Everything I Know

by Thom

Everything I know about being a lesbian I've learned from my daughter and her best friend. They have both recently turned six. I've been lucky enough to be able to spend quite a bit of time with them over the last couple of years. My jobs have all been shit or non existent while the other three adults in this arrangement have had glowing careers.

Though I wonder in retrospect, since I've had the most amazing sex life with the little ones while I know for a fact that theirs has been (I mean all three of them with me having first hand knowledge) mediocre at best. At best. At worst, their sex life has been hell on earth for them and I have had heaven on earth.

I have been lucky enough to have two little girls that I have been able to observe naked and diddling with each other. I have had two little girls that have watched me diddling with myself. I have had two little girls that have diddled with me and been beside themselves when I screamed out loud while they took turns thrusting their little arms up my cunt. We have kissed and cuddled and licked and sucked nearly every part of each other's bodies.

But I am way, way ahead of myself and it would be confusing if I started in the end and then went backward. I need to just start in the beginning.

“You want to see what I saw my mommy doing to herself the other day?” said my four-year-old daughter Paula one day while she was playing with her friend Anne.

I was in the kitchen which is off the family room of our home so in ear shot of their conversations. I knew what the subject of this one was going to be about. A few days before, Paula had found me playing with myself. It was after nursery school and I thought she was otherwise occupied. I typically take care of this particular activity while she is in school but that day had been rather hectic.

Hectic only makes you want it more, doesn't it?

So I had slinked off to my bedroom and pulled down my jeans and panties to my knees and was sitting in an arm chair pounding away. My eyes were closed and I was having a great time fantasizing about a boy at the grocery store that helps me out with my purchases. I make sure I get in his line every week so that I can be close to him—pick up his scent, maybe catch a whiff of his breath. It makes these sessions by myself seem more real. I was having his little boy, no pubic hair dick in my mouth while I was masturbating in my fantasy, just like I was really doing.

Eyes closed or not though, I wouldn't have had time to pull myself together enough to hide what I was doing from Paula. Apparently she had been standing in my doorway watching me for some time. When I got over and opened up my eyes, I saw here there, wide eyed and opened mouthed.

“What were you doing mommy?”

“Well, mommy is doing something that people do to make themselves feel good. Do you ever put your hand between your legs sometimes? Maybe you don't know why you find it there but it is and you are just kind of rubbing yourself?”

“Ah, maybe I do,” she said, “and what about it?”

“That's the beginning of what I was just doing. Touching myself to feel better and maybe I don't know how my hand got there either.”

“Didn't look to me like you didn't know how your hand got there Mommy,” she said wisely catching me at my game.

I think now, though I'm not sure at the time that I was fully cognizant of my thinking process, that I was awaking to the sexual possibilities with my daughter. We didn't do anything that day that would be considered by outsiders as inappropriate. I even pulled up my pants while I was talking to her. I didn't undress her or touch her. It was after that incident though that I began to think about my daughter differently and, in fact, other young girls differently. I think it was after that, that I began to notice other, mostly female, children in the four to seven or eight age range differently than I had before. I found myself, in fact, drifting away from the fantasy about the grocery store boy to thinking about young girls when I would masturbate or the rare occasion when my husband would decide he needed sex with me.

I might as well get that part of the story told early on so you know where I stood with regard to my marriage. My husband Thom was a wonderful person, father and husband (in the loose sense of the word) but a philanderer. But that's over simplifying it. His philandering involved young women (and in that we turned out to have something in common that we would later share, though that is a story for a later date) and subservient behaviors on their part (that we would never share though given the malleability of infants, maybe we did ).

Anyway, I discovered all of this about him pretty early on but not so early that we didn't already have a certain amount of responsibility that included Paula, property, and my lousy career situation. At the moment of discovery, certain compromises were negotiated, promises made, liberties granted, and obvious things ignored. My immediate response was an increase in grocery store shopping hoping I could seduce the bag boy and an increase in masturbation fantasizing about the bag boy.

Later there were episodes, somewhat of desperation, with Paula's friend Anne's parents. Some clumsy, though not completely unsuccessful, attempts at relationships with her mother Linda in particular because it turned out some of our fantasies coincided. They were unhappy with one another in similar ways as Thom and I were but neither had the outlet that Thom and I had. Rather he had the outlet pretty early but mine took a bit to come to be fully formed.

I dried my hands on a towel and walked over toward the family room door. It was possible for me to stand just to one side of the opening and watch the girls as they played. I would check in on them regularly while I was working in the kitchen, making supper or cleaning up or whatever.

What I saw stopped me in my tracks. Paula had lifted up her little dress and was holding its hem in her teeth and she had pulled down her panties to her knees and she was pounding her little slit with her fingers. More accurately though, she was proscribing a tight little circle with a couple of fingers just at the top of her beautiful little slit. Masturbating pretty much like I do.

“Oh, I do that all of the time and so does my mommy,” said her friend Anne. “Only let me show you what we do.” Anne proceeded to pull up her dress and push down her panties, sit back down and start to finger herself. She took the first two fingers of her right hand, parted her labia and went right for her clit. So Linda uses the direct approach, I thought. That fits with her personality which is also very direct and some would say aggressive. She probably needs that direct touch to get off, given how intense she is.

But what quickly occupied my entire attention was watching these two little babies sitting on the floor, feet together at the top of the V's that they had created by spreading their little legs apart, groping at their sex. In short order, I was snaking my hand down into my jeans and soon after that, I had both my jeans and my panties pushed down off of my hips. By this time I was leaning against the wall to keep from losing my balance and falling over while I too was vigorously proscribing a circle on my labia at the top of my slit.

I came and while I was trying not to make too much noise at it, I think I heard one or possibly both of the girls let out a little girl whinny so maybe they did too. I yanked up my clothes and went back to the other side of the kitchen so that I didn't get caught watching them. After a little bit I heard them back at their normal play with their toys. As I went back to preparing supper, visions of all kinds of possibilities with my daughter and maybe her friend Anne were dancing in my head. I think what happens next, I thought, had a lot to do with what Anne decided to tell her mother or not tell her about this afternoon.

I didn't have to wait long to hear from Linda. That very evening as I was getting ready for bed, she called.

“Hey Paula. Thanks so much for watching Anne this afternoon. I envy you being able to stay home and be with the girls.”

“Hi Linda. Its not a problem at all. I'd probably be working if I could actually find something I wanted to do but the little bit of free-lancing I do brings in some money and allows me to be home with Paula. And having Anne over keeps Paula occupied so that I can actually get some work done or cooking or baking. I hope that next year when they start school that Anne can come over here afterward. That would really be helpful to me.”

“Oh, I was hoping you were going to offer. Thank you SO much. Speaking of occupying one another, Anne told me she and Paula like jacked off together. Did you hear or see them do that? I think it's amazing that they have become sexual creatures at four for goodness sake. Do you believe it?”

“I did hear them go into that discussion. By the time I got a chance to peek in on them they had stopped whatever they were doing,” I lied. “Paula has caught me playing with myself too, but we haven't like done it together. Though I'm not sure that would be a problem for me if we did do it together. What do you think?”

“Hmm, well Anne and I actually HAVE done it together, at least once and I found it kind of sexy but I told her it was just a lesson and that we wouldn't make a habit out of it. I'm more into the boy at the market who takes out my groceries. But I know that girls know what girls like better than boys know what girls like.”

“Hey, he's my fantasy,” I said, quite emphatically so as not to betray the fact that I had just switched sexual preferences from preteen boys to infant girls.

“Oh, no honey. He's mine. There isn't any sexual behavior that Kinsey wrote about that I haven't imagined doing with him. I've imagined him straddling my face pushing his hairless dick into my mouth and going down on me, sucking me off until I have about a hundred orgasms. Don't you dare tell me you're going after him with all of your friggin spare time?”

“No, don't worry Linda, really. No matter how bad it gets with Thom ignoring me and chasing around, I won't really do anything except fantasize and get out my vibe.”

“Well, you are the saint Paula but Ben is next to useless too and I just might go after the grocery boy. Let me know if you decide to diddle with the girls. Though I imagine Anne will tell me first. I might want to join you but after I've taken on the grocery boy. He's my first conquest. Say, did you ever do it with a girl? I mean I think you're pretty sexy.”

“Oh, gees,” I said, you make me blush.” I think you're pretty sexy too Linda but I'm not ready to go there just yet.”

“Ok, well if you change your mind. Talk to you tomorrow. I'll call you when I get home from work so that you can send Anne home. You're the best. Love ya.”

“You too sweetie. Night.”

So that was a very enlightening conversation I had with Linda that made me feel like I had permission to continue my fascination with the little girls that would now be officially in my charge in the afternoons for a few years probably.

I wasn't sure how to initiate the next step to get more sexually involved with Paula or with Anne. I didn't want to come right out and do something too blatant. I had to have this unfold somewhat naturally so that Linda didn't think I was too much of a predator.

The next thing that happened, happened because the girls made it happen.

“Mommy, can you show Anne and I how you touch yourself so that you make yourself feel good? She says that I don't do it right because I do it differently than her and her mom do it,” Paula said to me one afternoon a few weeks after my conversation with Linda.

Ok, I thought, this my opportunity but I'm going to have to act quickly and correctly or I will lose my chance entirely.

“Hmm,” I said, “maybe there isn't one right way or wrong way to do that. Can you show me what you are trying to do?” I said calmly trying not to show too much excitement. Kids are so in tuned to adult's phoniness, I was afraid that I would blow this chance if I made the wrong move.

Paula took my hand and led me into the family room. Anne had her jeans and her panties off and was sitting on the floor pounding on her sex. I was surprised to see Paula pull her dress up and seeing that she didn't have her panties on either. They were lying next to Anne's as it turned out.

Both little girls began to touch themselves. It was an amazing sight. Even better close up than it was when I was sneaking a peek from the kitchen. They were very enthusiastic about what they were doing. I wanted to pull down my pants and join them but I couldn't think fast enough what to do next. Thankfully, my daughter came to the rescue.

“Mommy, can you take off your jeans and show us how you do it?”

“Well, I guess so. I mean this isn't exactly…er,ah,oh sure, just a sec,” I said as I went for my zipper and pulled open my jeans, pushing them and my panties down to my knees and then off of my legs entirely. “Here is what I do,” I demonstrated my one hand technique for them. I was awfully preoccupied trying to take care of my sudden over whelming arousal from being with these two little girls, naked from the waist down that were diddling with themselves. And even more arousing than that was that I was exposing myself to them and I think that they were more than a little fascinated by seeing me.

“Here Mommy,” said my daughter Paula as she reached over and touched my pussy lips just at the top of my slit, “I think this is the best way to do it. Does that feel good?”

“Well, yes it does honey but there are lots of ways that it can feel good.” Anne, not to be out done, reached over as well and inserted a finger inside my labia and went directly to my sweet spot with it.

“Oh my,” is about all I could get out of my mouth when she came in contact with my clit. I was already beside myself with arousal but Anne had just gotten to the meat of the matter, so to speak.

“Doesn't that feel the best?” she said. “That's the way my mommy and I do it.”

“This is all about different ways of accomplishing the same thing,” I said. “No one way is any better than the other. In fact, you two have made me feel really good, both of you. Maybe we should just try doing different ways on each other and see which we like best. How about we go into my bedroom and get comfortable and try a few things out,” I said, not quite believing I was hearing those words come out of my mouth.

We went into the master bedroom and I threw off the rest of my clothes and the girls followed suit. The three of us, deliciously naked, climbed onto the king sized bed and both of the little girls gravitated to cuddling with me, one in each arm, and rubbing my breasts. They were not that far away from having been nursed so I think it was the most natural thing for them to do.

I just lay back and let the two of them have at my tits. They had aroused my nipples to an erection similar to the one my clit was having. I knew that when I finally was able to come, it was going to be a super one. It was my daughter, again, that took the initiative when it came to what we did next.

“Anne and I can rub you, Mommy, and you can see which you like best,” she said. “Then we can rub each other and you, Mommy, can rub us too, ok?”

“Oh what a good idea sweetie,” I said. “Where did you think of all these good ideas about this stuff?”

Both girls scrunched down a bit and put a hand on my pussy. Paula spun a tight circle around the top of my labia, just at my clit and got it moving around nicely. Anne started probing from underneath with a couple of fingers and was alternating between my vagina and the underside of my cave. The two of them were not quite in the same rhythm so it was a bit disconcerting but I didn't want to stop the action.

“Which do you like better Mommy?”

“Oh, I like both of them very much. It's so hard to decide. Don't stop just yet please.”

It was just at that point that Anne inserted her whole hand into my vagina up to her wrist or forearm and began thrusting it.

“Where did you learn to do that Anne?” I panted.

“From my mommy,” she said.

I couldn't wait any longer for my getting over to come naturally. Watching the little girls working on my sex was the most exciting thing. I grasped Paula's hand with mine, increasing its speed and focus and pushed myself shuddering to a climax, quickly followed by another. I let out a staccato scream that started the girls.

“Did we hurt you Mommy?”

“Oh, no, dear. You two were beautiful. You made me feel fantastic. Being with you girls is just the best.”

They climbed back up and cuddled with me a bit but soon they were off to try things on their own at the end of the bed. I lay back spent watching them for a few minutes until I caught my breath. It wasn't long though that I felt my arousal building for a second time seeing them together.

Paula and Anne had taken turns touching each other's mounds and probed inside with fingers. Anne tried fisting Paula like she had me but discovered that Paula was too small to get much in but a couple of fingers. As Anne was examining to see what was where on Paula, she put her mouth on Paula's slit and began to kiss her. This got Paula to giggling and emitting little girl whinnies. That must have been quite a lesson that Linda gave Anne that day considering what she knew how to do.

Since I wasn't sure what would become of all of this, whether this might be the only time the magic would happen, I decided to take command and architect the fantasy that had popped into my head watching Anne go down on Paula.

“Do you like to give kisses to cunny's Anne?”

“Oh yes, and to get them too. It feels good.”

“I know a way we can all give and get kisses at the same time,” I said, my heart skipping a beat thinking about it. “I'll lie on my side here facing you two. You two lie facing inward to me. Anne, you keep giving Paula kisses. Paula you give me kisses. I'll give Anne kisses. We'll make a little circle, got it?”

Got it they did and they thought it was a great game. It was unbelievable having my mouth on the little bare pussy mound. Having my little girl kissing my slit. There wasn't much technique in any of it. It was more cuddling than sex. After a bit we switched around.

I needed to come again though eventually and suggested that we lay back and touch ourselves until we didn't feel like doing that anymore. Watching them diddle with themselves and them watching me diddle with myself, and thinking about the kisses made me so hot that I came again and then again pretty quickly. It was getting time for Linda to be coming home from work so I suggested we all get dressed.

I thought I better be proactive in talking to Linda about what had transpired. If I had misunderstood what she had said on the phone about me and the girls, then this might be a very difficult and final conversation with her. I wasn't worried that she would turn me in though. I just may have gone over the edge. When she called to have me send Anne home, I asked her to come over instead.

”Hi, is everything all right?” she asked me when I greeted her at the door. “Your voice was cracking on the phone.”

“Well, remember the lessons with the girls and the girls exploring each other conversation we had a little bit ago?”

“Oh, you lucky one. The three of you got into it. The grocery boy is definitely mine now. Don't worry, I'm fine about it. I think this is a safe, nurturing way for girls to learn about loving. I had a similar experience when I was young that I'll tell you about sometime. I think girls should know what girls like best and it can be a haven all of our lives.”

“Oh, whew what a relief, thanks for being so understanding,” and we fell into each other's arms in a tight embrace.