
by Psiberzerker

Keywords ff, teen, jr high, goth, pop, d/s, maso, music

The First Move

"Hh!" I looked down, and she just walked past. Okay, Lori didn't just walk. I don't know what you call it, but it wasn't even boyish. She didn't stomp, but where she went, boys got out out of the way.

The resident badass, Lori Binder was held back, some said tanked her grades. So, she never passed, never became a freshman, just stayed in middle school. About to turn 15, the school board ruled she would move onto high-school, or they'd expel her, and send her to Juvie. Not for sticking around middle school, for fighting.

Not her fault, boys don't like being second to a girl. So they challenge her, all the time. Small problem with that, she's been fighting since she started sprouting, in 4th grade. She got bigger than the boys, I remember her then too. First girl with boobs, now she had knockers. Securely fastened in a blue jean jacket with the sleeves ripped off, pyramid studs around the hems, and over the shoulders, buttons, magic marker, and whiteout to match her black canvass Converse Allstars, the knees busted out, and hems frayed dirty from walking on them, dragging the ground. No mohawk, just a wreck of hair like permanent bedhead, usually pulled back to a puff with a rubberband.

"Hh!" They called her "Cave Girl," or the "Troll." The D&D guys in the Trilbies called her "Trollup," but not to her face.

"What?" A boy pushed her, so she threw her food in his face, then dove across the table to smash it in his face, and got pulled off of him by his friends, still punching, and kicking.

"Hihn!" I looked around, self consciously, but nobody was looking.

Wait, I looked down, my face heated up, but she smiled. At me? No, she's just picking at her plate, but still smiling. It was probably just a coincidence, we both looked around at the same time, and our eyes met.

"Let me go, motherfucker!" The principals intervened to break up the riot. RIOT GRL! across her knuckles, but nobody called her that, either. AGT and Minor Threat patches across the bottom.

"I'll be back, and then YOU'RE FINISHED!" At the door, hanging on with her legs before they dragged her off.

"Hhmn!" He looked Scared! He tried to play it off, turning back to his buddies, and shaking his shirt. Shrugging, and saying something. They laughed, but I saw the look on his face. The fear, before he grinned to cover it up.

"Hihn!" I rested my chin on my hands. That's what I mean, a badass.


Shannon {Sisters of Mercy - When you Don't See Me (Greatest Hits) Sorry, she's got that, and (A Slight Case of Overbombing)}

"Hey," I jumped. "This seat's taken."

"No it isn't."

She shook her head, "Wasn't asking."

"Oh," I got it. "You're a Rudie?"

"Oi!" she grinned, pumped her fist, and picked up her milk. Pried it open with two blunt filthy nails, and popped out the spout.

"So, you gonna keep staring at that girl, or go talk to her?"


"Oh, come on, you don't exactly blend. Give me a little credit for gaydar."

"So, you are a lesbian?"

"No, that's what they say behind my back. I'm a top, I just have a boyfriend."



"The high school boy?"

"Yeah, fifteen?" She nodded, and picked up a chunk of burger masquerading as Salsberry Steak. "Rotza gay friengs, dow." Washed it down with some milk. "More Crusty, really, but I listen to a lot of Ska bands." No Doubt, "Let me guess, Goth?"

"Yeah, uh. Industrial goth?"

"Hm." Nodded. Chewed her roll. "You gonna eat that?"

I shook my head, "Are those tattoos?"

"Sharpy. 15? Right, covered that. I'm an artist, mixed media, installations mostly."

"Graffiti." I know.

"Well yeah. But," shrugged, "Protest art. Crusties don't exactly go through editors, and publishing lawyers. That's statist."


"You know Anarchism?" She just ducked her shoulder, I'd seen it. Also sharpie, I think. "Statism is the opposite of that. All this." She waved her hand, "Paperwork, and. Bullshit. So, you gonna talk to her? Anarchism doesn't mean no rules, you still have to follow the natural law."

"Yeah?" Just let her talk, I threw in a nod.

"Yeah, like somebody goes first. You ever seen a checkerboard with all black checkers?" I shook my head, "You ever wonder why?"

"It's confusing?" Is that my King, or yours?

"No, because red goes first. If you two keep playing princess, and waiting for someone to make the first move, then nobody makes the first move."

"Oh, yeah."

"Yeah, so go talk to her." She got up.

"What do I say?"

"Hell if I know." She turned back, gestured with the tray. "I look like Cyrano de Bergerac?"

We just read that. Oh right, she knew that. Of course she knew that, doy.


{Nuclear Death - Corpse of Allegiance (Bride of Insect) Incidentally, she's named after Lori Bravo (And Bender from The Breakfast Club)

Genre Notes: Yes, she identifies as Crust Punk, yet listens to mostly Anarcho-punk. Just like Shannon identifies as Goth, yet mostly listens to post-wave/futurepop. Because this is about the overlap, where most people draw fine lines. "Are you a boy, or a girl?"

"No." ~Joey}

He pulled up.

"Hey, Lori."

"Uh, what!?"


"Oh," what's her nuts, "No, I'm sorry," the new baby-bat "what's up?" I waved for my boyfriend to wait.

"Uh, you think you can teach me to fight?"

"No," Started turning back.

"Well, where'd you learn to fight?"

"Huh," I turned back, thinking. "In fights. You want to know how to fight?" I stepped up, and looked down. So did she, right at my chest.

"You fight. Then, you don't stop fighting until you win."

"Oh." I snapped for a cigarette.

"You talk to her yet?"

"Oh," she turned away. "Not yet." I just lit it, slammed the door.

"Let's go."

Do I look like a matchmaker? It would make my life a lot easier if they'd get into each other, and stop following me around, like lovesick puppy dogs.

"You cool?"

"Yeah, just middle school."

"Yeah, that's rough."

"You got a joint?"

"Yeah," he pulled out to the loop, for a much needed doob cruise.

"Good, put on some decent music, 'kay?"

"Sorry," he pulled out What The Fuck will Change? (A Global Threat.)


Metallica - To Live is to Die (And Justice for All)

"Uh!" Some girl tripped me! Right in the hall after school, I picked up my books, and held them in front of me.

"Watch where you're going!"

Then there was a black blur.


I backed up, but managed to get to my feet.

That new girl, the blond that's been staring at me like a creep since she got here.

"You hurt her, I'll hurt you." She stood up, "Got it?"


"Sheep, bitch." She turned to me, "You all right?" I managed to nod. "Looks like your hands are a little banged up, but they'll heel. I'm Shannon."

"Autumn." I looked away. "Uhm, you're not." Gay, "Are you?"

"A dyke?" she shrugged, "Middleschool girls, don't know what the fuck they're talking about. You? Crushing on Lori, and all."

"Oh," I shook my head, "I don't think, anything could crush Lori."

"Hahahah! Yeah."

"You're Goth?"

"Uph!" she rolled her eyes, "Is that a trick question?" I shook my head. "Huh! Okay, you know every time someone says: 'oh, we're not goth' a baby-bat gets her wings?" I shook my head, "Ugh! Never mind, fuck it yeah. I'm gothic as fuck."

"Oh, cool." Just never seen a blond one before. I mean yeah, bleached white, or growing out roots under black dye, but she doesn't dye it black.

"What's with all the black, freak?"

"The bloodstains won't show." nlm.

"Ugh!" At least she tanked all the comments, on the way down the hall. I swear, it's like that at this school. Ever since I got here, we didn't even make it to the stairs.

"Where's the funeral?"

"Ask your next of kin, or move." She shoved him out of the way with her shoulder.


"Virgin," she spat over her shoulder, and went around the handrail on the landing. Kept going down the stairs, but it was like Lori.

Fear. Yeah, they act brave, but she's not built like a tank. Tall, skinny, sharp looking nose, and eyebrows that disappear, but a creepy scowl, or stare. Yeah, Lori'd kick your ass, but that girl. I don't know what she'd do to you, and that's almost scarier.

Oh yeah, and she's gay. Am I?

"I figured it out." She used to be so quiet. "They're going to make fun of you. If they don't know what you are, they make something up." She shrugged, "So, I own it. Might as well get made fun of for that, after a while you don't have to explain as much."

"Oh." I nodded.

"Kinda music you listen to?"

I shrugged, "Metal?"

"Like Metallica?'

"I guess. Whatever my brother plays, mostly."

"Well, what's your favorite band?"

"I don't know," think. Death metal, "Um," Lovecraft, "Eldritch Horror?"


I shrug, "Some local band. From Raleigh?"


"You know CoC?"

"Corrosion of Conformity?"

"Yeah, like them."


"Take the bus?"

"My brother picks me up."

"Mind'f I hang out?" I shook my head. "My mom and I, don't see eye to eye."

"Cause your gay."

"Oh no," she stopped, looked me over, "She'd love you." She rolled her eyes.

{Sepultura - Troops of Doom (Schizophrenia)}

"Oh, there he is."

"You mind turning that down?" She got in shotgun.

"The fuck're you?"

"Actually," I touched his shoulder. "You got Untouched by the Sun?" He shrugged, popped out the tape.

"You like Black Metal?"

"Uph!" I could practically hear her roll her eyes, "I'll listen to it." She grunts a lot, but I like it.

So, he popped in the tape. {Starts with Breeding Pits...}


Drake (mfG NS)

Bolt Thrower - Inside the Wire (Honor Valor Pride)

Well, she liked the guitar riff from Breeding Pits, so. I don't have any My Dying Bride on me, you know? That kind of girl, mopey, ratty blond hair, mommy issues. So, I decided to broaden her musical horizons.

"So, what is with you and your mom?"

"Uph!" Scoffs a lot. Can't say whether she's a Goth, per se. Could be a Vampy, Emo, I honestly can't keep up with all the middleschool identity crisis fashion statements. I stick with Metal, it's simple, with hidden depths. "Mom basically packed us up and moved to get me away from my first love."

"You hate her." See? Angst, I think they call it. I just rocked out, but, new friends. I care about my sister, and she, gets into some pretty scary friends. And stuff, I don't want to come home to find her hanging in her closet, or the bathroom, now she's hanging out with this depression chick. I just don't know if she needs the negativity, is all.

"You're in high school, right?"

"Uh huh?" Made the turn, then looked over when I straightened out. Cute, young but cute. I grinned.

"You know Morris?"

"Goes out with that gutter punk, Lori?"


"Uh huh?"

"So, avoiding the question."

"Thought you're quiet."

"Hihn! Yeah, at school. I like to avoid attention, and you like to avoid the question." I looked back from the light to her creepy grin. Oh yeah, and she's manipulative. I didn't know she was quiet at school, it's hard to get her to shut up, as a matter of fact I'm a little surprised to hear anyone call her quiet or shy. At least she stopped dressing like Madonna? Got some decent taste in music.

"Ugh! Huh." She looked around, but the light changed, so I took off. "Come here." She turned up the music, and leaned over to whisper secretly in her ear.

Probably something homophobic. I know, my sister's gay, and into S&M, but I'm a guy. So, she doesn't know me from any other guy. Metalhead, I know what most of them are like, and honestly I'd rather be judged for that then try to fit in with the preps. I don't have a problem with lesbians, or a thing for them, like a lot of my more metal friends.

It doesn't have anything to do with me. See? Dick. Not my conversation. She's pretty, I can see what my sister sees in her, but she's my sister's girlfriend. So, that's about as far as that goes, I don't even think about my sister having sex, and it's pretty obvious that I need to not think about her girlfriend like that either.

Okay, Lori. She's straight, and brutal. If it wasn't for Morris, or if she decides to kick him to the curb, I'm already in line. Guess I'm like dad, mom and dad, well. I don't guess there's much of a closet there, more of a dungeon, he doesn't even really try to hide the marks on his wrists.

Not in this town. Ever since we moved here from Chapel Hill, I thought it was just more liberal, and progressive, but that's not it. At least around our neighborhood, there's definitely a Femdom vibe around there, once you know what to look for. Or, just talk to the other teens. "Yes dear." That seems to be what the husbands have to say about it.

Same thing at school. You don't fuck with the girls. They will gang up on you, ever since they humiliated the football team a couple years ago. That's right, you heard me. The girls ganged up, and publicly humiliated the football team. There was a gang-rape.


That doesn't happen any more. We respect the girls at my school. We don't have a choice.

Why I'm single. I don't know how to talk to, any of them. Sure would like to get down, and dirty with that Lori, though.


{Just a little continuity. The main difference between this timeline and yours' are the Morions, and Liggetti. The myth that women don't do things like commit sexual abuse is slowly going away. Especially where there's a concentration of Morions, and Liggetti. Especially when they take over the Neighborhood Association, and PTAs. I have to say this in an asside, because both families moved in, so they're no direct interference, just indirectly responsible for the general attitude about things like Femdom, and how to deal with male sexual abusers.}


Shannon (fG Powe Bott Talk)

"So," she shut the door, "Your mom's a child molester?"

"Huh!" I sat down, "I don't know? No." I shook my head, "I mean, not children, girls, but barely pubed. Tweens?"

"So, Hebephile?"

"What?" I shake my head, "You mind if I put on some music?" I pulled out the adapter with 2 headphone jacks, and found the jack on her stereo.

[Depeche Mode - In Your Room (Jeep Rock)]

"Like a pedophile, but."

"No, don't they want a relationship?"

She shrugged.

"Uph! You want to, I don't know, fuck or something?"

"Well, first we have to talk about it."


"Huh!" she shook her head, "I know, but let me just tell you something. I'm a powerbottom." I shook my head, "A dominant masochist?"

"You're into. S&M?"

"Yeah! Actually, we moved to Altestadt because of the BDSM community here."

"Oh." I shook my head. "Look, I'm from Oklahoma, we don't have stuff like that there."

"You probably did, Chapel Hill too, but it's more of an open secret here. At least in this neighborhood, but you haven't noticed that there's a more. Sexually equal culture here?"

"You mean other than the big bully at school being a girl?"

"Right, well they get that from their parents. Pittsbergh was founded by German Puritans, and there's still a lot of old Anabaptist puritan conservatives around, but you ever seen Sin City?"

I shook my head, "R rated. I know, my mom's a. Older girl molester, I guess. But, she's really rather prudish about it."

"Exactly, well when they gentrified this area, and renamed it Altestadt, that's actually an allusion to Old Town."

"Oh," I shrugged, and shook my head.

"The ladies are the law here. That's why my mom moved us here, to be in a community where femdom is, not talked about, but privately accepted. So, my dad doesn't have to hide the ligature marks, and welts."

"She ties him up, and beats him."

"Right, only I inhereted some of that from my mom, and some of it from dad."

"You like pain?"

"I make girls tie me up, and hurt me."


"Because it turns me on, and it's the only way I can get off?"

"Oh," I shrugged. "Well, my ex was pretty fragile, so we had to be careful, and gentle."

"So, here's where you tell me what you're not telling me."

I looked away.

"Shannon, it's important."

"Well, honestly, it's not your business, and it's not my secret."

"No, but I can't help but notice now you're avoiding pronouns."

"No, I'm not, I just said I, and we. Those are both pronouns."

"Gender neutral pronouns. So, I guess I'll just have to ask, was your first love your boyfriend, or your girlfriend?"


"Fair enough."


{IK, sexy right? Well, this is BDSM, specifically all the stuff they leave out, like Goth without the music. In the real world, forcing affection on a naked girl in the shower with your hand over her eyes, so she doesn't even know who you are is sexual assault, not BDSM. It doesn't go without saying, so I'm saying it. I talk to people, before I get into the BDSM, so that it is BDSM, and not sexual abuse. You should too.}


Autumn {ff D/s Disc)

About damn time? Okay, new girl, doesn't know how it works, and I guess she got some pointers from Lori. And a crush on her, but I saw them talking in the lunch room. I admit, I was a little jealous, but She's straight. Femdom, violent, but takes it out on boys. Still, it was about the most sexual tension I was able to work up.

Girls like Courtney are amateurs. Middle-school, try to humiliate, but don't really know how to deal with me. It should turn me on, if it wasn't for the fact that they suck at it. All of them, together, just keep recycling the same lines over and over. Shrimp, lesbo, where's the funeral? Hahahah, change the record! Barely got a halfway decent fantasy of them getting frustrated enough to get physical, but wouldn't you know, they tripped me. That it?

Dunt dunt dahn! It brought out Shannon's inner batgirl, so I can't complain too much, but this. This hesitation. I lay back on my bed, propped up on my elbows, and bring my knees up, spread. "Uh! Try to hurt my feelings, or something? Oh, come on, where's that nasty tongue of yours, the black cat run off with it? Baby bat brat doesn't know how to hurt a widdow gow's feewings?"

Ah, baby bat. She hates that, so add it to the list. "You trying to piss me off?" She sighed, relaxed.

"Well, do something? I'm right here, and don't you think I'm sexy?" Shake my hips, "Uph! I have no idea what turns you on, are you clueless," I grinned. Oh, "Huh, thought I got a mistress of the night, but turns out I got a babriedoll chearleader in black." I sniffed, "Is that, Teen Spirit you're wearing?" Right, rebel. What's she rebelling against?

"Shut up!"

I shook my head, "You're gonna have to make me."

"Well," she looked back.

"Come onnnnn!"

"What if your folks come home?"

"Then you'll get to meet them? I don't know, they'll probably go down to their playroom."

"What about your brother?"

"Ugph!" I got up, "Hey, Drake? Yeah, we're gonna fuck now." I turned, and rolled my eyes at her, "If she can ever get in the mood, so you think you can give us some privacy?"


"Huh," behind me, she had out her phone.

"You need to phone a friend?" I'm down for a gangbang with Lori!

"No," she tapped. "You asked what I needed to get in the mood?" She turned it, to show me.

Depeche Mode - Little 15 (Music for the Masses) She set it down.

"Now," she pushed me back, "You need to watch your fucking mouth."

"Mh?" She smiled, on my lips. "Hm!" I relaxed, and closed my eyes.

Right for the tits, I smacked her chest, playfully.

"Uh!" She frowned.

"Uhn!" She smacked my face, harder. Grabbed my mouth, and squeezed my bra, harder.

And harder...

"MH!" My eyes clenched, I tried to meet her piercing blue eyes, but then it was too much. "MH!" She slapped it again before i even felt her let go, then i was flying onto the bed.

"You like pain, BRAT?"

"YES!" Right on the inside of my thigh, her fingers curled up, to lightly scratch with her nails, out to the knee, then she gripped it. Turned my leg over, but put her elbow down on my shoulder. Twisted me at the waist, which i must admit is an uncomfortable position i hadn't tried yet.

I don't play with myself. I can't, it's like tickling myself, it doesn't work. Even cutting myself, I need someone, like her to hurt me, and she's a natural. Pulling out the crotch of my underwear, her knuckles dug in. Split me open, and rolled, back and forth. Dry, inside me, but deeper, and harder than anything i felt in there before, and i just held my teeth together, "NGH!" Gritting them, "NGHAH!" As first one, then the longest, then the next, and finally her pinky knuckle mashed into my clit, which popped off between them for the next, then the next. "NYAAAAIIIGH!" I nodded.

She let go. Stood up, and looked at her nails. Curled up, and i panted, gulping for air, she turned them over, and sniffed her knuckles.

My eyes went wide, and i grinned, nodding excitedly.

"There's more than one way to tease." She grabbed my panties again, her knee behind both of mind so I couldn't bend, and pulled them down, but so tight, they dug into my thighs. "HrmH!"

"Afugh!" Finally, the seams on the sides gave, and snapped, making me shake all over, and her hand was over my mouth. Her cunt scented knuckles right in front of my nose, which i had to gasp through.

She did it on purpose! She teased me, played nervous to frustrate me, and I almost got pissed at her, but now i was down. Sinking under her weight, crushed down into the futon until i could feel the boards of the frame through it. Bending, almost ready to snap under us, crashing down to the floor with a bone crushing impact, when she grabbed the other side of my bra. The untouched breast so hard it was like a slap, then gripped it with a strength i didn't know she had in those long, slim hard bone white fingers.

i was gone, exactly where i belong. Beneath HER! Finally, i found Her once again.


"Wake up," she slapped me! Gently, but then rubbed my burning cheek. "Don't want you passing out," she grinned, then her thin hard lips pressed in hard enough to pinch mine between our teeth.


"Little 15..."

{Note: That's not Molly, I didn't even come up with teh lesbo sex set to music. I learned it from Raven, and Kelly (Who were a "Drama Dyke" and CAH Intersex with an eraser sized clit) the couple I played Beard for, and eventually learned cunnilingus from. It's to cover up having sex when you're closeted from your parents. So, "We're just going to listen to music in my room..." Put on Violator, and try not to moan or squeel over it. Molly's just the in-universe undisputed Master of it, because she's got All the music memorized.}


Shannon (Master and Servant, Medley.)

So, I had to improvise. Through clothes, but not hurting Joey helped a lot. It took a while to figure out how much I could do, with someone who doesn't even have a clitoris, and incapable of an actual orgasm.

So, the sampler. Boobs, I know how to hurt boobs, no idea how that's a turn on, at all, but know how much that hurts. I must admit a little satisfaction from her panties tearing off, just like I always imagined. My elbow jerking back from the release, and a fresh waft of sex spilling out. "Snh?"

I don't understand it, but you can't argue with results! She stank, not just from the pussy, but when I yanked the buttons out of her blouse, even more sex sweat burst out. Pop! Pop! Pop! With delightfully feminine jiggles. You know the relief from taking off your bra after it carrying the girls around all day?

"Huh! The scissors, on my desk?" She pointed with her chin. Pop! "Ngh!" Her eyes closed, and I felt the tightly bound swells on the side of my hand, the back of my thumb. Slipped that into the cup, and swiped it over her nipple. Twisted to pull it back, it rubbed, rubbery like the head of an eraser until I caught it under my nail, and gently pressed that edge in. The sensitive skin around it, mashing the tip, deeper, and deeper until she finally winced. "Huh!" Relaxed when I stopped, but can't really pinch and twist them like this, so I rubbed my knuckles into the top. Pulled the strap to slip the bottom edge of the scissors under. Tighter, and tighter, knowing the side strap had to be digging into her ribs, and back.


"Ah!" It snapped on my knuckles too, but the blouse over her shoulder jumped from it whipping back, and I felt a fresh welt, brushing the white cotton aside to see it. "Smq!" Kissed it, and stood up. "Don't go anywhere," I turned back to the phone. Pretended to ignore her quick excited pants, remember her rapid beating heart in her chest, the hot red flush, the warm cup of her bra, and the swell of flesh inside it.

Puckered, and moved my lips side to side. "Hm," thinking "Let's see." teasing, making her wait.

"You've done this before."

"Thought about it," a lot. Never seriously believed I'd find a sex slave so easy, but from what she learned over the 5 years she lived here before me, it looks like I came to the right place.

And I watched her, a couple months. "No," scrolling down. Other than being cute, with big brown eyes that well up wet when she's looking up, then down, blushing shyly. Okay, she does it on purpose, meeting my eyes clear across the lunch room, then blushing, looking down, then glancing back up. Sneaky, that shy little smile, she's good at this, it just took a couple months to decide how to approach her.

Foreplay, about all I really had as far as a sexual relationship, with another girl. A real one capable of sexuality as she and I understand it.

Tease, and please. The (Latex Empire) remix, then the (Blacklight Odyssey), and "Um," why not the (Cosmix)? That should do it, for a while. "Now, where were we?" I tossed it on the bed. She pulled the side of her shirt back out, and let her head hang back. Up on her elbows, I slapped her knee to the side, and held it down again. Pulled the cup down with light scratches, and breathed in her shirt.

"Hhhhh, snhhhh! Hhhhhh."

She was shivering hot.

"Smq, luh! Smooch!" Her chin bounced silently nodding. A little teeth, not too much, but around her nickle sized patch to slowly roll the edges in, pinching it out into my mouth, and close my lips. "Smp!" let it slip out, just as the tip brushed between the edges of my incisors. "Bite it?"

"Mhm?" She wimped.

"Scream when it's too much. Hrwhhhhh," Between my teeth. she shook too hard to catch it, and it slipped out, before my teeth even came together.


"Hold still," I grinned, "Let me try that again." I slipped my fingertips down her buttock, gripping, and spreading them, groping it, and slowly sinking the edges of my nails deeper, and deeper in her crack. Just as the hard tip of her nipple pinched between my sharpest teeth, which I slowly started sawing back and forth like a rabbit chewing to twist it, without pinching hard enough to bite. Gently running the edges of my nails through her ass crack to make her shudder, and shake until it snapped, and popped back out when she couldn't hold still again.

"Aughn!" She jumped at the swat, and I gripped her buttock again. Running the edges of my nails back and forth through there slowly. Teasing, threatening without actually touching her sex. Just her sensitive pucker, and taint. the bottom of her crack.

"I said, hold still. I can't bite it if you can't control yourself." She was really shaking, and trying not to squirm now, but I took my time. This time sucking in my breath between her teeth until goosebumps popped out in a wave up her chest, and shoulder. I goosed her, straightening my fingers so the nails brushed out, and scraped her other buttock.

"Ngh!" He chin jumped, and she jerked out of my teeth again, snapping back flat. I rubbed her knee.

"You don't really want it, I can tell."

"Mhrnhin?" She just whimpered, "hihHhH!" Gasped in a ragged breath, and whispered. 'please.'


"Oh god, please bite my nipple!"

I had to grab it, her tit to squeeze it out. Until it bulged, and no matter how she struggled, she couldn't get out, but I bit it deep. Past it, sucking it in as much as I could so the nipple was no where near the edge of my teeth. Until it got wet, my drool dripping down to pool around my lips, and she started slipping out. Inching, closer, and closer to the hard edges, which I pinched tighter, and tighter, and held her as still as I could. Pinning her leg under my hip, so I could put my elbow down on her shoulder. My forearm across her collarbones, and grip the other one.


"Smp!" I licked my lips, and panted, catching my breath, and pushing her shoulder down. Sitting up sideways, and almost wetting my panties. "Hh hhh, hhHHH!" I wiped my forehead. Sweet Jesus that's intense! I had to get my pants open, pulled down enough to get my underwear out of the way, but her legs free, she turned over, and I grabbed her head by the hair. Overcome with lust, I just fell over, sideways. Head hanging off the end of the bed, and yanked her face first into my steaming sex!

{Sorry for the wait, folks...}


Bottom (ff Sm Disc Cunn/Anal Ling)

I know how to eat a pussy. Her? She's new. I've been with enough girls to realize we're all different, but she was as turned on by all that nipple biting play as me, so i got to work.

Sideways, on her hip like she held me, only now i didn't have my hands held together behind me. That position, so i don't need bondage, and it puffed out my chest, but it's another wait. i have to pleasure her before i get more, but now i can feel her hip. Push up her buttock, to expose.

"Oh!" She's a natural, blond. Just a little bit curled out between the tops of her thighs, and her purse lips, but so fine, and pale.

"Slph!" Definitely turned on. "Mmmmmh!" lick my lips, then Hers again. "SlLlh!" Deep in her love hole, "Huh! AhlLlLlLlL!" God, she's delicious, and i slip my nose in to fill it full of the musky perfume of her lust. "SnhhHH! Slip!" God, all the waiting, for pussy. Denying myself this, all this, for months. Her eyes, shyly blushing, looking away, her watching me, following me, thinking about me, feeling for me from afar. "HhHhHhH!"

"Kiss my ass."

Okay? "Lnh?" Close my eyes, but it's. An asshole. Undeniably an asshole, and i mean a hairy asshole with tiny bitter flakes clinging to the scattered fine pale curls.

"Hh, yeah, deeper. Lick it out good." Her thin strong fingers in my hair, gripping my crown like a ball, and pushing my face in deeper, harder, mashing my chin in, and turning it around and round.

"LhlmlLlh?" i nodded. In deep, completely hers, just happy to feel her spasm, and pucker. Squeeze, and relax, the tight muscle going slack, than firm, wrinkles spreading out, and even a little puff of gas.


i'm in hell. i love it, really. In church they threaten me with fire and torment? Forever? Yes, please, what do i have to do? Be bad? sin? That's my reward for sin, this? Bring on the fire, the whips, the pain, and the demons to give it to me. Gang rape me, forever.


"You have fingers, use them!"

"Uh," i felt.

"Did I stutter? Buttfuck me, now! Nmh!" She stretched, relaxing and pushing to it envelop my fingertip to the top of my neatly filed nail. "Nhm!" She nodded, "Ugh! Huh!" i wiggled it.

"Hihihm!" Wow, i never! She likes it! No, she loves it, in the butt? Okay, well i want to please her, so much. Not to earn her attention, so she'll please me, i want nothing more than this.

"Auuuugh!" Her moans! "Ngh!" It's so expressive! Her asshole, it's like, i don't know, my finger inside her, she can communicate, directly with me, in some weird language of spasms, and puckering twitches. So much more muscular, and active than a vagina, i never seriously considered it, with her sex right there, but with her sex right there, i can taste her, and smell her, and rub her juice all over my face, and;

"Huh!" Fuck! This is sex.

"Ngh!" feel her wet snatch, and swirled my fingertips around to get them wetter.

"Smq, wlk! LlLlLlH!" Toungefucked her spasming pucker, and slicked her clit hard and fast.

"Ngh, fuck! HahAhAhAhHAH!" Drops spattered out against my fingers, scrubbing in the top, while i tried to suck her asshole right out. To wrap around my tongue, but it sucked back in, twitching tight. "Ngheah! HhHhHhHhH!" She relaxed, everything but her love muscle. i felt down to feel her vaginal opening, flutter like her tight clenching sphincter dancing on my tongue, and even a few more droplets tiny spray my nose, my closed eyes, and the relief.

'hhhhhhhhhhh!' i fell back. 'Snh! hhhhhhhh!' Drifting, floating, every feeling imaginable swirling around in the warm safe vast emptiness. Just the slight fear of passing out, missing an instant of it the only thing keeping me conscious. 'yeah!' i nodded, licking my lips.

this is sex. this is what it's all about.


More (Extended version)

"Huh!" I dropped my phone, still panting, but that. I never got off like that, but you know.

I grabbed her neck.

"Not bad." Forced her face down on the mattress. "But you can do better." I lied, I seriously doubt it.

"Some people get by..."

"That it?"

"With a little understanding."

Sideways, so she can breathe.

"...with a whole lot more."

Panting, desperately, under me.

"I don't know," and I can see her face. "Why you gotta be so undemanding." Entranced, panting excitedly, but otherwise so relaxed you'd think she was asleep.

"One thing i know..;" Slip my knuckles back down her crack.


"NGH!" Hard, not a full fist, by wrapped around my thumb, so I can roll, and rub them back and forth from her asshole to her mashed clit.

"And I need all the love I can get!"

Faster, harder, picking up dampness as they swiped by.

"And I need all the love that I can't, get, too!"

Leaning down, to breathe in her ear, 'hhhhuh!" Whisper, loud, "You get scared," my other nahd, "to feel so much?" slipping around her side. "To let some body touch you!" The cup of her bra. "So hot, so cold." Groping, "So far, so outta control." Squeezing, "Hard to come bye, and harder to hold."

I let go, stepped back. Left her panting.

"Some people get by..."

Smelled my knuckles. "Snhhhh!" God! Licked, and sucked them. "Smq!" Now, where did I leave those scissors? "Ah!" Krch, krch, crch, crnip! Right up the back of her blouse, like Buffalo Bill, I pulled the back. Clasp, right there, but I'd rather pull it harder, and harder...



It snapped against my thumb, and across her back. Slapping the cut flap of her blouse aside, and making her eyes go wide, then I was on her. Face buried in her hair, her neck, snuffling in her ear, breasts crushed against her back, my full weight pressing her down, the breath out of her, biting her shoulder, and groping her breasts from behind.

About to wet myself again! God, I never imagined that this would feel so powerful. I think I might have to try that. What she's going through, it looks intense too, but just. This? Power trip, the shear brutality of it, the control, and making her feel all that, No fear, shame, humiliation, none of that, just her, crushed under me, and giving her what she wants. begged me for, pleading with her eyes, teasing me for months, and saying all those nasty things to piss me off.

I'm not. I'm not even angry, at all. I thought i knew love, what that felt like, but this. this is a whole another kind of love. Not like in love, lust, a whole lot of that, abut this feeling. Her fantasy, bringing this to her, giving it to her, I had no idea what "Making love' really ment. i tried, so many times and failed, but i had to let go. Stop trying, and just do it. That was what was holding me back, i overthought it. i'm overthinking it, stop. Shut up, shannon, and just do it to her.

She needs it.


Autumn (ff D/s)

The irony is that Courtney is hot. Well, not only that, but she knows it. Queen bee of the fashion bitches, popular, tease, but it wasn't until she called me "Lesbian." The first time, usually it was Dyke, but this time she said it. Just like a statement of fact, not even an insult, just to confirm it. So, I shrugged, turned around, nodded.

She leaned up against the lockers, smiled. Didn't even I Knew It! Just looked at me. "Oh."


Naked. Okay, she doesn't have anything like blond hair, or big boobs, it just works? I don't know, all of her, put together, she bit her lip? Looking down, me over, smiling. Oh, headslapper moment.

"That's why you're so mean to me."

"Yeah," she just ran her finger up, and down her forearm. "You like it." Again, a statement of fact. I'm gay, subby, passive aggressive maybe, but it's not like I hid how I looked at say Lori. She's a bitch, I like bitches, just never thought she liked me. "So..."

The rest of the class filed out. Dressed for gym, "You want to skip?"

"Yeah," she pushed me back.

"Hh," i just closed my eyes, but first She took my hands, ran the backs of my fingers up her midriff, to her chest. And kissed me.

How could i be so blind? Seriously, she's been there, all year, humiliating me, with her friends, but how could i miss that?

And honestly, the best tits in school. I'm going to say c cups, just a guess, but so round, and firm, and how can they be so weightless?

"Smq! Huh, honestly, I've had the hots for you," she turned my head away, jaw to jaw, "So long." She's a domme. She's a Domme! How could i be so stupid? Of course, i can humiliate myself, i'm good at it, but seriously, it was really very dumb. Duh, of course she is. "Sit, down." And that voice.

"Yes, Courtney." She just pushed my face into her chest. Her magnificent chest, not like i haven't looked, stared really, remembered everything she ever said. What are you looking at? Like she tried to hide them, had anything to be ashamed of, she had the hots for me? Too? Of course she did, she's a bitch, a hot bitch, and she knows i have the hots for hot bitches.

"Huh!" i looked up, at her, smiling back down at me. "i had no idea."

"Well," she petted my face, with my hair. "You're stupid, then." i nodded. It's true, but for once, she said it, so lovingly. Bent down, and kissed me. "Now," she nodded. "Finger me off."

"Yes, Courtney."

i had dreamed, i had just never dreamed it would come true. Oh yeah, and her pussy. Hot fucking pussy, and she knows it. Just like her tits, perfect, with a neatly trimmed patch of pubes, like an arrow, no an arrow. That's exactly what it is, pointing down. She's not subtle, i'm just stupid. She's right, she tormented me, ganged up on me, humiliated me with my friends, because it turned me on.

"Huhuha!" She Courted me, for years! It's been like 4 years now, i've been watching her. Grow up, into power, she rules this school, and just assumed she was straight. Why? She's a domme, a bitch, she always picked on the girls, the weaker ones, not because we're weaker, because she's afraid of men, or boys. Because she likes to. "Hhhhhh!" She's a sadist, and it broke over me like a sweat. A fever, hot goosebumps washing over my flush, spreading over my shoulders from my neck, and i shivered.

Her hands in my hair, pulling it back, hard. "I Said. Get me Off. Now!"

"Oh!" I slipped my fingers between her perfect lips, faster. "Yes, Courtney!"

"Smell it?" She forced me down, "Yeah, smell that hot twat, you worthless peice of shit. You want it?"

"Oh yeas! AH!" She yanked me back.

"No." shook my head, "You don't deserve my pussy, I said get me Off!"

"Ngh!" i fingered faster.

"Nh, yeah! Faster, faster!"

"Hh, hH!" I couldn't wait.


"AIIIIGH!" She pulled it so hard.

"Don't STOP!" Slapping me.

"Nh, mh! AaaahhhHHH!"

"Hh!" she let go. "HhHHhH!" Flopped on my lap, and ground, shuddering into my still rapidly shaking fingers. "Hmmmmmmmh!"

God her moan!

"Cummere," she turned, and kissed me so hard, so passionately, i knew right then what i had been denying myself this whole time.

"i love You," i gasped, "i always loved You!"

"I know." she got up. "Here," she put her leg up, "I guess you earned it."

Gently, she let me kiss her. Taste her, please her.

It's all i ever wanted.

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