Poisened Kisses

by Nuit du Loup

Cally really hated her life. Nothing in it ever seemed to go right. Everything good seemed to end in badly. Usually it ended up being a lot worse than where she had started. She knew now probably wouldn't be any different. Life would still trample her down.

Today she was again going to be the new girl at school. It was always like this. Her mother, her only parent after her dad died from prostate cancer, was a highly skilled and specialized surgeon in the Army's medical branch. They got shipped around the world to bases wherever her mom was needed. She was highly sought after and therefore they had to move often.

Cally spent most of her really young life with various tutors her mother hired for her to teach her up through second grade or so. Then her mother decided she needed to have social interaction and forced her to attend almost a dozen different schools in as many years. She had no chance to make friends. After a while she had stopped even bothering to try and find anyone since it would only be painful for her if she did.

Now she was entering ninth grade at yet another new school. Even worse her mom had left her to live with a friend of hers named Stacy while she was stationed at Camp Greyling. Her mother had insisted it would be better for her to attend this school for a while and have some stability. Cally didn't want to believe it though, nothing in her life had gone well and she didn't think it would change now. She expected this school would probably just bring her more pain than all the others.

The woman she lived with was in her late twenties and worked as a fleet manager for a trucking company in south-east Michigan. The town they lived in was a typical commuter town of people who mostly worked for the large auto companies and their facilities that were strewn about the area. Cally found it to be all rather dull and fake looking after her last home in Montana.

Right now she was riding in her guardian's truck on her way to her new high school. The school year had already started a month ago so she'd be showing up in a hugely embarrassing fashion. She wished she could just go back to home schooling again. She had spent the summer months with tutors anyway and already knew most of the 9th grade material.

As they pulled in front of the large blue and white painted school building she caught her reflection in the passing classroom windows. Her appearance was another reason she didn't want to do this again.

She was only of average height and was more than bit on the skinny side. She thought she looked like a scrawny kid. Her breasts were small and firm, but barely a B cup; not impressive at all. Her butt was skinny too, not at all like some of the curvy girls she saw walking on the sidewalk. The worst was her hair though. She had been born with what her mother called a minor birth defect. Framing her face was a very long, mid back length head of curly snow white hair. Not only that though, all her hair was white, including eyebrows and limb hair.

Most other girls and guys her age always found her appearance to be freaky looking and mocked her for it. They gave her weird nicknames like "the ghost' or "dead girl." Instead of being the yellowy white of girls with bleached hair, hers was as white as dried bone. It looked really odd with her creamy smooth, deep Caucasian skin tone and green eyes. Last year she had started using a depilate cream on her arms and legs to keep those free of white. It didn't help much at all. People still stared at her.

"You look fine," Stacy said from the driver's seat. "Stop worrying about it."

"I'm not worrying." Cally mumbled unconvincingly.

She thought she had plenty to worry about. In a few moments she would have to introduce herself to her new tormentors. She knew they would laugh at her. She was even dressed terribly. She wore a cheep Wal-mart black skirt and a black open sweater over a white top. She thought it made her look way younger than her 14 years. It couldn't be helped though since Stacy's expenses were a bit high the last couple of months and she couldn't afford to buy her better stuff yet. Her hair at least she had tried to do something with.

She had spent a long time brushing it and putting it in clips, ties and even a ribbon to make it look nice. It now rolled and curled over her back and shoulders like a foamy wave. The red ribbon was tied at the bottom and the clips added color near the top. She hoped it would be enough of to distract people from its freakiness.

"Here we are Cally," Stacy said as she put the truck in park in front of the main entrance.

Sighing resignedly Called climbed down and out of the truck and walked into the building. She was a little early like she'd been directed, but there were already some students in the entry hall. Cally felt all of their staring eyes on her as she followed the arrowed signs directing her to the office.

Once inside the office she didn't feel any better. The young woman at the main desk gave her a very odd look before asking her business.

"Uhm..I'm new," Cally said unhappily. She handed over the letter she'd gotten in the mail.

"Oh!" the woman gasped as she read the letter. "You're transferring in today? No one warned me about this but I'll get Ms. Calloway, the vice-principal, for you."

Ms. Calloway turned out to be an older matronly looking woman with liberal grey streaks through her dark brown hair. She was smiling in a welcoming fashion but it didn't make Cally feel any better. However nice this woman was, it was the other students who would be a problem.

"Let's get you all situated," Ms. Calloway said briskly.

Cally was given the school manual and rule book, a schedule sheet and a map of the building and surrounding campus. She tucked them all carefully into a folder in her school bag. Then they walked through the halls on a quick tour. It was supposed to be so she'd know where to go, but to Cally it felt like she was being paraded in front of the arriving students. Eventually a bell rand and all the other people scrambled for their classrooms leaving the two of them alone.

"Do you understand where everything is?" Ms. Calloway asked as they neared the end of the tour. "If you need to find something, there are plenty of students who are nice enough to help you out."

"I'll be fine," Cally told her unenthusiastically.

"Ok then, let's get you to your first class and introduce yourself."

Cally was guided to a door down a short hallway and the woman knocked on it. There was a shuffling sound and then a middle-aged man with a bald spot opened it.

"What can I do for you Cathy?" The man asked in a friendly manner.

"Cally here is a new transfer student in your class Mark." The woman answered jovially. Then she turned to Cally. "Cally Mr., Kline here will be your first hour instructor for math. He'll take it from here."

"Sure thing!" the man said. "Come on then young lady; come on in here so we can introduce you."

Cally grudgingly entered the room and it seemed like all the conversation from the class of about twenty or so people stopped. She felt their eyes on her as she was led to the front of the room.

"Well class," Mr. Kline said. "We have a new face with us today. This young lady will be a student here starting today so please get along with her and help her since she is starting a bit late. Will you please introduce yourself mam?" This last was to Cally who took a deep breath before facing the inevitable.

"I'm Cally Waters," she said clearly to the watching students. She saw a number of them mumbling things to each other. She also saw the disappointed looks being passed among them as well. She wasn't good looking enough for these people too.

"Is that it?" The teacher asked, expecting more. Cally nodded. "Well then there's an open desk at the back there, go have a seat. Let me know if the material is beyond you and I'll find you help to get caught up."

Cally thought that was unlikely. Since she didn't have friends or anything she had spent most of her free time reading, listening to music, working out with her mom or studying. She had gotten to college level calculus and trigonometry on her own. So this class wouldn't be a problem.

Cally sat in the designated seat and the class got started. She turned out to be right; when the teacher handed out worksheets to work on the day's problems she had them all completed in minutes. The man seemed impressed but Cally didn't really care.

The whole day turned into a repeating cycled of that first class. She would introduce herself, the students would talk about her amongst themselves, and then she would be given a lesson she had already learned on her own. The only classes she liked out of the six she had were Modern literature and gym. Gym she liked because she they were doing track stuff and she could just tune out while she ran.

Lunch had been the predictably worst part of the day. She knew no one at all and all the other people were already in established groups of friends. That made her a blatant outsider. In the end she sat at a long sparsely populated table that seemed to have only the other misfits and social outcasts sitting at it.

She was very happy when school finally ended. She retreated from the building and found a group of metal picnic tables off to one side of the school, tucked into a tree shaded corner. She plopped down her bag and laid down on the table top. The stressful day had left her feeling drained and exhausted. She closed her eyes to wait for Stacy to pick her up in another hour since she hadn't made a spare key of the house for Cally yet.

She ended up drifting off into a light nap in the nice cool breeze that swept in over her. It felt wonderful on her with the last of the summer heat still lingering. She was so oblivious to the world that she didn't register what had woken her back up.

Then she realized that her lips felt a little tingly for some reason and she could taste something minty on them. She also felt a little flushed and warm between her legs. She looked around because she also felt as if someone had touched her, but there was nothing there except the trees, shade and the building.

She heard a horn honk and saw Stacy waving to her.

"How was your day?" Stacy asked as she climbed into the truck.

"It was alright," Cally answered dully.

"Doesn't sound like you had much of a good day," Stacy noted as she began driving.

"It was boring and no one talked to me," Cally admitted. "So yeah, it wasn't fun."

"Don't worry about it!" Stacy replied cheerily. "You're just new that's all. You'll find someone to hang out with. Just give it time."

As they drove off Cally saw a girl sitting by herself on a bench near the pick-up drive. The girl was staring right at her. Feeling uncomfortable under such an intense gaze, she turned her head away. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the girl still staring, but just before they turned out of sight she saw the girl raise a hand and touch her lips. Cally thought the girl must be a bit odd too.

That night Cally was lying in her small bed in the room she'd been given in Stacy's small, cozy little home, when she was all alone, she admitted to herself that deep inside she had hoped that this time would be different; that at least one person would take positive notice of her. Tears burned in her sleepy eyes as she felt the crushing loneliness of her life in that dark room. She just wanted one person her own age to care about her. She wished there had been someone there this afternoon.

As she laid there in silence she pressed her hand between her legs at her mind's imaginings of someone coming to her while she slept. It was only her imagination, but it would have been nice.


The next day began much like her first day of classes. The only difference was that now that people knew of her they seemed to hush when they talked around her. She didn't know what they were saying but she knew it couldn't be nice. They were too quiet for it to be nice things. Most of the boys in the classes seemed to want to avoid her too.

In second hour chemistry class she was partnered with a gawky looking blonde boy named Kurt with a lot of freckles. That boy spent the whole time looking away from her and stuttering when he spoke. She thought he seemed terrified of her for some reason. He seemed way overly surprised when they were given a 100% on the exercise since he had done absolutely nothing the whole hour while she worked. Cally decided she didn't like that boy very much.

During lunch she tried to sit at a different table. She sat where large groupings of girls had sat the day before. She got there before they all did. When they came they seemed surprised to see her sitting there. They all sat around her but left a one seat gap on either side of her. Cally heard one girl mutter something that sounded like, "snow queen," when she looked at her. Cally felt a tear form at the new nickname Again she was an outcast because of her appearance. She wished Stacy had let her dye her hair

Not even finishing her lunch, she stood up and left the girls. The rest of lunch she spent wondering the empty hallways until she found a bench to sit and read on. Books were her only escape from her sadness and she sought them out at times like these.

As she was reading some came and sat beside her on the bench. Cally recognized her as the same girl who'd stared at her as she had driven off the day before. Cally tried to ignore her but the girl didn't do anything except to pull out a magazine from her bag and begin flipping through it. She didn't know what to make of that had invaded her seclusion and walked away quickly when the bell rang..

During gym class she humiliated herself. While they were running out on the track, the gloomy clouds that had come up during the day let go. The class ran inside from the freezing cold rain but once they were in the building it was very obvious to everyone that Cally had forgotten the required sports bra they were instructed to wear under their gym clothes. Her dark nipples were faintly visible through her soaked shirt and she was firmly chastised in front of everyone while she stood there covering herself.

When they were dismissed the gym teacher instructed them to all take a hot shower to warm up so they didn't get sick from the chill. Cally waited shivering in embarrassment until almost everyone else had there's before she went and entered a shower stall. She didn't feel at all comfortable using the open communal shower room.

She stood in the hot spray long after the bell for class change had rung. She knew there were no more gym classes today so she'd be alone for a while if she stayed. She didn't feel at all up to going back to classes anymore. Instead she leaned forward and placed her forehead against the wall and closed her eyes. She didn't restart the shower when the time ran out; the shower room was kept very hot so she didn't feel at all cold.

Then she heard soft footfalls in locker room. She kept her eyes closed and hoped the person went away. She felt a bit afraid as she heard those footsteps enter the shower room and cross over the communal area to the stalls. Cally began shivering with nervousness when she heard the curtain behind her click aside on its rail. She tried to lift her head to see who it was, but the person quickly pressed their hand over her eyes and used their other hand to hold her so she had her back to the mystery person.

"What are you going to do to me?" Cally said, fearing the absolute worst. She just knew someone wanted to hurt her. She began trembling violently. She knew that the hands holding her felt like a girl's hands, but that didn't mean they couldn't do terrible things to her.

Instead of the blows or other abuse she imagined in her head, she felt the girl use the hand not shielding her eyes to caress over her neck and shoulders. Then she felt it run through her long wet hair in an almost loving slowness. Cally had no idea what this person was doing to her.

"Do not be afraid," a voice said from behind her with a soft almost purring burr to her accent. "I don't want to hurt you at all."

Cally felt a mouth kiss onto the back of her neck, the contact raised goose bumps all over her body. She shivered even harder than before. She was confused by what she was feeling and by what was happening to her. "Please…" she said softly with sadness filling her voice.

"As you wish," the voice said near her ear. "But I find you so beautiful. You're very hard to resist. "

The girl gave her a parting kiss on her cheek and then pulled away and ran off. Cally tried to turn and catch a glimpse of whoever it had been, but all she'd managed to see through the steamy room was a outline of a tallish person with dark clothing. Feeling confused and of balance she slipped to her knees and then her butt.

She sat like that for a long while until she began crying. She didn't know why she was doing it but the tears just came pouring out. She had no idea what was happening to her. That girl had called her beautiful. No one had ever said that about her, not even Stacy. She was both fearful and thankful of the girl that she had encountered. She was still crying when she was found.

"Cally!" Ms. Calloway cried out. "Are you all right? I got worried when your teacher sent me an email saying you hadn't shown up. Did something happen to you? Did someone attack you?"

Cally just shook her head and dragged herself up from the floor. She let herself be dried off roughly by the woman and then dressed herself. All the while Ms. Callaway tried to get what was wrong out of her but Cally didn't trust her tongue to speak.

She was taken to the office where they called Stacy at her work. When she showed up Cally felt bad because of how worried she looked. She had thought Stacy hadn't really cared about her and was only letting her live with her as a favor to her mom. Now when Stacy sat next to her she clung to the young woman and cried again.

"We don't know what happened to her," Ms Calloway tried to explain. "I found her crying in the showers when her teacher told me she never showed up.

Cally felt Stacy stroke her face. She wished for some reason that it was the hand of the girl from the showers. She closed her eyes to try to tune out the world.

"Cally has had a hard time Ms Calloway," Stacy said. "Her mom has told me she has moved around so much that she's never had any friends almost her entire life. She also thinks of her appearance as freakish and stays withdrawn."

"Maybe I should have her teachers watch over her for a while." Ms Calloway said in a sympathetic tone. "I can find her someone to look out for her too. If she's suffering from depression she shouldn't be left alone too much."

Cally felt even more like a freak. They wanted to get her one of those stupid "buddies" to follow her around and try to make her feel better. She knew it wouldn't work. Everything the person said would be a lie. She longed again for that person who had said she was beautiful.

"I don't want someone," she mumbled.

"What was that?" Ms Calloway asked. "You're obviously not happy Cally. You need someone in your life to help you. "

"I don't want lies and fake sympathy from someone!" Cally cried out. "I just want to go home now."

"Perhaps that would be best for now," Ms Calloway said in a stunned, sad voice. "Stacy, I'll give her tomorrow off if she wants."

Cally trudged tiredly to Stacy's truck and climbed in. She tried to sink into the seat and disappear. She didn't notice when Stacy made a stop on the way home, she just curled in the seat when Stacy got out and came back twenty minutes later. When they got home Stacy set a small shiny black paper bad on a table and pulled out a small box with a distinctive logo on it.

She handed it to Cally. She opened the box to find an expensive model cell phone inside, one of those ones that can play music and stuff.

"What's this for?" she asked. "How could you afford to get another phone besides your own?"

"That was easy," Stacy explained. "I bought it with my company account; I made you my emergency contact which means you get a company owned phone. They can afford it a thousand times over. As for why; it's so you can always be in touch with me."

"But…" Cally didn't really understand.

"Look Cally, I'm really worried about you. I may not be related to you at all, but I feel like an older sister to you. This is so you and I can always be in touch; I already had my contact put in. I want you to trust me."

Cally felt really touched. Not even her mom had ever spoken to her like this. She hugged Stacy and cried again, but out of happiness.

"I know it may seem really lame," Stacy went on. "But I want to be your friend even if no one else does. I like being around you. Others would too if they gave themselves a chance to know you."

"Thank you…" Cally said

"Can you tell me what happened at school today?" Stacy asked gently.

"I don't know," Cally answered. "I just felt so confused, lonely and sad all at once that I couldn't hold it in."

"Do you want to stay home tomorrow like Ms Calloway offered?"

"No," Cally said adamantly, her tone surprising Stacy a little. "It would only make it worse." She didn't want to say that she also wanted that person to come to her again. She imagined she could feel her cheek and neck burning in remembrance of the lips that had touched her. "I want to go."

"Alright then, I'll make us some dinner and cheer us both up."

Feeling much better, Cally enjoyed the evening with Stacy. She hadn't noticed how fun the young woman was. Stacy was one of those people who seemed to be in constant motion even when sitting and Cally found her entertaining to watch. She even let Stacy convince her to help cook. The food actually turned out edible too.


The next day Cally tried to have a more positive attitude. When she got out of Stacy's truck she patted the cell phone in her skirt pocket. Finally she had someone she could call a friend. Now when she walked into the school she had a small smile on her face As she walked to her first class, Cally again pressed her palm to her check for perhaps the hundredth time. She could still remember the lips that had touched her there. She couldn't help looking around at the people she passed, wondering if one of them might be the one that had caused so much turmoil within her the day before.

Plenty of people looked at her but none she saw seemed to fit. The voice she had heard in her ears had been throaty and almost sultry with a burring accent and no when she passed talked like that. She would never forget that voice. She couldn't yet define what she felt burning within her like poison, but she knew she desperately wanted to find out.

First hour passed as the last two had, but in her the second class she found something that sent shudders through her again. When she had sat down at her desk she felt something like paper brush the top of her knees. Reaching under she pulled out a folded piece of paper that had been taped under the desk with a single piece of tape. The paper had her name on it. It read:

"Your smile is wonderful. I had hoped to make you smile myself, but I enjoyed it all the same. Please smile for me more often until I can touch your lips with mine –T"

Cally knew it had to be from that girl. She didn't know any girls whose name started with T, but that wasn't that hard since she didn't really know anyone. She re-read the short note perhaps a dozen times until the bell rang to start class. For some reason those few words made her feel wonderful inside. She wanted to meet this girl who looked at her like this.

She thought about the note all through the day. Between that and the cell phone from Stacy, she felt like things were changing somehow. Other people seemed to notice her change in mood too. She got more smiles than she ever remembered getting. Then the crowning moment of the day came.

After gym class, where the teacher made sure this time that she left, she cut down a short stub hallway to grab a quick drink from a water fountain. When she stood up, lips wet from the water, a hand again covered over her eyes. Cally knew the feel of these hands and felt her heart begin to race.

"I needed to see you again," the voce said. "I know you wanted me to go away before, but you make me want you so badly."

Cally felt another hand turn her so she faced the girl. She felt the girl press herself to her body. She could feel the lean muscled stomach and large firm breasts press into her own. For some reason that made her very hot inside. She began panting and smelled the girl's pleasant scent, an earthiness and spiciness with something else she didn't know. She was about to speak when she felt something soft and moist brush her lips. Her lips burned from the brief contact.

"I want you to think about me," the voice asked pleadingly. "I know you might think I'm weird for approaching you like this, for another girl to want you, but I can't help but find you attractive. Please don't think badly of me."

Again Cally let herself be turned. Then her visitor let go and took off, just as she had the last time. She tried to turn in time to see her, but all she had caught was dark hair and a black leather coat as the person disappeared around a corner. Disappointment flooded through her.

She wanted to know who this person was so badly. Her whole body was remembering it this time. She was flushed all over and was still breathing hard. She could still faintly smell the girl on the air. She wanted to tell the girl that she didn't think she was bad, that she didn't think she was weird. She wanted the girl to hold herself against her again.

The rest of the week and the next passed in much the same way. Each day she felt a little better, perked up by the friendliness at home with Stacy and from the notes and visits she received every day from her mystery admirer.

She had come to realize on the fourth day that such a person was what people called a lesbian. Cally didn't care though. She didn't care if she herself was a lesbian. She suspected she was now too. She looked at every girl now, hoping to find her and noted that she let her gaze linger on girls she thought were good looking. She didn't care. So what if she liked girls. She was already freaky enough, so one more thing wouldn't matter. She just wanted to know who thought she was beautiful.

Each day she received a visit when she was alone. In fact she returned to those tables outside the school in that tree hidden corner just so she could be alone to be found after school. Each time the girl seemed to grow bolder with her brushing lips. Cally wanted the girl to kiss her but the girl always pulled away when she tried to force it. The girl also touched her now when they were pressed together. Cally would feel her hand as it traveled over her body and shiver from the new excitement her body felt.

Finally, on Monday of the third week she was at the school and event happened that changed everything.

As they days had gone by Cally had relaxed more and more with the people around her. She still didn't really speak much to people but she felt happier nonetheless. She felt happier because people had actually begun to look at her without looking like they wanted to be away from her. In fact when she sat at the table full of girls at lunch, some of them actually sat next to her now even though Cally still couldn't bring herself to talk to them.

It was at lunch that the event happened. She was sitting there eating her tray of food, today's menu being lasagna, when she was suddenly yanked backwards out of her seat and onto her back on the floor. In pained surprise Cally looked up to see a small group of girls standing over her with a tall good looking blonde leading them. Cally had never seen them before but she understood the expressions the girls had on their faces. She'd been bullied enough times to recognize the look. That smile from seeing others in pain or humiliation had dogged her many times in the past. It hurt a little that she saw it here where she seemed to finally becoming slowly happy.

"What do you want?" Cally asked.

"To put the Queen in her place!" the blonde snarled.

Cally flinched at the name; she didn't know what people were referring to when they said that about her but her past nicknames had rarely been good.

"The floor is a good staring point," one of the bully's friends remarked.

"Damn right," said the leader, nodding. "Bitches belong on the floor. Give me her food."

Another girl handed the leader girl Cally's tray of half eaten lunch. The girls sitting at the table just looked with various expressions of worry and of dislike for the situation, but Cally knew that people usually didn't stick up against such bullies like this. The leader sneered at the food.

"Weird ass dogs are supposed to eat on the floor, not on a table." With that she flung the food hard with the tray down onto Cally. She tried to block with her arms but they were inadequate to catch all of the food flying at her. When she lowered her sauce covered arms Cally felt humiliation and anger burning in her gut. She'd been so hopeful about things turning around and yet she was still an object or torment

"Back…the fuck…away from her," A voice said from somewhere.

Cally looked around because she knew the voice. It was her mystery person. A small angry crowd had gathered around to watch the bullying so she couldn't see her. Then someone shoved her way through into the open space. When she stood there the other students began talking immediately. Cally saw they were clearly supporting this new girl and not the bully.

"I said back off Courtney."

Hearing the voice of her daily visitor coming from this girl made Cally's heart beat faster. The girl was older than she was and was tall like she had felt before. She had a crop of short black hair framing a strong yet attractive face that was dark skinned. Cally thought she must be of mixed Latino descent from her features. Cally also saw that she looked strong and well muscled under her loose dark jeans, dark green t-shirt, and well worn black leather jacket.

Cally loved how the girl looked. She was staring avidly, forgetting for a moment that she was covered in her lunch.

"What the hell are you butting in for Toni!" Courtney said angrily. Cally made sure to remember her girl's name.

"I'm here to tell you to back off," Toni repeated. "Otherwise you deal with me."

"Fuck if I am!" Cally had to dodge out of the way as the blonde bully kicked at her. "I'm busy teaching the bitch right now."

The crowd began muttering angrily and the blonde was obviously surprised and pissed off to find that they weren't supporting her in the least. She gritted her teeth at Toni.

"See," Toni told the blonde. "No one likes you or supports you anymore."

The blonde made a deep angry sound and kicked out again. This time Cally couldn't wiggle away fast enough and it caught her in the ribs. As the air was shoved out of her lungs, Cally saw Toni take a step forward and than snap a fist hard into the blonde's stomach. The bully bent over gasping for breath.

"You touch her, I hurt you." Toni said seriously in her burring accent. "Understand?"

"Fuck you!" the blonde wheezed. "I'm gonna fuck'n hurt you both so bad..."

Toni didn't let her finish. Instead she cracked the girl across the face. Courtney fell to the floor with blood pouring from her nose.

"Everyone who still has food, pour it on the bitch," Toni called out. "We can see how she likes it."

Cally was amazed at how fast people obeyed her. She thought they really must hate the blonde girl too because almost 40 people emptied their food onto the groaning girl as she tried to stop her nose bleed.

"Are you alright?"

Surprised, Cally looked up into the face of the girl who had visited her every day for the last two weeks. She found herself strongly attracted to the girl, and not because she had helped her just now. Cally knew this was the body that bad been pressed against her own. She ran her eyes all over Toni and loved the toned strength the girl showed off.

"Uhm…yes. I think I am." Cally said in an amazed tone.

Can you come with me for a bit?" Toni asked with surprising hesitance. Cally wondered how such a strong person could be afraid of anything.

"Yes," Cally said as she got to her feet quickly. Caked food fell to the floor. "But what about all of this on me?"

"That's what I want t help with," Toni smiled,. "I can't do anything about the skirt, but I have a spare shirt in a pack in my locker."

Cally liked Toni's smile. She nodded and let herself be led out into the hallways.

"What about that girl?" Cally asked as they walked. "Won't you get in trouble?"

"Not likely," Toni laughed. "Everyone hates her. They'll put all the blame for everything on her. People have been dying to get her on something so the school officials could crack down on her. She'll be suspended before they day's out."

After that they walked in silence to Toni's locker; neither of them getting the nerve up to speak about what they both wanted to speak of. Instead they just walked close together as Toni got out the promised shirt and led the way a nearby bathroom. Once inside Toni handed the garment to Cally.

"Sorry if it's a little big on you, but it's all I have," Toni said nervously. She turned her back to let Cally change. The gesture and nervousness made Cally laugh, something she hadn't done in earnest in a long time. Toni turned back to look at her questioningly. "What?"

"It's nothing really," Cally said, still laughing. "But you got all nervous and turned around when you've already seen me naked.

Toni blushed hard and looked horrified. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry about that. I really shouldn't have done that to you. Can you please forgive me? I promise not to ever do something like that again."

Cally just smiled shyly and turned. She pulled her food covered shirt over her head and then slipped on the black shirt from Toni.

"Were you telling the truth?" Cally asked, not willing to look at Toni as she asked.

"Is what true?" Toni asked in confusion as Cally seemed to change subject.

"What you said about me."

"Yes…I swear it's the truth Cally. I think you're absolutely beautiful. Ever since I saw you that first day when you were sleeping outside, I couldn't help but want you."

"You saw me there?" Cally asked now turning around. She touched her lips. "Did you…kiss me?"

"A little one like the others," Toni admitted in a pained voice. "You just looked so..so…stunning lying there."

Cally felt tears pour out of her eyes again. Toni saw them and mistook them for horror.

"I'm sorry Cally," Toni begged. "I'm so sorry I did that while you were sleeping."

That made Cally cry even harder. "Don't say that!" she cried out. "Please don't say that you're sorry.

"Why?" Toni asked in confusion. "Doesn't it bother you that I did such a thing to you?"

"No!" Cally practically yelled at her. "No one has ever told me such a thing. No one has ever told me I was beautiful before, so please don't be sorry for saying it."

"I'm not sorry about that," Toni assured her. "But are you saying you don't know?"

"Know about what?" Cally asked as she tried to stop her tears.

Toni reached out and led her by the shoulders in front of the mirrors. Together they looked at their reflections. Cally saw Toni's deep brown eyes gazing into her own hazel ones. "Cally," Toni began. "The whole school thinks you're beautiful. Why do you think they call you the Snow Queen?"

"Isn't that just some nickname they made up to make fun of me?" Cally asked.

"Hell no!" Toni said quickly and emphatically. "They call you that because they find you as pretty as a queen and just as unapproachable. The snow part is obvious. Why do you think people stare at you so much in the hallways?"

"Aren't they just disgusted by how weird I look?"

"Ha!" Toni laughed. "Far from it. You've got it so most of the boys would do almost anything to go out with you and instead you haven't paid them the least bit of attention. They're just frustrated by their failure. A lot of the girls are actually jealous of you since your look is so unique. That's what all that crap in the cafeteria was about, Courtney was jealous of all the talk about you."

Cally felt stunned. "You're sure? At all my other schools they just pointed and made fun of me."

"Different people, different response I guess," Toni answered. "And yeah I'm sure. Why do you think I wouldn't let you see me when I came to you? I was afraid you would reject me. I thought there was no way you would be into girls, so I tried to show you how much I liked you."

"You did all that, just to be with me?" Cally said with a small smile.

"Uh-huh, sure did. I just about gave myself a heart attack every time I thought you turned around in time to see me too."

"Can I ask you for something then?" Cally asked in small voice.

"Sure, anything," Toni said quickly.

Cally took a deep breath and said what she'd been wanting since the beginning with Toni. "I want a real kiss," she said. "With you I mean."

"You want me to kiss you?" Toni asked in pleased surprise. "But what about everything I did? Like touching you in the shower?"

"Just kiss me…please," Cally asked again.

Toni turned them to face each other. Then she slowly moved her face close to Cally and kissed her. This time Cally closed her eyes herself. She felt Toni against her again and wrapped her arms around the girl to prolong the wonderful feeling. Her lips sent warm tingles through her body like never before. She kissed Toni back with a fervor that surprised her as well as the bigger girl.

As the kissing continued Cally felt a desire to touch Toni, not just to hold her. Hesitantly she let one hand slip down and hold onto Toni's ass. It felt firm and soft at the same time in her hand. The touch seemed to goad Toni on because Cally found herself being walked over to the far wall where Toni pressed her back to. Then Toni began to kiss her harder. Cally tried to keep up but her mind was spinning from what body was feeling. Suddenly it all cut off as Toni broke away.

"Oh god Cally!" Toni said panting. "I don't know if I can keep my hands off you if we keep this up."

Cally shut her up by kissing her hard once again. They made out passionately like that until the bell rang to end the lunch hour. For Cally it was the most wonderful time she had ever had with someone. Her whole body was tingly and hot from her desire to touch and be touched by Toni. It was really unfortunate they had to go back to class but they both knew they had to settle down.

"Cally," Toni said before she let go of her. "Can you come home with me after school?"

Cally wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what Toni was asking her now. "Yeah, I will." She responded. She would tell Stacy she was going to a new friends place. It was kinda true. "Does this mean I'm your girlfriend?" She asked.

"I really hope so!" Toni said. "It's what I've been hoping for, for three weeks."

"Then I am happy to be your girlfriend." Cally told her. She felt absolutely elated by the thought.

"So awesome," Toni laughed. "Can you meet me out in the lot after school?"


Cally did meet her in the lot after school. After a whole three hours of impatiently waiting for the classes to pass by so she could see Toni again. When the final bell rang she quickly pulled out her cell phone and sent the message to Stacy that she would be at a friend's place and would call if she needed a ride. The reply just said to tell her the address where she would be at and she was happy she made a friend. Cally hoped she wouldn't be too mad later when she told her Toni was actually her girlfriend.

As she traversed the parking lot it began to sprinkle a little to announce the storm that was supposed to hit the area. She hoped Toni would see her soon before she got soaked.


She turned and found Toni leaning against a banged up Chevy. "You can drive?" she asked in surprise.

"Yep, just turned sixteen two months ago and got my license right after. This one was my dad's car, but now it's mine. Hop in."

Cally gladly did so and they were quickly on their way to Toni's house. When they got there Cally saw it was a fairly big and spacious house of typical urban sprawl style. Toni pulled them right into the two car garage.

"My parent's are at work until late so we have a while to ourselves," Toni said as she turned the car off and got out. Cally did the same and smiled happily. She knew what was coming and wanted it badly. She wanted everything Toni's touch could give her.

The house was very clean an orderly, but Cally barely noticed any of the details as Toni led her upstairs. Once there she was led down a hall past other bedrooms to the one on the end. The bedroom was, unlike the rest of the house, in a state of disarray. There were stacks of car magazines and other such things at random places on the floor and piles of folded clean clothes sat on many flat surfaces. Toni pulled Cally inside and had her sit with her on the twin sized bed.

Toni immediately began kissing her again. Cally was more than happy to let her. In fact she kissed back just as passionately. She felt like she had found a small piece of the life she had always desired. She wanted to take this as far as she could while she had it. She wanted Toni to always look at her like she was now.

"Cally," Toni asked between kisses. "Have you ever done this before?"

"No," Cally said truthfully. "I've wanted to and dreamed of it, bit I thought no one would ever desire me enough to be with me."

"Well you are definitely wrong there," Toni smiled. "I desire you greatly and I want to get to know you. Can I show you how much I like you?"

"Yes," Cally answered simply.

Again Toni kissed her. This time though her hands slipped around her. She felt one slip down to the top of her ass. The hand went under the waist of her skirt and slid over her bare flesh, making her tingle with rising excitement. Like earlier in the bathroom, Cally felt her heart begin to beat faster and heat begin to grow inside her.

Toni seemed to understand what she was feeling because her other hand lid up inside the front of her shirt to find her left breast. Cally gasped out in surprised pleasure at the contact. Toni made it even better as she groped and massaged the area, and then she switched to the other side to do the same. She went back and forth like this for while until she used both hands to raise up Cally's shirt. Then she smiled and took a nipple between her lips and gently nibbled on it.

Cally reveled in the pleasure Toni was giving her with just her breasts. She had heard how great sex felt but had had no real clue as to the truth of things. She had never even masturbated since she had never really felt inclined to do so. Now though her whole body seemed to demand attention, especially between her legs where she could feel her heat.

The desire in her crotch grew exponentially when Toni used one hand to caress her inner thighs in long slow strokes. She always stopped just before her finger tips would have touched her panties, it was driving her insane.

"Please," Cally begged. "Please tough me there."

Toni smiled and on the next upstroke of her hand it continued up and over the front of her panties. Cally rolled herself in and effort to prolong the stroke. It felt incredible having Toni touch her like this.

"Lay back on the bed," Toni said quietly as she kept up her hand motions.

Cally did so that she lay lengthwise on the bed. Toni climbed on top of her to kiss her for bit and then moved downward to sit between her ankles. Leaning forward, Toni drew Cally's skirt up and onto her stomach, exposing her damp cotton panties. Toni grinned at the moistness under her hand as she grabbed the scant covering and drew it down. Cally helped her by lifting her leg through on of the leg holes. Then Toni had a clear view of her pussy.

"It's so cute," Toni smiled happily. Cally knew what she was talking about. Even her pubic hair was snow white. Cally had always though it looked like she had a cloud down there. She was glad Toni didn't think it was weird.

Toni reached out and began with petting strokes through her crotch. She went down through her sparse white hair and then over her excited clit and lips. Just one stroke sent a shudder through her body.

"You're really sensitive Cally," Toni remarked. "Have you ever touched yourself at all?"

"No, I never had a desire to before."

"Then I think you're in for a bit of a surprise."

Toni continued the stroking in firmer and faster strokes. Cally felt like her body would melt, starting with her quivering wet pussy. She certainly felt like she was wet enough down there to be melting. Then Toni turned her hand around with her fingers downward. Now on each down stroke she slipped her middle finger of her hole. Every third stroke or so she would also giver her hard and excited clit a circular rub

As her body rose to new levels of pleasure she had never thought existed, she heard the storm outside raging with her, almost as if it took felt her passion rise. Suddenly, when she thought something was going to burst from her, Toni slid her finger into her tight wet hole and stoked her clit with her other had at the same time.

She felt like something came loose inside her and rush of something jolted through her that sent her into gasping and jerking on the bed. She felt so good that she thought she might have peed a little. When she tried to say something she cut of with a loud cry instead. Toni had leaned forward all the way to take her clit into her mouth has her finger plumber the depths of her pussy.

Cally couldn't believe it, but she felt another of the impossible waves coming. This time Toni didn't let up on her. She kept sucking, licking and pumping away and Cally kept howling incoherently. Finally, after almost a full minute of the insanely wonderful convulsions, a final even stronger orgasm slammed into her and sent her into a blissful unconsciousness.


When Cally came back to wakefulness a grumbling roll of thunder was pealing through the air. At first all she could feel was the shadowy tingly of her body. Then she heard something beside the storm and remembered Toni. Wanting to return the pleasure she'd been given, she opened her eyes and looked to the source of the sound.

What she saw sent a deadening shock through her body. Toni was sitting in a chair by a computer desk with no jeans or panties on. What horrified Cally was that between her legs knelt a very young girl, maybe 9, that looked a lot like Toni. The girl was licking Toni's pussy with great passion and Toni herself had her head thrown back and was moaning loudly.

Cally felt the betrayal sweep through her and wipe out all the happiness she thought she had found. She felt like ice was gripping her heart. Toni had just been using her to get what she wanted. She didn't actually care about her after all.

"Why?" Cally moaned in a dead emotionless voice.

Toni heard her and looked at her and then saw the look on Cally's face. She knew what Cally was thinking.

"It's not what you think Cally, please—" "No!" Cally cried out in a fury cutting her off and drawing a surprised look from the younger girl. "Don't you dare say that again."

Cally grabbed her panties and quickly drew them back on. Ignoring Toni's shouts, she ran from the room and down the stairs. She only paused in her flight when she opened the house's front door and saw the raging store blowing and pouring outside. She heard Toni thumping down the stairs behind her.

"Please stop Cally, I can explain everything, she's my sister—"Cally cut her off with a furious glare. She didn't care what the girl said now. She took one last look at Toni standing there with a pair of sweatpants in her hand and frightened look on her face before plunging out into the storm and slamming the door.

As she ran, her tears returned with a vengeance. She sobbed as her legs carried her away. She had no idea where she was running but she didn't care. She was soaked immediately from the rain, but she didn't care about that either. She didn't care about anything anymore. She certainly didn't care about the wet slapping sound of Toni chasing here with bare feet.

She tuned out everything and rand blindly down the sidewalk. She let the thunder and rain drown out Toni's cries. Her tears were immediately washed away by the rain sluicing down her face but she still tasted the saltiness as it passed her lips.

Harder and harder she ran; crying harder with every step as she tried to erase the betrayal from her mind. She had thought she had found someone that was for her. The pain in her chest at the memory of Toni with someone right there in front of her made her want to just give up.

After a while she wasn't even paying attention anymore. There were only her feet moving and the rain falling on her. She was so tuned out to everything that she never saw car. She had run across a small back street when it flew out and clipped her hard. She was thrown with great force into the curb where she cried out in great pain as she felt bone piercing skin on her arms and legs and skin scraped away by the asphalt.

The pain was so great that she never heard the car screech to a halt. She almost welcomed the pain though. It made it so she couldn't think of what had happened.

"Oh my god! Cally!"

Cally somehow heard the voice of Toni through the pain fog. She began sobbing uncontrollably until the increasing pain through her into peaceful unconsciousness again.

There at least she could be hurt anymore.


When she found herself waking up Cally stared upward. Her body felt numb and dead and her mind felt slow. It took a long while before she was aware that someone was holding her hand.

Slowly she turned her head saw Stacy looking at her with worry creasing her features. She was in a hospital room and her body was strapped to a bed. Tubes dangled down to the arm Stacy was holding that had a cast at the forearm. That was the source of her numbing. It wasn't enough.

As she stared her mind reminded her of what had happened. Of Toni.

"Cally," Stacy said softly. "We were so worried about you."

Cally wondered who the "we" was. Stacy must have seen her confusion.

"Your friend is outside the door sleeping with her sister. She was so distraught the nurses gave her a sedative to calm her down."

The thought that Toni was here to torture her, and only feet way, made her tears renew their streaming. She wanted to run away again from her tormented life. Yet again she had found happiness to only have it crushed away. She wanted to go back into unconsciousness where she had felt nothing.

She felt very dead inside as cried herself into sleep.

One too many poisoned kisses... And I'm drowning in your deepest sea I found my destiny, something I'm here for... I´m knockin´ on my heaven´s door. Source: Sonata Arctica-No on can heal a broken dream.