Janelle Finds Her Calling: Chapter One

by ThisLittleGirlie

Janelle stood frozen in front of the door of the Baskin residence. She had been dropped off by Cathy and abandoned. Janelle could not get herself to ring the doorbell.

Suddenly, she heard a sharp voice behind that made her jump as a high-pitched yelp escaped from her lips.

"You must me Jaaaaaanelle!" It was Maeve, drawing out the 'a' sound emphasis, which further unnerved Janelle.

Janelle could only nod, her eyes trained squarely on the wooden deck under her feet, her hands clasped tightly together in front of her. She could not think of anything to say.

"Well, don't just stand there. Mom already left and Birk is in the backyard," Maeve said confidently. "Come on. Let's go around this way."

With that, Maeve scurried to the side of the house and disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Janelle was unsure what to do. She took a couple of steps and looked toward the side where Maeve disappeared.

It took her a full minute to get her legs moving. By the time she reached the gate into the backyard, Birkita and Maeve seemed to be hard at work. Maeve was wearing a simple blue T-shirt, with "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" written on it.

Birkita was wearing a red, plain T-shirt. At least Janelle could tell them apart that way. Both girls were wearing white shorts that nearly reached the knees of their skinny legs. Neither were wearing socks. Maeve was barefoot; Birkita wore flip-flops.

Birkita was working on a large piece of paper that was draped over the top of a picnic table. Maeve was bent over a few feet away, intently looking at something on the ground.

Another 30 seconds ticked away and Birkita looked over to Maeve. "Didn't you say she was here?"

Maeve looked up, "Yeah, she . . . oh, here she is," as she noticed Janelle waiting at the gate.

"It won't open by itself," Maeve said. "You have our permission to come in."

Janelle didn't seem to notice the sarcasm in Maeve's voice, she simply opened the gate and walked a few feet into the back yard, which had a few trees near the fences that appeared to block the view of the neighbors on each side.

Maeve and Birkita were playing on the concrete away that butted up against the back of the house. She noticed one entrance into the house on the side as she walked in. There was another door at the end of some steps. It was part of a small alcove, so that the door facing sideways, toward a kitchen window.

The grassy area was larger than Janelle had ever seen before. You could really play on the grass, Janelle thought. Small gardens, alternatively bushes and flowers, surrounded the trees lining the fence on either side. "Come over here," Birkita said in a somewhat irate, commanding voice, jolting Janelle out of her trance.

Janelle meandered over to the table and stood there, like she was waiting for further instructions.

Birkita looked over at Maeve, "Can she talk?"

They both laughed as Janelle slammed her eyes shut and felt a wave of shame coarse through her body.

"I think so," Maeve said. To Janelle, she said, "Uh, you girl, what is your name exactly?"

Janelle could not quite get her mouth to work, "Ja-Ja-Ja . . . "

Maeve suddenly turned sympathetic, going up to Janelle and became stroking her lower arms. "There, there, it's OK. We know you've never been a babysitter before. Cat told us and we understand, really, it's OK."

The words were calming but the contact with Maeve reminded her of the way Catherine had placed her hand on Janelle's hand. It was arousing then and without thinking, Janelle turned it into sexual arousal again, letting out a quiet sigh.

Maeve took her by the hand and led Janelle to a chair just at the edge where grass met concrete.

"You just sit there for a while," said Maeve, who guided the 14-year-old into the chair, gripping her arms just about the elbow and shifting her slightly to give her a comfortable landing.

Maeve gave Janelle a squeeze again and allowed her fingers to run the length of Janelle's arms, from the shoulder to her palm.

By this time, Birkita was there and her hands on Janelle's shoulders, just at the nape of the neck, and slowly began rubbing.

"You're so tense," she cooed into Janelle's right ear. "I'm sure Cat told you about us. We'll be fine. You need to relax. We'll take care of you tonight."

Janelle just bowed her head, allowing the tingling sensations to warm her inside. Birkita was right, she thought, I had to relax. These girls were just having fun before.

Birkita continued massaging Janelle's shoulders, neck and hand while Maeve snuck off into the garage.

Janelle melted into Birkita's hands, already giving up any authority she could have mustered. Catherine said the twins would take care of themselves and that she shoulod just go with the flow.

Janelle gave in and began thinking of how Maeve and Birkita were the ones in charge now. She just had to sit back and allow all these wonderful feelings to sink in.

"I love you Janelle," the imagined Catherine whispered into Janelle's left ear. "I want to take care of you. You have nothing to worry about . . .you're in my control now."

The dream seemed so real and Janelle felt herself smiling and nodding.

"Yes Catherine, I'm yours," Janelle purred.

A puzzled look came over Birkita and just as quickly Birkita smiled, knowing full well Janelle was in dreamland and would be easy prey.

That's when Maeve returned to the backyard with hands full of ropes and handkerchiefs.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2, in which Janelle learns to accept the twins as her Mistresses.