Twin Trouble

by Nuit du Loup

It was hot. Much too hot. She could already feel the sunburn starting to form on her neck. The July sun was beating down on her with its unforgiving rays. She wished she'd thought to bring a hat.

Laura, an 18 year old senior, reached up a tanned, well muscled arm and wiped sweat from her brow for what felt like the thousandth time. The worst part was that she was the only one suffering in the ungodly heat. She was standing on the exposed concrete sidewalk of a drop-off area. Behind her was a small, pale stoned building that she felt was reflecting the sun onto her back. She wished she was inside that building with it's blessed A/C.

But no, she'd volunteered for this. She had said that she would be the captain of the girls swim team this year. She wished now that she'd thought that decision through a little more. The captain was in charge of running the summer training camp for the incoming freshman class along with one other, so that meant that she was responsible for getting 12 girls into shape before school started up. Which was why she was standing out in the sun, her bus of freshman newbies was due to arrive any minute and she couldn't be the one to show up late.

As she stood there, her tall, well sculpted body barely cast a shadow as the noonday sun shined straight down on her very short, blonde haired head. She crossed her arm under her moderate sized breasts held within her white tank top and tried to ignore her body's demands for cool shade. She had at least remembered to wear her sunglasses, so the glare was kept out of her hazel eyes.

Just as she was about to give in and retreat into the building at her back, she heard the telltale rumble of a diesel engine. Turing her head slightly, she looked down the gentle slope of the entry drive and saw the approaching school bus. It was about god damn time!

Grunting in satisfaction at finally being able to get this thing underway, she turned, walked two steps to a blue painted metal bench and picked up the clipboard she'd set there almost an hour before when she'd started waiting. Then she turned back and watched as the bus rolled up and then came gently to a stop. After a small clunk, the door swung open revealing her partner for this little training camp, her best friend Andrea.

Like herself, Andrea was a blonde. But she had more of a short and skinny build to her with the toned muscles of a well practiced athlete. The two of them were far from uncommon in looking so fit. Their school was very heavily devoted to all its sports teams, so the players took it seriously and practiced hard. Some guys nicknamed their school 'Jock Heaven'.

Right now though Andrea paused on the bottom step, and turned her head so that her blonde ponytail waggled, and shouted, "Off the bus!"

After that Andrea quickly approached her with a smile and then they exchanged a small friendly hug. It was too hot for anything else.

"You ready for this shit?" Andrea greeted in a voice dripping with resignation.

"No, but that doesn't matter." Laura replied. "I volunteered, so I have to deal with it. Did they all show up?"

"Yep, we've got a full dozen new fish to grind into shape." Andrea answered. "Most said they've swam competitively in middle school so most of those just need more practice and endurance workouts. But there are a few complete newbie's. They will need the full workout you planned to get them competitively in shape."

"That's about what I thought the mix would be for this lot." Laura said without any surprise.

Together they watched the girls got off the bus, each carrying their luggage for the next two weeks. They were all going to be staying here at this athletic club facility during that time period, doing almost nothing but training and learning. There would be rest and recovery periods of course, but those were only there so that more training could be done. This was the swim team's equivalent to 'hell week' as done by the football team, only it was for the incoming freshman. After this there would be two more weeks of training with the rest of the team back on the school campus.

The only reason for even doing this conditioning period at this location was so that they could focus on what was going on here and not whatever was going on at home or with their friends. The reason they could afford to do it this way was because despite being a public school, this area was one huge locus of moneyed rich folk. Their school had funds coming out of its proverbial ass.

As the girls formed into a curiously chatting clump, Laura eyed them over. Andrea of course, stood there watching her with that amused smirk on her face because she knew full well what Laura was doing. She was checking them out.

Laura loved girls and their lovely, beautiful bodies. She'd made no secret of her preference. The entire team knew she was a lesbian, and a very, very active one. She had a libido to rival a rabbit and plenty of energy and confidence to get what she wanted. It didn't bug most of her teammates because a large number of them had been partners of hers at one point or another. She hadn't felt anything she'd call love toward anyone yet, so she just had a lot of fun getting her rocks off.

Laura gave a small return smirk to Andrea. Her friend was her most frequent partner. They both knew there was no romance in their sex, just pure physical release and pleasure. Andrea considered herself to be bisexual and even technically had a boyfriend at the moment. Laura knew he'd probably just get frustrated and leave her just like the others. Andrea didn't put out to guys yet, she wanted to avoid any chance at getting pregnant and guys hated that.

Right now Laura's experienced eyed roved and scanned. There were a couple of lookers among the group and she mentally marked them out. No one stood out really, but these girls were still kinda young and not filled out yet so it was to be expected. She laughed inwardly at her thoughts about the girls' ages, she was only four years older than most of them.

She was about to call out and get the girls together so that they could get inside and started, but something stopped her. A quick check over the group told her what had been odd. There were only ten girls standing in the sun. She was missing two.

"Hey, where are the other two," She snapped out in her usual authoritative voice. She wasn't saying it in a mean way, but with just enough of a crack in it to set the tone for the week. She was to be obeyed.

"Uhm...I think they're still on the bus," said a clearly intimidated sandy haired girl. She stared right into her glasses and was frowning concernedly. She was almost a foot shorter than Laura's towering 6'6" height. Most of these girls led pretty sheltered lives so her brusque personality was probably not the norm for them.

"Thank you..."

"Uh it's Julie ma'am," the girl answered immediately.

"Right, thank you Julie." Laura said this with a pleased smile and watched Julie nod and smile as well, happy that she'd gotten off on a good footing with her superior. Laura liked the girl; this one would be no trouble.

Laura walked over to the bus's door with her strong casual stride, her exposed, tanned legs below her cut off shorts moving smoothly. When she walked she didn't hurry, she had learned long ago from a friend of her mother's to walk with efficient deliberateness. He was a long retired career Marine officer and avid martial artist.

"Off the bus, Move It!" Laura called into the bus; the driver visibly flinched at her tone.

"Hold your fucking horses!" Came an angry reply. "My sister's stuff spilled and we're cleaning it up."

Frowning in displeasure at the temerity the girl was showing, whoever she was. Laura stepped lightly into the door and climbed the three small steps to the bus's interior. She waved away the drivers question of assistance in dealing with this and looked down the main aisle. There, at the back of the bus, were the two girls she was looking for, and also a sight she wasn't expecting. A very nicely rounded ass raised in the air.

The nice ass was connected to a skinny looking girl who was bent over with her head and shoulders buried under a bus seat. Behind that girl sat another girl with the same look. She was a bit skinny, not rail thin, but in a healthy way that showed that she kept in shape. She had distinctly Asian, maybe Japanese, features. And she was absolutely freaking beautiful.

Laura felt her mouth go dry a little. She hadn't expected much visual stimulation from her group of trainee's, but this girl made up for it. She had a face that seemed know frequent happiness and with delicate seeming features. Her brown eyes were like polished wood, shining. Laura could see small but noticeable breasts with bumps in the front that said they were unrestrained by a bra. The girl had her long black hair pulled back into a silky looking ponytail that looked like it ran a short ways down her back. Laura itched to see her ass. That was her thing, she always wanted to check out girl's asses, they just felt and looked so wonderful and she wanted to see this girl's so badly. This girl was going to be trouble.

Then the bent over girl pulled back with something in her hand. She gave it to the seated girl and then turned toward her. Laura's left eyebrow jerked once in surprise. The girls were twins, absolute mirrors of each other. Laura remembered the butt of the girl who'd been bent over and imagined it on the body of the other girl. The seated one seemed to have a more cheerful face while the kneeling one looked like she had 'attitude' in spades. Laura decided she liked the happy one better.

Then she remembered why she was there.


"Off the Bus!"

Megumi jerked awake. She'd dozed off on the ride to the swimming conditioning camp and the shouted words brought back a little painfully to wakefulness. With a yawn and a roll of her shoulders to get rid of the stiffness she'd developed from sleeping against the window, she looked over at her sister seated next to her. She was busy yanking her duffle bag from under their seat.

"Your finally awake Meg'," Ayumi, her sister, said as she continued her fight against her bag.

"Uh-huh," Megumi answered, her light voice already filled with her usual upbeat vibrancy. "It was a nice nap."

"Wish I could've conked out too," Ayumi grumbled. "I had to listen to Martina's stupid boyfriend stories the whole way here. I feel bad for the guy, that girl can seriously talk!"

"Hehe," Megumi giggled. She giggled and laughed a lot. For some reason she found a lot of things amusing.

"Haha," Ayumi mimed in a cynical tone. "You can laugh; you were safely ensconced in sleep. I think I lost brain cells listening to all that crap."

"I really wish you wouldn't swear so much," Megumi frowned.

"Sorry, I'm the grumpy twin," Ayumi responded with a grin that overturned her statement. "You're the nice one."

Megumi sighed this was an old argument between them. "Ayu' you're perfectly nice. All the boys think so at least."

"What do they know?" Ayumi laughed. With a grunt of effort her bag heaved free and almost smacked her in the face. Ayumi grinned in victory and Megumi shook her head amusedly at her sister.

Despite being physical mirrors, their personalities were not at all similar. Megumi knew she was shy and soft spoken. It was the way she liked it, most of the time. Ayumi though was the family firebrand. She was always arguing, swearing and doing things like that. Megumi absolutely loved her sister, but she could be trying at times.

Megumi reached for her own bag and gave it an experimental tug. Instead of getting stuck like Ayumi's, hers started to slide out right away. Then, just she almost had it all the way out, her arm jerked to a halt and clothes and things from her bag spilled out onto the floor.

"Oh shit!" Ayumi swore as she immediately started to try and help gather the freed clothing. "Look, your zipper caught and it pulled open as you pulled your bag out."

Megumi sighed again. Ayu' was right, a reach under the seat confirmed that her zipped had hooked itself onto a seat spring. After detaching it, she and Ayumi got out of the seat to more easily round up her scattered belongings.

"Off the bus, Move It!" shouted a voice from outside.

"Hold your fucking horses! My sister's stuff spilled and we're cleaning it up." Ayumi snapped back. "Impatient..." Ayumi trailed off into inaudible grumbling.

As they tried to redouble the clean up effort, she saw someone climb up into the bus. Megumi's eyes widened slightly at the appearance of the arrival.

She was so very tall, almost brushing the ceiling with her short crop of blonde hair. Her severe, frowning face looked at them in an odd way, as if she was cataloging everything about them. Megumi saw some other emotion cross that face, she saw now that it was actually very attractive, and watched those clear blue eyes blink to look right at her.

The older girl, for she was plainly much older than Megumi or her sister, had a body like you see in paintings or pictures of valkyries. She was muscled and toned, yet she retained more than enough femininity to be stunning. Part of that impressive look was her bearing. Megumi knew this girl had nothing but confidence in herself. This was the girl in charge.

"Ummm...I'm sorry," Megumi said right away. "This is my fault, my bag caught on the seat and this happened. "

"You don't have to defend yourself to her." Ayumi said in a low voice. Megumi looked at her and saw that Ayumi was clearly just boasting that for her own pride's sake. She was obviously intimidated by this blonde woman.

"She has no need to apologize," the blonde said in a clipped voice. Megumi smiled inwardly as Ayumi twitched. She must have almost apologized for her outburst. Ayumi was too stubborn to give in that much to most people; this girl must be really digging into her skin.

"No matter," The blonde said dismissively. "Just get things cleaned up. Do you need help carrying things or is your bag still serviceable?"

Megumi did a quick check on her bag. "It's fine, it didn't get torn or anything like that. The zipper just got opened up so things spilled out everywhere. We almost got it all put back already."

"Good work then," The blonde smiled at her and Megumi felt an odd shiver run through her. She didn't know why she'd felt that tingle, but it seemed as if she had reacted to something. That was odd though, why should a smile, however nice looking on the blonde, make her feel...anticipation?...well whatever it was.

Then she saw the tall girl's eye twitch downward. She bent over and Megumi watched her pick up something light blue off the floor that had been against a seat leg. The blue cloth drooped open with gravity to show that it was one of her pairs of panties, one of her favorite ones.

She felt her face go scarlet. She liked those panties because the material was worn and thin. She liked wearing them and touching herself through them when she masturbated. Having a stranger hold them felt almost like that person was walking in on her doing such an act. And for some reason this particular stranger seemed even worse than that.

"P-please give those to me." Megumi said as smoothly as she could. She didn't handle embarrassment well. Ayumi frowned at her. Her sister knew she was uncomfortable for some reason and grew visibly more perturbed. Ayumi held out a demanding hand to the blonde leader.

The girl ignored Ayumi completely. She took a couple steps forward, folding the garment I her hands, and handed it to Megumi directly. Megumi took it gratefully and quickly slipped it into her bag. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Ayumi was getting angry now, she didn't like being ignored.

"Thank you," Megumi said reflexively, she liked being polite.

The blonde made a dismissive motion with her hand. "Just finish up and come outside with the others." She held out a hand. "I'm Laura, I'll be running things for these two weeks along with my assistant Andrea, who rode here with you."

Megumi took the offered hand and felt the strength in it. It was an odd contrast to the long delicate seeming fingers she held. They didn't look like what they felt to be. "I'm Megumi."

Ayumi held out her hand too, but Laura ignored it and turned to leave.

"Don't you want to know who I am too?" Ayumi asked, her voice dripping with annoyance.

Laura turned to look thoughtfully at Ayumi. Megumi was surprised at the lack of anger there; she thought the older girl would light into her sister for having such an attitude.

"I would," the blonde answered with casual calmness, "but you have shown nothing but incivility and hostility. Not once have you shown any kind of respect to me yet. I'll treat you nicely when you can do the same."

Megumi expected her sister explode at that calm rebuke, and she moved to try and defuse things if it got bad. Ayumi could really stick her foot in her mouth when she got angry. But Ayumi surprised her, shocked her actually. Ayumi very visibly swallowed an angry reflexive outburst and calmed herself. Then she stared a Laura for a long moment and Megumi felt her shock redouble. Ayumi was really going to do it! She wanted Laura's respect! This was not something that happens often.

"I'm sorry for my behavior," Ayumi said slowly. Megumi knew she had to be consciously keeping her words clean of anything rude or argumentative. "I have trouble reacting well when people yell at me. I just...say it without really thinking."

"Accepted," The blonde smiled with an approving nod. "I know that you can control that anger if you want to, but I'll keep it in mind. I'll be yelling quite a bit over the next two weeks so your control will likely be tested. But as long as I don't hear insults or whining out of you I won't snap your head off."

"Uhm...thanks for the warning...I think." Ayumi said thoughtfully. She held out her hand again "It's Ayumi."

"Nice to meet you Ayumi," Laura chuckled, shook the hand and then slapped Ayumi playfully hard on the shoulder. "I think you're going to be fun."

With that she looked back over at Megumi and she felt that shiver run through her again under that smiling gaze. It happened every time she saw that odd emotion flit across Laura's face. After a last chuckle and a shake of her head, Laura walked back down the aisle and left the bus.

"What the F-mm was that!" Megumi asked, barely stopping herself from swearing.

"I. Don't. Know." Ayumi said, staring at the door. "I just couldn't...It just felt wrong to try yelling at her. Oh God, did that monster woman just say I was going to be fun?!"

"Uh, yeah!" Megumi laughed. "You're going to have an interesting time on the team with her around. She's in charge here."

"I'm so going to have an ulcer after this is over," Ayumi frowned. "I don't know if I can keep it all in if she said the truth about yelling at us, but dammit, I fucking like her! She seems like she could be cool."

"I thought so too," Megumi agreed, resuming her clean up. "She seems nice to me."

"I don't know necessarily about nice," Ayumi said with a grin. "She seems like one of those people you want on your side if something happens. But yeah, I can see that she might be alright, stressful, but alright."

"Maybe that girl will actual make you like being on the swim team," Megumi said with a smile.

"Tsch, maybe." Ayumi nodded. "But it's my fault I'm here. I made fun of you for signing up and dad made me join too as punishment. I'd still much rather be playing some other sport, but I'll take the lumps I deserve."

Megumi had originally been the only one to sign up for the team, but Ayumi had caught wind of it and objected. Ayumi had been of the opinion that being on the swim team was wimpy. Their family all played sports and it was expected of them to pick at least one while they were in high school. Megumi had decided on swimming, it was much more her style than anything else. Ayumi though took after their brother who played college football; she was a tomboy and wanted to play 'real' sports. Dad had heard their argument and resolved it with the obvious result of Ayumi's presence here today.

Ayumi would still be playing lacrosse in the spring and volleyball during the winter, but she was stuck with swimming too. Now she seemed to be finally accepting it.

"How bad do you think this conditioning thing is going to be?" Megumi asked as she put the last thing into her bag and zipped it shut. Then she stood along with her sister with the bag's strap over her shoulder.

"That blonde drill sergeant of ours is going to run us into a puking mess," Ayumi said with certainty. "Just look at her, she doesn't seem the type to hold back." Ayumi grinned. "I'm going to be in such awesome shape after this."

"I think I'll do without the puking," Megumi responded with distaste. "But working hard will be good."

When they got out off the bus Megumi saw that everyone was gathered into a curved line with Laura and Andrea in the middle. She and Ayumi joined that line on one end and they got a smiling nod from Laura. Andrea however gave them both a very odd, considering look once Laura looked out over everyone.

"Alright then!" Laura spoke loud and clearly. "All of you are here to get yourselves into proper shape for the beginning of the swimming season. You're here to work hard and get your bodies moving. I will be pushing you and you will likely hate me by the end of these two weeks. But I will do my best to get you as far along as I can before we all join the rest of the team for weeks three and four."

"If you're concerned about safety, both Andrea and I have been trained in the necessary first aid and life saving skills in case something happens and the athletic club has an on-site nurse. Some of you might strain of pull muscles so let us know immediately if this happens so we can help you and minimize time out and the pain. This conditioning isn't about being comfortable and leisurely, it's about improving and pushing you. Questions?"

Megumi didn't see anyone move to speak; they all seemed a bit overwhelmed by Laura's direct personality.

"Uhm, I have one," Megumi said with a slight raise of her hand. "Will we be starting tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"Tonight!" Laura answered with grin. "There's no reason to waste time with things like socializing and settling in. You'll be going to bed exhausted every night if I can help it."

"But what about meals then?" Asked another girl. Megumi thought her name was Rachel.

"Oh, you'll get fed, don't worry." Laura smiled. "I can't run you ragged if you don't have the fuel and nutrition in you for it. I'll be expecting you to all clear your plates at every meal, you're really going to need all of it"

No one else raised a hand or a question.

"Well, let's get your stuff dumped so we can get started." Laura announced cheerfully. "Follow me.

Laura turned without looking to see if anyone was following her. Megumi thought she must just assume everyone will. It was a valid assumption since everyone scrambled to pick their bags back up and follow.

Once inside the blessedly cool building, Laura led them down two halls until it T'd off. On either side of them were three rooms, so six total.

"I don't care how you divide up, but split into three or four girls per room." Laura instructed. "The rooms at either end are mine and Andrea's respectively. So you all choose from the others. There are mats and sleeping bags already inside for you."

When Laura saw that they all understood she gave another of her approving nods. "Alright, get changed into your athletic clothes and meet me back out front in..."She paused to check her watch, "ten minutes from now. Dismissed."

At that cue they all scrambled to obey. Megumi shared a smile with her sister and they dashed toward one of the rooms on Laura's end of the hall. Funny thing was, they were the only ones heading toward that end. Everyone else seemed to want to be away from their instructor.

Once in the room they quickly went to the two mats farthest from the door, set their bags down, and began disrobing. Megumi was just pulling up her running shorts when two other girls hesitantly poked their heads in the door.

"Those two places are still open," Megumi said, pointing toward the remaining mats.

"I wish they weren't," Answered the girl, Megumi thought her name was Talia. "I don't want to sleep next to Laura."

"Yeah," agreed the second girl, this girl she knew, her name was Cleo. She had long black braided hair that made her very distinct in a crowd.

"What are you two grumbling about?" Ayumi responded disapprovingly. "It's not like she's done anything to you."

"I know," Cleo said defensibly. "But she just seems like the violent type. I wonder why she got picked to run this thing."

Ayumi glared and Cleo flinched away. Megumi hurriedly put a placating hand on her sister's shoulder. Megumi wondered why Ayumi was getting so defensive of Laura. Ayumi looked at her for a moment and then let out a calming breathe.

"You ready Meg'?" She asked.

Megumi pulled out her water bottled. "I am now, let's go."


Laura was rather absurdly pleased when it was the twins who were the first ones ready. They came out of the building she had appropriated for the girls, standing side by side and talking to each other about something.

Since they weren't really paying attention to her yet, Laura took that moment to look them over again. She really liked their lean, slim bodies and slightly brown skin. She couldn't see them at the moment but they also had such wonderfully round behinds. She really wanted to touch them.

"You're terrible," Andrea chuckled beside her.

"What?" Laura smiled at her. "What's wrong with me checking out the freshmen?"

"How about the word 'underage'?" Andrea smirked.

"Hasn't stopped me yet has it?" Laura retorted. "You're technically underage to me now since you're still seventeen and you've had sex with me at least 10 times in the last week."

"That's because your horny ass won't leave me alone!" Andrea laughed. "You came back from that boot camp with a serious pussy withdrawal."

"I know, but I wasn't gonna risk getting in trouble so soon." Laura sighed. She had gone to a Marine Corp boot camp for the first month and a half of summer. She would be going to the US Naval Academy immediately after graduation to become a Marine officer. The camp had been to get her body into shape and to prepare her for it. She kept up the tough exercise regimen after it and would continue to do so till she started at the Academy.

The problem was, there had been no outlet for her powerful sex drive. So she had been going crazy by the end for some kind of satisfaction. When she had gotten back she had dragged Andrea into her room and they fucked each other's brains out for an entire day. Andrea had been almost unable to move the next day because she was so sore and worn out. Since then she had seemed a lot hornier than usual.

"Stop acting like you don't like it," Laura told her friend. "Who was it that begged me to practically rape her and then came again and again all night long?"

"Don't say that out loud!" Andrea hissed with huge blush, looking at the twins. "They don't need to hear about that."

Andrea wouldn't admit it to anyone else but her, but she really liked it rough when it came to sex, not painful, but very rough. Laura was the only one Andrea trusted to give it to her like that.

"Ok sorry," Laura laughed lightly. Then she turned to the two girls. "Good time you two. We'll start the afternoon workout at soon as everyone else gets out here."

Both girls beamed happily at her compliment on their timeliness. They stood close together and Laura saw that they had a lot of the similar mannerisms that identical twins sometimes had. They stood in almost the same stance and had identical smiles. If she hadn't already seen Ayumi's fiery disposition and Megumi's calm one, she would have sworn they were exactly alike. She wondered idly how they'd ended up being so different personality-wise.

After a few moments the rest of the girls filed out in a clump. They'd all waited for everyone else to finish changing before coming out.

"Alright," Laura said, clapping her hands to signal that they should all stop talking and listen. "We're going over there," she pointed off to the left were a track and field was,"then we are going to stretch really well. I cannot emphasize the importance of stretching out properly before and after everything we do. If you don't, you'll end up sore or hurt."

She led them all to the designated area and once they were inside the track and in the grass she had them fan out for space. As she led them through a long stretching exercise she went around and corrected some of the girls on their technique. She didn't want anyone getting hurt because they were lazy or doing things wrong.

"Julie, you need to bend as far as you can," Laura instructed during a set of leg stretches. Julie complied right away.

She also spent a good deal of time getting surreptitious looks at the twins. The stretching showed off their bodies nicely and Megumi seemed completely oblivious to how her shirt dipped low when she bent over and let Laura see her small breasts. Laura had a nice view of their perky shape and her mouth watered at the sight of prominent nipples poking out a bit.

Once she got them actually running she had to pay attention to everyone. She didn't have time for anything else. There was a wide disparity in athleticism among the girls and she had to mentally note who needed what kind of work. Luckily there wasn't anyone who was really out of shape.

Between sets of laps, she had them doing everything from push-ups to jumping jacks to get their heart rates up and pumping. Once they finished with that they'd run again. They did this for just over two hours and by them it was very clear who was just tired and who was utterly exhausted. It was those few that she needed to get up to a more workable level while getting them all used to working hard.

After having them all walk for ten minutes to cool down and then another stretching session she gathered them in again and led them back to their housing. It was only four PM so she had plenty of time for more.

When they went into the large open room at the center of the building Andrea was there with all the swimming gear for each girl set out. There would be two swimsuits, one pair of goggles, a swim cap, warm-up pants and jacket and a school duffle.

"Everyone find the pile with your name in front!" Laura instructed clearly. "Make sure what's there is the correct size that you asked for. If there are any problems, let Andrea know immediately, she'll make sure things get taken care of."

There were only twelve of them so it didn't take long.

"Dear god, what the hell is this thing!" Ayumi was holding up her practice and competition suits. "Why does our school colors have to be red and yellow, these will make us look like circus clowns."

She was right to complain, they were a horridly garish design that would make you visible from miles away. She had wanted to punch out whoever the designer had been when she had seen them for the first time.

"Sorry, Ayumi," Laura grinned at the girl. "These are what we're stuck with. You'll have to settle for these clown suits as you called them. At least we'll be very good looking clowns."

Ayumi snorted a laugh and tucked the offending things into her provisioned duffle. "Are we going to be swimming tonight then?"

"Yep, right now in fact." Laura affirmed. Ayumi suddenly looked a bit nervous. "What's up?"

"Ayumi doesn't know how to do anything other than freestyle," Megumi said as she came up and joined them. "Dad made her join the team so she doesn't really have any experience."

Ayumi shot her twin a silencing glare. "You don't need to tell her that." Ayumi sounded more than a little embarrassed.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Laura told her. "You're not the only one. The strokes aren't really all that hard to do, they're just difficult to perfect, just like any other sport."

"You're not going to laugh at me when I fuck up?" Ayumi demanded.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Laura laughed. "I'm here to teach you, not mock you. And don't swear, it's not very intelligent."

Ayumi blinked confusedly at the reprimand and then frowned. For some reason Megumi giggled at her sisters facial expression.

"What?" She asked.

This time Ayumi succeeded in keeping her sister from blurting out whatever she was going to reveal by covering the other girl's mouth with her hand. Laura laughed at their antics, she was really liking these two already.

"Everyone got their stuff situated?" She called out to everyone.

There was a chorus of yes answers and no negatives.

"Then follow me, were going to the pool."

This time she led them out through the back exit which led right onto the concrete pool deck. On the other side of the chlorine blue water was a long structure labeled as the locker rooms and bathhouse. She led them all there and unlocked its door with a key from her pocket.

"Pick a locker and get changed!" Laura commanded as she walked straight to the locker holding her stuff.


Megumi felt a little excitemed. She really liked swimming and she had done pretty well on the middle school team so she was really looking forward to the much more competitive high school level.

She and her sister both grabbed lockers across from Laura and set their stuff on a bench to get changed. Megumi looked over toward Laura and almost gulped. The older girl didn't seemed to have any kind if qualms about striping down in front of others. She stood there in a sports bra and panties while pulling her suit from her locker. Once she had it in hand Laura casually yanked her bra off in one smooth pull.

"Wish I had boobs like that," Ayumi muttered lowly next to her.

Laura did have really nice ones. They were a little large but like the rest of her body, they seemed toned and firm. They barely jiggled at all when they were let out of Laura's bra.

"We'd look weird with huge ones," Megumi argued as she pulled her own shirt over her head. She blushed a little at Ayumi's sharp look. She'd forgotten to wear a bra again. Their big nipples always tried to poke through their clothes and Ayumi was always careful to make sure hers didn't show. Megumi often forgot since her breasts didn't really need a bra otherwise and Ayu' disapproved of that.

"I know that," Ayumi countered softly. "But look, every girl in this locker room is staring at those."

Megumi saw she was right; they all had jealous looks on their faces. Laura ignored them all as she peeled her panties off. Whoa! Laura didn't have any hair at all between her legs; it was bare smooth with a very visible slit. Megumi felt a crazy desire to feel what that smoothness was like and a look told her Ayumi was thinking something similar.

They continued undressing and once done they pulled their suits on. Megumi stared at Ayumi and vice versa. Each checking how the other looked.

"Very nice girls."

Jumping in surprise, Megumi turned and saw Laura had crossed over to them. "Both of you look good in the team suits, despite the terrible colors."

Megumi looked down at herself and then comparatively at Laura. She noticed a difference right away. So did Ayumi.

"Uhm Laura," Ayumi began hesitantly.

"What?" Laura inquired good naturedly.

"Do you ah....shave down there because of these suits and their high cut?"

"Noticed that did you?" Laura smiled oddly. Megumi saw her sister shiver visibly under that look. "That's part of the reason; these suits have really thin material so everything shows through so even a little bush is visible. I can see yours plain as day.

"Damn," Ayumi grunted sourly. "Sorry, I mean dang, shaving down there seems like it would be weird."

"You get used to it," Laura shrugged. "If you want I can show you how and give you each a razor to use and some cream. I actually brought enough for all the new girls since I thought most of you wouldn't have considered this."

"Uh thanks." Ayumi nodded.

"You might also want to do something about these too," Laura reached her arm out and Megumi looked down to see that Laura's fingertip was a centimeter away from her very visible right nipple. It was showing very clearly through the thin material even though it wasn't even stiff at all right now. "I've got some sticky pads you can put over them during meets and tournaments that'll hide 'em so that guys won't be staring at you like lechers."

Megumi saw her sister look down at her own prominent nubs, hers were a little hard and they looked like pencil erasers under the red suit material. Ayumi frowned with annoyance at them as if just her anger could make them invisible.

"Oh, looks like everyone is ready," Laura said, looking around. "Everyone back out to the pool!"

Megumi and her sister followed everyone else back out into the afternoon sun. The water looked especially inviting after all that running earlier in the heat. The two of them had done alright performance-wise, but she had seen Laura face when she looked at them while they ran, they were not yet up to her standards. Ayumi had been particularly annoyed by that for some reason.

The pool was 50 meters in length and it had been divided into five lanes by red and blue floating lines. Flags of the same colors hung down from ropes strung over the water at either ends of the pool. Starting blocks had also been mounted into the concrete at their end.

"Everyone divide up into lanes, two are going to have to have three people but that's alright." Laura instructed as she walked to one side of the blocks. Then she pointed toward a tower style lifeguard chair, Andrea was sitting in it. "Andrea will be playing both lifeguard and observer for us. For now I just want to see what knowledge and skill you already posses so that I can build upon it."

Ayumi grabbed her hand and dragged Megumi over to the lane closest to Laura. She giggled silently at her sister's insistence on trying to impress Laura. No one else joined them so they had the lane to themselves. Once everyone was where Laura wanted them, they were instructed to jump into the water.

When they did so they found that this end was the deep one at twelve feet in depth and they were forced to tread water as they held onto the side. At first Laura made them swim just one length of the pool for each stroke. All the while she and Andrea watched them and wrote on clipboards.

True to her word, Laura didn't laugh at all at Ayumi's fumbling attempts at the breast stroke and butterfly. Each time when Ayumi finally finished and looked to the older girl to see if amusement was there, Laura only smiled encouragingly. Other girls laughed of course, and that drove Ayumi crazy and she used some rather coarse insults that Megumi winced to hear. Ayumi did not handle that kind of mocking well.

After another two hours of swimming, everyone was exhausted and Laura permitted them to climb out of the pool. As Megumi was swimming for the ladder with Ayumi behind her, her tired left leg seized up into a tight cramp. Wincing at the pain, Megumi hobbled up the ladder and tried to ignore it. She didn't want anyone to think she was being a wimp on the very first day. Her walk over to Laura and the others was painful and forced.

"What's wrong?" Ayumi hissed into her ear.

"It's nothing," she said, hoping her sister would leave off for now.

"It's not anything? Your leg is trembling and your eyes are tight, I know when you're in pain."

"It's nothing!" Megumi whispered harshly. "Just let me deal with it.

Megumi didn't hear what Laura was saying; all she could feel was the ever tightening muscles in her leg and the pain they were delivering. She didn't know when she had closed her eyes, but she opened them to find Laura standing there and everyone else gone, including her sister. It must have been a long time.

"You're definitely not alright," Laura told her in an even, disapproving voice. "You should have told me you were hurting. If you had stretched that out right away it would have been far less painful for you."

"But I didn't want everyone to think I was being weak on the first day, people always think I'm the weak one." Megumi said softly. People always looked at tough, outspoken Ayumi and assumed she was timid and weak. That wasn't true, she was just as good at sports as Ayumi was, she just didn't like some of them as much. She liked swimming, so other kids at school had made fun of her for choosing a 'wimpy' sport, even Ayumi had until Dad forced her to join too as punishment.

"Why would they think you're weak?" Laura asked in bafflement. "Just because you got a leg cramp? It happens all the time. You were one of the fastest in the pool earlier, so I doubt they have much room for mocking you."

"Where did everyone go?" She asked, unconvinced.

"To dinner with Andrea, where you'll go after I help you,"Laura told her. Then Laura moved to her left side, grabbed her arm and threw it over a shoulder, Megumi grabbed onto her to keep her balance due to her bad leg. "Come on, I'll help you into the bathhouse."


Laura tried to ignore the feel of the girl against her body. Just having Megumi touching her was making her insanely horny. If the girl wasn't in so much pain she would have surely noticed the damp crotch on her otherwise dry suit.

Everyone else had already changed and went back to the temporary dorm building for dinner so the bathhouse and locker rooms were empty. Laura guided them into the back where there was a small first aid room that contained a strong table. She helped Megumi onto it and moved her so that she was laying face down on it with her towel as a pillow. Every movement Megumi made caused her face to clinch in pain.

"What are you going to do?" Megumi asked.

"I'm going to rub that cramp out for you, it won't take long."

She went back to her locker really quick and retrieved a bottle of skin lotion from her stuff and then went back to see that Megumi had closed her eyes again.

"Is it that bad?" Laura asked as she clicked open the lotion and squirted some onto her hands.

"Yes," Megumi hissed without opening her eyes. "My leg's all tight."

"That's because you stood on it!" Laura said in exasperation. "Next time don't make things worse and just come straight to me."

To make her comfortable with having strange hands upon her, Laura began the massage well below the quivering tight thigh muscles on Megumi's calves. Very gently, she worked her hands up onto the affected area and felt the hard muscles under her fingers. Megumi hissed in pain and tried to move.

"Relax," Laura reprimanded gently. "Just lay there and let me work."

Megumi did relax a little and Laura stroked and kneaded her leg. Laura had a very hard time being professional. Having her hands physically on the pretty thing below her was making her very wet. She was genuinely concerned about the girl, but her body and mind were always ready for sex at any time and normally something like this was the precursor to something much more...erotic.

Soon Megumi began to sigh and relax more onto the table and closed her eyes. Laura also felt the cramping muscle soften and loosen beneath her deft fingers. Megumi felt wonderful to the touch. Unable to help herself, Laura switched to the other thigh and began to rub it too. Her fingers moved dangerously close to Megumi's womanhood before going back to the injured leg and doing the same. All the while Megumi made no protest.

Laura wondered if Megumi was just enjoying it now instead of needing it. With her mind giving her all sorts of lascivious suggestions, Laura slowly moved her hands onto Megumi's left ass cheek. Again Megumi said nothing, the girl just kept her eyes closed and raised her hips a little. Did she fall asleep? Encouraged, Laura grabbed both sides and caressed that beautiful round behind. Even under the swimsuit it felt divine.

With ever diminishing self control, Laura's finger inched toward Megumi's crack until they touched as they spread that wonderful crevice open. The suit material sank into the opening and through it's thinness she made out the vague impression of a small, tight asshole.

"O-oh my," Laura said softly with a trembling heart. She was inches away from jamming her tongue into that hole right then. She wanted it so badly, but she knew she couldn't, Megumi would wake up and freak out and she'd be really fucked. Instead she continued her massaging, just with fingers deep into Megumi's ass crack so that she could see everything.

Her control almost slipped once when a finger brushed over the girl's asshole and she felt the wrinkled flesh beneath her fingertip. When she did that, Megumi made a soft 'ooh' sound and thrust against the finger as if to demand more.

"Oh god, I think she likes it." Laura whispered. "She's so sensitive there if just a brush did that."

Laura continued brushing over the hole has she caressed and massaged. She noticed Megumi's crotch dampened and grew dark with girly fluids. She bent over and inhaled the scent of the girl, it was heavenly. It had been nearly two days since she last had some release and Megumi was making it very hard on her.

When Laura swirled a fingertip into the depression in which Megumi's tight hole lay, the girl began to make more noise. "Ah...ahhh...ahhhhh."

"Oh my, I think she's going to cum for me," Laura said softly in disbelief, she had never made a girl cum from just playing with their ass before.

"OOhhhh!" Suddenly a flood drenched Megumi's swimsuit crotch and the girls asshole gripped her finger like a small mouth as its muscles clenched. After a moment Megumi calmed down, and laid flat. Laura was just removing her hands when the girl's eyes fluttered open.

Megumi shot up to a seating position and looked down at herself in crimson embarrassment. "I'm so sorry Laura, I didn't mean for that to happen, I just fell asleep and then...and then...."

"Don't worry about it," Laura grinned at the girl. "That happens sometimes with a massage" She was lying out of her ass.

"It does?" Megumi asked in growing relief. "I thought maybe that it was weird for me to..."

"Orgasm?" Laura provided.

"Yes," Megumi said quickly. "I thought it was weird for that to happen."

"I'm not bothered by it," She sure wasn't, especially since she had caused it. "How does your leg feel?"

"Oh! It feels a lot better, thank you." Megumi beamed. "Can you not mention that I did that?"

"No problem," Laura assured her. "Go get changed and back to the others."

***** Ayumi played with the applesauce on her foam tray idly as a growing knot of emotions roiled within her. Most prominent among those emotions was jealousy. She was horribly envious of her sister.

Why couldn't have been her that had gotten a cramp?

She wanted Laura's attention in a way she never felt before. Almost immediately after she had met the young blonde woman, she had felt a desire for that person's eyes to be on her. She had a definite suspicion of why that was so, but she didn't want to acknowledge it yet.

But every time Laura spoke to her or looked at her, a tingle ran through her body and excited her. She had been absolutely captivated when she had seen Laura's naked body in the locker room. The shear confidence along with the nudity had blazed that image into her mind. Every time she thought of it she felt her nipples harden and her pussy moisten.

But it had been Megumi that had gotten Laura's attention, all because of that stupid cramp. She didn't feel any anger with her sister, it wasn't her fault, but at the general universe for being so unfair.

A soft thump of a tray brought her eyes back up. It was Megumi; she was back after being alone with Laura for so long. Ayumi saw that Megumi looked a bit flushed.

"Are you feeling better?" Ayumi asked.

"Yes, lots better." Megumi said in that cheery voice of hers. She picked up a French fry and chomped it in half. "Laura's really good."

"What did she do?"

"Gave me a massage to get the muscles to settle down."

Ayumi felt another flash of jealousy. Why couldn't it have been her under Laura's fingers? That triggered another flash of emotion as she thought of why she would want that.

"Can I ask you a weird question?" Megumi asked with a tinge of red in her cheeks.

"Of course, we've told each other everything." Ayumi said at once.

"Well, when Laura was doing that to me, I kind of got really excited, down there." Megumi said quietly with a downward nod. "Is that weird?"

"You mean you got aroused?" Megumi nodded. "That's probably not that weird, a massage feels good right? So it's probably normal for that to happen."

"But I kind of, came, when she was doing it. It don't know how because I fell asleep a little bit, but I woke up having an orgasm." Megumi said her face reddening further.

Ayumi felt her mouth go dry. Megumi had an orgasm from Laura's massage? Why was the world so unfair?!

"Ayumi?" Megumi said, drawing Ayumi out of her depression.


"Your face just now...OH my god!" Megumi half yelled in realization. "You...You..."

"Please don't say it!" Ayumi said quickly stopping her sisters rambling. She felt a tear form; she didn't want it said aloud.

"But Ayumi, I saw how you looked at me just now when I said that. You looked like the world had ended. I know everything about you. I know how you've been looking at her. You like her!"

"I told you not to say it." Ayumi said sadly.

"Why not?" Megumi asked.

"Because it's weird right?" Ayumi said softly. "She's pretty much our coach and she's four years older than me, and a girl. There's no way she'd ever look at me like that. It's just a stupid crush."

"I'm sorry," Megumi said in genuine apology. "Have you always liked girls?"

"I dunno," Ayumi said in a heavy sigh. "I just know that I like her. Don't say anything to her alright?"

"I won't.

"Good, and don't bring this subject up again. I don't want to think about it anymore."

Ayumi ignored the sad look on her sister's face since it was probably close to how her own looked at the moment. She just tried to concentrate on eating her supper.


Laura walked quickly through the hallway, dragging Andrea along with her. She pulled them into the room she had picked as her bedroom and shoved the confused Andrea into a plastic chair the room contained. Andrea slumped into it and breathed hard. Laura was the only person who knew that Andrea liked being handled roughly by another girl.

"What's gotten into you?" Andrea demanded.

Laura moved toward her, knelt down and yanked her shorts off her in one pull before the other teenager had a chance to protest. She stared hungrily into Andrea's shaved and rapidly moistening pussy.

"It's those damn girls," Laura said rubbing her hands up Andrea legs and then cupping the wet slit as she slid a finger into it. "They're driving me nuts. Megumi just had and orgasm while I was giving her a massage for her leg!"

"Uhh, what!" Andrea groaned out as she pushed her hips into the invading finger.

"It only took just a little bit of touching and then, poof, she came!" Laura continued adding a second finger as Andrea got wetter. She ground her hand hard into Andrea's clit on every inward thrust.

"So you need to get some relief?" Andrea laughed between gasps of pleasure.

"Yep, and I didn't think you'd mind helping me." Laura said, yanking her own shorts off with one hand. Then she pulled her hand out of Andrea, backed up to the girl and thrust her ass into Andrea's face. Then she bent over to re-insert her fingers. A wet tongue slid into her pussy before she was completely ready and it made her jam her fingers hard into Andrea.

"Oh man," Laura gasped out, her body quivering with excitement. "Don't tease me today, just give it to me, I need it."

She felt Andrea's hands spread her as and then two fingers went into her own pussy. After being swirled around a little they withdrew and pushed into her ass. After what she had done to Megumi some anal play was exactly what she needed to match the fantasies running through her head.

She was already so hot and worked up that after just a few minutes of Andrea's enthusiastic work; she came hard and wetly onto her friend's face. She got really wet whenever she orgasmed, so Andrea got a real shower, but she was used to it, she'd eaten her pussy many times before.

Wanting to return the favor, Laura kept thrusting into Andrea until she too came with a sharp moan, only she drenched a seat instead of a face. Laura then turned around and sat on Andrea's lap as they both tried to catch their breath.

"You...need to attack me like this more often," Andrea said with a panting laugh. "I never cum this hard whenever you're away."

"Well, I had some inspiration to get me going this time." Laura said, laughing too. "I really don't know how I'm going to be able to keep my hands off those two after today."

"Maybe you won't have to," Andrea said with a knowing smile. "I've been paying attention to those two as well and I've noticed something interesting"

"What do you mean?"

Andrea leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

"The other one! Not Megumi?!" Laura gasped to confirm what she'd just been told.

"Oh yes, Ayumi's very hot for you my dear friend." Andrea smiled. "Just be careful with her, she actually likes you. She's not just trying to have sex with you like most of the girls you're with."

"How come I didn't notice this?" Laura fumed.

"Because you were too busy staring at the other one," Andrea laughed loudly. "I know you like quiet ones sometimes, but you completely ignored Ayumi."

"I did not," Laura said defensibly as she felt her arousal return from thinking about the twins. "I've looked at her plenty. And I'll defiantly look at her more now." She squirmed her pussy against Andrea's leg. "Alright if I have a round two?"

Andrea snorted and looked at a wall clock. "We've got another ten minutes before dinner is supposed to be done. I think I can manage that, climb back up here!"

With a pleased laugh, Laura did so.

The whole time Andrea stirred up her hot hole that time she thought of all the fun she could have with little Ayumi.