Naughty Little Natalie's Christmas Mischief: Part One

by Witchling

To warn you, this story is going to take a bit of buildup before it becomes steamy. It will be more of a fiction laced with romance for a little while. Never fear though, there will be action. ;) Anyway, enough of my yammering: enjoy. ^^


Natalie got coal in her stocking this Christmas, as she did every year. And yet no other little girl was so elated as she to receive the dusty black energy source. For though she was little, she was quite proficient in witchcraft and would find a new use every year for the coal she received.

She had delved into the world of the so-called heresy when all of her good-natured attempts to garner friendship from her peers had failed. At one time she'd been a good church-going girl who tried her hardest to please everyone but she was ignored and often used as a scapegoat by her peers. The black book in the library shouldn't have caught her eye, but there was no turning back now...

An idea hatched in her head for her use of the coal this year, and she turned page after page until she found what she was looking for. She gathered from her shelf a stick of chalk and a lantern, and then sat cross-legged on her cold wooden floor. Drawing a rather complex circle on the floor in a matter of seconds (a skill all little girls in the art seem to have), she placed the lantern in the center and opened her book. She began to read aloud from the pages...

"You who has received foul scorn

Wishing ye were never born

Turning to the umbra craft

Though the world sees you as daft

Now bring forth a wretched wyvern

For when the skies and cites burn

They will learn their lesson true

The one who's in control is you."

With the spell uttered aloud, she tossed the piece of coal into the lantern, which proceeded to be consumed with black flames and sputter and shake. The lights of the tiny house began to flicker and the very foundations quaked.

Downstairs her family was wide-eyed and shivering, knowing what these events were the precursor to. The lights suddenly went dark except for the eerie black flames of the lantern upstairs, which proceeded to shatter. Springing forth from the circle there was suddenly a wicked dragon formed entirely from coal, and it patiently waited for its Mistress to scale it's back. She did so promptly and laughed wickedly.

The dragon left through a window that it's mere wingbeat was able to shatter before it took off with its mistress into the skies. Her target was none other than the town's church, though not for any sort of harmful purposes. Sitting outside of the church was a pale-skinned girl with lovely emerald eyes and long honey-colored locks.

Natalie dismounted her dragon and walked up to her with a winning smile. "Hello Wynndolyn." She said it in a cheery tone, but "Wynnie" (as she was called) instantly backed up in fear. "T-the pastor says you're an evil girl, you'll lead me astray..." Natalie chuckled and shrugged. "Well, he's got me there... But astray is so much more fun than he tells you."

Wynnie tried to be a good devout little girl, but she had very little willpower and Natalie would often play this to her advantage, netting her into her little escapades with her ill-gotten powers. Even now the little witchling could see that familiar weakness in Wynnie's eyes; she was tempted. "S-so, Natalie, what did you get for Christmas?"

The two were on a grudgingly (at least on Wynnie's part) friendly basis, mostly due in part to the fact that Wynnie didn't only see her for the power she possessed, like the church did. She could see the reasons she'd turned to it in the first place, recalling how the few times back when she was normal, the church would ignore her even then.

"Meh, same old same old. Got some coal." "Oh? What did you do with it this time?" "Turned it into a dragon." She whistled and the coal dragon came, snorting coal dust that caused the girls to cough. "It's kind of cute..." Natalie gave a wry grin and spoke as though she were a boy asking a girl out on a date in one of those cheesy old movies. "Want to go for a ride?"

And just like the stereotypical prep who secretly loves bad boys, Wynnie's curiosity got the better of her and she nodded. "Uh... S-sure, as long as it's safe." Natalie's grin stayed as she offered her hand and helped the blonde girl ascend the dragon to sit behind her on it's back.

She whistled sharply and it pushed off of the ground, and with a few large wingbeats it took to the air. Natalie was grinning mischievously, looking back at her reluctant companion. "Want to help me spread a little Christmas fear?" "Don't you mean cheer?" Wynnie offered, but Natalie shook her head.

Without really waiting for an answer, she directed the coal dragon towards the nearby city, breaking into a lusty personal rendition of a Christmas carol.

"Come all ye hateful,

Face my disapproval!

Oh face your, oh faaaace your

Comeuppance now!"

Wynnie could only listen with amusement and wonder what it was she'd gotten herself into this time. Although neither of the girls could sense it yet, something else was brewing between them that the church wouldn't approve of. Wynnie was head-over-heels for the witchling, one of the reasons she was so easily dragged into her schemes.

She hadn't the courage to tell her, and the church she attended so often spoke against such love as being unholy, impure... It scared the little girl into believing her mind and heart were tainted. Natalie didn't care if she was tainted however, in fact she encouraged taint.

Wynnie's present to the witchling was going to be an admission of her feelings, but first she wanted her companion as happy as possible so she would be receptive to the news. So she simply continued to hug their slight frames together and waited for what would come next in the plan of holiday chaos.

To be continued...