
Copyright © 2019-2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Commitments, obligations and the cable company...4

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

Commitments, obligations and the cable company...5

You mean, can I say ‘no sex’ to you? I not want to say that, Craig. I want it and I want your child! Why you ask this?

I am not talking about you, Lyn. I am asking can a girlfriend say no? Or must a girlfriend do what the man says, always?

I think, we must do. If he say do it, then it to be done. Maybe the girl say ‘why that?’ but she do it. If she the girlfriend and she not want, then she must leave, I think. To disobey and stay, that not work. Cause fight. Best to leave.

So if a woman does not want to leave, she will do and not argue?

Yes, this true.

Katrina asked me why I ask her what she wants and not just tell her. Is it wrong for me to ask what she wants?

Ah, OK, no, you right. It OK to ask what she want. That showing respect. You not have to show respect, but you do and that is good, I think.

OK, so, stay here while I say what I think I should to Katrina.

Lyn flashes her eyebrows.

Katrina, come here please. She had been standing back, somewhat behind Lyn. As the girl moves forward, I continue. There is a difference between how you are with your mother and as a girlfriend to me. Your mother will tell you what you are to do and you are to obey. It is the duty of a child to a parent. Do you agree?

Yes, Po.

But even though at your age, it is not normal for you to be a girlfriend to a man like me, there are times you need to choose, to decide things without my direction. This is one of those times. I understand that I could have told you what to do. I do not want to do so. I really want you to decide and I will accept the decision you make. But just so we are clear on this… I will love you no matter what decision you make. You are mine and that will not change. Do you understand?

So I have to decide? You will not tell me?

Yes, you really have to decide.

Why you being difficult?

How is giving you the freedom to decide being difficult?

It is!

Well, then, I am difficult.

Why I not allowed to do both?

How do you propose that?

If I pregnant I not go to school that year. I go next year.

I look at Lyn and ask, Is that possible?

No, I not think it is. But there is home study. That possible.

So, if home study is possible, then she can do both?

I think yes.

How do we find out about this?

Best if her mother ask the school. Tell them that because of family situation this may be needed. Find out how it done.

OK, please arrange this, if the mother wants to assist. Do not pressure the mother!

Ha! Craig, I not think the mother will say this is pressure.

Yes, so it seems. …OK … Katrina, if home study is possible, then you can have both. But… you still have to decide. It will be that you will have a third option. But you still have to choose.

Po. I not understand.

Option one is go to school and no sex. Option two is sex and if you get pregnant then no school. Option three will be sex and when you get pregnant you will do home school.

Why that an option? If it is possible, we do it!

Uh-huh. OK, Lyn, please see what can be learned. In the meantime Katrina, we will wait.

OK, Po. I understand.

They both withdraw but I am drained and am not really ready to pick up the book again. I am just sitting. My mind is circling back over what has transpired this evening when Mel appears… For crying out loud, what now?

I look at her, not saying a word, just wondering.

Sir, maybe you would like something to drink? Rum or brandy?

Are they mind readers?

Yes, some rum please.

Yes, good. Some nights need rum. No? Says the barmaid that she was.

Yes. Yes, Mel. … Mel, do you need me to tell you that I love you?

No, Sir. I know. No need to say.

Good for you, Mel. Good for you. Yes, some rum, please.

And good for the rum, as it slides down my throat and calms my disposition. I may not be reading right now, but I am no longer agitated.

I have never, until I gathered up these girls, had to ask myself if I was up to engaging in sex tonight. But, as I enter my bedroom, there sit both Jana and Lexi. Last night I had sex with Mel. This morning it was Lyn. Lexi’s pregnant, but not so pregnant that sex is off the table and Jana… well, Jana has a look in her eyes that requires no effort of mind reading. She wants a good hard fucking.

All I can do is hope she can get me in the mood … and that has me almost laughing out loud, though only a smile crosses my face. The world has turned inside-out.

Jana is a pretty girl and I am far too struck by the attractiveness of each of them to be blasé about it. When the girls are just going about the tasks of the day, it is hard not to notice them and their beauty. But, when they want to get your attention, there are things they do that make ignoring impossible.

I promise you, I am not ignoring Jana right now.

It takes only a few minutes before I am naked and Jana is under me. Jana wants me right where I am — my member deep within the smooth walls of her tight, hot, and juicy cunt. She isn’t speaking. I have not said a word. The sounds are those of the movement of our bodies, the sheets, the mattress, and the bedframe.

Lexi is with us, but not engaging. She is nothing more than a voyeur, or possibly a concierge, able and willing to take care of any details that might arise.

Nothing that has transpired today is interfering with what is transpiring now. Jana’s athletic body and my far less toned one work with passion. Her sweet tits shaking beneath me. Her eyes staring up at me. Her hands grasping me. Her cunt’s liquids both lubricating and making noisy proof of our efforts.

I feel the heat of her body. I feel the desire she has. Jana is a marvel. A lovely, sweet, sexy, young marvel who wants all I am giving her and would readily accept more if there was more to give.

I am not thinking of the meaning of this act. Is she? She, the one who not long ago wanted to know if I loved her; is she thinking about love? Is she thinking about commitment? Is she thinking about getting pregnant like Lexi?

I do not know. I will never know. All I know is that which our bodies know. Does it matter? I know that I am feeling the need to cum inside Jana’s hot cunt. That matters, and I am quite sure she wants to feel my cum. I am sure that matters to her.

How long have we been going at it? I have no clue. I have lost track of time. Jana is sweating. I am sweating. I am cumming.

Jana, Lexi and I find comfort in each other’s arms for the night. No more is expected of me and for that I am supremely grateful, as I don’t have any more to offer other than sincere and honest joy that both of them are with me.

Morning comes and Jana finds a way to leave the bedroom first, giving Lexi time alone with me.

Though Lexi is pregnant, she is not so far along that lovemaking is out of the question. And, it seems, it is very much on the girl’s mind as she playfully harasses me as we lay in bed.

I am not going to outdo Lexi in playfulness. That much is clear. If I want to get her to knock it off, I can only do what I suspect she hopes I will do, make love to her.

I believe that Lexi’s breasts are more sensitive than they were before. When I try to play with her nipples, something she used to enjoy, she is now experiencing real pain.

I have no proof, but suspect this is related to her pregnancy. Recognizing that, I give her breasts more gentle attention and that does the trick. She is really enjoying my adjusted attentions, maybe even far more than she used to … so long as I don’t directly touch the nipples, as I play with her tits. It doesn’t take but a couple of seconds to figure all this out and the results are impressive. It is like I flipped a switch.

Before, she was all about getting me in the mood. Now that the switch has been flipped, it is pretty much… ‘Oh my God! Fuck me now! Right now!’

Lexi always liked sex, but I have never seen her like this. If I don’t drive her ass into the mattress and do it fast, she is going to blow a gasket.

I am not hard as a rock but there is enough going on that I can mount the girl. She doesn’t really care, so long as I get that damned cock of mine inside her.

In I go.

I am deep cunt diving with my probe. No matter what I do, Lexi is pregnant now and there is no way she can get more pregnant. This is just for fun, I guess. But it is more than that, too. This is Lexi and me being a couple. Not an exclusive couple… she knows that, but it doesn’t lessen the sense of being a couple.

This girl who is grafted onto my life, because of her need to protect her older sister, is now mine for reasons that have nothing to do with her sister. Her need to protect Mel is no longer operative. She is with me now and will stay with me for reasons of her heart… and her womb. At least, that is how it seems to me.

Is that love the reason for this out of control need? I don’t think it is. Is it a side effect of the pregnancy? It may be. I don’t know enough to say.

I can say that, as hard as I am pounding her cunt, she seems to be willing to take even more if I was capable of delivering more.

She felt pain when I was just playing with her nipples before. What if I do so now as I am skewering her cunt? Will I get the same reaction?

I try. I try touching a bit more than just grazing a nipple, but not mauling it either. She goes fucking nuts. Lexi almost levitates off the bed and screams bloody murder — but in a good way. She is cumming hard. I’ll be damned… she isn’t stopping.

This has got to be the most erotic thing I have ever experienced. She has become a cum machine, a sex doll. And I, too, trip a breaker. Lexi receives my cum.

We are just lying there, side by side. I am exhausted. I look over at her. Lexi is just looking at me, wild-eyed. What you do? Oh, my God, Craig. What you do?

There is nothing I can say. I just smile, and rest for a bit.

We are late getting downstairs and there is much I want to do today. Principal among the things are the two motorcycles I want to purchase, and getting the money from the bank for the HiAce van needs to happen probably before that.

But, as I am eating my breakfast of fried rice and corned beef, it occurs to me that I had promised the folks at the agency that dealt with the cable TV company that I would text them my new phone number once I got back here. I have failed to do it. I was provided a number for them. It’s in my wallet. Digging it out, I send a brief message with the complete number in case the number doesn’t display automatically on their end.

To my surprise, five minutes later, I get a return text. The cable company has reneged on their agreement to void the contract. They are demanding my postal address.

Do I have a postal address? The girls think I might and go to retrieve the lease document. The document does not explicitly provide a postal address and Lyn thinks I should stop by the PHLPost office and ask them, lease agreement in hand. So that gets added to today’s list as I need to fax the lease agreement back to the agency as well.

I text back asking for their fax number with an explanation that I will be using a public fax and doubt that I will be able to receive faxes. This is just so I can send them something.

Whoever is on the other side, texts me another phone number.

I text back once more saying that I will attempt to provide the address in the next 24 hours but the fax of my house lease will be sent in the next few hours.

The girls need to go to the NSO to get the birth certificates. Lyn, Jana, Lexi, and Mel all need to get student driver permits from the LTO. It turns out that Jana and Lexi will need parental permission but all can get the student licenses.1 The LTO also needs an authenticated NSO birth certificate. Between looking for the bikes and time at the NSO, the girls are going to be very busy.

Lyn tells me there is long queueing at the NSO each and every day. Jana and Lexi text their mothers for permission letters. I ask Lexi why she asked her mother and not her father, but just get a blank stare. I gather it is a dumb question.

There is more discussion about the birth certificates. It turns out that Lyn has two already.

Mel, Lexi and Jana each have one but need another. Those three will proceed to the NSO as Lyn comes with me for the bikes.

Yesterday I noticed a Honda VTR250 sitting near the entrance to Holy Trinity College. I liked the looks of it. A number of the bikes here have manufacturer’s names I have never heard of. I have no way to judge the quality of those unknown brands. Honda and Yamaha are names I trust. And so, today we will see if any Honda dealer in town has one of these. The last time I was looking for a motorcycle, almost none of them had even a 200cc sized engine. In truth, most were 150cc or smaller.

Lyn says a 115 is all she needs. The tires on those small ones aren’t much bigger than a bicycle’s tires. Considering the potholes she will hit every day, she needs more of a bike, if we want to keep it out of the shop.

But the first stop is the bank. With bankbook in hand, I withdraw what is needed for the van. They don’t do cashier’s checks. I have a huge pile of thousand peso notes. Each bundle of one thousand notes is a couple of inches thick. I have forty inches of thousand pesos notes. This is untenable! And yet there is no other way.

I have Lyn run down to a store that sells large envelopes. We stuff the cash in those. We tape them together, get back on the bike and ride fast as I can, safely, to the Toyota dealer. There we pay for the van and sign a shitload of paperwork. In the process I eat up far more of the day than I had hoped to spend here.

But, finally, we are done. I wish it was now time for the motorcycles, but I need to fax the lease agreement. Lyn tells me there is a place right by the Sydney hotel that does this and so that is our next stop.

Thankfully we are close to the hotel and the process of sending the fax takes only a few minutes. That done, we are finally going to look at motorcycles.

There are a number of places in the city selling Hondas and the first two we check out don’t have the model I am looking for. By the time we find the third place, it is almost lunchtime, a point Lyn is making, as she sees my search for the ‘right bike’ as a fool’s errand. ‘Almost’ lunchtime doesn’t cut it for me. I want to go in and see what we can find.

The third time is the charm. I find a cherry red VTR250. Lyn is horrified. There is no way she wants that much machine between her legs. I smile and tell her, Just think of it as one of the many hardships you will have to bear as my girlfriend.

A salesman is standing close by and evidently hears me, as he begins to laugh. Lyn does not think this is a matter for levity and (I learn later) tells the guy he is being rude and nosey. At the time, all I know is that he stops laughing.

He is really not laughing when I tell him I want two of these bikes. The reason he isn’t is that he only has one … and he is not sure if he can get another. I give up on Honda for now. Maybe I need to expand my search.

Lyn is happy to hear that, but mentions once again that maybe we could get a bite to eat?

It is well past noon now and I suspect I am being a little too tunnel-visioned. OK, where do you want to eat? Are we going home?

What? No! No, my love. See? Over there?

That place?

Yes! I want to go there. You can have a burger! OK?


And so, five minutes later we are walking into a place with a bee as a mascot. They do sell burgers here, and I order two “Yum Burgers” and fries. I learn later that I should have ordered the fried chicken. Live and learn. The burgers come with a sauce, but so do Big Macs. I don’t think a thing about it until I bite in. Goddamn, the thing is sweet!

I peel the top bun off and using what amounts to little more than a tissue, though Lyn swears it is a napkin, I wipe as much of the sauce as I can off the thing. Once done, the burgers are a bit more palatable. Lyn orders spaghetti. I have never heard of spaghetti in a fast food joint, but then I have never been in a Jollibee before. I take a taste. It, too, is incredibly sweet… and, I kid you not, there are chunks of hotdogs in it.

Lyn is loving it and thanking me for this wonderful treat. I just keep my impressions of the place to myself and tell her I am happy she is enjoying it so much.

Once this lunchtime stop is over, we ride over to a Suzuki dealer I saw as we were riding around earlier. There I find a TU-250. It’s an off-white with electric start and they have two of them. Just two, but then, that’s all I need. That the dealer will be out of stock is not my problem. (He tells me he always wants one on hand. My taking two is making the guy miserable. Go figure.)

Lyn is not complaining that it is too much bike, though in truth it is heavier than the Honda. It just doesn’t look as sporty. I know she doesn’t have a license, but she assures me she knows how to operate it. I stay in the store and she gets to take it for a short spin.

It doesn’t take long before she is back with a damn big grin on her face. She likes it. That doesn’t surprise me one bit. Sure, she thought a 115cc unit (or smaller) was all she needed, but she had never operated a larger bike. Being a passenger doesn’t tell you anything. You have to be in control of it.

This one is clearly no behemoth, but it is about twice as much bike as the ones she has operated up to now, and the responsiveness makes a difference. I buy both of the bikes.

As the guy knows I rode up on a bike, he wants to know how I am going to take both of these bikes with me. He doesn’t see Lyn texting Jana.

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1 - Later the age limit is increased from 16 to 17 but, in 2003, Lexi can get a student permit.

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Commitments, obligations and the cable company...6

Names and Dates