Dangerous Philanthropy, Part 2

by Nuit du Loup

Kylara led Cassie back to the other side of the living room which exited through a small open doorway into a smaller TV room that had a bunch of comfortable furniture in it. At the back of the room was a large sliding glass door. Through it you could see that there was a wall of small trees about twenty feet back from the porch.

"Come on!" Ky said, feeling excited herself.

She slid the door open and they stepped out into the already very warm air. There was a slight breeze but the sun was dominant today. Ky reveled in the feel of it on her skin.

"Do you really like being outside?" Cassie asked in curiosity.

"Yep, I love it, especially in the warm months."

She led them across the small yard to where part of the driveway extended back behind the house and through a break in the trees. The tree line proved thin and on the other side she stopped when she heard Cassie's small intake of breath. On this side of the trees sat two long greenhouses. The roadway splintered off to curve between them. On the opposite side of the road were two large barns. Both were made of sturdy, modern materials.

"Do you use all this?" Cassie asked.

"Hehe, yeah," Kylara replied. "Actually, those greenhouses are mostly mine. I've been growing vegetable and peppers in them since I was eight. I grow them in batches and sell them to a local grocery store for a little spending money. And I use them all the time to cook. There are some really good habaneros that are ripe right now. Do you like spicy food?"

"Very much so," Cassie grinned. "You cook?"

"Almost always," Ky laughed. "Today was unusual. Usually Mom avoids the kitchen until I've made something because she has a tendency to destroy what she cooks. I should grab a few of those peppers and make you some of my spicy chicken enchiladas. I think you'll like 'em. My grandfather built these things and when he died I kind of took them over. My mom is definitely not inclined towards plants and the outdoors. "

Ky got them moving again toward the second of the two barns and she grinned as she saw Cassie trying to figure out what was in the first. After a second of thought she decided to show her. Pulling out her keys she unlocked the two heavy padlocks and gestured for Cassie to open the door.

"Me?" Cassie asked, suddenly apprehensive.

"Yes you, you're the one that wanted to look in there so badly. So open that door!"

Frowning in suspicion, Cassie grabbed the handle and started to roll the large door aside. Before it had moved much, the sound of something large came from within. Cassie let go of the door and looked pleadingly at Ky.

"Not going to work Cassie," Ky grinned. "Just to it."

After giving Ky a pout that made her look really cute, Cassie turned and pushed the door again. The interior was well lit from a set of skylights in the ceiling, but Cassie was still unprepared for what happened. As soon as the door was open and she stepped inside, a large bovine head appeared seemingly from nowhere and slurped a long wet tongue up Cassie's face. Cassie let out a horrified shriek of surprise and sprang at Ky to hug her and seek some kind of protection from her attacker. At least until she heard Ky's uproarious laughter.

Cassie, clinging tightly to Ky's right arm, looked into her laughing face. "What was that thing?" she asked. Ky was really enjoying herself and not just because of the small prank she'd pulled. Cassie felt really good against her arm and she found that she wanted to prolong the moment, but she couldn't.

"It wasn't anything dangerous," Ky said, still laughing. "Look!"

Since she was still holding onto Kylara, Cassies's turn to look into the doorway turned both of them. There, with its head sticking out of a gate, was the head of a very large milk cow. The animal was snorting and sniffing as it watched them.

"A cow?" Cassie said in surprise. "I was afraid of a cow?"

"Heh, yeah."

"You knew!" Cassie said in sudden understanding. "You knew that would happen!"

"heheha!" Ky nearly double over in laughter now. "Yeah, that one likes to greet people at the door for some reason."

"Oohhh!" Cassie groaned out in slightly angry, half amusement. She let go of Ky and whacked her on the arm. "That was kind of mean!"

"Sorry, but it was funny. And you've been so serious most of the morning, so I thought I'd have a little fun."

Cassie let out a long sigh. "I guess living here is going to be interesting."

"Damn right!" Ky laughed. Then she grabbed Cassie by her shoulders and pushed her toward the open doorway. "Now go in there and say hi!"

Cassie let out another small shriek but this time it was immediately followed by a burble of laughter. When she crossed the door the cow moved to check Cassie out again. Ky watched in amusement as Cassie tried to pet the head of the huge animal that out-massed her several times over. Cassie tiny hand looked absolutely miniscule. But the cow seemed to like her since it let out a please wumph of breath.

Cassie looked deeper into the barn and saw that it was filled with similar stalls as well as a large machine that sat like an island in the middle of the central aisle. At first she thought the cow was the only occupant until the hay behind the animal ruffled. She peaked around and saw a calf laying there looking at her.

"It's so cute!" Cassie crowed loudly.

"Yeah, it is. It's only a couple weeks old."

"How many cows do you guys have?"

"Right now I have fifteen of them; sixteen of you include that calf. All of them are milk cows. I had this one bred with a bull a farmer down the road from here owns. Now, since that calf is male, I have my own."

"Wait, you mean this is yours too?"

"I told you, my mom doesn't like this kind of thing." Ky answered. "I do. And I think I'm pretty good at it. That milk we had at breakfast and any other milk we drink comes from these cows. Later this summer we'll also see how my attempt at making cheese went."

"But this is incredible!" Cassie said in an awed voice. "Wasn't it expensive to start this?"

"Kind of," Ky admitted. "But we aren't exactly short on money. Mom loaned me the money when I laid out my ideas and I've almost paid her back already. A lot of the local organic markets pay pretty good for local farm products, and those yuppie people down near Ann Arbor buy a lot of the excess that we don't consume here at home. Last year, one of the first cows I bought stopped producing milk and this guy paid me an almost unbelievable amount for that cow's meat. And it wasn't even a beef cow!"

"Do you do all the work yourself?" Cassie asked.

"Of course! That was part of the deal with Mom. She helps out if I get sick or something, but that's it. My friend Hannah and her brother help sometimes too. It's a lot of work, but I like it."

Since she was there already Kylara checked and made sure there was enough feed for the cow and then after locking back up, she led them to the other barn. In this one, which Cassie made sure Ky opened first, was equipment. From one wall to the other was a carefully maintained collection of modern farming stuff. Most of which Ky knew that Cassie wouldn't even be able to identify. In the middle of the floor sat the three things that got the most use; her large, zero-turn mower, her small sized tractor, and the object of her scrutiny, her ATV. She kept the thing lovingly maintained and she was proud of all the dings and scratches in the green paint. It had a small bed for stowing equipment and a large comfortable seat.

As Cassie took it all in, Ky went to one wall and grabbed a two gallon gas can and a pair of work gloves, just in case. She went back to the four-wheeler and after throwing the gloves into the empty bed; she opened the cap on the fuel tank and began pouring. Cassie watched with growing nervousness.

"Are we..."

"Yep, we're riding on this," Ky answered as she put the gas can back where she got it from. Then she pulled two helmets from where they where they hung near the door on pegs. Ky also pulled on her riding gloves. She handed the second helmet to Cassie and demonstrated on herself how it went on. Cassie figured it out quickly and soon her nervous eyes starred at Ky through the open visor.

"Stand back and let me get it started," Ky instructed as she swung her leg over the machine to straddle the seat. As Cassie moved back she turned the starter key to ON and used her foot on the shifter to move it into neutral. Then she pushed the electric start and fed it a little gas. The machine roared to life. Ky had always thought that it almost sounded eager, but of course that was impossible. Once it was running nicely he gestured for Cassie to come closer.

"Just swing up behind me," Ky instructed. "There's a little foot rest thing back there for a second rider, use that to stand on when you do it."

"Like this?" Cassie said. She put her foot on the indicated piece of metal and then using Ky's shoulders for balance she kicked her leg over and then dropped down into the seat. Ky almost laughed when she heard Cassie's relieved release of breath when she was safely seated.

"Yeah," Ky said in good humor. "Now, just keep your feet on those rests and slide forward a bit. Then you put your arms around me and hold tight." She felt Cassie move forward a few inches and then felt the other girl's body press against her back. Ky felt a flush of heat through her body at the contact. She felt two harder points where Cassie's breasts rested on her back and she almost let out a moan as she realized that she could felt Cassie's nipples.

"Oh god! What the hell is she doing to me?!" Kylara thought in the safety of her own mind. Out loud she said, "Alright Cassie, just hold on tight like that. I need to move us out of the barn before the exhaust fumes build up."

Putting the ATV into gear, she slowly took them out through the open door and back into the warm sunlight. Once she was clear of the door she turned down the road heading up a rise in front of them and went deeper into their property. She picked up the speed and Cassie clenched her arms tighter. Kylara also felt her move to look over her shoulder. When they crested the rise she barely heard Cassie's surprise.

Below was a large open area. On the left side of the road was a large fenced in area of grass. Under one of the few trees in that field lay her heard of milk cows as they sat lazing about in the heat of the day. The right side was similar but there wasn't a fence in sight and it was visibly hillier. In the far distance was a band of green woods. Between here and there, right on the road was a small shack and a little ways further was a tall tower.

"Is that what I think it is?" Cassie asked loudly.

"Yeah!" Ky said, just as loud. "When Mom and I got the property we made a few investments and changes. The cell phone company wanted to put in a tower in this area so we leased them that tiny square of land. They pay us a very hefty monthly fee and give is free internet service. That little building is the pump for the well I use to water my vegetables and for the cows."

As they rode closer to the cow pasture, two small brown shapes separated from the larger animals and sprinted toward them. One let out an excited howl and then both hurtled the fence with contemptuous ease. Behind her Kylara felt Cassie tense as the two German Shepherds approached at a dead run. When they got closer Cassie's nervousness got worse when she saw the two dogs were huge even for their breed. Kylara suspected that there might be a little malamute or husky in them.

"Jet! Juno! Settle down!" Ky barked out. Obediently the two dogs slowed their approach and when the ATV came to a stop they slid up to demand attention. Ky obligingly scratched behind an ear and Cassie, who the dogs decided on the spot was their new best friend ever, did so as well. Once the petting was done the dogs ran in excited circles and yipped happily.

"Why are they so excited?" Cassie asked.

"Because they know we're all going to have some fun!" Ky laughed. "Now hold on tight again."

Ky sped back up and this time she left the road and zipped up into the hilly side. For the next two hours she took Cassie all over the fields of their property. The dogs traveled alongside them and seemed to play their own game at the same time. Cassie exclaimed over quite a few things and Ky was more than happy to explain everything. It was the first time she had ever had someone that was interested in what she was interested in other than Hannah.

But eventually they both started to get a little tired so Ky brought them back to the road and drove down it toward the woods. They only went a short distance before the road suddenly veered to the right when it came out at the edge of a large pond. On the near side of the pond was a cleared area with a covered pavilion and a couple of overturned plastic boats. The pond itself was remarkable clear looking and a small wooden raft on drums floated in the middle.

"You have your own pond!" Cassie said in rush when they came into view of it. "And it's so clean!"

Ky rolled to a stop next to the pavilion and cut the engine on the ATV. "That's because there's a natural spring that feeds it. We check it twice a year and it's still clean enough to drink from. On the other side there's a small stream that runs down to a larger lake. The flow of water keeps this pond clean. We even have a few small fish species that live in it and the area by stream over there has a sizable population of little frogs."

Cassie quickly dismounted and groaned a little in discomfort. Reaching down she caressed the inside of her thighs for a second before taking her helmet off and walking down to the water's edge to stick her hand in the pond. Doing the same, Ky followed but said nothing as she let Cassie have her fun. She also stopped a few feet back to look at the girl.

As they had driven around she had felt every tiny movement Cassie had made against her. It had driven her body nuts and even now she could feel the flood in her panties. She had realized why it was so after about an hour and the conclusion didn't actually surprise her that much. She was becoming very deeply attracted to Cassie both physically and personally and that at the very least meant she was bisexual.

But she didn't think that was so. She was pretty sure that she was a plain old lesbian. It made a lot of sense now that she was forced to think about it. She was always admiring the bodies of other girls and women and even yesterday she had thought about how hot Hannah was becoming. She didn't think most girls would think that way. And last night the first impression she had about Cassie was how pretty she was. And it definitely explained why she had zero attraction or patience for her boyfriend and why she never wanted him to touch her.

The idea that she was a lesbian didn't really bother her, but the fact that she was starting to crush on Cassie did. This was a girl she was going to have to live with every day. How was she supposed to act around her when inside she was flooding her shorts? Even now she felt a renewing of that wetness as she gazed at Cassie's sweaty body as she knelt next to the water and played with it a little.

"Ky?" Cassie asked, standing and turning towards her.

When Cassie turned Ky's mind stopped for a solid three seconds before she registered the words. Cassie's shirt was soaked in sweat and it clung tightly to her skin. The girl's breasts were pretty much entirely on display as she could clearly see what looked to be fairly large nipples as they pushed up against the fabric. She was so preoccupied with staring that she failed to notice a small, pleased smiled that flashed across Cassie's face.

"Uh...yeah, what's up?" Ky said when her brain began functioning again.

"I was wondering if we could swim in for a bit since its hot out," Cassie said.

"Neither of us brought suits," Ky pointed out, not mentioning at all that she and Hannah usually did without anything when they swam.

"Can't we just swim in what we're wearing?" Cassie asked, clearly set getting in the water. "These aren't going to get much wetter anyways; I think I've sweat more today than I have in months."

"I did warn you," Ky chuckled. "Aren't you glad I made you change?"

"Yes, now answer my question," Cassie smiled as her impatience bled through a little.

"Yeah, swimming as we are is fine," Ky laughed. "Just make sure to take anything important out of any pockets."

"I don't have any pockets so that's easily taken care of," Cassie said excitedly. "Is the pond deep?"

"Not really, no," Kylara said as she sat on a bench under the pavilion to remove her shoes and socks. Cassie sat next to her and did they same. "Its deepest point is about where that raft is. It's just around fourteen feet deep, or at least it was when we checked last year. So don't go diving deep off that thing."

Together they walked to the waters edge again. Ky stepped into the small beach-like area and waded in until it was about knee high. Then she dove right in and surfaced a short distance away. Looking back she saw the delight on Cassie face as she walked into the water. Then Cassie dove in like she had. After a couple seconds she felt Cassie's fingers touch her stomach under the water and then the girl surfaced and stood with her on the plant covered bottom. Laughing Cassie hugged her.

"This is awesome!" Cassie said, clearly enjoying herself.

"I take it this is a lot better then the last home you were at?" Ky said, enjoying the contact.

"Oh yeah! The last place was kind of a dump and I had to share it with ten other girls. I was the nerdy quiet one when I got there so they kind of made fun of me all the time. Then the fire happened and I had nowhere to go."

"How bad was the fire? You seem to have a lot of stuff still."

"It was a total loss, but most of my stuff was kept in one of those storage units. Your mom and I retrieved it before we came here last night. It was why we were so late. Her pick-up just barely fit it all."

"Wow, lucky." Ky said in wonderment.

"Yep!" Cassie grinned and suddenly dunked her under the water.

Spluttering indignantly, Ky smirked at her new housemate when she surfaced again. "Seems like someone needs to learn how we do things around here!"

Laughing like idiots, they exploded into an epic two person water fight. Ky used all the tricks she knew from her many bouts with Hannah, but Cassie was a quick student. Nothing worked more than once and she found herself dunked just as often as she dunked Cassie. Through it all she noticed that neither of them paid much attention to where hands went at times and at one point she clearly remembered getting a very good feel of Cassie left breast.

Eventually they both got tired out. With unspoken agreement they swam to the central floating dock and heaved themselves up onto it. Since they came up over opposite sides Ky was staring in exactly the right direction when Cassie was pulling herself up. Her thin top was dragged down from the water and when it popped free of the girls chest, Kylara was staring right at her now fully exposed breasts. They were larger than her own but not huge and looked to be just as firm as they had felt in her hand when they were fooling around. Each was capped by a darker brown areola with a big nub sticking up in them. Her mouth watered and her mind filled with a desire to taste them. When she looked up she saw that Cassie had definitely caught her staring this time. But instead of saying anything about it the girl just smiled and finished pulling herself up and then rolled onto her back.

Not really knowing what do, she did the same so that they laid side-by-side. After resting like that for a couple minutes, during which Ky's mind raced to find an excuse for her staring, Cassie rolled onto her side to face her. Ky's eyes widened when she saw that the top had again plastered itself like a second skin to Cassie. Again Cassie saw her look and ignored it.

"Why doesn't she say something?!" Kylara asked herself furiously. "She has to know that it's wrong for me to look at her that way. We're going to be living in the same damn house for god's sake!"

"Thanks for showing me around today," Cassie said instead. "Do you really not mind me moving in now?"

"It was no problem at all," Ky said with a grin as she tried to get her mind away from Cassie and her body. "You seem really nice, so I'm sure I'll get along with you just fine. "I only got pissed because, like my mom mentioned, I'm used to having the place mostly to myself. Now that we've kind of hung out a little I don't think I'll mind living with you."

"Thanks Ky!" Kylara's heart just about stopped when Cassie rolled on top of her and hugged her tightly. When she loosened the embrace a little they stared into each others eyes for a long, nerve tingling moment. Ky spent all of it trying not to move her head forward to kiss the other girl. Then after the moment was over, Cassie rolled back over, but not before Ky swore she saw a look of disappointment cross Cassie's small features.

When they got back to the house, after Cassie helped Ky put the ATV away and lock up the barn, Ky told the girl to go ahead and take her shower first. She needed to calm down from the nerve wracking and panty wetting ride back with Cassie pressed against her.

"So," Mom said with a pleased smile when Ky entered the kitchen just as she heard a shower turn on upstairs. "How did the day go? You guys just got back and it's already past dinner time."

"We had fun and I showed her around," Kylara said, trying to sound casual. "You were probably right about us being able to be friends. She's fun to hang out with and she liked all my farm stuff."

"See!" Mom laughed. "This will work out perfectly. I'm glad I did it."

"Next time just please warn me before you take in any more stray girls," Ky said, smiling at her mom's excitement. "I'm still not happy that you didn't tell me anything before she showed up, but I forgive you because Cassie is very nice."

"Maybe we should take in a few more girls," Mom said, "since it seems to be working out nicely. We have a few more empty bedrooms. We could really help people out you know."

Ky let out a long sigh. Apparently Mom was taking a liking to this new philanthropic thing. Ky wasn't against helping people, but Mom was rushing into this now. "Mom, can you at least wait until Cassie gets settle in before you start turning this place into a boarding house?"

"I was just joking a little," Mom laughed. "But think about it. Between the money I make at my job, the money we bring in from the property and the animals, and this huge house, we could do some good. I even talked to Anne about maybe getting certified by the state to help young girls who lose their homes."

Ky thought about the idea seriously for a moment. While she had freaked out when Cassie had shown up unexpectedly when she was naked, she had since decided that it wasn't all that mad. Well, except for the fact that she had a huge desire for the girl now, but that was something she could work around eventually. She pictured their big empty house full of a bunch of girls of varying ages and frowned. It certainly wouldn't be a peaceful life, but she couldn't really fault her mom for having the idea. They really did have more than they needed for just the two of them and a niggling voice in the back of her head pointed out how greedy it was for them to just horde what they had while other girls had to go without because they had lost their families.

"Your not just going to spring it on me one day are you?" she asked.

"Oh no," Mom said quickly. "But do you think it's a bad idea? I just want to help out and this is a way we can provide a lot of help, just like we're are with Cassie."

"No I don't really thinks it's a bad idea, but I hope you think everything through first," Ky smiled. "And you should also tell Cassie about this plan of yours. She might not be to keen in living in a whole house of girls when she thinks it'll just be the three of us. She seemed to be happy that she wasn't living with a ton of strange people." Ky heard the shower turn off, so she made her way upstairs to take hers.

After getting a change of clothes from her room, she heard the bathroom door open. Looking forward to the hot shower, she opened her door and spoke out to the other girl. "Sorry about having to share today, I'll get your bathroom clea—" Her voice cut of in an odd moan when she saw that Cassie was walking toward her butt naked.

"I just thought I would even things out after last night," Cassie said with a nervous smile as she paused for a moment. Ky's legs quivered as she saw all of that smooth caramel skin and the thin line of hair sitting above a pair of tightly closed pussy lips. Ky saw that Cassie's mound was a little on the puffy side and her inner lips didn't protrude at all, almost like a young girl's. Cassie gave her a very pleased but still shy looking smile and then continued walking. Ky followed her body and when Cassie passed by her she smelled the herbal soap the girl had used along with a slight tinge of female arousal. As Cassie continued down the hall Ky stared at her round butt as it shifted with every step and she had to restrain her impulse to go and grab it.

When Cassie turned into her room, Ky had to lean against the wall to keep herself from collapsing onto the floor. When she felt able to walk again she threw herself into the bathroom, locked the door and then turned on the water. With the shower running, she quickly shoved a hand down the front of her shorts and panties and grabbed her crotch. Her hand was quickly coated with her liberally dripping fluids as they came out of her furiously hot slit.

Leaning forward against the wall she slipped her middle finger inside herself and began to work it quickly in an out of her pussy as she ground the rest of her hand into her clit. It didn't take long before she was a sweating, panting mess. With a sharp, quickly muffled cry her pussy clenched on her finger and she felt hot wetness sliding down her legs. Still not satisfied she kept pumping that hand until a second much larger orgasm overtook her. This one hit her like a hammer and she dropped to her knees with her hand still caught between her legs.

Only then was she able to think clearly again. She withdrew her soaked hand and stared at her wetness. After a moment of curiosity, she brought it to her moth and took a tentative lick. She quickly decided she loved the flavor of her pussy and she cleaned her hand of all of it. As she did so she kept seeing Cassie's soft and smooth body.

"Oh god!" She whispered to the uncaring wall. "What do I do? I like her, but this is impossible. I can go lusting after a guest in our house. I just met her and besides, it's just wrong. What do I do?!" The last came out as with tears of confusion in her eyes. She had only spent one day with Cassie and the girl was already crawling inside her head. Even now she could feel her body responding to her thoughts with renewed arousal. Looking down she saw her shorts had a large wet spot in the front and her thighs were liberally soaked as well.

Standing on shaky legs, she undressed and got in the shower and quickly washed herself. The shower calmed her and soothed her back down, especially after she fingered herself to two more mind shuddering orgasms with her soapy fingers. She was so blissed out when she finished that she never heard the feet as they padded away from the door to the bathroom.

The next day passed much like the first. After eating a breakfast made up of leftovers from the day before, Ky again took Cassie outside. The spent the day together as Cassie helped Ky with her chores, most of which Ky had given herself. They spent hours in the greenhouses as Ky checked over her vegetables. Then Kylara showed Cassie the grounds where she had just planted the spring vegetables and melons and they watered it. The afternoon, after a small lunch, was spent out in the fields checking on the cows and at the pond which Ky quickly discovered was Cassie's most favorite place of all. All the while Cassie drove Ky crazy.

All day long Cassie kept touching her. It was surreptitious most of the time and seemingly accidental, but Kylara quickly figured out that Cassie was doing it on purpose. It just happened too many times to be otherwise. And Cassie also kept bending over and her giving other glimpses of her body. After one instance Ky was so worked up that when they got back on the ATV the vibrations from the machine had made her cum. When she recovered she saw Cassie smiling shyly at her, but also looking pleased.

Now they were lying on the raft in the pond again and Ky was trying very hard not to stare at Cassie whose tank top had proved to be more than a little translucent when it got wet.

She heard a creak next to her so she turned her head to see what Cassie was up to. What she found was that Cassie had moved closer to her and now their faces were inches from each other. And Ky also saw the question in Cassie's expression.

"I can't," Ky said quietly. "Cassie we can't"

"Why not?" Cassie frowned, Ky saw a tear form on the corner of Cassie's right eye and it tugged a string on her heart. "I've seen you looking at me Kylara, so why can't we? I know you like me, and I really like you too. Ever since I first saw you when you came out of the bathroom naked I hoped that we could have something."

"Why can't we just be friends," Ky pleaded weakly as her resolve rapidly crumbled. "We're going to be living together, maybe for years. What would people think?"

"They'll think what they want," Cassie argued. "I want you just as much as you want me. Watch."

Cassie moved forward and Ky found her lips pressed against the other girl's. At first she tried to resist embrace. She just laid there and let Cassie kiss her without responding. But her outward appearance was a lie. Inside her heart raced and thumped against her chest. Her outward indifference crumbled entirely when Cassie suddenly moved on top of her, and kissed her even more passionately. She moaned a bones deep moan, and then she gave in.

She kissed Cassie back hard and threw her arms around the girl. She hugged Cassie to her with all her might and crushed their chests together. Soon Cassie was moaning with her when she slipped her tongue into Cassie mouth. For a solid thirty minutes they made out on that raft with a furor that began to frighten Ky a little. When she finally pulled away she found that she had rolled them so Cassie was on the bottom now and that the other girl was panting just as hard as she was. They were both sweating again and the sheen on Cassie's face and the exposed skin of her cleavage made her pussy flood.

"Cassie we really can't—" Cassie cut off her complaint by yanking her head down and kissing her again. She tried to argue more, but every time she moved to say something negative, Cassie cut her off with her soft yet very hot lips. After ten minutes of this Ky was so turned on that she knew she was a hair's breadth from ravishing the other girl regardless of what happened afterwards. Fighting the feeling she jerked up and off Cassie and crawled backwards to the edge of the raft.

"Why, Ky?" Cassie cried at her, her eyes filling with tears and frustration. "Why are you running way from me?"

"Because I want you so badly that I almost can't control myself," Kylara snapped at her in shame. "This is impossible. We've only know each other for two days. We need to stop!"

"So what if it's only been two days?" Cassie argued fervently. "I've loved every single minute that we've had together this weekend. I've never had another girl look at me like you do. I know what I want and so do you!" Cassie dropped her hands to the hem of her shirt and ripped the garment off over her head. Ky's eyes immediately fixed to Cassie's breasts ands she saw the big nipples were rock hard. When she looked again into Cassie's eyes again, her last resistance vanished.

Practically tackling Cassie, Ky shoved the other girl onto her back and kissed her hard again. This time she gave herself fully into what she was feeling and what she wanted. She felt Cassie moaning into the kiss and felt slim arms go around her back Her own hand traveled over Cassie's stomach until she held one of the wonderfully round breasts in her left hand. It was firm and soft at the same time and she could feel the nipple as she rubbed under her caressing fingers. Cassie moans grew louder at the contact and that only encouraged her to go on.

Slipping down, she began kissing, licking, sucking and nibbling at Cassie neck and upper chest. She saw that she was making several large hickies and marks, but her mind was too far gone into pleasuring Cassie to care, if anything they just made her hotter. Eventually her kissing trailed downward even further. She began bathing Cassie's breasts in her various oral ministrations. Back and forth she went, covering every inch of them except for the one place Cassie was now pleading loudly for her to touch between breathy rasps. She avoided the nipples entirely until she saw that Cassie looked nearly delirious from her desires for that final contact. When Cassie's breathing and cries reached an almost painful sounding crescendo, Ky sucked onto Cassie's right nipple as hard as she could.

She reveled in the feel of the flesh between her lips. She had desired Cassies' firm mounds for the last two days and now that she had them she wanted them forever. At the sudden, harsh suckling Cassie bucked into her face and screamed out. "Ohhhh Ky! I'm..." She cut of as a violent shudder ripped through her body. When it passed Ky let go of the nipple with a soft popping sound and stared down at the panting girl.

Cassie stared back up at her in incredulity. "Holy crap Ky!" she said when she was capable of speech again. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt, and you didn't even go near my crotch! I feel like I've wet myself!"

Ky glanced down the girls body and saw that her shorts were very wet looking and now that she thought of it, she could smell both her and Cassie's arousal in the air.

"You made me do it," Ky said as she caught her own breath. "And I'm not done."

Ky grabbed hold of Cassie's shorts and without any resistance or protest, she removed them on one smooth pull. Slipping between Cassie's legs, she lifted one and began licking up the juices and wetness that ran down it. Cassie started moaning again and began pushing her pelvis in small thrusting motions as Ky teased her.

Ky followed the wet trail up the dark skinned thighs with licking and nibbles. Finally she got to the junction of the two legs and switched sides. She loved Cassie's flavor and couldn't get enough of it. She wanted to lick up every last drop of it.

When both legs were clean she returned to Cassie's flooded pussy. She licked all around it but avoided the slit itself. She found a sensitive spot in the hollow between the pussy and Cassie's left leg that made Cassie squeal incoherently. As she licked there and suckled a little she saw Cassie's pussy become more swollen and angry looking as the girl it belonged to desired attention there.

"Please Ky!" Cassie said in what sound almost like a sob. "Please touch me! I need it!"

Perfectly willing to oblige now, she dove into Cassie's slit and slithered her tongue inside the hot little hole she found there. After sucking up a quick taste of pussy juice Ky found Cassie clit and sucked it into her mouth hard. She grazed it slightly with her tooth and in that instant Cassie screamed at the top of her lungs and thrust her pussy full force into Ky's face. Ky felt her own orgasm rip through her and heard a splattering sound as her pussy flooded a little onto the wood of the deck. She kept her mouth on Cassie for as long as possible, until she realized that Cassie had grabbed her shoulders and her nails were digging in a little painfully.

She pulled away and slowly crawled up Cassie's body so that she could collapse on top of her. For a long time, Ky thought it had to be at least an hour, they just laid there like that in blissful oblivion. Cassie was the first to pull out of her trance and speak.

"Wow," Cassie whispered near Ky's right ear. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Me either," Kylara said with a small laugh. "You've were teasing me for two days, so I was more than a little worked up. Are you alright?"

"Alright?!" Cassie said, breaking down in a fit off giggles. Ky rose up and frowned down at the girl in confusion. "Ky, you made me cum so hard that I passed out! Have ever done this before? Been with a girl I mean?"

"No, never," Ky said with the closest thing to a shrug she could do while on all fours. "I kind of just attacked you. I never even thought about my liking girls until you showed up."

"Lucky me!" Cassie said, giggling again.

"Why are you laughing so much?"

"Because I feel really good, and I'm happy, that's why," Cassie smiled. "I was hoping to get you to do this with me yesterday, but you didn't"

Ky sighed, then bent down to give Cassie a nice soft, lingering kiss. "Cassie, I still don't think this is a good idea."

"But you're not going to resist me though are you?" Cassie said with a very pleased smile. "I know you like me just as much as I like you, what you just did proves it. It'll just be more convenient for us since we only sleep a few rooms apart."

"No, I don't think I could resist now even if I wanted to," Ky laughed and then laid herself down next to Cassie. "But I don't think my mom intended for use to fall in love when she asked you to move in. She might have a problem with us being "us."

"Tough cookies!" Cassie said, turning toward her on her side. "It's to late now and I worked really hard for this to happen. It was really embarrassing trying to get you to notice me. "

"I noticed," Ky chuckled. "I definitely noticed. Why do you think I was so worked up just now?"

"I'm pleased with the results too!" Cassie giggled yet again as she curled up to Ky and laid against her and brought their faces together. The rest of the afternoon passed with them softly kissing and running hands over each other. Ky brought Cassie off several more times and with each instance she grew to love the little screams Cassie made when she came. She only came once on Cassie's fingers but that was Ok, she got more than enough enjoyment out of making the other girl gasp and squirm.

By the time they got back to the house it was past dark and Ky's mom was waiting for them in the living room. When Cassie walked by in a drowsy stupor from having been sexually pleasured all afternoon, Mom frowned at her until she climbed the stairs and disappeared. As soon as she was gone she looked hard at Ky and she knew Mom had seen all the small hikies and bruises from her attentions on Cassie's body.

"What?" Ky asked.

"You know what," Mom said.

"It's your fault Mom; you wanted us to get along."

"My fault!" Mom sputtered in surprise. "I wanted you to be friends, but Ky, she...she lives here."

"That just makes it easier for you to keep an eye on us," Kylara quipped with a grin.

"Psch, like that'll bloody work!" Mom barked with a laugh. Then she looked harder at her. "Are you sure you two want to do this? It'll be real hard if you two break up or something."

"Cassie didn't exactly give me much choice in the matter," she answered dryly. "But I think we'll do fine." She turned to go take her own shower. "Is it going to bother you?"

Mom sighed behind her, "Not really, just...try and keep the noise down, Ok?

"Heh, thanks Mom."

With that she went upstairs, showered and then fell blissfully into sleep with untroubled dreams of Cassie filling her mind.