The Peanut Butter Club, Chapter 1 – At the Theatre

by PeanutButterClub

The Peanut Butter Club Rules:

  1. You do not talk about the Peanut Butter Club, or the things that are said or done during meetings of the club.
  2. No Boys Allowed!
  3. No one over thirteen allowed.
  4. New members can only be invited by a majority vote of current members. Members may vote in person, by e-mail, or in an instant messenger program.
  5. New members must be initiated by a current member, with at least one other member witness.
  6. You MUST have access to a computer with a webcam, preferrably in your room.
  7. You MUST be able to keep yourself well stocked with peanut butter.
  8. Due to the nature of the club, people with peanut allergies are not allowed.
  9. No Boys Allowed!

These were the rules that my sister and I came up with for our club. We came up with the idea when I was eight years old as a way to meet other young girls who we could form a bond with that we could trust. Girls like us who were interested in being naughty and who wouldn't tell on us when we were. Girls who would rather have girlfriends than boyfriends.

The words have changed as I grew older, and I think every rule has been broken at least once, but the spirit of the club has always been the same. I still remember the day my sister and I initiated each other and became the first two members of this club...

I was in third grade then, and hadn't had my first period or grown even the tiniest hint of breasts yet. People picked on me because I was overweight, especially boys who seemed much more interested in older girls than my friends and I. What's with boys anyway, when they're young they want older girls, but the older they get, the younger they want their girlfriends to be!

But, I still used to fantasize about being with one. My first date, my first kiss, holding hands for the first time, I wanted these things more than I'd have admitted. My sister was only four years old then, and I was more of a mom to her than our real mom was. She was more interested in going out and getting drunk with a different man every night. Sometimes during the day too, it seemed she was always out on a 'date' with some new guy. None of the ones she brought home seemed all that great to me, they were old, and mean, and loud, and some of them even hit momma. I asked her why she always brought them home and she'd say the same thing every time, “If I'm nice to the men, they'll be nice to us.” It didn't make any sense to me at the time, all I realized was if that's what a nice man acts like I wanted nothing to do with men. All the girls I knew were much nicer.

So anyway, it fell upon me to watch my little sister a lot. This particular afternoon, we'd gotten some money to go see a movie. Mom was always giving us money to get us to go away, like she didn't want us at home ever. I didn't make the connection until much later. We were watching the movie, some animated musical kid thing that I had no interest in, even at eight, but my sister was eager to see it. She turned to me shortly after the movie started and said “Are we on a date?”

Oh how I wanted to be on a date! To be with a cute boy, to hold his hand, to have him lean over and give me a kiss... “No, we're not on a date.” I told her. “If this were a date, we'd be holding hands.” I said.

“Can't we hold hands?” She asked me. “Of course we can, honey.” I told her, figuring it must feel kinda the same, and I liked imagining the feelings I'd get when a boy was able to take me on a date. She put her hand out and I took it in mine. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, and smelled good from the flowery scented soap we used at home. “This is probably even better than holding some dumb boy's hand!” I thought to myself.

“Do you want to pretend we're on a date?” I asked my four year old sister who was very enthusiastic. “Can we?” she asked me.

“Okay, but you have to play right, and momma can't know because we're not allowed to date yet. It has to be our secret.”

“Ok!” she said, equally excited that I'd share a secret with her and no one else in the world would know.

“Well, on a real date, the boy and the girl kiss.” I told my sister. I knew it didn't always happen, but the boys and girls at school both made a big deal out of dates with kissing, and I wanted so badly to experience it. “And they kiss the grown-up way. You have to do that if you wanna be dating me.” I told her. I thought it would gross her out, I knew it looked yucky to most girls her age and that she had no real desire to do it, but she wanted so much to please me and be a big girl that it didn't put her off at all.

She wasn't even shy or nervous about it like I was. I admired her willingness to try it, her curiosity, her fearlessness. I thought I'd do it wrong, that I wouldn't like it, or that someone would see and tell our mom. None of those fears ran through her mind, as she quickly nonchalantly leaned in and pressed her lips to mine.

We kept our lips closed and kissed like that for a few seconds, but I closed my eyes and pretended it was a cute boy from my math class, and I found myself opening my mouth and kissing my little four year old sister deeply. She opened her lips as well, and our tongues met in the open air, outside our mouths. I liked the sensation, the taste, the smoothness of her tongue, and the kiss was slow and gentle, very loving. It was my first kiss, and I'd measure every kiss after by it. It lasted longer then I thought. I pressed my face closer to my sister's and we kissed properly, with our tongues inside each other's mouths, darting back and forth like a dance or a sword-fight: one of us would be aggressive for a while, and then we'd switch roles rather naturally. It was magical and I decided I liked it, even if it was my sister, and even if she was so young. I hoped she'd want to do it again at home.

When we stopped kissing, I felt a little self-conscious, and looked around. I was horrified to see that one man a row behind us had watched the whole thing! He looked so old to me, but was probably in his fifties, and he had one hand around a girl maybe six years old, while the other held a large tub of popcorn.

“That looked very sweet,” he said to us in a whispered voice. “You must love her very much.”

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and said “Yes I do.”

“My daughter here and I love each other too,” he said. “Would you like to watch us?”

I found myself nodding, I don't know why. Perhaps I wanted to know that other girls my age kissed too and liked it. The young girl sitting next to him smiled and excitedly leaned in towards her father, and she put her hands around his neck as they kissed very passionately. I could see her tongue in her father's mouth because it made his cheeks bulge. Sometimes his tongue was in her mouth too, and it made me feel all tingly. I think it was the first time I felt horny. I was definitely liking watching this show.

When they finished kissing, my sister who'd enjoyed watching the silly game as much as I had asked the man “Can I kiss her too?”

“Yes of course my little darling girl! You can both kiss her, she loves to kiss all her friends, don't you honey?”

“I sure do daddy!” she said. “It feels so nice!”

The young girl looked around and saw no one watching her so she climbed over the seat in front of her, and I pushed over so she was between my sister and I. My sister had asked first, so she got to kiss the young beauty first, but I didn't mind, I had a great view, and I knew my turn was next. As the man's daughter kissed my sister skillfully, she reached behind her and took my hand, and pulled me closer. As I leaned forward, she slowly brought her head and my sister's closer to me, and the three of us all kissed at once! It was neat, but I really wanted to kiss this new teacher of mine alone. My sister seemed to know, or just wanted to watch as much as I had earlier, and stopped kissing to watch us.

It was heaven. The girl had definitely kissed a lot before, and she really had a great technique. Our hands were all over each other's backs pulling each other in closer and we kissed harder and harder, our kiss becoming a crescendo of passion. I'd hoped I was kissing wel enough that she enjoyed it as much as I did. All at once a sudden rush of excitement came over me and I wet my panties. I decided I'd better stop, and I was so embarrassed.

I'd like to tell you that was the beginning of a lovemaking session, that it just got more intense from there, and that the man and his daughter became friends of ours... but sadly, we watched the rest of the movie in silence, and I never saw the girl or her father again.

But that day was when it all started. And though nothing progressed beyond kisses at the theatre, that night was a different story altogether. That night, my sister and I started experimenting in earnest.

What happened? Why is our club called the Peanut Butter Club? I'll tell you all about it in the next part of my story!