hand and used my fingertips to caress her tummy just above her puffy mons.

As my upward-pointing fingers were busy with Laura's tummy and mound, I repositioned my thumb so that it was angled down between her thighs. This allowed me to rub her vulva through her panties, which I did, gently. I could feel her narrow slit under my thumb; the inside edge was already feeling very moist. Within a few minutes her panties were damp from my touching.

Still on my knees in front of her, I had Laura move around to the edge of my large bed, and then I had her lie down in front of me, with her lovely legs slightly spread.

She looked so beautiful and enticing on the bed. Flushed face, pert erect nipples on tiny bare breasts, smooth tummy, sensuous legs stretching out towards me, and the shape of her pudendum and slit clearly outlined by damp panties that clung tightly to her body. I caressed her legs as I took in this incredible view.

"Laura, honey, would you please pull your panties aside so that I can see your pretty special area?" I asked. I could have easily done it myself, but I wanted her to do it for me.

Smiling, she happily obliged. I watched as she reached down between her legs and pulled the fabric of her panties to one side. Her exposed 'special area' was, like always, a pleasure to admire. Her puffy outer labia lips were close together - but I could still see a glistening of dampness down their entire length.

"You have a beautiful cunny," I said, purposefully using the word that I had once heard her use to describe her own genitals.

She smiled in response.

"Thank you for letting me see, honey," I said after admiring the view. She released the stretched fabric, and her panties sprung back into place, although not completely.

I lent and moved forward so that I could kiss her delectable lips and pretty face. My hands caressed her breasts as I kissed her. We continued kissing for many, many minutes. I love kissing my sweetie.

Eventually, however, I had migrated back to between her legs. I looked at her snug panties again, and then directed her "Please take off your panties for me, Laura."

Still lying down, she wriggled out of her pretty little knickers. For fun, I took the panties from her hands and spread them over top of her crotch. It was a cute and erotic sight, looking at her special area partially covered by her panties. They hid only her genitals - all of the skin of her tummy, legs, hips, and inner thighs was still clearly visible.

I ran my hand under the edge of the draped panties, and began fondling her mons. As before, I started with my upwards-pointing fingertips on the gentle swell of her mons and smooth tummy, and then repositioned my thumb onto her genital cleft. Her dampness made it easy for my thumb to slide around over the outside of her puffy labia lips. Soon it was entering her tight slit, ever so slightly, as my thumb wandered around. My thumb found the small mound of her clitoral hood, and I could feel her tiny clitoris already slicking out slightly. I was very careful to not put too much pressure on her clit, and to not do more than fleeting caresses of it.

Next my thumb reached the tiny patch of inner skin between her clitoris and her hole, and I gently massaged and pushed up on this area. This made her softly suck in her breath. One of Laura's hands went out to brace herself against the headboard. The other went down and covered the fabric of her draped panties over my own hand as I cupped and fondled her pudendum; she didn't add any pressure – just moved back and forth with my hand movements. Before long the loose panties were pushed aside and then fell off altogether.

From her hip movement I could sense that Laura wanted me to bring her to a climax, and soon. This time I obliged her. My thumb alternated between stimulating her clitoris more and more, and going into her slit deeper and deeper. Soon my thumb was making rapid circuits around the opening of her vagina, then over her labia lips, then over her clitoris.

Before long I could feel with my thumb the start of muscular contractions in Laura's cunny, and I knew that she was about to have an orgasm. I slowed down my thumb movements, but continued to caress her clitoris and to still go deep into her slit with my thumb. My other hand continued to fondle her small breasts and erect nipples. This brought her to a great and wonderful climax. It left her gasping and her body squirming in pleasure. I always like when I can do that for my young lover.

But I wasn't done. I had already decided that I really, really wanted to give her pleasure more than once tonight, and I was hopeful and optimistic that if I was careful and gentle I could do this. As she climaxed I eased up on the pressure that I was applying to her clitoris and vagina opening, because I knew how sensitive they could be after a strong orgasm. But I continued to caress and kiss her whole body, including gentle and brief sessions of touching the lower parts of her labia lips, being very gentle but never totally letting up.

This slow, gentle, approach worked liked I had hoped it would. Laura came down from her climax, but didn't loose her heightened level of arousal. After a several minutes reprieve I was able to get her nipples fully erect again (actually, they never went fully down; just sort of became a bit less engorged). Taking this as a good signal, I then started to explore her cunny again with my fingers.

Then I decided to try something different, something that I had been wanting to do for a long time.

"Laura, honey," I said, "I'm going to touch you in a different way now. Just relax and enjoy it".

I moved my head down towards her crotch. My kisses started around, but not on, her cunny. She tensed for a moment, but relaxed as she accepted what she sensed was coming. I kissed her smooth tummy. I kissed her slim legs. I gently spread her pretty knees slightly and then kissed the inside of one thigh and then the other thigh. I kissed the inside of her leg where it met her torso, immediately beside her plump outer labia lips. Then I kissed the sides of her bulging outer labia lips, on first one side and then the other. I gently squeezed Laura's pussy lips together with my fingers, and sensuously kissed those pursed lips. This made her quiver.

My next many kisses were all over the outside of her labia, her mons, and over her slit. As I tongued her slit I could feel her hands came down to rest gently on the back of my head, and push down gently. I backed off slightly from her slit, and instead massaged the fleshy part of her mons with my tongue.

My tongue then slowly, tentatively, again made its way over the outside of her slightly spread slit. I very, very lightly ran just the tip of my tongue across her inner labia where it peeked out from her slit, its crimson color contrasting enticingly against the skin of her paler outer labia. My tongue fluttered across the top of her exquisite clitoral hood. After several minutes of this, I used my fingers from both hands to pull Laura's outer labia wide apart. I ran my tongue fully over her stretched inner labia, and firmly over her clitoris. Then I backed off.

I continued doing this gentle, then firm, then gentle approach for a many, many minutes. Eventually I sensed Laura's next impending orgasm, and I carefully judged my timing so that I sucked her tiny clitoris between my teeth, and then very, very gently bit down on it, just as she climaxed. This sent her into convulsions. Her thighs tightly squeezed my head, and her dampness rubbed off on my face, totally soaking my chin and my nose and my cheeks too, and even wetting my hair when her convulsing body got away from my eager mouth for a moment.

Again, I quickly eased off on my pressure and moved my tongue and fingers away from particularly sensitive areas. But also again, I didn't totally back off. I wanted to try to do this for Laura one more time (although I highly doubted that I would be so lucky).

After Laura came down from her climax, I moved to the head of the bed behind her, propped myself up a few plump pillows, and had her slide over and lean back against my tummy. As I held her, I reached around her, and continued to softly fondle her tiny breasts and pert nipples with one hand, and to caress her tummy and inner thighs with the other hand.

I held and caressed Laura like this for almost fifteen minutes, until I felt that she might be ready for my next attempt at bringing her to another climax. I repositioned myself, and started by cupping her entire cunny in my hand, and squeezing lightly. "Time for your next trip to pleasure station," I jokingly said.

Laura giggled, and replied "All aboard". She's really adept at coming up with cute and witty comebacks.

To my great pleasure, she arched her hips upwards slightly to push her small cunny into my hand. She was still damp from her last climax, so my fingers easily slid across her slit.

I spent the next few minutes like this, sliding my fingers in and out of her slit. But then I had her roll over onto her knees, with her bum up in the air and head down on the bed. This allowed me to use both of my hands to alternately squeeze both of her firm bum cheeks, and to reach under her to caress her genitals and breasts. She even obligingly spread her legs apart further so that I could have better access. I leaned forward and kissed her bum cheeks.

My one hand went quickly to Laura's nipples. But I was much slower and gentler with my other hand. Yes, I did cup her cunny again, right away. But I didn't touch her clit or stick my finger into her little girl cleft for many minutes. Instead, I caressed the outside of her outer labia first, then lightly ran my fingers over the crest of her inner labia.

It was only after Laura was well and truly damp with new secretions that I slowly inserted one of my finger tips into her slit, and then ever so slightly into her vaginal hole. I did this several times, each time moving slightly deeper and deeper, letting Laura get used to this new sensation. Her small hole was snug around my index finger. I could feel her hymen, and I was careful to go around it and to not put any pressure against it.

Then I switched over to my thumb. I licked it first, to help lubricate it, although she was so damp with her own secretions that this extra lubrication really wasn't needed. Slowly, gently, I put the tip of my thumb against her hole, and ever so slightly into her hole. I did this several times, each time going further in. I don't have thick thumbs, but I could feel that her hole and hymen were even tighter and snugger around my thumb than they had been around my index finger. I could feel the walls slowly separate away under the pressure of my invading thumb.

Before long I had my thumb was up into her sweet hole to just past the first knuckle. I stopped to let Laura get used to the feeling, and to relax for a moment. Then I rotated my thumb around so that I could use the pad of the thumb to push gently against the front of her vagina as I moved the thumb in and out. This also allowed me to flutter the tips of my fingers against her exposed inner labia and her engorged and plump clitoral hood.

I went very slowly and gently. Never the less, Laura was soon breathing roughly as the sensations flowed from her genitals. I gradually and carefully increased the depth of my penetration, until my thumb was into her hole up to the second knuckle. Her vagina felt very snug around my thumb. Everywhere, except right at the tip of my thumb, where it felt like the walls eased up ever so slightly. Through the sensitive skin on the pad of my thumb I could faintly feel small little ridges and bumps on the walls of her vagina - they were very soft and pliable.

I wanted to push my thumb deeper into Laura's vagina, but I didn't dare for fear of hurting her constricting hymen with the widening base of my thumb. So instead, I continued to move my fingers in and out. To this I occasionally added a slight bending of my thumb so that I was pushing up towards her pubic bone from the inside.

The erotic and novel sensation of my thumb moving in and out of her hole must have been very intense, because at that point Laura actually collapsed, no longer able to hold herself up on her hands and knees. Not a climax collapse; just a sensation-overload collapse. She pulled her knees up to her chest as she collapsed sideways onto the bed, so I was able to keep my thumb in her as she fell over. But I did stop moving my thumb, so that she could recover without climaxing.

After about three minute's reprieve I slowly started to again move my thumb in and out, as I sensuously caressed her slender hip. Within a few minutes of restarting my fingering, Laura was moaning with pleasure, and even rocking her whole body and her head back and forth. It was very evident that she was really getting into my fingering her snub hole and rubbing her sensitive clit. Throughout this I was happily thinking 'It's working! I'm actually going to get her to climax for a third time!'

I stopped briefly several times to keep her right at the edge without going over. Soon she began to object each time I stopped. At first it was only in the form of quiet "oh, no". But soon it became a pleading "No, please don't stop. Keep touching," as she tried to forcefully push against my invading thumb.

So I did. In fact, I sped up my in and out motion, and the pace of my fluttering touching of her clit. And I didn't back off this time. This sent her body into full-blown convulsions and major squirming. It was beautiful to watch and experience, trust me. Beautiful.

After Laura had finished climaxing, I moved up to cuddle against her curled up body. I gently caressed her, and hugged her closely and tenderly. I lovingly held her like this for a long time as she slowly recovered. Laura finally regained her senses and rolled over to look at me. Her pretty face was very flushed, and her beautiful brown eyes had a dreamy 'far-way' look. She smiled at me, and said "Thank you". I smiled happily back at her, feeling so incredibly happy at having been able to make Laura feel so good.

I, of course, was by now very aroused. So a few minutes later when Laura reached over to lovingly touch the side of my face, I kissed her hand, took it into my own hand, and asked her "Laura, would you please touch me now? I'd really like you to."

Laura's response was immediate. "Sure. I'd love to," she said, as she quickly sat up (although she almost fell dizzily over, not yet having recovered from her own intense orgasms). I get the impression that it finally dawned on her that I was still in all of my clothes, and things had been very one sided. Knowing her considerate nature, I suspect that she actually felt a bit contrite about not having done anything to make me feel good (although making her feel contrite was NOT my intention). In any case, she was very happy to make me feel physically satisfied.

Laura sat on her knees beside me on the bed. She fumbled clumsily with the buttons of my blouse in her hastiness to get me undressed. In fact, she quickly gave up on the buttons, and pulled my blouse off over my head. Then she had me stand up beside the bed so that she could pull my slacks off. I pulled my own socks off, leaving me in only my underwear.

I was wearing an elegant strapless bra that cups my breasts from below. Laura was very intrigued by the design of the bra. She pulled down on the front of the bra, and momentarily exposed my nipples, and then released it back into position. Then she pulled down on the bra again. This time it started to slip off of the bottom of my breasts. Realizing this, Laura pulled down again, and the cups of my bra totally released their grip on my breasts. The bra was now snuggly around my torso, with my modest-sized breasts now exposed and the undersides resting on the upper edge of the bra cups.

Laura lifted her adorable smiling face and kissed me deeply on my lips, as her small fingers groped my breast. One of her hands was covering the front of my right breast, and I could feel my nipple under her palm grow and stiffen; I'm sure that Laura could feel its reaction to her touching. I don't have large breasts, but Laura's small hands certainly were too small to hold my fuller size; so her small hands moved all over my breasts as she groped me (I use the word 'grope' instead of 'fondle' or 'caress' on purpose; her inexperienced hands were being a bit rough in their 'man-handling' of my breasts – but I didn't mind).

Then Laura's soft lips made their way to my nipples. They kissed each of my nipples, and then engulfed my right nipple and entire areola. She tried to take in more of my breast, as I had earlier been able to do with her tiny breasts. But her mouth was too small to take in much. At that point she focussed her hands on my right breast on either side of her mouth, both at the same time. This allowed her to better direct the tip of my breast into her novice mouth. The feel of her mouth around my sensitive areolas and underlying subcutaneous erogenous nerves felt incredible. Then she did the same thing with my other breast and nipple.

After a long moment of this pleasure I instructed Laura to "Flick my nipple with your tongue. Ooh, ya, like that". I wrapped my arms around her to stroke her back and hair as she pleased my nipples.

To my regret, Laura pulled her face away from my nipples. But then she reached around behind me and unclasped my bra from where it was still hanging around my torso below my breasts. She looked down at my cotton panties with their colorful pattern, moved her fingers to the waist band, looked back up at my face, and with a big enthusiastic smile on her adorable face she pulled my underwear down past my hips and thighs, and let them continue dropping all the way to the floor. I stood there in the nude, as her big brown eyes wandered over my whole body. I even stood back a bit, so that she could have a better look.

Let me tell you, being sexually ogled by a nude 12-year-old girl is incredibly erotic!

She held out her hand to me, and pulled me down onto the bed beside her. I lay down on my back. Immediately her hands were groping my breasts again, soon followed by the return of her lips and tongue.

She spent a long time touching and pleasing my nipples. Then one hand went down between my legs, and straight to my tingling cunny. Her tiny hand only just barely covered my larger labia lips. Tentatively at first, but then quickly with salacious intent she roughly squeezed and groped my cunny. She made up for her inexperience with eagerness; she was soon touching my cunny all over, and running her fingers across and then into my own slit. My rapidly increasing moistness lubricated her delicate little fingers.

When her fingers found the bump of my clitoral hood she pulled her face away from my nipples, and moved to take a closer look at her new discovery. She pulled my pubic hair aside with her other hand, and gently moved my hood from side to side, exposing my clit slightly to her inquisitive touches.

Laura seemed intrigued by the sight; to me, being 'examined' felt kind of peculiar, but I was understanding of her curiosity. After all, I had felt the exact same way just the day before. She even experimentally dipped one of her fingertips into my slit and vaginal hole as she watched. Her touches, and the erotic thought of her looking at me like this, almost pushed me over the edge; but I hung in. After a few minutes her lips returned to my nipples, and her fingertips continued to move all over my cunny.

I was perfectly content with Laura's finger touches, and I wasn't expecting anything else. So it came as a slight, but very pleasant, surprise when she repositioned herself between my legs, and moved her face towards my cunny. I certainly hadn't expected her to feel comfortable with performing oral sex on me; heck, even I, the adult, had felt a bit uncertain about doing so on her. But it became very evident that this is precisely what she intended to do. 'What an open-minded and adaptable kid' I thought to myself.

She started by lightly kissing her way from my tummy down through my lush triangle of pubic hair to the edge of my cunny. As she kissed me she also ran her tongue over my skin in short, quick licks as she went. It felt like a loving kitten licking my face, expect that this sweet young kitten was between my legs licking my erogenous parts. I actually affectionately said "Ooh, kitten"; I kid you not, I really did say this.

I spread my legs further apart and Laura gently kissed my inner folds, which were already spread open and swollen with arousal. Then she kissed and licked my inner thighs and all around my pudendum, before her fingers joined her tongue in again entering and exploring my moist cunny.

I reached around the outside of my legs, and pulled the inside of my thighs and my bum wide apart, so that Laura could more easily caress my labia with her fingers. To my continued amazement and pleasure, she also look the opportunity to enter my vaginal hole with the tip of her tongue. After a few tentative shallow tongue tip movements, she inserted her tongue deep into my hole several times. My thighs instinctively clamped around her pretty face as she did this. I could feel myself getting damper and damper with her saliva and my own abundant secretions.

Then Laura's tongue moved up to my clitoral hood, which by now was feeling warm and swollen,. I'm sure that by this point my clit must have been sticking out from under the hood. Certainly her tongue was able to directly touch my sensitive clit without having to push back my hood much.

Soon, as she kissed and tongued my clit, I could feel a breathless, tingly pre-climax feeling washing up from my tummy. It rippled through my body all the way to the tips of my nipples. I know it sounds peculiar, but I could even feel it in the back of my throat. Again, my thighs instinctively clamped around Laura's head. Her face, lips, tongue, and a couple of fingers moved all over, kissing my inner thighs, touching my labia, entering my hole, stimulating my clit. Sometimes I could even feel her small nose rubbing against my spread slit and exposed clit as she stuck her small tongue as deeply as she could into my hole. I came in deep, slow, intense contractions. Spasms that went on and on and on and on. Ooh, it felt so wonderful!

When Laura finally came up for air I could see that I had totally soaked her face and the front and side of her tousled hair. Her smiling face glistened with my sexual secretions. I smiled back at her through my euphoric haze, and said "Thank you, my sweet little kitten".

As I lay there recovering, Laura moved up so that she was laying half beside me and half on top of me. Her head rested between my breasts, looking towards my right breast. It was a very cozy and intimate arrangement. We lay there for a long, long time, just hugging and talking. I was enjoying caressing her hair, and rubbing the knee that she had draped across my tummy. She, as well, was clearly enjoying just hugging me.

Ah, but the erotic part of our evening didn't end there. After much cuddling, one of Laura's small hands moved up to mischievously tweak my right nipple. She did this several times, giggling each time. My tender nipple began to become erect and to stick out again, with the renewed attention of my young lover.

Then to my great surprise, Laura purposefully rotated her lower body across my leg, and started to grind her smooth, hairless cunny against my thigh. She was horny again! She wanted to go for her number four!!! Me, I've very rarely gone beyond two, and never, ever beyond three, not even when I was in my early 20's. But my sweetie was clearly interested in her fourth. I was amazed, in a very happy way.

I let Laura mash her little-girl slit against my leg. I could feel a secretion dampness start to form against my skin, lubricating her pudendum as she pressed against my leg. I repositioned my own legs slightly, and shifted her body over me a bit more, all to give her better contact with my leg. Interestingly, this made it so that as she rubbed her cunny against my leg the upper front of her own leg was rubbing against my cunny. Happily for me, this started to get me aroused again – this wasn't why I had repositioned her, but it sure was a very pleasant side effect. I rapidly decided that I wanted to have my own second climax, and began to move my body in time with Laura's own motions.

Awhile later, feeling intrigued by my sexually-charged young sweetheart, and feeling kind of kinky, I told Laura to "Move up, and rub your pretty cunny against my tummy. And then see if you can rub it against my nipples." I realized that this would remove her leg from against my cunny, but for the moment this was a small price to pay for some kinky fun. Besides, I fully intended on having her touch me again, some how.

Laura smiled mischievously at my naughty request, and wiggled up my body. She had to spread her legs very wide to get her cunny rubbing against my tummy. The sensation of her warm, moist, fully spread cunny sliding against my skin was very erotic. As she is doing this I took the opportunity to reach up and fondle her little budding breasts and tweak her tiny pert nipples, which were already fully erect. She, in turn, reached down in front of her and squeezed my breasts with her hands.

Then she moved her body up so that her cunny was touching my right breast. She had to lift up one knee to actually get her moist cunny touching my nipple; but she did manage. Ooh, what a warm sensation that was against my tender nipple!

I let her do this against my nipple for several minutes. Then I got more involved by fingering her clit, which was clearly visible from my position of having my face just in front of her hairless crotch. To my pleasure, she took the initiative and reached around behind herself to start fondling and even fingering my own cunny. The combination of the close-up view of her cunny, the feel of her cunny against my nipple, and the sensation of her fondling and fingering me was extremely arousing for me.

"Honey," I said a few minutes later "move back between my legs. I want to try something. I want you to try to rub your pretty cunny against my cunny. I've never down that before, but I think we can do it".

It proved far more difficult than I had anticipated to go cunny against cunny, but after a few trial-and-error contortions we managed. We found that the best way was to twist our bodies slightly in opposite directions, and then drape one leg over the other person, and one leg under the other person. It also helped having Laura sitting partially upright with her waist slightly on top of me; sort of like if she were trying to ride me. I'm not sure I've done this position justice with my description, but trust me that it worked like a charm.

Oh, yes, we got it to work, all right! Soon our widespread cunnies were rubbing directly against each other, our warmth and moistness mixing. My relatively larger cunny practically engulfed Laura's little girl cunny, making her puffy outer labia often come into contact with my exposed clit. It was a very erotic sensation. It actually made me climax before Laura, even though she had started off as being the more horny one. Laura compensated by grinding into me even more vigorously, fervently, and soon after she was cumming as well.

Chapter 9 – Cleaning Up The Peach Cream

This time we were both sexually exhausted. After catching our breaths we cuddled. And cuddled. And cuddled. But our cuddling was now purely emotional, not physical. We stayed like that for over an hour, both of us drifting in and out of sleep, the blanket pulled up over us.

Eventually I got up to run the tub so that we could get washed up. We certainly needed washing up; Laura and I were both sweaty and moderately stinky from the afternoon's picnic activities in the warm sun, and both of us were now also covered with each other's love juices.

Laura wandered into the bathroom just as the bubbles reached the edge of the tub and as I turned off the taps. She took off the bathrobe that I had left for her in the bedroom, letting it slip off of her pleasantly rounded shoulders.

"Sweet. Scented bubbles!" she said, as she stepped daintily into the tub.

"Lavender," I noted, as I watched Laura's small body disappear into the bubbles. All that was left visible above the bubbles was her head and the enticing roundness of her shoulders.

I didn't immediately climb into the tub with Laura, even though the tub was plenty large enough for both of us. Instead, I sat on the edge of the tub beside her. At first I just affectionately stroked her love-tousled hair as she reclined in the tub. Then I took a small wash clothe, got it wet in the tub, and gently washed Laura's pretty face. After washing her face, I proceeded to wash the rest of her body. First I washed her shoulders and individually out-stretched arms. Then I had her lean forward and I washed her sensuous back. Next, I reached under the mass of fragrant bubbles and washed her chest and tummy, being sure to put almost no pressure at all on her sensitive little nipples. Continuing under the bubbles by feel alone, I washed the inside and outside of her legs all of the way down to her cute little wiggling toes, gently caressing her slender calves as I washed her.

I purposefully didn't wash her feminine beauty under water, because I wanted to see her beauty while I washed it. Yes, I know that there was no need for me to see it while I washed it – I just wanted to. So after washing most of her tender young body I said "I want to clean your beautiful cunny now, Laura. Please come up here and lie on the edge of the tub."

Smiling and my obviously naughty request, Laura got up and lay on the edge of the tub, which is very wide on my tub. I had her put one foot in the tub and the other on the bathroom floor. This left her bare, little girl genitalia exposed for me. Her labia were noticeably pinker than normal, and her clitoral hood was still slightly engorged and peeking out a tiny bit from between her tight slit. I took the wash clothe, and gently and slowly washed her between her legs. At one point I looked up at her face; she was smiling at me. Spreading her legs slightly more, I continued to wash her, all the way down to her small anus. I didn't even attempt to sexually stimulate or arouse her. That wasn't the point. I just lovingly washed her.

After spending a disproportionate amount of time washing her cunny, I decided to lighten the mood up. So I told her that we were going to see if we could get her whole body covered with the thick bubbles in the bath. A 'bubble suit' is what I called it. I had her stand upright in the tub, and we both picked up many handfuls of bubbles and tried to coat her body with them. We tried several times to totally cover her with bubbles, both of us laughing hysterically the whole time, but the bubbles kept sliding off.

Ooh, but what a sensuous sight she still was! Her shoulders and the top of her small breasts and round bum would hold the bubbles slightly better than the rest of her body; but soon the bubbles would slide down, leaving alluring patches of exposed skin.

Finally we gave up on the bubble suit. As Laura sat back down amongst the thick layer of bubbles I also crawled into the large tub, and reclined against the far end. After a few minutes, Laura decided that she was going to wash me. She got on her knees in the tub, and lent forward to wash my face with the wash clothe. Then she started to wash the rest of my body, starting with my shoulders. My breasts were just above bubbles, and Laura had some fun covering them with bubbles, and then washing off the bubbles. She washed down my arms, and made her way down my tummy.

Then she sat back on her bum, and lifted up first one of my legs for washing, then the other leg. Each time she spent a brief period washing the inside of my thighs just below my crotch, touching my cunny only very briefly. I was very appreciative that she was very gentle, because my own cunny was feeling a bit sensitive from our extended lovemaking.

While Laura didn't spend much time touching my cunny, she did spend a lot of time washing and touching my pubic hair. My pubic hair is relatively lush, both in growth and in looks due to its darkness. Laura was very intrigued by my pubic hair - so intrigued that she had me stand up in the bathtub so she could better 'wash' me there. Not surprisingly, this washing consisted more of her weaving her fingers through my curly pubic hairs than it did true washing.

Throughout my whole washing, her small, slippery, loving hands were all over me. But just like when I had been washing her, Laura wasn't trying to sexually arouse me – again, this wasn't the point. She was just affectionately washing and caressing me.

We took turns washing each other's hair. I went first. I had Laura turn around so that I could get at her hair. Using a small bath cup that I keep by the tub, I got her short brown hair completely wet, and then lathered her up with shampoo. Then I used the cup to rinse her hair. We both then turned around, and she did my hair the same way. My hair is much longer than Laura's, and Laura seemed to enjoy lathering up and stroking the full length of my black hair.

Before we got out of the tub I got us both standing so that we could use the detachable hand held showerhead to wash off all of the bubbles and soap residue. It was a pleasure watching the water wash down in rivulets and then drip from her young, nubile body. The roundness of her small breasts, pretty face, and petite hips all glistened as the light caught their wetness.

I sat on the edge of the tub, and used a big, soft, fluffy towel to dry Laura. I made sure that I got into every nook and cranny of her delectable body. I did dry between her legs, but I was again very gentle because I was sure that she must have been extremely sensitive down there from her many orgasms and extensive fondling. After I was finished drying Laura, I draped a towel over her shoulders. The towel hung over her breasts and tummy, but it left her pretty mons just visible. I started to dry myself, too, but my sweetie took over, and lovingly dried my whole body.

After leading her back into the bedroom, I had even more loving fun by dressing her. Piece by slow piece, with many, many affectionate kisses of my sweetheart's wonderful body.

Chapter 10 – Laura Explores Her Own Sexuality

Over the following summer months and then into the fall (**author: it's now late fall as I write this story**) Laura and I have enjoyed doing many non-sexual things together. We've gone to shows; explored several of the local city parks; wandered through many stores together; relaxed reading books and magazines together in my living room; discussed local societal and political affairs (I tell you, for a 12-year-old, my sweet Laura is very mature and intelligent!); lounged with a purring and appreciative Boots; watched her play soccer in a tournament; and occasionally escaped the oppressive summer heat by going swimming in one of the lakes in a State Park outside of the city (once even with Laura's mom and with Laura's friend Sally). With my prior permission and at Laura's invitation Sally has also joined us several times during my and Laura's friendly outings. I even took both Laura and Sally to a concert – a teen heartthrob boy-band. At the end of that night my ears hurt as much from the screaming hoards of young girls as from the loud music – but it made my darling Laura happy, and that made me happy.

At one point Sharon, Laura's mom, expressed her considerate concern that Laura was imposing on me, taking up too much of my time. But I reassured her that this didn't bother me. In fact, I had sort of been anticipating the concern, and had prepared an explanation for when the matter arose. I explained to Sharon that I had recently broken up with my boyfriend (which was now true, although obviously not for the reasons that I gave Sharon), and that I was purposefully not being socially active, in order to give myself a chance to recover (which Sharon could well understand), and avoid having an ill-advised 'rebound-effect' relationship. As such, I was happy to have Laura's company. I even jokingly added, "Besides, she's cheaper than a therapist." I have to admit that I felt a bit bad about twisting the truth to Sharon, because I had really come to like her and respect her, but the alternative would have been far more devastating for all of us. Fortunately, Sharon accepted my explanation, at face value (at least I hope so). And from then on it was even easier to spend time with my sweet Laura, enjoying her company and doing all of those enjoyable non-sexual activities that I was just mentioning.

I would love to tell you all about these wonderful emotionally-intimate but non-sexual times that Laura and I spent together. They are truly the basis of our relationship, and what I value the most. Yes, we enjoy our physical-intimacy; but we enjoy each other's companionship even more. But, alas, I see that my recount of my relationship with Laura is already becoming very long. So I'll not burden you with additional details of the pseudo-platonic aspects of our companionship. I hope that by now I've given you enough of an understanding of these aspects to set the scene (but if you want to know more about these aspects, please let me know and I'll be happy to tell you). Just think of your very best and closest friend ever, and you'll have a sense of how I feel about the time I spend with Laura.

So, instead, allow me to tell you a bit more about some of our naughty and erotic escapades.

My next recount didn't happen immediately next; but it did happen soon after the start of the summer, and to me it is so incredibly beautiful and special a matter that I want to tell you about it now. It is about Laura starting to masturbate in my presence.

Early one weekday evening after I got home from work, Laura came over for a visit. We spent most of the evening just enjoying each other's company; chatting about my work and her soccer games, playing card and board games, listening to music. Later, while we were relaxing and being mellow and absorbed in our own thoughts, out of the blue Laura broached the topic of masturbation.

"Tammy?" Laura hesitantly started to ask, "Remember how a couple'a weeks ago you told me about that masturbating could be kind'a cool for a woman?"

"Yes, I remember," I answered, laying down my magazine onto my lap.

"And, uh, remember you wanted me to stay with you while you touched your cunny?" she quietly went on.

"Yes, of course I do, kitten," I responded. (**'Kitten' had become my new nickname for Laura, although I haven't yet told her how I came up with it :-) **)

"Would you, um, you know, uh, stay with me while I touch my cunny?" She asked, looking down at the ground in front of the couch, clearly feeling extremely bashful at the request.

I quickly overcame my surprise at the request, and warmly responded "Oh, sweetie, I'd be happy too."

"Thanks," she said, shyly, but relieved.

She pushed a protesting Boots off of her lap, and repositioned herself so that she was facing me from the other end of the couch. I could see through her snug pink T-shirt that her petite little nipples were already partially erect - she clearly had been contemplating the matter for many minutes, and had already gotten herself aroused with the naughty thoughts going through her head.

She reached under her clothes and started to touch herself, and I could see her little hands move underneath the fabric of her T-shirt and jeans. But I could tell right away that she was feeling extremely self-conscious about what she was doing. Her touches were with wooden movements, and she went straight to her nipples and genitals without any sensuous buildup. She did reach under her clothes, but made no attempt to remove them. She also was looking steadfastly at the floor beside the couch, and not at me and certainly not with any eye contact.

I wanted to step in right away and get her to do this in a way that would be more enjoyable and less stilted. But I wasn't sure if doing so was the best thing to do. I didn't want her to feel self-conscious about her inexperience, and I didn't want to spoil the sensuousness of the situation by coming across as a 'teacher'. And to a tiny extent I also tended to think that this was all part of learning and developing, and that I needed to let her figure out some things for herself. So this time I let her (mainly) do things her own way.

The one thing that I did do, after a few minutes, was encourage her to undress. I did this by asking "Laura, would you like to get undressed? It might be easier to touch yourself."

She looked relieved at the question. "Ya, it probably would," she said, then added, "If it's OK with you."

"It's OK with me, sweetie."

With that, she sat up, pulled off first her T-shirt and bra, and then her jeans and panties, leaving her wearing nothing but her white ankle socks (I love it when she leaves her socks on and nothing else; I think it looks so sexy!). She then continued to touch herself. The touches and atmosphere were still stilted; but at least she was able to be a bit more erotic by being in the nude, and better able to touch herself. I smiled the whole time at the sight of my sweetheart touching herself, and I reassuringly also caressed her foot the couple of times that she did look up. Similarly, after she had finally climaxed I pulled her into my arms and hugged her for a long time, saying nothing more than "I love you".

* * *

The next time Laura came over I took the masturbation initiative. After we had had some coffee and cookies at the end of a wonderful afternoon together, I told her that I really wanted to masturbate. Then I told her that she was welcome to stay with me while I did so, if she wanted to. She wanted to, of course.

I started not by touching myself at all, but rather by dancing slowly to some light music in the living room. As I danced I eventually started running my hands up and down the sides of my legs, my tummy, and then my own arms (kind of hugging myself during the latter). After several minutes of this, I began to gently caress my breasts with one of my hands, while my other hand slowly made its way back down my tummy, and pushed the fabric of my dress down between my thighs, squeezing my pudendum.

While continuing to slowly dance to the music, I started to undress myself. I undid the buttons on the front of my dress, and let it slip to the floor. I danced for several minutes in my underwear, before moving to the couch. I sat on the edge of the couch, and continued to stroke my whole body. Then I undid and discarded my bra, and put one of my hands inside my panties. After a minute or so I pulled them off as well.

As I was dancing I had also been making a few comments. Comments like how I enjoyed touching myself, and what I did to make myself feel good. I continued these occasional comments as I really started to touch myself intimately. For example, I 'mentioned' (not 'instructed') to Laura that "I like to run my fingers up and down the side of my labia, like this …," as I slid my fingers up the outside length of my slit. Another example … "When I first start touching my clit I like getting it lubricated by licking my fingers. And then I only touch it very lightly at first, like this …," as I fluttered my moistened fingertips across the hood.

Much later, after I was done masturbating myself, I lay collapsed on the couch, fully in the nude beside my admiring young sweetheart. I lay there for several minutes before I got up and dressed again. Sitting back on the couch beside Laura, I hugged her and held her closely to me. We chatted for a few minutes, with me mentioning again how much I enjoyed masturbation, and about how useful masturbation was to girls in helping them developing and understanding their own sexuality. I ended by saying "… And it's a very beautiful thing to do." I then shut up and let her absorb all of this.

A few minutes later while still hugging her I asked "Kitten, would you like to touch yourself, too? Right now? Here?"

"Uhm … Ya, I guess so," she bashfully said.

"Why don't you start by dancing. Like I was," I suggested. I purposefully made this suggestion my last. I let her do her own thing for the rest of her time of self-pleasure.

She looked a bit self-conscious when she first started dancing. But she soon relaxed, and the rest of the time she was far less self-conscious and wooden in her movements than she had been the prior time. There were still several things that I could have advised her on; but I didn't.

Interestingly, she did ask me to take off my shirt again, so that she could see my bra. I happily obliged. "Would you like me to take of my pants too, so that you can see my panties?" I asked.

"Yes, please," was her immediate response.

Before long she was on the couch beside me, nude and touching herself. I had a pleasant view of her little girl beauty as she did this. I could clearly see that her tiny clit had become very engorged, both in girth and length - so much so that it slightly spread her outer labia lips, and stuck out past them and its hood. Wow, what an erotic and beautiful sight! (**over the months I've had several chances to see her clit like this – and I've LOVED it every time**). Soon after this she spread her legs wide, and I could also clearly see her spread labia lips – glistening with moisture under her roving fingers.

She did take care to build up the moment far more than she had the prior time. While her finger movements were clearly still going for quick stimulation, they were also partially following my example of going for sensual and ultimately prolonged and intense pleasure. She was enjoying herself, and soon brought herself to a climax.

Just like the prior time, I then lovingly held her in my arms.

* * *

Over the course of the summer we had several sessions like this. Sometimes I would masturbate and show her things, then let her follow my example. Occasionally we would even masturbate at the same time (once with our cunnies mere inches apart! This was very erotic for me!). Many times it would just be Laura masturbating at her own initiation and me fully clothed; I suppose it's a case of her being younger than me, and thus more often and more easily sexually aroused (in other words, sexually budding and hormone driven) than I am. Once I even pulled out a mirror so that Laura could see her own genitals as she masturbated; I sat behind her and pointed out a few of her parts in the mirror, and then I just let her watch herself finger her own cunny. Laura has also taken to occasionally masturbating by herself at home in her own bed (and apparently once in a clothing store's change room!! My jaw dropped to my knees when she told me this scandalous news!) when we couldn't be together, and she's now mature and liberated enough tells me about these activities.

There have been a couple of times that I have gotten Laura excited, and then had her masturbate for me. For example, during one of our sensuous bath times I had her lean back while I slipped my legs under her bum, and then I had her lift her knees and calves up to the side of the tub. This position pushed her delectable cunny just above the bubbles, right in front of me. I caressed and fondled her inner thighs and the sides of her cunny for a few minutes, but then I told her that I wanted her to touch herself for me. At first she was disappointed when I stopped touching her, but she soon proved to be very willing to touch herself for me. She spent the next ten minutes bringing herself to a climax; it was intense enough that we ended up with some major wave action in the tub from all of her squirming. (**I also fondly recall that particular bath session because no sooner had she climaxed when she was all over me, kissing me, fondling me, wrapping her legs tightly around mine, fingering me. I think she brought herself to a second climax; she certainly made me cum. And this time the waves over-topped the edge of the tub, and spilled out onto the tile floor of the bathroom, totally soaking our bathrobes and the small throw rug on the floor – although we were too preoccupied to notice this until later.**)

Another example: during another afternoon bath time, just as we were getting ready to have the bath together, I undressed her, played with her nubile young body for awhile until she was very moist, then had her sit on the toilet seat (after laying down a big fluffy towel first) and masturbate for me as I climbed into the tub and sat amongst the bubbles watching her. I reached over and spread her legs wide so I could have a better view, and she put one hand behind her bum for balance. Her free hand started on her own nipples, but soon moved down to her genitals. It was an erotic sight seeing her whole body rocking back and forth as she got completely into touching herself. Even her head swayed in pleasure; so much so that her hair was soon tousled and partially covering her face (this made her look even prettier, in a very sensual way). When she was done her knees were so wobbly that I had to reach over and help her into the tub.

Watching Laura please herself in front of me is still one of my favorite sexual activities. It is so sensual and so beautiful to watch. I also like the knowledge that it is a young girl doing something that is pleasurable for herself, that she is doing it solely for herself, and that she is doing it because SHE wants it - she is not doing it for or because of anyone else (notwithstanding my periodic encouragement). This is hers and hers alone.

Chapter 11 – Hungry for a peach

Several times when Laura has come over for a visit she's spent the whole time walking around in her underwear. Her developing young body looks so sensual in panties and bra! Often this is as physically intimate as we get; I merely enjoy admiring her nubile body, and she enjoys traipsing around my apartment like a little exhibitionist.

Occasionally Laura has ended up with a T-shirt or camisole top on, but no bottoms. This attire has given me suggestive little peaks of her exquisite bum and of her hairless mons and vulva. Sometimes I've helped myself to better glimpses by lifting either the back or the front of her top as she happens to be walking by. I have to admit that the first couple of times that I took these enhanced glimpses, Laura was soon after sprawled out on the floor with my face between her alluring thighs. :-)

During the course of the summer it was usually Laura that was the one to be anxious to get our physical-intimacy started. She would often start to fondle my nipples through my clothes while I was still busy doing something (like cleaning up, or reading a magazine, or putting things away). Usually she was looking at me so cutely (like a kitten in want of a cuddle and scratch under the chin) that I gave in. Sometimes, however, I would make her wait until later, and stick to my guns.

But at least one time it was _me_ that could hardly wait. Mid-summer I went on a weeklong business trip to our New York head office. When I got back, I couldn't wait to see Laura again, having felt a desolate emotional and physical emptiness while I was away. As soon as Laura arrived I lifted her pretty blue dress and took in the wondrous view of her panties. I could see the outline of her pudendum against the satin cloth at her crotch. I cupped her little girl feminine beauty, and I could feel the swell of her labia against my fingertips. I urgently pulled off her panties, and lifted her up and put her on the edge of the dining table. I left one leg draped over the edge of the table, and lifted her other leg up and over onto the tabletop. This left her spread and exposed. I admired the view for a moment, gently caressed the smooth bareness, and then dived in with my tongue.

* * *

The next day, Laura turned the tables. It was her that went under my dress as soon as we got back from her soccer practice. We had only made it to the edge of my living room when Laura got down on her knees at my feet, and stuck her head up my loosely fitting summer dress. She kissed her way up my thighs. As she moved up I could feel her hot breath over my panties, then felt them being pulled down past my knees and off past my feet.

A shiver of pleasure radiated through my body as Laura's fingers made their first initial touch of my cunny. Her finger lightly glided up and down my outer labia, tracing my cleft. With a feather's touch, she eased in between them. Soon I was slowly moving my hips to the rhythm of her fingers.

Then her tongue flitted over my clitoris as if a butterfly had come to rest between my legs. Then again. Kitten licks of my pubic hair and my inner thighs. Then butterfly wings glancing over me. More kitten licks.

Then the butterfly landed and stayed for several minutes. Soon I was grinding my pussy into my sweet young friend's face, squirming under the intense sensation of each lick of my clit and finger stroke of my inner skin, holding the back of her head through the fabric on my dress. I lowered myself onto the carpet before I ended up collapsing onto it. She continued to lick my sensitive clit until I thought I was going to pass out, and licked as deep inside my cunny hole as her little tongue would go, reaching almost as far into me as her thumb was already reaching. That afternoon she brought me to a climax about as fast as she (or anybody else, for that matter) has ever managed.

* * *

Now a momentary complete change of pace: I want to tell you a small anecdotal note about an emotionally intimate moment from that day that sticks firmly and warmly in my mind. It is about a very special hug later that evening, just before Laura had to leave. We were both still in the nude, standing in my darkened living room, letting the warm summer breeze waft over our bodies through the opened balcony door, and looking out past the balcony at a sea of stars shimmering against the vast darkness of the cloudless sky, a thin crescent of the new moon just beginning to rise up over the dark silhouettes of the trees in the park. I was standing behind Laura, with my arms lovingly wrapped around her and tenderly hugging her tummy, and she had her arms wrapped backwards around my sides, with the backside of her small hands draped over the curve of my bum. The warmth of her body felt so wonderful against my bare skin. We were swaying gently in time to some soft, pleasant music that we had playing in the background. Laura's head reached to just below my chin, and I only needed to bend my face slightly forward to kiss her tousled hair. We didn't say a word. Just immensely enjoyed being with each other, gazing up at the universe.

Thanks for letting me share that moment with you. The memory means so much to me, and I'll always cherish it.

* * *

Now on with the naughty stuff. :-) .

We've also gotten good at the proverbial '69' position. We started doing 69s after one of the times that I had her kneel over my face (looking at her hairless little girl vulva from so close is SO erotic!). This time, for no particular reason that I can recall, I had her facing towards my body, rather that towards my head as we had been doing. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I think the reason for the switch was that Laura wanted to look at my nude body while I licked her cunny. Yes, I think that was the reason. In any case, Laura was sitting upright over my lustful tongue, facing towards my body. She collapsed onto my body when she climaxed. My tongue and head just followed her as she climaxed, and so I never really stopped tonguing her cute cunny. So I was still tonguing her when she started to kiss and lick my cunny. No turning back, as the saying goes.

While we've become good at doing 69, we're still working on getting each other to the peak of climax at the same time. Usually we're off (although it's really not a big deal to either of us, especially me). For example, once, I had Laura on top; her cute, round bum was held up in the air by her bent legs, with knees on the ground. I actually had to lift my head and bend my neck to reach her cunny; otherwise she wouldn't have been able to reach my cunny, because of her diminutive height. We had been kissing and licking each other for awhile, and both greatly enjoying the activity and sensations. When I started lightly flicking her clit with my tongue I noticed that almost immediately her licking of me slowed down, and before long her bum started moving back closer to me. Soon my neck was no longer bent, and she was no longer licking me. But she was breathing and moaning heavily; she was so engrossed in the pleasurable sensations she was receiving from my busy tongue that she was no longer aware of her surroundings or own actions. I increased my tongue flicking and soon her head was collapsed into my lower tummy, and her bum and cunny were pushing down firmly into my face. It was hard for me to breath, but worth it for the pleasure she had. It was probably a full ten minutes later when she finally brought me the same pleasure (again, though, the timing really doesn't matter much to us).

Chapter 12 – Branching out the peach tree

It was in early September, just after Laura had started back to school, when we started doing some kinkier stuff. Some was tame kink; some was decidedly a bit more risquι kink. September was the month of the kink; it seemed that no sooner had we experimented with one bit of kink when we were going on to the next. It was an incredible month!

The first kinky thing that I did was shave myself – and I'm not talking legs or armpits. It was the first week of school for Laura, and I didn't get to see her at all during the school week because of all of the orientation activities she had to attend. So I was missing her something fierce. One evening I was in the shower, shaving my legs, inevitably affectionately thinking about my darling lover, when I got the naughty idea to make my cunny look like hers.

When I finally got to see Laura on the following Saturday, I had a lot of fun with my new, smooth, hairless femininity. Shortly after she arrived, I told her "See if you can figure out what's different about me today, kitten".

She made all sorts of guesses: changed my hair; wearing a new necklace; new earrings; new lipstick; new perfume; new sandals; colorful nail polish on my toes; lost five pounds. Nope. Nope. Nope… After awhile she was at a loss for what could possibly be different, and started to make silly guesses: new nose job, boob job (which she jokingly checked by giving me a quick fondle), quit my job and became a nun, 'gone barking mad' (another one of her cute sayings).

At one point she got very close to the point; she said "New panties". Giggling, she hoisted up the front of my dress. "Nope, not that," she said, recognizing the pink cotton panties that I was wearing, and dropping my hem back down. So close, and yet so far!

I did give her one tiny hint at that time: "I'm more like you now." But she still wasn't able to figure out what I was talking about. She became convinced that it must be something that I was wearing, clothing or jewelry. But she couldn't figure out which piece of clothing or jewelry. She even checked to make sure my earrings weren't clip-on style, like she had worn several times (her adorable little ears aren't pierced).

I made Laura stew for the next fifteen minutes, refusing to tell her or give her anymore hints, despite her cajoling. I taunted her by playfully singing out "I'm more like you-ou. I'm more like you-ou. And you don't know why-y." Juvenile, I know, but fun.

Finally I gave Laura another hint. I told her "Maybe if you unwrap me you'll figure it out." At first this merely made Laura more convinced that it was my clothing, albeit my underwear. She immediately undid the zipper at the back of my dress and dropped my dress onto the floor. She examined my underwear more closely, but was again disappointed to discover that this wasn't it, either. For a moment she got silly again, and laughingly said "Padded bra. Ya, that's it. Padded bra," taking the opportunity to fondle my breasts again. Laura has, in fact, worn a padded bra a couple of times to supplement the look of her developing young breasts. But she still couldn't figure out what my secret was.

"May I put my dress back on now?" I asked. Then, smiling suggestively, I added: "Or do you need to CHECK CLOSER?"

Laura immediately picked up on my stressed words, and started looking very carefully at what little I still had on. She looked closely at my underwear, again. Dismissed them. Looked closely at my earrings, necklace, and lipstick. Even my hair-style again. Dismissed them all. Pondering for a moment, she parroted the single word "Unwrap …" from several minutes earlier, and went back to the part of my body that she had shortly before 'unwrapped'. She checked out my bra again, even pulling it away to look at the fabric inside in order to really make sure it wasn't padded.

Then she hit pay dirt, although it took her a moment to realize it. She pulled my underwear away from my bum, saw nothing unusual with the fabric, moved around front, and pulled my underwear away from my front. She looked in for a moment, didn't see anything unusual with the fabric, and started to release the elastic of my panties. Then it hit her. She yanked the front of my panties back out, way out, and excitedly exclaimed: "Tam, you cut off all your pubes!!"

"Bingo!" I said, smiling from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat.

My panties were inelegantly torn down off my hips and past my knees as Laura got down on her knees to take a closer look at my 'bald cunny' (**words that Laura came up with for my bareness**). She spent the next long while admiring my bareness. Her gentle fingers on my now silky (**well, maybe not as silky as Laura's tender young pudendum, but still pretty soft**) smooth mons felt so different, so wonderful, so sensuous. At one point she even stood up, dropped her jeans down to her ankles and her panties down to her knees, exposing her own little-girl femininity, and compared our hairless cunnies. We spent the next hour enjoying this new similarity. Without going into great detail, let me end this recollection with the following anecdote: the sensation of bare, smooth cunny against bare, smooth cunny is one of the softest and most erotic sensations that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Grab the opportunity if it ever arises for you, and hold it dear.

* * *

My next kinky recollection also occurred in early September, about a week after Laura started back in school. It involves my dildo (yes, I've got one, and yes, it's hidden at the bottom of my sock drawer; in fact there's also a vibrator hidden right next to it – there, now you know another one of my naughty secrets), which had seen very little use (in fact, none) for several months.

The idea to use a dildo on Laura first came about from a most unusual inspirational source: my own nipple. This deserves some explaining.

The inspiration came during one of Laura's mid-week evening visits. Let me set the scene to help you understand how the inspiration came about: Laura had gotten us physically intimate shortly after arriving (she was still fascinated by my new genital hairlessness). While we were making love we were rubbing our bodies all over each other. This included using our bare cunnies. At one point Laura was lying on her back as I was using my nipples to do circles around her clitoris, and to move in and out of her slit (kind of kinky in its own right). She enjoyed this so much that she wrapped her feet and calves around my bum and back, and pulled me closer. A few minutes later we rolled over and switched positions, and she rubbed her tiny breasts against my smooth, hairless mons, and then against my warm, moist slit. Then she moved up to crouch over my breasts so that she could use her warm slit to caress my nipples and breasts while she reached around and fingered between my spread legs. When she subsequently turned around and bent over to use her tongue on my own slit, I was left with a beautiful view of her smooth, round bum and her open, slightly spread moist labia lips and beckoning vagina.

That opening! I wanted to put my nipple into that opening! But when she had repositioned herself to get at my cunny she had moved down my body, gotten down onto her knees, and had lifted her bum and cunny out of reach of my breasts and nipples. Her cunny was also out of reach of my tongue, unless I really bent and contorted my neck.

It was my desperate desire to put something into her glistening hole, something erotic and even kinky, that made me think of using a dildo. However, I didn't just jump up and grab my dildo right then and there. Despite my high state of arousal, I still knew that I was going to have to ease Laura into it's use. But I knew what I wanted to do to Laura, soon. In the meantime I just used my fingers.

I patiently waited for over a week, until we had a chance to be leisurely in our lovemaking. This occasion happened on a lazy Saturday afternoon. We had spent the morning playing games, and were getting close to love making after several hours of chatting and affectionate cuddling and kissing on the couch.

Our chatting that afternoon was mainly about boys/men (I have to admit that I purposefully brought up the topic that day). This is a topic that we had talked about a few times over the months. Despite Laura and I being in an exclusive lesbian relationship, we also knew that we were both attracted to men. So we enjoyed talking about them.

On this particular afternoon we were talking about 'sex' with a man. Mainly this talk came down to my describing what it was like; Laura, of course, had never made love to a man, and was unlikely to for several years yet. Amongst other things, I described what it felt like to have a man's cock inside me. This wasn't the first time I told her a bit about the sensation. But, interestingly, when we had previously talked about this subject it had never dawned on me to even mention my dildo or vibrator, let alone contemplate using it during our lovemaking. Kind of an odd oversight, isn't it? Oh, well, at least I had now thought about it.

Laura was intrigued by the concept of something warm and firm inside my vagina, and by extension her own. She wanted to know if it moved around inside? How did it get up a vagina when the vagina hole was so much narrower? Did it hurt? Did the head of the penis go up into her uterus? Did it poke anything inside? (her knowledge of reproduction and internal anatomy was a bit weak – I suspect that when she skipped upward two grades she missed some of the basic sex-education classes) At one point she asked "Does a cock feel the same as fingers? You know, like when your fingers are in my cunny?"

I responded "Sort of. Only ALOT better! My fingers don't reach anywhere near as deeply as a cock. Since a cock is longer than my fingers, it can make me feel good inside. And more importantly, it's much wider than my fingers. So it pushes the walls of my vagina out as it slides in deep, and then it releases the walls as it moves back out. Both the pushing and the letting go feel pretty wonderful. It feels like the guy's cock wants to touch all of my insides at once. And my cunny feels like it is trying to hug the cock right back. The guys cock even puts a bunch of pressure on the underside of my clit, from the inside. That feels pretty good."

I stalled in my description. I realized that my descriptions probably weren't all that informative to Laura. I also realized that I had inadvertently made a perfect opportunity to introduce the topic of dildos, which is what I had wanted to do when I started this conversation.

"Hmm …," I said, feigning spontaneous thought, "I think I have a better way to describe what's happening when a guy has his cock in me."

Standing up, I said "Come with me, Kitten. I'll show you something."

Laura followed me into my bedroom. Standing beside my dresser, I said "Sometimes I want the sensation of a man in my cunny, but I either don't want the major pain-in-the-butt of having a guy around (**this made her laugh**), or there simply isn't a guy around anyway."

"So…," I went on as I reached into the bottom drawer "… sometimes I use this." I pulled out my dildo. It's about and inch and a quarter wide, and about 8 inches long, and pinkish in color.

Laura was wide-eyed at the sight. She clearly recognized its resemblance to a penis, but seemed to be unclear what this object was. "What is it?" She asked. Then she answered her own question "Is it a dildo?"


"Cool. I've never seen a dildo before. Some of my friends at school told me about 'em. But I've never seen one."

We sat down on the edge of my bed as we talked about the dildo. At one point I noted to Laura: "Some of my female friends like thicker ones, sometimes so thick that it stretches their vagina way, way out. Personally, I prefer this medium sized one; I like to be able to wiggle the dildo from side to side inside me when I'm doing myself, when I'm masturbating."

Going on, I said "See the head? See how rounded it is? Most dildo's come circumcised like this, just like many men."

"What is circumcised?" Laura asked, uncertain.

I rectified my oversight, and explained the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised. Then I went on to say "I have a friend who says that she can feel the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised cocks when the guys have their cocks inside her. But I can't. They all feel the same to me. All I can tell is the difference in width of the ones that I've tried. Each guy is slightly different. When I'm using a dildo I prefer this size, …" I held up the my dildo again, "… But when I'm with a real guy I actually prefer slightly thicker cocks. Although I still enjoy the feel of slender cocks." "Tammy! How many men have you slept with?!" Laura exclaimed in surprise at the inference of what I had said. I guess the thought of having sex with even one guy was phenomenal to her, let alone making the rounds over the years like I have (not that I'm promiscuous; I've just taken a few opportunities).

I sheepishly responded "Uh, just a few. Not many." I glanced briefly at her face. Her face still showed her surprise. It also showed growing signs of admiration. Oh, boy! Oh, no! (**Later that afternoon I had a long chat with Laura about the need for safe sex and the value of monogamous relationships.**)

Changing topics, purposefully, I put the dildo down on the bed between us, and told Laura "Go ahead, touch it. You can pick it up if you want." Laura was too sheepish to pick up such a thing at first, so she just pushed on it with her fingertips. But after a few minutes I did convince her to pick it up.

As she was holding the dildo, I said "Imagine the head going into a cunny, and how a girl's labia and vagina will spread around that smooth head. Now imagine that head pushing up, way up, into her cunny hole. Sounds pretty spectacular, doesn't it?"

I had originally planned on trying to convince Laura to let me try the dildo on her. But at the spur of the moment I decided that it would probably be best if I used in to myself first, so that she could get used to the concept. So I timidly asked "Do ya want to see how it looks going inside of me?"

Laura jumped at my outrageous offer, all bashfulness about the matter gone out the window. "Cool, ya! That'd be sweet!"

I felt a bit hesitant about what I was about to do (it still didn't seem like the 'socially-proper' thing to do – but then again, much of what Laura and I do isn't), but I resolved to carry through with this bit of kinky fun. I pulled off my sweat pants and panties, but didn't bother to pull off my upper clothing.

Lying down on the bed, I spread my legs for Laura's benefit, and started to rub the head of the dildo against my slit. While I was a little bit damp from the cuddling and erotic chat we had been having, I quickly realized that I was nowhere near damp enough to get the dildo sliding into me.

After a moment of touching myself I lifted my head to Laura and asked "Kitten, I'm not moist enough to slip this in. Would you please lick me for a while? Just to get me ready for this dildo."

She readily obliged.

It took several minutes to actually get me ready. But as soon as I felt that I was aroused enough and lubricated enough I pulled Laura's head away. "Thanks, kitten," I said. "You can just watch now."

Laura moved back, but didn't sit up; instead, she stayed lying on her tummy about a foot and a half away from my cunny. She clearly didn't want to miss anything. She watched ('examined' would be more accurate) very closely as I gently spread the lips of my cunny with the head of the dildo, and bit by bit inserted it into my already tingling vagina. I find the sensation of a cock entering me to be very incredible at any time; to also have a young girl watching this process from so close a view point was a whole magnitude more erotic! I could only imagine what it must look like to Laura, and I couldn't wait to see the same thing happening to my young lover's delectable hole.

As the dildo was entering me I talked about what was happening. "See how my labia lips wrap around the head? It doesn't take much pressure to get past my lips. And you can see how the cock is getting lubricated by my own cunny juices." I pulled it back out to show Laura its glistening head. Reinserting it between my cunny lips, I went on "Each time I move it in it gets more lubricated. Then back out. Then in a bit further, getting more lubricated." I continued for several strokes, then added "This also gives my vagina a chance to get used to the width. My cunny walls spread as the dildo slides into me deeper and deeper."

I continued this until the dildo was well into me, although not as deep as I can get it in when I'm in the heat of the moment. Stopping for a moment I said "Now watch how I can slide it all the way out, and then all the way back innnn. Oooh."

Laura watched, enthralled, as I slowly slid the dildo in and out. She even repositioned herself so she could see from another angle, resting against one of my legs. She said "Cool," as I showed her how I could sway it from side to side. I made her laugh when I added "A guy can move it around from side to side a bit, but nowhere near this much or this good. For the most part a real cock is still better; but when it comes to rotating from side to side a guy is a flop."

My sweetie stayed between my legs, watching, enjoying the view, until I finally climaxed. This did take awhile, since I had started off with relatively little physical stimulation. But I did cum. Interestingly, what ultimately made me cum was not just the sensation of the dildo caressing my insides. Rather, my mind kept wandering back to the kinky thought of being watched so closely by my young sweetie as I slid the dildo in and out of my cunny, and it was mainly this delicious erotic thought that pushed me over the edge.

Laura crawled up to my head as I was still quivering and coming down. She bubbled "That was sooo cool! I loved how your cunny moved around the cock." She kissed me lovingly on my lips, and then bubbled on. "And it went real deep! I bet that felt real, like, wow, far out!" She kissed me again and again, passionately, holding my cheeks in her hands and running her fingers through my hair. She kissed me so much that at first I actually had a hard time catching my breath as I came down. But I loved the kisses.

Sometimes Laura will let me recover before we move on to my pleasing her. This was NOT one of those times. She was all over me, touching me, rubbing herself against me. So as soon as I had caught my breath, and before I even had a chance to pull the dildo out, I was kissing and fondling her in return.

Within minutes she stripped off her own T-shirt and jeans. As she was taking off her small bra, I sat up and pulled the dildo out of my cunny. Reaching over, I helped her remove her soft, cotton panties. My nude little nymphet was immediately back on top of me, kissing me passionately.

I could tell that our several hours of affectionate snuggling and kissing, and then the erotic show that I had just put on for her, had left Laura in a heightened state of arousal. She certainly didn't need a slow build up from the state she was already in. So soon I was kissing, licking, and caressing her ear lobes, neck, breasts, and nipples. Shortly after that I rolled her onto her back and began cupping her petite pudendum while I continued caressing her nipples with my tongue. When my tender squeezes were rewarded within a minute with a notable dampness I took the opportunity to insert the tip of one of my fingers into her slit. For her part, Laura pushed back with her cunny against my squeezing hand and invading finger, eager for more.

Moving my finger slowly in and out, stopping, then moving, I let Laura enjoy the sensation for a several minutes.

Then I stopped altogether and pulled my finger out. Sitting up beside Laura, I used my hand to lovingly rub her tummy as I looked down at her pretty face. Finally, I asked her "It feels good having something in your cunny hole, doesn't it, kitten?"

I say 'finally' because I could tell from Laura's face that she was aching with anticipation, and to her the wait for this moment probably felt like an eternity. Her eyes were now wide, and she was biting her lower lip through a little smile.

"Ya," was all she said in response. It was all she needed to say.

I reached over and picked up the dildo from the side of the bed, where I had left it.

Without saying another word, I reached between Laura's sensuous legs and rubbed the dildo slowly across the soft skin of her inner thighs, and then her smooth, hairless pudendum. She spread her legs for me, which allowed me to run the head of the dildo over the side of her labia lips as well. I teased her like this for well over a minute.

As I did this bit of 'foreplay' we lovingly looked into each other's eyes. "I'll be gentle, kitten. You'll enjoy this," I said reassuringly to Laura.

"OK," she quietly responded.

"Move up to the head board and lean back on the pillows. That way you can see better," I instructed.

She slid her naked little body up onto the pillows, gathering and plumping them up as she went, while I switched positions so that I was between her legs. I gently continued my erotic teasing. Soon the dampness on the outside of her slit helped the head of the dildo slide easily across her little-woman beauty.

I very, very, very gently pushed the head of the dildo against Laura's labia, spreading the lips ever so slightly. Laura instinctively spread her legs further apart. Using one hand to hold the dildo, I slid it slowly up and down the length of her moist slit. I used my other hand to sensuously caress the smooth, tender skin of her thighs immediately beside her pudendum.

I looked into my love's pretty face several times. She was now so captivated by what I was doing that she never took her eyes off of the novel sight of a dildo touching her special parts. I couldn't help but smile at her intrigue.

I continued this level of stimulation for a long time, hardly penetrating her slit at all. I wanted to get Laura relaxed and to chase away any fears she might have. Slowly, periodically, I began to insert the head slightly deeper into her slit. But never too deep, and not into her vagina, not yet.

Eventually, when I figured Laura was ready for me to try penetrating her with the dildo, I had her spread her legs even further apart. Then I changed the angle of the dildo slightly, and gently eased the head past her spread cunny lips and into the opening of her vagina. As I pushed the dildo against her I could see that its girth was much larger than her tight little vagina; this was going to be a tight fit, if it fit at all (which I was now beginning to doubt). It was certainly much larger than the opening left by her hymen, although I already knew that her hymen would be ruptured by the insertion of the dildo.

For a moment I returned to just caressing her slit with the head of the dildo. Then I warned Laura that pushing the dildo into her for the first time was going to hurt a bit, and explained why. I could tell that this alarmed her, so I quickly reassured her "It's okay, kitten. It's only for a moment. Not much longer than a pinprick. Then you'll feel great when it's deep inside you." I continued to reassure her until I could see the apprehension leave her face, to be taken over by pleasure from the continued sensation of the dildo sliding across her slit and clit.

When I was sure she was as relaxed as she was going to be, I prepared to continue my penetration of Laura's vagina. I pulled the dildo away from her slit, and lifted it to my face. Purposefully, outrageously, I seductively ran my tongue around the rim of the dildo head, then ran the head into my mouth so that I could get it good and lubricated. I could taste the familiar flavor of my sweetie's cunny moisture, mixed with what I assumed were my own lubricating fluids from earlier.

This outrageous sight made Laura giggle. Her giggling made me laugh, too. Especially when she licked her own lips in a silly (but still very sensuous) way.

Getting back to business, I placed the moistened head of the dildo back against Laura's glistening slit. It easily slid into her slit until it came to the tight confines of her very narrow vagina. I stopped momentarily, before easing the tip of the dildo head ever so slightly and slowly into the opening of her hole. Then stopped again. I purposefully didn't try to force the dildo into Laura's hole. I knew that her vagina walls would relax and let the dildo enter smoothly (if in fact there was room for it). I pulled the dildo out to the edges of her labia lips, then gently and slowly back in again. Her vagina walls did indeed relax, so soon most of the head of the dildo was moving into the outer part of her hole, the very tip of the dildo presumably slipping into the tiny hole left by her hymen.

Then the rigid head of the dildo ran into her hymen. I stopped immediately. For the next few minutes I moved the head in and out of the vestibule of her outer vagina and over her cunny lips; but never deeper than her hymen.

Laura was clearly enjoying the sensation. Her face was looking a bit flushed, and she was breathing a tiny bit heavily. She was also making familiar sounds of sexual pleasure. Time to take her to the next level, I decided.

"Look at my eyes, sweetie," I said. When she was looking into my eyes, I continued, "I'm going to push the dildo deeper into your cunny in a moment, through your hymen. I want you to keep looking at my eyes. Try to memorize exactly what my eyes look like until I'm done pushing in and I tell you to stop. OK?"


I looked down for just a moment to line up the dildo, then looked back into Laura's misted brown eyes. I slid the dildo in and out a few times, in slow, shallow movements. Then I asked Laura, "What color are my eyes, honey?"

"Blue," she was answering as I firmly pushed the rigid dildo up into her vagina. It did put up some resistance as it reached the hymen, but I instantly compensated by using slightly more pressure. Then the dildo was past her ruptured hymen and well into her vagina.

"Ow," she blurted, cringing slightly. I stopped moving to let her recover for a moment. I stroked her pretty face reassuringly and lovingly. After Laura's body had relaxed again I continued sliding the dildo slowly in and out of her vagina, going slightly deeper each time. The pain apparently rapidly declined, except for the periodic cringes when I moved the dildo in some particular way that gave her slight twinges. And Laura's sexual inertia was still well and strong - she was soon making sounds of sexual pleasure again, and thrusting her hips in time with my movements of the dildo. As her body moved energetically in response to the dildo, her small little tits jiggled to the extent that such small little tits could jiggle.

I repositioned myself, so that I could get a closer view of this firm 'cock' enter my young lovers wondrous vagina. Seeing the dildo enter her glistening cunny from so close up was even more erotic that I had imagined it might be. I was amazed and infatuated with the sight.

For a long time Laura watched the dildo entering her, and occasionally me watching her. She watched as I wiggled it from side to side, to the extent that her tight little cunny would allow.

Eventually, however, the pleasurable sensations were too much for my sweetie to remain observant, and she collapsed backwards onto the pillows and bed. It was fun to watch her eyes roll back into their sockets when I first slid the dildo in as far as I dared to go into her hole, and then out again all the way to her labia lips. I stopped for a minute to let her recover. Even after Laura's eyes returned to their normal position, she still looked slightly spaced out with pleasure. When I reinserted the dildo her eyes opened widely and a big pleasure-smile went over her face, followed by her eyes again rolling back into their sockets.

As with most of the times that I've given my sweetie pleasure, I purposefully kept her on the edge. I slid the dildo deeply in and then out in slow, slow movements (especially when I was first getting her used to the presence of a dildo deep inside her snug 'virgin' vagina). Several short, quick penetrations. Then stop. Then repeat. I kept her on this sexual-edge for over twenty amazing minutes, before bringing her to an intense completion by continuously sliding the dildo all the way in and out many times.

Since that first time, we've used my dildo as part of our love making a couple of times. The last time was, in fact, just a few days ago. Laura had been masturbating for me, when she asked me to go get my dildo and use it on her. When I returned from my bedroom with the dildo I discovered Laura lifting herself onto the dining table, where she erotically lay back and lifted her legs. She wrapped her arms around her legs to hold them up, her knees resting against the sides of the budding little mounds on her chest. Her hands reached around and held her feet to the sides. There was nothing demure or elegant about this position – it left her spread obscenely, waiting anxiously to be penetrated by the dildo. The position left her genitals fully exposed and facing up towards the ceiling, and also left her developing chest largely visible. I was soon sliding the dildo across the outside of her glistening genitals, and then deeper and deeper into her beckoning cunny hole. My sweetie definitely enjoys the sensation of a dildo deep inside her small body.

A fantasy that I have that Laura and I have not yet had the chance to carry out is for both of us to have a dildo, and to use it on each other at the same time. Something like a 69 with toys. Soon, I'll bet.

* * *

Now on to the next type of kink that Laura and I have done: walking around without panties – and I'm not talking about around the house.

This actually happened on the day (Sunday) after I first introduced Laura to dildos (**yes, an intense amount of new kink for one weekend – oh, yes, but oh so fun**). We were just leaving my apartment to go to the public library (Laura already had a school report to work on, and she needed to do some research) when I got a bee in my bonnet to surprise and shock Laura. Just as the elevator door shut, I quickly reached underneath Laura's pretty blue dress. Laura must have thought that I just wanted to touch her, because despite our being in the elevator she didn't stop me as I touched her underwear. But then I put my fingers under the waistband on both hips, and with one fell swoop I yanked her panties down.

"Tammy!" she squealed in horror, bending her hips and knees to try stopping her underwear from coming off. But it was too late; they were already down around her ankles.

"No arguing," I ordered. "Trust me. Now lift your feet."

She reluctantly obeyed, and I quickly stood up with her panties. I stuffed them into the bottom of my purse, just as the elevator door opened to let someone else in.

It was fun (in a slightly wicked way) watching Laura for the next several hours. Her dress only reached down to just above her knees, and she was clearly very nervous that it might not be covering her crotch enough. Whenever we walked up stairs she made sure that nobody was coming up behind her, and even then she still kept the back of her dress well tucked down with her hand. When she knelt down to pull books off of shelves at the library she did so very primly and properly. When we sat down she tightly tucked the hem of her dress tightly between her legs, and kept her knees snuggly together. Later, as we left the library, a light gust of wind pushed against the fabric of her dress (although it was NOT strong enough to lift the fabric). Laura responded by putting both sets of hands on the bottom of her dress, and continued to hold it as we walked down the street. Humorously intended and put: that's what she had coming for wearing such a short and provocative dress that day.

We went to a large city park after leaving the library. At first Laura was still very nervous about her hidden nakedness. But as we walked along the path through the trees I managed to get her to relax a bit and stop holding onto her dress in paranoia. In fact, I even got to see her bare cunny a few times over the next hour. I managed to get these naughty peeks by having Laura sit down on either park benches or on rocks, and then my stepping back to get a better look when nobody was coming down the path. The best view I got was when I had her sit on a tall rock, and lift her knees so that her dress was hiked up, exposing her bare-pantyless and bare-hairless cunny to my lecherous eyes. By the end of our walk Laura was completely relaxed, and even enjoying this erotic time of semi-public exhibitionism.

For my part, by the time we had finished our walk in the park all I wanted to do was get my fingers on her bareness. So once we were back in my car and on the way to the grocery store I made a small detour, pulled into the parking lot of a quiet, deserted industrial area. All I needed to do was lift Laura's dress to get at her cunny (not that panties would have slowed me down much), so it was easy to caress her to orgasm. Laura had her eyes closed in pleasure the whole time; I had my eyes open and actively scanning around for any activity on the adjacent road.

Later, after we had finished grocery shopping, I dropped Laura off at her home – she had school the next day, so there would be no evening visit that day. It was only after I got home and was putting my keys away in my purse that I realized that I had let Laura go home with a bare bottom under her dress. She had been walking around through the grocery store so comfortably and naturally that on the drive home I honestly forgot that she was bare under her dress. This made my heart skip a beat. But it was too late to do anything about it. I could hardly go over to her house to drop off her panties. I just had to hope that she managed to remember to pull on a fresh pair of panties before her mom accidentally discovered that she was bottomless.

This last erotic episode brings me to one of my very kinky 'fantasies' that Laura and I have not had the chance to carry out. Laura told me how she had once outrageously masturbated in the change-room of a clothing store. It's really risky, but I would love to have her do that again, but this time with me in a change-room with her when she does it. Perhaps I'd even let her see my cunny while she's touching hers. Probably far too risky, however, and I'm not likely to ever act on it. Pleasant fantasy, though. :-)

Chapter 13 – Peaches in the country side

While I haven't (and probably never will) act on the scandalous fantasy that I just told you about, something did happen that is remotely similar. It was a combination of semi-public bareness and then pleasing each in a bit more private a setting but still outside. And it was at Laura's instigation; bless her outrageously imaginative little heart! Let me tell you about it.

It was on the weekend immediately following the one when I had had Laura walk around through the stores pantyless, and we had spent the Saturday at the lake in the State Park. With fall just around the corner (it was getting near the end of September by this point), this was the last time we would be able to enjoy the warmth of the lake for the season. So we made a pleasant daylong excursion, just the two of us.

Late in the afternoon, when we are getting dressed in the public change building, Laura whispered into my ear "No panties … for either of us." So when the other women in the change room weren't looking, I surreptitiously pulled on my dress over my bare bottom. I almost got caught though; three women wandered in just then, and opened their lockers just down the bench from ours. Laura had to hide behind my body when she pulled on her own long floral dress over her bare body; I noticed that she didn't even bother pulling on her bra. We spent the next two hours wandering through the 'tourist trap' shopping area next to the lake. Nothing sexual-minded in our wandering, instead just being tourists who happened to not be wearing any panties under our clothes. We even had supper like this. Laura couldn't stop smiling mischievously at the thought of our little secret; she'd be a lousy poker player :-) .

As the vibrant turquoise twilight of late evening descended over the countryside, we returned to my car and began heading back towards the city. Laura asked me to take the scenic route through the countryside, rather than the highway. I was happy to oblige; it was a lovely evening to be driving along quiet, windy country roads.

Half and hour later, it became obvious that Laura was busy looking for something as we drove through the darkness of the night. Her head kept looking all around as we drove, rather than just watching the dancing shimmers of my headlamps on the empty country road in front of us. I wasn't sure what she was up to, until she suddenly said "There! Pull in over there!" pointing at an access road into a small rest stop, partially hidden by the dark silhouettes of the surrounding ancient oak trees. I assumed that she needed to use the washroom. I was wrong.

Turning off the engine, I waited for Laura to get out of the car and go pee. But she didn't. Instead, she turned to me with a frisky look that I recognized even though only the faint lights from my dash illuminated her face.

"Show me your cunny, Tammy," she said outrageously.

Only slightly surprised at this order (most times Laura is modest, but I've become used to her occasional outlandish behavior), and not wanting to be outdone, I equally outrageously retorted "Not 'til you show me your pretty pussy, young lady."

She immediately grabbed the hem of her dress, and pulled the fabric up away from her legs and crotch. It was dark in the car, but I could still just make out the pale whiteness of her untanned mons and the top of her pudendum. "Beautiful, as always," I said.

"Your turn," she ordered.

I pulled my dress up, gave her a very brief glance at my cunny, and then just as quickly lowered my dress back down. "There, you've seen me," I said jokingly.

"Tammy! More!" she protested. She dropped her own hem, and reached over and yanked mine back up.

"Beautiful, as always," she parroted. Within a few seconds her fingers were caressing my mons.

"Open your legs some more, Tam," she directed me a few minutes later. I obliged as best I could; it's not easy spreading your legs in a Miata, even for me.

I relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of Laura touching me. Her fingers were very delicately running over the outside of my pudendum, and then slipping into my rapidly moistening cleft. I shuffled my bum around so that I could get my dress more out of the way.

Several minutes of fingering pleasure later, Laura said "Close your eyes. I've got a surprise for you."

Shutting my eyes, I could hear Laura rustling through her handbag in the dark. Then I sensed her leaning back towards me. First I felt her warm hand caressing between my legs. And then I felt a soft coolness. Opening my eyes at the odd sensation, I looked down past the edge of the steering wheel at my crotch. I couldn't really see in the dark of the car, but I rapidly deduced that Laura had brought along my dildo.

I turned my surprised face towards Laura and said "Why, you little devil!"

She chortled, mischievously.

She pushed the head of the dildo down between my thighs towards my cunny. I spread my legs as far as I could, which allowed Laura to rub the cool rubber of the dildo against my libia lips and cleft. The head was soon moist with my secretions, and slipped between the lips. Oh, the coolness felt so stimulating against my warm opening!

Laura spent several minutes rubbing the head of the dildo against my tingling cunny and against the smooth skin of my inner thighs. Once she even brought it up and rubbed its damp surface against the skin of my cheek, before rubbing it against my nipples through the fabric of my dress. Moving it down again between my legs, she moved it around sensuously from side to side.

Then she angled the dildo to enter me, and tried to insert it into my welcoming opening. This is when we ran into a major problem: my cramped Miata is simply not a good car to make out in. Try as we might, we just couldn't get me into a position where the dildo could be penetrated into me, at least not comfortably.

As much as I appreciated Laura's erotic thoughtfulness, her attempts to use the dildo weren't going to work. I resigned myself to being fingered; which would still have been very pleasurable.

But Laura wasn't about to give up. "Get out of the car," she ordered.

"Huh?" I said, feeling baffled and by now also partially in an arousal-induced haze.

Opening her own door and already getting out, she repeated her order "Get out of the car, and come over here."

Unsure what she was up to, I repositioned my dress for decency, and got out of the car. A rich scattering of stars twinkled above me in the velvety smooth darkness of the vast moonless night sky, enveloping me in their beauty, and a warm breeze washed through my hair, as I unsteadily walked over to where Laura was standing by her side of the car. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Do you want me to get into your seat?"

"No," she said, firmly. "Stand right here." She moved closer to me and started to run her hands and the dildo against my clothed body. I was still baffled, but enjoyed her sensual touches.

When she reached down and started to pull up the bottom edge of my dress I instinctively stopped her and said "Laura! Not where people can see me!"

"Oh, ya, right, like there's anyone here to see you," she retorted in a light mocking tone, making exaggerated gestures at the empty darkness around us.

She started to touch me again. "Just a little bit of touching. Nobody is going to see us," she added, matter-of-factly.

"I don't know, Laura. I don't think this is a good idea." But her fingers were already lovingly fondling my nipples through my dress, and her other hand was caressing my tummy through the front of my dress.

If she had hastily grabbed the hem of my dress again I probably would have stopped her. But she didn't (although she did occasionally stroke my mons through the fabric of my dress, using the pad of her wrist and even the side of the dildo that she still held in her fingers). Eventually, it was her upper hand that sneaked around my defenses - after a few minutes of caressing my tummy and the happy nipples on both of my breasts through the fabric of my dress, the fingers of her upper hand slipped through an opening between the buttons on the front. She didn't undo any of the buttons; just slipped her small, petite hand between them.

Her little fingers slipped under the fabric of my bra and found their way to my right breast. Her soft, gentle, tiny fingers always feel extremely pleasant against my sensitive nipples – and this time was no exception. She probably didn't know it at that point, but she had me.

So a few minutes later when she made her next surreptitious attempt at getting under my dress I didn't put up any meaningful resistance. Her lower hand abandoned my lower tummy and my mons, ran down my thighs, past my knees, to the hem of my dress. Her hand reversed direction, but this time under my dress at the front, with the tip of the dildo holding the dress fabric away from my skin.

Under Laura's deliberate guidance, the tip of the cool dildo made its way to the front of my mons, where it took up what Laura's wrist had been doing to me only moments before.

Not surprisingly, Laura soon realized that I was defenseless, and the tip of the dildo started to wander over and slightly into my cleft between my upper cunny lips, and between my thighs. Before long my legs were getting very wobbly, and I had to lean against the car to keep from falling over.

Laura also continued her gentle ministrations with her small fingers. She undid two of the buttons on my dress with her upper hand, and reached her arm around inside to undo the clasp of my bra, freeing my breasts to her roving fingers.

Eventually Laura's upper hand abandoned my breasts (to their great disappointment), and moved down to lift up the front hem of my dress. Her other hand then tried to angle the tip of the dildo upwards to slide between my slippery cunny lips, and from there penetrate my waiting vagina.

She probably would have been successful doing this, from my front as she was now attempting. But I had a better idea. "Hang on, kitten. Let me turn around and bend over. It'll be easier and better."

With that Laura dropped the hem of my dress, and moved her hands away. I turned towards my car, pulled my hem up past my waist front and back, spread my legs wide, bent at my waist and lent way forward, and put my hands on the hood of my car, still holding the hem of my dress. This left me scandalously bent over with my bum and, more importantly, my cunny fully exposed for Laura's keen hands and naughty intentions. Laura moved in close behind me. I had expected her to insert the dildo immediately into my vagina, since that was what she had been just about to do from the front. But the mischievous little girl didn't. Instead, for five agonizing minutes (they felt like thirty-five) she purposefully teased my slit and clit with the tip of the dildo, sometimes touching me, sometimes not, but she wouldn't insert it into my now desperate hole.

Finally, finally, finally I felt the tip enter me a tiny bit. Then oh so slowly slide an itty-bitty bit further, further, further, until eventually it was deep in me. Then to my dismay it stopped moving. I tried to hump the dildo by moving my hips back and forth; but Laura wouldn't let me, pushing firmly on my bum to keep me from moving. So I was again at her mercy. Oh, what a pleasant mercy!

Laura slowly slid the dildo out and then back in almost the entire depth of my vagina. She had done this only twice when, as bad luck would have it, the first of several cars approached virtually-unannounced around the tree-lined corner and rushed past us a mere 100 feet away on the darkened country road. The others passed by at a few minutes interval each. Even though I was on the far side of my car from the roadway, and in no real risk of being discovered, the rapidly approaching cars got my heart fluttering wildly, and I told ('screamed' might be more accurate) Laura to pull out the dildo so that I could stand up and lower the back of my dress down over my exposed bum.

She obliged for the first car to pass by, pulling the dildo out - although as soon as the car had passed and disappeared around the next corner she pushed me forward over the hood of my car, yanked up the back of my dress, and in one fluid motion positioned the tip of the still wet dildo at the entrance of my sopping hole and then slid it up into my full depth until I could feel it bumping into my uterus. She obligingly pulled the dildo out for the next car as well.

But Laura was not so obliging for the following two cars, which passed closely together a few minutes later. Instead, each time she firmly said "No," despite my anxious pleas of "Laura!", and continued sliding and twisting the dildo into me as the headlights sped by. I was very frightened by the helplessness and riskyness of my situation; but the situation was also so erotic and the sensations so incredible that I allowed Laura to continue to tease (which she was doing lots of, keeping me on the edge) and ravage my cunny with the dildo. Besides, there was nothing I could do to stop her (**Have you ever tried to stand up and move around when someone is firmly holding a dildo in your vagina from behind? It's not easy! In fact, damn near impossible!**). And I was too far gone to put up any protest at all when the fifth and then sixth cars approached and passed by about fifteen minutes later, despite my ongoing terrified heart fluttering wildly at the approach of each. In fact, my torso was fully collapsed onto the hood of my car by this point, and I would have been hard pressed to do anything if one of those cars had turned in (although perhaps the horror would have motivated me into action).

Eventually I did cum, and cum deeply, after the flash of lights and roar of the sixth (I think it was the sixth – although I have to admit I wasn't paying much attention by that point) car had been gone for several minutes. I was still collapsed on the hood and recovering when the next car sped past a few minutes later, Laura sweetly kissing me on my cheek and stroking my hair.

It was at least ten minutes later before I was able to start returning the pleasure. As always, I warmed Laura up by kissing and stroking non-erogenous areas of her body. I knew that I didn't have to do, because Laura was already feeling pretty aroused; but I wanted to be emotionally intimate first. Later, I began touching Laura's breasts through the fabric of her dress, and nibbling lovingly on her earlobe as I caressed her nipples. Then I hiked up the front of her dress, and spent the next many minutes caressing the outside folds of her smooth cunny. I hardly touched her clit or slit; but she still got very damp. Interestingly, throughout all of this touching not a single car passed by; Laura is certainly the lucky one of us.

When I was ready to use the dildo on Laura, she decided for herself where she wanted to be. She hiked her dress entirely out of the way, brazenly got up on the hood of my car, leaned way back against the windshield on the passenger side, and spread her legs obscenely in front of me, fully exposing the pale whiteness of her untanned pudendum, which was all that much more evident in the star-lit night because of its contrast with her well tanned legs.

I figured 'oh, well', and moved in beside the hood and reached over to her. I returned the extended tease with the dildo, and eventually penetrated into her snug hole. I took my time moving in and out, with many breaks and withdrawals, and lots of intervening kisses and caresses.

It was probably ten minutes later before the first car passed us during my pleasing of Laura. Laura instinctively and quickly hopped down and modestly covered up for this car, and for the next one that passed by less than a minute later. She actually started laughing after they had gone by, before clambering back onto the car hood, stating bravely "I'm ready".

To my shock and discomfort, five minutes later she stayed on the hood while two more cars came whizzing past together. Lying on the hood of my car left Laura far more exposed to the cars than I had been; their passing headlights silhouetted her partially clad body, and faintly glistened on her bare, moist cunny. Granted she was not illuminated well enough for the drivers or passengers to see her this far off to the side of the road; but she was illuminated never the less. The same thing happened again a few minutes later while I was sliding the dildo as deep into Laura's small vagina as I dared. For my part, I pulled out and hid the dildo each time these cars came by, but Laura just stayed there, spread and waiting for me to get back to work.

During the next twenty minutes of prolonged teasing and stimulation only two more cars came by, and both times their headlights again partially illuminated Laura as she lay on the hood. More shockingly, though, for both of these cars she firmly grabbed the shaft of the dildo so that I couldn't pull it out. She even prevented me from pulling the edge of her dress down over her bare cunny! And pulling it down over her knees was impossible - she was too widely spread. At one point I cried out in panic "Laura, they might see you!" She calmly responded, "No they won't. Besides, I'll have time to cover up if they start to slow down or turn in here." My little exhibitionist nymphet certainly had far more nerve than I did; she just seemed to know that she wouldn't be discovered. Before meeting Laura I would never have thought that any 12-year-old kid could be so erotically brave, let alone it being a _girl_ of that age. Personally, my heart almost stopped each time! I was terrified for her.

And that's not all! After I had finished pleasing her, Laura got down off the car hood, and then rather than pulling her dress down to cover her bare genitals she instead pulled it off over her head in one fluid movement. She gave me a big loving kiss, and then with free-spirited exuberance she was running nude through the night with her dress held in her hand and flowing behind her in the wind. The rest stop we were at was basically dark. But right over the entrance to the small washroom building was a faint motion-sensitive light. It came on, and was enough to partially illuminate Laura's nude body as she approached the building. And then the brilliant flash of light from inside the building clearly lit up the beauty of Laura's nubile young body when she opened the door and went in. I shook my head; what else could I do?!?

This is by far the most kinky and risquι thing that we have ever done. And it's not something that I'm likely going to get up the nerve to do again anytime soon. Too risky. Too outrageous. No way. Never, ever again. (**At least not at my instigation :-)**) Seriously, though, in hindsight I don't believe we would have been able to cover up in time if one of those cars had pulled in when we were in the heat (please excuse the horribly bad pun) of the moment. Especially for Laura. I think we would have been caught with our pant(ie)s down (please excuse yet another bad pun) and dildos up. I keep joking, but this is in extreme nervousness of what might have happened. Some might like being caught; but I, for one, dread the thought.

Chapter 14 – Epilogue

It is now early winter, 2001, almost Christmas. Laura and I are still deeply in love, and still enjoy each other's company immensely. And, again, I can't stress enough that the emotional part of our relationship is by far the more important to us, no matter how great the sex is (and it is great).

How long can we go on? In my heart I hope forever. And I will try to achieve this. But, alas, in my mind I know that we have a few things going against our continued intense relationship: First, Laura is young, and I know that she is still changing – emotionally, personality, and physically. Perhaps she will move on in life. Another girl? A boy? Solo? I don't know. But I realize that change may not favor me.

Second, how much longer can I tolerate keeping my feelings for Laura pent up and hidden from the world? Our relationship is both illicit and illegal. We are both women, and while the world has become more tolerating, fact is that a lesbian relationship is not always taken well. For example, how would Laura's mom feel if she knew? I would hope well, but I honestly don't know. Laura is also underage. She had her birthday two weeks ago; but she is still only 13 years old. That's young enough to get me arrested, and/or at least ostracized by most people I know. So you can see that I can't exactly go and say "Hey, Laura, come move in with me, and we'll announce our relationship to the world," as much as I want to.

Third, to some extent I'm having to wean Laura away from our current intensity of emotional and physical intimacy. As I just noted, I'm having a hard enough time keeping my feelings pent up; and I'm the adult in this relationship. I know for a fact (since we've talked about it) that Laura is having an even tougher time keeping her feelings hidden from the people in her life (such as the obvious of her mom, but also others like Sally, her other friends, and her teachers and soccer coach). For obvious reasons I need to prevent Laura from breaking down and blurting out what's going on between us. So I've purposefully started to diminish how dependent and craving she is of our relationship. This includes lessening how often we get intimate (particularly physically intimate), and strongly encouraging her to refocus some of her attention back onto other aspects of her life (such as family, soccer, friends, and school) where I do not play much, if any, role. I deeply hate doing this, and realize that it may backfire on me, but I know I have to do it.

So I spend time with Laura when we can be together. And we have a wonderful time together. When we can't be together we tolerate it as best we can. With luck, we can survive the next few years like this. We'll still have difficult hurdles to pass in the future, but hopefully we will still be lovers and able to cross them together. To comfort me through the depressing thoughts that we may not still be lovers in a few years, I also have the deep conviction that, at the very least, Laura and I will be friends for life. We are very emotionally close, and I have no doubt that we will always be good friends, if not physically intimate. And that friendship would still be very valuable to me.

The End.


"Author's Notes"

I would like to make a few personal notes. You will also notice that the people in this story are behaving consensually (or at least predominantly consensually). I believe that sexuality and eroticism are beautiful things, and believe that most people feel the same way - especially when they are unjaded by learned social and religious taboos. In my opinion, to be non-consensual is to destroy this beauty. Moreover, to my mind the budding sexuality of young people is a wondrous thing to witness. It is full of joy and pleasure, and possesses a great sense of keenness and desire (all of which leads to consensuality). Their sexuality is beautiful.

I may be contacted by writing [email protected] (but for security reasons I may not respond). I want to write good stories, so I am particularly interested in receiving constructive feedback. With all due respect, flames can go you know where; especially religious or moral-indignation flames.


"Qualifiers and Disclaimers"

Well, here it comes - all the qualifiers and disclaimers. It would be nice to not need such legal mumbo-jumbo; but it is. Please be patient. Please do not adjust your set. Please have a cup of coffee to keep you awake.

NOTICE: My story contains explicit sex, and sometimes unorthodox/taboo/illegal situations. DO NOT READ MY STORIES IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY SUCH CONTENT. My story was written for adult entertainment, and should not be shown to children. Law enforcement personnel or those acting on their behalf are not allowed to read my stories.

My stories may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author (which you are unlikely to get). This story may be freely distributed to non- commercial 'free' sites, or in the 'free' area of commercial sites, but only if this notice remains attached in its entirety. Also, do not make any changes to this story.

I do not condone doing any of this to someone under the legal age of consent. If you feel a need to do this in real life, and especially if you do not accept that it must be fully consensual, then I highly recommend that you get professional counseling to control your urges. Sex and sexuality are beautiful things - don't destroy someone's ability to enjoy these things by forcing your cravings on them.